Home Wheels Repair of the viburnum engine do it yourself. Cricket and slightly nervously: maintenance and repair Lada Kalina. How to drive air from the cooling system

Repair of the viburnum engine do it yourself. Cricket and slightly nervously: maintenance and repair Lada Kalina. How to drive air from the cooling system

Lada Kalina car, which has been produced by AvtoVAZ PJSC, gained popular popularity in the territory Russian Federation. She has a large number of admirers, there is a club, many forums in the sings are devoted to the discussion of this car. But for "Kalina" are typical of some faults, that's why repair this car - Painst topic for many of its owners.

In fact, for the car "Lada Kalina" repair with your own hands, it is not so difficult to produce. From this article, you will learn about the most vigorous parts of the car, most frequent breakdowns and their liquidation methods.

Lada Kalina is produced by the AvtoVAZ plant since 2004, in 2013, the production of the popular second-generation car started. Kalina-1 is represented by three types of body: hatchback (model 1119), sedan (model 1118), universal (model 1117). There are cars with gasoline engines of three modifications: 1,4-liter 16-valve engine with a capacity of 89 liters. p., 1,6-liter 8-valve engine with a capacity of 81 liters. p., 1.6-liter 16-valve engine with a capacity of 98 liters. from. By car Lada Kalina-1 available only mechanical PPC for five gears. On the front axle there is a classic MacPherson suspension, on the back - beam with a stabilizer, springs, shock absorbers.

Characteristic faults Lada Kalina-1

Significant malfunctions with Kalina occur rarely, but different unwanted trifles are enough. The grip of the machine does not please great reliability and an impressive resource regardless of the type of engine, so it can be enraged after 40-50 thousand km of mileage. The main source of malfunction is the collapsed clutch disc.

It is necessary to observe all the time over the oil level in the motor - sometimes it follows through the pads or roars through the piston rings. Only an emergency oil pressure lamp is on the instrument panel, and there is no direction pointer. If the indicator lights up all the time, there is a possibility that the crankshaft will be treated.

A frequent malfunction of VAZ checkpoints - increased noise. From the buzz of the gearbox, it is difficult to get rid, sometimes it does not come to the aid neither replacement of bearings, nor the refill of the first-class transmission Oil. Noise box Even in new cars, because of this, Volzhsky Automobile Friendly completed the transmission.

The problematic element since time and VAZ 2109 was the thermostat in the engine, moreover, the valve in the thermostat was able to jam in any sense. An annoying when the motor does not heat up to the necessary operating temperature, but if the engine overheats, it is more problematic.

Electrician problems on Lada Kalina appear mostly three species:

  • often the ignition module is often damaged;
  • very soon "dying" bearings, diode bridge;
  • the windows cable is broken on the driver's door.

When the ignition coil rises, the first and fourth cylinder or the second and third cylinder stops. ESP cable bursting occurs through its flying from the guides.

The main source of cracking of the external flares is an insufficient amount of lubrication; At the factory, for the purpose of saving it is scarce. The consequence of this is the strong wear of the hinges, as a result, the "grenade" must be replaced.

Trucking the timing belt is a very offensive problem. And if on the 8-valve motor 21114 it is possible to change the belt drive and move on, then the valves from the oncoming push with pistons are bent on the engines 11194 or 21126, the repair will cost expensive. The breaking in addition can happen through the jammed water pump, because of this, if the pump began to make noise, it must be changed immediately.

Car repair on their own

"Kalina" is a simple car, because most damage driver has the ability to eliminate himself. For example, you can eliminate such problems:

  • change the air filter of the motor;
  • ripen air from the cooling system;
  • change the water pump;
  • eliminate the gearbox handle brand;
  • change the ignition module;
  • replace the diode bridge of the generator;
  • put a new outer cutout on the shifting of the old one.

Highlighting the LADA Kalina machine is necessary to carry out in accordance with the instructions, use only good auto-celest tools, if you need to use special equipment, puller to repair.

How to change the hinge of equal angular velocities?

