Home Steering Block head injector to remove. Removal and installation of cylinder head. Proper tightening of GBC

Block head injector to remove. Removal and installation of cylinder head. Proper tightening of GBC

Removing the GBC on the VAZ 2106 and on such engines "Zhiguli" mainly occurs either to repair the engine or the head itself. By itself, this procedure is not so difficult, but requires small preparatory work. And immediately give a list required toolwithout which you just do not do when performing this repair:

  • Current with extension
  • Patty handles
  • Head at 19 and 10
  • Dynamometer key for tightening
  1. First, if you are going to repair the engine, then it is necessary.
  2. Then you need, since the GBC bolts are located under it and getting to them is simply impossible, without removing distribution Vala.
  3. And it is also necessary to disconnect the coolant supply tube to the head, which is located with the right back of the engine, as shown in the photo below:

And disconnect the tube, removing it a little to the side:

You also need to disconnect the plug from the temperature sensor, which is shown in the photo:

Now everything is ready and you can start unscrewing the cylinder head mounting bolts to the engine block using a rather powerful head knob:

After the bolts have weakened, you can use a ratchet handle to accomplish this procedure several times faster:

After all the head bolts are unscrewed, you can lift it, holding the front part, or as it will be more convenient for you:

Now a few words about installing the GBC back to the block. First, it is necessary to replace the gasket, as it is installed at a time. Of course, it is pre-clean the block and the surface of the head from the traces of old gaskets. I did it with a special tool for removing traces of Ombra Dutch gaskets, inflicting this liquid to the entire surface of the GBC:

As a result, after about 10 minutes of waiting and thorough work with a conventional brush for clothes, a rather tangible result is obtained. For comparison, decided to do as follows: the first three combustion chambers cleaned various means, ranging from gasoline and ending with WD-40, and the last one special tool. You can see the result:

After all this is done, you can proceed to the installation of the GBC back. In order to do this, you will need a special dynamometric KeySo how to delay these bolts is needed at a certain point of force in the following order:

  • First reception: Moment of power from 33-41 N * m.
  • The second is from 95 to 118 N * m.

It is also worth noting that the order must be followed:

We establish all the removed parts in the reverse order and finally collect the VAZ 2106 engine.

Vase engine repair implies removing the head of the cylinder block. And how much it will be done correctly, the costs are so reduced during its installation (physical and financial).

The head of the cylinder block is one of the most important knots of the car, and the right repair largely ensures the reliable and long operation of the engine. And any repair begins with disassembly.

In this material it is described in detail how to remove the GBC (cylinder head) with classic cars Family VAZ.

Removing the head of the cylinder block

To begin with, we spin the nuts on the air filter cover, it does not even need a key, since these nuts have "ears", for which you can unscrew them.

By reloading the lid, go to the cooling radiator, drain the cooling fluid from it, which will fall out when the head is removed. Engine side, on the block, there is a special drainerdried by a bolt (or special drain crane).

Important! Do not forget to open the radiator lid so that a vacuum is not created that will not give the liquid drain.

Then we unscrew the air filter housing (four bolts), they press the housing to the carburetor. In case the car equipment is installed on the car, carefully disconnect the nozzles that "go" to the air filter housing.

After removing the filter cover, disconnect the nozzles from the carburetor.

Important! Do not forget, except for nozzles, disconnect the clips "Supply and throttle valve

Then disconnect the nozzles that are connected to the motor housing on the side and in front. Inexperienced motorists are recommended to record, where to disconnect which nozzle. Alternative and modern way is the shooting of key moments of disassembly on the smartphone.

Some motorists argue that the rubber does not interfere with the removal of the head, but experienced autosleys say: "Do not be lazy and remove it." The following is disconnected by the stove hose, and since it often happens "accurate", then it will take time and effort.

Now it starts disconnecting the muffler, and it takes a lot of time, as it often "carbs" to the collector. Fixtures know that best tool In such a situation - WD 40, with it, cope with many problems. Each motorist, especially with the owners domestic technology, WD 40 must be sure!

The silencer disconnected from the collector is not necessarily removed completely, it can be removed down, so that it does not interfere. With the reverse process (when put the head into place), you will be easier to get on the studs.

