Home Heating Powerful snowmobile with their own hands. Mini snowmobile do it yourself. Manufacture of tracks from automotive tires

Powerful snowmobile with their own hands. Mini snowmobile do it yourself. Manufacture of tracks from automotive tires

In winter, hunting and fishing are very fascinating. It is overgrown with only what you have to do to the cherished place in deep snow, shedding "seven sweats". And Moskvich Sergey Khomyakov gets a homemade snowmobile from the trunk of the car and rides without extra effort on it.

By the beginning of the development of a new vehicle Experience in creating compact and collapsible snowmobiles placed in a disassembled form in the trunk a passenger car, I had.

But these snowmobiles had a small support area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar and were designed for riding on the paths in the parks, in a shallow snow or a dense nasta.

For good patency, the snowmobile must have a large support area and powerful engineBut in this case, the snowmobile will be bulky and heavy. Such a pattern: the larger the caterpillar area, the more powerful (and heavier) the engine is needed, therefore, the weight and size of the entire snowmobile are obtained significant. Therefore, in the design of a new collapsible snowmobile, special attention had to pay for its weight characteristics. I wanted to do compact snowmobileSo that you can carry it in the trunk of a car.

Compact snowmobile manufacturing process

To reduce the production time of the snowmobile, I decided to use as many knots and parts from industrial designs as possible: caterpillar, support trolleys with rollers, leading shaft, springs, bearings, plastic stars - from a snowmobile "Buran", controlled skis - from a snowmobile "Taiga", engine The volume of 150 cm3 and the capacity of 9 hp - From. This engine is compact enough, weighs only about 30 kg, equipped with an electric starter, in one block with it a variator and a reverse box (reverse) are mounted.

According to the estimates, in such a configuration, a snowmobile must weigh about 120 kg, so that if it is constructively divided into three to four parts, the weight of each block will be about 30-40 kg. And this allows an adult man to raise and load the snowmobile blocks into the car.

The production of a snowmobile began with a frame of a caterpillar block, which was welded from a metal profile (pipes with a cross section of 30x30 and 20 x 20 mm).

The rear pendulum made from the profile of 30 x 30 mm, the bracket of the supporting rollers of the caterpillar - from sheet steel with a thickness of 5 mm. All bushings have an inner diameter of 12 mm.

The turning racks ski made from the pipe ⌀ 3/4. "To give it an additional rigidity, the pipe ⌀1 / 2 was pressed. The racks secured on the steering beam with the help of sanitary wins and couplings.

The ski rack inserted into Sgon, which screwed into the coupling welded to the frame of the frame (steering beam). When the nut is tightened, the rack is crushed, which allows you to adjust the height, fix the skis racks and install the ski convergence, without changing the length of the steering thrust.

As a result, it turned out a successful design (see photo). To transport a snowmobile in the trunk of a passenger car, it can be disassembled into separate blocks in just a few minutes, and without the use of special tools.

1 . The frame of the caterpillar block with the caterpillar and the leading shaft from the snowmobile "Buran".
2 . The engine compartment was welded from a profile of 20 x 20 mm and installed on a tracked block along with the front beam of ski racks.

3 . Crawler unit assembled with a rear pendulum, a balancing trolley with rollers from a snowmobile "Buran" and a removable front beam fastening ski racks.
4 . Ski rack from a pipe with a diameter of 3/4 "with a pipe-pinned pipe with a diameter of 1/2" and the parts of the controlled ski pendant.

5 . Removable motor compartment Without an engine (the frame is welded from a profile of 20 x 20 mm), but with a gas tank and steering wheel on the tracked block.
6 . The ski suspension is made using the Spring from the snowmobile "Buran" (Suspension of rinks) and the Zhiguli car (the springs hold the rear brake pads).

7 . So the snowmobile looks like in the assembled state, but the caterpillar of the defenseless casing.
8 . Cross beams for one and two controlled skis are welded from square pipes.

In the deaf areas where it is required to overcome considerable distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot acquire it and try to construct homemade snowmobile with their own hands. Build it is not easy, but if you make a maximum of patience and effort, then it will not be easy to cope with this problem.

