Home Torkemose Charger for auto battery with adjustable diagram. Homemade car charger from parts from old appliances. Battery charger forms for batteries

Charger for auto battery with adjustable diagram. Homemade car charger from parts from old appliances. Battery charger forms for batteries

The article will be told about how to make homemade schemes with your own hands. You can use absolutely any, but the simplest manufacturer is the remission of a computer BP. If you have such a block, the application will find it quite simple. To power the motherboards, a voltage of 5, 3.3, 12 volts is used. As you understand, interest for you is 12 volts. The charger will make charging batteries, the container of which lies in the range from 55 to 65 amps-hours. In other words, it is enough to recharge the batteries of most cars.

General view of the scheme

To rework, you need to use the scheme represented in the article. With your own hands from a personal computer of a personal computer, it allows you to monitor the charging and voltage at the output. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there is protection against KZ - a fuse by 10 amps. But it is not necessary to establish it, as in most PBUs of personal computers there is a protection that disables the device in the case of KZ. Therefore, the charge devices for batteries from PC computers are capable of protecting themselves from KZ.

Shi-controller (designated DA1), as a rule, two types are used in BP - KA7500 or TL494. Now a little theory. Can I propagate the battery of the computer power supply normally? The answer - maybe, since the lead battles of most cars have a capacity of 55-65 amps-hour. And for normal charging, it needs a current equal to 10% of the battery capacity - not more than 6.5 amps. If the power supply has a power of above 150 W, then its chain "+12 V" is able to give such a current.

Start stage alterations

To repeat a simple homemade battery charger, you need to slightly enhance the power supply:

  1. Esnient from all unnecessary wires. With the help of the soldering iron, you remove them so as not to interfere.
  2. According to the scheme shown in the article, find the R1 constant resistor, which must be dropped and installed in its place to install the resistance of 27 com. On the top contact of this resistor, it is subsequently necessary to submit a constant voltage "+12 V". Without it, the device will not work.
  3. The 16th output of the chip is disconnected from the minus.
  4. Next, you need to disclose the 15th and 14th conclusions.

It is quite simple, a homemade scheme can be used any, but it is easier to make from computer BP - it is easier, easier to operate, affordable. If you compare with transformer devices, the mass of devices is significantly different (as well as dimensions).

Charger adjustments

The rear wall will now be anterior, it is desirable to make it from a piece of material (the textolite is perfect for). On this wall, you must install the charging current controller indicated in the R10 scheme. The current measuring resistor is best used as powerful as possible - take two with a power of 5 W and a resistance of 0.2 ohms. But it all depends on the selection of the batteries charger circuit. In some designs, you do not need to use powerful resistors.

When connecting, they are in parallel with the increase in power twice, and the resistance becomes equal to 0.1 ohms. On the front wall, indicators are also located - a voltmeter and an ammeter that allow you to control the corresponding parameters of the charger. To accurately adjust the charger, a trimming resistor is used, with which the voltage to the 1st output of the Shi-controller is supplied.

Requirements for the device

Final assembly

K 1, 14, 15 and 16 conclusions need to solder stranded thin wires. Insulation should be reliable, so that under load does not have heating, otherwise the self-made charger for the car will fail. After the assembly, you need to install a stress of about 14 volts (+/- 0.2 V) with a stress resistor. It is such a voltage is considered normal to charge batteries. Moreover, this value must be in idle mode (without a connected load).

On the wires that are connected to the battery, you must install two crocodile clamps. One red, second black. Such can be bought at any store of household goods or automotive spare parts. This is a simple homemade charger for a car battery. Connection schemes: Black is attached to minus, and red to the plus. Charging process is fully automatic, human intervention is not required. But it is worth considering the main stages of this process.

Battery charging process

With the initial cycle, the voltmeter will show the voltage of approximately 12.4-12.5 V. If the battery has a capacity of 55 a * h, then you need to rotate the knob until the ammeter shows a value of 5.5 amps. This means that charging current is equal to 5.5 A. as the battery is charged, the current decreases, and the voltage tends to the maximum. As a result, at the very end of the current will be equal to 0, and the voltage of 14 V.