Now remove the valve cover. There is nothing difficult in this process, we will not stop in detail on it, the ascent of the asterisk and camshake.

Important! Prepare the pure container under the bolts so that they do not fall on the ground or dust.

The camshaft bolts, asterisks, etc., fold the camshaft cover itself, it will help not to confuse them with others and facilitate the reverse assembly.

Using a cape or head, we unscrew the nut that crept asterisk. By revealing, removing the asterisk from my place. It is not scary if the chain falls down, then it can be easily delivered. Now it remains to remove the camshaft and unscrew the head of the cylinder block itself, preparatory work We successfully spent.

To remove the camshaft, use any key that is at hand, the windows and unscrew.

Important! Unscrew the camshaft, you need from extreme nuts. This is necessary in order for it not to twist.

The head of the cylinder block is experiencing strong temperature loads. Because of this, the fastening bolts are baked. What advise experienced motorists? You need bolts carefully ride a quarter of turnover and leave in this position for a while.

Something useful for you:

Video: Removing the Classic VAZ Block

What is it for? In order for the clamping force that holds the head of the cylinder block evenly distributed to all bolts. Otherwise, if the first bolts pull out, the rest will be impossible to disrupt.

To unscrew the head you need to apply a lot of effort. But not every tool it will endure, so you need to choose it when buying it carefully so that I should not buy the next one. In order not to "dare" when unscrewing the cylinder head bolts, it is recommended to use any lever.

Do not frighten the cod, which is heard when the GBC bolt breaks, is normal. After the bolts are torn, you should be carefully unscrewed carefully. Before removing the GBC, it is worth checking out again whether everything is disconnected from it.

When a visual inspection on the subject of unknown fasteners, forgotten cables and nozzles is complete, you need to be a sharp movement, but without "fanaticism", to rip the head of the cylinder block, twin it up. This picture will appear before you.

If you follow the safety equipment, use a high-quality tool and follow the advice of more experienced motorists, you can quickly, without excess costs and safely, to independently remove the head of the cylinder block from the engine of the classic model of the vase.

The cylinder head removed the head allows you to determine the status of the valves and indicate whether the motor systems are working. On color plates valve make preliminary diagnosis Many systems and aggregates, for example, the quality of the combustible mixture on which the engine works. If all is well, then the plates of homogeneous light brown or gray.


Laying the head of the Cylinder Block VAZ 2107 does not apply to the details of the engine that come into disrepair due to wear. If the motor functions in normal mode, it will last without any problems before its first or another overhaul. But in the case of serious disorders in the operation of the power plant, the gasket may fail one of the first.

Laying the head of the Cylinder Cylinders VAZ 2107

The GBC laying is a detail of one-time use, since it changes its physical properties and geometry.

What is the gasket of the GBC

The cylinder head gasket is designed to compact the connection of the cylinder and head block. Even taking into account the fact that these components of the engine have perfectly smooth batch planes, it will not succeed in complete tightness without it, because the pressure in the combustion chambers reaches more than ten atmospheres. In addition, the compounds of oil canals, as well as the cooling shirt channels, are also required. Tightness is achieved due to uniform pressing of the gasket during the tightening of the connecting elements.

What makes gaskets GBC

The cylinder head gasket can be made of different materials:

  • metal (copper and aluminum alloys);
  • asbestos;
  • metal and asbestos combinations;
  • combinations of rubber and asbestos;
  • paronite.

The main requirements for laying are resistance to high temperatures and the ability to compress. Each of the listed materials has its pros and cons. Produced made of several layers of metal or asbestos, for example, better confront high temperatures, but it cannot provide the best tightness. Details made of rubber and paronite, on the contrary, maximize the compound of the head and block, however, their temperature stability is lower.

When choosing a gasket, it is better to give preference to a combined product, for example, made of asbestos and metal. Such seals are made of sheet asbestos, but the holes for cylinders are reinforced with metal rings. The same rings reinforced the holes under the fastening elements.