Building Rama

Before proceeding to the construction of a snowmobile, first it will be necessary to choose the material. The easiest way homemade frame Make from wooden bars. It turns out very light and quite robust design, which is considered the cheapest and the most easy to manufacture. To do this, you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet iron.
  3. Scissors for metal.
  4. Drill and rolled.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a design are indisputable. In case of breakdown wooden model It will not be easy to repair away from social Point. In the forest it is easy to find a girlfriend material that can be applied to repair. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile is rarely falling under the ice and does not sink in water.

Wooden design

It is known that bars and wood boards do not have a special strength in their places

connections. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to make additional corners of the metal. For this take sheet iron and cut the square plates on the width of bars with scissors. In them, roulette place places under the bolts, and then the drill drill four holes. After that, the plates bend in half strictly under 90 degrees. These will be excellent devices for durable bonding of wooden bars in the corners of the self-made frame.

Usually proceed to construction after drawing a drawing with precise size. And already on them with a hacksaw, four bars are cut off, and in the corners drill the holes for bolts. Then they are put on a flat surface of the floor in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints of the joint, the bolts are inserted and fed up with nuts.

For fastening the engine and caterpillars on the frame, there are additionally two more crossbars from bars with bolts at the ends. But before that, first make corners for fastening. They are cut out of the sheets of iron triangular shape and drilled holes in the corners.

It is better to immediately make eight pieces and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in the work.

When they are ready, crossbars are inserted inside the frame and triangles are put up. In them exactly in size drill drill holes through the bars. Then the long bolts are inserted there and tightly tighten with nuts. On this durable wooden frame will be ready, which for a long time will last on the homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade homemade. Here you need special tools and devices that may not be for everyone. Requires considerable costs to purchase them or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and durable wood design. Here you will need:

In addition, more durable materials will need for the construction of the metal frame. They will definitely have to buy in the store, because today they are no longer found anywhere. Yes, and build a new homemade snowmobile from old details is not too much because of bad reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, before starting the construction of the frame, you need to make a simple drawing. According to its grinding parameters, cut pipes and with the help of a welding machine to combine them into a rectangle. Inside the frame insert another pair of partitions from the corner to install the engine and the caterpillars. If you make them from a chaserler, the design will be much stronger and more reliable in work.

After that, the metal pipe will need to simply cut off two small bushings.

And then welcome them to the corners of the front part, where the turning supports for skis will be inserted. Metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as the installation of the main units and nodes.

Suspended equipment

To make a snowmobile quick and strong need to put on the frame good engine. If you install a low-power motor, then such a design will be bad to move. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. With too little square, it will drown in the big snow and will not pull even in the smooth area. Special attention You need to turn on skis, which should create good stability and safety when driving at high speed.

Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

To easily move around the snow, it is very important to make a homemade snowmobile a good rubber caterpilu. Make a similar device with your own hands is not easy and better to buy it in the store completely with rollers. Install standard factory caterpillar on homemade design Will not work. For this, it will be necessary only to consolidate the leading shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame. If the financial position does not allow you to buy all the device, the most expensive parts are not difficult to do yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic tube.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

The cheap homemade caterpillar for a snowmobile is usually made using a fine conveyor tape. For this, the width of the rollers scold blanks from a plastic tube. Then they are cut along the length into two equal parts and the holes are drilled under small bolts. After that, the halves of plastic pipes are fixed on trucking tape Bolts with washers and nuts. Caterpillar is ready and you need to begin further construction.

Homemade skiing

It is no secret that in winter in the deep snow is much more convenient to move on skis. They also serve as a snowmobile control device. Wooden design is easy, but for this only durable boards from birch or oak are suitable. They need to be well sued, put it, and then heat and heat the ends. No more difficult to make metal skis. To do this, it will be necessary to cut two plates from sheet steel and faded a thin corner on the sides.

To ski freely turn, metal racks from pipes are welded to them. In working condition, they hold in the front strips of the frame where it is easy to rotate.

Top to the racks weld with washers or large nuts, where the thrust are inserted to control the snowmobile.

It is not difficult to make the steering wheel with her own hands or easier to remove it from the old motorcycle. Thus, it will only remain installed the motor, as well as the seat for the driver and you can move on the road.

Decided to make a snowmobile with their own hands? There would be a desire ... Of course, to create a decent vehicle there will also be needed and plumbing skills, elementary knowledge of physics, cutter, materials, spare parts and some tools. There is no doubt that all this you have, and why not, you can buy in the process of work. The main thing is what the result is! Handbook made snowmobile, moving through the snow, overcoming snow-covered off-road is cool!

