Home Engine The location of air conditioner filling fittings on cars. Make a car air conditioner with your own hands? Easily! Refueling air conditioner by freon by weight

The location of air conditioner filling fittings on cars. Make a car air conditioner with your own hands? Easily! Refueling air conditioner by freon by weight

To refuel the air conditioner with your own hands, you need to know how it works:

  • In the closed circuit there is freon, circulating in the system;
  • In the air conditioner compressor, the gas is compressed, its temperature rises;
  • Then the refrigerant (hot gas under high pressure) falls into the capacitor, there it gives heat and condenses (goes into a liquid state);
  • The Freon enters the contour, along the high pressure side is supplied to the expansion valve, sprayed and falls into the evaporator;
  • There the refrigerant evaporates, while it is warm out of the air, so it is cooled;
  • Finally, Freon in the form of cold gas enters the compressor on the side low pressureand the process is repeated.

So that the unit works regularly, it is necessary to repair the compressor in a timely manner, check the tightness and refueling the air conditioner by Freon.

Before proceeding with the refueling of an autoconditioner with her own hands, you need to find out what the amount of freon is required. You can see it on the same tablet under the hood, where the type of refrigerant used is indicated.

If there is no such plate, to clarify the rate of Freon refueling from the dealer or see the manual. For russian cars It is usually about 750-1000 grams, but much accuracy is not needed here.

If the cooling system subsequently will not work correctly, it is possible to repair climate control.

Before Freon refueling, it is necessary to prepare well and perform such actions:

  1. Initially, you need to drain the technique. To do this, you can apply both purge by freon and nitrogen. Freon is used in cases where the primary air conditioner installation was carried out correctly. Then the freon is located in the external block and allows you to purge.
  1. It is also necessary to check the design of the device for tightness. To do this, it is necessary to ensure high pressure. If not all right, then it is necessary to determine which place is damaged. For this you can use ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Next, the method of vacuuming should be removed all air from the system. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the amount of freon, which is needed for refueling.

What is refilled air conditioning?

When referring to freon, a parallel with refrigerator refrigerant is immediately carried out, but for domestic air cooling, a specific appearance is used, different from the freezer. So, freon brands are most often used:

  • R-22. - He showed himself as the most reliable carrier, is distinguished by a high cooling efficiency, in contrast to the refrigerants of the R-8 brand and others. When using it, the production of cold can significantly decrease, and the electricity consumption is to increase.
  • R-134 A - A newer kind of freon is safer for nature, since it does not affect its ozone layer. It is now used extremely rare due to high cost.

When is required for refueling a car air conditioner?

If there are leaks, it makes no sense to refuel the air conditioner, you first need to eliminate the causes of freon's loss.

Step-by-step instruction of air conditioning refueling

Before refueling, you need to check the integrity of the cooling line, view all its tubes. If everything is in order, you can proceed to preparatory work By refueling:

  1. Pressing system. If no deviations have been revealed externally, then the system must be loaded with nitrogen gaseous. This is done with reducer and pressure gauge. When the volume of the air conditioner is completely filled, nitrogen will cease to enter the system. With complete sealing, the pressure in the unit will be permanent, if it falls, then the leakage of freon occurs due to damage to the tubes to be sought. Otherwise, if everything is tight in the system, you can move to vacuum;
  2. Connecting a vacuum pump. When this device is selected, you need to check that it has a pressure gauge and check valve. The first will be responsible for the pressure, and the second one will prevent the oil entering the freon. The pump connects to the air conditioner through the collector. Before it starts, you need to unscrew the gas valve. When a minimum value is established on the manometer, it will be necessary to use the pump, and block the valve at the collector.

The course of filling works of the split system:

  1. Preparation of equipment. To make a refueling, you need digital devices - scales and thermometers, set of keys and pressure manifold. It is better to use a four-position collector to avoid reconnecting and air formation in the tube;
  2. Prepare a cylinder with freon. It must be weighed, and then open the valve on it and immediately close to lower the air from the hose;
  3. Prepare air conditioning. It is necessary to set the temperature of 18 degrees and turn on the device for cooling the room;
  4. Connecting a manometer. On the device, it is necessary to find the largest tube coming from an external block, unscrew the cap from it and connect to the released placement to the released place, and its other end is connected to the phonon cylinder;
  5. The process of refueling. Pressure should grow, and when it is 5-8 bar, you need to block the valve on the cylinder and pressure gauge. Cap set into place.

To find out how much gas it was necessary to refuel climate techniques, you need a cylinder again to put on the scales and compare the mass with the previous indication.

Freon's leak - how serious is it?

