Home Food Test Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2: extra security meters. BRIDGESTONE Winter Tires - New Names and New Technologies Braking on Ice

Test Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2: extra security meters. BRIDGESTONE Winter Tires - New Names and New Technologies Braking on Ice

In the choice between spikes and "velcro", car owners have long sorted out. The city is more convenient and more comfortable friction tires, with regular departures on the winter track - safer studded. But does this rule apply to all-wheel drive SUVs and crossovers? Checking Tires Bridgestone. At the landfillLand Rover EXPERIENCE.

Why, actually, the focus is made on crossovers and SUVs? The most important argument is features of operation. After all, everything is clear with the passengers - their habitat is asphalt, in the winter period is cleaned or not cleaned. On off-road, they do not climb, they don't plow the snowy to the lake on the winter fishing through the forest. The task of shinniks is simplified sharply.

But where the owners of crossovers will be put on or what adventures will go for the hosts of serious SUVs, it is not clear. In addition, such cars in front of most passenger cars have a phora in the form of a full drive. After all, the mono-drive car even on the best rubber can be stuck where the all-wheel drive will erupt on the very bad. So why then overpay? We will find out in practice.

So, at our disposal a new friction tire BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK DM-V2. She has two features: first, it is created specifically for crossovers and light SUVs, secondly, according to the manufacturer's statements, created it, focusing just on the features of operation in Russia. The latter includes a harsh, from the point of view of the Japanese, climate and not the best roads.

In general, the process of improving the new generation tires turned out to be standard. The manufacturer here the choice is small - a game with a pattern of a tread and a rubber mixture, from which the tire is made. In the latter case, Bridgestone continues to improve its patented Multi-Sell Compound technology, providing its hydrophilic coating and RC polymer. According to representatives of the company, all this made it possible to achieve additionally two important indicators: reduce dependence on temperature drops and increase the service life.

Works Multi-Sell system for similar to tires Hakkapeliitta. R2 principle, pumping out moisture from the spot. Only if the Finnish tires are responsible for this with special lamellas - "pumps" in the protective, the DM-V2 works on the principle of sponge, absorbing the water with micropores as part of the tire.

For stability on ice and snow now is replied by the new director of the tread, which received 3D lamellas. In addition, lateral blocks are strengthened, thanks to which the behavior and handling of snow are improved, but also increases the opposite loads. Simply put, the tires became stronger.

To perform an actively driving program test program DM-V2, the district Range Rover Evoque was granted, which was supposed to show the abilities of Bridgestone rubber in high-speed maneuvering on ice and snow. It is for such urban crossovers most often and accounted for a selection of friction rubber.

What to say, several circles on the snow-ice track, snakes, rearrangements and even the "police reversal" stated: a safe ride on the winter road is non-stop work with a constant interaction of the car, tires and, of course, the driver.

Outbound Polygon Tire tests without competitors and measuring equipment are certainly aimed at creating subjective sensations. Avtogurnalists in this case act in the role of "advanced" users, having a personal experience of operating and tests of different rubber over the shoulders and trying on the novelty, which is called, on themselves: "I bought / did not buy."

The main thing in the BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK DM-V2 tires is predictability. At the subsidized sites, where the ground, concrete or asphalt performed on the surface, the tires were comfortable and, most importantly, stably, confidently slowing down. Departure to the snowy road also did not bring any unrest - a clear start, constant following the wheel and good reactions to the brake pedal.

However, the car itself contributed very well in the snow bobbies, the car itself, helping to cheating in turns in full drive, stabilize on straight lines, and sorting over the speed or twisting the steering wheel by safety electronics.

True, after some time the track was rolled into the ice, on which the "frictional" floated. There are also the laws of physics by any compositions of the mixture and electronic systems not to deceive - "Velcers" for bare ice is challenged. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to ride on it. The main acting face of the safe movement is entering the case.

Moreover, the organizers even specially roll out a car on an ice skating rink, where the Land Rover Experience polygon instructors have shown how to pass turns. The secret is simple! Remember the driving school in which they taught how to slow down on slippery coating? That's right, jerks, pressing / releasing brake pedal to leave the car managed. (This process, in fact, replaced the ABS system.)

So, the control of the machine on a bare ice occurs on the same principle - the driver with repeated steering knives towards the rotation twists the car in the ice turn, while clearly controlling the speed and demolition process. Tires and stabilizing electronics appear here in addition. Circles couple - and Evoque on BLIZZAK DM-V2 tires already confidently fell into a trajectory.

We conquered off-road obstacles on Discovery, shoes in familiar studded tires Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01. For the background comparison, on the same highway, a mighty Range Rover was driving on all the same "velcro" DM-V2.

