Home Torkemose Engine head - device, maintenance and repair. What is a GBC? Design and items make a GBC

Engine head - device, maintenance and repair. What is a GBC? Design and items make a GBC

Engine anyone vehicle is quite complicated technical aggregateconsisting of many mechanisms. And each of them performs its function aimed at ensuring the movement of the car. We suggest you find out what is the head of the cylinder block, and why it is needed and from which elements it consists.


The concept of GBC

To begin with, refer to the decoding. GBC is the head of the cylinder block, which is the main node of any vehicle. Its purpose is to control the combustion process occurring in the engine fuel mixes and output of exhaust gases. In fact, the CCC is a specific lid that closes the cylinder block directly.

GBC can be made of aluminum alloy or doped cast iron. When the process of casting the GBC is completed, it is subjected to an artificial aging procedure, this is done in order to get rid of the component from residual voltage. In the event that a single-row motor, then one head of the cylinder block will be installed on it. If it is a W-shaped, then a separate block of the block will be installed on each individual series of cylinders.

It is very important that the block head is reliably sealed directly with the block. It is for this that the lower part of the element is made a little wider than the top. The cylinder head gasket is used to seal two parts block.

Installation and fixation of the GBC occurs using guide pins intended for fixing the head. Directly installation is especially an important procedurewhich is carried out according to the regulations indicated for each individual car. This regulation is individual, so install the head on the "Zhiguli" and the instruction from the foreign car is extremely not recommended. As for the pins directly, they must be installed and delayed in a certain sequence, while the tightening torque must be observed. Special is used for this purpose dynamometric Key.

Remember that when tightening the screws, it is necessary to be guided by technology, and not to apply gross power, as this may lead to irreversible consequences.

This may cause the deformation of the GBC. The inside the head is set many different elements that are hidden with a lid, but we will tell about them further. The performance of this element determines the operation of the car engine as a whole, it is necessary to know and understand.

The design of the cylinder head and its basic details

With what is a CCC, we figured out. Now I would like to dwell on the designs and the main components of this node. Below will be considered the basic information about the details from which the block is consisting.

Unlike today's GBC, earlier, these elements were made of cast iron. In principle, today there are enough cars in the world in which cast-iron heads are installed. This is due to the fact that cast-iron GBC is more suitable for vehicles that function in complex temperature modes. Cast iron can withstand strong cold and sultry heat, while aluminum components are often exposed to strain and thermal shrinkage.

This is how the GBC looks like in a disassembled and dismantled form.

Separately, you should stay on the installation of the device. The gasket of the GBC is made of reinforced asbestos. This is done with the goal so that it can withstand not only a high temperature, which is characteristic of the engine operation, but also a high level of pressure. At the same time asbestos gLP gasket able to provide a high level of tightness of the cooling system channels, oil wire, as well as combustion chambers.

As for the rest of the components, we will be told about this further.

The device and decoding of the mechanisms are shown below:

  1. Gasket - As you understood, performs a very important role in the operation of the engine internal combustion.
  2. GRM (decoding - gas distribution mechanism).
  3. Carter (decoding - Case GBC). All nodes and mechanisms are located in the crankcase this device, as well as the nozzles of the cooling system, canals of the oil wire and, in fact, the combustion chamber.
  4. Special threaded outputs in which nozzles or spark plugs are installed.
  5. Directly chamber of combustion in which the process of ignition is carried out combustible mixturethat allows the car to move.
  6. GRM drive.
  7. Also here are located and planting planes along with threaded fasteners, allowing the intake and exhaust manifolds.

Let us dwell on these components. The cylinder head valves are located in one row. The angle of their inclination relative to the plane of the cylinders is 20 degrees. In some modern cars, the device is a little different, but in most cases the location of the valves is that.

We turn to the front of the GBC. If you disassemble it, then you will see that it contains a specially designated place to set the chain timing and tensioner chain. Actually, it is here that these components are located. As for the combustion chambers, they are tightly adjacent to the block, and for this purpose are specially processed by a mechanical manner. In size, the area of \u200b\u200bcompression cameras is slightly smaller than the size of the bottom of the piston. This is done so that when the internal combustion engine is working when the pistons rise up, an intensive twisting of the working mixture of the motor was provided. Accordingly, the result of combustion of combustible mixture is improved as a result of this.

From the left side of the CCC, you can see four holes for candles or injectors of the ignition system. With the back, right side, there is a special flange, which is fastened with graduation and intake manifolds. Next to this flange, the nozzles of the cooling system are mounted for which antifreeze runs.