Regardless of which the manufacturer used a selection of circuits and structures of charging devices, the principle of operation is largely similar. When the battery is fully charged, the device begins to compensate for the self-discharge current. Therefore, you do not risk the fact that the battery recharge. Therefore, the charger can be connected to the battery and day, and a week, and even a month.

If you do not have measuring instruments that would not mind it to be installed in the device, you can refuse them. But for this, it is necessary to make a scale for a potentiometer - to designate the position for the values \u200b\u200bof the charging current equal to 5.5 A and 6.5 A. Of course, the installed ammeter is much more convenient - you can visually observe the rechargeable battery charging process. But the battery charger, with their own hands made without the use of instruments, can easily be operated.

Often car owners have to face such a phenomenon as the impossibility of starting the engine due to the discharge of the battery. To solve the problem, you will need to use charging for AKB, which costs a lot of money. In order not to spend money on the purchase of a new charger for a car battery, you can make it with your own hands. It is only important to find a transformer with the necessary characteristics. For the manufacture of a self-made device, it is not necessary to be an electrician, and the whole process as a whole will take no more than a few hours.

Features of the functioning of batteries

Not all drivers know that lead-acid accumulators are used in cars. Such an acb is distinguished by their endurance, therefore, they are able to serve up to 5 years.

To charge lead batteries, a current is used, which is 10% of the overall capacity of the battery. This means that for charging the battery, the capacity of which is 55 A / h, the charging current of 5.5 A. is required if you have a very high current, it can lead to the boiling of electrolyte, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in service life Devices. A small charging current does not prolong the battery life, but it is not capable of negatively reflecting the integrity of the device.

It is interesting! When the current is submitted 25 And the battery recharge occurs, so after 5-10 minutes after connecting the memory with such a par, you can start the engine. Such a high current is given modern inverter charging devices, only it negatively affects the battery life.

When charging the battery, the charging current flows back the worker. The voltage for each bank should not be higher than 2.7 V. in the battery on 12 V 6 cans, which are not connected with each other. Depending on the battery voltage, the number of cans, as well as the required voltage for each can. If the voltage is greater, this will lead to the process of decomposition of electrolyte and plates, which contributes to the failure of the battery. To eliminate the occurrence of the electrolyte boiling process, the voltage is limited to 0.1 V.

The battery is considered discharged if when connecting a voltmeter or multimeter, the devices show the voltage of 11.9-12.1 V. Such a battery should be immediately recharged. The charged battery has a voltage on terminals 12.5-12.7 V.

Example of voltage at the terminals of the charged battery

The charge process is the restoration of the consumed capacity. Charging batteries can be performed in two ways:

  1. D.C. In this case, the charging current is regulated, the value of which is 10% of the tank of the device. Charge time is 10 hours. The charge voltage is varied from 13.8 V to 12.8 in the entire charge duration. The lack of such a method is that it is necessary to control the charging process, and turn off the charger until the electrolyte boils. This method is gentle for acb and neutrally affects their service life. Transformer charging devices are used to implement such a method.
  2. Constant pressure. At the same time, the voltage of 14.4 V, and the current varies from large values \u200b\u200bto the smaller automatically, is supplied to the battery terminals. Moreover, this change of current depends on such a parameter as time. The longer the battery is charging, the lower the current value becomes. The reload of the battery will not be able to not be able, unless you forget to turn off the device and leave it a few days. The advantage of this method is that after 5-7 hours the battery is charged by 90-95%. Akb can also be left unattended, so this method is popular. However, few of the car owners are known that such a charging method is "extra". When it is used, the battery life is significantly reduced. In addition, the more often carrying out in this way, the faster the device will be discharged.

Now even an inexperienced driver can understand that if there is no need to hurry with the charging of the battery, it is better to give preference to the first variant (by current). With accelerated charge restoration, the device's service is reduced, so the likelihood that in the near future will need to buy a new battery. Based on the foregoing, the material will be considered options for the manufacture of charge and voltage chargers. For the manufacture, you can use any reservoir devices that will be talked further.

