Home Salon Toyota Camry 30 body years of release. Toyota Camry V30 - Quality and Comfort Time Tested. From Russia or from America

Toyota Camry 30 body years of release. Toyota Camry V30 - Quality and Comfort Time Tested. From Russia or from America

Alexander Konov, Maxim Goncharov

Against the background of the reference European classmates, the previous "Camry" looks like a poor relative. She has neither noble appearance nor sharp driving qualities, nor mandatory for business class prestige. But for the secondary market, the "Toyota" is, perhaps, the main dignity - it goes and does not break.

Made for America

I am sure that the numerous owners of Camry will raise Buli. How so! The most desirable, most successful business class model and suddenly - poor relative.

Sorry, but if you do not deceive yourself, why did you buy "Camry"? Just do not say that it consciously preferred to her "Mercedes-Ben" E-class, "Audi-A6" or "Lexus-GS". The deafening success of "Camry" in Russia is explained simply: the dumping on the standards of a business class Plus the highest (in terms of reliability) the reputation of the brand "Toyota".

By itself, the car is no - without explicit deficiencies, but also any bright advantages. The only "Camry", which dinedly looked against the background of the thoroughbred "Europeans", was a model in the 10th body of the 1990 sample. Machines of all subsequent generations were developed according to the laws of the American market, according to which the car should be more and cheaper.

However, the previous "Camry" still has strong side - Riding comfort. By smoothness and noise insulation, it exceeds many more dear cars. However, the groan driver "Toyota" is hardly like. Excessive driving qualities have never been the main requirement of the General Customer - Uncle Sam.

In general, you should be prepared for the fact that Camry is a Japanese car created for the American. And that with the purchase of "Toyota" you get a ticket just on the business class gallery. The first rows in this prestigious hall occupy completely different cars.

From Russia or from America?

Search previous "Camry" in Europe - an almost hopeless occupation. After the debut in 2001 she was sold there for only two years. More precisely, there were such meger quantities attended by sales. Yes, and the European "Camry" is unjustifiably expensive.

If you do not want a car with a Russian registration, you can search for an American. Ocean "Camri" is very popular, secondary market There is cheap, so it is actively involved from America.

The unconditional minus "American" is a different lighting, the frequency range of the radio and the engine control system. In our conditions, the light bulb " check Engine"They light up for each occasion - it is enough just to fix the tank when the engine is running. In addition, the motors of many cars from the USA and Canada are stuck cheap mineral Oil. The consequences can be the most unpleasant - up to the replacement of the engine.

Therefore, it is better to take "Camri", sold in due time in Russia new through official dealer. Accepted for Toyota in Russia, the intersavice interval of 10,000 km allows maintenance of the car in good condition. "History of Disease" and real mileage You can find out in the branded technical center where the car was serviced. And most importantly, Kamry in Russia is very popular. Used cars with local registration on the market are already a lot now and every day becomes more and more. There is from what to choose.

Iron so far does not rust, but sees chrome

Before body iron, even the oldest machines, anti-rolling reagents have not reached. However, Chrome S. plastic details They lick for 1-2 seasons. In addition, the electric drive of folding mirrors cease to operate from the road salt and dirt (if they do not use) and the retractable electrical switch. Cleaning helps for a while - radically problem is solved in both cases by replacement. But if without automatic folding mirrors can be done, the antenna is better to buy assembled. Replacing one rod alone usually does not help.

From frequent use, electric windows are broken down - usually driving. The mechanism changes assembly. If the air conditioner turning indicator flashes, and there is no desired coolness in the cabin, for sure the condishna inclusion relay.

Motor and box to taste

For "Camry" were offered only two gasoline engines - 2,4-liter "Four" with a capacity of 152 liters. from. and a 3-liter 186-strong V6. You can choose any - both motor are phenomenally reliable. However, the 2.4-liter is more profitable. It is economical and at the same time quite powerful, and in the Timing drive, it uses almost the eternal chain (motor V6 - belt). In addition, 2,4-liter cars are cheaper than 3 liter.

The hand 5-speed box was combined only with a 4-cylinder engine. However, most of the 2,4-liters and all 3-liter machines without exception are equipped with a 4-speed "automatic". In terms of reliability, both boxes are also flawless. The oil in them changes after 40,000 km, the clutch ("mechanics") serves an average of 120-140 thousand.

Like all Japanese cars, Kamry were offered in several fixed configurations tied to engines. W. russian cars They were rich or very rich. For example, the leather cabin was not only in the basic version with a 2.4-liter motor. Machines with a V6 engine, naturally, are equipped with a maximum.

