Home Steering Watch how to make caterpillars from the conveyor belt. How to make a snowmobile on the caterpillars with your own hands? Simple caterpillar

Watch how to make caterpillars from the conveyor belt. How to make a snowmobile on the caterpillars with your own hands? Simple caterpillar

With an offensive winter period Two-wheeled vehicles lose their relevance. The use of a car to overcome small distances with high snowlessness is not particularly practical, but in most cases it is an impossible process. Where much better with this task is coping with a snowmobile.

Winter mechanical vehicle in most cases is equipped with caterpillar rear wheel drive and front steering skiing. High passability, versatility and simplicity of use make snowmobile to date the most popular movement tool in winter time of the year.

Features of homemade snowmobiles

You can buy a snowmobile in our time in any motosalone, both a large megalpolis and a small town, however prices of this technique forcing many winter ride lovers to make homemade snowmobile on the caterpillars with their own hands.

You can highlight the four important advantages of your own vehicle performed above the factory:

  1. The price is the most important factor for most. The cost of some aggregates of leading manufacturers of motorcycles can exceed the cost of 5-10 times assembled from undergraduate materials.
  2. Parameters - Ability to assemble a means of movement of the desired configuration. This concerns as external viewand power reserve, type of chassis, etc.
  3. Reliability is the point that even known manufacturers can always boast of products. With independent manufacture, a person uses the highest quality materials and pays special attention The most important nodes of the mechanism.
  4. Use - the ability to use materials, details and devices from other devices.

At the same time, homemade snowmobiles find their use, both on the streets of populated areas and on road-free areas of country divisions and ski resorts.

Homemade snowmobile on the caterpillars with their own hands: where to start?

1 — back light; 2 - trailed device; 3 - body (plywood, S16); 4 - side cataphoths; 5 - rear shock absorber (from the motorcycle "Dnipro", 2 pcs.); 6 - gas tank (from the start of the T-150 tractor); 7 - seat; 8 is the main frame; 9 - Switch electronic ignition (from the motorcycle "Sunrise"); 10 - ignition coil (from the "Sunrise" motorcycle); eleven - power point (from motorcycle, 14 hp); 12 - silencer (from motorcycle); 13 - steering column; 14 - steering hinge in a leather case filled with lubricant (hinge from "UAZ"); 15 - limitant vertical movement of the steering wheel skiing (chain); 16 - Rule Ski Rule Limiter; 17 - steering ski; 18 - Skying (2 pcs.); 19 - generator; 20 - clutch lever (from motoclaska); 21 - drive chain shield; 22 - footboard; 23 - the drive chain of the drive shaft; 24 - the leading shaft of the caterpillars; 25 - lower guide chain chains (polyethylene, S10, 2 pcs.); 26 - Caterpillar chain (from the header of the forage harvester, 2 pcs.); 27, 31 - upper front and rear guides (polyethylene S10, 2 pcs.); 28 - shock absorber hinge Rama propulsion (shortened rear motorcycle shock absorbers "Dnipro", 2 comp.); 29 - reference ski; 30 - rear frame spacers; 32 - rear axle.

Drawing homemade snowmobile It is the most important stage at the preparatory stage of manufacture. Here to help we use engineering skillsBut in the absence of those there are surface sketches, creating a general image of the future mechanism.

Before creating a drawing, it is necessary to determine the list of required components. The basis of the standard configuration snowmate is:

  1. Rama - Depending on the complexity of the design, it can be borrowed from a quad bike, scooter, scooter, motorcycle, etc. In the event of their absence, the part is usually cooked from metal thin-walled pipes with a diameter of about 40 mm.
  2. Seat - Given the difficult operating conditions of the equipment, the material of this element should have a high moisture-repellent ability.
  3. The engine is selected with the calculation of the required velocity and total weight of the vehicle. Most often used motorboards, scooters, motorcycles, etc.
  4. Tank - 10-15 liter metal / plastic container will fully provide carefree trips to relatively distant distances and will not take a lot of space on the unit.
  5. Skis - in the absence of ready-made optionsfor independent manufacture It is recommended to use nine / ten-layer plywood sheets with a thickness of about 3 mm.
  6. The steering wheel is chosen with the calculation of convenience and practicality. Like the frame, the engine and the seat is removed from the specified two-wheeled units.
  7. The drive is a detail transmitting torque from the engine to the caterpillar. This feature is well performing a motorcycle chain.
  8. Caterpillar is the most difficult and important element. About their species and ways of independent making it will be on.
  9. How to make homemade caterpillars?