Charging Requirements

Before conducting the procedure for the manufacture of self-made charger for AKB, you must pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. Ensuring a stable voltage of 14.4 V.
  2. Autonomy of the device. This means that the homemade device should not require the supervision of it, as often the battery is charged at night.
  3. Ensuring the disconnection of the charger while increasing the charging current or voltage.
  4. Stir protection. If the device is connected to the battery incorrectly, then the protection should be activated. To implement the chain, the fuse is included.

The ignition is a dangerous process, as a result of which the battery can explode or boil. If the battery is working and only slightly discharged, then when the charging device is incorrectly connected, there will be an increase in the charge current above the nominal. If the battery is discharged, then an increase in the voltage above the specified value is observed and as a result - the electrolyte boils.

Options for self-made charger for AKB

Before proceeding with the development of a charger for the battery, it is important to understand that such a device is self-made and can adversely affect the battery life. However, sometimes such devices simply needed, as they allow you to significantly save money on the purchase of factory devices. Consider from what you can make the charged devices with your own hands for batteries and how to do it.

Charging bulb and semiconductor diode

This charging method is relevant with such versions when you need to start a car on a sax battery at home. In order to do this, you will need the components for assembling the device and the source of the voltage 220 V (socket). The scheme of the self-made charger for the car battery contains the following items:

  1. Incandescent lamp. The usual light bulb, which is still referred to as the "Lamp of Ilyich". The lamp power affects the battery charge rate so the more this indicator, the faster you can start the motor. The optimal option is a 100-150 W lamp.
  2. Semiconductor diode. Electronics element, the main purpose of which is only one way. The need for this element in the charging design is to convert an alternating voltage into constant. Moreover, there will be a powerful diode for such purposes, which can withstand a large load. You can use a diode as domestic production and imported. In order not to buy such a diode, it can be found in old receivers or power blocks.
  3. Plug for connecting into a socket.
  4. Wires with terminals (crocodiles) for connecting to batteries.

It is important! Before assembling such a scheme, you need to understand that there is always a risk for life, so you should be extremely attentive and careful.

Circuit diagram of the charger from the light bulb and diode to the battery

Include the plug into the outlet follows only after the entire scheme is collected, and the contacts are measured. To avoid the occurrence of a short circuit current, the circuit includes an automatic switch on 10 A. When assembling the scheme, it is important to take into account polarity. The light bulb and the semiconductor diode must be included in the battery plus terminal chain. When using a light bulb at 100 W, a charging current of 0.17 A per battery will be received. To charge the battery at 2 A, it will be necessary to charge it for 10 hours. The greater the power of the incandescent lamp, the higher the charging current value.

To charge this device, the fully-stop battery does not make sense, but to recharge in the absence of a factory zoom - quite real.

Charger for battery rectifier

This option also refers to the category of simple home-made chargers. This includes two main elements - a voltage converter and rectifier. There are three types of rectifiers that charge the device in the following ways:

  • d.C;
  • alternating current;
  • asymmetric current.

The rectifiers of the first option charge the battery with an exceptionally constant current, which is cleaned of variable voltage ripples. AC rectifiers fill the pulsating variable voltage on the battery terminals. Asymmetric rectifiers have a positive component, and single-polyoode rectifiers are used as the main design elements. This scheme has the best result compared to direct and alternating current rectifiers. It is his design and will be considered further.

In order to collect a qualitative device for charging the battery, you will need a rectifier and a current amplifier. The rectifier consists of the following elements:

  • fuse;
  • powerful diode;
  • stabilitron 1N754A or D814A;
  • switch;
  • variable resistor.

Electrical scheme of asymmetric rectifier

In order to collect a circuit, you will need to use a fuse, calculated on the maximum current in 1 A. The transformer can be taken from the old TV, the power of which should not exceed 150 W, and the output voltage is 21 V. as a resistor, you need to take a powerful element of the MLT brand 2. The rectifier diode must be designed for current at least 5 and therefore the optimal version is a model of type D305 or D243. The reinforcement of the amplifier includes a regulator on two transistors of the KT825 series and 818. When installing, the transistors are mounted on radiators to improve cooling.

The assembly of such a scheme is performed by attachment, that is, on the old board cleared of the tracks, all items are located and connected with the help of wires. Its advantage is the ability to adjust the output current to charge the battery. The disadvantage of the scheme is the need to find the necessary elements, as well as correctly arrange them.

