Home Engine How to make a uniaxial dump truck for a minitractor with your own hands. Homemade trailers for tractors: how to make a trailer? Stand for tractor trailer do it yourself

How to make a uniaxial dump truck for a minitractor with your own hands. Homemade trailers for tractors: how to make a trailer? Stand for tractor trailer do it yourself

For most agricultural machinery, a variety of equipment is proposed, which one or another simplifies work in one way or another increases the functionality of the tractors. The mini tractors are very useful and probably even obligatory will be the acquisition of a special trailer. The properties of the trailer must be fully approaching the tractor model used, otherwise their interaction and efficiency will be complicated.

Fortunately, today a lot of trailers are offered for certain models of technology, so it is not possible to choose the right product. But for certain reasons, some owners of tractors are trying to make a tractor trailer own handsthat today is more than a simple and affordable task.

Trailer device

Before starting creating your own trailer, it is important to know its device and constructive features. Consists of the following details:

  • onboard body;
  • several wheels and chassis;
  • the base is a metal frame;
  • mechanism for lifting body;
  • trailer for connecting to the tractor.

Also, depending on the scope of use and the required characteristics, two types of trailers are distinguished:

  1. With one axis is the simplest and most popular model, especially relevant for transporting bulk or other materials;
  2. With two axes - have a powerful design and therefore allow you to carry heavy loads and materials.

Tractor functions

Any tractor should be able to perform several functional duties, because its work is aimed at farm and household farms. If using hinged equipmentThe tractor is capable of:

  • assemble snow in winter;
  • collect harvest in gardens, fields, farmer sites;
  • carry various loads;
  • plow and handle land.

And without a trailer, it is impossible to fulfill such tasks, which means everyone who buys the tractor must take care of such equipment as a trailer. Using the trailer dump truck, you can easily complete such tasks as a collection and unloading of the crop, transportation of seedlings, transportation of the crop, building materials and much more.

How to make a trailer trailer

  1. Creating a drawing of the future, which is created on the basis of such indicators as a future application, carrying capacity, dimensions of each part, etc.;
  2. Boot essential materials - Schwlerlers, steel sheets, pipes, wheels, plywood board, chassis block. Try to choose metal materials of good quality.
  3. A frame is manufactured, in which it is necessary to make the front traverse, to attach the mounting for the central axis and create a solid rear beam.
  4. With the help of hinges and spars (lateral), the base of the wheels is created. At the same time, the axis is fixed to the frame.
  5. Creating a body. The main material will serve as a sheet steel, which is selected sufficient thickness and quality.
  6. Making trailers, in the process of work, you need to create a balance between the fastening of the drawing and the trailer frame.
  7. Creation and installation of the mechanism for tipping. It is extremely difficult to create it very difficult, so the finished hydraulic cylinder is taken and attached to the body. His task is to overturn the body and pour out the cargo. If desired, you can do without such a mechanism.
  8. The rolling in the trailer is carried out by means of a short movement without load on the trailer.

An important step is to install the wheels, the excellent advantage will be that the wheels and even springs can be installed on the homemade trailer different cars. But consider the moment that installing the wheels are needed in the center of the trailer for uniform load.


Many farmers are interested in how to make a homemade trailer for a minitractor. Most rural residents appreciated agricultural equipment, but only more economical and compact, such as a mini-tractor. On such a vehicle, you can not only plow, loosen the garden, mow the grass and clean the snow, but also to carry various cargoes. And for this type of work, you must have a convenient and reliable trailer. Many are not solved to buy such a simple, but expensive goods on russian market, and try to do it with your own hands. But why start and how to make a tractor tractor with your own hands?

Photo: Alexhobby.ru.

How to make a mini tractor tractor

First you need to decide which agricultural work will perform a trailer or homemade trolley for a minitractor. You can simply carry various cargoes, and you can carry the manure and shut it with the help of a dump truck. Make the first version will not be done, but with the second will have to tinker. Do not hurry, you need to immediately do high quality and thoughtfully. First you need to draw the schemes. According to the drawings, homemade carts or other types of trailers and tractor equipment will be manufactured. It should be borne in mind that trailer device Must have good load capacity and low weight. Then it should be determined which trailer to the tractor is a two-axis or uniaxial.