    One of the most common materials manufacturer's manufacturer at home is car tire. A homemade caterpillar for a snowwave car has over other options one important advantage - it is made in the form of a closed contour, which significantly reduces the probability of break.

    The side of the tire is separated by a shoe knife, after which a flexible treadmill remains. The drive canvas are attached primatela - painted along plastic pipes with a diameter of about 40 mm and a thickness of about 5 mm. Cropped under the width of the tires, halfwalls are attached to the canvas using bolts (M6, etc.) with an interval of 5-7 cm.

    This way is made and homemade caterpillars from the conveyor belt. Their main advantage is the ability to select the length of the propulsion. After circumcision under the required length, special attention should be paid to the coupling. The ends of the ribbon are superimposed on each other by 3-5 cm, and they are fixed across the width of the same bolts as the primer.

    Make homemade caterpillars often help such girlfriend materials like wedge belts. Bonded in width with the help of soils, they constitute a full-fledged caterpillar cloth with already existing with inner Captures under the gear.

    Please note that the wider the caterpillar, the better the patency of the snowmobile, but worse its handling. Factory options have three samples of widths of cloths in inches: 15 - standard; 20 - wide; 24 - superwatch.

    Go to practice

    The frame made of pipes or corners is primarily equipped with a steering mechanism. Selecting the height and angle of inclination, weld the element with point welding. Install and fix the engine according to the drawing, paying attention to the absence of a strong inclination. Snowmobile should not have a long fuel line, so try to locate the tank closer to the carburetor.

    The next step is the caterpillar installation. The driven bridge with a rowed blade attach the back of the frame (on the plug, suspension, shock absorber, etc., depending on the type of construction), presenter - in the middle side of the snowmobile (most often under the driver's seat), as a short curle with the engine. The gears of both bridges are connected before.

    Motoblock homemade snowmobile

    This transformation today is particularly popular. The motoblock can be used, both partly and completely. In the first case, a carrier frame with an aggregate (engine with a steering fork and wheels) rear axis. The most difficult stage at the same time the conversion of the working shaft of the motoblock into the drive gear is becoming.

    The homemade snowmobile from the motoblock with partial use of parts is more versatile. In this case, only the engine and the steering fork are withdrawn from the donor, to the bottom of which skis are attached instead of wheels. The motor itself can be located in the back of the design.

    It should be noted that the engines of the main part of the motoblocks are calculated on the weight and pressure of the wheels, which are several times less than the caterpillar. Therefore, in order to avoid elevated wear of parts and fuel consumption, such a snowmobile is better equipped with wheels low pressure.

Dear visitors to the site "Today we will deal with how to make caterpillars yourself for crawler all-terrain vehicle And what do you need to do it? Drove ... is the most passable among their fellows, and all because the specific pressure on the soil is evenly distributed throughout the bottom plane of the caterpillar, even it is a homogeneous point of support. But on wheel allists Pressure is distributed to 4 points, so they are not rarely visited and dropped. A simple example of you why tracked tanks? Yes, everything for the same reason, to evenly distribute the huge weight of the car on the plane of the caterpillars in contact with the ground, otherwise they will simply be branded in the ground and do not move away.

The first thing you should get a conveyor belt, it looks like this.

There will also be needed a profitch of rectangular sections.
Well, naturally fasteners in the form: bolts, nuts, washers, engravers.
First we make the workpieces of the tracks according to the width of the caterpillar manufactured, saw the grinder and put in a stack)
After that, these billets need to betray the desired shape and put it on a special homemade machine. For clarity, let's see how the professional does, 40 seconds on the crimping of one trad - it's not a joke guys)

Preferably ends slightly lubricated oil
After the lattice is predicted the correct form, it still needs to screw the fang-limiters.

