Home Chassis Rechargeable batteries - what's new? Advantages and disadvantages of AGM batteries. AGM batteries - what is it and how to maintain them correctly? Car Accumulators AGM Technology

Rechargeable batteries - what's new? Advantages and disadvantages of AGM batteries. AGM batteries - what is it and how to maintain them correctly? Car Accumulators AGM Technology

They mixed with water with water and locked in a box - classic style. Such is the technology of traditional liquid acid car batteries. It is possible if the electrolyte once did not find a microcrack in the housing, and the batteries themselves were the same immortal as the great leader of the proletariat, then the gel battery would appear.

"Gel" - from the word "gel", some dense substance with certain physicochemical characteristics. In no case should not be confused with helium. Helium car batteries are something from the world of fiction.

The gel battery applies the same technology of work as its glorious acid "twin". Inside there is the same electrolyte only in the hardened ugly-like state.

The thickness is created by adding silica gel to the structure of silica. The substance acts as a separator, which is poured between the plates in production. Silica gel captures everything inner space Battery, which allows lead plates to maintain its primary position and renew the resource of the aggregate.

According to the technical characteristics, the gel battery is not inferior to the acid battery. The operating voltage in the battery, which is used in the car is 12V. Capacity may vary in the range of 55-150a. The maximum current for charge does not exceed the value in 30a. On the discharge, the device can produce current power from 550 to 950a.

Advantages and disadvantages of gel batteries

Pluses of automotive gel batteries:

  • Life time. Do you think that all new is fragile? Modern samples of gel batteries can proudly listen to cars for 5-10 years and even more.
  • The number of discharge cycles. Depending on the model using GEL technology, the battery can withstand from 350 to 1200 cycles.
  • Do not require emergency charging. During the year "idleness", the battery life will decrease by about 20%. It is difficult to assume that for such a period can occur with the usual "acid".
  • The integrity of the plates of the electrodes even after the deep discharge of the battery. In classic acid devices, with a greater fraction of the probability, the plates are destroyed than in gel analogs.

Cons of automotive gel batteries:

  • Sensitivity to tension. Upon exceeding the barrier in the 14.4V gel, the gel "melts" and restore it is problematic.
  • Sensitivity to low temperatures. Strong frosts will force the electrolyte to frozen, after which the further operation of the device on the car will be impossible.
  • A small short circuit in the chain can completely destroy the battery.
  • Gel technology is expensive.

AGM Accumulators: Positive and Negative Sides of Devices

Automotive AGM battery is a lead acid unit that is divided into pieces of microporous plastic separators.

Inside porous fiberglass is a liquid electrolyte - sulfuric acid, in which the "float" positive and negative plates generating the current. The electrolyte partially permeates the pores of the composite so that the device successfully passes the process of redistribution of gases.

Pluses of car AGM batteries:

  • Aggregate maintenance is not required.
  • An hermetic design that excludes the leakage of the caustic substance and allows you to install the battery in any position.
  • Properly charged battery guarantees no harmful gas discharge.
  • Excellent service life even with high car vibrations. AGM battery is ready to work for the benefit of the car for more than 10 years.
  • The number of discharge cycles ranges from 200 to 800 times.

Minuses of automotive AGM batteries:

  • Cute weight.
  • Full discharge can reduce the operating characteristics of the device.
  • Excess discharge degree may also cause damage to the battery.
  • It is more expensive than ordinary acid batteries.

Charging and Recovery Method for Gel Batteries

How to charge gel battery correctly? This instruction It will help to carry out the correct service of the automotive battery with their own hands:

  • Remove the top plate from the battery cover.
  • Unscrew the plugs with cans and pour into each 2 ml of distilled water.
  • We are waiting until the fiberglass is wetted enough.
  • Connect the battery to the charger.
  • We charge at a voltage not higher than 14.4V, and the current strength is calculated from the declared container of the device in the ratio of 1:10. If the battery does not want to charge for a few hours, you can raise the voltage up to 20V and keep the bar until the battery starts to receive the current.
  • After charging, we wipe the cork and fix the top plate into place.