What you need to consider when choosing a GBC laying

If you are going to replace the gasket, you need to know exactly the characteristics of the engine. The fact is that the "seven" was completed with three types of power plants: VAZ 2103, 2105 and 2106, which have different diameter of cylinders. The first one is 76 mm, in the last two - 79 mm. Gaskets are manufactured in accordance with these sizes. Therefore, if you purchase a GBC seal for the engine 2103 and put it on a power unit 2105 or 2106, pistons, naturally, will burst the edge of the product with all the ensuing consequences. In the case of installation of a gasket with a diameter of a cylinder hole, equal to 79 mm on the VAZ 2103 engine, the seal will not provide the necessary tightness due to the fact that the part will not block the entire hole for the cylinders.

Causes and signs of the destruction of gasket GBC

The destruction of the sealer is characterized by its breakdown or exercise. In the first case, there is a small damage to the part, which in some cases it is even impossible to see the naked eye. When exhausting the product, damage is significantly larger. The part is deformed and loses the integrity, leaving the connection areas without sealing.

Causes of destruction

To the main reasons for which the GBC gasket fails is premature, can be attributed:

  • overheat power aggregate;
  • incorrect order or torque of fastening bolts during installation;
  • factory marriage or low quality material manufacturing material;
  • the use of poor-quality coolant;
  • violations in the engine.

Overheating of the engine most often becomes the destruction of the gasket. Usually, it arises due to interruptions in the cooling system (thermostat malfunction, radiator fan, fan switching sensor, radiator clogging, etc.). It is worth the driver to ride half a kilometer by car with a superheated engine, and the gasket will progrit.

By installing a new seal on the maintenance unit repaired, it is important to observe the order of twisting the bolts that fasten the head to the block. In addition, you must adhere to the set torque of the fastening elements. In case of non-shifting or dragging bolts, the gasket is inevitably deformed, and will later be broken.

Choosing a seal to replace, it is worth paying attention not only to its parameters, but also on the manufacturer. In no case needs to buy cheap details of unknown enterprises. The result of such savings can be unplanned motor overhaul. This also applies to coolant. A poor-quality refrigerant is able to cause corrosion and damage not only the gasket, but also the head itself.

As for violations in the work of a power plant, such processes such as detonation and the caliling ignition also have a destructive effect on the seal. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the quality of fuel and the adjustment of the ignition advance angle.

Signs of damage to the gasket GBC

The breakdown or roasting of the gasket can manifest itself in the form:

  • rapid heating and engine overheating;
  • unstable work of the power unit;
  • oils of oil or coolant from under the block head;
  • traces of cooling fluid in oil and lubrication in the refrigerant;
  • steam in exhaust gases;
  • increase pressure in the cooling system accompanied by the appearance of smoke in expansion tank;
  • condensate on candle electrodes.

Symptoms in each case will be different. It depends on what kind of place the integrity of the seal was broken. If the gasket is damaged in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole of the hole under the cylinder, then most likely there will be an overheating of the power plant with an increase in pressure in the cooling system. In this case, the hot exhaust gases under pressure will break through the place of damage to the seal in the cooling system. Naturally, Tosol or antifreeze will begin to heat quickly, increasing the temperature of the entire engine. It will increase the pressure in the system, and gas bubbles will appear in the expansion tank.

Be sure to be the opposite effect. Refrigerant hit in the combustion chamber breaks normal work Engine. The motor will begin to told, due to the fact that the fuel and air mixture diluted with coolant cannot be burned. As a result, we will receive a noticeable disruption of the engine idlingaccompanied by exhaust gases in the cooling system, refrigerant in combustion chambers and dense white smoke with a characteristic odor exhaust pipe.

If the gasket will be prohibiting somewhere between the windows of the cooling shirt and oil channels, it is possible that these two technological fluids are mixed. In this case, traces of lubricant will appear in the expansion tank, and in oil - antifreeze or toosol.

In case of damage to the gasket along the edge, it is usually observed that the oil or coolant is observed at the site of the CBC and the cylinder block. In addition, a breakthrough is possible exhaust gases Between the main parts of the engine.

