Home Transmission How to check the contract engine. Engine check - priority task before buying from the permission of the owner

How to check the contract engine. Engine check - priority task before buying from the permission of the owner

On the pages of our site, we try to raise only the most popular and current issues, giving them as full of answers as possible. The topic of buying a car, perhaps, can be called one of the most popular, and if we talk about car vehicles, then at all the top theme.

Somehow, we already talked about what you need to pay attention to when buying, etc. Today, the topic, in principle, similar, just this time we will talk specifically about how to check engine When buying a buckle car.

The greatest difficulty when checking the engine is that, in contrast to or, its condition cannot be determined "on the eye". Externally, it can be clean and tidy, but inside it can be waiting for very large troubles. How to check the motor when buying a car and not "get on money," we will now tell you.

Indeed, no one will give you inside a foreign motor, and this is normal, nothing can be done about it. However, it is not necessary to be upset, because there are certain tricks and secrets that allow you to determine the state of the motor with a very high share of accuracy, which allows you to understand this car to buy or not. Specialists STR and experienced motorists know all these secrets, well, of course, "overbugs", to whom it is not known about the cars. But how to be when such a specialist is not "at hand" or his services are indecent expensive? Everything is elementary, just enough to know where and what to watch!

Engine check when buying a car: Useful tips

The first thing is that you can never say the car to the seller, this is what you are "zero" in cars and engines, in essence. Either do not speak anything at all and keep the mysterious silence, or create a look as if they were seeing so many engines in their century that I would fit to invent " eternal Engine"... Speak exactly, keeping calm, in no case show your joy from what you saw or heard, you need this very" poker face "- a person deprived of emotions. Watch out how to answer your seller, verbost or Wrong from a direct question is a clear sign of the "Dark past" machine. Please note how to respond to your inspection of the machine's master, allows you to watch everywhere or go somewhere.

Engine check: Visual inspection of the procession space

Engine cleanliness. Ask to open the hood and make a visual inspection of the engine, guided by certain criteria. If the motor does not work, pay attention to the presence or absence of oil traces. If "threw" know somewhere "zaplinivit" gland or gasket. It is difficult to call a big misfortune, but if you think logically, the untidy engine and the untimely owner's reaction on the projected gaskets says that the owner is slurry or irresponsible. If this is the case, then where the warranty, which was carried out in a timely manner and oil, as well as other consumables changed on time, and this is already a hint of "killed motor." Although, it is only an assumption that is only assumptions, to make a specific conclusion only on the purity of the motor - not correct. You can simply determine the state of the motor without special equipment, it is in this small nuances that will eventually indicate that with the motor and in what condition it is.

On the other hand, the engine is perfect cleanliness, also does not promise you anything good. The fact is that it is not a fact that this cleanest motor yesterday was not all in oil and other mud. Modern chemistry for car wash and the engine is creating miracles, and the fact that it has just been dirty, after 15-20 minutes will radiate crystal purity. In the first case, with a dirty engine that the owner demonstrates you, you at least see what you buy and initially prepare yourself for what you have to spend money on repairs. Moreover, the sellers of such "tired" motors are usually ready to give in price so that you change the glands, gaskets and other seals. Therefore, in this case, the reason to think, perhaps under the mask of purity, is hidden by the order "tired" motor.

Oil condition. Open the cover, it should be clean, and the inner part of the case, which will be seen from the neck, should not have a plaque or dirt. The oil must be clean, Black Maslice says that the oil has changed long ago, so you will have to fork out here. And it is not known how much the owner traveled on this "black". Although, on the other hand, when buying a car, it is like a tradition, so it is not worth upset because of the upcoming oil replacement.

If oil is foaming, it may say that water gets into it. Seeing such a phenomenon further check engine No longer makes absolutely no sense. To finally "put the cross" on this car, get the engine and watch what will happen if the spray will fly out of the neck, the assumption is true, you are trying to "hang" the car with a motor that.

