Home Transmission The interaction of workers of the locomotive and car market when the brakes is triggered or the application of the locomotive brigade on insufficient brake pressing. The characteristic malfunctions of the hydraulic drive of the brakes Spontaneous trigger occurred

The interaction of workers of the locomotive and car market when the brakes is triggered or the application of the locomotive brigade on insufficient brake pressing. The characteristic malfunctions of the hydraulic drive of the brakes Spontaneous trigger occurred

Before looking for the causes of problems in the brakes, make sure that the tires are in good condition and properly pumped up, which is well adjusted by the installation of the wheels I am that the cargo is evenly distributed in the car.

When braking a car takes to the side
Improper adjustment of the brake pads.
Unegraded replacement of overlays on both wheels of one axis.
An indirect air pressure in the front wheels.
Boots or deep risks on the mirror of one of the brake drums of the front wheels.
Damaged, frozen or grinding front brake shoe on one side.
The material of the front brake pad or disk on the other side is strongly worn.
The details of the front suspension are poorly fixed.
The piston has scratches or acquired an oval shape.
Bad caliper fastening bolts.
The bearing of the wheel is poorly adjusted.
The leakage of the brake fluid in one of the wheeled cylinders.
Showing the piston of the wheel cylinder.
Burning the steel tube due to dents or clogging.
Miscellaneous tire pressure.
Incorrect drive angles.
Incorrect installation of pressure regulators.
Faulty pressure regulator.

Wearing the front brake pads - the noise is caused by friction of the wear sensor on the disk.
"Paired" or contaminated front pads.
Dirty or scratched disk.
Most supporting plate.
Weakening of the coupling springs of the brake pads of the rear brake.
Oval brake rear brake drums.
Combining friction linings.
Wear lining or the inclusion of foreign bodies in them.
Excessive brake disc warping or uneven wear.

Too big brake pedal stroke
Lack of fluid in the main brake cylinder.
Air in the system.
Disk Being.
Not adjusted brakes.
Damage cylinder cylinder.
Leak fluids from wheel cylinders.

Pedal fails
The disadvantage or absence of fluid in the main cylinder tank. .
Faulty main cylinder.

When you press the pedal brake springs
Air in the tubes of brakes.
Rubber brake hoses were worn.
We have weakened the mounting bolts of the main brake-cylinder. Faulty main cylinder.
Wrong gap of the front or rear brake pads.
Tank clogged lid outlet.
Deformed brake rubber tubes.
Softening or swallowed caliper seals.
Poor-quality brake fluid.

Brake pedal vibrate when triggered brakes
Bearing wheels are worn or deregulated wheel bearings.
The caliper is incorrectly installed.
Wear and not parallelism of discs.
The unequal thickness of all disks.
The drums purchased oval shape.

Jumping brakes
(manifests itself in reducing engine speed or excessive heating wheels after movement)
Incorrect adjustment of the output thrust on the brake pedal.
The cylinder regulator is blocked.
Swimming the pistons of work cylinders.
Wear front brake pads.
The parking brake does not turn off.
Torn tubes brakes.
Wrong gap between the shoe and the drum. :
Close of the compensation opening of the main cylinder.
The swelling of the main cylinder rubber cylinder (all cylinders are not disseminated) or the cylinder cuffs due to the mineral oil or gasoline.
There is no free stroke of the brake pedal due to the wrong position of the stop signal switch.
The protrusion of the adjusting bolt of the vacuum amplifier relative to the mounting plane of the main cylinder is impaired.

Close of the compensation opening in the main cylinder.
Showing the piston of the main cylinder.

Rear brakes are blocked at light brake

Strong wear of tires.
The brake effort corrector is damaged or deregulated.

Rear brakes are blocked with strong braking
Too high tire pressure.
Strong wear of tires.
Front brake linings are dirty with oil, mud or water, is defective main cylinder or caliper.

Reduced brake pedal
The stubborn ring of the device for automatic maintenance of the gap between the shoe and the drum does not record the block in the reflected state.