The same technology can help recover gel batteries. The main thing is not to miss the moment of electrolyte regeneration. Otherwise, the fire will have to extinguish with reservoirs, and a damaged battery is sent to a landfill.

In the launched cases helps "Rash". Battery charging occurs under high voltage - approximately 30 V. Then it is necessary to start slowly discharge the device. Most often for this purpose, conventional car lights are using no more than 10 W. At the discharge stage important moment - Do not give the battery to reduce the voltage below 10.5 V.

After all manipulations, the process of "disorder" acb is repeated and continues until the unit charges energy. At the end, you can check with a voltmeter voltage on terminals.

Used in many industries, but the mass consumer is closest transport equipment. And in the same sphere, the most clearly manifested weak spots such nutrition elements. Problems in the operation of batteries are caused by nuances of ergonomics, maintenance and maintain optimal reliability in different conditions of application. In this case, a part of the shortcomings managed to minimize using Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology in 1970. A new approach to the organization associated also with a change in electrolyte characteristics, relevant and today. Moreover, AGM technology over all of their existence has undergone a lot of adjustments and today allows you to develop batteries with fundamentally improved qualities. However, such batteries and flaws are not disposed.

General information about technology

The peculiarity of this technology is due to the principles of the content of the so-called associated electrolyte. So, if in classic batteries, a liquid electrochemical content is used as an active substance, then a dense electrolyte is used in AGM systems. Accordingly, it gives at least increased protection against vibrations. In terms of household circulation with such blocks, many celebrate convenience and reliability. But these are not all the features that are characterized by AGM technology. Absorbed electrolyte, which is most often used in such batteries, in itself has a considerable amount of advantages. In practice, its resistance to temperature is observed and the ability to withstand a large number of charges. The implementation of the concept of the associated electrolyte requires a special device of the hull and internal filling.

Block design

The housing is made of high-strength plastic, which hosts a set of plates-electrodes. As a rule, the latter are performed from lead, which relates such structures with classic blocks. The main difference is the properties of the electrolyte, which is represented by the aqueous acid. This is a kind of acid that fills the space of the body to ensure subsequent reactions between the electrodes. Actually, the difference is due to the fact that the filling has no liquid, but a solid state. Usually manufacturers are used to ensure this condition microporous material based on fiberglass. It is impregnated with electrolyte and thus form a dense bundle between the internal components of the block. The filler protrudes and the separator, not allowing the solution to spread. However, AGM technology can also provide other methods of dense ligament of an electrochemical substance, but the essence of the method remains one - to ensure the reliability of the content of the active element without losing the basic battery function.

Agm batteries varieties

Models of accumulators of this type are manufactured in flat or spiral forms. This refers to the electrode device. Spiral components are characterized by an extensive surface electrochemical contact, which in practice contributes to an increase in the ability to briefly ensure large currents. In addition, many motorists note the rapid replenishment of the energy potential. But, on the other hand, models with flat electrodes won in spirals due to the balanced specific capacity of the battery. Similar qualities, to the word, and gel blocks, and traditional lead-acids are distinguished. AGM technology configuration is only optimized, allowing the highest performance indicators of the batter in a well-established format.

Gel technology similarities

This is a group of gel batteries, which are also developed in accordance with the concept of the associated electrolyte. Only in this case Another principle of ensuring viscous filling is used. To do this, silica gel is used, fully covered by the entire space of the block. As well as AGM technology, the method of manufacturing GEL batteries provides resistance to vibrations and reliability of the electrochemical filling as a whole. In this regard, the main advantage of gel batteries is to eliminate the risk of closure. Dense fit to the electrodes does not allow them to collapse over time, and the electrolyte also effectively copes with its function, interacting through the pores of the filler.

According to experts, the models of this type are able to withstand about 1,200 charge cycles. allow you to fill out a charge of 500-600 times. Similar indicators reaches AGM technology. The advantages and disadvantages of both structures are generally similar and consist in the features of the interaction of electrodes and electrolyte. But there is also a difference in operational nuances that are noticeable only in practice.

