Home Steering Sweden on the trip is the most convenient ways of movement. Why in England left-sided movement? Methods of movement in the mountains

Sweden on the trip is the most convenient ways of movement. Why in England left-sided movement? Methods of movement in the mountains

In fact, the content of this section of the rules more corresponds to this name:

Location of vehicles on road .

Why? Yes, because we are not only about when and to whom the movement is allowed on a particular band of the roadway, but also about when and to whom it is allowed (or not permitted) movement and on other elements of the road - by the dividing strip, tramways, in sidewalks and by roadbrains.

In the first topic of the present tutorial, we figured out in detail the fact that such a dividing strip and what tram paths are. It is time to get acquainted with the sidewalk and sidewalk, as well as talk about what driving part is and what is a strip of movement.


Rules. Section 1. "Wound" is an element of the road, adjacent directly to the carriageway at one level with it, characterized by the type of coating or highlighted by markup 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, used for movement, stop and parking in accordance with the rules.

The fact that the side is adjacent to the roadway is on the same level with it and is distinguished by the type of coating - this is understandable.

But it turns out, the curb may not differ in the type of coating, but simply separated from the roadway with the markup.

And also, it turns out, curb can be usedfor movement, stop and parking.

Concerning traffic in the sidelines , I hurry to calm you - the rules in this case had in mind pedestrians.

Pedestrians do not just can, namely, should move along the roads.

Rules. Section 24. Paragraph 24.2. It is allowed to move cyclistsover the age of 14 by the side of the road - In case there are no cycling and cycling track, the bar for cyclists is either there is no possibility to move along it or on the right edge of the carriageway.

Rules. Section 24. Paragraph 24.7. Moped drivers should move along the right edge of the carriageway in one row or by the strip for cyclists.

Move movement of drivers of mopeds by roadif it does not create interference with pedestrians.

You noticed - even the movement on a bike or moped on the side of the road is not allowed, but only allowed, and even then, when complying with the whole heap of conditions! What then to talk about motorcycles and cars? Of course, the movement of cars and motorcycles on the roads is deadly for pedestrians and therefore permitted can not be. It doesn't care as if the rules permit us to ride the sidewalks and pedestrian paths.

Another thing, if we are talking about parking. The rules not just allowed to park on the side of the road, namely, they ordered:

In the presence of the roadbrain, everyone is parking only on the side of the road!

And it is absolutely correct - why occupy the driving part parked by transport, if there is a sideline.

In fact, in the rules you will not meet anything such a prescription: "If there is a side of the side of the road only on the side of the road." In the rules you will read the following:

Rules. Section 12. Clause 12.1. Stopping and parking of vehicles are permitted on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway.

But already out of this it obviously follows that stopping on the roadway (with the existence of the roadside!) - Violation of the rules.

On modern high-class roads, the sidebu is made by the reinforced, that is, covered with asphalt. In this case, as we have already spoken, the side is separated from the roadway with the help of road markings, and, as a rule, this is a solid longitudinal line (markup 1.2.1).

The movement of any mechanical vehicles on the roads is prohibited, and the solid markup line reminds drivers about this requirement of the rules.

However, if the driver intends to stop, the solid longitudinal line of markup, separating the side of the roadway, is not easy, namely, namely "D.ABOUT lIKE " cross. When stopping and parking, this "longitudinal solid" should be considered simply as the border between the carriageway and the sidelines.

And one more, important moment for drivers - the rules are allowed to use the side of the roadside during turn (if the width of the roadway is insufficient for maneuvers from the leftmost position).

Before completing the conversation about the side of the road, we mention about one exception. Directly at the Okolin can be located stores or other enterprises. If there are no other ways to the entrance, the rules are allowed to approach these enterprises by the sidelines, but only those vehicles that serve this enterprise!

We summarize:

1. "Side" is an element of the road, adjacent directly to the carriageway at one level with it and intended for moving pedestrians, as well as to stop and parking transport.

2. It is allowed to move the cycling, mopeds, manpieces (sled), rigging and coooms, provided that it does not create interference by moving pedestrians.

3. As an exception is allowed to entrance on the side of the vehicles, bringing goods to trade or other enterprises located directly from the Okolin and, provided that there are no other ways to entrance.

4. When reversal, if the widths of the roadway are not enough, the maneuver can be performed using the curb.

5. If there are extension, the stopping vehicle is permitted only on the side of the road!


Rules. Section 1. "The sidewalk" is an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the roadway or to the bicycle path or separated from them the lawn.

The most comfortable pedestrian feels, of course, on the sidewalk. The sidewalk raised over the roadway, at least to the height of the curb stone, which creates additional security conditions.

And if the sidewalk is also separated from the carriage of the lawn, and in general you can relax.

The movement of vehicles for the sidewalk is prohibited.