Consider how to make a uniaxial trailer for a minitractor with your own hands:

  1. First you need to weld the frame and reinforcing transverse crossbar.
  2. It is better to perform all the connecting elements and joints with welding. This will ensure the reliability and strength of the structure.
  3. Then you need to cook from the pipes of a smaller cross section for the seat.
  4. Now we will define the choice of wheels. Since the product is 1 axis, then 2 wheels will be required.
  5. Better to take. They are great in diameter and have a reliable composition. With the strengthened protector, the tractor will be able to perform more complex types of loads, ride in bad roads, without exposing the tires of the prolos.

See » Description of the features and characteristics of the Czech mini tractor TZ-4K-14

But the homemade two-axle trailer to take a little more complicated than the uniaxial, because the carts with 2 axes need to do more welding and installation work. The frame can be done as for a uniaxial trailer. With such a vehicle, if you are a fisherman, you can carry the boat.

A biaxial trailer has a more reliable design, as he has 2 axes and 2 pairs of the wheels, so it has a greater carrying capacity.

Also, the weight of the cargo being transported is distributed uniformly.

Consider the requirements for the body. There are no strict compliance at this point, but there is a choice. The body made of metal, more durable and reliable. But the body of the tree will worsch with bad weather and collapse, even if processed with special coatings against corrosion. Material can also be chosen and the other, but aluminum and thin-leaf steel are best suited. They are very durable, withstand heavy loads and they are bypassed by corrosion. Next you need to cook the sidewalls for the trailer.

It is necessary to paint the entire frame and the body, making it more protected and reliable. Paint should be selected taking into account the material. If you chose a tree, then the paint should be for wood products. Color, of course, does not play an important role, but dark paint attracts heat to himself, which is not necessarily for the tractor. But the bright color of the trailer for the mini tractor will be just right because it repels the sun's rays.

How to make a trailer dump truck

Consider how homemade dump truck trailers are manufactured for a minitractor with their own hands. If you decide to make a trailer dump truck, then you need to decide on the choice of the lifting mechanism. There is nothing complicated here, as it seems at first glance. There are 2 options for dropping the trailer: manual self-attaching and mechanical. The first can be done with cooking to the front of the trailer of the handle. The tractor driver will raise the design. But one handle does not do here.

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You need to make a g-shaped pin, pulling out the trailer under the power of the cargo will overturn himself. Mechanical will make a little more complicated than manual. You can make a mechanism raising a trailer from different species Lifting equipment. For example, it can be a jack or an electric motor with a battery, winch or a hydraulic system, and can be caught by the oil pump. Attach the mechanism to the body you need the most in a convenient way For you.

To attach homemade trailed equipment for minitractors to vehicleYou will need to weld the elongated beam and to attach a hitch to its end, which is suitable for your tractor. Latest strokes - It is painting the design you made, the seats covering, pumping the wheels. Then you need to check how homemade works.

Comparison of homemade and factory trailers

You can buy a factory semi-trailer or dump truck. Trailers for minitractors are sold in all cities of Russia. That's just the price can disappoint you. The cheapest view costs 10 thousand rubles, not to mention the design with the lifting mechanism.

Why spend cashIf you can make a reliable and durable trailer for your own hands for your equipment. It is only worth having the necessary materials for business and most importantly - desire. By the way, if you have not decided on the choice of the tractor itself, then a reliable assistant to work on agricultural landfills is the Belarus MTZ tractor. This brand of the producer differs from others with its quality and durability. Let the price above the average, but according to the characteristics it is not inferior to other devices.

The miniature tractor appreciated the many farmers already on dignity. But the addition of its factory trailers for many is very expensive pleasure. Output becomes independent manufacture Devices for transporting goods.