What is better - AGM or GEL?

To begin with, it is worth emphasizing that gel devices are worth more expensive models AGM, although this does not speak about their obvious advantage. So, give preference to constructions with absorbed electrolyte worthwhide who wants to be confident in the durability of the discharge fillings high power. In addition, such blocks benefit due to the rapid replenishment of the energy stock. At the same time, AGM and GEL technologies approximately equally consistently hold the charge - in any case, if we compare models from the total price group. As for the advantages of gel elements, they exhibit themselves better in high loads - for example, after a deep discharge or in the presence of external electrical interference. This can also be added to the rigidity of the filler, which does not allow physically to destroy the stuffing, while maintaining the integrity of the same electrode. Gel models in the latest versions are developed for strengthening precisely the strength quality, but the inevitable decrease in the electrical properties of the unit interferes with the promotion in this direction.

Advantages of technology

If you compare the advantages of technology on the general background of batteries, the lack of need for maintenance will be released. Next, you can emphasize the quantity that applies to all devices performed on the principle of the associated electrolyte. This is a hermetic design with valve adjustment, which minimized the risk of acid leakage. That is, it also speaks about the reliability of the block from the point of view of physical circulation, and its environmental safety. This property, by the way, is characterized by expensive branded batteries, and budget models, poorly manufactured. AGM technology makes the internal filling as much as possible, which also contributes to an increase in the efficiency of electrochemical processes. Here again, you can return to a large number of charge cycles, rapid energy replenishment and stable work electrodes.


Most of the minuses that accumulators of this type are distributed to all lead acid devices. For example, this relates to a large weight, to the toxicity of lead oxide, as well as restrictions on the organization of storage conditions. In particular, manufacturers do not recommend storing blocks in a discharged state. In addition, contrary to popular belief, experienced motorists note that in the conditions of frost there is a decrease in performance characteristics. This refers to voltage fluctuations, which is usually reduced. Also, many indicate the impossibility of restoring the element after a deep discharge. This is another point in which AGM technology is inferior to the reliability of GEL developments. However, subject to the observance of even the general rules for using such batteries, such troubles can be avoided.

The rules of operation of batteries

To prevent the sulfatization of batteries, it is recommended to always maintain their optimal charge. As the capacitance loses, the operational resource of active elements is reduced. Also cannot be allowed short circuits in terminals. Although the developers of the AGM batteries work hard to improve the reliability and functional parts of the case, it is important to comply with the correctness of the external connection. By the way, this is especially true of operations, during which AGM batteries are repaired. The technologies for the manufacture of elements of the new generation increases both the mechanical strength of the case, but also, taking into account this aspect, it is not necessary to excessively hope for the resistance of the plastic used for the shell. The revealed AGM battery is no less dangerous than traditional lead acid blocks.

Application areas of technology

Of course, modern batteries with improved operational properties are used not only in cars. Products created on the basis of AGM technologies are activated in power supply systems, in municipal service stations, in telecommunications areas, etc. The possibility of autonomous energy supply is also in demand in medicine - to maintain the performance of equipment in emergency situations. But since AGM technology in batteries does not exclude the use of heavy and toxically hazardous metals, manufacturers also impose restrictions on their operation.


The domestic battery market is saturated with various types of models, among which are the elements of AGM. In particular, the initial segment represents products from the firms "Ventura", "Optima", as well as some modifications from the Stinger line. However, the highest quality batteries with AGM technology, according to many motorists, offer manufacturers of Delta and Varta. In addition, in the families of these companies you can find different modifications blocks for any requests.

How much is AGM battery?

Much depends on the technical characteristics, the quality of the materials used and the container, but in average prices range from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The cheapest batteries of this type are approximately 5-6 thousand. If a model is purchased for a car's demanding for electrical engineering, then you can immediately contact the segment from 20 thousand. It is so many high-quality and reliable AGM batteries. The technology of organizing the content of an absorbent electrolyte in this price level is most beneficial, although they also do not exclude the shortcomings characteristic of the general class.