What to say, the last thanks to not only good tires, but also the diesel engine of the motor, as well as the brilliant TERRAIN RESPONSE drive system with all electronically controlled locks, of course, has not been stuck anywhere. But, entering wheels in the digest ones, "crack" with all its systems is pretty. Whether the case of Discovery, which, clutching "claws" to any surface, dragged the mountain, breaking the snow, scratched the ice, but without the slightest signs of slipping was driving along a given route.

The advantage on the complex surfaces of the brazed spikes was obvious, especially since the spikes of Bridgestone their own, branded. Blizzak Spike-01 tires are equipped with spikes with Cross-Edge Pin technology. In fact, the spike flange is made in the flange of the spike, due to which the area of \u200b\u200bcontact decreases, thereby increasing the pressure on the surface, so to speak, turning the tire into ice. True, it is not clear how much such a spike is also increased.

In addition, the fastening of the spike is strengthened, and a special groove is made around the landing site, which helps to quickly clean the surrounding surface from snow. Like friction tires, Spike-01 are strengthened by contour both for endurance, and for better overcoming of deep snow. On studded rubber, it feels more noticeable - tires on the highway are noticeably tougher. The composition of the mixture of studded rubber is obliged to still and tightly keep iron "claws". The protector received extended cross-grooves, designed to capture the snow, as well as self-cleaning lamellas throughout the spnow of contact.

The main question of Bridgestone tires has always concerned comfort, and to be more accurate, noise. Having a comparative test experience Blizzak Spike-01 and Tires of the Ice Cruiser series, it is worth saying that the Japanese made a noticeable step forward. However, when the tires in the worship of the snow, a clear buzz is present on the new model. Here, alas, there is nowhere to go - studded tires will never be equal to acoustic comfort with frictional.

What is the result?

Conclusions worth noting two. The miracle did not happen. The selection recommendations between friction and studded tires for the all-wheel drive crossover or an SUV are exactly the same as for any other car. Going to conquer the little-skilled winter off-road - only spikes, and BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 in particular. Neither a four-wheel drive nor a powerful motor will be saved. They only help the rubber and the driver to pass the complex winter sections faster and safer.

Do you live in mild winters and wonderful work of public services? Such "lipuchk", like Blizzak DM-V2, is enough for the eyes. If even cleaners will sleep snowfall, friction tires will work perfectly in the snow, especially with a full drive.

Well, as for the bridgestone tires directly, it is not sure that in direct comparative tests they will beat all competitors, but in their price range is uniquely recommended for the choice, especially pragmatic buyers.

The average price of tiresBridgestone. Blizzak DM.-V2.

cross-dimension 225/60R.17 is order

6200 rubles for the tire.

StuddedBlizzak Spike -01 will be around

8000 rubles.

In February 2015, "AUTODEL" took part in the annual test of the Bridgestone winter tires. Journalists were able to test tires for SUVs and crossovers - an untouched Blizzak DM-V2 and a studded Blizzak Spike-01.

The test is a classic problem of choosing almost any motorist who buys winter tires. Take with spikes or without?

Participants of the races were provided with a unique opportunity to test the Blizzak winter tires, as well as test them of key features in the conditions of real off-road on the Land Rover Experience International School School Runs. For each of the tires, special routes were selected, which make it possible to demonstrate the stated advantages of the test models of the BRIDsgestone winter tires.

"The cooperation of the International School of Off-road Land Rover Experience and Bridgestone reoperates that cars can be even more efficient in off-road conditions. Safety is a key factor during movement, especially in the winter, so the role of tires in this matter is really hard to overestimate, "Commented on the work of two companies Mr. Kuroki Miner, General Director of Bridgestone CIS LLC.

BRIDGESTONE Winter Tires Test Drive Passed on Land Rover Defender, Land Rover Discovery, Land Rover Range Rover and Land Rover Evoque. Tires were tested on several polygon tracks.

The test participants were offered several exercises for a visual assessment of the tire clutch with expensive, acceleration and braking, both on ice and in deep snow.

Before talking about the results of the test, look at the new items.

BLIZZAK DM-V2 - Winter Non-Suspension Tire for crossovers, as well as medium-sized and large-sized SUVs. As Bridgestone says, Blizzak DM-V2 tire has been developed specifically for Russian roads and taking into account the specifics of the Russian winter.

The company positions BLIZZAK DM-V2 as universal rubber, able to cope well both with ice and snow. At the same time, the distinguishing feature of the tire is a long service life. Rubber is designed primarily at those who drive in the city and periodically leaves for snow-covered country roads.

Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2 is the second generation that has already shown itself from the good side of the DM V1 tire. Compared to the predecessor BLIZZAK DM V2 received a number of changes.