The simplest analogue of the above scheme is a more simplified version, presented in the photo below.

Simplified rectifier diagram with transformer

It is proposed to use a simplified scheme using a transformer and rectifier. In addition, you will need a light bulb at 12 V and 40 W (automotive). It is not even a newcomer to collect a scheme, but it is important to draw attention to the fact that the rectifier diode and the light should be located in the chain, which is supplied to the minus terminal of the AKB. The disadvantage of such a scheme is the preparation of the pulsating current. To smooth ripples, as well as reduce strong beats, it is recommended to use the scheme that is presented below.

A diagram with a diode bridge and a smoothing capacitor reduces ripples and reduces the beating

Power Charger Computer Power Supply: Step-by-step instructions

Recently, this option of automotive charging is popular, which can be made independently using the computer power supply unit.

Initially, you will need a working unit. For such purposes, even a block having a power of 200 W is suitable. It gives a voltage of 12 V. It will not be enough to charge the battery, therefore it is important to increase this value to 14.4 V. Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of the battery from the power supply from the computer as follows:

  1. Initially all the extra wires are falling out, which come out of the power supply. Leave only a green wire. Its end needs to be soldered to minus contacts, where Black Wires come from. This manipulation is done in order for when the block is turned on to the network, the device immediately started.

    The end of the green wire must be soldered to minus contacts where Black Wires were

  2. Wires that will connect to the battery terminals, you need to solder to the output contacts of the minus and the plus power supply. Plus comes to the place of the yield of yellow wires, and minus to the place of the blackhouse.
  3. In the next step, it is necessary to reconstruct the mode of operation of the latitude and imulsional modulation (PWM). For this corresponds to the TL494 or TA7500 microcontroller. For the reconstruction, the lower extreme left leg of the microcontroller will be needed. To get to it, you must turn the board.

    The PWM microcontroller TL494 responds

  4. Three resistors are connected to the lower output of the microcontroller. We are interested in a resistor, which is connected to the output of the block 12 V. It is noted in the photo below the point. This element should be dropped, after which the resistance value is measured.

    The resistor denoted by the purple point must be dropped

  5. The resistor has a resistance of about 40 com. It is replaced by a resistor with a different value of resistance. To clarify the value of the required resistance, it is necessary to initially contact the remote resistor contacts (variable resistor).

    Regulator soldered to the place of remote resistor

  6. Now the device should be included in the network, having previously connected to the output terminals multimeter. The output voltage varies with the regulator. You need to get a voltage value of 14.4 V.

    The output voltage is regulated by a variable resistor

  7. As soon as the voltage value is reached, a variable resistor should be dropped, then measure the resulting resistance. For the example described above, its value is 120.8 com.

    The resulting resistance should be 120.8 com

  8. Based on the resulting resistance value, it is necessary to choose a similar resistor, after which it is necessary to pour it to the place of the old one. If you find a resistor of such a resistance value, you can choose it from two elements.

    Consistent sacking of resistors summarizes their resistance

  9. After that, the performance of the device is checked. At will, you can install a voltmeter to the power supply unit (you can also ammeter), which will control the voltage and charging current.

General view of the charger from the computer power supply

It is interesting! The collected memory has a function of protection against a short circuit current, as well as from overload, however it does not protect against cakes, so you should be soldered with the corresponding color (red and black), so as not to confuse.

When connecting to the UK terminals, a current will be supplied about 5-6 A, which is the optimal value for the devices with a capacity of 55-60A / h. The video below shows how to make a memory for battery from a computer power supply with voltage and current regulators.

What else there are options for AKB

Consider some more options for self-charging batteries.

Using a charge from a laptop for acb

One of the simplest and rapid ways to revive the sextal batteries. To implement the Akb revival scheme, you will need to charge with charging from a laptop:

  1. Charger from any laptop. The parameters of the charging devices are 19 V and current of about 5 A.
  2. 20 W halogen lamp.
  3. Connecting wires with clips.

Go to the implementation of the scheme. Light bulb is used to limit the current to the optimal value. Instead of a light bulb, you can use a resistor.