Appearance breakthrough technologies In different areas, the market often causes the market, but over time everything returns to its channel and the consumer still gives preference to traditional products. This is due to the fact that the developers of new decisions in advertising make an emphasis on virtues, not always fully disclose information about the disadvantages. So in this case, but experienced motorists and simply specialists are familiar with the advantages, and with minuses that AGM technology gives. Lead batteries even with a dense electrolyte do not cease to be sensitive to voltage drops, require compliance with the same security measures and at the same time it is not suiced. Nevertheless, in some cases, this option will fully justify. AGM batteries correspond to the requests of those car enthusiasts that are focused on the mechanical strength of the battery, its durability and performance. But it is possible to maintain these qualities for many years only if the battery operating rules are met.

For own car, Each owner would like it to serve as longer as possible and did not need any service. These requirements largely correspond to AGM batteries made by special innovative technology. In addition, these products have an elevant starting current, which is so necessary in winter time To start the engine.

Features of the internal device

In conventional acid batteries, the free space between lead electrodes is filled with liquid electrolyte. The fundamental feature of the AGM batteries device is that there are so-called absorbent mats from special porous fiberglass between the plates (Absorbent Glass Mat). The electrolyte inside such batteries is in the "bound" state. In the manufacture, they fill the pores of the gaskets in which the fluid is held over the entire period of operation. Fiberglass mats, densely located between lead electrodes, are simultaneously performing two functions:

  • sponges-separator holding electrolyte;
  • insulator, preventing electrical closure of plates.

Since, in the process of work and charging AGM batteries, electrochemical reactions occur, which are accompanied by the release of oxygen and hydrogen, the portion of the pores are left empty. Gases fill free space and over time are regenerated back into the water and mixed with a solution that mattes are impregnated. This internal recombination of the electrolyte ensures the maintenance of its quantity and chemical properties is almost unchanged during the entire period of operation of the battery.

The use of such innovative technology has significantly improved specifications and performance indicators rechargeable batteries. Among the products of a similar purpose, they are rightfully today the best, albeit the most expensive.

Varieties of technological performance

Manufacturers of modern AGM batteries use two main technologies (depending on the shape and location of lead electrodes inside the hermetic case):

  • lamellar;
  • spiral (orbital).

In the first case, the electrodes are made in the form of rectangular plates. Between them tightly laid mats filled with electrolyte. Inside the elements are combined with each other with special conductive tires. It is this method of manufacture that most manufacturers apply.

In the second case, the electrodes are ribbons that twist in the "roll", with a fiberglass laid between them. Rolls are placed in separate cylindrical tanks (which is divided by the body of the product) and combine lead plates among themselves. Technically, this method is more complicated by the first, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of the battery.

On a note! Due to the fact that such a technology is patented, not a very large number of manufacturers are harder to apply it.

Regardless of the production method used for the manufacture of electrodes, only lead is used by a very high degree of purification - up to 99.99% (as opposed to ordinary acid batteries, where the requirements are significantly lower).

Important! To ensure safe operation when extreme situations occur, the case is equipped with an emergency reset valve of excessive gas pressure.


The main technical characteristics of batteries are:

  • nominal capacity (a / h);
  • operating voltage (B);
  • maximum starting current (in AGM batteries it is much more compared to conventional analogues);
  • internal resistance;
  • self-discharge current;
  • the number of permissible recharging cycles (with full battery), which at the top models of AGM products reaches 400-500;
  • lifecycle - up to 7 years or more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to classical analogues of AGM batteries, have a number of benefits:

  • For such devices, there is no need for any preventive work during the period of the entire service life.
  • High resistance to vibration loads allows them to be applied on any vehicles.
  • Absolute safety operation. Due to the fact that the electrolyte is inside in the associated state, that is, even with mechanical damage to the case, it does not occur.
  • Products are well tolerated deep discharge, after which they can easily be charged to complete container.
  • They can be installed in almost any position (vertical, horizontal or at an angle).
  • Significantly less time is necessary to charge the product (compared to liquid analogues).
  • Long service life (subject to all rules recommended by the manufacturer).