Engines in operation

Candles - for nothing that platinum - on our gasoline has to be changed after 10,000-20,000 km. Injection nozzles It is advisable to flush in preventive purposes in 40,000 km. Drive belt auxiliary aggregates Enough on average for three years or 60,000-80,000 km. Valve gaps in both engines are regulated by the selection of pushers in thickness. However, by experience, adjustment is not required at least 200,000 km.

In cars running in Moscow, like most of the "Japanese", through one or two winters, begins to flow the radiator. New radiators that are now entering original spare parts, have become better.

If on a car with a decent mileage, disconnect the battery terminal, the motor after that can work unstable. It means to wash the block throttle valve, air flow meter and valve idle move. While the battery is connected, the control electronics adapts under contamination. But when the terminal is removed, adjustments are reset.

The only malfunction applying to statistics is the rejection of the belt tensioner of the auxiliary aggregates. If he started rumble - change.

The timing belt changes through 150,000 km. The obligatory replacement of the rollers of the belt is not provided, but they are better updated on such a run prophylactically. If the candles are working, but the engine is unstable, the first thing you need to wash the injectors and throttle valve.

When there is nothing to break

After the successful 10th model, the technical development of Kamry has practically stopped. The 20th (1996) and the 30th (2001) machines followed by it are new bodies dressed by and large on the same chassis. Since the "dozen" was very hardy, only one thing was required from the Japanese - not to spoil the successful design.

With this task, they coped almost perfectly each time. The 30th model of complaints caused only the only of the few improvements - the front suspension racks. The specifics of their design is such that for the straight-line movement of the car, the racks must be assembled in a certain aloyariness. When some of the new cars have found an entrepreneur to the right, dealers were prescribed to turn the top cups of the springs by 20 degrees. If this did not help, the racks assembled under warranty.

With the exception of this curios, the chassis of the 30th model turned out to be the same insensitive as the two predecessors. Even if the car droves on our roads from the first day, up to 120,000 km have to change only bushings and stabilizer racks, shock absorbers and brake discs. However, the life of the latter largely depends on the style of the ride. In calm drivers, drives are withstanding up to three sets of pads. In "riders" they come into disrepair not by wear, but because of the warping from overheating. This once again proves that "sharpened" under the American market "Camry" did not teach ride quickly.

Other details - hub bearings, steering thrust and tips, ball supports And Silent blocks serve more than 150,000 km. Steering Reika By this time, it still does not knock and does not flow, but levers rear suspension It turns out to be alive even on machines with runs far for 200 thousand. That's what the proven design is plus a Japanese assembly.

However, such idyll is partly due to a ruvarious frequent service every 10,000 km. For example, brake caliperwhich in branded technical centers purify and lubricate during that work perfectly. But if they do not touch them from replacing before replacing the pads, according to the experiment of mechanics, they will start to establish.

Middle service life and chassis parts replacement cost, $

Front suspension and steering

Rear suspension

30 000 - 40 000 km

40 000 - 50 000 km

brake shoes 105 + 50

brake pads 80 + 50

45 000 - 60 000 km

60 000 - 75 000 km

stabilizer racks 82 + 55

stabilizer racks 88 + 55

longitudinal levers (2 pcs.) 244 + 44

tips of steering (1 pc.) 120 + 44

cross levers (4 pcs.) 428 + 138

steering thrust (1 pc.) 135 + 50

lower levers assembled 556 + 138

* When replacing with shock absorbers.

Cost is indicated original spare parts, acquired and installed in the authorized technical center "Nissan".


It is what it is. Neither the rock nor charisma "Camri" is not worn. By the standards of a business class, this is really poor relative. But if you need a large and comfortable car, it is very a good option. After all, for a used car, reliability is essential. And in this nomination, a decent competitor from "Camry" is only one - "Nissan-Maxim". All others are not suitable at the notes. Therefore, if you take a 3-4-year-old "Toyota" in good condition, with mileage up to 100,000 km and all those spent, you can ride a very long time, spending only on service and "consumables."

It remains to find out how profitable is used "Camry". Machines 2002-2003 issues are an average of $ 19,000-25,000 with a 2.4-liter engine and $ 24,000-28,000 with 3-liter V6. It turns out that for 3-4 years, the car loses 30-40% of the initial cost. Given the reliability of Kamry, you can buy it on such conditions.

New, with a guarantee, for the same money

Instead of 4-year-old "Camry-2.4" you can buy a decent car "Golf" -class, and instead of a 3-year-old car with a V6 motor - European or japanese model middle class. True, at $ 28,000 this will fit, most likely, only with a 2-liter engine and mechanical box Transmissions. But in size it is already close to "Camry".

