Home Locks Homemade Snowmobile Suspension Ratops. Homemade snowmobile on a caterpillar go with their own hands. What instruments need

Homemade Snowmobile Suspension Ratops. Homemade snowmobile on a caterpillar go with their own hands. What instruments need

Once people see snowmobile prices in the store, then ask a question how to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself, how expensive is it expensive? How starts the manufacture of homemade - a snowmobile snowmobile? Initially, it is necessary to determine which power the engine is used. We used the engine of the motoblock in 6 horse power. Usually, four-stroke engines with forced air or water cooling are installed on the motoblocks.

Motoblock can also use a reverse gearbox, centrifugal grip, steering and fuel tank. Next, you need to consider the snowmobile propulsion. The tracked drive is installed on most of them.

Best Homemade - Motoblock Snowmobile

In the manufacture of a self-made snowmobile, caterpillars from other snowpots are used for it, or homemade, collected from undergraduated materials. After selecting the caterpillar, it is necessary to determine which type of suspension to use. It is necessary to choose from two main species: suspension on rollers and sewing suspension.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. After that it is important to decide which snowmobile will be a layout. Usually, there are two steering skiing in front of the snowmobile and behind the tracked block.

The engine can be installed both from behind and in front of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself

This snowmobile can be done in a few weekends at the cottage in the garage. At first glance, his design looks very simple. If you compare its permeability in the wet or loose snow, it will not give way to many industrial snowmates.

Creating a snowmobile proceeded from the principle: the less weight and more the size of the caterpillar, the higher its permeability of deep and loose snow. Therefore, the design will be the easiest.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a motor-block on caterpillars

Four wheels are installed inside the caterpillar. When the movement occurs, they roll along the conveyor belt, with fixed plants. The caterpillar drive is carried out by a chain from the motor, special leading asterisks, through the slave shaft. They were removed from Buran.

The engine is taken from the usual motor-block, the power of which is 6 hp Quickly on it will not be attended. Soft suspension skiing and caterpillars was removed, because the snowmobile is designed for riding in a loose snow. This design was simplified and reduced snowmobile mass.

Making Cateries for Snowmobile

Consider the process of making the caterpillar. The plastic plumbing pipe is 40 mm, cuts a long 470 mm. Of these, billets will be made for soils. After that, each of them is crucified along the equal parts with a circular saw.

The soils are attached to the furniture bolts to the conveyor belt. When the caterpillar is manufactured, it is extremely important to maintain the same distance between the soils. Otherwise, the "incision" on the progress of the lead sprocket will occur, as a result of which the caterpillar will slip and slides from the rinks.

To drill holes in the conveyor belt for fastening bolts, conductor was made. For drilling holes, a tree drill was used, having a special sharpening.

This conductor allows you to drill six holes at the same time in the conveyor ribbon to attach three caterpillar primer. Leading asterisks were also purchased (2 pcs), inflatable rubber wheel (4 pieces), closed bearings №205 (2 pcs).

Tokar made a support for bearings and the leading shaft of the caterpillars. Rama snowmobile is made independently. For this purpose, square pipes 25x25 mm are used. Hinged axis of rotation of the steering wheel and skis are in the same plane and on the same line, so the continuous steering traction was used without ball lugs.

Pretty easily made ski rotation bushings. Pipe clutch, the internal thread of which is 3/4 inches, is boiled onto the front transverse beam. There are screwed nozzles with outdoor threads. They welded the thai skis rack and steering thrust. On skis are installed corners, which serve as an attachment to the rotting rack of the snowmobile. A metal line is made from below to better control snowmobile while driving on the rolled snow or an imaging.

Chain tension is regulated by the engine offset

Snowmobile control occurs quite simple. To increase the engine speed, the gase handle is used, which is located on the steering wheel. This includes an automatic centrifugal clutch, as a result of which the snowmobile begins to move. Since the engine power is small, then the snowmobile speed is 10-15 km / h. Therefore, the brakes are not provided. To stay, you need to reset the engine speed.

Caterpillars are made by any width. Choose what is more convenient to do: a narrow, but long caterpillar, or wide, but short. It is important to remember that a big caterpillar will load the engine more and complicate the snowmobile control. If the caterpillar makes a small one, then the car may fall into deep snow.

Snowmobile weight with all parts turned 76 kg. It includes: steering wheel and engine (25 kg), skis (5 kg), wheels with axes (9 kg), presenter shaft (7 kg), caterpillar (9 kg), seat with racks (6 kg).

You can reduce the weight of some details. For this size of a snowmobile with a caterpillar, the weight indicator is quite satisfactory.

Characteristic of the obtained homemade snowmobile

long frame 2000 mm;
The width of the caterpillar 470 mm;
Due to the axial collection of support rollers 1070 mm.

Homemade Motoblock Snowmobile Video

In the conditions of the harsh Russian winter it would be nice to have a snowmobile. Previously, such a car was a luxury, and it was possible to buy it only abroad. Today, this vehicle can be found in almost any motorcycle. Snowmobile can be purchased simply for entertainment (for riding on winter fishing and hunting), sometimes without it can not do at work (rescuers, foresters, geodesists). The cost of a snowmobile depends on the manufacturer, modifications, power and other factors. SAMI simple model It may cost about 100,000 rubles, and the price of a more advanced snowmobile comes to 1,000,000 rubles. Of course, if this technique is necessary for work, it is not worth saving, because the life of people may depend on the reliability of the snowmobile, especially if it is exploited by rescuers. But for entertainment, you can collect this miracle machine and at home.

Homemade Snowmobilewill be able to build anyone a little bit versed in the technique. Before starting to make a snowmobile, you need to understand what advantages you will get from it.
pros self-assembly:

  • Cost. For some it can act the most important plus. The price of a homemade snowmobile will be cheaper at times than if you purchase it in the store.
  • Characteristics. Making a snow unit, you yourself control the whole process, choose a configuration, power and appearance.
  • Reliability. Collecting the device yourself, you will use the best components and details.

You can use a high-quality car with your own hands not only in the city, it is quite safe to travel beyond the limits of settlements, ski bases and travel off-road.

Where to begin?

It is best to start working on the assembly of the device with your own hands with the drawings. To create a drawing, not unnecessary engineering skills will be. However, if you did not succeed, then you should use the Internet and print the finished scheme. World Wide Web has the opportunity to find snowmobile drawings different modifications, from the simplest and cheapest options to complex, construct that are only the experimental mechanics. The drawings are in general access, printing which you can easily build a dream car.
Studying drawings, pay attention to the mass of the unit than it will be easier, the higher it will be its permeability. Snowmobile with ease will maneuver in loose and deep snow. However, not only the mass of the finished product affects the permeability, the support area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar is equally important.