As in the case of the sideline, only the movement of vehicles serving trade or other enterprises, located directly from this sidewalk, is allowed on the sidewalk (if there are no other ways to entrance).

Parking on the sidewalk, unlike the curb, is prohibited. However, in some cases, in order to increase the bandwidth of the road, the transport parking can be organized on the edge of the sidewalk.

The rules allow the use of a pavement, but only for parking bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles and cars and only if there are signs 6.4 "Parking site"applied with one of the following tablets:

Summarize :

1. The sidewalk is an element of the road designed to move pedestrians.

2. Movement and stopping vehicles on the sidewalk is prohibited.

3. As an exception is allowed to an entrance to the sidewalk of vehicles, driven by cargo to commercial or other enterprises located directly from this sidewalk, and provided that there are no other ways to an entrance.

4. The parking lot on the edge of the sidewalk is possible, but only for bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles and passenger cars and only in the presence of appropriate signs.

In the collection of traffic police, there is a pair of tasks and both without drawings.

Driving part.

The main and mandatory element of the road is definitely driving part. Roads without road part simply can not be. The rules give such a definition of the roadway:

Rules. Section 1. The "driving part" is an element of the road designed to move the moveless vehicles.

In principle, only one of this definition already follows that the movement of cars, motorcycles and bicycles for all other elements of the road (on the roads, sidewalks, tramways and by dividing strips) is prohibited (once for the movement of the fine vehicles, the driving part is designed).

But the rules, like any law, in addition to basic provisions, contain additions and exceptions allowing in some cases to use drivers and other elements of the road.

With a sidewalk and sidewalk, we have already figured out, we'll talk about the tramways later, and now all the attention of the main element of the road - the roadway, or rather, how it is divided into stripes, and that for drivers it means.

Strip of movement.

To streamline movement and make it the most safe as possible, the roadway is divided into stripes with longitudinal road marking lines.

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.7. If the driving part is divided into strips of markup lines, vehicle movementmust be implemented strictly according to the labels designated.Running on intermittent markup lines is allowed only during rebuilding.

Most drivers do not even suspect that, moving with marking wheels, they violate the rules.

According to paragraph 9.7 of the Rules, the movement should always be implemented strictly by bands.

Moreover, and inside the strip, the driver should have its own vehicle not ababa as, as well as to provide a safe distance and safe side intervals.

And this is also the requirement of the rules:

Rules. Section 9. Clause 9.10. The driver must observe such a distance to a moving ahead of the vehicle that would allow to avoid a collision,as well as the required side interval providing traffic safety.

In general, from the position of the maximum security, the ideal situation is when:

1. Everyone moves, observing the county (that is, moving strictly by stripes).

2. No one is rebuilt from a number of in a row (any rebuild is a potential danger).

3. No one leaves for half the road intended for the oncoming movement (it threatens a frontal or tangent collision).

4. The extreme left band in both directions is free (cars can be easily moved by operational services).

This is the perfect picture. It is possible to strive for it.

But taking into account the needs and interests of all road users.

Let's see how it managed to make the rules on different roads.

Two-band road.

To prohibit the departure of half the road, intended for the oncoming movement, it is possible using road markings - enough in the middle of the carriageway to apply a solid axial line.

However, in the case of two-way expensive, it will mean that any obstacle will inevitably block the movement.

Now the drivers fell into the west - to drive around the obstacle without disrupting it is impossible. If you follow the "letter" of the rules, everyone should stand and wait for the inspector, which one can only resolve "a violation".

Therefore, on duplex roads, the axial line is usually intermittent.

Intermittent markup line does not forbid anything. Now in both directions you can overtake moving vehicles and cross around fixed obstacles to the departure of the oncoming movement, as well as rotate to the left and unfold.

With regard to a two-way road, the rules were forced to go for a reasonable compromise between safety and bandwidth:

You can go to the "oncoming", but the movement on the "oncoming" is prohibited.

That is, after the completion of overtaking or tracing, the driver must immediately return to his half of the carriageway.

What is interesting, in the rules nowhere is not said that it is allowed to go to the oncoming duplex roads. But nowhere is not said that it is prohibited. And how should I understand any law - "What is not forbidden, then allowed"! The authors of the rules did not need to give such a direct resolution, it was enough not to prohibit.

As for the roads with a number of lanes more than two, the rules spoke very definitely here about the departure to the oncoming card.

Three-band road.

On a three-way road there are various options for organizing motion.

Option 1. In our direction one strip, in the counter - two.

The solid longitudinal markup line shares the oncoming flows of vehicles.

In this case, only one thing is possible to move strictly in its own (only) strip, without driving on a solid axial markup line.

Option 2. In our direction two strips, in the counter - one.

Well, finally, in our direction more than one strip, in this case - two. So what, how will we divide on all these two stripes?