If all of the above is in order, continue the engine check. Ask the owner of the car to start the motor, open the hood and listen to the motor, and also watch it works. I will say what should not be: vibration, shaking, knock and uneven work, all this is not a good engine. If the motor is gasoline, and works like a diesel engine and when it is podging it "throws and turns", "we conclude - something is wrong with Motigl.

In the question of how to check the engine, the exhaust pipe plays one of the keywords

  • We continue to inspect the engine head. We go on the side of the exhaust and evaluate the color and loaf of the exhaust. Something similar happens when you breathe in the cold. The exhaust color, as well as its consistency, should be transparent.
  • If the exhaust is visible white smoke in the form of a couple, it can talk about the burned strip or not tightness in the cooling shirt.

Important forhanging: If you check the engine in winter, then the thick smoke from the exhaust can be the result of banal evaporation (condensate) when hot air falls into the cold environment and forms steam. Something similar happens when you breathe fresh frosty air ...

  • From the exhaust goes black smoke - or injector, it is at least. In the worst case, the motor can be sought more serious, problems with piston group, Nagar in the cylinders and the need to separate the engine. In general, in any case, seeing the "black" thank the owner for the demonstration, we wish successful sale And go, not turning around. It is better not to risk and searching the car without Chernuhi.
  • Smoke blue - says that. In this case, all the same as with the black smoke - we refuse the deal and go further.

Ask to give the Gat and listen to how the silencer works. Work should be smooth, no "chopping and shooting" should not be. Carefully attach a hand to the exhaust, and appreciate whether there is a pressure in your hand, if there is no pressure or it is very small, then the exhaust system has a squeak.

In more detail about how to determine the status of the engine By color exhaust.

Engine check when buying a car: the final stage - a trial check-in

If all the above tests of the engine you liked the car went successfully, all you have left - check it in practice, that is, ride. The very first thing that buyers will be neglecting buyers are too short test drive. Most often, everything is limited to short plots on the automotive car, and this in order to understand what the "beast" in front of you is very often not enough. If the motor has shown well on a short distance, and the car is still interesting to you, ask the owner to drive 10, promise to compensate for consumption and time costs. Believe me, it's better to spend money now than to break your head over the question where to find a good motorist. During the ride, turn off the music and all that can drown the sound of the motor, instead listen to the sound of the engine with an open and closed window, ask the owner a little accelerate, experiment with a sharp acceleration and see how the car behaves. Expand the car to hundreds and more (if possible, and does not contradict) and see if there is no jerks, what kind of sound does the motor, there are no extraneous noise, knock and other "left echoes".

When the trial check-in is completed, raise the hood again and there are no fresh sublists, and whether everything remained. If after the trip you saw the hint of the leakage, while the motor itself is clean and beautiful, most likely it is the second case when the motor washed to shove the car. However, if all other items when checking did not have any suspicions, then it is possible that this place of leaking oil does not constitute anything terrible and for a small discount you can agree to the purchase of this car. If the engine behaved inadequately during a test race, and after you saw a lot of oil traces, refuse to buy, pay the cost of gasoline and continue searching, this is not your car, it will buy the car that you need repair, and not a means of movement.

By buying a used car, you need to carefully treat it already at the inspection and purchase phase. A feature of the acquisition of used cars is that the warranty obligations the seller before the buyer is subsequently not carried. So it is better to identify possible flaws before buying, and not after it. Traditionally initially appearance cars. However, without a good engine, the beautiful body does not have a special value. So, under the hood, look needed.

Engine checking should begin with an inspection of space under the hood. Of course, if you buy a used car in the cabin, the engine will be washed. There cars are committed pre-sale preparation. And here if you buy a car from individual, then the perfectly washed engine must perhaps alert.Perhaps this way the seller tried to hide various oil herones. When the engine is in its usual working condition, simply speaking, dirty, then it is easier to judge it technical condition. Inspect the engine on items, they should not be. Pay attention to the state of the hoses. And also look, in what condition are the fastening bolts. The presence of characteristic scratches from turnover suggests that any repair was made with the engine. Immediately ask the seller's question that they did with this engine.