What will contribute to reliable and long work split system? Only its proper maintenance in which the periodic refueling device by Freon is lies.

Even if the installation of the air conditioner was made correctly at 100%, in the process of operation, part of the freon will still flow. Therefore, sooner or later the device will have to fill with an additional amount of refrigerant. As a rule, that the device lacks freon, says the fact that the air conditioner has become worse to cool the air.

For each device, the pressure in it will always have different parameters. This indicator is influenced by many factors. First of all, it is a brand of equipment and a temperature on the street.

For example, the device is refueling 22 refrigerant (freon), the air temperature is 20 degrees, the pressure in the air conditioner will correspond to the value of 4.5 bars, but at 15 degrees, and 410 freon in the split system the pressure will reach a 6.5 bar .

Therefore, be sure to learn the data that the manufacturer usually leads to the instrument passport. Also, this information can also be indicated on the metal shield, which is attached to the block located outside.

Usually, air conditioners do not require frequent refueling. Most often, at normal operation, Freon, seasoned at the manufacturer, is enough for several years of intensive operation of the device. But sometimes a breakdown of the device leads to the fact that certain types of work must be performed. Repair and refueling can be performed not only by specialists, but also by you, unless of course we are talking about the burnt board or wiring.

Be sure to consider the fact that refueling into the refrigerant device is carried out only through ports that are located on the outer block. And in multi split systems, such ports are usually several.

If you are going to fill the air conditioner using the scales, then not to make mistakes with the desired value. Experts are recommended to be completely removed from the Freon device and fill the right amount specified in the passport of the device or on a metal shield.

There is not a very common way to refuel temperature. Refueling split system with your own hands in such a way more complicated than refueling by weight, but quite executed. With a sufficient amount of gas into a split system, the temperature of the fan of the block, located inside, must correspond to 8 degrees, a deviation is allowed to 1-2 degrees.

Remember the most important rule when cleaning and refilling the system is carried out, the cooling mode always turns on. Then run the device. And only after that you can turn on another mode - heating. If you confuse and make on the contrary, you will fill the compressor.

Even if the car owner took care of the installation of climate control, in the search for freon leaks, this system will not help, for this you need other equipment. For example, you can use a leak detector that is able to catch even the minimum content in the air of Freon. Modern devices are so sensitive that they can withdraw directly to leakage.

If there is no ability to use the lecturer, you can check the air conditioning in another way. To do this, it is necessary to completely fill the system with oil and freon and add a special ultraviolet dye there. In this case, the technology of air conditioning refueling does not change. Then you need to turn on the unit several times and enlighten all the highways of the ultraviolet lamp.

In places where there are leaks, yellow-green leaks or fog of the same color will appear.

Freon is an excellent refrigerant used in automotive air conditioning systems. The system itself consists of a freon refrigeration machine, the individual segments of which are connected by the freonoper. Unlike domestic refrigerators, car air conditioners have threaded compounds with additional rubber seals. The compressor, which we viewed in a separate article, work at the expense of a mechanical drive. Sealedness provide several gland seals. In this case, it is impossible to guarantee the absence of refrigerant leaks - it begins to slowly evaporate even through the smallest slits in the sealing elements. For this reason, car air conditioners periodically need to be charged.

What is important to know about freon

Studies have shown that a person can feel more than comfortable at temperatures of 20-27 ° C. Moreover, the specific temperature of the temperature from this range is taken with a loan to humidity. With humidity 70% temperature 21 ° C. will be as comfortable as the temperature 27 ° C. With humidity 30% . Since on hot days humidity can be different (it depends in many respects from the region), the driver has to "play" with the temperature, seeking the most comfortable stay in the car. If the air conditioner does not work, which most often happens just because of the leakage of freon, the temperature cannot be monitored. This is what you need to know about Hladagen:

  • Freon (Coldon) is a colorless gas or a liquid that does not smell. In terms of chemical properties, Freons are inert, however, in the case of large leaks seriously harm the environment. When heated to high temperatures become very strong poisons. The volume of the Freon fill in the system depends on the car model and is always indicated in the serviceport;
  • Automotive air conditioning is a complex fresco refrigerator, the elements of which are connected by special freonofluories. Its weak elements themselves are seals - it is rapidly wears due to temperature differences, vibrations, direct mechanical effects, contact with other auto chemicals;
  • Some percentage of Freon falls on lubricant. The manufacturer adds oil into the refrigerant because it reduces wear of rubbing parts and seals. And it is for this reason that the air conditioner periodically needs turn on for 10-15 minutesso that the lubricant covered the subtle layer internal cavities of the air conditioner;
  • The frequency of refueling of the automotive air conditioner Freon depends on the age of the car. As a rule, in new car The refrigerant must be pouring after 2-3 years of operation, and after 7 years, the procedure should become an annual.