Features and advantages of homemade snowmobiles

The basis of the winter vehicle design is a tracked drive and steering skiing. Of all the advantages of self-made snowmobiles in front of factory models, the following can be highlighted:

  • The price of a motorcycling assembled from undergraduate materials is 5-10 times.
  • Ability to assemble a model of the desired configuration, power, etc.
  • Reliability of construction, thanks to the use of high-quality materials and proven mechanisms.
  • The benefit from the fact that you can not buy new materials and details, but to use stored in the garage.

The homemade snowmobile is a vehicle that can be found not only in country off-road and ski resorts, but also on the streets of settlements.

Making a snowmobile in drawings

How to make a snowmobile with your own hands, what are the details and nodes? To create a homemade caterpillar vehicle for snow in the snow, a list is drawn up required componentsThe sketch is made and drawings are performed. In the future, they will serve as a guide to create a vehicle.

Standard design consists of several elements. It includes:

  • Rama, which can be borrowed from a quad bike, scooter, scooter, motorcycle, etc. If there is no such possibility, it is made by welding from thin-walled metal pipes, diameter 40 mm.
  • Seat - preferably from moisture-repellent material.
  • The engine can also be from the motorcycle, motorcycle, scooter, etc. The choice is determined by the speed and weight of the vehicle.
  • The tank is a container of 10-15 liters of metal or plastic.
  • Skiing on a homemade snowmobile on caterpillars can be prepared or made them of nine-ten-layer plywood, 3 mm thick.
  • The steering wheel, like many other elements, is taken from the two-wheeled unit.
  • The drive transmitting rotational movements from the engine to the caterpillar, which can be used a motorcycle chain.
  • Caterpillar is a complex component requiring detailed consideration.

How to make the caterpillar?

Homemade caterpillars can be made of automotive tires. The advantage of using tires in what they have closed loopreducing the probability of break. For the manufacture of caterpillars, the tire board is cut into a sharp shoe knife. For the remaining flexible canvas attach primatelates, which are used as plastic pipes, 5 mm thick and a diameter of 40 mm, cut down in length. Halves of pipes are cut across the width of the tires, are attached to bolts every 5-7 cm.

Similarly, caterpillars made of conveyor belt. Its advantage is that in the case of its application there are no limitations in length. But there is a need for a clutch by overlapping the end of the tape with an overlap in 3-5 cm and fixed bolts. In the manufacture of caterpillars, you are often used by wedge belts. The connected by primers, they pose a full-fledged caterpillar with ready-made feces for gear.

Wide caterpillar improves the aggregate's permeability, but reduces its handling. In factory models there are three options:

  • Standard - 15;
  • Wide - 20;
  • Overwheel - 24.

Snowmake creation sequence with their own hands

To make a snowmobile on the caterpillars with your own hands, initially need to connect the frame and the steering mechanism. The height and angle of inclination is selected, then point welding is performed. In accordance with the drawing, the engine is installed and recorded. It is necessary to trace so that there is no strong inclination. To avoid a large length of the fuel line, the tank is close at the carburetor.

Next is the caterpillar. The slave bridge with the web is attached behind the frame (depending on the design, on the suspension, plug, shock absorber, etc.)., The leading bridge is attached in the middle of the snowmobile (usually under the driver's seat), closer to the engine. The adhesion of the gears of bridges is predetermined. After that, the fuel tank is connected, the gas handle cable and brakes, the seat is mounted, other works are carried out.

Motoblock snowmobile with their own hands

Creating a snowmobile from a motoblock is the most popular option. A vehicle intended for agricultural worker can be used in fully or partially. It should be paid to the fact that motoblock engines are usually calculated on the weight and pressure of wheels that are less than a crawler several times. For this reason, it is better to equip a snowmobile wheels low pressure. This will help to avoid fuel recalculation and premature wear of the details. How the motoblock is converted to the homemade snowmobile, watch the video.

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In the manufacture of a snowmobile, you must listen to the advice of experienced craftsmen:

When cutting the pipes with a circular saw, it is recommended to cut one side, and then another. So you will be able to get smooth blanks. The pipe is better to be pre-cutting on the segments of the required length, since when cutting long blanks of plastic melting, and the saw disk can hold.