What does a snowmobile consist of?

Any snowmobiles consist of basic details that will not be treated regardless of the modification of the device, such as:

  1. Frame. You can use the frame from the old motorcycle or scooter, if there is no such, then you can cook it to order. Tokar will easily cope with such a task.
  2. Engine. You can use a motor from a motoblock, although it is worth saying that when it is power, the resulting product is better called a children's snowmobile, to overclock it until a decent speed will not work. There is an alternative to use a motor from a motorcycle or scooter. The selection of the engine depends on the mass of the snowmobile.
  3. Caterpillars The most important and at the same time complex snowmobile detail.
  4. Drive unit. Connects the engine and caterpillar. For the drive, the chain from the motorcycle is perfect.
  5. Steering wheel. It is necessary to repel from personal preferences and convenience, but most often it also takes from a scooter or motorcycle.
  6. Skiing. It is used here ready optionIf there is any or can be skiing from plywood. It is better to give preference to sheets of plywood with a thickness of at least 3 mm.
  7. Fuel tank. For this part, select the plastic or metal container. The capacity of 15 liters is quite sufficient to overcome long distances. It does not take much space.
  8. Seat. It is best to make to order, since the homemade snowmobile will be operated in harsh conditions, one should give preference to durable, wear-resistant materials. Do not forget about convenience, you must feel comfortable on it.

Is it possible to make caterpillars yourself?

This is the most difficult element for independent manufacture. Machine caterpillars play a decisive role in which speed will develop the unit, and what will be a hitch with an ice coating. Caterpillar made qualitatively made by handicrafts. Most often for caterpillars use tires from the car. First you need to free the tires from the sides, leaving only a flexible track. Now you need to make soils. To do this, use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 4 cm. It is necessary to cut it into parts of 50 cm long, the resulting billets cut into place even along. These details are attached to the tires bolts. It is important to observe the same interval of fitting of soils, otherwise the caterpillar will jump off the rink. It will be optimally attached to a distance of 5 cm from each other.
A similar method makes caterpillars. For their manufacture, you need to use the conveyor tape, which should be cut off by making the length optimal for the self-made unit. It is important to correctly hide the cropped tape correctly. For this, its ends are superimposed on each other by 5 cm and fixed with bolts.
Alternatively, for the manufacture of caterpillars, you can use the wedge belts. They are bonded by the soils, forming a caterpillar with ready-made mests under the gear.
Making caterpillars with their own hands need to take into account such a nuance: the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar, the better the device will pass along the snowdrifts, but the management will be worse. In stores, finished products are most often represented in three versions, with standard tracks, wide tracks and superworthy.
To simplify the task, instead of independent production, you can buy caterpillars in the store. Thus, you will get the opportunity to purchase caterpillars suitable under the terrain and movement conditions.

Features assembly

The finished frame, welded by the personally or borrowed from other techniques, should be equipped with a steering wheel with welding. The engine is installed strictly according to the drawing. It is best that it is located as close as possible to the carburetor. On the finished design you need to establish caterpillars that were made in advance.
When the main work is done, you can start connecting the tank, gas cables and brakes, the installation of the seat.

The easiest way to make a snowmobile

Take the fiberboard and modify it into a snowmobile - this is probably the easiest way to create an aggregate for movement in the snow. It can be used completely, you can take only some details.
If the motoblock is fully used, then it is necessary to welcome the frame with the rear axle and modify the working shaft to the drive, which should transmit rotating movements from the engine to the track.
If you do not fully use a motor block, then only the engine and the steering plug should be taken from it. You will need to install caterpillars on the bottom of the fork.
In this case, it is also necessary to take into account that the power of the motoblock is designed for the weight and pressure of wheels that are less than caterpillars. In order to avoid excessive waste of gasoline and depreciation of parts, snowmobile wheels should be low pressure.
Mini homemade snowmobile is easy to manage. By the way, if the homemade snowmobile turned out not very powerful and develops speed up to 15 km / h, it is not necessary to equip it with its brakes. To stop a self-made snowmobile, it is enough to simply reduce the turnover, and it will stop himself.
Going to work seriously and having studied all available information, for sure you will be proud of your aggregate collected yourself!

Is it possible to build a snowmobile yourself, where to start and what to pay attention to? The main nodes and aggregates are painted.

In the conditions of the harsh Russian winter it would be nice to have a snowmobile. Previously, such a car was a luxury, and it was possible to buy it only abroad. Today, this vehicle can be found in almost any motorcycle. Snowmobile can be purchased simply for entertainment (for riding on winter fishing and hunting), sometimes without it can not do at work (rescuers, foresters, geodesists).

The cost of a snowmobile depends on the manufacturer, modifications, power and other factors. The simplest model can cost about 100,000 rubles, and the price of a more advanced snowmobile comes to 1,000,000 rubles. Of course, if this technique is necessary for work, it is not worth saving, because the life of people may depend on the reliability of the snowmobile, especially if it is exploited by rescuers.

But for entertainment, you can collect this miracle machine and at home.

How to make a homemade snowmobile, and is it worth the sheepskin?

Homemade snowmobile, will be able to build anyone a little bit of teaching in the technique. Before starting to make a snowmobile, you need to understand what advantages you will get from it.
Pluses of self-assembly:

  • Cost. For some it can act the most important plus. The price of a homemade snowmobile will be cheaper at times than if you purchase it in the store.
  • Characteristics. Making a snow unit, you yourself control the whole process, choose a configuration, power and appearance.
  • Reliability. Collecting the device yourself, you will use the best components and details.

You can use a high-quality car with your own hands not only in the city, it is quite safe to travel beyond the limits of settlements, ski bases and travel off-road.

Where to begin?

It is best to start working on the assembly of the device with your own hands with the drawings. To create a drawing, not unnecessary engineering skills will be. However, if you did not succeed, then you should use the Internet and print the finished scheme.

The World Wide Web has the opportunity to find drawings of snowmobiles of different modifications, from the simplest and cheap options to complex, construct that are only experimental mechanics. The drawings are in general access, printing which you can easily build a dream car.
Studying drawings, pay attention to the mass of the unit than it will be easier, the higher it will be its permeability.

Snowmobile with ease will maneuver in loose and deep snow. However, not only the mass of the finished product affects the permeability, the support area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar is equally important.

What does a snowmobile consist of?