Experts recommend to remove freon when the car is exposed to strong heating with any works. Due to the heating, the refrigerant expands that it entails the rupture of individual elements of the air conditioner (only seals usually fail).

Than refueling automotive air conditioning

Today, only 2 automobile freon are common, the third is not relevant yet:

  1. R12.. It can boast excellent cooling capacity, minor power consumption. The snag lies in its composition. Namely, in some percent of Chlorine, which negatively affects the environment. Studies have shown that the long use of this refrigerant in autoconductors has adversely affected the state of the ozone layer of the Earth. So-called greenhouse activity (GWP or PGP) of these freons are very high;
  2. R134A.. According to the thermodynamic characteristics close to the 12th Freon, but still 10-15% worse than its cooling capacity and in liquid state more tech. However, does not contain chlop. GWP refrigerant is 1430. Today it is often used in refrigeration equipment. In automotive air conditioners, its use for another twenty years ago it was difficult: a serious technical adaptation of the main node of the system was required, namely the compressor;
  3. R1234YF.. The new generation of freon, responding to the standard EG / 706/2007. They have GWP equal to only 4. Environmentally safe gaseous refrigerant, which, unfortunately, refers to flammable substances. Up until 2017, automotive air conditioners were adapted to this refrigerant very rarely, now according to a number of countries it will be a priority. Since it is rarely used (and it will be a few more years), we only note that it is prohibited to mix it with one of the two above types of freon.

So far, only 2 first types of refrigerants are common. So, we summarize: mixing R12. from R134A. (And on the contrary) when tagged, it is categorically prohibited. Possible malfunctions: Accelerated wear of parts, increasing the volume, changing the cooling parameter.

Read more about the differences between automotive refrigerants

With the planned refueling of the air conditioner by Freon, it is important to know what was previously flooded in the system. Recommendations are easy to find in the serviceport. However, the manufacturer does not bother to tell the car enthusiasts, as the difference between R12 and R134A, except in the yield and some thermodynamic parameters. We will try to tell you in detail:

  • Dehydrated Freon R12. It is neutral to metals and is not distinguished by explosion hazard, but R134A due to the features of the oils contained in it are aggressive in relation to copper. In addition, when entering the air freonoper and further compression, Freon becomes flammable. Nevertheless, worry about flammable properties R134A. It is not worth: the volume of the system is small, so there will be no special damage to the car air conditioner;
  • Due to different fluidity, you have to use various hoses. This moment is already extremely important. The above was indicated, but to use new freons, it is necessary to constructively change car air conditioning. As a time, the use of R134A made the vast majority of autocontracens in 92-94 to introduce changes to the freonoper. The same work was carried out in the year 96th in a breather pace - according to the Montreal Protocol adopted this year, the use of substances capable of destroying the ozone layer is prohibited;
  • Polyester oil B. R134A. Dissolve copper. The material will be dissolved slowly, but already after a day later, it moves smoothly to the nearest non-copper parts;
  • For R12 and R134A, there are various dryer filters. Moreover, the difference is visible at the molecular level: adsorbent-molecular sieve for new freons is done so that it does not "conflict" with another property of refrigerant data: they are three times the hygroscopic. R12;
  • R134A is poured with the fact that it takes lessrather than R12, volume. If you forget about it, you will not have long to wait for the hydroatory of the compressor;
  • The decomposition temperature of both freons exceeds 330 ° C. The decomposition products cause irritation of mucous membranes and even damage to the cardiovascular system. Moreover, R134A in some respects is aggressive in relation to the human body. However, the environment harms not so much.

And finally, a very important question: if I have R12., Can I use another refrigerant? Of course, it is possible to use it, but only after the refinement of the air conditioning system. It costs a lot of money. If the system is already adapted to R134A, it makes sense to switch to R12. Especially no - you will not save anything and strengthen the destructive effect of the car on the ecology.

Translation of a system from one freon to another

Almost all alterations of the vendors of the car workflowers and cost a lot of money. The driver himself decides whether such work is appropriate. For transition S. R12. on the R134A. It will be necessary to replace the following elements:

  1. Capacitor. Its replacement is required because the heat transfer will change when using another freon. Accordingly, the volumes of the internal cavities of the capacitor must also change;
  2. Service valves. Old threaded connections of elements usually change to fast detachablee;
  3. Pipeline connections. As a rule, the fusion with an inch carvings of the masters is changed on the fitting with metric thread, in order to recent repairs, errors did not occur;
  4. Drainer battery or dehumidifier receiver. The internal cavity of the part will be filled with desiccant XH7;
  5. Connecting hoses. New hoses have internal nylon coating;
  6. Expansion valves. Replacement is required because the working pressure changes.