Incomplete return of brake pedal after braking because of the weakening of the priest pedal
The movable saddle of the monitoring mechanism of the hydraulic amplifier when returning to the lower position after stopping the press on the pedal.
Weakening or breaking the brake springs of the brake pad.
Singing the piston in the wheel cylinder due to corrosion or clogging.
The swelling of the sealing cuff of the wheel cylinder as a result of mineral oil entering or any other oil based liquid.

Much effort on braking pedals
Worn overlays.
Milling brake linings.
Incomplete fit of brake linings.
Close air filter hydraulic amplifier.
Torn the diaphragm of the camera of the hydraulic amplifier.
Torn the diaphragm of the movable seat of the hydraulic amplifier.
The piston ball valve of the hydraulic amplifier skips the brake fluid, the pedal gives back.
The air filter of the vacuum amplifier is clogged.
Singing the vacuum amplifier valve housing due to a diaphragm or pinching of the amplifier cover or protective cap.
The hose connecting the vacuum amplifier and the engine intake pipe, or weakened its fastening on the fittings.
Blowing cylinder seals due to falling into fluid of gasoline or mineral oils.

Rattling or "peak" in brake mechanisms
Weakened brake shield mount.
Bad contact lining with drums.
Oples of the nut support pads.

Much effort on hand brake handle
Milling in brake linings in brake fluid flowing from the rear wheel cylinder.

Brake drums warm when the foot brake pedal and the parking brake handle
The wheel is not disstained.
Incorrect adjustment of the actuator of the parking brake system.
The lack of returning the pads and the sensor lever of the manual drive into its original position due to the jams of the cables in the guide tubes.

Does not hold parking brake
Great free stroke in the hand brake drive mechanism.

Insufficient braking efficiency
The brake drive amplifier does not work well.
Strong wear of gaskets or front brake pads.
One or more pistons jamps.
Brake front pads are contaminated with oil or lubrication.
New front brake pads have not yet worked.
Wear or damage to the main cylinder.
Leakage of brake fluid from wheeled cylinders.
Air in the brake system.
Rubber seals are damaged in the main brake cylinder. ;
The rubber hoses of the hydraulic system are damaged.

Spontaneous braking with engine running
The air drum in the vacuum amplifier between the valve body and the protective cap: the destruction or skew of the cover seal or poor fixation due to damage to the adjacent parts, the seal wear, insufficient lubricant of the cover seal.

One wheel is not stamped
The brake pad tight rotates on the support finger.
The lack of a gap between the pads of the pads and the drum due to improper installation of the resistant ring of automatic adjustment.
Weakening or breaking the rear brake pads of the rear brake.
Singing the piston in the wheel cylinder due to corrosion.
The swelling of the sealing rings of the wheel cylinder due to the burning of fuel and lubricants.
Lack of gap between pads and drum.
Violation of the position of the caliper relative to the brake disc when weakening the mounting bolts to the bracket.
Increased brake discing (more than 0.5 mm).

Uneven braking wheel
Shock absorbers do not work.
The wheel collapse angle (wear of the inner tracks of the tread) is disturbed.
Reduced air pressure in tires (high wear along the edges of the tread).
Increased air pressure in tires (large wear in the middle part of the tread).
Increased wheel alignment (wear of the inner tracks of the tread).
Increased front wheels (wear of the external tread paths).

Wheel beating
Wheel balancing violation: uneven tread wear around the circle, displacement of balancing loads and tires during installation, rim deformation, tire damage.
Increased clearance in wheel hub bearings.

Interaction of workers of locomotive and car farms when triggered by brakes or application of a locomotive brigade on insufficient brake pressing (cutting tubes, end cranes, disconnecting of brake hoses, malfunction of air distributors)