You can, for example, enter Dragon requirements and prohibit everything (except for cars of operational services) to take the left strip.

You can resolve movement on the left strip, but not all and not always.

Rules reasoned as follows. Just two bands and there is nothing to share here, and if it happens in the settlement, let everyone have equal rights. In the settlement, the movement is characterized by a larger number of rebuildings. The rules considered that to force drivers to return to the right lane also after each advance or a detour is more likely to harm, and not benefit.

This permission means that in the settlement on the road with two strips in this direction you can move on any lane Even if you are on the road one. And the use of any strip can all - and motorcycles, and passenger cars, and any trucks.

And again, in the rules you will not find direct instructions anywhere, which is if it happens in the settlement, and in your direction two bands, then everyone is allowed to move along any of these two bands. The authors of the rules again applied the basic principle of any right - "What is not forbidden, then allowed" And set out the requirements in the following form:

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.4. Second paragraph. In populated areasvehicle driverscan use the most convenient movement for them.

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.4. Third paragraph. three stripes and more only with intensive movement when other bands are busy, as well as to turn left or reversal.

As you can see, the requirement does not occupy the left left with free right concerns only roads with three and more stripes In this direction.

From here just follows that in settlements on the road from two stripes In this direction it is allowed to occupy any strip regardless of the intensity of the movement.

Outside the settlement speeds are significantly higher, and the rules, taking care of security, tried the oncoming traffic flows as far as possible from each other. This requirement is set out in the same clause 9.4, only in the first paragraph:

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.4. The first paragraph. Outside settlements, as well as in settlements on roads marked 5.1"Highway" or 5.3"Road for cars", or where movement is allowed at a speed of more than 80 km / h,vehicle driversmust lead them if possible closer to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy left bands with free right.

As you can see, this requirement acts on any road outside the settlement. But not only. Even in the settlement, if the speed of more than 80 km / h is permitted in this area, everyone is obliged to hold as right as possible.

The right strip is busy, and now the driver of the blue jeep does not violate anything.

But now breaks.

In this situation, the driver of the blue jeep is obliged to move at the extreme right strip.

Option 3. The driving part is divided into three strips by intermittent road marking lines.

In this case, the middle band is given to the simultaneous use of drivers of both directions.

However, in contrast to the previous version, here the drivers should regard the departure to the middle lane, as the allowed departure for half the road intended for the oncoming traffic.

That is, it is pre-evaluating whether the average strip is free from the oncoming vehicles, and, by completing overtaking or detour, it is necessary to return to the right strip immediately.

Despite the intermittent lines of markup, departure to the extreme left strip on a three-way road with rules categorically forbidden!

Such a violation qualifies as departure to the oncoming in violation of the rules and punishable by deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months.

This is how it is stated in the rules:

On the roads with double-sided movement, having three bands, designated by markup, of which the average is used to move in both directions, it is allowed to leave for this band only for overtaking, leaving, turning left or reversal. To travel to the extreme left band, intended for the oncoming traffic, is prohibited.

This is how they will ask you on the exam:

In this place in classes in a driving school, students always ask the question: "Was it allowed to turn around on such a road?".

Why not? On any road, the reversal may be prohibited or marking, or signs or rules. The markup is intermittent, there are no signs, but the rules forbade departure to the extreme left band only for the purpose of overtaking or throw the obstacle.

Moreover, the rules about the turn on such a road wrote all by direct text (we repeat once again clause 9.3):

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.3. On the roads with double-sided movement having three bands designated by markup, of which the average is used to move in both directions, it is allowed to leave for this lane only for overtaking, slim, turning to the left or reversal.

Of course, before rebuilding on the middle lane, the driver must make sure that it is free from the oncoming traffic.

And if the width of the roadway is not enough for turn, then, as on any road, out of the intersection It can be performed from the right edge of the carriageway (or even from the roadbed).

Of course, it is necessary to give way to the road not only on a counter, but also passing vehicles.

So, the turn on such a three-way road is allowed. And in areas outside the intersection it needs to be carried out either from the middle strip, or from the right edge of the carriageway or from the curb.

But at the crossroads As you already know, the reversal is always allowed everywhere only from the leftmost position!

And on such a road, the leftmost position is the middle bar!

In which direction can you continue the movement in the middle lane?

1. Direct or left.

2. Only left.

3. Left or in the opposite direction.

Comment to the task

On a three-band road to move directly the right strip is intended.

The middle band is allowed to be used only for overtaking or tracing, as well asto turn left or reversal.

And until September 1st, 2016, such a task (I, however, a little changed it, but it is not applicable):

What car driver turning left does not violate the rules?

1. Only passenger.

2. Only freight.

3. Both are not broken.

Comment to the task

Note! - All roads are three-way! On such roads, start turning left from the middle strip.