Charging for a laptop is also possible to use for the "revival" of a car battery

It is not much difficult to collect such a scheme. If the charge from the laptop is not planned to be used for a purpose, the plug can be cut off, then connect to the wires of the clamps. Previously with the help of a multimeter, polarity should be determined. The light bulb is included in the chain that goes to the plus terminal of the battery. The minus terminal from the battery is connected directly. Only after connecting the device to the battery you can feed the voltage to the power supply.

Pie with your own hands from a microwave or similar instruments

Using a transformer block, which is available inside the microwave, you can make a memory for battery.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of a self-made charger from the transformer unit from the microwave is presented below.

The diagram of connecting the transformer unit, a diode bridge and capacitor to the automotive battery

The device assembling can be carried out on any basis. It is important that all structural elements are reliably protected. If necessary, the scheme can be supplemented with a switch, as well as a voltmeter.

Bestracial Formator Charger

If the searches for the transformer started in a dead end, you can use the simplest scheme without lowering devices. Below is a scheme that allows you to implement the memory for the battery without using voltage transformers.

Electrical diagram without using voltage transformer

The role of transformers perform capacitors that are calculated on the voltage of 250V. The diagram should include at least 4 capacitor, placing them in parallel. Parallel condensers in the chain turn on the resistor and the LED. The role of the resistor consists in the absorption of residual voltage after disconnecting the firmtile from the network.

The chain also includes a diode bridge, designed to work with currents up to 6a. The bridge is turned on after capacitors, and the wires running to the battery for charging are connected to its conclusions.

How to charge the battery from the homemade device

Separately, it should be understood on the question of how to properly charge the battery with a self-made charger. This is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Compliance with polarity. It is better to check the polarity of the self-made device by a multimeter than "bite elbows", because the cause of the failure of the battery was the error with wires.
  2. Do not check the battery using contacts. This method only "kills" the device, and does not revive it, as indicated in many sources.
  3. Turn on the device to the 220 V network should only after the terminals are connected to the battery. In the same way, the device is turned off.
  4. Compliance with safety, as the work is carried out not only with electricity, but also with accumulatory acid.
  5. The process of charging the battery must be monitored. The slightest malfunction can cause serious consequences.

Based on the above recommendations, it should be concluded that self-made devices are at least acceptable, but still not able to replace the factory. It is not safe to make homemade charging, especially if you are not sure that you can do it correctly. The material presents the simplest schemes for the implementation of chargers for automotive batteries, which will always be useful in the farm.

Now it makes no sense to collect an independent charger for car batteries: in stores a huge selection of finished devices, prices for them are acceptable. However, we will not forget that it is nice to make something useful with your own hands, especially since the simple charger for the car battery is quite possible to collect from the girlfriend, and the price of it will be kopeck.

The only thing about to immediately warn is: Schemes without precise current adjustment and output voltage, which do not have a current cut-off at the end of the charge, are suitable for charging only lead-acid batteries. For AGM and the use of such charging leads to damage to the rechargeable battery!

How to make the simplest transformer device

The diagram of this charger from the transformer is primitive, but is operational and assembled from the available parts - the factory chargers of the simplest type are also designed in the same way.

In essence, it is a two-wire rectifier, from here and requirements for the transformer: Since the output of such rectifiers, the voltage is equal to the nominal voltage of the AC, multiplied to the root of two, then at 10v on the transformer winding, we obtain 14.1 V at the output of the charger. The diode bridge is taken by any direct current of more than 5 amps or assemble it of four separate diodes, and the measuring ammeter is also selected to the current. The main thing is to place it on the radiator, which in the simplest case is an aluminum plate at least 25 cm2 area.

The primitiveness of such a device is not only minus: due to the fact that it does not have any adjustment or automatic shutdown, it can be used for resuscitation of sulfated batteries. But it is not necessary to forget about the absence of protection against cakes in this scheme.

The main problem is where to find a transformer of suitable power (at least 60 W) and with a given voltage. You can use if the Soviet equal transformer is coming. However, its output windings have a voltage of 6.3V, so you will have to connect two sequentially, one of them seems so that in the sum at the output to get 10V. The inexpensive transformer TP207-3 is suitable, in which the secondary windings are connected as follows:

Cut the winding between the terminals 7-8 with the winding.