If there has been a spontaneous response of autotractors, then in this case there is an abbreviated testing of autotractors with checking the state of the brake line on the action of the brakes of two tail wagons.
If, when moving the train, the burst alarm is triggered and the traction mode is turned off due to self-blocking and additional discharge of the air distributors, the train speed does not decrease sharply. The driver in this case is obliged to check the integrity of the brake line forming the handle of the driver's crane in the III position. Making sure the integrity of the highway in the absence of a rapid continuous reduction in pressure, the driver produces the braking stage and release the brakes.
If the warning lamp lights up on the train parking lot and the traction mode does not turn off, which can characterize the overlap of the end cranes in the train or arbitrary discharge of the brake line as part. In this case, before sending the train, it is necessary to make sure that the signaling device is able to give the stage of pressure to a decrease in pressure by 0.6-0.7 kgf / cm2 (lamp goes out) and releasing the brakes. After that, the ability to turn on the thrust mode is automatically restored. With a faulty alarm, there is an abbreviated testing of autolikes with checking the brakes of two tailings.
Abbreviated trimming of the brakes is also made after all sorts of sleeves in the train.
When overlapping a passing end crane, there will be braking in the disconnected part of the highway and stop the train if the brake force is greater than the thrust force.

When overlapping a counter end crane, there will be a release of air from the head part of the highway, due to the additional discharge of the braking line will spread further towards the locomotive. On the cargo locomotive, the brake trigger breakout signaling signal is triggered with the sensor No. 418 and turns off the traction.
After the additional discharge of the highway, the driver's faucet will increase the pressure in the highway and there will be a vacation of air distributors to the covered end crane. Behind the seat overlap of the end crane will stop the feeding of leaks from the highway and the air distributors of the freight train will be triggered.

The peculiarity of cargo air distributors is that in almost all cases of stopping the power of the highway with overlapped end cranes are triggered to brake due to the fact that their spare tanks are disconnected from the highway with check valves, which gives a rapid pressure in the highway under the influence of leaks.

In all cases, the detects of overlapping end cranes after stopping the train need a crane to release the brakes, open the terminal crane, make the abbreviation of the auto motors and be sure to check the brake vacation to the last car.

Braking in the train, which occurred when a train crane handle, is called spontaneous response of autotractors.

  1. It may be a rapid decrease in pressure in the highway in cases of self-session, breaking and separating the sleeves, the removal break from the highway to the air distributor, the closure (overlap) of the counter end crane or both end cranes with the release of compressed air from the highway through their control holes. This group of reasons is associated with a violation of the highway density.
  2. The spontaneous response of autolikes is possible and with a decrease in pressure in the highway in cases of overlapping of the associated (rear wall) of the terminal crane, the formation of ice or mechanical cork in the highway.
  3. Some cases of self-motion occur as a result of unreliable brake leave due to their malfunction.
  4. It is possible to spontaneously trigger the autotractors in the process of transition from an increased normal charging pressure due to an accelerated transition rate (not a repaired stabilizer of the driver's crane)
  5. There are in operation and cases of self-removal of air distributors No. 483. They occur when the leakage of the brake line is changed when moving along a small radius curve or arrows, as well as with a sharp dynamic effect on wagons, having an attenuation of fixtures of air distributors or brake triggers. Such a triggering is most likely for the main part in which the throttle hole of the softness is clogged, or due to the increased spring force, it does not rise and open the soft flap.

Identify the reasons for spontaneous triggering of brakes in the train

Spontaneous triggering occurred when the train parking is the cause of the triggering can be:

  1. bad air passability in locomotive;
  2. faulty or incorrectly adjusted stabilizer of the driver's crane (liquidation over charging pressure goes faster than set standards). The brakes are triggered when the driver's crane knob is translated from 1 to 2 position;
  3. faulty air distributor.

Identify the reasons for spontaneous triggering of the brakes in the train must begin with checking the density of the train brake network, then disconnecting the wagons (brake wagon system), check the locomotive.

1. To identify, with what pressure in the main tanks, the brakes are triggered. If the trigger is observed in the lower limit of the pressure of 7.5 atm., Check the maintenance of the air of the brake and nutritional network of the locomotive.
The maintenance of the air brake system is checked by at least a 3-fold opening of the end crane on the locomotive (through the locking device of the driver's crane). When the pressure drops - the lowability is low possible, clogging of the nutrient or brake line. Check the air patency through the locking device. After stopping the compressors and when the pressure is reached in the main tanks of at least 8 atm. On the electric locomotive compressors are turned off, diesel is stopped on diesel locomotive. The handle of the driver's crane is transferred to the VI position. The connecting sleeve is removed from the suspension and holding it open the end crane.
The handle of the driver's crane is transferred to the position. The time to reduce the pressure in the main tanks from 6.0 to 5.0 atm is measured., Which should be for tanks y \u003d 1000 liters. no more than 12 s. The rest - the time increases in proportion.