  • When using AGM batteries, it is necessary to regularly monitor health electrical equipment car. For example, a faulty voltage regulator relay can significantly reduce the duration of the "life" of such a battery (and in the worst case, lead it into a completely inoperative state).

  • The need to apply for charging special devices equipped with current and voltage regulators.
  • Higher cost (compared with standard models).
  • Battery storage must be carried out only in the charged state.
  • Reducing starting efficiency (according to response about AGM batteries) at very low ambient temperatures (minus 30 degrees and below).

Leading manufacturers

Almost all batteries manufacturers offer battery users made using AGM technology. Among the most famous reputation in our country and those who have proven, the reputation of reliable firms should be allocated:

  • german - Bosch, Varta and Deta;
  • american - Exide, Optima, Deka and Energizer;
  • turkish - Mutlu;
  • austrian - Banner;
  • south Korean - Atlas BX and AlphaLine;
  • italian - FIMM;
  • polish - Zap;
  • luxembourg - Tudor;
  • russian - "Energy" and "Source".

All of the above manufacturers represent a 2-year warranty on AGM batteries.

Models and prices

Rule model Row Innovative AGM batteries is presented on russian market Very wide (both by manufacturers and technical specifications and scope). As a comparative material, we give a review of several models that are interested in motorists. After all, it is almost daily every day with the use of batteries when the engine is started.

VARTA AGM D52 SILVER DYNAMIC battery (60 A / h capacity, with a maximum start current of 680 A and overall dimensions of 242 x 175 x 190 mm) today costs 11,200 - 11,500 rubles. The warranty period is 2 years.

South Korean ATLAS AGM AX S55D23 (cost 8 100 - 8,300 rubles), possessing more modest technical specifications (55 A / H capacity, cold scroll current 550 A and dimensions of 220 x 170 x 220 mm) is quite suitable for cars of small or medium sizes. , "Farserized" additional devicesconsuming a significant amount of electricity.

The cost of the AGM Start-Stop EXIDE EK508 battery performed according to orbital technology is about 16,500 - 16,700 rubles. With a nominal capacity of 50 a / h, the starting current is 800 A! Impressive if you consider very small dimensions (260 x 173 x 206 mm).

How to charge agm battery

Before you proceed to charging the battery, you need to carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations that are specified in the accompanying documentation. The batteries made using AGM technology are completely "painlessly" tolerate a deep discharge (even reusable), but very "negatively belongs to exceed the value of the charging current and voltage. How to charge an AGM battery correctly? To date, two main algorithms are used:

  • Two-stage, at which the current is installed at the first stage - from 10 to 20% of the size of the tank; And the voltage (as a rule, it is about 14.4-14.8 volts), which at the second stage is lowered to 13.2-13.6 volts. It is this mode that is considered the most useful for the extension of the "life" of the battery.
  • Single-stage: Voltage - 13.4-13.8 volts, current - 10-30% of the value of the nominal capacity. This option to restore the energy characteristics of the battery can only be recommended to the owners of the simplest chargers.

Requirements for charger

Since to charge the AGM battery correctly using the simplest devices designed to maintain conventional liquid batteries (not so "sensitive" to exceeding the recommended charging current and voltage), it is almost impossible, many AGM manufacturers offer users special zoom produced under their own brand (Bosch, Optima and so on).

Good feedback Leave users and on universal charging devices, the release of which is safely mastered by numerous domestic firms.

Basic requirements for AGM batteries:

  • the ability to adjust the current and voltage;
  • maintaining the exhibited values, regardless of the hopping voltage jumps;
  • the presence of pre-installed automatic charging modes.

Application area

Since the AGM battery can be charged in a short period of time, naturally, they are designed primarily for use in cars equipped with automatic system "Start Stop".

These products are indispensable for motorists using their "iron friend" mainly for short-term daily trips. To restore the capacity of the standard liquid battery, the time will not be enough.