Any snowmobiles consist of basic details that will not be treated regardless of the modification of the device, such as:

  1. Frame. You can use the frame from the old motorcycle or scooter, if there is no such, then you can cook it to order. Tokar will easily cope with such a task.
  2. Engine. You can use a motor from a motoblock, although it is worth saying that when it is power, the resulting product is better called a children's snowmobile, to overclock it until a decent speed will not work. There is an alternative to use a motor from a motorcycle or scooter. The selection of the engine depends on the mass of the snowmobile.
  3. Caterpillars The most important and at the same time complex snowmobile detail.
  4. Drive unit. Connects the engine and caterpillar. For the drive, the chain from the motorcycle is perfect.
  5. Steering wheel. It is necessary to repel from personal preferences and convenience, but most often it also takes from a scooter or motorcycle.
  6. Skiing. It uses a ready-made version, if any, or can be skiing from plywood. It is better to give preference to sheets of plywood with a thickness of at least 3 mm.
  7. Fuel tank. For this part, select the plastic or metal container. The capacity of 15 liters is quite sufficient to overcome long distances. It does not take much space.
  8. Seat. It is best to make to order, since the homemade snowmobile will be operated in harsh conditions, one should give preference to durable, wear-resistant materials. Do not forget about convenience, you must feel comfortable on it.

Is it possible to make caterpillars yourself?

This is the most difficult element for self-making. Machine caterpillars play a decisive role in which speed will develop the unit, and what will be a hitch with an ice coating. Caterpillar made qualitatively made by handicrafts. Most often for caterpillars use tires from the car.

First you need to free the tires from the sides, leaving only a flexible track. Now you need to make soils. To do this, use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 4 cm. It is necessary to cut it into parts of 50 cm long, the resulting billets cut into place even along. These details are attached to the tires bolts.

It is important to observe the same interval of fitting of soils, otherwise the caterpillar will jump off the rink. It will optimally fix them at a distance of 5 cm from each other. The malyogic method makes caterpillars. For their manufacture, you need to use the conveyor tape, which should be cut off by making the length optimal for the self-made unit.

It is important to correctly hide the cropped tape correctly. To do this, its ends are superimposed on each other by 5 cm and fixed with bolts. As the option, for the manufacture of caterpillars you can use the wedge belts. They are bonded by the soils, forming a caterpillar with ready-made mests under the gear.

Making caterpillars with their own hands need to take into account such a nuance: the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar, the better the device will pass along the snowdrifts, but the management will be worse. In stores, finished products are most often represented in three versions, with standard tracks, wide tracks and superworthy.

To simplify the task, instead of independent production, you can buy caterpillars in the store. Thus, you will get the opportunity to purchase caterpillars suitable under the terrain and movement conditions.

Features assembly

The finished frame, welded by the personally or borrowed from other techniques, should be equipped with a steering wheel with welding. The engine is installed strictly according to the drawing. It is best that it is located as close as possible to the carburetor. On the finished design you need to establish caterpillars that were made in advance.
When the main work is done, you can start connecting the tank, gas cables and brakes, the installation of the seat.

The easiest way to make a snowmobile

Take the fiberboard and modify it into a snowmobile - this is probably the easiest way to create an aggregate for movement in the snow. It can be used completely, you can take only some details.

If the motoblock is used completely, then it is necessary to welcome the frame with the rear axle and modify the working shaft into the drive, which should transmit rotating movements from the engine to the caterpillar. If the motor unit is not completely used, then only the engine and the steering plug should be taken from it. You will need to install caterpillars on the bottom of the fork.

In this case, it is also necessary to take into account that the power of the motoblock is designed for the weight and pressure of wheels that are less than caterpillars. In order to avoid excessive waste of gasoline and depreciation of parts, the snowmobile wheels should be with a low pressure. MINE homemade snowmobile is easy to control.

By the way, if the homemade snowmobile turned out not very powerful and develops speed up to 15 km / h, it is not necessary to equip it with its brakes. To stop a self-made snowmobile, it is enough to simply reduce the turnover, and he will stop himself.

Going to work seriously and having studied all available information, for sure you will be proud of your aggregate collected yourself!

lifestyle, do it yourself, snowmobile, articles

Source: https://vodabereg.ru/lifestyle/delaem-snegohod-svoimi-rukami/

Homemade snowmobiles

Most bikers, in addition to passionate love for riding a motorcycle or a similar vehicle, are very fond of independently make different devices or to upgrade their bike. Among the man-made creations you can find a variety of and unusual devices. Including homemade snowmobiles.

You can independently draw almost any vehicle. No exception and snowmobile!

The snowmobile is not only nice to make it yourself, but also economically beneficial. After all, if a person lives in a country house, he probably has a Shedik, where you can work and have some devices like a motor-block.

Using these resources, you can spend time with pleasure, make a snowmobile. Of course, it will not be a snowmobile Yamaha, but nevertheless, the design will be quite solid. Sometimes the appearance will cause a smile in passersby. But we do not get used to these views. In addition, often homemade aggregates It turns out much more worked than industrial samples.

Let's consider in this article. Consider several examples of homemade devices that made craftsmen with their own hands.

Tips about how to make a snowmobile we wrote in the article of the same name.

1. Snowmobile Motoblock

Almost every rural resident has a motoblock in his arsenal. However, few people wondered that with some stubbornness, the motoblock would become a beautiful snowmobile. It is enough to make a drive for caterpillar and homemade rollers. Caterpillar can also be made with their own hands or use standard. The drive must be transferred from the wheel on the rink. Instead of wheels, skis are put.

at Kryptobike: Snowmobile preparation for operationPhotos from MotoHolder.ru

2. Snowmobile from moped or trades

This option is different from the classic snowmobile ski. However, his permeability is quite decent. Make this design is very simple. You need to have a moped and welding machine. Further we make new plugs for big cylinders and rejoice in life. Patency of such a thick fatbike sometimes even better than that simple snowmobile.

Photos from Obinstrumente.ru

3. Snowmaker Snowmobile

This option is a smile, however, by genius, he can exceed all previous structures. Despite his simplicity, he will go through the rolled snow. This unit is done very simple. An ordinary children's snowmaker and a motoblock as a driving force.

Photos from allkoreancars.ru

4. Snowmobile from a motoblock with the engine from the back

If you can work the welding machine, there is a metal and enough time, then on the basis of the motoblock you can make a more perfect model of snowmobile. From the standard metal profile you can cook frame design And locate the engine from behind.

Photos from Popgun.ru

5. Snowmobile with huge wheels

From the motoblock you can make a very simple snowmobile option. Instead of the wheels to attach two huge rink, and as a seat, make a sleigh. Even caterpillars will not need, and without welding you can do.

Photos from RocketCreative.ru

6. Snowmobile from chainsaws

Even this option, there are also craftsmen using a saw engine in order to create snowmobiles. With a minimum of tools and understanding the basics of building vehicles, it is not so difficult to do.