2. If the triggering occurs after 1-2 minutes, after the start of vacation,
Check the pace of liquidation over charging and the operation of the discontinuity signaling
brake highway, then - the density of the equalization reservoir follows
Make a vacation, withstanding the handle of the driver's crane in 1 position to the pressure in the equalization tank from 6.5 to 6.8 kg / cm2, followed by transfer to the train position. Reducing the pressure in the equalization reserve-voyar from 6.0 to 5.8 kg / cm2 should occur in 80-120 p.
On the locomotive, equipped with "TM", the signaling device during the transition from increased pressure to normal should not be triggered.
To check the density of the equalization tank, charge the brake network to a normal charger, the handle of the driver's crane translate to the IV position. The density is considered sufficient if the pressure drop in the equalizer tank does not exceed 0.1 kg / cm2 for 3 minutes. Will the pressure in the equalization tank is not allowed.

3. Detection of faulty air distributors.
The faulty air distributor member No. 483 is detected according to the following features: it triggers when charging the brake network, when the pressure in spare tanks begins to equalize the highway (noise in spare tanks) and then periodically triggers at certain intervals.
To reveal such an air distributor, you must install in which part of the composition it is located. For this, the train is divided into "in half" the brakes of the head of the wagons remain on, the rest are turned off with end cranes. If the faulty device (the additional charging valve is not satisfactory, the soft valve) is in this part of the train, then when charging after 3-7 minutes, there will be a spontaneous response of autolikes, leaving the fourth part of the wagons from the head, repeat the check.
Thus, install a group of wagons in which a faulty device is located. Then, with the help of dismissal cranes, the air distributors are successively turned off and, determining the faulty, replace it.

Spontaneous response occurred when making a train in motion

Most often, the causes of the autotractoros are:

  1. the presence of hidden air leaks in the brake system;
  2. faulty air distributor Usl.№ 483 (rubber sealing declaration in the valve of an additional discharge chamber of the highway, insufficient rigidity or non-compliance of the valve springs by set size)

1. Leaks are detected by external signs for rumor, touch, on the presence of dust roller, dirt, to break the paint, in winter, by the presence of an inlet, frosting in the place of leakage. When checking, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the coupling compounds, threads, the presence of cracks, fasteners of the highway and the supply tubes.
In addition, a reliable fastening of air pipeline of its branches, tanks and brake cylinders has a great importance for the stability of any compound. Mounting disorders entails a disorder of compounds and, as a rule, leads to the triggering of the brakes in the path.
Finding out the leak, it is necessary to make sure that it leads to the triggering of the brakes in the following way. The check is carried out by a lomik, which starts between the highway and the ridge beam, by pressing it down. If the coupling is reinforced on the highway badly (on 2-3 threads of the thread), there is a bending in the coupling compound, the leakage is strongly increasing, which leads to the triggering of the brakes.
The quality of attachment of air lines and brake fittings is checked to cool the places of their attachment to the carriage frame with a control hammer.

2. To identify a faulty air distributor leading to
The triggering of the brakes in the train, you need to know that it comes to action due to the vibrational air movement in the hint of the impact. With that, the greatest effect of identifying a faulty air distributor is obtained when the sleeves are inhibited (250 mm from the end crane) and the main part of the device at the time of transition from the overestimated pressure to the charger (when the superchard pressure is eliminated).
After installing the minimum magnitude of the elimination of superchard pressure (80 sec.) It is necessary at the time of the transition from the overestimated pressure to the charger to dry up with a hammer (lombing) of the sleeves and devices of air distributors on the locomotive and wagons (along the housing of the main part, the direction of shock horizontally).
But since the time on the chipping is limited by the overhaul of the superchard pressure, the cubs must be made by a locomotive driver at a certain period of time, which is calculated by the formula:

T \u003d Tlick. x 0.08,

where t is the desired cutting time (in minutes) t lick. - Time to eliminate superchard.

Example: T LIC - 80 s. Then T \u003d 80 x 0.08 \u003d 6.4 min. That is, after 6 minutes, the cubs stop and wait for the machine to resume check.