Rate the condition of the oil in the engine. For this is provided special Property. Light oil - subjected to replacement; Be sure to specify, in connection with which the oil changed. Slightly darkened oil does not constitute a serious danger, most likely, it simply fits his replacement. If the oil on it foamed and white, you can immediately stop the inspection of the car and search for another. Such signs show that in or was overheating. Unscrew the lid through which the oil is poured. With a few scratch scratching inner side You can find rust, it suggests that at one time the engine was boiling.

Take a look at the engine cooling system expansion tank, there should also be no problems here. The color and smell of the fluid is normal, and the level is between Ming and Max.

Engine and suspension diagnostics video:

After visual inspection, proceed to practical tests. Contact the owner with a request to start the engine. At this time, look at how smoke from the exhaust pipe. Blue colour Smoke - signal to the end of the inspection. The engine requires serious intervention. And concerns it both diesel and gasoline engines. Black smoke is not such a dangerous signal, however, this is a serious reason to stretch. Here the reason can be improved in the wrong adjustment of the fuel supply or the ignition system. White smoke testifies to condensate - It is not scary, droplets are also allowed from cutting pipe, of course, if it is drops, not a jet of water. In winter, it is inherent to all cars and is the norm. In the summer, of course, it should not be visible. This can be a signal of a damaged covers of the cylinder block, well, or a gasket burned.

Black smoke from the pipe May go and because of the long-term parking of the car, and this is a temporary phenomenon. Another reason may be incorrect adjustment of the carburetor or the injection system, depending on the type of car. With incorrectly adjusted fuel supply system on the pistons, a lot of car is formed, the same happens when the car works for a long time under a large load on low revs. may and in normal condition to issue black smoke on idlingTrue, it should no longer be on average. Eliminate similar causes are quite simple and without extra costs, in this situation you only need to immediately decide whether you agree to do this, or look a car better. In any case, the final answer can only give a hundred.

note that The sound from the silencer should be smooth without twitching and failures, the same applies to the engine operation. With an increase in pressure on the accelerator pedal, the turns should grow, respectively, and on the contrary, when they release the pedal, the turnover should also be descended smoothly, there should be no swimming. It can demonstrate well on-board computerIf, of course, it is in stock. If at this moment pay attention to, then there should be no excess vibration and shaking here.

Making sure that the engine works smoothly, non-clear sounds and knocks are absent, the motor looks decent and, it is desirable, there are no traces of repair, one can indicate its technical service. It remains to notice whether the silencer normally. Shut it with something - the engine must stall. If not, it means there is a disruption of tightness exhaust system. If, in addition to this, there are traces of repair, it means that you will have to put some amount of money here. And only you have the right to decide whether you are ready for it or not.

Video about car diagnostics when buying:

Summing up, it can be noted that the question, how to check the engine when buying a car, you need to set yourself before buying, not after. With the correct assessment of the status of the engine, the result of the transaction will be a car that will leave positive sensations from the new owner. And this is the most important thing if you, of course, bought it to use for a direct purpose, and not to become constant.

How to check the engine when buying a car, all starting drivers are asked for such a question, which decided to purchase a used car. And if I already wrote about checking the body before buying and you can read this article "How not to buy bugged car"(Article is located), then in this article it will be described in detail for what to pay attention to when buying a machine and checking the second most important (after the body) of the machine - engine unit.

After all, only a good engine will allow you to enjoy travel after buying a car and not waste time, money and nerves for the repair of a killed unit.

And so, raise the hood and the first thing to pay attention is for the purity of the motor. Of course, it was subjected to special before the sale, and the engine is clear. It happens when selling in the bazaar on most machines. By the way, too clean motor, even without traces of dust, should alert. Ask the seller to ride you for a while and just that it will allow you to identify extraneous noises if they are, just after the trip it will be possible to inspect the engine once again and reveal the place of oil leakage.