At the top additionally, the fittings are welded in the form of the letter " V.»

In general, such a truck should turn out.
Previously need to check and fit directly at the site of the installation of the caterpillar itself. Then you can already start assembling the caterpillar, but it is necessary to do the holes in the conveyor belt, is mainly used here homemade tools. The tube is sharpened from the end, and on the side the hole for the seizure of chopped rubber.
Tracts are also drilled by a drill of 2 holes for each edge.
Next, we already collect the caterpillar into a single whole.

In this way, homemade caterpillars are made for all-terrain vehicles, as you can see it is quite realistic to do it yourself, which significantly reduces the cost of the all-pass you gather.

Thank you all for your attention!

As soon as winter begins in our country, taking into account the climate, two-wheeled transport is cleaned into the garage until Spring. It is impossible to use a car for movement due to abundant snow. And here to help all motorists who want to move along the snow-covered road, a snowmobile snowmobile comes from the caterpillars, which can be made of a motor-block with their own hands.

The ability to buy an additional vehicle is not all, but everyone can independently construct a homemade tracked snowmobile from a motor-block.

Advantages and features of a homemade snowmobile

  • The vehicle has a mechanical drive and a tracked fiberboard, when driving on which you will not get stuck in the snowdrifts.
  • Management occurs at the expense of skis, and the steering system is ahead, so you can easily manage it.
  • Price when buying this or that vehicle It is important. Therefore, if you consider, the cost of making a snowmobile will independently be lower than five times than buy it from the manufacturer. And even cheaper it will come out due to the available motor-block and other details.
  • Reliability - where a person does not pass and will not erupt the car, the snowmobile will overcome all obstacles with ease.
  • If the snowmobile is manufactured with your own hands, then the designer is suitable for the choice of details. By doing everything yourself, you are responsible for the quality of your design. In addition, paying great attention to the nodes of the mechanism, you make a snowmobile everywhere.

Homemade Motion Snowmobile Device

This is a sought-after invention that can be made independently in the presence of high-quality details. The motoblock is taken partially (individual details) or used completely. If you decide to use it not in complete configurationIt is necessary to welcome the carrier frame with the rear axle, steering fork and wheels. The most difficult stage at the same time becomes the transformation of the working shaft of the motoblock to the drive gear.

The most practical and universal solution in the manufacture of a self-type will be the use of parts from the motoblock. It will only be necessary to withdraw from the finished motor-block fork steering and engine.

Motor can be placed in the back of the structure.

Before the start of self-making design, mark the drawing, collect all required MaterialPrepare a tool, and you can start. The design is quite simple and any person will cope with it, this is not necessary for technical education and some skills.

If you have not completed the engineering faculty and it is difficult for you to draw up a drawing, use our.

Drawing of a simple frame for homemade snowmobile

On the drawing of the frame that you will need in the manufacture of a snowmobile.

Motoblock in homemade tracked snowmobile - This is the main detail, at the expense of which your transport will move.

If you do everything correctly according to the drawing, you will have a snowmobile based on a goose.

Drawing of the sintering frame on the caterpillars

Making a snowmobile on a caterpillar go

Before starting work, decide on the tool. You can say with 100% confidence that you will need: various screwdrivers, hammer, welding, pipe bender (if there is no ready-made frame).

Before preparing a drawing for self-making snowmobile, read the standard configuration.

  1. Frame. In each snowmobile there is a frame: the more complicated the design, the more reliable and most of the frame should be. Optimal option - Take from quad bike, scooter or motorcycle. If there is no such part, it is possible to weld it yourself from pipes with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
  2. Seat. Snowmobile seat should be durable, since the design itself is quite low.

Mandatory condition: The seat must be made of waterproof material.