Another option - "Höndai Sonata" russian assembly. She also applies to the middle, but his appearance is trying to claim a business class. Moreover, for $ 27,000 "Sonata" will not only with V6 and "automat", but also in the richest configuration.

We thank the technical center "ASKO" for help in the preparation of material


The third generation of Camry began its countdown in 1990, when the consumer was ready to acquire a car better than Toyota Karina, but for the same money. The comfort and high quality of the business card of Toyota Camry V 30. The car went to export to America, Arab countries and to the union of the Union of Independent States. Pragmatic Europeans were more likely to acquire Toyota Avensis, and we have Toyota Camry. V30 became the same "people's" as in Japan.

Description of the car

Toyota Camry V30 was released only in the same body of the sedan, the base of which was increased compared to the previous generation in length by 5 cm and in width by 1 cm. The body with smooth aerodynamic forms and an elegant chrome-plated radiator grille is made in style american machines that time. Year 2005 - Restyling time, as a result of which Toyota Camry V30 acquired a new excellent optics and grille of an improved form.

The models sent to the US exports were made with less clearance, without repeaters of turns on wings and plastic caps on the headlights, unlike the glass caps for the machines that were supplied in the CIS.

Toyota Camry V30 has excellent anti-corrosion processing, even if after long operation Rust is noticeable, this means that such a car visited the accident. The increase in the base led to some deterioration of aerodynamic features, which together with a soft suspension influenced stability - 30 at high speed keeps the road.

Comfortable and rich salon Toyota. Camry V30 Even in basic configuration With 2.4-liter engines makes an impression. Riflements of brakes, mirrors, seats adjustment is made with electric drives, Japanese quality car radio, self-regulating headlights and much more.

The lounge of the salon is made of velor, the interior details of Camry V 30 are finished under the tree, wide armchairs and rear sofa, soft and comfortable, but without support from the side, although it is not even in a long journey. On the rear seat Placing three people does not cause problems, during the need you can plant and four.

The Japanese are very carefully related to security, so the passive component is provided with the presence of four airbags, and in Top equipment With a 3.0-liter engine there are six pieces. The active component is supported by ABS systems, braking force distribution system (EBD) and control emergency braking (Break Asist).

Engines and Transmission v30

On the russian roads Mostly received the recognition of Toyota Camry 30 with 2.4 liter and 3.0-liter engines. Row motor with four cylinders is equipped with vVT-I system - The operation of this mechanism is the displacement of the camshaft at an angle, in which the maximum torque is maintained depending on the revolutions. Therefore, such a motor works well on the bottoms and provides a smooth set of speed.

For some reason, Russian motorists were more like a V-6 engine with a 3.0-liter volume and a capacity of 186 horses. Although on this motor, the camshaft drive is a timing belt that needs to be changed in time so that the valves do not meet with pistons. On version 2.4 liters there is almost an eternal chain drive.

Six-cylinder engines, as a rule, equipped with 4-range automatic box With the adjustment program under the drive style driver. An option with a 2.4-liter motor was equipped with a mechanical five-speed transmission and four-range automatic transmission. It is worth noting that the MCPP mechanism is difficult to collect and it honestly works out.

Features of the body of Camry V30

On iron body Toyota. Camry V30 Sin complain, 2001 release machines are practically not affected by rust formation, however, thanks to our road builders with reagents that they refer to the roadway, chrome, applied to plastic, disappears or covered with rusty spots.

The drive salt fails, the drive of the retractable antenna and electric mechanismFolding outdoor side view mirrors. Clear and restore mechanisms are not possible, you have to look for a replacement. On the machines of the American series fades the plastic cap headlamp, but there is an opportunity to replace optics for European from glass.

In the door of the body, the characteristic breakdown is to loosen the mechanism of the stalk lift, the malfunction is eliminated by the replacement of the entire electric lifting.

It should be noted a bad rear review, even the parking sensor does not see the extreme envelope, it turns out the high back of the body. Equipped with an effective steering amplifier, the "thirty" at high speed becomes very easy to control, without receiving reverse information on the steering wheel, which can provoke an accident.

Most weakness Camry V30 is the wrong work of depreciation racks, which significantly violated the geometry of cars issued until 2004. It is typical for Toyota Camry Sv30, which was produced just at this time.

If you look at the photo of both machines on the Internet, you will see the difference in the appearance of cars.

SV30 is deprived of the smoothness of aerodynamic lines, the shape of the hood, bumper and headlights have some angularity, the radiator grille is solved in the form of longitudinal planks. Mirrors at Camry SV30 square shape and doors handles are rectangular pressure plates. This is almost a copy of Toyota Vista. rear lights. Camry ACV30 has a certain delay external viewWhat has become a characteristic feature for more late release cars.