Before starting the engine, lift the hood and pay attention to the cold motor or not (swell it) and if the motor is really cold and at the same time it will be easily easily, then this is the reason to watch the car. After all, often sellers in the bazaar periodically warm up the engine so that for the buyer, the launch seemed the easiest.

It will not hurt to ask the seller to raise the revolutions (give gas), and bring the white sheet of paper to the exhaust pipe. If oil spots are detected on a sheet of paper after the progask, then most likely this engine has a problem with a piston group (piston rings are worn).

If the color of smoke confirms that something is not in order with the motor, to make sure the color of Nagar on the ignition candle is still helpful if the motor is gasoline, and not diesel. Remove the ignition candle (not more than one) and inspect its electrodes and a central insulator. And how to determine the state of the motor in the color of Nagar on the candle, described in detail.

If the engine is diesel, then it is desirable to determine its condition, measuring compression. After all, the compression of the diesel engine plays a huge role not only for engine power, as well as important for reliable launch, especially during the cold season (more about this). And if you measure compression and make sure it is in order, it means you can safely buy a car with such an engine. If the compression is not normal, then look for another car.

As for the inspection of the oil with the help of the probe, the majority of sellers before selling change the oil fresh and its color is usually normal. However, it is still worth pulling out the probe and pay attention to the presence of coolant in the oil. If the emulsion is visible on the dipstick, it means that the cooling fluid fell into the oil and most likely with the tightness of the block laying something is not in order.

Or with a head plane something is not in order (this will confirm the output of air bubbles in the expansion tank, with the engine running). What can cause fluid to enter the oil, can be read, but it is better to refuse such a car.

It will not hurt to lean the air filter cover and inspect the inlet silencer (air filter housing). If signs motor oil Inside will not be detected, then the engine is in order.

Remove the filling neck cover for oil (in valve cover) And inspect the internal parts of the valve mechanism using a flashlight. They should not be thick black clutch as in the photo on the left, which speaks about undime replacement Oils at which engine parts are usually worn before time. Yes, and oil canals can be partially clogged.

When the running engine is detected with the timing of TGR covered layer of deposits as in the photo, I advise you to refuse such a car.

Having twisted the lid lid from the valve cover, swipe the coin on the inner wall of the oil-wave neck - detect corrosion under the oil layer, it is possible that the motor was overheated. Do not rush to return the plug in place, boot the motor and watch the neck. The release of oil and gases from the oil-tank neck during the operation of the motor, suggests that something is not in order with the crankcase ventilation system, and the piston rings are easily worn. From such a car it is desirable to refuse.

You can not remove the lid of the oil-tank neck, and remove the hose from the fitting in the valve lid. Here the same, from the fitting of the ventilation hose of the crankcase neither gases, nor the oil should be out when the motor is operational.

When the engine is running, pay attention to the sound of work, metal stuffs should not be, and the motor should work smoothly and without interruptions (turns should not float). When you turn on even the slightest load on the generator, for example, an electric fan of the cooling system, the motor turnover should not change and the engine must work as exactly when the fan and other electrical energy consumers are turned on.

The fact that the engine does not respond (does not change turns) on the generator loaded by consumers, speaks of its perfect condition and good power.

Decision to buy a car with a motor on diesel fuel implies the reasons for which this option is selected. Reasons determine the degree and main parameters of the engine check before purchase. But the question is how to check diesel engine When buying is the main one.

Selecting diesel engine

Before coming to the salon, an understanding of the main characteristics that the engine of the car was purchased would have. Universal diesel engines do not happen, so desires should be linked to the complex. There can be no engine powerful and non-eating oil, reliable and comparable cheap in service.

Powerful motors have a large resource, reliable, but not so economical, like engines low powerwhich are less reliable and with a smaller resource.

More reliable engines without turbines, but turbocharged diesel engines have better characteristics By power with less efficiency.