If there is a faulty air distributor of the brake, being in the inverted state, the air distributor at a certain period of time produces air emissions into the atmospheric hole of the main part. Usually, a faulty air distributor works for 5-6 cars before the shock is shown.
All identified malfunctions leading to spontaneous triggering of the brakes are eliminated and a complete testing of the brakes is performed, the driver is issued a new VU-45 certificate.

Page 2.

Spontaneous braking when the engine running can be caused by a malfunction of a vacuum amplifier, as well as clogging or overlapping the compensation openings of the main brake cylinder.

A faulty vacuum amplifier is subject to replacing or repair.

To determine the clogging or overlap of the compensation holes of the main brake cylinder of cars, we remove the main cylinder tank and a soft wire with a blunt end we will take the edge of the cuff through the compensation holes. If the tip of the wire, without encountering elastic resistance, passes to a depth of more than 2 mm, then the hole is not overlapped with the edge of the cuff. If the wire inserted into the compensation hole met the elastic resistance, disconnect the main cylinder from the amplifier. The release of the compensation opening after that indicates the incorrect adjustment of the amplifier. If the compensation holes after the amplifier is dugged down, the cuff edges are blocked, remove and analyze the main cylinder. The causes of the described defect may be the swelling of the cylinder cylinder cylinder, contamination of the main cylinder mirror, breakage of the return spring.

The brake hoses should not be visible to the naked eye of cracks on the outer shell and traces of the cross, they should not come into contact with mineral oils and lubricants dissolving rubber (a strong pressing on the brake pedal check whether the blizzard will not appear on the swelling hoses indicating their unsuitable).

Liquid leakage is not allowed from the main cylinder compounds with a tank and from the fittings. If necessary, replace the tank bushings and tighten the fittings without exposing the strain pipelines.

The malfunction detected when inspection must be eliminated with the replacement of damaged parts new.

Vacuum amplifier performance check

1. Press 5-6 times on the brake pedal when the engine is not working to create the same pressure close to atmospheric. At the same time, in an effort applied to the pedal, we determine whether there are no privileges of the valve housing (Fig. 4).

2. Stop the brake pedal in the middle of it, launch the engine. With a serviceable vacuum amplifier, the brake pedal after starting the engine must "go ahead".

3. If the pedal "does not go ahead", check the tip of the tip 29 (Fig. 4), the condition and fastening of the flange 1 (Fig. 4), the hose to the tip and the fitting of the engine inlet pipe, since the weakening of the attachments or their damage dramatically reduces the vacuum In cavity and the efficiency of the amplifier.

4. In the case of spontaneous braking of the vehicle, we check the vacuum amplifier at the engine running the engine at first when the brake pedal is pressed, and then pressed. The "sinking" of the protective cap 12 (Fig. 4) to the shank of the valve body and the hiss of the suited air indicates the insufficient tightness of the amplifier.

5. Even in the absence of "sinking" a protective cap, check the state of the seal 18 (Fig. 4), for which it is gently removed, and then we move the hole on the cover 4 (Fig. No. 4) the protective cap 12 (Fig. 4).

6. When the engine is running, we wind in the transverse direction protruding the valve body shank with an effort 29.4-39.2 N (3-4 kgf); In this case, there should be no characteristic hissing of air passing inside the amplifier through the seal 18 (Fig. 4) of the lids.

7. With not the tightness of the vacuum amplifier, we disconnect the pusher 14 (Fig. No. 4) from the brake pedal, remove the protective cap 12 (Fig. No. 4) and lay 5 g of the qiimm-221 grease between the seal and the lid and the valve body, then check the condition Air filter 15 (Fig .№4), if necessary, replace it and install a protective cap in place.

8. If this manner fails to eliminate air seats, then it is necessary to replace the vacuum amplifier.

Adjusting the brake drive

The free stroke of the brake pedal with a non-working engine should be 3-5 mm. This value is obtained by adjusting the position of the switch 6 of the stop signal.