The whole range of work should do only proven specialists. If the transition was carried out hardly in handicraft conditions, the pipeline, sealing materials and compressor will fail too quickly.

How to choose freon and refuel air conditioner

First you need to decide on which refrigerant has been first floating. All the necessary information is indicated in the technical support and recommendations for the operation of the autocontrace. However, there is another way to find out, it was filled R12. or R134A.: If the car was released until the 92nd year, the first freon is used with the probability of almost 100%. In small quantities, air conditioners using R12., produced for modern foreign cars.

Now we will define how much freon needs to be addressed. Before starting work, you need to check the pressure. Get around pressure gauge station and set of hose (Complete with the average price station usually have hoses). Buy also tube adapters. Adapters are "under the firmware" and "for the sales". It is better to buy the first.

Find under the hood air-conditioned highways. There will be two: high and pressure low pressure. High pressure highway is made of smallest diameter tubes. By connecting the station through the adapter with the highway, run the engine (so Freon will start moving along the freonofroducture) and follow the pressure indicators. Norm: OT 250 before 270 kPa. Optimal pressure ranges between 280 and 290 kPa.

It remains to make a refueling of the air conditioner. Cylogram cylinder with freon will be enough for several refills. At the same time, you need the same pressure gauge station. Hoses you need to connect the system with a cylinder and a manometer collector. In this case, the car engine should work on idling When revolutions up to 2000. Air conditioning is translated into recirculation mode. Next, the refueling itself: once every 2-3 minutes you need to unscrew the valve of the pressure gauge, follow the pressure testimony. As soon as the indicators become optimal, the refueling can be stopped.

Note: Inside the highway in no case should dust and dirt should fall. Refueling is recommended to produce as quickly as possible. The best for this place: dry, clean and cool premises. For clarity, look at the video at the end of the material.

What freon is better for autoconditioner

  1. Ecofrost (China);
  2. Refrigerant (China);
  3. XADO (Ukraine);
  4. REFCO (China);
  5. Fotech International (China).

The best equipment for refilling Freon today provides Italian firms: Werther, Spin.

Buy Freon in cylinders can be in a serious auto shop. Often sale announcements are found online. It is worth remembering that quality car Freonons Approximately the same. This means that you can not particularly look at the manufacturer - just to the refrigerant type approached your vehicle

Working with automotive air conditioning is often masters for a hundred. And this is not surprising, because the air conditioning system only at first glance seems simple. In fact, both when it is design, and during repair requires expert power Specialists with engineering education in the specialty of refrigeration and cryogenic equipment - only they can bring to mind both automotive air conditioning and household refrigerator. However, some things the driver can do it myself. For example, with the help of special devices (today they can be ordered online), called sensors leakage, Check for these most refrigerant leaks. Under the driver and refueling the air conditioner.

What really requires the work of experts, this is the solution of a complex of technical tasks on the transition from R12. on the R134A.. When the details of the air conditioning system are changed to suitable, specialists in no case should forget to vacuumization and pour the highest quality oil. It is also necessary to check the valves on the subject of "sticking", due to which the compressor pressure is not raised.

Almost in any model modern car There is air conditioning, a completely indispensable thing that supports the necessary microclimate in the cabin.

And even if it is not in your configuration, it is always possible to install such an autocondary air conditioner in any workshop, it is not difficult to fix the air conditioner to refrank or to repair in case of need.

Why do you need an auto air conditioning

In addition to obvious advantages, this miniature climate system also performs other useful functions, namely:

  • cools the air to a given temperature;
  • supports humidity at the specified level;
  • eliminates the fogging of glasses in the car;
  • protects the salon like exhaust gasesand from unpleasant odors.

As an auto air conditioner heats or cools the salon.

As you can see, the device is more than useful, however, regular maintenance is required for its normal functioning. But what does the car air conditioner look like?

Scheme of work of autoconditioner

The principle of work is more than simple, but it needs to be known, if you are going to fix the car air conditioning with your own hands or you are simply curious, what is happening there. So the system works as follows:

  • by closed contour circulates freon;
  • freon is compressed in the compressor, which leads to an increase in its temperature;
  • the refrigerant is then, namely, hot gas under pressure is transmitted to the condenser, where he transfers heat and becomes liquid, forming condensate;
  • further, the freon is transmitted to a closed circuit to the expansion valve and after spraying falls straight into the evaporator;
  • in the evaporator there is evaporation of the refrigerant, it loses heat and cooled.