And what lane can you have completed turning left?

If you have not missed the previous topic (maneuvering), you already know that on any road, completing the turn left, the driver should not be on the head of the oncoming movement!

He made everything right only the truck driver, and his mannewer does not threaten anyone any trouble.

I do not know why traffic police considered this task irrelevant and deleted it from exam tickets, but today it is the case:

If you turn left to the middle lane (on such a road), it qualifies as departing to the oncoming in violation of rules and punishands with a fine of 5000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months.

Multibone roads.

The road with any number of strips is more than three - already a multibone road. On multibbon roads, the axial line, separating the flows of counter directions, is not simply solid, but in obligatory! - double solid line.

On multibbon roads, the rules finally were able to fully implement one of the basic principles of security - here it is categorically prohibited from departure (for the purpose of overtaking or a detachment) for half, intended for the oncoming traffic! All ahead and closures - only within their half of the roadway!

Option 1. In our direction two stripes.

But that you already know. On any road with two strips in this direction in the settlement, everyone is allowed to occupy any convenient band.

And this is also familiar to you. On any road outside the settlement Everyone must keep as right . In this situation, completing the advance, the driver is obliged to return to the right strip.

Left bands can only be held with the right.

And on the exam, they ask for:

What band can you continue to move in the settlement after ahead of the truck?

1. Only right.

2. Only on the left.

3. Anyone.

Comment to the task

In the settlement on the road with two strips in this direction, movement on any strip is allowed.

Is it possible to continue moving along the left strip after ahead of the truck?

1. Can.

2. You can, if you manage the passenger car.

3. It is impossible.

Comment to the task

Outside the settlement on any road, everyone prescribed movement as it is possible.

Option 2. In our direction more than two lanes.

On the roads with three and more stripes In this direction, the rule, although not categorically, but still "asked" drivers not to take the left left strip.

That is, it can be occupied, but only with intense movement, when all other bands are busy.

In the settlement, such a requirement means the following:

1. If in your direction, for example, as many as ten lanes, you have the right to choose any convenient band of nine right, even if the road is absolutely free.

2. If nine right bands are busy, you can take the tenth (extreme left).

3. If, moving at the extreme left strip, you drove to the place when the right has become free, you must leave the extreme left strip.

And it is so! But not for everyone!

It is so if you drive a motorcycle, a car or a small truck (up to 2.5 tons). However, if you are following the steering wheel of a medium truck (more than 2.5 tons), then a completely different rule rule will begin to act. The rules decided - since it is unrealistic to completely free the left left strip, then it is absolutely necessary to free her at least from medium and large trucks, and on such roads (with three and more strips in this direction) rules forbidden them to occupy the extreme left band.

And immediately the question arises - how do they turn to the left or unfold? After all, it is necessary to make just with an extreme left strip! The rules did not forget about it, and allowed them departure to the extreme left, but only before turning to the left or turn.

And that's all! Even if all other bands are occupied, trucks with a permitted maximum mass of more than 2.5 tons on the extreme left do not move!

And no guarantees or trains with departure to the left left!

The rules about this is stated as follows:

Rules. Section 9. Paragraph 9.4. In settlements, vehicle drivers can use the most convenient movement strip for them.

However, on any roads having to move in this direction Three stripes and more, take the left left band allowedonly with intensive movementwhen busy other bands,as well as to turn left or reversal, and trucks with a permitted maximum mass of more than 2.5 tons - only for turning to the left or reversal.

You drew attention! - trucks with a permitted maximum mass of more than 2.5 tons are forbidden to occupy extreme left left on any roads with a number of lanes more than two in this direction (both in the settlement and out of the settlement).

And if you with the rights of the category "B" will drive such a truck (for example, a Gazelle), remember this.

And on the exam on this problem there is:

In this situation, you are allowed to move:

1. Only on the right strip.

2. On the right or middle lane.

3. On any strip.

Comment to the task

Without a doubt, this is a settlement, and in your direction three lanes. And I don't think about something here - in this situation (that is, on an empty road) you can move on any strip, except for the leftmost left.

Are you allowed by driving a truck with a permitted maximum mass of more than 2.5 tons, go to the third strip in this situation?

1. Permitted.

2. It is allowed only for turning to the left or reversal.

3. It is allowed only for ahead.

4. Forbidden.

Comment to the task

If it happened, and you with the rights of the category "B" got behind the wheel of a truck with a maximum weight of more than 2.5 tons, then on any road with three and more stripes in this direction, extremely left for you to take only to turn left or reversal.

Can you driving a truck, make ahead of this situation?