Tools and materials

To properly pick up suitable materials and tools for work, you must first determine how large the load on the trailer will be. Periodically bring a few bags of fertilizers or crop - this is one thing, but the delivery of a large number of manure or equipping the trailer with a dump truck is a completely different matter. For the manufacture of the frame usually use steel pipes. You will need to connect the tubular structures using a welding machine.

Additionally use the axis on which the wheels removed from the motoblock.

As practice shows, other wheels on the trailers to mini tractors work badly.Two-axis trailers make more difficult. This design will require more welding workTherefore, you will have to prepare more electrodes of a variety of sizes. For the bodies, it is recommended to use not plastic, but metal.

Especially good metal products, if planned to ride forest roads, off-road and banks or lakes. The wooden bodies of mini tractors will definitely disappoint any hunter and fisherman. Even special coatings will not particularly increase their resistance to bad weather. The best options will definitely be aluminum and thin steel sheets. IMPORTANT: Metal is recommended to be painted stainable to corrosion.

How to make your own hands?

High-quality homemade trailer for mini tractor should:

  • be durable
  • have a relatively small mass;
  • correspond on the carrying capacity of the tractor's tractor;
  • have high clearance;
  • to be equipped with wide wheeled axes.

With insufficient width of the axes, it will be almost impossible to drive through a bad road. Experts advise to begin making a trailer with welding parts of the frame. It will become a carrier frame. For work, both round and rectangular pipes are used. Their minimum diameter is 400 mm.

Important: joints are performed only by welding, other types of compounds are not allowed.

After that, create a wheelbase. The axis is most often the rod of steel, the diameter of which is at least 350 mm.

The rod must be attached to the frame using:

  • side spars;
  • longitudinal hinges;
  • corner type supports.

Such a solution allows to provide increased load capacity. It becomes possible to move not only the harvest, sowing material, but also the following types of cargo:

  • fertilizers;
  • heavyweight waste;
  • priming;
  • building materials.

The body is usually made from the boards. The height of them is selected individually. It is best if the width of the boards will be proportional to the height, then you will not need to divide them into parts. Wood is pre-dried. Attach boards recommend steel corners, because such a connection is most firmly and stable. Wheels should be located strictly in the middle. This is extremely important for the safety of riding. It is necessary to take care of the reliable connection with the mini-tractor itself. Experts note that the best way - Hinged drawbu, inserted into a special tubular case.

The safety unit is mounted on top; If it is not, the connection can collapse from any push.

But the defense is not so simple as it seems. It is a bunch between the tractor and the trailer exposed to very strong vibrations. Yes, and the friction force in this place is huge. Therefore, it is hurried - and when designing, and when assembling - should not. Connecting parts with each other, you need to act as careful.

Specialists even advise working together. What someone will not notice will almost certainly find a partner. After completing the work, it is required to control its quality. Be sure to recheck how reliable all the nodes are, how tightly they are binding to hinges. Unable to check and bolt screeds. The assembled trailer is finished off without load, having squeezed items. As we see, there is nothing complicated in this scheme. However, it should be remembered that the structural elements are made only from the new metal.

If old parts are used, then only making sure that they do not have rust and other flaws.

It is advisable to process all the outdoor surfaces of oil paint. This is quite affordable and more than an effective protective agent. But the simplest trailers for the mini-tractor do not always allow solving the problem. Often you have to do a dump truck. From the usual trailer, it is distinguished by the presence of a mechanism, lifting the body as needed. Such trailers have proven themselves when moving bulk cargo, firewood and so on. Best lifting mechanism It is driven by a hydraulic cylinder.

Studying finished drawings and sizes or designing a trailer yourself, it is necessary to take into account the required loading capacity. The number of axes directly depends on it. Uniaxial carts have always running part without springs. You can unload the delivered loads or strictly back, or also left and right. It already depends on what purpose the farmer puts and how it is more convenient to work.

The two-axis type of trailer exceeds uniaxially as an ability to maneuver and overcome off-road.