Firstly, what is visible visually is a pattern of a tread, an increasing contact stain and providing a more efficient removal of water and a snow mass from the contact spot. Thanks to this, Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM V2 rubber has become more efficient on ice. At the same time, the modified shape of the shoulder blocks increased the adhesion efficiency with snow, which made it possible to improve the brake characteristics of the tire on the snow-covered surface. This added new volumetric 3D slats and a stand for support. These innovations retain the distance between the slats: as a result, a stronger edge effect is achieved and, accordingly, the tire grip with a snow-covered road surface is improved.

Secondly, this is what is not visible without special devices: the BLIZZAK DM V2 bus uses a new composition of the branded rubber mixture of Multi-Cell Compound, the feature of which is the presence of micropores. Familiar to consumers on the first generation technology received a number of improvements that allowed to increase water absorption from the spack of contact. Strengthening the absorbent properties in combination with longitudinal microchangas improves the operation of the tire on the thick layer of water and reduces the trend of the car to the aquaplaning.

In addition to the running characteristics, the use of a new Multi-Cell Compound mixture in the Blizzak DM V2 bus allowed almost completely removed the need to run a new tire. In addition, Bridgestone declares that the new tire has become less sensitive to temperature drops and has an increased service life. This was made possible thanks to the part of the RC-polymer tread and the shape of bubbles and channels in the rubber mixture, which allows you to show your best characteristics throughout the life of the tire.

According to BRIDGESTONE test tests, compared with the first generation BLIZZAK DM V1, the BLIZZAK DM V2 bus shows the best results in all characteristics. However, the company's special success managed to achieve an ice coating.

Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 studded tires came to replace the Ice Cruiser line. The new tire combines advanced technologies designed as a result of extensive research and tests when creating a predecessor line.

Compared to the BLIZZAK DM V2 of the Blizzak DM V2, Blizzak Spike-01 is more versatile - it can be successfully used for both serious SUVs and ordinary cars.

The main difference between the BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tires was a unique cross-shaped spike "Cross-Edgepin" with carbide inserts. The shape of the hole was developed to optimize the retention of the spike. All this together allows the tires longer to keep contact with ice and without prejudice to withstand heavy loads. The manufacturer claims that in the context of the Russian climate, Blizzak Spike-01 spikes are able to maintain high characteristics within 3-4 seasons.

Advanced Tread Tread Figure Blizzak Spike-01 combines three elements:

Changed cross-grooves for better snow capture;
- self-cleaning lamellas for the removal of snow and ice, optimizing the work of spikes;
- Shoulder blocks that improve the permeability in deep snow.

In addition, the new studded bus from Bridgestone has obtained the composition of the rubber mixture, designed specifically for low temperatures, characteristic of the Russian winter. This allows the BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 bus to remain soft and maintain the stated characteristics in a wide range of temperatures.

Also in the new bus BLIZZAK SPIKE-01, the company strengthened the sidewall. To demonstrate the improvements to Bridgestone, conducted a special test in which the car approaches the impact zone where the obstacle is installed at different speeds. The test begins with 60 km / h. After the test finish, 60 km / h each subsequent test is carried out with a decrease in speed of 5 km / h until the tire is damaged. After that, the state of the tire was estimated. According to the BRIDGE4STONE data test, the SPIKE-01 bus remained integers on the entire speed range.

Bridgestone claims that for the new Blizzak Spike-01 bus to developers of the company managed to significantly improve the braking characteristics on all types of road surface: on ice, in the snow, as well as on the lifting winter road.

BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tires are presented in 70 sizes. In the future, it is planned to increase the number of sizes up to 82.


BlizzaK DM-V2's untapped tires were tested on the rink path. In the ice rink, the snake exercises were performed (slide of cones at speeds) and "Perestrovka" (acceleration in a straight line, emergency braking and hit in the corridor).

In turn, the studded bus Blizzak Spike-01 was tested on the "Forest" highway - in deep snow in a difficult area of \u200b\u200bthe forest gauge with descent and lifts - conditions far from urban. The test participants had to overcome a variety of obstacles, including such as damp trees, as well as a broken deep beacon, filled with a thick layer of snow.

For comparison of two tires, tests were also carried out on classic snow slopes Land Rover Experience.

During the test, the weather as if disappeared from the chain and decided to show everything that the Russian winter was capable of. The strongest wind, thaw and under the evening of frost, grabbed the ice with the crust of the ice and the ice - in general, almost a complete set of winter surprises, with which the driver of the car in the winter can occur.

So what are the test results of two tiresBridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2 and BLIZZAK SPIKE-01?

Immediately I must say that both tires liked - it is really high-quality winter tires with good features. Therefore, the estimates were extremely difficult. Especially considering that tires were compared between themselves, and not with similar products of other brands. So the test results turned out more than predictable.

As a matter of fact, the test was reduced to the solution of the question already stuffed up the question "What is better -" Velcro "or" spikes "?". And the only faithful answer here, as expected, was not found.