You can replace the outer cut in the car "Lada Kalina" without using the lift and pit, but it will be necessary to set the car on a flat surface. Replace to perform in this way:

  1. first you need to let go of the nave nut and unscrew it, because after removing the wheel, shifted the nut from the spot will be difficult;
  2. let go of the wheel nuts, then remove the wheel with the help of the jack. In order for the car not rolling, it is necessary to expose the stops under rear wheels, and ahead near the jack in order to reinsure to put a support for the threshold (you can use a wooden block);
  3. unscrew the ball support bolts at the bottom (two bolts);
  4. remote rounded fist on yourself, let go of the wheel drive;
  5. remove the clamps from the anther;
  6. push the boot in the direction of the gearbox, knock the outer cut through the bronze or copper paint;
  7. put a new device in place, fill the lubricant to the hinge, fix the boot to the silver with new clamps;
  8. run the installation of all parts.

How to drive air from the cooling system?

The air traffic jam in the cooling system may appear on a number of reasons, and first of all stops blowing the stove in the cabin heated air, high temperature rises, Tosol boats. When the upper and lower nozzles are compressed, the emptiness is felt due to the lack of coolant in them. Often, "convulsion" happens as a result of the change of the stove radiator, eliminate the air from the system with at times too problematic. But you can try to put auxiliary tee on the lower noise pipe under the hood, and the new hose is touched into the expansion tank at the top, to the bottom nozzle from the tank to the lower radiator tube you need to install a plug.

How to change the water pump?

Water pump resource on an 8-valve engine VAZ-21114 averages about 70-100 thousand kilometers of run. When the pump begins to make noise or proceed, it should be changed. It must be said that on all models 2108-15, the "prior" and "Lada Kalina" 8-valve engine replacing the water pump is made in the same way in such a sequence:

  1. merge toosol from the cooling system;
  2. disconnect the plastic belt of the timing belt;
  3. provided that there is no need to change the belt of the gas distribution mechanism, it is not necessary to remove the pulley of the crankshaft, it means that there are no right wheels with the right wheel;
  4. put the mark on the distribution gear - it is necessary that it converges with the drain on the rear casing of the timing;
  5. release the tension roller, remove the belt from the distribution gear;
  6. unscrew the three bolts of the pump attachment using a hexagon, get the pump;
  7. install a new water pump in place, put on the belt, make tension tensioner roller, monitor the coincidence of tags, on crankshaft shaft The label is located on the flywheel below the rubber plug of the CPP case;
  8. pour toosol, run the motor, control whether Tosol proceeds and is there no noise in the pump. Provided that everything is normal, install the criming casing to the place.

How to change the air filter?

By Lada Kalina (with Motor 21114) Change air filter It is not a challenging task, it must be executed in such a sequence:

  1. unscrew the screws of the upper cover of the air filter cover using a simple cross screwdriver;
  2. lift the top cover, remove the filter element;
  3. put a new air filter into place;
  4. screw the screws of the filter element.

It is recommended to change the air filter on Kalina after every 30 thousand km. Male, and in the case of the use of a car in regions with a high level of dust in the atmosphere, it is necessary to replace the filter element much more often.

How to change the power windows?

When the power winder cable is wearing the car or the motor burns out, it is necessary to replace ESP. Work should be performed in this order:

  1. remove the power window control module;
  2. dismantle the door trim;
  3. to disconnect the power windows with glass, it is necessary to raise the glass up to the end;
  4. unscrew the four bolts of fastening glass to Esp (two ahead and two days). Glass, though it is held on seals, you can secure it, then so that it does not go down;
  5. unscrew the black metal bar;
  6. unscrew the eleven fasteners of the electric windows (Ten bolts), turn off the power plug from the electric motor;
  7. you need to extract ESP from the back, first release one half;
  8. after that, remove the door cavity to the front part with the engine.

The replacement of the electric motor, which burned, is implemented easy. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. three studs on the trim, three studs, and then four more screws;
  2. remove the motor, maintaining a hand with a cable with a cable, put a new element;
  3. insert the power windows on the door, combine it with the guards of the glass, install the housing in place.

For Lada Kalina. typical malfunction It is a rattling in the field of the CAT lever, which is mainly becoming noticeable when the motor operation is on the turns of about 3000. The source of side sound becomes the sleeve, which is made a little thicker than necessary, and because of this, a clearance occurs in the mount. To eliminate this problem, you need to do the following:

  1. remove the handle cover, which is attached by snaps;
  2. using two keys to 13, unwind nut with a bolt;
  3. remove the washers and sleeves;
  4. to eliminate the rattling of that sleeve, which in the middle, you need to go a little over width or lubricate the sealant mount;
  5. having done it, mount everything back. The sealant helps not every time, but if you see the sleeve with 0.3 mm, then the result is guaranteed.