By choosing the engine that suits the buyer in its indicators, you should understand the method of testing a dieselger. The engine, ultimately, determines the fate of the car being purchased.

Diesel inspection technique in the process of buying a car

Choosing a pre-car with a suicide desires, diesel should begin to explore the engine.

When buying a new car, the test technique is simpler and consists of parts of the general technique for a used car.

The check is better to split down the steps.

  1. At this step, it is necessary to inspect a diesel engine to the presence of fluid flutters characteristic to overheat the engine. Better if the flocks will be absent on the glands and in other check-in places.
  2. It is necessary to remove the nozzle that is connected air filter With the intake collector, and if the diesel is a turbocharged, then with a turbine. If traces of oil are detected in the nozzle, it is possible to wear, which is significant to the cylindrophone group or at best, the air filter is strongly dirty.
  3. Diesel should be launched and if it does not start the first time, then a hidden defect is possible. Repeat the engine launches through different intervals, not a touch of gas pedal:
    • Run is normal, then at idle it is necessary to watch exhaust gases. A small emission of smoke is allowed at the first start of the motor, but further it should not be present in the exhaust gases.
    • A quiet tapping with a diesel engine is permissible, the remaining sounds must be acceptable.
    • On the idling It is necessary to increase turns up to 3000-4000 per minute, jerk and vibrations are not allowed. The exhaust color should not be SIZE, otherwise the ignition is exposed later, the other inaccuracies of the assembly settings.
    • If at idle turns sharply and at high speed, a nasional exhaust and vibration appeared, then there will be a power loss in these modes.
    • If the exhaust is black, the engine is knocking, then you should not further be interested in such a machine.

Check engine compression and other parameters

Sometimes in addition to the technique, presented above, it is desirable to check some parameters of the engine express methods that do not claim to absolute accuracy. Sometimes these methods give useful results.

Check engine compression is preferably a special device. The diesel engine is permissible value of 36 atmospheres, at least 31 and scattering pressure on cylinders in the limit of two atmospheres.

If there is no instrument, it is possible to assess the compression, at least on the "eye". It is necessary to turn on the engine, remove the chicken cap neatly and just put it on the neck. If the gases are discarded the cover, compression is apparently not normal. Qualitative diagnostics produce only a hundred specialists.

If you have a motor, the radiator is filled with antifreeze normally, wait for the discovery of the thermostat and watch or no air bubbles in the neck of the radiator on the engine running. The appearance of bubbles indicate damage in the cylinder block.

The state of some diesel aggregates can be approximately evaluated when an operating engine is inspected by car.

To determine the state of the piston system, it is necessary to dramatically increase the speed on a heated unit to 3,000 to 5 seconds, if not smoke exhaust pipe, then dramatically raise up to 4,200 revolutions and keep 3 seconds. If there is no smoke, piston system And the turbine is working fine.

But if there is smoke, it will be increased flow Oil. The more black smoke, the less traction characteristics.

Verification of the pump pump is reduced to definition of the ability, starts up the engine, if the voltage starts, the pump is faulty.

The engine tested by the above methods should be considered conditionally passed testing, careful check is possible only in the service organization.

To the question of how to check the diesel engine when buying a car with a maximum fullness, the answer is simple - you need to contact the service center.


Testing in real road conditions is the best testing of diesel, so buying the car must be tested on the go before making a final decision.

On various high-speed modes Diesel can manifest itself in different ways, because these engines do not like high revolutions. The choice of optimal speed for the engine is important from the point of view of fuel consumption, oil and wear of the aggregates.

Therefore, to choose a diesel engine, it is necessary to treat thoroughly, thinking how to use it.

When buying a supported car Iron "heart" - the second, after the body, according to the degree of importance of the unit. Therefore, buying a used car, you will definitely need to know how to check engine service.