  1. Engine. Choosing the engine, pay attention to its power. If you want to powerful snowmobile Was, the engine should be so.
  2. Tank. The capacity of 10-15 liters made of metal is perfect for the fuel tank.
  3. Skiing. If you do not have ready skis, which can be adapted for snowmobile, they can be made independently made of wood. It is better if it is plywood not less than nine-layer.
  4. Steering wheel. When choosing a steering wheel, think about your convenience. It is best if it is borrowed from a two-wheeled unit.
  5. Caterpillars The manufacture of caterpillars is perhaps the most difficult part in all self-propelled.
  6. Drive unit. For caterpillars rotate, you will need a drive - it is best to use a chain from a motorcycle in this case.


If there is no finished frame in the presence, it is easy to cook from the profile pipe, and the form to give with the help of a pipe bender.

If it is not possible to make calculations and make a drawing, then for example, use the drawing from our site.

As soon as the frame is collected, treat it with an anti-corrosion composition and cover high-quality paint, which will withstand and moisture, and frost.


All who used to independently designed a tracked motoblock note: the manufacture of caterpillars is the most difficult process in the homemade.

The easiest way to construct them from the tires from the car. This option is the most prominent - high quality and low-cost. The item is made according to a closed circle, so the tire break cannot happen.

Snowmobile Caterpillars (Tires)

Instructions for the manufacture of caterpillars:

  • From the automotive tire: take a tire and cut off the board (it is better to do a sharp knife). It is necessary to cut so that the flexible part with the tread remains.

Many lovers homemade technology are engaged in the development and manufacture of all-terrain vehicles on caterpillar.

A variety of solutions are applied in the embodiment of ideas in life, but the biggest problem of enthusiasts of this type of transport was and remain caterpillars. Of course, no one forbids the use of factory manufacturers in its samples, but you want the all-terrain vehicle (or snowmobile), made by their own hands, had homemade caterpillars. Let's look at some ways of making caterpillars that showed sufficiently good performance characteristics.

The simplest option

A tracked propulsion for snowmobiles and lungs of all-terrain vehicles can be made on the basis of an ordinary sleeve - roller chain and conveyor belt. For the manufacture of such a caterpillar, there is no need to have special tools or snap, everything is done "on the knee."

Transport Tape Caterpillar

To extend the life of the tape, it is desirable to flash her edges with a fishing line in a step of near a centimeter (just as the seamstress makes the edges of the fabric), it will save the ribbon from grinding. Connecting ribbon in the ring can be performed by any affordable way, for example, to use a piano hinge hinge, or sew tape ends (less reliable way).

Tape thickness should be selected based on the engine power. When using motorcycle engines domestic production, nice results Shows a tape with a thickness of 8 - 10 millimeters, which is used on agricultural conveyors.

Despite the simplicity of manufacture, such a self-made caterpillar for a snowmobile has a decent resource and besides, it is easily repaired if necessary.

Tire caterpillars

Pretty common among homemade shopping caterpillars from automotive tires. For this purpose, tires are selected from trucks, It is desirable with a suitable pattern of the tread (there will be less work with the bus in the future).

Tryska caterpillar

For the manufacture of such a caterpillar, it is necessary to cut from the tire of the side, leaving only a treadmill. This work is quite laborious and requires a lot of patience, since only a well-sharpened shoe knife is applied from the tools.

To simplify the work, you can make the blade in the soap solution from time to time, then the rubber is easier cut. Alternatively, you can consider the application homemade devices For cutting, or use the electric bike, on which the pink with a small tooth is fixed (the pylon is also better to make soapy water).

First, the boards are cut off from the tire, then if necessary, the extra layers from the wrong side of the received ring are removed (if the track is too solid). After that, if the tread pattern does not satisfy the requirements of the designer, the new structure of the soils is cut.

The self-made caterpillar of the tire has a certain advantage over the above sample, since it has originally closed loopSo, it will also be reliable in times above. The disadvantage is the limited width of the finished caterpillars, but if necessary, you can use a dual and width version.

Caterpillars from belts

Attractive because of its relative simplicity, the option of making caterpillars with their own hands.

The belts with a wedge-shaped profile are connected to a single integer with the help of bribes attached to belts using rivets or screws.

Thus, a caterpillar cloth with already existing holes under the leading asterisk (for this it will be necessary only to leave the gaps between the belts).