Toyota Camry SV30 is still in demand from consumers, this car will not disappoint you, acquiring it, you get a luxurious and comfortable car with a soft and energy-intensive suspension, which is pleasant and convenient to go on a long journey.

Hello everyone.

In August last year I bought Camry of 2004 3.0 l. I wanted such from the moment of their first release, but there was not enough money at that time. When it became possible - I bought. Screw up from a classmate, he works in Toyota to Town and Painting. The car on the system tradin in the salon was on sale, he climbed it and bought it in May, and I was told. I caught fire! I want to stick to him - give. He needed to solve the housing problem, and threw. Bought, I go.

The first owner of the car traveled with the driver, mostly on the highway. Therefore, after buying a classmate changed all the links, silent blocks, rubber bands, and other suspension. I changed the rack all to the original. It would be possible on those to ride, but in winter the rear on the waves were collapsed to the bumps and then the car slightly silent. When running 126,000, the native racks did not even sweep away!? Changed with all the reasons, even the springs in front. I thought that before he would rise greatly, but no, not much. But hemorrh was having a hemorrhea - after replacing the racks, the collapse was made, so after a couple of days I feel that it pulls to the left. Came to service again. Something you did not do, - I say. There were redone without questions, but at the end they said that it always happens at all when you put new springs, after a couple of days under the weight of the car and mine sit down, so the convergence and "left". Now everything is smooth.

A month later began to notice that a light metal knock appeared on small irregularities, as if something was unwound. Digured to the service, the master rolled the master, they say - leaving the car, everything is in order. But I hear a knock. Son planted nearby, he also hears (damn, well, not hearing is glitches). The masters in another service were still checked, did not find anything. All suspension, they say - almost like new. I wait, maybe a knock outside where it gets out (although I do not like when something is knocking). The knock is heard only on small irregularities. Can anyone come across? It is clear that there a lot of things can knock, but what other than the suspension?

About comfort (not counting the knocks described above) I will not write a lot, in order not to tire anyone, it is written a lot to me - the pit swallows, does not go, but swimming. On new racks, it keeps the road definitely. He drove to Chelyabinsk on the highway, accelerated to 140 (no more than anything). I thought that I would feel sailing, as I read in many feedback here, but I did not feel, and okay. With this speed I will go extremely rarely, if only when overtaking it is necessary to accelerate. She is not the proportion of races, but for a comfortable ride.

The seats are comfortable, the back does not get tired at all. It is a pity that leather. While the skin threw the skin, even in a warm car, the skin like a frozen metal, and the heating works only if you sneeze himself. It is bad that heating has only two positions - on or off. In the focus of their whole 5 - very comfortable!

The trunk is just a huge, I will go fishing and see how much junk goes there. It's a shame that in such a car there is no handle on the inner lining of the trunk to close it, when it is dirty - you don't want to put your hands, and pull the castle - there is a plastic pad slippery.

Noise insulation is not ahti, but still better than the focus. I will change acoustics, at the same time heuma.

Salon is spacious. What pleases in a seven-year car - no crickets! Only the skin of the seats shakes. The materials of the finish are quite comfortable.

Handling - normally. Why do you expect? On rubber 215/65 R16 of another and can not be. Valley, but all this is in favor of comfortable ride, you must assume. I agree, let it, but the brains do not shake like focus or Honda chord.

Fuel consumption. This is the most sick question in a 3-liter engine. In winter, around the city with warm-up and traffic jams 19.6. Now warm, almost not warm - 16.2. On the track on the cruise control - 9.6 (105 km / h), if the pedal itself is 8.8-9.2, depending on the terrain. The fuel sensor is strangely configured, refueling under the neck and driving before the lamp will not stop, while refueling only 60 liters enters, with a tank of 70 liters. It turns out that on the burning lamp another 10 liters. Shoot where so much?

Reliability: TFU-TFU, never failed. And all the Toyota, which I had, did not let down. The worst thing that was - the near-light lamp burned down. By the way, about the headlights - the light is good, but the headlights themselves are darkened ... it is not clear only, they burned out from the inside or hungry outside, and this I noticed in all 30 bodies. In the 40-ke, the headlights are clean as a crystal, and these ...

In general, I like the car, I do not regret that I took it. Small shortcomings do not count, something with the times I will fix it, with something, I will accept something. And at least a couple of years we ride on it. These are also made engineers, but new campaign marketers. Familiar who changed 30-ku on 40-ku, regretted: Handling is better, and comfort is not toro.

Good luck on the roads.

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