True will have to work on the frame and propulsion, but everything else gives chainsaw. The power of the engine chainsaw is quite enough to confidently push one or even two adults.

After all, the working volume is sometimes higher than the volume of moped engines, and the two-point increases the efficiency.

on Kryptobike: a snowmobile from a bike with his own handspoto from reglinez.org

7. Snowmobile with a muscular drive or a snowmobile from a bike with your own hands

Snowmobile does not have to have a motor. You can make a great snowmobile from the bike. What does he represent himself and how to do it, read in our separate article.

How to make a snowmobile from a bike?

In fact, such a snowmobile is an ordinary bike with high patency.

Homemade snowmobiles allow you to easily move along the snow-covered space even in the absence of a rolled surface. Sometimes it is enough to spend quite a bit of time and you will get a magnificent vehicle in which the soul is invested and in which you will be sure.

Make a snowmobile very simply with required tool and materials. It is enough for a set of tools of advanced motorist and a simple welding.

The question always arises: how to make a race caterpillar?

Several options are used:

        1. An old tire is taken, its board is cut and an endless tape is obtained. If you take a tire from the truck, then the caterpillar is a decent size.
      1. Ribbon is done to which auxiliary corners are attached or profile strips. They perform the role of hooks. To the tape they can be attached even with the help of conventional bolts.

Further everything is ready. It remains to make a frame and system of rinks. Transmission relationship can be combined from bicycle or motorcycle stars. Chains can also be borrowed from these vehicles. The rollers can be welded from a pipe of large diameter, and you can take ready-made rollers.

The engine is finished ready, because it is the highest-tech part of the entire installation. Her B. garage conditions Do not work.

Source: https://www.kryptobe.ru/moto/snowhod/samodelnye-snegoxody

Homemade Snowmobile: Building inexpensive design with your own hands

In the deaf areas where it is required to overcome considerable distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot acquire it and try to construct homemade snowmobile with their own hands. Build it is not easy, but if you make a maximum of patience and effort, then it will not be easy to cope with this problem.

Before proceeding to the construction of a snowmobile, first it will be necessary to choose the material. The easiest way to make a homemade frame from wooden bars. It turns out very light and quite robust design, which is considered the cheapest and the most easy to manufacture. To do this, you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet iron.
  3. Scissors for metal.
  4. Drill and rolled.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a design are indisputable. In the event of a breakdown, the wooden model will not be repaired away from the settlement. In the forest it is easy to find a girlfriend material that can be applied to repair. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile is rarely falling under the ice and does not sink in water.

Wooden design

It is known that bars and wood boards do not have a special strength in their places

connections. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to make additional corners of the metal. For this take sheet iron and cut the square plates on the width of bars with scissors. In them, roulette place places under the bolts, and then the drill drill four holes. After that, the plates bend in half strictly under 90 degrees. These will be excellent devices for durable bonding of wooden bars in the corners of the self-made frame.

Usually proceed to construction after drawing a drawing with precise size. And already on them with a hacksaw, four bars are cut off, and in the corners drill the holes for bolts. Then they are put on a flat surface of the floor in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints of the joint, the bolts are inserted and fed up with nuts.

For fastening the engine and caterpillars on the frame, there are additionally two more crossbars from bars with bolts at the ends. But before that, first make corners for fastening. They are cut out of the sheets of iron triangular shape and drilled holes in the corners.

It is better to immediately make eight pieces and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in the work.

When they are ready, crossbars are inserted inside the frame and triangles are put up. In them exactly in size drill drill holes through the bars. Then the long bolts are inserted there and tightly tighten with nuts. On this durable wooden frame will be ready, which for a long time will last on the homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade homemade. Here you need special tools and devices that may not be for everyone. Requires considerable costs to purchase them or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and durable wood design. Here you will need:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Electrodes.
  3. Mask.
  4. Bulgarian.
  5. Spanners.
  6. Passatia.
  7. A hammer.

In addition, more durable materials will need for the construction of the metal frame. They will definitely have to buy in the store, because today they are no longer found anywhere. Yes, and build a new homemade snowmobile from old details is not too much because of bad reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, before starting the construction of the frame, you need to make a simple drawing. According to its grinding parameters, cut pipes and with the help of a welding machine to combine them into a rectangle. Inside the frame insert another pair of partitions from the corner to install the engine and the caterpillars. If you make them from a chaserler, the design will be much stronger and more reliable in work.

After that, Ot metal pipe It will be necessary to simply cut two small bushings.

And then welcome them to the corners of the front part, where the turning supports for skis will be inserted. Metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as the installation of the main units and nodes.

Suspended equipment

To make a snowmobile quick and strong need to put on the frame good engine. If you install a low-power motor, then such a design will be bad to move. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. With too little square, it will drown in the big snow and will not pull even in the smooth area. Special attention should be paid to skis, which should create good stability and safety when driving at high speed.

Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

To easily move around the snow, it is very important to make a homemade snowmobile a good rubber caterpilu. Make a similar device with your own hands is not easy and better to buy it in the store completely with rollers.

Install the standard factory caterpillar on the homemade construction will not be difficult. For this, it will be necessary only to consolidate the leading shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame.

If the financial position does not allow you to buy all the device, the most expensive parts are not difficult to do yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic tube.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

The cheap homemade caterpillar for a snowmobile is usually made using a fine conveyor tape. For this, the width of the rollers scold blanks from a plastic tube. Then they are cut along the length into two equal parts and the holes are drilled under small bolts. After that, half plastic pipes Fix on trucking tape Bolts with washers and nuts. Caterpillar is ready and you need to begin further construction.

Homemade skiing

It is no secret that in winter in the deep snow is much more convenient to move on skis. They also serve as a snowmobile control device. Wooden design is easy, but for this only durable boards from birch or oak are suitable. They need to be well sued, put it, and then heat and heat the ends. No more difficult to make metal skis. To do this, it will be necessary to cut two plates from sheet steel and faded a thin corner on the sides.

To ski freely turn, metal racks from pipes are welded to them. In working condition, they hold in the front strips of the frame where it is easy to rotate.

Top to the racks weld with washers or large nuts, where the thrust are inserted to control the snowmobile.

It is not difficult to make the steering wheel with her own hands or easier to remove it from the old motorcycle. Thus, it will only remain installed the motor, as well as the seat for the driver and you can move on the road.