You can say with confidence that the repair of the car "Lada Kalina" with their own hands is not so terrible. Each motorist has the opportunity to eliminate small malfunctions of this car. You just need to believe in your strength, stick to our advice and everything will work out!

Cars of the Kalina family are characterized by maneuverability and have good specifications. Any model can easily tuning. If the repair of Lada Kalina is provided on its own, then the schemes of the failed aggregates will be required, including electrical wiring.

Lada Kalina - reliable car

The car in the Hatchback configuration is considered the most popular from the Kalina family. This model has high challenges and appropriate endurance. After reviewing photos of the hatchback, you can find out how this model looks like. To repair the car Kalina, with their own hands, auto mechanics advise to use the manual for the operation of this vehicle. When conducting procedures, you will need to adhere to the relevant technological instructions.

The main causes of the exit of the Lada Kalina are out of order:

  • poor road coating;
  • frequent temperature differences;
  • the use of low-quality fuel.

It is recommended to occupy periodically maintenance vehicle. Discovered problems need to be eliminated immediately. Otherwise, expensive repair of the VAZ will have to be required, which will require qualified assistance. If you have Lada Kalina, repair at the initial stage you can spend your own hands.

Independent troubleshooting

Repair work is carried out with regard to constructive features Kalins. VAZ models are equipped with 2 types of engines and various unified units. Repair with your own hands is carried out in accordance with the instructions for labor protection and the relevant rules. At the same time, car owners of viburnum use certified tools and various equipment, the functional characteristics of which correspond to the car maintenance manual.

If you follow the recommendations described above, labor productivity will be high. The choice of instructions for repairing the LADA viburnum depends on the place and character of the breakdown. When troubleshooting associated with the launch of the motor or replacement fuel filterThe exhaust gas is carried out.

Oil either operating fluids It is possible to replace and add, using only those materials that are specified in the application of their flow rate. Otherwise it will be necessary. A similar result can be obtained if you add or replace the cooling substances with liquids of different brands. Repair and tuning viburnum of any configuration should be carried out in a ventilated garage.

Replacing the cabin filter and oil

To dismantle and need a screwdriver set and a key-star TORX. First push the plug, then unscrew the bolts. The hood is open, the grille dismantle. Salon filter Located under the grille. The lid shifts to the right, the filter is removed.

If necessary planting place clean the vacuum cleaner. The new filter is installed by performing action in the reverse order. For dismantling and replacing this detail, no more than 20 minutes will be required. Upon completion of the repair work includes a heating unit. Foreign smells should disappear.

An equally important process is an independent replacement of oil in the engine of Lada Kalina. This process is carried out using a key to 17. For the motors of 1.6 and 1.4, about 3.5 liters of new oil will be required. To begin with, open the hood of the vehicle. Then unscrew the filling lid. This is necessary to deploy the relevant system. Under the car body there is a drain plug, which you want to unscrew using the key to 17. The tank is installed under the machine into which the spent substance will be drained.

Oil level control

The next step involves disassembling the oil filter. It must be removed carefully, putting some container under it. Then the new unit is poured so much oil so that it is complete. If the spent liquid of glass from the system, you can twist the drain plug. Install a new filter. After filling the oil into the system, the level of fluid is checked. For this use probe. If necessary, the liquid is fastened. The process of replacing the oil and the corresponding filter on Kalina takes 30 minutes. Upon completion, you need to start the engine and wait until the oil sensor lamp goes out.

Repair of the car Lada Kalina is also required due to a noncomfortable salon. In this case, the trim is replaced, the vehicle tuning is made. To eliminate the creak and noise of the motor in the cabin, it will take to lubricate the doors, check engine performance. It is a rigid design, so it will require a repair manual for its improvement or replacement.

The new thermostat can be installed with your own hands using a specific scheme. VAZ car owners also seek to eliminate the problems associated with the inclusion rear stroke. Details of Lada Kalina are usually beginning to fail after 100 thousand km of mileage.

Preventive repair and operation of viburnum Interested in almost every car owner russian production. Heavy road conditions often lead to breakdowns, eliminate which are independently much cheaper than to seek help from specialists.

On the site site there will be instructions for repair damaged parts Machines presented in the form of videos and not only. Thanks to them, the owners of Lada Kalina repair with their own hands will be able to spend immediately after familiarizing with the algorithm of the repair procedure.