Concept of operation of the air conditioner in the car.

Now the freon is cold again and is again transmitted to the compressor by means of low pressure, after which the cycle is repeated.

Basic reasons for refueling

Freon naturally breaks out of the system, despite the closed circuit. As a rule, the leakage value does not exceed 15% during the year. However, after 3 years, the car air conditioner needs to be charged. For old models, refueling is carried out once every 1-2 years, according to the same technology.

What is the refueling of Freon begins.

But if Freon is lost from the system faster than 15-20% per year, it means that we have problems.

Where does Freon disappear?

  • the air conditioner pipeline lost hermeticity;
  • mechanical damage in tubes;
  • the capacitor began rust and destroys.

Before proceeding with refueling, these problems need to be eliminated, otherwise Freon leaks again, only it was seen.

Freon R-134A from Liqui Moly - a popular choice of Russian car services.

We are looking for a leak

Contrary to the established opinion, the climate control system will not help you detect leakage. Whether the case is a specialized leak detector, which is intended to identify even the minimum concentrations of freon in the air. As a rule, such a device is easy to detect leakage.

When leakage of freon, detected by the Ultraviolet method, the leakage will be green.

However, there is a people's way. To do this, oil and freon is added to the system, after which a special ultraviolet dye, all the usual refueling method. Then the air conditioner turns on, and all tubes are checked with a lamp with ultraviolet luminescence. So find leaks are completely easy, they will have a yellow-green shade.

Let's refuel the car air conditioning: instruction for direct hands

If you figured out with leaks, it's time to make refueling. However, do not hurry with this business - there are several rules, whose ignoring can lead to the rapid way out of the entire system.

If the air conditioner has already been unloaded, it means that Freon left, and air and moisture came to his place. And this particular moisture should be lost most. For example, if you ride in winter without a radiator of the air conditioner, then the water in the system will be, even though ledger buckets.

Full set for independent refueling Autoconditioner Freon: Cylinder, fittings and valves, 2 pressure gauges.

The same set is in the assembled state.

Well, in the minus temperature, this water freezes and overlaps the control valve. And this is not to mention the obvious corrosion problems that kill air conditioning in a matter of months.

The refueling of the Freon system is in full swing.

What about air? Yes, it is less dangerous than water, but also to be deleted. After all, our air is a greater degree of nitrogen - the gas that is very different from freon, increasing the load on the air conditioner compressor.

Remove air and water

Get rid of excess in the contour of the autoconditioner helps the usual vacuum pump. Funny thing, especially interesting to look like such a pump is working.

Vacuum pump for air removal from the system.

Although, in fact, it is not necessary to use it. For example, when refueling the system by freon, such a pump is usually not required. If the contour opened up to replace rubber compressor, without a pump, too, it is quite possible to live yourself. After all, Freon remains in the system and the air does not have time to penetrate sufficiently so that it causes an alarm.

Freon download in the system

First of all, we measure how much freon we need. For this, electronic scales or a measuring flask are applied. On the scales simply, a cylinder with freon is installed, and this is the measurement.

We download freon into the autoconditioner system.

But the measuring flask is suitable better and allows you to more accurately determine the desired volume. Liquid gas is poured right from the cylinder to the flask, after which I measure the necessary amount of it on the usual scale.

Automatic AC 100 station for refueling air conditioner, pumping and processing of freon, check for leakage and vacuuming system.

Now it remains to open cranes and air will go to the air conditioner. The pressure is leveled, so not all gas will enter a closed outline. To help him, there is a special heating in the flask, providing a gas pressure raising.

Alternative injection method

However, there is another method that implies the use of the return highway and the active compressor. Here everything is simple - the compressor itself skeins the gas, and the observation eye in the system will make it possible to monitor the course of the process.

In addition, oil or ultraviolet dye can be downloaded using a specialized injector.

Video on self-refueling

An experienced driver on the fingers shows that it is necessary for the competent refueling of the car air conditioner with their own hands and clearly demonstrates how to do it. Very useful video review.

How much freon is required?

Accuracy is important here. If the system is not fastened enough, the compressor will be completely boring. It is Freon that carries out oil, and if there is an insufficient amount in the system, then the compressor will give the ends too early. And this is not to mention the fact that poorly refilled air conditioner gives too little cold, which is very noticeable on a hot summer day.

Freon refueling through a specialized station.

If there is too much freon in the system, it will not be better either, because this high pressure and compressor will work out of the last forces, and about the cold can be forgotten. Yes, and emergency shutdowns are also.

How much freon is needed? Just look at the plate that is right under the hood. The type of refrigerant used and the required volume is written there. If there are no signs - look at technical instructions Or simply ask the dealer. As a rule, this value is from 500 to 1000 grams.