Independent diagnosis

To diagnose the malfunction of the gasket, it is necessary to approach the complex. In other words, you should not immediately begin to remove the head, seeing the white smoke from the exhaust pipe, or lower oil from under the head. To make sure the seal faults, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the location of the head and the cylinder block around the perimeter. If you find leaks or refrigerant leaks, make sure that it flows from under the head.
  2. Run the engine and pay attention to the color of the exhaust and its smell. If it really looks like a thick white couple, and smells to toosol or antifreeze, muffle the motor and carefully unscrew the plug of the expansion tank. Sniff. If the exhaust gases hit the cooling system, the smell of burnt gasoline will be coming from the tank.
  3. Not twisting the lids of the expansion tank, get the engine and look at the refrigerant state. It should not contain neither gas bubbles or lubrication traces.
  4. Plush power installationlet her cool. Remove oil Prope, Inspect it and determine the oil level. If there are traces of a white-brown emulsion, or the oil level unexpectedly increased, there is mixing of technological fluids.
  5. Give the engine to work 5-7 minutes. Mock it. Remove the ignition candles, inspect the electrodes. They should be dry. If they have traces of moisture, most likely, the refrigerant flows into the cylinders.

Video: Signs of damage to the gasket GBC

Head block cylinder

In fact, the head is the lid of the cylinder block covering the cylinder. It contains the upper parts of the combustion chambers, spark plugs, intake and exhaust windows, as well as the entire gas distribution mechanism. GBC VAZ 2107 is a monolithic part, cast from aluminum alloy, but inside it there are channels where the oil and coolant circulates.

Are there any differences in the design of the cylinder head for carburetor and injection engines VAZ 2107

CHBC carburetor and injection engines "Seven" are almost the same. The only difference is the shape of intake canals. In the first, it is a round, the second is oval. The collector with a carburetor machine without alteration will not be able to completely overlap the inlet windows. Therefore, if there is a need to replace the head, this moment should be taken into account.

Cylinder head unit VAZ 2107

The main task of the GBC is to ensure the operation of the gas distribution mechanism. It serves as a case for all its elements:

Replacing and repairing the head of the Cylinder Block VAZ 2107

Considering that the GBC is a complete item, it is rather rare. Another thing, if its mechanical damage occurs. Most often, the head may be damaged or destroyed as a result:

  • road traffic accident;
  • timing malfunction (when the valves collided with pistons during operation during the engine operation);
  • failure of the details of the piston group;
  • strong overheating (cracks formed);
  • corrosion caused by the use of low-quality cooling fluids.

In all listed cases, the cylinder head must be replaced. If the malfunction of the CFC lies in the breakdown of some parts of the gas distribution mechanism, it can be repaired. To repair the head, it will need to be disconnected from the cylinder block.

Removing GBC VAZ 2107

The process of dismantling the head block of cylinders for carburetor and injector Engine Some different. Consider both options.

Dismantling of the GBC on the carburetor engine

The following tools and tools will be required to remove the head:

  • spanners on "8", "10", "12", "13", "17";
  • candle wrench;
  • cross and slotted screwdriver;
  • capacity for collecting drained coolant;
  • cut aluminum wire or durable rope.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Using the keys to "10" and on "13", disconnect the terminals from the battery, remove it and remove it aside.
  2. We unscrew the plugs of the expansion tank and the radiator.
  3. Using the key to "10", we unscrew the engine protection bolts and remove it.
  4. We find a drain plug on the cylinder block. Bottom of the car we substitute the container so that the drain fluid can fall into it. We unscrew the cork with the key to "13".
  5. When the liquid strokes from the block, we move the capacity under the radiator cork. We unscrew it and wait until the refrigerant stalks.
  6. With the help of a splind screwdriver, the edges of the locking plates of the fastening of the receiving pipe to the exhaust collector. The key to "13" turns away the nuts, we assign the receiving pipe away from the collector.
  7. The key to "10" unscrew the nuts fastening the air filter housing cover. Remove the lid, remove the filter element.
  8. Using the end key to "8" turn the four nuts, locking the filter housing plate.
  9. With the help of a crosswinter weakening the hose clamp suitable to the filter housing. Disconnect the hoses, remove the case.
  10. The horn key on "8" weaken the mounting of the air damper cable. Disconnect the cable from the carburetor.
  11. Using crusading, weakening the fuel hose clamps suitable for the carburetor. Disconnect the hoses.
  12. The key to "13" we unscrew the three nuts on the studs of the carburetor fastening. Remove the carburetor from the intake manifold along with the gasket.
  13. The key is 10 (better end) unscrew all eight nuts of the valve cover fastening.
  14. Large slotted dummy or mounting blade reject the edge of the lock washer fixing the camshaft star fastening bolt.
  15. The camshaft stars bolt are screwed down on the "17".
  16. Using the key to "10" turn the two nuts that hold the chain tensioner. Remove the tensioner.
  17. We dismantle the camshaft star.
  18. Using a wire or rope, weiss the timing chain.
  19. Disconnect the high-voltage wires from the ignition distributor.
  20. We unscrew the two screws that fasten the distributor cover. Remove the lid.
  21. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the regulator.
  22. Using the key to "13", we unscrew the nut holding the distributor housing.
  23. Remove the tramblor from its nest in the cylinder block, disconnect the wires from it.
  24. Unscrew the spark plugs.
  25. We disconnect the cooling fluid supply hose from the intake manifold, the tube of the vacuum wiring amplifier and the economizer.
  26. Using scolding with a crossbow, weakening the clamp on the nozzles of the thermostat. Disconnect nozzles.
  27. The key to "13" turns away nine nuts of the fastening bed of the camshaft.
  28. Remove the bed assembly with the camshaft.
  29. Unscrew all ten bolts of the internal attachment of the GBC to the block using the key to "12". The same tool is unscrewed one bolt of the external fastening of the head.
  30. Gently disconnect the head from the block and remove it along with the gasket and the intake manifold.

Video: Dismantling GBC VAZ 2107

Dismantling of the GBC on the injection engine

The removal of the head on the power unit with the distributed injection is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. We dismantle the battery, drain the cooling fluid, disconnect the receiving pipe in accordance with paragraph. 1-6 of the previous instruction.
  2. Disconnect the refrigerant temperature sensor feed wire.
  3. Remove the ignition candles from the head.
  4. We make disassembly valve cover, chain tensioner, stars and bed beds in accordance with paragraph 13-8 of the previous instruction.
  5. Using the key to "17", we unscrew the fuel tube fitting coming from the ramp. In the same way, disconnect the supply fuel tube.
  6. Turn off the brake amplifier hose from the receiver.
  7. Disconnect the throttle valve drive cable.
  8. Using dumping weakening the clamp and disconnect the nozzles of the cooling system from the thermostat.
  9. We make dismantling work in accordance with paragraph 27-29 of the previous instruction.
  10. Remove the head assembly with intake manifold and ramp.

Defecting and replacement of parts GBC VAZ 2107

Since we have already dismantled the head, it will not be superfluous to determine the elements of the gas distribution mechanism and replace faulty parts. This requires a number of special tools:

The process of disassembling the valve mechanism is as follows:

  1. Having twisted the nut on one of the stuffing stuck bed of the camshaft. We start the dismissaler under it.
  2. Pressing the dismissant lever, tweezers remove the valve crushers.
  3. Remove the upper plate.
  4. We dismantle the outer and inner springs.
  5. Get the top and bottom washers.
  6. We use the valve gland and remove it from the rod with thin slotted scum.
  7. Pour the valve, pressing on it.
  8. We turn the head so as to access the top of the combustion chambers.
  9. We set the mandrel on the edge of the guide sleeve and the light blows of the hammer knock the guide sleeve.
  10. We repeat the process for each of the valves.

Now that details are removed, we produce their defect. Below in the table shows the permissible dimensions.

Table: Basic parameters for defecting valve mechanisms

In the event that some of the parts do not correspond to the given one, the part must be replaced and reverse assembly.

Valves, like guide sleeves, are sold only with a set of eight pieces. And not in vain. These elements are also integrated. It is not recommended to replace only one valve or one sleeve.

The valve replacement process is to remove the damaged and install new. There are no difficulties here. But with the sleeves will have to tinker a little. They are installed with the help of the same mandrel, what we were knocked out. We need to turn the head of the valve mechanism to yourself. After that, the new guide is installed in the slot, the mandrel is put on its edge and with the help of hammer it is clogged until it stops.