On the top of the GBC, special holes are installed in which the guide sleeves are installed, support washers, lever support devices, as well as the camshaft bearings housing. From above the GBC itself, a special cover is installed, which is attached using eight screws.

It should also be noted that non-removable components are located in the head:

  • first of all, it is valve saddles, the purpose of which is to ensure tightness;
  • as well as valve guide sleeves.

It is important to understand that these components are set by the press method into the GBC structure. Accordingly, at home from the replacement it will be impossible - this can be done exclusively with the use of the necessary thermal equipment, as well as a specialized tool.

Some garage "crafts" still practice this repair process at home, but it is extremely recommended to do this, because uneven heating can lead to consequences:

  1. The GBC can change the geometry of its structure, as a result of which its adjacent plane to the block itself will be broken.
  2. GBC simply will be unusable from improper heating.
  3. Microcracks may appear in the head structure, to get rid of which it will be very hard.

In general, such work at home is fraught with the fact that the device is simply noticed and nothing else remains how to pass it on scrap metal. Of course, a competent specialist in the presence of the necessary equipment may try to correct the problem, but it turns out not always. Therefore, we recommend that you listen to our advice.

Maintenance and diagnostics

As is known, all vehicle mechanisms will sooner or later need to be diagnosed and maintenance. In this case, the GBC is no exception. First priority Any motorist in this matter is the periodic diagnosis of those components of the head that need this most. In particular, those subject to the greatest loads.

This is about:

  • valve performance;
  • checking the performance of valve seals;
  • gloves of the distribution pulley;
  • and, of course, the gasket is the GBC.

It may cause oil in coolant. And vice versa - hitting antifreeze into the oil system. As a result of oil entering cooling system Antifreeze will be brown (but not boiled), which will lead to engine troop, and over time - the impossibility of running it. With this refrigerant will leave expansion tank, and the motor temperature sensor on dashboard Will show boiling engine. In turn, the refrigerant hit will cause the filling of the spark plugs, which can be guessing, twisting the candle and assess its condition.

In general, the failure of the head elements and their correct work is influenced by many factors, but most of them concern timely diagnosis and repair. Even such a trifle, as the wrong tightening torque or non-compliance) may cause the deformation of the head, which can lead to the engine breakdown.

For what is held repair work? There are many cases when the head removal is inevitable.

  • the need to boring cylinders;
  • the need for pressure hooking sleeves or their saddles;
  • the failure of the valves, which implies the need to replace them or repair;
  • coloring saddles or work on their refinement;
  • the need to replace the head laying (if it is breaking or misses);
  • or, if you need to close the microcracks (this operation can be carried out without dismantling the GBC).

The cylinder head is an integral and integral part of the cylinder block. The GBC is attached from above the cylinder block, and in principle, performs a leading role in the entire car engine.

What kind of task is performed by the head of the cylinder block

Without excess pathos and exaggeration, we can say that the main one. This can be judged by the mechanisms and details of the engine, which places the head of the cylinder block.

  • The combustion chamber.
  • Place for timing (gas distribution mechanism).
  • Cooling shirt.
  • Places for nozzles or spark plugs.
  • Lubricating channels.
  • Intake and exhaust valves.

The head of the engine cylinder block from the aluminum alloy is performed, and is attached to the cylinder block. Certain requirements exist to the promotion and tightening of the GBC bolts, since the tightness of the cd and unit and block depends on the correctness of the technology.

Taking into account the fact that the repair of the CCC is often performed in garage conditions With your own hands, you need to know that a weak tightening bolts of the cylinder cylinder bolts leads to a breakdown of the gasket, which is fraught with not only the loss of oil and coolant, but also leads to the engine cylinders.

And too much effort when tightening GBC. May cause deformation of the head body, and then you have to restore the plane of the GBC.

Basic requirements for tightening bolts GBC, this, technology and torque of bolts. As a rule, for each type of engines there are their own tightening parameters that you need to strictly follow.

The placement of the chain camshaft and the chain tensioner is provided in a special cavity in the front of the head of the cylinder block.

For spark plugs, threaded connections are performed in the required quantity. Rubber holes are performed on the cutting holes for the studs of the collectors: graduation and intake.

For such parts as camshaft bearings housings, lever support sleeves, supporting washers of valve springs and valve guide sleeves from above, the cylinder head and platforms have holes.

At the location of the cylinder block and the engine cylinder head is installed.

For single-row engines, one, the overall head of the cylinder block, for multi-row heads in terms of the number of rows is envisaged.

Top of the Cylinder Cylinder Head Cover Closes Supplies rubber gasket.

Maintainability of the head of the cylinder block

A certain part of the work on replacing or, can be produced without a head. The cover of the GBC is removed and the valves are adjusted to the replacement of the caps, etc.