Fig. 6. Brake pedal:

1 - vacuum amplifier; 2 - pusher; 3 - brake pedal; 4 - buffer of the stop signal; 5 - Nut switch; 6 - stop signal switch; 7 - Spring Spring Pedal; 8 - chief cylinder

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Brake system malfunctions

The brake malfunctions arising during the operation of the car include: insufficient braking efficiency, not simultaneously of their action, poorly dismising, or brake mechanisms, increased free or working pedal, incomplete disbuting wheels, strong heating of discs and brake drums, increasing the efforts of the efforts are prevailed to Brake pedals, drift or engine station in braking, creaking or vibration of brake mechanisms of wheels, spontaneous braking with an engine running.

Insufficient braking efficiency excludes the possibility of a timely stop of the car under normal conditions of movement, and with a complex situation to traffic accidents.

Not the simultaneity of the brakes does not allow the car in a timely manner and correctly, leads it to driving when braking. Poor disorder wheel causes overheating brake mechanisms, fast wear of brake linings and, as a result, jamming or weak brake action.

The cause of the weak action of the brakes may not be the tightness of the system of a pneumatic drive, a violation of the adjustment of the drive and braking mechanisms, wear or grinding of the brake pads, insufficient air pressure in the pneumatic brake system.

Not the simultaneous action of the brakes of the wheels can be caused by: violation of drive adjustments or brake mechanisms, jamming, as well as clogging of hoses and pipelines.

The brake enclosure may be due to: breakdowns of the tightest springs or the cutting of the brake pads, jamming the rollers of fried fists and drive, brake crane fault.

Characteristic signs of defect

Cause of Defect

Development method

1.1. Insufficient braking efficiency. "Failure" brake pedals

Remove air pumping the brake system according to the "technology".

b) leakage of brake fluid from wheeled cylinders.

Replace damaged cylinder parts. Rinse and dry friction overlays, check all brake system nodes. If necessary, replace the brake cylinder.

Note; For VAZ-2105, additionally control the destruction of a crush (children 2105-3502048).

c) Periodic "failure" brake pedals without loss of braking efficiency. Feels a big free pedal.

Control the swelling of the main brake cylinder seals. Defective details replace.

d) improper installation of pressure regulator.

Install the regulator according to the "Manual".

d.) The pressure regulator does not work - jammed. The corrosion of the piston scaper.

Replace the regulator.

e) low-quality lining material. The tendency of the material of the lining to grind.

Replace blocks. The surface of the brake drum can be cleaned from ironing.

g) flow through the pressure regulator plug (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace pressure regulator.

h) Applying pads with non-compliant lining (production of attracted enterprises) - VAZ-2108, 2109.

Replace blocks.

1.2. Car vibration when braking

a) Increased oval of brake drums (more than 0.15 mm).

Replace drums. With an ovality of less than 0.15 mm, replaced the pads, the surface of the brake drum is cleaned from ironing.

1.3. Skin brakes

a) foreign inclusions in the material lining pads.

Replace brake pads. When looked, replacing the mating details (discs, drums).

b) grinding friction pads pads.

Clean the lining, pre-flushing them with gasoline. Eliminate the place of the leaks.

1.4. Driva or by car in the direction when braking

a) leakage of brake fluid in one of the wheeled cylinders.

In the absence of rice, shells in the cylinder replace the details failed. When the rice is detected, replace the cylinder.

b) a great pressure difference in tires.

Adjust the pressure according to the WAZ Car Manual. The defect may be associated with tire quality - check the crossing wheels.

c) overlapping the pipeline as a result of mechanical damage.

Replace pipeline.

d) The angles of wheel installation angles are not adjusted.

Adjust the angles of wheel installation.

e) pollution or grinding discs, drums and lining.

Clean the details of the brake mechanisms.

e) jamming the piston of the wheel cylinder (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace wheel cylinder.

g) faulty (flow through the plug) pressure regulator (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace pressure regulator.

h) Improper adjustment of the pressure regulator drive (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Adjust the position of the pressure regulator according to the "Manual".

1.5. Turning one of the wheels when the brake pedal is released

a) The position of the caliper is impaired relative to the brake disc. Weakening bolts fastening the caliper to the bracket.

Tighten the bolts. If necessary, replace damaged parts,

b) Increased brake discing (more than 0.15 mm).