Eastern electronic adjustment charger

However, you can do without an opening, adding the circuit with an electronic voltage stabilizer at the output. In addition, such a scheme will be more convenient in the garage application, as it will correct the charge current when the supply voltage phases are used, it is used for automotive batteries of a small capacity if necessary.

The role of the regulator here performs the composite transistor Kt837-Kt814, the variable resistor adjusts the current at the output of the device. When assembling charging, Stabitron 1N754A can be replaced by Soviet D814a.

The circuit of the adjustable charger is easy to repetition, and is easily assembled by mounting without the need to run the printed circuit board. However, note that field transistors are placed on the radiator, the heating of which will feel. It is more convenient to use the old computer cooler by connecting its fan to the outputs of the charger. The R1 resistor must have a power of at least 5 W, it is easier to wind from nichrome or fechral independently or connect parallel to 10 monovatte resistors for 10 ohms. It can not be placed, but it is impossible to forget that it protects transistors in the event of conclusions.

When selecting a transformer, you can focus on the output voltage of 12.6-16V, take either a slight transformer, connecting two windings successively, or select the finished model with the desired voltage.

Video: The simplest battery charger

Alteration of the charger from a laptop

However, you can do without searches for a transformer, if there is an unnecessary charger from a laptop at hand - with a simple alteration, we will get a compact and easy pulse power supply that can charge automotive batteries. Since we need to get the voltage at the outlet 14.1-14.3 V, no finished power supply will be suitable, but the alteration is simple.
Let's look at the site of a typical scheme, according to which the devices of this kind are collected:

In them, maintaining a stabilized voltage performs a circuit of the TL431 chip, controlling the optocus (not shown in the diagram): as soon as the output voltage exceeds the value that the resistors R13 and R12 are specified, the microcircuit ignites the Opt Apartment LED, according to the PWM controller of the converter to reduce the wellness on the pulse transformer. Complicated? In fact, everything is simple to make your own hands.

Open the charger, we find close to the output connector TL431 and two resistors associated with the feet REF. It is more convenient to adjust the upper shoulder of the divider (on the diagram - resistor R13): reducing resistance, we reduce and voltage at the output of the charger, increasing - raise it. If we have a memory of 12 V, we will need a resistor with greater resistance, if the charger is 19 V - then with a smaller one.

Video: Charging for batteries Auto. Protection against short circuit and cakes. Do it yourself

We pull out the resistor and install the trimmer, pre-configured by the multimeter to the same resistance in advance. Then, by connecting the load (light bulb from the headlight) to the output of the charging device, turn on the network and smoothly rotate the rotor engine, while simultaneously controlling the voltage. As soon as we get the voltage in the range of 14.1-14.3 V, we turn off the memory from the network, fix the engine of the trim resistor with varnish (at least for nails) and collect the housing back. It will take no longer than you spent on reading this article.

There are more complex stabilization schemes, and they can already be found in Chinese blocks. For example, here the oppolar is controlled by the TEA1761 microcircuit:

However, the principle of configuration is the same: the resistance of the resistor is changing between the plus output of the power supply and 6 leg of the chip. On the diagram, two polarized resistors are used for this (thus obtained resistance coming out of the standard row). We need to have a stirper instead of them and customize the output to the desired voltage. Here is an example of one of these boards:

By calling, it is possible to understand that the single R32 resistor is interested in this board (collapsed in red) - it is necessary for us to get enough.

Similar recommendations are often found on the Internet, how to make a self-made charger from a computer power supply unit. But consider that all of them are essentially reprints of old articles of the beginning of two thousandths, and similar recommendations for more or less modern power supplies are not applicable. In them, it is not possible to simply raise the voltage of 12 V to the desired value, as other output voltages are controlled, and they will inevitably "float" with this setting, and will work the power supply protection. You can use laptop charger, outstanding the only output voltage, they are much more convenient for rework.