Video: Repair GBC VAZ 2107

Grinding the head of the cylinder block

Grinding GBC is required to correct it with geometry or restore after welding. The shape of the head can lose with a strong overheating of the engine. Welding work With cracks, corrosion also cause a change in the normal geometric parameters of the part. The essence of grinding is to maximize its cave surface. It is necessary to ensure best connection with cylinder block.

Determine on the eye, whether the GBC lost soy form, it is impossible. This uses special tools. Therefore, grinding the head, usually, is made with each dismantling. Make it at home will not work, because the machine needs. The advice of "specialists", which, argue that the GBC can be pulled by manually about the emery circle takes not worth it. It is better to entrust this business to professionals. Especially since such work will cost no more than 500 rubles.

Installing a new gasket and engine assembly

When all faulty details are replaced and the CCC will be collected, you can start it. Here it is necessary to designate that with each installation of the head, the bolts of its attachment better use new, as they are stretched. If you do not have a special desire to buy new fasteners, do not be lazy to measure them. Their length should be no more than 115.5 mm. If some of the bolts have large sizes, it must be replaced. Otherwise, you will not be able to "stretch out" the GBC normally. And new and old bolts before installing it is recommended to soak in motor oil No less than half an hour.

Video: Replacing gasket GBC VAZ 2107

Next, install a new gasket not on the head, but on the block. You do not need any sealants. If the GBC is grapped, it will also provide the desired tightness of the compound. After mounting the head, we enjoy the bolts, but in no case we do not twist them with the effort. It is important to adhere to the installed tightening order (in the photo), and with a certain effort.

To begin with, all bolts are tightened with a torque equal to 20 nm. Next, force is increasing to 70-85.7 nm. After turning all the bolts by another 90 0, and at the same angle. The most recently tighten the bolt of the outdoor fastening of the head. The magnitude of the tightening torque for it is 30.5-39.0 nm.

Video: order and moment of tightening bolts GBC

When everything is done, we collect the engine in the reverse order for the instructions above. When the car goes 3-4 thousand kilometers, the tightening of the bolts must be checked and reaching those that will stretch over time.

Naturally, any work related to the disassembly of the engine requires costs and time. But in any case, the repair of the power unit will cost cheaper if they do it yourself. In addition, such a practice you will be useful in the future.

GBC is one of the aggregates vehiclerequiring quality service, otherwise repair is simply not avoided. How to repair, boring and refinement of the head of the Cylinder Cylinder VAZ 2106 do it yourself at home? How to dismantle and install a GBC? We will tell you about this with photos and videos in this article.


In which cases it is necessary to remove and repair the block?

The reasons for repair can be somewhat, consider them in order:

  1. The first and most common cause, as a result of which it is necessary to remove the head of the Cylinder block of the VAZ 2106 and its repair, is the wear of the gasket. The sealing gasket is worn over time, holes may appear in it, as a result of which antifreeze can fall into the engine fluid, and in the coolant - oil.
  2. The appearance of microcracks in the GBC structure. In this case, it is necessary not only to remove the head of the Cylinder block of the VAZ 2106, but the presence of special equipment that will allow quality repairs to.
  3. Breakdown guide sleeves. The failure of these elements requires urgent replacement of components.
  4. The need to repair the saddle of the head or its replacement.
  5. Replacing the camshaft or the need for its repair and defecting.

In fact, the reasons may be set, but we led the most common and most commonly found in the case of VAZ 2106 cars. More information about how repair and disassembly, boring and refinement of the cylinder head on the VAZ 2106, you can find out below.

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Phased guide to removal and repair

  1. Removing the head of the cylinder block is the responsible stage in our case. Before you begin to remove and finalize the CFC, you need to merge from the engine all antifreeze, and also remove air filter Together with the carburetor. Before this, in advance, disconnect all the nozzles and hoses of the system. For work, you will need a standard set of tools, what should be each driver, including wrench, screwdrivers and so on.
  2. When the carburetor is removed, it is necessary to start dismantling the cylinder head cover, as well as combining the labels on the crankshaft disk and camshaft. In addition, the labels on the disk camshaft must coincide with the label on the housing. Read more about this video and photos.
  3. The next stage of dismantling will be attenuating the chain tensioner and dismantling the puck. You need to dramatically remove the screw and dismantle the GBC star. You should also disassemble the VAZ 2106 camshaft together with the case. Next, rocker is removed, after which all high-voltage cables are disconnected from the spark plugs and the screws that are fixed by the GBC are unscrewed. Further, the head of the cylinder block is removed for repair, it will be prevented from deposits and formed in Nagara.