The refueling is always carried out only with special freon and butter, namely:

  • freon R-12: Mineral Oil;
  • freon R-134A - synthetic oil;
  • or universal oil for both types of freon.

Make R-12 instead of R-134A You can hardly succeed. Since in all modern models of autoconditioners, Freon-conditioners' fittings are different from Freon 12 fittings and are not suitable for each other.

How to identify malfunctions in the compressor compressor

Sometimes the problems in the compressor work are detected precisely after you are reflected in the contour a fresh portion of gas, especially after the air conditioner has not been refilled enough for a long time.

With such a rust, the auto air conditioner will work for a short time, if it is still functional.

If the system has a problem with sealing, it penetrates water pairs, which cover the rust petal elements of the compressor. Yes, it does not rustually, however, this unpleasant flying is more than enough to make the performance of the work decreased.

Sometimes it is enough to add oil and activate the compressor operation on high revolutionsso that it comes to normal. But this method does not always help, and then you have a direct road to the car service.

Autocondition - Today it is not just a luxury, but the necessary device vehiclewhich is responsible for a favorable microclimate in the cabin. Almost all modern cars are equipped, if not climate control, then the usual air conditioner. Otherwise, you can install this system additionally, because in hot and smooth weather, the driver and passengers without such a device are quite difficult to move in the vehicle.

A competent car owner not only needs to know how to clean this device, but also as in the car itself. To do this, it should understand the main parts and mechanisms of the system, owning techniques and methods that would prevent pollution and damage to this electronic device of the vehicle, and self-esteem to eliminate these faults.

What is the air conditioner in the car

To create a comfortable condition of the driver and passengers in the car, many manufacturers install additional systems. They enter the main parts and vehicle mechanisms. It is necessary to attribute the air conditioning system. She is presented electronic device - Air conditioning, which works when the engine is turned on and provides a comfortable driver's condition during the heat in the summer. This allows you to control the vehicle without any problems. In addition, the climate system:

  • actively protects the vehicle salon from entering third-party odors;
  • supports the optimal moisture mode in the vehicle.

Is it possible to serve it yourself

With such a system, it is quite easy to work. To do this, you need to become familiar with the appropriate instruction. It specified general On the use of air conditioner, technical specifications, cleaning methods, as well as information on how often it is necessary to fill the air conditioner in the car. As a rule, general information is highlighted in such instructions. And many motorists are concerned about how to fix air conditioning in the car with their own hands, because later this will save on the service of the vehicle in the services.

Before dealing with the subtleties of such an operation, it is necessary to understand how this device generally functions.

Principle of operation

According to mine constructive features The auto air conditioning is practically no different from the usual refrigerator. The difference is only in size.

The main parts and mechanisms of the system include:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • valve;
  • control;
  • highway.

The system is based on the refrigerant - Freon. The basic principle of operation is that the freon moves along a closed contour in the form of highways connected between the elements. In one direction it moves under great pressure, and in the other - under low. Pressure creates a compressor that runs from the engine. Hence the high pressure highway, Freon is sent to the condenser. Here, gas becomes liquid and condensed. So it continues to move along the same highway to the control valve (adjustment of the supply of liquid freon into the evaporator). Heat from the car's salon leaves as a mechanism passes a liquid refrigerant to an evaporator. With the help of the mechanism, Freon is sprayed with subsequent feed to the evaporator. There it becomes gas again and absorbs heat. In this form, the refrigerant is supplied to the compressor already on the lower pressure line and the cycle is repeated.

Why in the car

The fact is that over time, Freon breaks out of the system. On average, with normal performance, this share is at least 15% of the total. How often in the car? It requires its timely replenishment in the system every three years. In the event that the nozzles and connections are deformed, the air conditioner is needed in the car as needed. As a result of the full or partial loss of the substance, the operation of the system is disturbed, which can lead to expensive repair of the device.

Air conditioner refueling equipment

The car owner must familiarize himself with the methods and methods for determining freon leakage from the system. If a breakdown of the climate system was diagnosed, it is necessary to take all measures in a timely manner and quickly to replenish freon volume with full or partial replacement unsuitable elements of the device.

The following types of freon were previously used: R12 (1992) and R134A. In order to correctly select the appropriate refrigerant number, you need to look under the hood, there, as a rule, such information may be contained. If there is no designation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instruction of the filling solution or data on the system fittings.