Modern cars equipped with numerous additional devices that consume electricity (for example, preparation heaters Engine, powerful multimedia systems, multifunctional security alarms and so on), it is also necessary to equip only with highly efficient batteries. The best solution is the installation of AGM batteries.

Wide use These products also find in the sources of uninterrupted power supply of computers, fire and security alarms.

What to pay attention to when choosing

When choosing an AGM battery (12V) for a car (in case of replacing the standard product), you should pay attention to several main points:

  • dimensions (They must match the battery mounting compartment) and the location of the terminals (direct or reverse).
  • Capacity, the value of which must correspond to the parameters specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for a particular car.
  • Starting current required for a confident engine start. Although the magnitude of this indicator in products performed by AGM technology, much more than the same characteristic of standard acid batteries.

Important! Before installing the new AGM battery, check the health of the car's electrical equipment responsible for the process of recharging during the ride.


Despite the fact that charging AGM batteries must be performed only with the help of special devices, and the price of the batteries themselves (compared to conventional liquid analogues) above (approximately 1.5-2 times), they begin to enjoy increasingly popular. First of all, this is due to improved technical characteristics (among products for this purpose), as well as convenience and long-term smooth operation.

For the first time, pursuing a choice, our clients face that the manufacturers could make a significant confusion in the classification of even such simple things.

In this regard, many questions arise, for example:

  • What battery is better: lead acid or gel?
  • What is the multigel battery different from gel?
  • What is AGM VRLA?

For the convenience of searching in our online store, we indicate the batteries as they lacks the manufacturer - so that you can easily find the desired model. But if you have not yet decided on a specific model and just trying to understand: what rechargeable battery For the UPS, it is better to purchase, then this article will help you.

Types of batteries for UPS and Terms

First of all, you need to remember that all the batteries manufactured at the moment industry for the UPS are lead-acid. Another "frightening" abbreviations -VRLA. and SLA - both belong to batteries that are used in uninterrupted power sources.Also such batteries are called unqualified and sealyed.

VRLA. decrypt as Valve Regulated LEAD ACID, in free translation it means Adjustable lead-acid valve.

SLA Means Sealed LEAD ACID, i.e. closed (sealed) lead acid.

Non-servant - means that in the battery of this species is not required to monitor the level of electrolyte and topping the water, as, for example, in the automotive.

Designation sealed (hermetic) It suggests that electrolyte does not break from the battery of this type, even if it is a false support or will be shaking. Also, tightness allows them to operate them in residential premises: combustible pairs that allocate in the process of operation of the battery remain "locked" inside, and only during violations of the working conditions, an emergency valve can open.

And all these definitions are not different types batteries, and the same: VRLA /SLA maintenanceable sealing (hermetic). This type was most common in uninterrupted power sources. In other systems, starter served and starter maintenance can be used, but we will not speak about them today.

Gel and agm

In order to achieve tightness and eliminate the need to maintain batteries for the UPS, manufacturers use two different technologies: GEL (ABSORPTIVE Glass Mat). Both technologies provide gas recombination to maintain the volume of electrolyte and its "binding" to avoid splashing.

IN gel batteries The liquid electrolyte is brought to the jelly-like, viscous consistency by adding silicon compounds into it. As a result, the electrolyte does not splash when shaking, and does not flow under minor damage to the case. This technology appeared first, that is why many in the old manner are all hermetic unqualified batteries Call gels.

The domestic name "helium batteries" is also common, which is not true in the root. Gas helium has nothing to do with rechargeable batteries.

Thanks to the viscous state in gel batteries occurs gas recombination:

  • As a result chemical reaction Water in the battery decays to hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Hydrogen and oxygen ions remain in a closed battery space and, moving along micro and cracks in the gel, are connected and formed water again.
  • Water absorbs gel, the initial volume of electrolyte is restored.

As a result, we have a battery, in which no need to top up, since it practically does not evaporate. In addition, gas emission does not occur, so the battery can be used in residential premises.