Many ways are making a lot - the main thing to have a desire and patience, and then everything will turn out.

The caterpillar can be made by any master. If you have long thought about how to make a caterpillar, then you should read the presented recommendations. For work, you can use a variety of tools and materials. Admissible, of course, apply the caterpillar, which was made in the plant's conditions. But it will cost much more than if the manufacture you will do it yourself. The article will feature several options for the manufacture of caterpillars, one of which you can choose for yourself.

Simple caterpillar

The caterpillar can be performed on the simplest technology. It will take you the minimum amount of time. The tracked propulsion can be made on the basis of a sleeve roller chain, as well as the conveyor belt. For work, you need to prepare some set of special tools or snap. In order to extend the life of the tape, it is recommended to flash its edges using a fishing line, strengthening it at a distance equal to 1 cm. It is necessary to use the principle that applies seams to cooping the edges of the fabric, which will allow to protect the tape from damage.

The caterpillar can be made by pairing elements into a single ring, this can be done in several ways. So, it is permissible to apply a hinge by the type of piano loop, you can use a less reliable way that suggests the stripes of the tape ends. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the tape must be selected, which corresponds to the power of the motor. If an engine is supposed to use a motorcycle of domestic production, then you can apply a tape whose thickness is 10 mm, according to the type that is used on agricultural conveyors.

If the caterpillar will be manufactured by such technology, then you do not have to spend a lot of strength. Despite the fact that such a model of the caterpillars is pretty simple, it has a long service life and a large resource.

Manufacture of tracks from automotive tires

You can make the caterpillar using automotive tires. To carry out work, it is necessary to pick up tires borrowed from trucks, it is recommended to use a suitable tread pattern, while you will spend less forces when working with a bus. The manufacture of such a caterpillar needs to be made by cutting out of the tire of sides, it should be left for a treadmill. It is worth considering that this work is quite laborious and assumes the application of a large number of patience and forces, it is necessary to use an exceptionally well-sharpened shoe knife.

In order for the manufacture of caterpillars for the car with their own hands, a smaller amount of forces was spent, it is possible to produce wetting blades from time to time using a soap solution. As an alternative solution, you can use a device intended for cutting, permissible to apply an electric jigneus. For the last one you first need to fix a pet with small cloths, the pill must also be pre-moistened with water, in the process of operation, such manipulations should be performed periodically.

Technology of work

Caterpillars for the car should be made by technology, which involves the initial removal of airborne sides, after, if necessary, it is necessary to remove the extra layers that are located with the origin of the formed ring, there is a need if the track has an increased hardness. If the tread pattern is not suitable, then you need to cut a new structure that will be necessary in order for the design to be clinging for the soil.

Snowmobile caterpillar, with their own hands, made according to the above scheme, will have many advantages, even if comparing with the above option. This is due to the fact that it has a closed circuit, which indicates reliability. But there are also cons, one of which is expressed in the limited width of the caterpillar, but if there is a need, you can apply a dual width.

Production of caterpillar from belts

The following option of the caterpillars is especially attractive in that in the process of conducting work, the extra forces do not have to spend. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare straps that have a wedge-shaped profile. They have to be connected to one unit, using tillage hooks that are fixed with screws, rivets can be used as an alternative solution. As a result, it turns out a snowmobile caterpillar, with your own hands created, which has holes intended for the lead sprocket. In order to form holes, it will be necessary to leave some space between the belts.

Another option of making caterpillars

Before making a caterpillar with your own hands, you need to choose the technology of work. It is permissible to use the technique below. The carcase of the propulsion can be welded using pipes that have a rectangular cross section. It is recommended to connect them using the frame, it will make the design of the collapsible. The slotted part can be borrowed from "Burana", it will make it possible to make drive shafts, they need to fight the slotted part of the shafts, which are borrowed from the "Oka". Brake discs must be used. Working on the front shafts, you need to install brake mechanisms. Some part from the gearbox should be cut off. Making caterpillars with their own hands will allow not only to save, but also move around the snow-covered territory without any problems. This design can be used for a long time without the need for repair.

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