Homemade battery chargers usually have a very simple design, and additionally to that and increased reliability just because the simplicity of the scheme. Another plus from the manufacture of charging with your own hands is the relative cheapness of components and as a result - the low cost of the device.

Why the prefabricated design is better than purchased

The main task of such equipment is to maintain the charge of the car battery at the required level, if necessary. If the discharge of the battery occurred next to the house, where there is a necessary device, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, when there is no suitable equipment for nutrition, the battery is also not enough, you can collect the device with your own hands.

The need to use auxiliary tools for feeding the car's battery is due primarily by low temperatures during the cold season, when half the discharged battery is the main one, and sometimes not soluble the problem at all, if not in time not to recharge the battery. Then home-made chargers for powering car batteries will be salvation for users who do not plan to invest in such a technique at least at the moment.

Operating principle

Until a certain level of the battery, the car can be powered by the vehicle itself, and more precisely, from the electric generator. After this node, a relay is usually set for a voltage setting no more than 14.1V. In order for the battery to be charged to the limit, a higher value of this parameter is necessary - 14.4V. Accordingly, the AKB is just used to implement such a task.

The main nodes of this device are transformer and rectifier. As a result, a direct current with a voltage of a certain value (14.4V) is supplied to the yield. But why is it observed with a voltage of the battery itself - 12V? This is done to ensure the possibility of charging the ACB discharged to the level when the value of this battery parameter was equated with 12V. If charging is characterized by the same parameter, then as a result, the battery power will be difficult to task.

We watch the video, the easiest device for charge battery:

But here there is a nuance: a small excess of the voltage level of the battery is not critical, while the significantly overestimated value of this parameter will be very bad in the future on the operation of the AKB. The principle of operation that is distinguished by any, even the simplest charger for powering the car battery, is to increase the resistance level, which will reduce the charging current.

Accordingly, the greater the voltage value (striving to 12V), the smaller the current. For normal operation, the battery is desirable to set a certain amount of charge current (about 10% of the tank). In the hurry is greatly a temptation to change the value of this parameter to more, however, it is fraught with negative consequences for the battery itself.

What will required for the manufacture of AKB?

The main elements of simple design: diode and heater. If correctly (sequentially) connect them to the battery, you can achieve the desired - the battery will be charged after 10 hours. But lovers save electricity such a decision may not be approached, because the flow rate in this case will be about 10 kW. The operation of the device obtained is characterized by low efficiency.

Basic elements of simple design

But to create a suitable modification will have to somewhat modifying individual elements, in particular, the transformer, the power of which should be at the level of 200-300 W. In the presence of old technology, this detail is suitable from an ordinary tube TV. To organize the ventilation system, the cooler is useful, it is best if it is from the computer.

When a simple charger is created to power the battery with your own hands, another transistor and resistor are still as the main elements. To establish the work of the design, it will take a compact outside, but a rather roomy metal body, a good option is a box from the stabilizer.

In the theory of this kind, even a novice radio amateur will be able to collect, who had not previously encountered complex schemes.

Scheme of a simple battery charge device

The main difficulty lies in the need to modify the transformer. With this level, the winding power is characterized by low voltage indicators (6-7V), the current will be equal to 10a. Usually 12V voltage is required or 24V, depending on the type permissive battery. To obtain such values \u200b\u200bat the device output, you must provide a parallel connection of the windings.

Phased assembly

A homemade charger for powering a car battery begins with the preparation of the core. Wire winding on the winding is performed with a maximum seal, it is important that the turns are tightly fit to each other, and there are no lumen. We must not forget about the isolation that is put at 100 turns intervals. The primary winding wire section is 0.5 mm, secondary - from 1.5 to 3.0 mm. If we consider that at a frequency of 50 Hz 4-5 turns can provide a voltage 1B, respectively, it takes about 90 turns.

Next, a diode of suitable power is selected to withstand the load submitted to it. The best option is the generator diode of the car. To eliminate the risk of overheating, it is necessary to ensure efficient circulation of air inside the case of such an instrument. If the box is not perforated, you should take care of it before the start of the assembly. The cooler must be connected to the output of the charger. The main task is to cool the diode and winding the transformer, which is taken into account when choosing a plot for installation.