IN AGM batteries The space between the plates is filled with fiberglass mats, which absorb electrolyte.

In the photo - a revealed AGM battery, in which you can consider the very "Glass Mat" - fiberglass mats.

Due to this, almost the same goals are achieved as in gels: the electrolyte does not splash, and in the pores of the filler there is a gas recombination, i.e., we have the same non-maintained hermetic battery, as well as gel. Is that when damaged the housing, the electrolyte is likely to flow and hurt the equipment located nearby. That is why in expensive telecommunication systems often prefer to use Gel VRLA type acb.

AGM technology is newer than GEL.

Note that:

  • And GEL, and AGM batteries are lead-acid.
  • These are two different technologies.

What about the multigels?

Multigel batteries are not essentially a separate type of power supply. Most often, manufacturers and outlets use this name for AGM batteries.

For example, in the photo below - the Luxeon LX12120MG 12AH battery (reverse side). In very many online stores, it is sold under the "Multigel" brand, as evidenced by the "MG" marking in the name, however, the manufacturer on the battery itself indicates that this is: "Technology: AGM, non-rupture" battery "(UKR) (AGM technology, non-servant battery).

And considering the price of multigel batteries is always lower than on gel, and this is despite the fact that gel technology is quite expensive - in the overwhelming majority we are dealing with AGM.

Differences of gel and agm batteries

Cyclic resource2-3 times higher than in AGM (about 600 cycles) due to viscous electrolyte. The plates remain covered during a deep discharge, therefore it is less susceptible to corrosion.About 300 cycles charge-discharge.
ChargeVery demanding of charge accuracy, its exceeding can lead to the battery to be bought.Not so critical to the charge, although the voltage excess during charge can also lead to boiling and swollen the battery.
Self-dischargeThe size of the self-discharge is small, so suitable for use where the discharge occurs with small currents for a long periodSelf-discharge more intense than gels.
OverheatOverheating can cause a battery explosion.Overheating is not as critical, but also dangerous.
Deep dischargeWell withstand deep discharge. Operation is desirable at a discharge depth of no more than 30%.
Launcher and maximum currentUnable to give large current values, especially starting, due to high internal resistance.Start currents more.
Short circuitsVery sensitive to short circuit.Less sensitive.
ExploitationIn any position, except for "upward", small damage to the housing does not cause electrolyte leakage, due to the viscosity of the latter.In any position, except for "upside down".

Or briefly, in the picture:

So, in general, gel batteries will serve longer than AGM, in systems:

  • where the discharge-charge cycle is happening more often
  • where is more often a deep discharge,
  • where to discharge a long time
  • where it can be a critical electrolyte strait during random damage to the case.

Since these batteries are more capricious and more expensive, in other cases they can be successfully replaced by AGM AKB.

And most importantly, - be sure to pay attention to the specifications specific model They are stated by the manufacturer, they may differ significantly for batteries of different brands and price categories.


IN modern world Every day, the old and invent new technologies that are used in everyday life. You can no doubt to say the battery is the heart of any technique. They are used everywhere, where energy needs and is not able to do with the network.


What is AGM battery

AGM battery (Absorbent Glass Mat, absorbent glass mat) Is a lead-acid battery, in which the electrolyte is not in the usual liquid state, but as a porous fiberglass filler, which in turn is impregnated with electrolyte.

That is, in banks between the plus and minus lead plates there is a fiberglass connected with an electrolyte, thanks to which the battery is not prone to pitching and can be used lying on the side, but this is not all the advantages.

Accumulators made by AGM technology are often confused with gel (), but it is not so. They have completely different technologies, they simply solve the same task.

Used technologies

As the basis of AGM battery was usually taken lead-acid. A distinctive feature It is that it contains an absorbed electrolyte, and not liquid, which makes the power supply more functional. It looks like this as follows. There is a separator between positive and negative plates (gasket from porous fiberglass). This gasket on the likeness of a sponge is impregnated with electrolyte, and it turns out there locked there, thanks what does not pass anywhere and does not evaporate.