Source: https://tokar.guru/samodelkin/samodelnyy-snegohod-svoimi-rukami.html

Motoblock snowmobile with their own hands: how to make, drawings, manufacture of all-terrain and maarbins

The motoblock is a seasonal technique that is used mainly in the spring, summer and autumn. To B to winter time It was not idle, you can construct a snowmobile from the motoblock with your own hands. Having minimal skills of the tool, it is completely easy to do. Reverse alteration after winter does not occupy a lot of time. Thus, the motoblock will be used all year round for business.

Snowmobile is a useful unit that is able to overcome snow drifts. Technique allows you to transport a small luggage. Many residents from the northern and central regions prefer such aggregates to do from the remedies. The motoblock snowmobile gets straight and powerful enough. He has good permeability and maneuverability.

What is a motoblock

The motoblock is a universal unit that is used for agricultural work. This device helps to alleviate labor on the household plot. The design is made on the basis of a uniaxial chassis. A man who managing the motoblock goes after the car and keeps her the handles on which the controls are located.

On the motoblocks are installed mainly gasoline enginesBut there are also diesel. Power units of motoblocks have automatic rotational speed controls that simplify the operation of the operator. Engine power ranges from one to ten horsepower.

What can it be removed

To create alterations from a motorcycle, only elementary knowledge of mechanics and the presence of a tool are needed. . Strong design of the block, very successful by engineers, allows you to modify the unit.

The most common are the following typical designs:

  • snowmobile;
  • mini tractor;
  • werethod or Caracat;
  • swamp;
  • quad bike;
  • motorcycle;
  • lawn mower;
  • dump;
  • potatoes;
  • potatoes.

Mini tractor, perhaps the most popular homemade. This design has a greater level of comfort, compared with a motor-unit. Here you need to take into account the factor of the bias of the center of gravity. This problem is solved using the installation of the second slave axis and an increase in the front. The mini-tractor is often complemented by a trailer.

On the basis of the motoblock you can construct an ATV or Caracat.

You can redo the unit in a motor-roller who is able to pull the Volokushi, to transport tackle and work tools. To make yourself assembled the motorcycle yourself, you must additionally purchase some parts. The frame is constructed from a square pipe, and control levers - from a round. The finished unit has a slight speed, but it turns out very maneuverable.

You only need to attach a boat to the boat housing, and instead of cutting aluminum blades, which should be located in the same plane with the shaft (perpendicular to the movement). The tops of the blades will move through the air, the lower will be launched into the water. This makes it possible to develop a rather high speed.

The workpiece of firewood seems easy only at first glance. However, it is necessary to have endurance and considerable force. Woodwood from a motorcycle unit is a convenient and simple device with which even a teenager can cope. Inexpensive device saves time to get rid of monotonous and hard work.

What instruments need

The homemade snowmobile is used for sports activities, tourist walks, business work. After determining the assignment of the unit, the basic scheme can be changed a bit.

It is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials for work:

  • manual welding machine;
  • special mask and mittens;
  • bulgarian;
  • metal hacksaw;
  • set of files;
  • pipe bender;
  • frame pipes;
  • brackets, clamps and other fasteners;
  • small parts;
  • drill;
  • spanners;
  • clamps;
  • vice;
  • wheels.

To save money, many details and spare parts make themselves. To better imagine the design of the homemade, you can use the advice of acquaintances with experience, ready-made schemes, special literature, drawings, photos.

Look at the video where it is shown self-propelled carcreated on the basis of the motoblock.

Do a snowmobile with your own hands

Observing a particular algorithm for the installation of self-loading from a motorcycle unit, numerous errors can avoid. Snowproof technique from the motor-block must be collected in a specific sequence. Consider the phased process of independent production of snowmobile from the Motoblock "Neva".

At first, a sketch of the future design is compiled:

  • homemade frame (1);
  • the second sprocket of the intermediate shaft (2);
  • intermediate shaft (3)
  • the first asterisk of the intermediate shaft (4);
  • wonderful cradle of the crawler shaft (5);
  • caterpillar drive star (6);
  • presenter shaft of caterpillars (7);
  • two reference ski racks (8);
  • tension rinks axis (10);
  • farc (11);
  • tensioner (12);
  • four beam flanges (13);
  • four flanges of drive asterisk (14);
  • steering rack (15).

Digest Rama

First you need to weld the frame. For this use steel sheets and round pipes. Using a pipe bender, details are given a certain form, the metal is heated before that with the gas burner. You need to connect the details with the help of welding. After that, the frame is painted so that the metal is not subject to corrosion and served longer.

First, it is necessary to study the design scheme, the drawings of the all-terrain vehicle or a snowmobile console to the motoblock. The collected transportation must be operational. Typically, the scheme consists of a slave and drive parts.

The following elements are included in the slave:

  • steering column;
  • poloz;
  • shock absorbers.

Elements that are included in the leading part: Frame, force aggregate and drive. After studying the drawing, weld the frame. Pipes give the necessary form. This is done with the help of pipe bend.

To eliminate errors when creating a frame, the initial fixing of the elements is desirable to carry out point welding. When identifying errors, this connection is easier to fix. After all inaccuracies are eliminated, the design is brewed using a non-response seam.

To the resulting frame you need to weld the brackets that will be attached to the engine, seats and steering column. You can use old chairs as seats. It will come in handy and the steering wheel from the bike.

Two skis are used as a force, which are connected to the steering column using hinges.

Two skis are used as a power connected by hinges with a steering column. Bolts are swivel bushings. With constant lubrication, they serve quite a long time.

Clearance can be changed over nozzles.

On the leading part of the design you need to install the engine along with the gearbox. The future snowmobile can be made wheeled, then its maneuverability will increase, but the permeability will decrease, especially if the snow is loose.

With a tracked course, the traffic can increase, but maneuverability decreases.

Construct suspension

The shock absorption system for snow farms consists of anterior and rear suspension. These elements are designed to provide the most smooth move so that the driver does not feel vibrations during the movement of irregularities.

Telescopic suspension is one of the most common and simple designs. It consists of a shock absorber and springs that are in the rack. Therefore, the suspension smoothes the vibration of the shock type. As a rule, appliances with its use shows decent maneuverability.

In order to make independent rear and front suspensions, you need to connect spars connecting with a row and sleeve sleeve. With this option, the smooth move is ensured. For the front suspension, you can also use regular shock absorbers from a motorcycle.

We make wheels

Wheel installation. Snowmobiles usually apply cameras from truck. Due to the hub, they join the suspension. With the help of such wheels, the ease of control and safety of motion is ensured. For the manufacture you need to wear chains for a winter ride. The chambers must then be administered, the ribbed chains will turn them into circles with a ribbed surface.

There is another way. Two disks made of metal are connected to each other, then they are attached to the sleeve, and then the camera is put on them, which is fixed with pieces of conveyor belt. To protect the chamber, you can use the tire protector.