The car enthusiast should know how to refer to this, you need to familiarize yourself with a specific algorithm for performing these actions and correctly select instruments for work. For refueling, you will need:

Refueling air conditioner do it yourself

The owner of the vehicle must clearly represent the work algorithm and know how often refueling the air conditioner in the car. To do this, you need to explore the appropriate instructions. The refueling is made as follows:

Nuances of work that should be considered

Before carrying out a refueling, it is necessary to make the temperature calibration of the system (metrological station). The calibrator is set to temperatures equal to temperature ambient. The system is then connected to the reflection of low pressure lines, not high. The first highway has a larger diameter than the second. After selecting the appropriate fitting, it is necessary to remove the protective cover and clean the surface of the fitting. Then the pipeline intended for refueling is connected to the stacker. Turn on the engine and make a refueling at 1500 revolutions. Next include air conditioning on full power. Take a cylinder with a substance, flip and unscrew the tap of the adapter. Freon will begin to go to the system. Here it is necessary to track the pressure (no more than 285 kPa). The refrigerant is supplied until the receipt of cold air ducts. It is necessary to wait to reduce the temperature to 8 degrees and only then stop the feed. On the correctness of the work performed will be the absence of bubbles on the filter-desiccant. It can be seen through a special viewing window.

Detection of refrigerant leaks and ways to eliminate them

The owner of the vehicle should know not only about where to fix air conditioning in the car, but also to identify and independently eliminate the breakdown of this device. It is not necessary to hope for professional auto mechanics. After all, there are different situations, and the service center, where you can refuel air conditioning in the car, may be far away. Timely Repair will prevent the system stopping. To diagnose refrigerant leak on time:

  1. It is necessary to purchase and use the mechanism-walker in the air of Freon.
  2. When refueling the air conditioner, add an ultraviolet dye to the refrigerant.

Before you fill the air conditioning in the car, you need to clean the cavity of the radiators of the air conditioner and heating. It will be necessary to use a special foam and a vacuum system removing air from the system. It is also necessary to lubricate all the main parts and mechanisms of the device by refueling freon with oil. The oil in the compressor is poured separately.

In order to properly use the air conditioning system, the car owner should understand its main parts and principle of work, learn how to determine the refrigerant leakage and choose the corresponding ways to eliminate it.

For the first time, the name Freon entered our lives almost 90 years ago, when American Chemist Thomas Midjley Jr. received a patent for his invention. Almost all climatic products today work on freons of different brand, and the technique is a substance called chladone. The quality of the work of any split system depends on this is a very important component: if it is not enough in the system, it begins the frost of parts and connections. Considering that the price of the compressor is about 60% of the total cost of the entire installation, namely Freon supports its proper level, then users must deliver air conditioning on time. How to independently refuel the air conditioning - we will tell us in our article.

When asked how many freon in the air conditioner, there are two answers.

  1. The system has been established for a long time, and the user is interested in the volume of freon in the air conditioner, and whether the amount of refrigerant is enough for good job Products. Check exactly the volume of freon in the split system using specialists or independently impossible is almost impossible, but to find out the pressure of freon in the air conditioner, all operating parameters to find out whether to refuel, you can with special equipment and maintenance wizard.
  2. The split-system is installed with extended gasket of communications, or it is necessary to completely rewrite it. What amount of refrigerant will need for normal operation in this case? To independently calculate the amount of gas that should be in the air conditioner, you need a specific information - you can find it table.

The nameplates (signs) are in the remote and inner block, the freon brand is indicated, its number in kg and working pressure.

The standard amount of refrigerant depends on the conditional power of the product: "Seven" has up to 750 grams, and in the most powerful split system to 1.7 kg. If your track turned out longer than recommended by the manufacturer, then for each extra meter It is necessary to add from 15 to 30 grams of chladone. Each brand of product, for example: LG or Toshiba, has its own personal restrictions in height between the blocks and the length of the track. The excess of them is unacceptable, since it affects the performance of the entire system.

Causes of leakage

In order for the product normally function, the amount of freon in the air conditioner should be sufficient for constant circulation. Unfortunately, the leakage during operation is still occurring, and such reasons can serve.

  1. Imperfection design - copper tubesThrough the freon circulates, are fragmented in place during installation, so minor losses occur during operation. Over time, it is necessary to refuel the air conditioner by Freon.
  2. During the transportation The previously installed product Freon in the air conditioner can decrease a little in the amount, the same nuances can happen when dismantling and re-installing it. Therefore, you need to download Freon in the air conditioner at a new installation site.

When the product regularly passes maintenance, timely cleaning, then excessive evaporation of the refrigerant does not occur, the only negative is left to leak it through the connections.

Many users are confident that refueling the air conditioner is impossible with their own hands, but such, very dubious rumors, support service specialists in order not to lose their earnings. Yes, it will take specific equipment, but this is not a problem in our progressive age.