The following procedures are recommended for reference purposes: and valve replacement. These operations are carried out by the owners most often, therefore it is worth spending some time to study the appropriate manual. But with them useful materials are not limited. To restore the electrical system, you may need Kalina, eliminate the malfunction in the operation of the gas distribution system will help, and for resuscitation of lighting the headlights use the replacement of lamps.

The portal contains other instructions. They are often mentioned important nuancesthat allow you to avoid breakdown after independent repair. If the repair of Lada Kalina Guide reveals not completely, each an incomprehensible point will help clarify the experienced car owners and specialists.often visiting the portal to help beginners to cope not only with basic repair work, but also more complex algorithms for restoring the machine working resource. In order to get information, it is enough to leave the question on the site pages and wait for the answer.

Brief History Lada Kalina

The development of new items began in 1993. Five years after that, in the framework of the project, the model was named Lada Kalina.which is used to this day. Before in 2004, the car was sent to production, prototypes different types The body was demonstrated in 1999, 2000 and 2001.

First generation Lada Kalina

The production of the first generation model continued since 2004 and in 2013. It was accompanied by the gradual development of the car and the improvement of its configuration. From the very beginning, the model equipped with 1.6 liter 8 valve Engine But already in 2007, it was replaced by a 16-valve version with greater power.

Periodically, Lada Kalina cars were withdrawn after the detection of marriages, but this did not prevent them from occupying 4th place in popularity in the manufacturer. Despite the promises in a significant modernization from 2011, the production of representatives of the first generation was gradually discontinued. It is in him that AvtoVAZ stopped the release of the model in the "Sedan" body.

Second generation Lada Kalina

Since May 16, 2013, the production of second generation began. The car received 2 body options: "Hatchback" and "Universal". It fully changed outwardly, the equipment has improved and new options have appeared. powerful enginescorresponding to the Euro-4 standard.

Updated Valina

The most long-awaited car for the entire period of automotive production in Russia. AvtoVAZ with great responsibility approached the project of release of this model and the parameters of its compliance with world standards. Cars are manufactured with three types of body (sedan, hatchback, wagon) and with two types of engines.

Buying a car is always an important event for a car enthusiast and an integrally well-being. Not only the car itself is important, but also the ability to manage it, contain it in proper form. Inadequate repair and exploitation worsen the state of the car, it may come into disrepair and will require additional investments.

Each vehicle owner knows that it is necessary to strictly track technical issues cars. This contributes to saving time and money in the future. Many drivers are mistaken, believing that only the planned machine is needed during operation. technical inspection. It is necessary to check its vehicle regularly and more often.

It is important to carefully examine the machine during its use.

Brake System Kalina Pretty Caprip

  1. Compliance with the temperature regime in transmission units. Invalidation of overheating of transmission nodes, timely pulling into the fasteners of the wheels. It is important to regularly replacing the oil suitable for the engine of a particular car, refinement of the shelf life of lubrication, the inadmissibility of mixing oils of different brands, constant control of the coolant level.
  2. Tracking sounds and odors during the operation of the car. The smell of gasoline suggests that the fuel system gives a leakage, it is necessary to figure out the place and eliminate the cause. For preservation fuel system In excellent condition, you need to refuel only on proven gas stations. Poor-quality gasoline increases the cost of maintenance of the machine.
  3. Controlling the brake and steering car control system. Verification of availability brake fluid in expansion tank, the state of wear of the pads - the safety of motion on the road depends on this.
  4. Special attention to the vehicle needs to be given in winter time of the year. Road covering Usually in a terrible state, but the driver must avoid getting into pit, irregularities and cracks. Need to learn how to slow down smoothly, avoid emergency brakingin the process of which arise additional noise. All this leads to premature wear of parts and engine nodes, like movement in traffic jams.

Movement in winter suggests risks. The necessary measure becomes a shift summer rubber On the winter to improve the quality of the braking process. Many accidents are recorded in the first falling snow.

With the onset of cold, the car should not be able to wash, as it leads to the cracks of the paint coating. Using manual brakes Do not forget to weaken it during a long parking lot. Frozen water on pads will not allow the machine to start moving.

Types of repair, guide to its conduct

The joy of driving the car will not disappear, if every car enthusiast will remember that it is necessary to make a visual inspection of his vehicle daily. Incorrect operation entails unpleasant consequences. No money will help you return to you and your loved ones and health.