The head of the cylinder block is dismantled in the case when the work does not require removal from the car of the entire engine: replacing the valve sleeves, removal of nagar, replacing the bearing spills, valve trigger, etc. In case you are required or, the engine is completely dismantled.

All repair work of the engine of the engine cylinders must be performed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Amateurity can cost the failure of the entire engine.

The guide sleeves of the valves and the sidel should be inserted into the heated GBC in the cooled form. This allows, after leveling temperature, provide high-quality tension in the compound.

In the head of the engine cylinder block, it is possible to replace the bimetallic oil pump drive sleeve. The replacement is made by the method of expressing old bushings and installing new ones.

Good luck to you in practical comprehension of the cylinder head device.

Head cylinders majority gasoline engines It is made of aluminum alloy. Aluminum alloy has the advantages in the fact that it is easier than cast iron and has best characteristics thermal conductivity, so that it is easier to cool. However, it has some disadvantages, such as easy damage and higher thermal expansion.


When repairing the head of the cylinders, pay attention to the following.

Be careful not to scratch or otherwise do not damage the surfaces of the cylinder head, which is adjusted to the block head gasket and the collector laying,

The cylinder head bolts should be delayed on a cold engine, a predetermined method, in proper sequence with the application of the specified torque. There are two tightening methods - the usual method and method of tightening in the plastic deformation area.

Fig. 1 - device head of the cylinder block.

Valves and parts conjugate with them

1. Valve

Valves are made of special steel, because they are exposed to high pressures and temperatures. The valve is always pressed towards the closure direction of the spring, and when an effort is acting from distribution ValaThe valve moves down inside the valve guide sleeve in the cylinder head to open the intake or exhaust channel. Typically diameter plates inlet valve A little more than the exhaust valve.

In order to provide good seal between valve and saddlevalve the valve cone angle is usually 44.5 ° or 45.5 °.

Fig. 2 - Valve.

2. Spring valve

The valve spring is used to close the valve. Most engines are installed on the valve one spring, but two springs on the valve are used on some engines.

To prevent the valve from the pusher when the engine works on high revolutions, Springs with an unequal step or double springs are used.

Fig. 3 - types of springs valves.


The reveuming of the valve from the pusher is caused by the work of the valve spring, not associated with the work of the cam. The valve believes appears when the engine works at the speed of rotation above the maximum permissible. It not only causes an abnormal engine noise, but is the cause of the piston impact on the valve, which can damage these parts. Springs with an unequal step of asymmetric type are installed by coils with a wider step up.

The valve seat is pressed into the head of the cylinders. When the valve closes, the valve plate is tightly adjacent to the valve saddle to maintain the tightness of the combustion chamber. The valve seat also removes heat from the valve to the cylinder head for the valve cooling. Since the valve seat is exposed to hot exhaust gases and repeated contacts with the valve, it is made of special steel having high heat and wear resistance.

Fig. 4 - valve seat.

REFERENCE The valve seat usually has a 45 ° cone form to fit the valve cone. The width of the work chamfer of the valve seat is usually from 1.2 to 1.8 mm. Excessive width of the work chamfer of the valve seat probably will cause carbon penetration between the valve and the saddle, although the cooling effect will be high. If it is too narrow, it will improve the tightness, but the cooling effect will decrease.

The valve guide bushing is usually made from cast iron and pressed into the cylinder head. The valve guide sleeve sends the valve so that its working surface is properly adjacent to the valve seat. The conjugate surfaces of the valve rod and the valve guide sleeve are lubricated with engine oil. To prevent a large amount of engine oil into the combustion chamber through the gap between the valve rod and the guide sleeve, in the upper part of the valve guide, the oil seal is provided.

The non-defective movement or stirring of the valve rod in the valve guide sleeve is called the "valve jamming". It appears when the gap between the valve rod and the valve guide sleeve is too small or when they are not lubricated enough.

If the oil seal of the valve rod is destroyed or hardens, or if the clearance between the valve rod and the valve guide sleeve is excessive, motor oil It will fall into the combustion chamber. This oil will burn in the combustion chamber and emit through exhaust pipe. As a result, motor oil consumption will increase.

Typically, the oil is easier to enter the combustion chamber through the intake valve.

5. Valve turning mechanisms.

On some engines, the valve rotation mechanisms are used instead of the springs plates.

The valve rotation mechanism rotates the valve, thereby preventing a loose fit to the valve saddle caused by lead or by naigar compounds deployed on the working surface of the valve during the combustion of eaten gasoline.

Typically, the valve rotation mechanisms are installed on exhaust valves.