1. Can.

2. You can, if the permitted maximum mass of your car is not more than 2.5 tons.

3. It is impossible.

Over the past decades, the market of various vehicles has expanded significantly. If used to be cars, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, rollers and a few other vehicles, now from one names of modern technological types of movement can be sprinkled. Monobayki, Segways, Longboards, Jumpers are just a small part of modern devices that allow you to move around the city and receive pleasure from it. Some of them will be speech in this article.

Modern means of movement in the city. Top 8.

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JollyJumper Translated from English, sounds like "boots-booms". This creative invention allows you to run, developing speed more than 30 km / h. In such unique "Spear boots", you can jump in a height of more than 2.5 meters.

JollyJumper (or just jumpers) have a unique spring mechanism - the design is tightly attached to the legs and serves as a "continuation". "Skornekening boots" - fascinating entertainment and a great way to quickly jump up the ankles, press, hips and the "fifth point", they also allow you to quickly move from one point of the city to another.

Learning to stand in jumpers very easily, as its core itself is very stable and durable. Therefore, they are suitable not only for young, but also for adults.

The price of such "boots-booms" starts from 4 thousand rubles

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Segwei- The most popular modern type of urban transport, which has long been recognized in the West. It is simple: a convenient platform and two wheels. As for the advantages, they are indisputable. In particular, you can easily ride the pedestrian zone, forgively forgotten about traffic jams.

From the point of view of technical characteristics, the segway is a kind of electric self-balancing scooter. Its platform balance automatically when changing the position of the case: the tilt forward serves as a pulse for movement. To reset the speed, it is enough to deflect the housing in the opposite direction. Stop and reverse occurs also when the hull is tilted. Speed \u200b\u200bsegway up to 50 km / h, and its mass can reach up to 45 kg. With a complete battery charging, you can drive about 40 km. It makes the segwe's excellent alternative to the car when driving for short distances in a good weather.

Recently, the popularity of mini-segways, which differ from ultralight and compactness. For example, the Robin-M1 model develops speed up to 15 km / h. His charging is enough for 3 hours. The weight of this model is 18 kg, which is easier for some models of baby strollers and comparable with a bike weight. This type of vehicle is also attractive to the fact that it can be transported in the car trunk. On some models, GPS systems and remote shutdown are embedded.

This modern two-wheeled vehicle can be purchased from 100 thousand rubles.

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Electro-bike (cycling)

The cyboard can be described in short: comfortable, quickly, quiet. From the usual bike, the bikes is characterized by 3 structural features: has an electric motor, a battery and controller. Although externally bikes are practically different from the bike.

You can bring the electric bike in motion and with the help of ordinary pedals. Benefits should be attributed to independently regulate the degree of physical. Loads and without special difficulties overcome obstacles. You can charge the battery of the cybard from the outlet, the energy reserve is enough for 20-40 km. If the battery in the path of sat down, we begin to twist the pedals - everything is simple.

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Fashion for motorcycle came to us from the countries of Southeast Asia, but in Russia this type of transport is still considered exotic. The main feature of its design is that the speed and braking is carried out by means of a manual joystick. Motoscates are usually equipped with simple two-stroke engines, 50 cubic centimeters. What makes it easy to overcome complex obstacles in the form of dirt, sand or steep lifting.

Motocoute is comfortable, comfortable and easy, it overcomes any obstacles: sand, snow, dirt. Learn to manage a motorcycle for everyone and ride on it at times easier than on a skateboard or snowboard. The maximum speed can reach 45 km / h. The weight of the device is about 30 kg.

The price of motor skills starts from 20 thousand rubles.

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Electrosamocata- Universal urban transport, riding on which convenient and adults and children. Maximum load up to 120 kg.
After 5 seconds, it is possible to develop a speed of up to 15 km / h. Calculate electrical sinks from any network. The battery charge response time depends on the model you selected and the battery type.

The main advantage of this type of urban vehicle is that it is safe and environmentally and can be stored in the apartment. Some models even have a foldable frame.

This and other types of modern electric transport you can find in the online store www.moyo.ua/gadgets/elektro_transport/

The price of the children's model of electrical sink starts from 4.5 thousand rubles.

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Fatbike (Fatbike)

Fatbike - Another type of transport, which is gaining popularity with a rapid pace. This is a bicycle that differs from the usual presence of thick tires. Thanks to this feature of the design and reduced pressure in tires, you can safely ride on the fatbike in the sand, ice and snow. By the way, you can meet this bike in winter. Due to the thickened wheels and the reinforced frame, the weight of fatbike varies from 14 to 25 kg.

To the same, Fatbike can be made more technological, adding an electric motor to it. Thus, Fatbike becomes a bike, which can be used all year round.