Timely preventive repair will extend the life of the car

Repair of the car is not the most pleasant moment in the life of any driver, but it is not unauthorized. There are two types of repair: planned and warning. Causes may not only be in refusal of certain nodes and aggregates, but also in the detection of problems caused by the repair of the machine by the owner by the owner.

Planned repairs are carried out upon reaching a certain car run. Preventive - due to increased requirements for the operation of the machine. Repair is a change of outdated parts, modules, devices. You may need adjustment, assembly, plumbing and welding.

By appointment, volume and nature distinguish:

  • overhaul, which is held at a service station and must comply with the standard;
  • the current repairs required to increase the performance of the node or the unit and the replacement of some of its parts that have developed its own resource.

Based on a detailed study of probable vehicle breakdowns.

All systems are diagnosed with a computer: electric power, Emur, EUR. The car has a motor at 1.6 and 1.4 liters with 8 or 16 valves. When performing a overhaul, the driver needs to be aware that the control method is identical to the previous samples: VAZ 2114, VAZ 2110. Therefore, the repair efforts are reduced to a minimum due to the same principles of actions. Knowing the steps of consistent development of VAZ cars, you can learn the transformation from the Bosch M 797 firstborn to the recent engine control unit M 73 recently.

In the Lada Car Valina, there is a programming of development dynamics that helps:

  • raise the revolutions of the acceleration of the car;
  • reduce the temperature of the fan placed in the engine;
  • disconnect the immobilizer;
  • change the hydraulic increase in the rotation of the steering wheel with an electric detector, mounted in the steering column.

Knowledge of problems and faults will help the owner to quickly cope with them and replace the outstanding spare parts for new ones. Original details Bought in any specialized store, in the car market. Spare parts from old VAZ models, used, in some cases, can also be used.

Kalina passed quite a long way from the project start to serial car. It all started in 1993, when the word "Kalina" was more familiar to fans of Creativity Shukshin and fans of pies with this berry. Name own car I received much later, in 1998, and in 2002 the name of the model was registered.

Many know the story that in Finland, the word "Kalina" means a crackling and roar, so this car is known called Lada-119. But managed to find a little-known fact confirming the version that interesting story There is no name of this model.

Users of one forum wondered: why exactly "Kalina"? As usual, there were many assumptions and guesses, depending on the degree of wit and culture of resource visitors. The most radical step looked like this: they took and sent a request for AvtoVAZ: "Why did the car of Lada Kalina named the Kalina ???" It is so, with three question signs. The answer was: "car names Exceptionally, the question of preferences. Specialist press center OAO AvtoVAZ. So, unfortunately, there will be no romantic stories here. Just someone like Kalina. In 1999, the first prototype was shown - in the body of hatchback, and the year later demonstrated and sedan. Using mathematical modeling And other technologies made it possible to achieve a rather short design period, the 1999 prototype was not similar to what was supposed to be built in 1993. In February 2004, AvtoVAZ came out an order for the creation of the production of viburnum, and already in November of the same year, Kalina's assembly began in the Sedan's body, and since July 2006 - Hatchbacks. The wagon rose to the conveyor last, in August 2007. It should be noted that all the time of production in the design of the car was made something new, and reviewed campaigns were conducted, twice - due to the defects of the steering column, once - due to the defect of the engine supports. For a trip to the service, we took one of the last Kalin of the first generation. She was released in 2012, bought in a dealership at a discount in 2013. The engine is 1.6 liters, 16-valve, 98 hp, luxury equipment, the mileage is only 34 thousand kilometers. All this time, the car was serviced from official dealer, and the last then passed in the summer of 2015. We will take part of the service prices from the dealer from the outfit order, now they are slightly higher, but they are still not capable of pocket. Let's see how good it is to serve the VAZ at the dealer. Or bad.