Most. simple way Make the lighting is the use of a "native" electrical generator. Manufacturers of motorcycles such an opportunity also provide electrical generators with power reserve. Therefore, energy is enough to feed additional electrical equipment: Pointers of turns, headlights, beep.

Connect light from quite simple:

  1. The electric generator must be connected with a switch with switch on the steering column.
  2. The switches are breeding the wiring on the equipment: beep, headlight, turn signpost.
  3. Wires are placed in a protective channel so that they do not interfere with the driver.

To illuminate your unit, halogen lamps can be used, but they quickly fail. It is better to make a headlight from the device on five-time LEDs, which economically spend electricity, shine brightly and far.

Other types of cars

You can also collect a quad bike from the motoblock, however, the ultra-high speed this unit does not develop, but on maneuverability and passability is not inferior to its brand "brother". Landing B. homemade quad bike It remains traditional, not a motorcycle. Wheels are used from any passenger car.

It is worth mentioning by interesting homemade called Caracat. The force of the machine is concluded in its large wheels, which are conventional autocamers, pulled by durable belts.

On Caracat put homemade discs, modifying standard automotive. On the light fiberboard also set very original disc. For this, the contour connects two aluminum basin, after cutting the bottom of the hub size, the rigidity ribs and side limiters for fixing the chamber are mounted.

With an external clumsiness of Caracat has high permeability and stability. It not only easily can overcome wetlands, but is able to transport a significant cargo (up to 100 kg).

Pros and cons of homemade snowmobile

You can buy snowmobile techniques in the store, however, many continue to create such cars own hands. This is due to the fact that homemade vehicles have some advantages over ready-made products.

The main advantages:

  1. Low cost. It is because of the prices that many do not buy ready-made models, and they themselves create snowmobile technique from a motorcycle unit. If you compare the cost of finished devices, then their price can be 10 times more expensive design.
  2. The ability to select parameters. Some homemade structures are more powerful than branded popular snowmobiles.
  3. Reliability. Snowproof technician even branded producers in the process of use is often broken. For your own all-terrain, people choose only high-quality materials.

Source: https://bibiauto.club/sovets/poleznoe/snegohod-iz-motobloka.html.

Homemade Motoblock Snowmobile on Gusinets

The caterpillar snowmobile from the motoblock is perfect for movement along the snow-covered forest, crushing, frozen swamps. The car is manufactured during the summer, using simple tools: a jigsaw for metal, electric drill, chisel and hammer, welding, etc. Also need electric welding. Bearings can be purchased in the auto shop, and the tips of the shafts to order in the workshop.

Crawler Snowmobile from Motoblock DIY

For the manufacture of a caterpillar snowmobile from a motoblock with their own hands, simple materials are used. Rama is made of stamped channels and square pipes. For the manufacture of shafts used round water pipes. The engine used from the Motoblock "Neva".

The snowmobile came out a little rude. But having spent winter tests, they were detected good challenges: Speed, Patency. It is also easy and compact, and the fuel consumption is quite economical. The initial design assumed the asymmetric location of the engine. This gave a number of advantages: during service - good access to the engine; convenient launch and gear shift; Redirect chain drive directly to the leading shaft of the caterpillars.

But during the tests, when moving along a loose snow, when the turn was performed, the snowmobile often walked. Because of this circumstance, it was decided to place the engine in the center of the front of the snowmobile.

The design was improved, and first of all the front frame. An intermediate shaft was also installed, which passed the rotational moment from the engine to the caterpillar.

In addition, modernization was carried out, which improved the driving quality, comfort and reliability of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile from a motoblock on gousinets

Diagram of drive components and framework of a self-made snowmobile from a motor-block:

  • homemade frame (1);
  • the second asterisk of the intermediate shaft with 17 teeth (2);
  • intermediate shaft (3);
  • the first asterisk of the intermediate shaft, 21 tooth (4);
  • led asterisk of crawler shaft, 37 teeth (5);
  • drive asterisk caterpillar, 8 teeth (6); Presenter shaft of caterpillars (7);
  • two reference ski racks, from steel pipe 32x4 (8);
  • two stretch caterpillar rolling (9);
  • the axis of stretch rollers made of steel pipe (10);
  • farc (11); Tensioner (12);
  • four beam flanges made from steel sheet (13);
  • four flanges of the drive asterisk of caterpillars made of steel sheet (14);
  • steering Puff (15).

To place the engine with a subframe in the center of the front of the frame, the playground was welded there, in which the holes for the "foot" of the subframe were prepared. Such holes are made in the traverse. The holes in the "legs" of the subframe in the longitudinal slits were redesigned to pull drive chain When moving the engine.

The subsidence was also redone and shifted a little back. Thanks to this, the engine launch is made on the handle. The big plus was the presence of forced cooling on the motor motoblock engine. Used this to send air to the carburetor in cooling the engine. Also moved to the body of the benzobac. It is installed there on racks in the corner, for supplying gasoline to the carburator with a grain of a long hose.

The engine was transferred to the center of the machine, led to an increase in stability. Due to this, the control of the control skiing is reduced to 950 mm, which led to an improvement in snowmobile maneuverability.

After the intermediate shaft was installed, the angular velocity was reduced, thanks to the increase in torque. The snowmobile speed was slightly reduced, but the traction characteristics are significantly increased. Now the snowmobile is able to transport two rides with a cargo, and pull the lungs sled with a fold. The drive sprockets of the tracked propulsion on the same smaller diameter were also replaced.

Motoblock Snowmobile Rack Scheme

  • Scheme of the steering rack:
  • front traverse frame (1);
  • made of steel pipe Stand (2);
  • made from angle of 25x25 roaring (3);
  • made of steel pipe steering shaft (4);
  • the crossbar made of steel pipe 28x28 (5);
  • cup (6); Bronze washer (7);
  • reference bushing with a corner (8);
  • nut, type M10 (9).

It is this small improvement that led to an improvement in snowmobile's passability. It happened raising asterisks over the reference skiing. As a result of the caterpillar, it goes much easier to the upper layers of snow, and also more confidently overcoming bumps, jets, etc.

Sign of the intermediate shaft of a snowmobile from a motoblock

The diagram of the intermediate shaft node:

  • made of steel suspension (1);
  • made of steel pipe 28x28 crossing frames (2);
  • rack made of steel pipe 18x18 (3);
  • made from angle of 45x25 traverses (4);
  • made of steel plate 40x5 dosy (5);
  • two bearing 204 in the housing (6);
  • steel intermediate shaft made from pipe 27x3 (7);
  • the first asterisk with 21 tooth (8);
  • lionger frame (9);
  • the second asterisk with 17 teeth (10);
  • rubber casing (11).