The price of adult models starts from 14 thousand rubles

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Gyroscuter - It's the same segway, only without steering. The lack of a steering box makes this type of transport easier, mobile and at a price at times cheaper than the classic sample. The weight of the device does not exceed 12 kg. The maximum speed, which can be developed - 15 km / h. The gyroscur is the perfect option for training the vestibular apparatus and the lumbar department. The only difficulty is to learn how to manage it is quite difficult. In the first weeks, training is recommended to be carried out in equipment: knee pads, elbows and helmet, because Falls from this device at the first stage are almost inevitable.

The price of a gyroscur starts from 8 thousand rubles

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Monocoleso. (or monocycle) is the same gyro, with only one wheel. The balance of monocoles is controlled by tilt sensors and gyroscopes located in the wheel itself. The main condition, complied with its management - the ability to keep balance. Maximum speed up to 15 km / h. Weight does not exceed 10 kg. This is the only vehicle from the presented, which is in the folded state can be transferred in the bag. Monocoleso contributes to body coordination training. That is why it is better to ride in a helmet and knee pneaks on novice monobaykers. Yes, and this is a modern means of movement only among adolescents.

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Scientific progress does not stand still. The emergence of new composite materials, as well as ultralight and durable alloys in aggregate with the development and popularization of mobile electric transport every year gives us technological novelties of vehicles .. it beat Modern means of movement in the city, Thanks for attention!

Left-sided movement is a business card of England, as well as some other countries. But in Europe, the United Kingdom is considered the only country, where it is customary to the left. What is the reason for such a phenomenon?

Left-sided movement: historical background

According to historians, the left side of the road was chosen back in those days when London was driving around at equestrian sledding. Driving on the right, Kuccher could accidentally hurt the whip of people on the sidewalk. Therefore, all went on the left.

Some researchers believe that the left-sided movement came to the British Islands from the Romans, which once won them. It was also more convenient to go to the horse on the left, and the sword is kept in his right hand. This would quickly fight the attacker the strongest hand.

In addition, the English Bill, introduced in 1756, in favor of the "left" movement. It said that in the London Bridge now there is only movement on the left. For violation, the rule was assumed a major fine.

Exactly 20 years after Bill, a law on left-sided movement accepted throughout England. This method of movement on the car is relevant today.

Sea explanation

For a long time, the fate of Great Britain was associated with the sea. After all, only steamers and ships went to the islands. They were the binding link of England with the rest of the world. Therefore, maritime traditions closely in the way of life of the British.

Previously, ships went around the ships on the left. And for the country, so closely related to the sea, there is nothing surprising in that this custom has become land.

Today, in shipwriting accepted on the right.

Countries that repent of the United Kingdom

States using left-sided movement made their choice under the influence of the following factors:

  • Colonial cause. In the past century, England had many colonies in his submission. Therefore, after the abolition of colonization, many states have retained the usual movement scheme, as the only correct;
  • Political reason. Thanks to Napoleon, France set the tone among other countries in choosing the side of the road. Those who supported Napoleon also introduced a right-hand circuit. And those who were against, chose the left side.

Friendship of England and Japan turned to the second country by introducing a left-sided ride scheme. The new law was adopted in 1859. And acts today.

When the colonies of England in the United States got freedom, they switched to the right-hand movement, but before there were also riding, holding the left side. It was the answer of Americans invaders.

How are things with left-sided movement in the world?

The world community at 72% of the percent consists of those who choose the passage on the right. And only by 28% of those who go on the left.

In North America on Bahamas, Jamaica and Barbados left-sided movement.

In South America, this state of affairs in Suriname and Guyana.

And in Europe, England, Ireland and Malta ride in Europe. In Asia, 17 countries are adherents of the left-sided movement.

In Africa, such countries 13. And in Oceania, their number is 8. Not so little, if we consider in general.

The rest of the world chose the right side of the road for riding. But what is the reason for this choice?

Leo and right: reasons for the transition

Go on the one hand to another is not so easy. For example, in Sweden, they switched to right-hand movement due to the large number of cars suitable for this. Made a transition to a specially indicated day.

The former colonies of England in the United States have made their choice in protest against the former occupiers.

South Korea, breaking out of the Japanese oppression, also changed the "right" to "right." Similarly, they acted in China.

Features of ride from the left

Tourists who came to the country for the first time, where left-sided movement acts, notes the inconvenience of the transition to another driving style.

Some have fear when changing the side of movement. If the above factors are present, it is worth refraining from independent travel by car. After all, you can always take advantage of public transport or taxi. And to remove yourself driving is dangerous for life.

On the left side it is not difficult to ride, the main thing is to carefully look at the signs and markup, and also not to hurry. For several days of practitioners on the pleate of the streets - and now you can go to the main avenues of London.

To facilitate the task, you can build a route in the navigator in detail, as well as search for in advance on the map of the detours and parking spaces. In addition to all this, in each country there are courses where help to learn from the new side.

The result of left-sided movements are simpler rules of movement, as well as certain freedom for those who wish to show politeness on the way.