Options refueling

Statistics argue that any product of the climatic class during operation loses 8% of the initial refueling for the year, therefore, once every 2 years it is necessary to fill the Split system by Freon. And yourself you will do it or invite a specialist - this is a separate question. The air conditioner needs to be charged and if it gives a temperature slightly less than you installed on the display, the pressure must be constant inside the system and the amount of refrigerant plays the main role.

Very important! The lack of refrigerant does not provide normal work Devices, and excess pressure - the right cause of an unexpected breakage of the compressor.

There are two main methods of refueling air conditioner by Freon.

  1. According to the degree of pressure. To determine the amount of flying gas to refuel, you need to know the optimal pressure specified in the instruction manual, compare it with a pressure in the air conditioning system, which shows the connected manifold. As a rule, this method of refueling the air conditioner for pressure is carried out when leakage of freon due to long-term operation.
  2. By weight. The method is applied with a complete replacement of the refrigerant - first of the system from the system, and then, with the help of electronic scales, the heavy weight of the gas loaded into the balloon is filled with a split system by Freon.

There is a technique with the help of measuring glass, but they use to refuel the calladone air conditioner very rarely, only after the repair. When detecting in a special viewing window, the presence of air bubbles, the download of freon is not performed until they disappear from the system.


To refuel the air conditioner by Freon yourself, you will need special devices and tools that can be rented in the center of the service, expenses will be much lower than calling for similar work of specialists.

Preparation for refueling air conditioner by refrigerant, with your own hands, you must begin with a visual inspection of tubes connecting the remote module with an evaporator, and check the tightness of the entire circulation system. Checking the connections, download inside gaseous nitrogenAfter absorption, the leakage is checked on a manometer: if the pressure does not fall - the tightness is normal, and the leakage occurred not because of its damage.

Now you can go to vacuumization of the refueling deviceTo do this, use a vacuum class pump and a collector. The unit is connected through the collector - it is turned on, and the pressure gauge is determined by a minimum of pressure. When it is achieved, the device is turned off, overlap the crane - the preparatory process is successfully completed.

Attention! At the end of the above works, it is impossible to disconnect the collector.

What freon use

Before detailing to tell how to refuel the air conditioning at home, we will answer many readers who are quite often asked a sacred question: what air conditioners refuel, and where to purchase the necessary gas cylinders. Freon brand R410A. It does not have chlorine in its composition, so it does not affect the atmosphere negatively - it quickly gained popularity from users. His grateful fellow r-407C brands Consists of three components with the same literals in the title:

  • 32 - responsible for excellent performance;
  • 125 - fire safety when working;
  • 134A - Stabilization of the pressure of the working circuit.

In the event of leaks, its components are impaired unevenly, so it is impossible to make refueling, so as not to break the concentration - drain all the coolness and refuel the new one. You can buy cylinders with freon of any kind in specialized warehouses, addresses by regions can be found on the Internet.

Few users are solved independently fill in the climate technology system with a refrigerant, because it requires complex devices: digital scales and a thermometer, a manometer collector, a set of hex keys and the ability to use all this.

The collector is better to use the four-position - it is convenient to connect all the necessary hoses, the system tightness is preserved completely, no contact internal system Air conditioner with outdoor air.

Algorithm refueling

Let us give a detailed step by step guide to refueling the product. It is about refueling any climatic product by overheating indicator: There is a difference between the temperature of the superheated steam and its analogue, which means boiling refrigerant. The first of the indicators controls the electronic thermometer, which is enough to attach to gas tube Products, the second - according to the testimony of the pressure gauge measuring low pressure. The temperature difference is within 5-8 degrees, if it is at least a little higher, then the product has not been refueling for a long time - you need to refuel.

  1. Open the locks that are on air conditioner fittingsTo remove the entire refrigerant. When the pressure falls to the minimum - closing locks.
  2. Capacity with freon put on the scales, set the value "0" on their scoreboard.
  3. For airbagging air inside hoses, we briefly open the valve at the collector.
  4. Now open gas valve - The refueling process is running, the pressure in the product system is gradually rising, and the temperature in the pipeline will decrease.
  5. When the difference between them is not more than 8 0 C - close the valve on the collector, and then overlapping the yield of the refrigerant from the cylinder.
  6. The weight of the liquefied gas spent on the air conditioner refueling, we learn on the scoreboard.

The filled split system includes to test all functionality. If in the process of operation does not occur in the appearance of an external block in the cranes, then you correctly calculated the amount of refrigerant - the product is reflected without disorders of the recommended technology.

For confident dispensers or refueling, users will be useful to users:

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