The valve rotation mechanism consists of a mechanism housing, a spiral spring, a flat spring and a lock.

The ring-shaped spiral spring is installed in the groove in the housing of the mechanism and is slightly flattened with a flat spring when the valve spring is installed.

Fig.5 - Valve turning mechanism

Fig. 6 - work mechanism

When the valve opens, the valve spring is compressed and its effort becomes large. This causes the outdoor portion of the flat spring slightly bending up, while the spiral spring is flattened even more. This, in turn, makes the mechanism body turn.

At this time, the point A slides, but the points in and with do not slide.

When the valve closes, that is, when the valve spring is expanding, the valve spring force is weakening.

Bending a flat spring so it becomes smaller and the spiral spring returns to its original state. This causes sliding at points in and C, whereas at the point and the sliding does not occur. Therefore, the corps of the rotation mechanism remains in the same position as with the open valve.

Toyota Motor Corporation

Often, during the repair and maintenance of the vehicle, motorists are faced with the term GBC. The young owners of the machines have a question what is the CCC and what function does it perform in the car?

The decoding of the GBC is the head of the cylinder block.

The element in question is a lid that closes the cylinders. The GBC performs an important function in the operation of the motor system and its state largely depends on the productivity of the car.
As a rule, the head of the cylinder block is made of aluminum. After the head of the unit gets the final form to be aging on a special technique. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the strong voltage arising when installing an element in the car. If the vehicle is equipped with an engine having one row, the head of the cylinder block has a standard form. If the car's motor has a different look, then the block shape of the block is determined for each block of cylinders separately.

At the bottom of the PC, you can notice a minor expansion. Thus, the manufacturer achieve a more dense fixation with the cylinder block, which provides greater reliability during the operation of the car. In addition, a special gasket is used for the density of fixation instead of the interaction of the head and blocks. For fixing the head in blocks, special guides are used, as well as original cylinder fasteners. Since each modern car Has own technical features, Installing the GBC is a complex process that is executed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Taking the GBC bolts has its own characteristics. In this case, the correct operation of the block depends not on the force of the tightening, but from the correct technology. Tightening bolts is made by specially designed for concrete Engine technologies. Dynamometric key is used as a working tool.

Consider what function does the head of the cylinder block performs.

Without exaggeration, it can be said that the GBC performs the most important function in the car engine. This can be understood by the basic elements that placed the head of the cylinder block:

  • Air mixture fuel combustion chamber.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe gases distribution mechanism.
  • Coolant sleeves.
  • Channels for lubrication engine components.
  • Valves intake and release of the fuel and air mixture.

Before performing the repair of the cylinder head itself, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some features of the work. The first thing you need to understand this moment of tightening bolts, which is provided for a certain type of engine. The wrong moment of tightening bolts leads to a premature disruption of the tightness of the gasket, which leads not only in the flow of lubricating fluid, but also antifreeze. Also, the wrong tightening of the BC bolts can lead to a violation of compression in the engine, which significantly reduces its performance.
If during a tightening fasteners to be exposed to great efforts, it can lead to deformation of the head itself. In this case, it will have to produce a large-scale reconstruction of the GBC structure.

You can delay the bolts only strictly follow the manufacturer's scheme. In connection with technical characteristics Each car has its own characteristics of the bolts and the corresponding scheme that is to stick during the work.
In front of the head of the blocks there is a special area for accommodation drive belt and the camshaft, as well as the tension chains.
For fixing the spark plugs in the cylinder head housing, special holes are performed in the required quantity. In the right-hand side of the GBC there is a special hole for studs that fix collectors of descent and release of the fuel mixture.
At the point of interaction of the head and blocks, a special hermetic gasket is installed.
The shape of the block of the block is completely dependent on the number of rows of the car engine. If the car engine is equipped with one of the cylinders, then the head is general form. In case the car engine has several rows, the lid design is provided for each row.

Features of the repair of the head of the cylinder block.

Some of the repair of the GBC is performed by the hands of car enthusiasts. The large-scale repair of the head of the cylinder block and its grinding requires the availability of specialized equipment and good skills in the repair of cars.
In order to adjust the valve or replace the expenditure elements, there is no need to contact specialized Services and pay a significant amount of funds for the work of masters. In this case Repair can be made without dismantling GBC.
To do this, you will need to remove the block cover of the blocks and adjust the valves according to the manufacturer's instructions or replace the necessary items.
If there is a boring blocks, the car's motor is removed completely. If the repair does not require the removal of the entire engine, in this case, it may be necessary to dismantle the blocks of the blocks. In addition to the repair of the cylinder block, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instruction. Otherwise, it is possible to largely violate the proper operation of the vehicle system.
Guides and fixators are installed when the GBC is reached a certain temperature, so in the garage conditions it will be difficult to perform the procedure.