Checking a snowmobile to modernization revealed frequent stacking of stars tooths on a wooden truck. Therefore, it was decided to cut all the teeth by making them rollers. After modernization, the caterpillar moves from skis to rollers smoothly, silently and without a cod. The tension mechanism was also enhanced: now he became screw.

Scheme of a caterpillar block of a homemade snowmobile

Catering block diagram:

  • made from steel bar, two ties with nut M8 (1);
  • the leading asterisk of the caterpillar block (2);
  • caterpillar drive shaft (3);
  • stretching device and roller (4 and 5);
  • truck-shaped from the rail (6);
  • lionger self-made frame (7);
  • driven asterisk of crawler shaft (8);
  • reference skiing (9);
  • made of the bracket bracket of the suspension skiing (10);
  • bolts: m8 and m6 (11 and 12,13);
  • brass guide (14);
  • screw (15);
  • sole of reference skiing (16);
  • fastening the bearing housing (17);
  • the axis of stretch rollers (18).

Did not forget about the reworking of the caterpillar. The number of cams up to 33 pcs increased, respectively, the distance between them up to 38 mm was reduced. Dimensions of the cams 500x38x18 mm. To ensure the accuracy of the installation of the tracks, the template was assembled. This made it possible to avoid distortion.

Front steering skiing were also upgraded. From above, they were reinforced by spars. Springs were introduced into the ski suspension, which allows the snowmobile to go gently over the snowy nasta. It increased the use of skis and frame. A handle was attached at the body rack, for the convenience of pulling out the stuck snowmobile. For the same purpose, such a handle was attached to puffs.

To protect the steering thrust from damage, in case of running on the snow-labeled stumps or other obstacles, a protective bumper was installed under the traction.

After stripping all the external parts from rust and painting, the snowmobile acquired a pretty good look. Given the excellent characteristics when driving, he became an indispensable assistant in the winter season.

Snowmobile - a unique vehicle for daily use in winter. It is used for movement in the snow-covered area during scientific expeditions, excursions, hiking, animal hunting, territory protection. Such a product can be purchased in a specialized store or make it yourself. If finished designs have a fairly high price, and not every person can afford such a purchase, then homemade - more affordable alternative optionMade of primary materials and technology.

The homemade snowmobile can be made with their own hands from the available technique. For these purposes, experts recommend using:

  • chainsaws;
  • motoblocks;
  • motorcycles.

Important! To make a portable snowmobile at home, be sure to have skills to work with plumbing tools.

Drawings, options for finished works

Snowmobile design must be started from creating a drawing of the desired product. It will help in the process of work to manufacture practical and functional equipment, which will serve not one year.

Option of finished work

If you can use the ready-made drawings to create a snowmobile from a motor-block or a motorcycle, then for the design of chainsaws - they are not provided, since each tool has its own specifications and features.

Snowmobile from chainsaw

Council. Snowmobile can be made as caterpillar and ski.

Before proceeding with the production of a snowmobile from chainsaws, you must select the equipment that will have all the necessary characteristics. Optimal option For this purpose - Chainsaw "Friendship", "Ural" and "Chang" (the power of these tools is ideal for creating high-speed snowmobiles).

Important! The engine and gearbox are the main details of the chainsaws that are used in the process.

The snowmobile design consists of four parts:

  1. Caterpillars
  2. Transmissions.
  3. Engine.

Chainsaw Ural

The homemade snowmobile assembly is made not on some kind of proposed scheme or standard drawing, but based on the materials and tools that are at the disposal of the wizard.

Snowmobile assembly instructions from chainsaws

Product assembly is a fairly interesting job. It consists of several consecutive stages that must be accurate and responsible.

  • The first stage is the assembly of the frame base of the future homemade snowmobile. Steel corners will be required to work (size - 50 x 36 cm) or steel sheets (thickness - at least 2 mm). From the corners make the middle part of the structure, and from the sheets - the front and rear.

Council. To give the necessary stiffness of the structure, the metal is bend under angle of 90 degrees.

  • Neatly make two through holes Under the placement of the shaft of the tracked mechanism and guide devices of the tracked wheels (the tensioning devices are installed on both sides of the spars).

Important! The front structure is specifically designed to tension the second stagnation stage, it also helps in adjusting the caterpillar itself.

  • Special brackets are neatly welded to the bottom of the spars (they are attached to the same distance from each other), in their open grooves and set the support rollers.
  • Rollers (in rubber covers) are located on five axes, each of which is attached from the bottom side of the open grooves.
  • Between each of the elements, special sleeves from duralumin (they are made of a suitable pipe).

Council. In order not to spend time on the manufacture of rollers and axes for them, they can be borrowed from the old equipment for digging potatoes.

  • The axis of the brackets themselves are fixed using nuts and monitoring (they are designed to enhance the snowmobile frame, keep spars at a certain distance from each other).
  • Of the three metal corners make racks for fastening the trained gearbox gearbox, the intermediate shaft of the chain transmission is installed.
  • The prepared frame is installed for the user for the user (for these purposes a suitable box or car seat is used), it is fixed on the site between the middle and the rear part of the structure.

Snowmobile from chainsaw
  • On the front area of \u200b\u200bthe frame make a hole for placing the steering wheel, it makes it from the pipe with welded handles of control.
  • In places of attachment of snowmobile racks, metal brazers are installed (they strengthen the design, make it more durable and reliable).

Important! In order for the future homemade snowmobile to have a good passability of snow-covered terrain, it is equipped with a caterpillar mechanism.

  • A snowmobile drive shaft is made from the metal pipe, a special round flange is inserted into it for fastening gear wheels.
  • To create a steering, use equipment from old motorcycles or threshing mopeds.

The finished snowmobile has a small weight, easily placed in the trunk of the car for transportation over long distances. His management is so simple and clear that even a child can easily use it.

Snowmobile from Motoblok.

Motoblock is another version of the equipment that is used in the process of making a snowmobile with your own hands. Its design is practically no need to redo, as it is initially multifunctional.

There are three types of motoblock snowmobiles:

  • wheeled;
  • on caterpillars;
  • combined.


Before starting working with a fiberboard, it is necessary to determine the type of future design. From him and will depend on the complexity of the work of the master, as well as the duration of the whole process.

Construction of a snowmobile from a motoblock

Important! For creating wheel Snowmobile No need to redo the steering system, special attention should be paid only to the frame of the device and ski.

  • The snowmobile frame is made of metal pipes or corners (it must have a rectangle shape).
  • The finished base attach a box or a chair to place the driver.
  • Separately make skis from corners and sheet metal, weld them to the frame.
  • The finished design is attached to the motoblock, used by destination.