For example, there are stories that the English gentlemen ratified for the left-hand movement, as it allowed you to freely imagine the hand on a small go, and then ride without problems.

That is better: the movement on the right or left, the millions of motorists will argue. But the United Kingdom has long made his choice, and it seems, is not going to change it.

England is very different from many other European states. She has a special culture, a rich history and its traditions that have become habits. And left-hand movement for the British is also natural, like oatmeal for breakfast. In the UK, it even believes that only such a way of movement is the most faithful, comfortable and safe.

9.1. The number of movement strips for firewood vehicles is determined by markup and (or) signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 5.15.7, 5.15.8, and if there are no, then drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the roadway, the dimensions of vehicles and the necessary intervals Between them. At the same time, a party intended for oncoming traffic on the roads with a double-sided movement without a separation strip is considered half the width of the roadway, located on the left, not counting the local spearnesses of the roadway (transition-high-speed stripes, additional stripes on the rise, cash pockets of shutdowns ).

9.1 1 . On any roads with a double-sided movement, it is prohibited to move along a strip intended for the oncoming traffic, if it is separated by tram paths, a separation strip, markup 1.1, 1.3 or markup 1.11, the intermittent line of which is located on the left.

9.2. On roads with double-sided movement, having four or more bands, it is prohibited to leave for overtaking or tracing on the strip intended for the oncoming movement. On such roads, turns left or reversal can be performed at intersections and in other places, where it is not prohibited by the rules, signs and (or) markup.

9.3. On the roads with double-sided movement having three bands designated by markup (except for marking 1.9), of which the average is used to move in both directions, it is allowed to leave for this band only for overtaking, leakage, turn left or reversal. To travel to the extreme left band, intended for the oncoming traffic, is prohibited.

9.4. Outside settlements, as well as in settlements on the roads marked with 5.1 or 5.3, or where the movement is allowed at a speed of more than 80 km / h, vehicle drivers must lead them as closer to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy left bands with free right.

In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this clause and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2, the rules of vehicle drivers can use the most convenient lane for them. With intensive movement, when all lanes are busy, it is allowed to change the band only to turn left or right, turning, stop or crossing the obstacle.

However, on any roads that have three lanes to move in this direction and more, it is allowed to occupy the left left strip only with intensive movement when other bands are busy, as well as to turn left or reversal, and trucks with a maximum mass of more than 2.5 T - only for turning to the left or reversal. Departure to the left side of the roads with one-way movement for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with paragraph 12.1 of the Rules.

9.5. Vehicles, whose speed should not exceed 40 km / h or which for technical reasons cannot develop such speed, should move at the extreme right strip, except for cases of industrange, overtaking or rebuilding before turning to the left in turn or stop in the left side Roads.

9.6 The movement along the tram paths of the associated direction, located on the left at one level with the roadway, when all bands of this direction are occupied, as well as during the circulation, turning to the left or reversal, taking into account paragraph 8.5 of the Rules. At the same time, no interference should be created. To travel to the tram paths of the oncoming destination is prohibited. If traffic signs are installed before the intersection 5.15.1 or 5.15.2, the movement along the tram paths through the intersection is prohibited.

9.7. If the driving part is divided into strips of markup lines, vehicle movement should be carried out strictly according to the labels. Running the intermittent markup lines is allowed only during rebuilding.

9.8. When turning to the road with a reversing movement, the driver must conduct a vehicle in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle took the extreme right strip. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that the movement in this direction is allowed for other bands.

9.9. The movement of vehicles in dividing strips and roadbrains, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks is prohibited (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 - 24.4, 24.7, 25.2 of the rules), as well as the movement of mechanical vehicles (except mopeds) on the strips for cyclists. The movement of mechanical vehicles on cycling and cycling tracks is prohibited. Movement of road-operating and utilities machines, as well as the entrance to the shortest way of vehicles, carrying goods to trade and other enterprises and objects, located directly from the Obolin, sidewalks or pedestrian tracks, in the absence of other entry capabilities. This should be ensured by traffic.

9.10. The driver must comply with such a distance to a moving vehicle ahead, which would avoid collisions, as well as the necessary side interval, ensuring the safety of motion.

9.11. Beyond settlements on bilateral roads having two bands, the driver of the vehicle for which the speed limit is established, as well as the driver of the vehicle (vehicle composition), more than 7 m should be supported between its own and moving in front of the vehicle such a distance to Obligating his vehicles could be rebuilt without interference on the band previously occupied. This requirement does not act when driving along the road areas, on which overtaking is prohibited, as well as intensive motion and movement in an organized transport column.

9.12. On the roads with a bilateral movement in the absence of a separation band of the safety islands, the stands and elements of road structures (supports of bridges, overpasses, and the like), located in the middle of the roadway, the driver must circle on the right if signs and markup do not prescribe otherwise.