Replacing the plug

  1. Replacing the plug, as you will see on video, can cause some difficulties. Due to corrosion and deposits, it can be difficult to remove. Take advantage of the hexagon, but before that, abundantly, sprinkle the screw with the VD-40 liquid. It does not always help, but perhaps in your case it will be appropriate.
  2. If it is not possible to unscrew the plug in this way to replace it, you will have to drill it. To do this, around the perimeter around the plugs should be drilled several holes (drill through without fear, under this plug there is a thick wall, so you do not damage the unit). The main thing about this issue is not to damage the thread.
  3. The next step will install the plug. There is nothing complicated in this matter. Before installing the plug, you will need to fully clear the thread from the car and sediments, for this you can use the sharp item by type of sewing. Only after the thread is cleaned, the plug can be installed.

Replacing guide sleeves

  1. Use Pasal and Clamp to dismantle the bushings. When the elements are removed, measure their external diameters, in practice it is usually less than 0.05 mm factory.
  2. To establish the failed bushings, you will need a hammer with a mandrel and motor fluidIt may be necessary to heat the metal, for which you can use the electric stove.
  3. After the sleeves are loading (if necessary), they are lubricated with oil to make it easier.
  4. When all eight bushings are replaced with new, you need to wait for some time until the GBC cools. In this case, the inner diameter of the bushings must be deployed so that the valves do not hang out inside, but at the same time they could walk freely and did not jin.

Zenkou saddle heads

  1. As it is clear from the video, the replacement of the GBC saddle can cause some difficulties.
  2. You need to cut the metal layer in a circle, detailed scheme is given above.
  3. After that, at an angle of 120 degrees, the GBC must be cut down to the moment the round edge will appear.
  4. Then you need to make a working chamfer thick to 0.2 cm. This is done so that the valve is tightly tightened.

Video "Repair of GBC on classic cars"

About how it is done on the VAZ 2106, you can look at the video.

The cylinder head gasket is replaced with damage.
Basic signs of damage to the block head gasket:
- insufficient compression [below 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm.kv.)] In one or several cylinders;
- Gas breakthrough into the cooling system (drilling, foaming of the fluid in the radiator, the rapid drop in the coolant level in the expansion tank in the absence of external leaks);
- getting a coolant into the lubrication system (emulsion on the oil level index, the bundle of oil fused from the oil crankcase - especially noticeable in transparent capacity);
- Fit oil into the cooling system (oil film in the neck of the radiator and on the surface of the fluid in the expansion tank).
To replace the Cylinder Cylinder head gaskets 2106, you will need: a dynamometric key, a screwdriver, keys (ordinary and end) "on 8", "on 10", "at 13", "on 17".
1. Remove the battery.
2. Drain the cooling fluid from the engine cooling system (see "Replacing the coolant on the VAZ 2106").
3. Remove the air filter and the cylinder head cover (see "Installing the fourth cylinder piston to the CMT clock position").
4. Disconnect the wires from the spark plugs.
5. Remove the track cover with wires to accidentally damage it.

6. Disconnect the fastening of the receiving pipe to the gearbox by typing the bolt from the bracket.
7. Disconnect the receiving tube from the exhaust manifold (see "Replacing the muffler's reception tube").

8. Unscrew the fastening nut of the "mass" wire to the cylinder head and disconnect the wire.

9. Remove the flat washer and rhyled with hairpins.

10. Loosen the tightening of the clamps and remove the overhead hose of the thermostat and ... 11. ... Supporting radiator hose.

12. Loosen the tightening of the clamps and remove the heating hose of the intake manifold and the hose of the vacuum brake amplifier.

13. Remove the fastening nuts and remove the air intake

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