Replace disk.

c) swelling of sealing rings of wheel cylinders. Liquid fall into the liquid or the use of other liquids.


d) weakening or destruction of the coupling spring pads of the rear brakes.

Replace spring.

1.6. Turning the wheel of the car on the course when the brake pedal is released. In case of neutral gear, the car quickly loses speed (there is no "roll" of the car). Possible overheating brake drums and disks

a) There is no or insufficient free course of brake pedal. Incorrect position of the stop signal.

Adjust the position of the pusher to easy contact with the stop signal switch by moving the switch.

b) clogging of the compensating opening in the main brake cylinder.

Clear the cylinder.

c) swelling of rubber cuffs due to fuel or other liquid in the main brake cylinder.

Clear the entire brake system, replace the details failed.

d) The departure screw of the vacuum amplifier is not adjusted relative to the mounting plane of the main cylinder.

e) Slow return of the pusher rod of the vacuum brake amplifier due to the tip (children. 2103-3510040). Purge of gasoline in the Vut, swelling of rubber products.

Replace the wout and valve assembly.

e) Piston jeaning in the wheel cylinder due to corrosion (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace wheel cylinder.

1.7. Increased brake pedal work

a) air from the brake system.

Remove air pumping system.

b) There is no liquid in the nutritional tank.

Pull the brake fluid. Pump the system, eliminate the cause of the leaks.

c) overestimated gap between the pads and the drum due to wear of the pads or poor-quality operation of the device semi-automatic adjustment of the pads.

Replace blocks. If necessary, eliminate the defect device for adjusting the pad.

d) large volumetric deformation of flexible hoses.

Replace hoses.

e) overestimated gap in the bearings of the front wheels.

Adjust the gap.

e) damage to the main cylinder rubber seals.

Replace seals or cylinder.

g) understated diameter (feed) on sealing rings of the main brake cylinder (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace the main brake cylinder.

1.8. Reduced brake pedal work

a) There is no gap between the piston of the main cylinder and the rod of the vacuum amplifier.

Adjust the departure of the adjusting screw (must be 1.25-0.2 mm).

b) clogging the compensation opening of the main brake cylinder.

Clean the brake system

c) overlapping the compensation opening of the main brake cylinder due to the "swelling" of rubber seals - entering the brake fluid of fuel and fuel or use of uncommitted liquids.

Repair due to the perpetrators.

1.9. Spontaneous braking of the car with the engine running

a) air drums in a vacuum amplifier through a sealing assembly of the cover.

Replace a vacuum amplifier.

1.10. Increase the effort to press the brake pedal ("tight" pedal)

a) clogging of the air filter of the vacuum amplifier on the side of the brake pedal.

Replace air filter.

b) Singing the clan body on vacuum amplifier.

Replace a vacuum amplifier.

c) Hose damage connecting the vacuum amplifier with the engine intake manifold, or weakening the hose mount on the fittings.

Replace the hose or pull the clamps.

d) the destruction of the diaphragm of the vacuum amplifier.

Replace a vacuum amplifier.

e) the tip of the vacuum amplifier does not work (Children.2103-3510019-10).

Replace tip.

e) does not work, the check valve of the vacuum amplifier (VAZ-2108, 2109) is hired.

Replace the check valve of the vacuum amplifier.

g) Fuel getting into the vacuum amplifier cavity due to the leakage of the check valve (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace the vacuum amplifier with the check valve assembly.

h) faulty vacuum amplifier (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Replace a vacuum amplifier.

and) swelling of sealing rings of wheeled cylinders due to falling into fluid of fuel and lubricants or the use of other liquids (VAZ-2108, 2109).

Repair due to the perpetrator.

1.11. Knock, creaking or brake vibration (VAZ-2108)

a) excessive beating (more than 0.15 mm) brake disc or uneven wear (felt in the vibration of the brake pedal).

Replace brake disc.

b) weakening the coupling springs of the brake pads of the rear brake.

Replace a tie spring.

c) destroyed the springs of pinching pads.

Replace blocks.

d) jamming (corrosion) of one of the pistons of the rear wheel cylinders.

Replace wheel cylinder.

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