Drawing: Motoblock Snowmobile

Motorcycle Snowmobile: Masters Guide

Make a snowmobile from a motorcycle is not so simple. If the assembly of previous products is practically no difficulty, then with this design will have to suffer. It will require not only tools, materials and techniques, but also skills in working with a welding machine and other equipment.

Important! Motorcycles "Ural", "Izh" and "Dnipro" - the most suitable models for making a snowmobile with their own hands.

Snowmobile design technology

  • Make a suitable frame from metal pipes of different diameters and steel corners. It is performed in the form of a rectangle (its dimensions - 150 x 43.2 cm).
  • Construct a steering beam made of metal angles (its dimensions - 50 x 50 x 5 mm), its parts are trimmed with dense metal lining. The finished design is installed in a horizontal position on a drilling machine.

Motorcycle IZH
  • Rama and ready-made beam are treated in connection places, prepare special grooves for reliable fixation Elements.
  • The front frame of the frame is equipped with a solid corner.
  • Fasten the seat to the frame frame.
  • Make holes in spars.
  • Between the steering and middle section welded a channel.
  • Pick up a suitable tracked asterisk and rubber tape for further installation (suitable dimensions - 2200 x 300 mm, thickness - no more than 10 mm).
  • The caterpillar itself is gently crumbling, so that the material does not resolve in the process of use.

Motorcycle snowmobile
  • Install the transmission that consists of front and rear bridge. The front is the presenter, it consists of a tubular shaft, caterpillar stars and rinks (the asterisks themselves are fixed on through bolts). The design of the rear axle consists of a tracked drum and a tubular shaft.
  • Skis welded to the design of a snowmobile (for their manufacture, steel sheets and metal corners are used).

The control system of a self-made snowmobile from a motorcycle is quite complex in design. It consists of:

  • longitudinal traction;
  • transverse thrust.

From the presented information, we can conclude: the homemade snowmobile from the elements of the motoblock, chainsaws or a motorcycle - reality. It can make every wisp master. For productive work, only certain skills, equipment, tools and materials will be required.

Homemade Snowmobile: Video

In the deaf areas where it is required to overcome considerable distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot acquire it and try to construct homemade snowmobile with their own hands. Build it is not easy, but if you make a maximum of patience and effort, then it will not be easy to cope with this problem.

Building Rama

Before proceeding to the construction of a snowmobile, first it will be necessary to choose the material. The easiest way to make a homemade frame from wooden bars. It turns out very light and quite robust design, which is considered the cheapest and the most easy to manufacture. To do this, you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet iron.
  3. Scissors for metal.
  4. Drill and rolled.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a design are indisputable. In the event of a breakdown, the wooden model will not be repaired away from the settlement. In the forest it is easy to find a girlfriend material that can be applied to repair. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile is rarely falling under the ice and does not sink in water.

Wooden design

It is known that bars and wood boards do not have a special strength in their places

connections. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to make additional corners of the metal. For this take sheet iron and cut the square plates on the width of bars with scissors. In them, roulette place places under the bolts, and then the drill drill four holes. After that, the plates bend in half strictly under 90 degrees. These will be excellent devices for durable bonding of wooden bars in the corners of the self-made frame.

Usually proceed to construction after drawing a drawing with precise size. And already on them with a hacksaw, four bars are cut off, and in the corners drill the holes for bolts. Then they are put on a flat surface of the floor in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints of the joint, the bolts are inserted and fed up with nuts.

For fastening the engine and caterpillars on the frame, there are additionally two more crossbars from bars with bolts at the ends. But before that, first make corners for fastening. They are cut out of the sheets of iron triangular shape and drilled holes in the corners.

It is better to immediately make eight pieces and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in the work.

When they are ready, crossbars are inserted inside the frame and triangles are put up. In them exactly in size drill drill holes through the bars. Then the long bolts are inserted there and tightly tighten with nuts. On this durable wooden frame will be ready, which for a long time will last on the homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade homemade. Here you need special tools and devices that may not be for everyone. Requires considerable costs to purchase them or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and durable wood design. Here you will need:

In addition, more durable materials will need for the construction of the metal frame. They will definitely have to buy in the store, because today they are no longer found anywhere. Yes, and build a new homemade snowmobile from old details is not too much because of bad reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, before starting the construction of the frame, you need to make a simple drawing. According to its grinding parameters, cut pipes and with the help of a welding machine to combine them into a rectangle. Inside the frame insert another pair of partitions from the corner to install the engine and the caterpillars. If you make them from a chaserler, the design will be much stronger and more reliable in work.

After that, the metal pipe will need to simply cut off two small bushings.

And then welcome them to the corners of the front part, where the turning supports for skis will be inserted. Metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as the installation of the main units and nodes.

Suspended equipment

To make a snowmobile quick and strong need to put a good engine on the frame. If you install a low-power motor, then such a design will be bad to move. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. With too little square, it will drown in the big snow and will not pull even in the smooth area. Special attention should be paid to skis, which should create good stability and safety when driving at high speed.

Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

To easily move through the snow, it is very important to make a comfortable snowmobile a good rubber caterpillar. Make a similar device with your own hands is not easy and better to buy it in the store completely with rollers. Install the standard factory caterpillar on the homemade construction will not be difficult. For this, it will be necessary only to consolidate the leading shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame. If the financial position does not allow you to buy all the device, the most expensive parts are not difficult to do yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic tube.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

The cheap homemade caterpillar for a snowmobile is usually made using a fine conveyor tape. For this, the width of the rollers scold blanks from a plastic tube. Then they are cut along the length into two equal parts and the holes are drilled under small bolts. After that, the halves of plastic pipes are fixed on the conveyor belt bolts with washers and nuts. Caterpillar is ready and you need to begin further construction.

Homemade skiing

It is no secret that in winter in the deep snow is much more convenient to move on skis. They also serve as a snowmobile control device. Wooden design is easy, but for this only durable boards from birch or oak are suitable. They need to be well sued, put it, and then heat and heat the ends. No more difficult to make metal skis. To do this, it will be necessary to cut two plates from sheet steel and faded a thin corner on the sides.

To ski freely turn, metal racks from pipes are welded to them. In working condition, they hold in the front strips of the frame where it is easy to rotate.

Top to the racks weld with washers or large nuts, where the thrust are inserted to control the snowmobile.

It is not difficult to make the steering wheel with her own hands or easier to remove it from the old motorcycle. Thus, it will only remain installed the motor, as well as the seat for the driver and you can move on the road.

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