Motors VAZ 21126 are well acquainted on other vase models: the same standing on the priors of the VAZ-2170, he is on grants. It looks like an earlier "Privorovsky" Aggregate VAZ 21124, but with significant modifications. Their main goal was to increase the resource (it was declared 200 thousand km) and capacity (98 hp). In this engine, lightweight details of the crank-connecting mechanism are used, the automatic tensioner of the timing belt appeared and metal pads Gas pipelines and GBC. There are also differences in the pumps and crankshaft glands. But the most important difference between the 126th engine from its predecessor is the absence of valve valve on the pistons and, as a result, the bend of the valves when the timing belt is broken or the phase displacement. Some poor whales after such a breakdown prefer to repair the piston from the 124th motor In power, the machine almost does not lose, but the valves remain integer in any situations. The motor is used on the motor Gates 76 137 x 22 mm (137 teeth), and its resource is limited to two hundreds of thousands of mileage kilometers. It is optimistic, of course, taking into account that the belt resource coincides with the engine resource. However, in practice, it may be on the contrary: the belt is quite capable of "limiting" the resource of the motor. Of course, it can be changed independently and not want everything, in the service for this will take 4,500 - 5,000 rubles, and if you change it together with pumps - rubles for 500 more expensive. But we will not be about sad, let's see how to replace the engine oil.

To be honest, it is absolutely the same as on any other easy to maintain the car. Unscrew the neck plug, drain plug, oil filter. What pleases: In the protection of the Carter engine, there is a hole for a drain plug, it is not necessary to remove it. The filter is easy to get from above, but if there are steel in the character, and the head is a pull to adventure, it turns out to be unscrewed and from the bottom, you can get it from either side. Dealer fills oil Shell Helix. 5W40. why not. Filter Even the officials cost only 320 rubles (put, by the way, MANN), it is not worth saving on it. Oils will need 3.5 liters. How much can you save on self-replacement? From 200 to 700 rubles: Someone in the service considers Kalina a foreign car, someone still calls Zhiguli, so prices may vary greatly.

Replacing the air filter - the work is simple, but you will need a screwdriver: the cover is fastened with screws, and not snaps. I think to unscrew them will be easily, there are no features in replacing the element itself. Yes, and in the service for this will take only 100 rubles 200, so I will not get a lot of postpone on a black day.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to save on the replacement of the generator belt. But then the situation is the opposite: it will be uncomfortable here yourself, for which thanks to the designers, for the replacement will have to remove the engine support. You do not need to do this on eight-point motors, it will only be necessary to weaken the belt with a tensioner. For replacement in the service, they will be asked from five hundred rubles, the belt itself costs 550. To replace the candles, the stars (TORX) will be required. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same as on any machine where coils are located on the candlelight. In the official service, the APS candles were set, which cost 70 rubles per piece. On self-replacement you can save from 400 rubles. While the hood is open, look at the replacement of the light bulbs. The left lamps (along the movement) of the headlights should be changed, especially if you have x-ray vision or damn intuition: Acting will have to act. It is even more complicated to the right: you will have to remove the glasswater tank, for which one bolt can be unscrewed and one fastener nut. After that, it can be shifted to the side, nothing to disconnect. The first time, of course, it will seem uncomfortable, then you get used to it. Full-time viburnum lamps died in the first months, the Phillips lamps showed themselves better, now there are Osram products in the car, and for a year and a half no lamp burned down. True, there are such weekly: from 1,000 rubles per piece. For the replacement of one lamp in the service is asked 200 rubles. Now let's pay attention to what: throwing dirt in the engine compartment loves not only, but also Kalina. The output is simple: there is no seal on the middle part of the hood (according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe manufacturers, such a solution will allow you to keep your hands in the purity when opening the hood lock), it is better to glue it there. It will be suitable for any door seal, in motor compartment It will become noticeable.

1 / 2

2 / 2

A couple of words about the hood castle. It is sufficient to slightly picker with a girlfriend and pull the hood cable, and it will open (as in the entire "eighth" family). These enjoy lovers of free batteries, and Kalinovoda design new locking devices. This is also worth thinking about it, especially if the habitat of Kalina is not under the control of the person-spider, Batman or another fighter with injustice.

Chassis, Transmission and Brakes

All that we will see on the lifting, unite in one section: separately it makes no sense, but just below pay attention to really interesting things. The most boring in Kalina is chassis. She is nothing new and unexpected in itself, repaired in any service or "on the knee." On our car in the chassis, they did not change anything yet, but also obvious defects did not reveal the inspection, even all the "gum" turned out to be integer. Therefore, let's turn to more interesting things: to the transmission.