In the case of grinding heads, it is also necessary to refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. In the component instruction indicates the maximum allowable moment of grinding. You also need to know from the wizard, which depth item will be processed. In case the wear of the element exceeds permissible norms, CFC recovery is not subject to. Therefore, it will have to produce overhaul Engine, with subsequent replacement of the head.

The only way to avoid sophisticated CHC problems is timely diagnosis and regular maintenance of the most important system of the car.
Good service!

The engine in its technological sense is a rather complicated unit, the unit that consists of a variety of separate parts intended to perform certain purposes. The full functioning of each part, it allows to ensure the coordinated operation of the entire mechanism. Some elements are characterized by performing some narrow-controlled functions, others get a higher "honor" and work on the transformation of one type of energy to another. That is, for example, turn fuel in the tank, by virtue of the movement.

So what is such a GBC? The decoding is quite simple, it is the head of the cylinder block. This detail refers to the most important and main in the coordinated work of the entire mechanism called the engine. It is that the process of combustion of fuel refers to this node, here the exhaust elements are released, in our understanding it is gases. To figure out how everything is arranged here, it is necessary to study and consider the entire structural core of the device and understand the main functions.

Constructive features

Previously, the CCC was made of cast-iron metal, now it slowly began to abandon it, in favor of lighter and simple alloys, on an aluminum basis. But, it is still not possible to fully delete the cast iron cylinder head from the automotive of the automatic logging, because there are such types of engines, where the temperature itself does not allow the use of light alloy. After all, there is a high probability that there will be a thermal shrinkage and, accordingly, deformation. And with such processes, the heads of cast iron are most effectively cope.

The heads are superimposed on top of cylinders, and are attached to its base through ordinary bolts or studs. The mounting type may differ even in one engine specification, it all depends on the modification and types of the device. Considering that the landing plane itself has a large area, there are several basic rules on the installation, how to screw and install and install the head so that the uniform distribution and the compound. Due to the fact that there is a difference of constructive solutions for fastening different motors Develop individual rules and mounting schemes.

In motors located in inline, one head is capable of covering the entire cylinder body. But more productive motors, the so-called V-shaped, require their GBC for each row. For providing maximum sealing between the head and block, the gasket is performed in an exact copy of the head. As a rule, gaskets are produced from a special asbestos sheet, which is refractory, regardless of which level of heating, thereby retains the tightness of the camera.

The main mechanisms of the GBC.

Among the main mechanisms and elements of the GBC shares:

  • 1. The main housing of the head, the so-called Carter, where the main system mechanisms are placed.
  • 2. The desired number of threaded holes in which candles or nozzles are installed by thought.
  • 3. Asbestos gasket.
  • 4. The combustion chamber, where fuel combustion and turning it into the working mixture.
  • 5. Disposal and gas distribution device.
  • 6. Fastening places inlet and exhaust manifold.

In addition to removable head elements, there are also non-removable, which are required to preserve the tightness of the gas distribution mechanism itself. Such devices include the "saddles" of valves. With the help of hot sprinkles mounted in the head crankcase. But to change them will need a specialized tool.

I would like to clarify that it is not recommended to remove the valve seats in the garage conditions and replaced the valve seats. After all, with uneven heating of the head, it can simply simply change its geometry. That is, the main plane of fitting to the cylinder block is disturbed, and tightness will disappear. In this case, the GBC is not subject to repair, and will have to acquire a new GBC.

All nodes and elements in the design of the car need maintenance, and often in repair. Head in this case is no exception. Preferred attention requires those parts that receive a greater load. Namely, the mechanism of gas distribution, it includes valves, glands, both valves and camshafts, head gaskets. Many factors affect wear and functioning, but the main among them relate to the service, diagnosis. Before the owner, it is an important task to constantly monitor the engine, not to give it to overheat, control the breaking flows of oil or coolant. When oils appear, it is necessary to contact the service.

Benefit from the specified overheating, it may affect the use of the tool when twisting and install, without a special measuring element, such as a dynamometer. The tightening of bolts and nuts without control will lead to the housing warming, which goes by itself to the impossibility of use. There is a whole range of activities and repair operations, where all the nuances take into account.

Often, the owner is facing the problem of replacement, removal of the head in such cases: Cylinder boring, new crimping bushings and saddles, replacement of valves, refinement, grinding saddles, grinding plane.

I hope the submitted article gave an understanding of the fact that the head is. What are the main details, parts, its components.

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