The size of the caterpillars can be chosen at its discretion. It can be wide and short, narrow and long, but should consider that the transportability of the vehicle will depend on its width. The TC with a wide caterpillar is more complicated in management, in addition, the load on the engine will increase. The caterpillar of a small size will fall into a deep loose snow.

The caterpillar can be made by any master. If you have long thought about how to make a caterpillar, then you should read the presented recommendations. For work, you can use a variety of tools and materials. Admissible, of course, apply the caterpillar, which was made in the plant's conditions. But it will cost much more than if the manufacture you will do it yourself. The article will feature several options for the manufacture of caterpillars, one of which you can choose for yourself.

Simple caterpillar

The caterpillar can be performed on the simplest technology. It will take you the minimum amount of time. The tracked propulsion can be made on the basis of a sleeve roller chain, as well as the conveyor belt. For work, you need to prepare some set of special tools or snap. In order to extend the life of the tape, it is recommended to flash its edges using a fishing line, strengthening it at a distance equal to 1 cm. It is necessary to use the principle that applies seams to cooping the edges of the fabric, which will allow to protect the tape from damage.

The caterpillar can be made by pairing elements into a single ring, this can be done in several ways. So, it is permissible to apply a hinge by the type of piano loop, you can use a less reliable way that suggests the stripes of the tape ends. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the tape must be selected, which corresponds to the power of the motor. If you are supposed to use a motorcycle engine domestic productionYou can apply a tape whose thickness is 10 mm, according to the type that is used on agricultural conveyors.

If the caterpillar will be manufactured by such technology, then you do not have to spend a lot of strength. Despite the fact that such a caterpillar model is pretty simple, it has long term Services and a large resource.

Manufacture of tracks from automotive tires

You can make the caterpillar using automotive tires. For work it is necessary to pick up tires borrowed from trucksIt is recommended to use a suitable tread pattern, while you will spend less strength when working with a bus. The manufacture of such a caterpillar needs to be made by cutting out of the tire of sides, it should be left for a treadmill. It is worth considering that this work is quite laborious and assumes the application of a large number of patience and forces, it is necessary to use an exceptionally well-sharpened shoe knife.

In order for the manufacture of caterpillars for the car with their own hands, a smaller amount of forces was spent, it is possible to produce wetting blades from time to time using a soap solution. As an alternative solution, you can use a device intended for cutting, permissible to apply an electric jigneus. For the last one you first need to fix a pet with small cloths, the pill must also be pre-moistened with water, in the process of operation, such manipulations should be performed periodically.

Technology of work

Caterpillars for the car should be made by technology, which involves the initial removal of airborne sides, after, if necessary, it is necessary to remove the extra layers that are located with the origin of the formed ring, there is a need if the track has an increased hardness. If the tread pattern is not suitable, then you need to cut a new structure that will be necessary in order for the design to be clinging for the soil.

Snowmobile caterpillar, with their own hands, made according to the above scheme, will have many advantages, even if comparing with the above option. This is due to the fact that it has a closed circuit, which indicates reliability. But there are also cons, one of which is expressed in the limited width of the caterpillar, but if there is a need, you can apply a dual width.

Production of caterpillar from belts

The following option of the caterpillars is especially attractive in that in the process of conducting work, the extra forces do not have to spend. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare straps that have a wedge-shaped profile. They have to be connected to one unit, using tillage hooks that are fixed with screws, rivets can be used as an alternative solution. As a result, it turns out a snowmobile caterpillar, with your own hands created, which has holes intended for the lead sprocket. In order to form holes, it will be necessary to leave some space between the belts.

Another option of making caterpillars

Before making a caterpillar with your own hands, you need to choose the technology of work. It is permissible to use the technique below. The carcase of the propulsion can be welded using pipes that have a rectangular cross section. It is recommended to connect them using the frame, it will make the design of the collapsible. The slotted part can be borrowed from "Burana", it will make it possible to make drive shafts, they need to fight the slotted part of the shafts, which are borrowed from the "Oka". Brake discs must be used. Working on the front shafts, you need to install brake mechanisms. Some part from the gearbox should be cut off. Making caterpillars with their own hands will allow not only to save, but also move around the snow-covered territory without any problems. This design can be used for a long time without the need for repair.

Once people see snowmobile prices in the store, then ask a question how to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself, how expensive is it expensive? How starts the manufacture of homemade - a snowmobile snowmobile? Initially, it is necessary to determine which power the engine is used. We used the engine of the motoblock in 6 horse power. Usually, four-stroke engines with forced air or water cooling are installed on the motoblocks.