Such trolleys are confidently moving along any road. If you plan to transport a large amount of cargo or move them constantly, it is advisable to give preference to three-axis versions. Make such a trailer will not work cheaply, but its intensified service life will justify all investments. The main thing is that the tractor has enough power to pull such a trailer with a cargo.

Not all farmers and other owners need precisely dump trailers. They will be in demand mainly when transporting such goods:

  • sand;
  • metal scrap;
  • soil;
  • harvested firewood;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • root and other vegetables;
  • grain crops;
  • sowing material;
  • other volumetric and resistant cargo shocks.

The so-called onboard models are equipped with folding sides. Such carts are good when you need to carry brick and tiles, other products that require cautious circulation. Butterblocks are needed for transportation not only barrels, but also drawers, containers, bags, other containers. It is recommended to calculate the trailer for carrying capacity of 500-2000 kg. If it is less, then the device can be impractical if more - the mini-tractor may not "pull out" the cart.

When designing and assembling the trailer, such structural features are still taken into account:

  • type of brakes (best pneumatics);
  • critical angles of inclination;
  • clearance.

The most simple scheme is a uniaxial trolley equipped with a pair of wheels, but devoid of turning mechanisms. It is on such a device that inexperienced home masters can "fill the hand". But still, however, the drawings are needed. They show the dimensions of all parts, the size of the sections, and so on. It is advisable to use tires with gross treads.

When there is already experience, you can also take for a two-axle dump truck.

Such a cart can be calmly cling to powerful tractor units. The product must have 3 m in length and 2 m wide. The frontal beam is removed from the Moskvich car, and traction take from old motorcycle strollers. Dyshlo can be converted from Kardan; In addition, it is prepared for quenching oscillations and jerks when driving a device on the hinged beam.

The self-focusing (lever) device of the dumping trailer is made by welding fasteners. These loops will help hold the body on the axis. The rise will be made by an ordinary handle. But it is necessarily equipped with a stopper to exclude spontaneous triggering. There is a rising option, but it requires the use of an oil pump or hydraulic jack.

Safety technique

Regardless of the design features, the mini tractor trailer requires accurate circulation. First of all, it is impossible to use a turnover cart, as well as carrying it easily displaced goods in the loose position. Before each departure on the road and on return, it is necessary to check the health of the trailer itself and its coupling. Having found a malfunction, it should be immediately eliminated, and only then use the trailed cart again. Be sure to remove all the roughness, metal burrs.

Acute and cutting edges are stitched or removed in a different way.

It is categorically impossible to ride in the trailer and carry pets in it.Stopping the vehicle even for the shortest time, you should put it on hand brake. It should be strictly observed restrictions on the rise of the rise. Working on the slope, go with minimal speed.

I have already written somehow about my mysterious friend, which collects incredible models of locomotives from the remedies (http: //.livejournal.com/22428.html).
Now at once two news. The first is new model, the second is a bit of opening the secret of my friend.
The model, as you can see, the main diesel locomotive 2TE116, assembled from a wide variety of materials, ranging from plastics, wires and wood, ending with caps from the handles, elements of flashlights and other trash, which is found in each in the storage room.

Despite the fact that the diesel locomotive looks like "as made of metal", only the wheel pairs, previously ordered from tokar, are iron. The rest of the "metal" is well painted plastic elements.
With an electrician, this time the author was not bored. One light bulb in the cockpit, the other in the engine compartment. But all the elements of the cabin repeated exactly. There are also diesel and rotating fans.

Now a little about the author itself. His name is Yura. We are friends with it from early childhood, and our friendship is more than 37 years old (!). All his life, Yura liked locomotives and everything connected with the railway. He painted locomotives, collected valid layouts railwaySeparately collected large layouts of diesel locomotives. When Jura graduated from school, he entered Kropotkinsky Railway Technical School. He graduated from him, but the cast-iron worked not long. Life circumstances took him away from the dream of childhood.
For many years, he continued to read railway magazines, collect photos. And now he began to embody his love for iron by maquetting. Of course, it is not entirely convenient for him to numerous relatives for this "baby" passion. I was worth not a little effort to convince him in the opposite. Also the railway workers were also helped.
By the way, here they are in the photo, "take" a new job. As they say, locomotive in diesel locomotive.