In turn, the lead plates pressed the separator very tightly, because of which it is possible to shove more plates into each bank for 20-30 percent. This allows you to get more launchers and containers.

At the moment AGM batteries are produced in flat and spiral configuration.

Spiral AGM batteries. They have a large area of \u200b\u200bsurface contact. This allows you to briefly obtain significantly large currents, as well as faster charging. Substantial disadvantages include less rated battery capacity, relative to the flat form.

AGM flat configuration batteries. This method of production allows for better electrolyte preservation and excellent tightness of separators, to maintain charge and discharge, and as noted earlier possess a higher capacity. Unlike spiraloids, not only in the United States are produced, but also in Europe. Moreover, spirals are the development of Johnson Controls for the Optima battery line and are no longer used anywhere.

Therefore, automobile batteries with flat configuration of blocks are currently the most popular.

Where AGM batteries apply

Rechargeable batteries are used in many industries, but the most massive use occurs when equipped with vehicles.

Modern batteries have improved operational properties, and find the use of almost all areas:

  1. In motorcycles and cars.
  2. In cars equipped with a start-stop system.
  3. In the power supply system.
  4. At municipal service stations.
  5. In the field of telecommunications.
  6. In UPS.
  7. For boats and ships.
  8. And there are many areas where rechargeable batteries are used.

The possibility of autonomous energy supply allows you to use in medical institutionsTo ensure the performance of equipment in emergency situations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pluses AGM batteries a lot:

  1. AGM batteries are fully maintenanceable, put and forgot, it is sometimes sometimes possible to recharge into the laundry frost;
  2. Support cars with Start-Stop system;
  3. High return. Because of the close location of the plates, it accommodates them more, with an equivalent volume, which increases the battery capacity;
  4. Quick charge. Due to the fact that lead is used in the plates, it has the lowest internal resistance, which improves the characteristics of the device, reduces the charge time;
  5. Endurance. Withstands more periods of "charge and discharge", also has high resistance to deep discharge. Because the "separators" contains the plates, not allowing them to decay;
  6. Resistant to low air temperatures and it is well tolerating its differences;
  7. Tightness, you can use in any position (on the side);
  8. The "closed" electrolyte (does not give evaporation), makes it possible to apply indoors, suitable for other power supplies, solar and wind system;
  9. Large service life. The average operating time of the source of energy can be from 5 to 10 years.

By minuses include:

  1. High price. For this cost, you can purchase 2, if not 3 acid calcium calculators, which in sum will serve all 15 years;
  2. Rather difficult weight;
  3. A special charger is needed.
  4. Non-servitude. On the one hand, this is a huge plus, but if something happens with the batteries, it will not work independently to reanimate it.

The essential advantages of AGM are clearly more, but still, first of all, you need to pay attention to your needs, if you have an average price category without a START-STOP system, it will be more correct to take a hybrid or acid calculator calculator.

AGM battery service

AGM batteries are non-servant, but this does not mean that they do not need to be careful. You must try to prevent recharging or deep discharge. Maintain a battery clean. Wipe away from moisture and dirt, as it can be sorted between terminals. If necessary, clean the terminals from corrosion. Periodically, as need to recharge.

The battery is completely sealed, which means to open it impossible. Moreover, it will not be classic traffic jams through which distilled water can be attached, besides, there will not be in the usual concept of water too.

How to choose a charger for AGM battery

Any charging for AGM batteries is suitable, the main thing follows the instructions that will go complete with the memory and that it would have the ability to adjust the current and voltage.

AGM batteries can not charge ordinary chargersSince these acb has no valves for resetting pressure, respectively, it can explode.

How to charge agm batteries

Only ensuring the correct battery charging process will be able to ensure the development maximum resource Products.

The process of recharging can be performed by a slightly large charger. dC than 10% of the battery capacity, but it should not exceed 20%. The plates are made of high quality lead, which allows you to make a full charge in just a couple of hours.

Charge AGM batteries can only be a special memory, therefore it will not work specific recommendations. You need to follow according to the instructions applied specifically to your charger.

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