Visual inspection

Before checking the engine, inspect documents, body salon. Give the motor to stand 10 minutes. (If the owner has already started it) to assess the oil level. Go from the car, whose level will be below the minimum tag.

Take a look into the oil refining neck. W. good motor With mileage, the oil should be a bit darker new, and gBC details Without thick resinous, varnish sediments and nagar. Oil even a good diesel engine darkens after 1 thousand km. Inspect the location of the CBC and BC. Ideally, the junction should be without oil traces. To eliminate the "fogging" of the cover of the GBC or the pallet in most cases can be replaced by gasket. Inspect the car from the pit in order to make sure that the problem is in the laying and not in the crankshaft seal. From how to check the engine depends the sum of subsequent attachments.

With the permission of the owner

If the owner of the car allows you to evaluate the state of the turbine, remove the air pipe going to the cold part. There should be no oil there. In the opposite case, the turbine "throws" oil, which will require investments on a new "snail" or the restoration of old. Of course, such a car will be. Check the condition of the impeller by step by hand. There should be only a small axial backlash.

It is also desirable to unscrew the candles to make sure there is no oil Nalea (An explicit sign of CPG wear). The general condition of the motor's liveliness of the best thing to determine by measuring compression and checking the combustion chamber for tightness.


Uncertain launch power aggregate May talk about the following faults:

As you can see, the list has items that will require significant investments.

While conversation with the seller, determine the fact that you want to look at the cold engine launch. Since the engine start after long standing is the most indicative to determine the state. Especially relevant this condition, if you buy a diesel engine.

Diesel cycle motor is best to buy in winter. If, after a long downtime, the car starts "with a halfway", be sure that with fuel equipment, incandescent candles and compression is fine. At the very least, you will be sure that the next morning you are not waiting for a surprise.

After warming up the motor to the operating temperature, stop and start the car several times in a row. Be sure to do it if you buy diesel car. Since the engine powered by a diesel fuel can well be on the cold and very bad on the hot. It will talk about problems with a plunger pair. We make a focus on diesel engine, since it is decided to solve the problem with hot launch petrol car much easier.

Motor work

The operation of the engine largely determines the absence of the following symptoms:

  • increased vibrations;
  • , metal bell sounds.

You need to look for. Of particular danger represents sIZY smokeSince he testifies to oil fourth. At best, we finish the replacement of the oil-challenge caps, in the worst - is inevitable overhaul Motor. If you launched a cold diesel engine with mileage, it is allowed to have a small amount of gray smoke. After a few minutes of work, it should aby. At idle should not be black smoke. If the car is removed dairy filter, then it is permissible for the appearance of a row smoke with a sharp pressure of gas to the floor.

On the engine, the engine neatly boost the oil refining neck. If you see smoke, it means there is no sealing of valves. Exhaust gases break into the GBC cavity, also at idle pull off the dipstick. The presence of smoke will indicate the poor condition of the CPG or the dried ventilation of crankcase gases.

After reaching the engine operating temperature, open the lid expansion tank. Only very carefully, since there is a chance to burn hot antifreeze. Ask the owner several times to raise the rotation of the motor to 4-5 thousand from the nozzles should not go out. The opposite will indicate the test gBC pads or crack in the block. Also inside the tank, there should be no oily sediments in any case.

Test Drive

The state of the engine directly affects the dynamic indicators of the car. Try to ride in all modes of the motor operation (low, medium, high revs). With a sharp press of gas, there must be a corresponding response. If the turns are floating, or the Motor "Tupit", if desired, will accelerate sharply - financial investments will be required.


The best way to check the condition of the "heart" of the car is to hold computer diagnostic. You can independently diagnose using the OBD-II adapter and the corresponding software. Unfortunately, the universal set rarely gives useful informationTherefore, it is better to refer to specialists with profile equipment. Especially when it comes to choosing an expensive modern car.

As you check the engine when buying a premium car yourself very difficult, contact dealership. There you can measure compression, as well as inspect the cylinders with an endoscope on the subject of scaling.

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