Motoblock can also be used reverse reducer, centrifugal clutch, steering and fuel tank. Next, you need to consider the snowmobile propulsion. The tracked drive is installed on most of them.

Best Homemade - Motoblock Snowmobile

In the manufacture of a self-made snowmobile, caterpillars from other snowpots are used for it, or homemade, collected from undergraduated materials. After selecting the caterpillar, it is necessary to determine which type of suspension to use. It is necessary to choose from two main species: suspension on rollers and sewing suspension.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. After that it is important to decide which snowmobile will be a layout. Usually, there are two steering skiing in front of the snowmobile and behind the tracked block.

The engine can be installed both from behind and in front of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself

This snowmobile can be done in a few weekends at the cottage in the garage. At first glance, his design looks very simple. If you compare its permeability in the wet or loose snow, it will not give way to many industrial snowmates.

Creating a snowmobile proceeded from the principle: the less weight and more the size of the caterpillar, the higher its permeability of deep and loose snow. Therefore, the design will be the easiest.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a motor-block on caterpillars

Four wheels are installed inside the caterpillar. When the movement occurs, they roll along the conveyor belt, with fixed plants. The caterpillar drive is carried out by a chain from the motor, special leading asterisks, through the slave shaft. They were removed from Buran.

The engine is taken from the usual motor-block, the power of which is 6 hp Quickly on it will not be attended. Soft suspension Skis and caterpillars were removed, because the snowmobile is designed to ride along loose snow. This design was simplified and reduced snowmobile mass.

Making Cateries for Snowmobile

Consider the process of making the caterpillar. The plastic plumbing pipe is 40 mm, cuts a long 470 mm. Of these, billets will be made for soils. After that, each of them is crucified along the equal parts with a circular saw.

The soils are attached to the furniture bolts to the conveyor belt. When the caterpillar is manufactured, it is extremely important to maintain the same distance between the soils. Otherwise, the "incision" on the progress of the lead sprocket will occur, as a result of which the caterpillar will slip and slides from the rinks.

To drill holes in the conveyor belt for fastening bolts, conductor was made. For drilling holes, a tree drill was used, having a special sharpening.

This conductor allows you to drill six holes at the same time in the conveyor ribbon to attach three caterpillar primer. Leading asterisks were also purchased (2 pcs), inflatable rubber wheel (4 pieces), closed bearings №205 (2 pcs).

Tokar made a support for bearings and the leading shaft of the caterpillars. Rama snowmobile is made independently. To do this is used square trumpets 25x25 mm. Hinged axis of rotation of the steering wheel and skis are in the same plane and on the same line, so it was used continuous tie Rod Without ball lugs.

Pretty easily made ski rotation bushings. Pipe clutch, the internal thread of which is 3/4 inches, is boiled onto the front transverse beam. There are screwed nozzles with outdoor threads. They welded the thai skis rack and steering thrust. On skis are installed corners, which serve as an attachment to the rotting rack of the snowmobile. A metal line is made from below to better control snowmobile while driving on the rolled snow or an imaging.

Chain tension is regulated by the engine offset

Snowmobile control occurs quite simple. To increase the engine speed, the gase handle is used, which is located on the steering wheel. This includes an automatic centrifugal clutch, as a result of which the snowmobile begins to move. Since the engine power is small, then the snowmobile speed is 10-15 km / h. Therefore, the brakes are not provided. To stay, you need to reset the engine speed.

Caterpillars are made by any width. Choose what is more convenient to do: a narrow, but long caterpillar, or wide, but short. It is important to remember that a big caterpillar will load the engine more and complicate the snowmobile control. If the caterpillar makes a small one, then the car may fall into deep snow.

Snowmobile weight with all parts turned 76 kg. It includes: steering wheel and engine (25 kg), skis (5 kg), wheels with axes (9 kg), presenter shaft (7 kg), caterpillar (9 kg), seat with racks (6 kg).

You can reduce the weight of some details. For this size of a snowmobile with a caterpillar, the weight indicator is quite satisfactory.

Characteristic of the obtained homemade snowmobile

long frame 2000 mm;
The width of the caterpillar 470 mm;
Due to the axial collection of support rollers 1070 mm.

Homemade Motoblock Snowmobile Video

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