We watch the video, detailed manufacturing instructions:

A simple charger for powering a car battery contains a variable resistor. For the normal functioning of charging, it is necessary to obtain resistance at the level of 150 Ohm and the power of 5 W. More than others complies with these requirements model KU202N resistor. You can choose a different option from this, but its parameters must be similar to the value with the specified. The task of the resistor is to adjust the voltage at the output of the device. The CT819 transistor model is also the best option from a number of analogs.

Evaluation of efficiency, cost

As can be seen if it is necessary to assemble a self-made charger for a car battery, its scheme is more than easy to implement. The only difficulty is the layout of all the elements and install them into the case with the subsequent compound. But such work is difficult to call the time consuming, and the cost of all the parts used is extremely small.

Some of the details, and, perhaps, everyone will surely have a radio amateur at home, for example, a cooler from an old computer, a transformer from a lamp television, an old body from the stabilizer. As for the degree of efficiency, such devices collected by their own hands are not distinguished by very high efficiency, however, as a result, they still cope with their task.

We watch the video, useful advice of a specialist:

Thus, large investments in the creation of homemade charging is not required. On the contrary, all elements are extremely small, which favorably sends this solution in comparison with the device that can be purchased in the finished form. The scheme discussed above does not differ by high efficiency, but its main plus is a charged battery of the car, although 10 hours later. You can improve this option or consider many others offered for implementation.

Who has no time to "bother" with all nuances of charging a car battery, monitor the charging current, turn off to not recharge, so as not to recharge, etc., you can recommend a simple charging scheme of the automotive battery with automatic shutdown when charging the battery. This scheme uses one non-powerful transistor to determine the voltage on the battery.

Scheme of a simple automatic car battery charger

List of necessary parts:

  • R1 \u003d 4.7 kΩ;
  • P1 \u003d 10k trimmed;
  • T1 \u003d bc547b, kt815, kt817;
  • Relay \u003d 12V, 400 ohms, (automobile, for example: 90.3747);
  • TR1 \u003d secondary winding voltage 13.5-14.5 V, current 1/10 from the capacity of the AKB (for example: AKB 60A / C - Current 6A);
  • Diode bridge D1-D4 \u003d on the current equal to the nominal transformer value \u003d at least 6a (for example, D242, CD213, CD2997, CD2999 ...) installed on the radiator;
  • D1 diodes (parallel to the relay), D5,6 \u003d 1N4007, KD105, KD522 ...;
  • C1 \u003d 100UF / 25V.
  • R2, R3 - 3 com
  • HL1 - al307
  • HL2 - al307b

The diagram does not have a charge indicator, current control (ammeter) and a charge limitation. If you wish, you can put an ammeter at the output to the gap of any of the wires. LEDs (HL1 and HL2) with restrictive resistances (R2 and R3 - 1 com) or light bulbs parallel to C1 "Network", and to the free contact RL1 "End of charge".

Changed scheme

The current equal to 1/10 on the capacity of the battery is selected by the number of turns of the secondary winding of the transformer. When winding the transformer secondary, it is necessary to make several chain charges to select the optimal version of the charging current.

The charge of the automobile (12 volt) battery is considered to be finished when the voltage on its terminals will reach 14.4 volts.

The shutdown threshold (14.4 volts) is installed by the P1 stroke resistor when the connected and fully charged battery.

When charging a discharged battery, the voltage on it will be around 13V, during charging the current will fall, and the voltage increase. When the voltage on the battery reaches 14.4 volts, the T1 transistor will turn off the RL1 relay circuit will be broken and the battery will turn off from the charging voltage from D1-4 diodes.

When the voltage is reduced to 11.4 volts, the charging is renewed again, such a hysteresis provides D5-6 diodes in the transistor emitter. The schema threshold becomes 10 + 1.4 \u003d 11.4 volts, which can be considered as to automatically restart the charging process.

Such a homemade simple automatic car charger will help you control the charging process, not trace the ending charging and do not recharge your battery!

Website materials used: homemade-circuits.com

Another version of the charger circuit for a 12 volt car battery with automatic shutdown after charging

The scheme is a bit more complicated by the previous one, but with a more clear triggering.

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