From myself I will add that I live the "Store" layout at the layout. The disadvantage can only be called the cored fonts written by a tassel. Who knows how to apply a small white font? We will be very grateful.
P.S. Yura is working on a new project. It will be a model of the American, four-way "marshmallow"
Here are another photo, with the engine:

Tags: Homemade cart for t 25 photos and drawings

Homemade trailer.

google.com/ Do 2 tons with rear unloading .... but it is quite suitable for both T-25 for example. ... just do the running trolley, mainly due to the low height of loading, is it really .... on the last photo of the trailer with some kind of design at the rear side, what is it? Photo gallery of homemade tractors

Selfiery at Samodelkin OK | Topic author: Association

A wide selection of agricultural minibrate equipment in our country allows each farmer to acquire a good and reliable assistant. Modern minitractor has enough high powerAnd therefore, it can not only plow the field, but also to carry various goods, which is also a very important functional task.

However, the present master is not at all necessary to buy a finished trailer for such a tractor, because able to handle the tool to be constructed independently.

Properly executed project - half of the case!

So, to make a trailer for a minitractor with your own hands, you should start with the project in which the parameters of the future mechanism should be reflected. It is important to know that the trailer must have good strength with a small weight, which will reduce the load on the tractor, as well as increase its carrying capacity. Based on this, the trailer must have a spacious body, a powerful drove, a solid frame and good wheels.

On the presented project, you can see the main structural features of the homemade trailer, where it is important to pay attention to high clearance of 255 mm, as well as a wide wheelbase of 965 mm, which will ensure good stability even when driving on a bad road.

Sequential manufacture of composite parts of the trailer

Usually, work starts with a frame welding, which will be a carrier frame. It is recommended to perform their pipes of round and rectangular sections, with a diameter of at least 40 cm, and all mounts make welded. Next, you should move to the design of the direct wheelbase, where the axis is best to apply the steel rod, with a diameter of at least 35 cm. It joins carrier frame With the help of a longitudinal hinge, as well as side spars and special corner supports. Such a homemade trailer for a minitractor will have a sufficiently high load capacity, so that it will be possible to transport not only products, but some construction Materials.

Wooden Body Design Features

The body of the trailer is best done from wooden boards suitable size, and the height of the owner already chooses independently depending on the characteristics of the cargo transported. The main thing is to remember that the boards must be well dried, and it is recommended to fix them with each other on special metal corners, which will ensure a strong and durable compound, as well as high resistance to possible side loads. Located right in the center of the wheel at the bottom of the trailer guarantee the correct distribution of the center of gravity, which contributes to safe driving on the mini trailer.

Proper joining the trailer to a minitractor

It is important to note that the trailer for the transport of a minitractor must also have reliable fastening To the vehicle, and it is best to do on the basis of a hinged drawing, which is inserted into a special tubular case. At the top it is necessarily fixed by a special fuse, which will provide additional protection against accidental disconnection. The design of this node should be approached very carefully, since in this place there is a high load in combination with vibrations and strong friction.

Assembling individual catches in a single whole

When all construction systems Ready, they must be carefully assembled into a single whole, which is best to perform with an assistant. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully control the entire course of the assembly, rechecking the reliability of the connected nodes, the fortress of hinge connections, bolt screeds. When the mechanism is ready, the resulting trailer must be ridden without cargo so that all the necessary parts are good for each other.


Summing up the above, it can be said that with proper perseverance and care, homemade dumping trailers for minitractors construct quite under the power of many domestic masters. The only thing during installation, all structural elements are desirable to produce from durable, non-rusty materials that can withstand heavy loads. It is also recommended to cover all metallic elements of oil paint for their reliable protection against corrosion, which will significantly extend the useful life of the trailer.

Video review of the self-made trailer:

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