Famous "sore" Kalina - Gul gearbox. We are talking about MCPP with an index 2181, which immediately after the exit received many complaints because of the roast, especially when braking the engine at the 2nd and 3rd gear. AvtoVAZ a mistake recognized, explaining the typical "aircraft" sound characteristics of the mediocre teeth processing gears gears and the main pair. However, noted that in addition to the dischargeable nervous system, there should be no other consequences, it does not affect the reliability. The owners of the machines with a buzzing box were advised to go to the dealer, which will make rid of unpleasant noise. Owners of cars from AMT on the basis of the box 2180 ("Robot" is built on it) do not know such a problem. So, if there is no desire to go to the service, what can be done with the box? Option One: change the oil to better. On our Kalina, the oil was changed twice (first - on TNK, then - Total 75W90). What did it led to? The buzz stayed, but on the lift we saw that the oil was running out of the box. And everywhere. And if the service was recognized as a malfunction with which it is necessary to fight, the opinion of the experienced owners is amazing with optimism: FIG with him, if flow, that is, to flow, and this is good. Like, warming up on the street - leak will stop. It should be noted that the "snot" box is the attribute of lovers to make "sink" the hum of fifth transmission, overflowing the oil in the checkpoint. Someone helps, but through the glands, of course, presses. In short, the oil change is not a panacea. But there is no reason to get upset because of the hum. This is a feature of the CAT.

A few words about prices: a dealer for replacing oil in the checkpoint took 280 rubles, the service for it is asked 800. However ... by car I had to replace the clutch once, but there is no complaints about Kalina: Leonid is the first car, so inexperienced he is a little "Passed". The regular clutch of Valeo the official was replaced by the same. There are no complaints about it, and the price pleases: it cost only 8,000 rubles, of which 4,500 are work. About the fact that you can change the pads on your own and heal at the same time rubles 500, we will not even say - it's bored. But let's say this: regular blocks TIR-260 creating sighty, but inexpensive (350 rubles). It is much better to put TIR-295, which are more expensive (about 500 rubles), but do not squeeze when trying to make them adhe. Perhaps, on this we will finish the mandatory program and turn to arbitrary. To what you can and need to do the owner of Kalina.

Body and Salon

So that in the cabin was good, there are many electric stuffing in the car: sensors, conduction and even climate installation. And just when communicating with them often and the need to get tambourine and dance. We will be relying on the owner's story, along the way "smoking" thematic forums. Situation First: a regular radio tape recorder and her desire to listen to music without owner. It happens to be infrequently, but the owner of our car came across this, there are similar stories on the forums. Fight with this radical: change the radio. The staff can not only choose the tracks without the knowledge of the owner, but also put the battery overnight, chasing music in the absence of the owner.

There is one problem: the Chinese device, which is put on the car from the plant, supports the staff navigation, but "make friends" alien to Kalina Magnitol with a "matyushal" navigation, most likely will not work. Yes, and not very necessary: \u200b\u200bhow to update the cards in it since 2011, anyway, no one understands, and who understood - he probably does not want to open the secret. Navigators are now on sale full, sacrificing the sake of high-quality sounding music meaning, it seems, no. Yes, and the front panel of the new magnetic will hardly hang out, but the native - easily. Situation Second: F1 Full Fuse. Symptoms - extinct dashboard And turn signs. The reason may wonder that the official in the installation of the protection of the crankcase (metal, with the plastic boot usually no problems) are not too bored with the laying of the plus wire of the "frog" of the reverse, which is peathed and "corotite" to the ground. F1 burns - Check the insulation of this wire at the place of way out of protection. Situation Third: Electropacket Management System. If one board begins to go crazy, then it may not be in the SUEP controller, as they believe in the official service (the thing is dear, it is beneficial to believe this), and in the wiring running in the central rack. Remove the lining and inspect the harness, most likely there is a problem in isolation. By the way, at AvtoVAZ during the output of the first viburnum, the assembly standards were much lower than the current, and the masters laid the wires something like. Therefore, the problem may occur not only electrical, but also acoustic: harnesses can hang out and knock inside the cavities, and not everyone may find such a bold "cricket". The situation is the fourth: self-government climate installation. The reason why she throws it in a heat, then in the cold, it will not necessarily lift in the temperature sensor (although it is possible to check it, it is behind the ceiling lighting fluidifer), but also in the dish of the heater valve motor. In general, this gearbox works quite noisily, as the owner of Kalina said figuratively, "he makes a cry of the breathing giraffe. Well, at least, at least it makes it clear that he is still alive. " On this conversation about the electrician finish. On the forms, there are complaints about the ECU periodically, but in our car everything is in order, and the service specialists on this focuses did not care.

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