Among the motorists have long been disputes for the suspension suspension. Despite their diversity, they all are reduced to one - none of the drivers can not understand why the jeep suspension provides relatively convenient movement and, at the same time, does not justify the expectations during the ride along the ordinary asphalt road.

To understand this, first need to figure out what is an SUV. By and large, this is an ordinary car that provides additional space for the driver and passengers, and also has a lot of lifting capacity. At the same time, it is designed for movement on the problematic coating.

No matter how hard the developers of SUVs tried, but they cannot guarantee their owners of smooth driving along the usual road. This task is for only real racing machines.

But in the conditions of off-road, the jeep is indispensable. Thanks to independent pendants for the wheels, it can save a mechanical clutch with the surface of the bumpy road. After all, he becomes with an expensive one. At the height on the bumps, the jeep suspension is sharply compressed. If he had pits on his way, then the wheels fall into them smoothly, and the suspension squeezed, as if the harmonica.

In this case, much depends on the so-called road lumen of the vehicle and the design of the chassis. Also on the behavior of the jeep affects the axis - the more harder, the smashes the car will overcome the irregularities of the road.

Do not forget about the integrated, articulated axis. With it, all 4 wheels retain contact with off-road. What, in turn, affects the position of the chassis - it becomes more stable. Because of what the SUV retains the clutch with the road. That is, he can hold the equilibrium, while his left wheel moves up, and another, right, on the contrary - falls down, into the pit.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of SUVs are equipped with 3 differentials. One of them is provided in the front bridge, the other - in the rear, and the third is an intermediate drive, which is responsible for supplying energy to the back and front axle. If the wheel breaks away from the road surface, and blocked, the counterweight will be involved, which will not give the car to turn over.

When the Front and Rear Wheel of the Jeep loses contact with the road, he just stops moving on. Differentials are locked. It is not surprising, since differentials regularly monitor that all 4 wheels are simultaneously on Earth.

Large "flexibility" has Range Rover. This feature is explained by the fact that its wheelbase is equipped with sufficiently soft springs. When driving on a pit or a crystrine, the wheel of this SUV may fall into it so deeply as the suspension allows. But the jeeps with a more rigid suspension are not capable of similar "flexibility".

The presence of a soft suspension makes jeeps of indispensable vehicles in off-road conditions. At the same time, it is the cause of so uncertain behavior of the SUV on the usual road. After all, passenger cars equipped with a rigid suspension have a more reliable adhesion with asphalt concrete coating. Unlike jeeps, they do not need to constantly regulate the center of gravity.

Especially "capricious" SUV when driving down on a winding mountain road, the so-called "serpentine". When braking at each turn, the rear tires are literally broken away from the asphalt, which makes the car all the time all the time. At such moments and the driver, and its passengers can indicate that they are not in the car are, but on board the boat, which swinging on the sea waves.

And back to come back to, as it is the most typical representative of the SUV family. It is noteworthy that initially he thought not as an elite car - his developers were focused on ordinary farmers who needed a reliable and inexpensive vehicle for the daily trace of their land. They also needed to carry the hay. The classic Land Rover was not suitable for these purposes, as it did not have sufficient lifting capacity. That is why Range Rover appeared, which, by the way, was originally equipped with a rigid suspension. Otherwise, he could not carry heavy loads. But with time, not only farmers began to use these SUVs, and engineers made a pendant to a softer and spring.

Characteristic features of modern SUVs

When buying a jeep, motorists should pay attention to such a parameter as the sidewalls of the wheels - part of the tire, which is located between the inner and outer diameter of the wheel. Naturally, the thicker the sidewall, the better the grip with the road surface. As for thin sidewalls, they provide comfortable vehicle management, because the driver has to apply less effort when turning the steering wheel.

As a rule, the jeeps are completed with reinforced shock absorbers. They allow the jeep to keep the housing in the off-road driving process. But some automakers use transverse stability stabilizers for these purposes. True, many drivers dismantle them, as they make it difficult to control the vehicle.

Most motorists are not in vain regulate the suspension on SUVs. This allows them to adjust the machine under certain conditions. For example, they make a high ground clearance if they plan to move around the country roads, which are replete with bumps and pits. If their route runs along ordinary tracks with asphalt concrete coating, then the low road lumen is best.

Adjustable suspensions are called pneumatic, they were used in the first generation of Range Rover. Still, adjustable suspensions are not able to predict the jeep of the maneuverability and stability that demonstrate on the track.

True, there is another type of SUV. At the same time, manufacturers do not include these machines to jeep - they call them ordinary passenger vehicles that have a lot of lifting capacity, and also have a spacious interior. Thus, car owners have the opportunity to become the owner of such a half-day.

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