"Velcro" against "Shipov"

Personally, I was a fan of Lipuchk for a long time. It lasted until I risked to put on my car "Velcro" cheaper. Having received a pretty dose of adrenaline, I rushed to another extreme and quickly set myself studded. And from the winter of 2013, my own car does not know.

However, to say that I became a "fan" of spikes - it is impossible. No, the rubber is still happy, it is in perfect condition and works fine - there are no complaints about the tires. However, there are nuances in the operation of thorns who sometimes force with love to remember Velcro.

The first of them is the sound of the trips. Spikes is loud. And not just loud, but tediously loud, especially when the speed is high, the trip is long and asphalt on the way significantly more than snow or ice. At the same time, sound insulation in the car is medium.

The second is the operation in the offseason, when or still warm, but the air temperature is not near the point of freezing of water, that is, from zero degrees Celsius.

Let me remind you that summer tires begins to lose its properties when the average daily temperature becomes below 7 - 10 degrees of heat. At temperatures below 7 degrees of heat loss as a work of summer tires are very noticeable - no wonder the transitional period in the people was nicknamed by the "Tinsmith Day". Therefore, change the winter tires on the summer and vice versa is better with some reserve of warmth, so as not to get into an accident at night, when the air temperature is noticeably reduced. And here the spikes become inconvenient - after all, the temperature may be up to 15 heat. It is not enough that the spikes thunder, so they simply sorry - snow in this time you can not see for a long time. It is good to ride on a light low-power machine - high-quality spikes are withstanding such a mockery. But on the heavier and powerful loading machines on the spikes are essentially higher, and the durability of spikes and rubber can be significantly lower. The quality of the work of "Sipovki" without spikes is not at all identical to the work of "Velcro". By the way, from here and convinced lovers of "Alsomon" appear - in some regions of our country, such preferences may be more than justified.

As a result, for me, as the owner of the SUV, the minimum ideal would be three versions of the tire (this is if not to take into account the trips "in the mud"): Summer, all-season "Velcro" and studded winter tires. But for many it is an excessive luxury, so when choosing rubber, it is worth thoroughly weighed all the "for" and "against".

So, the spikes are needed when aboutwe have a wearing part of time on snow-covered and / or iced roads. And it does not matter, they are urban or country - in some cities, problems with the cleaning of roads from snow create motorists a lot of interesting moments. Here, no matter how try, and the spikes on the ice are still better inhibit and make the car more manageable. Actually, for this spikes and need.

But to fear that on the asphalt spikes turn into "skates" do not need - modern high-tech and high-quality studded tires (which include tires and bridgestone, and nokian) are practically deprived of this property. Yes, the quality of braking will be worse than that of Velcro. But this is with what "velcro" to compare! Therefore, first of all, when choosing among modern high-tech tires, it is worth focusing on the comfort and durability of operation and the maximum efficiency of tires.

If 99% of the winter time you drive on asphalt (for example, a warm climate or a megalopolis, where, due to the antifungal snow reagents, it is possible in the entire winter and not to see it at all), then the spikes you have anything. Even if you have to go to the country of once or another in the most terrible weather. Just need to trite carefully treat the high-speed mode and go more carefully.

To finally, I first intrigue the reader, first look at the table, which shows the BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK DM-V2 tire estimates and Blizzak Spike-01 on a five-point scale.

Table 1. Comparison of BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK DM-V2 tire characteristics and Blizzak Spike-01 on a five-point scale.


Brake on ice.

Ice Brake.

Handling on ice

Ice Handling

Brake on snow

Snow Brake.

Handling on snow

Snow Handling

Clutch on the inclined surface (concrete)

Grip on a ramp

Off-road characteristics

Off Road Performance.


Noise Level.




But why is there "Troika" and "Two"?! - asks an amazed reader. - After all, the tires are high quality and high-tech? Yes, and they themselves wrote what she liked!

The answer here is simple: compared to summer conditions in winter, even excellent braking of excellent tires is just an attracted "Trookhka".

Be careful on the road!

Photos Natalia Paramonovoy and Bridgestone.

Only at first glance it seems that everything in the light of winter tires are the same, divided into studded and nothes, and the test of the new tire is reduced to the evaluation "keeps / does not hold". In fact, the evaluation criteria is a lot, and the observation owner will feel the difference in the rigging, the subtleties of the clutch with the road and the changed noise accompaniment. So BLIZZAK DM-V2 bus surprised us primarily by the fact that they are soft and quiet. Winter wheels in principle are characteristic of being much more compliant than summer, but Blizzak DM-V2 is made of microporous, very soft rubber, and it is even feeling on the touch. The first hundreds of meters cause real surprise. Unusual silence! Any sound disappeared, accompanying the combustion of wheels, small irregularities are swallowed, and large are largely leveled. BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK DM-V2 is designed for crossovers, and therefore are not devoid of good coupling properties in specific conditions. On the wet asphalt, the tread from the porous rubber absorbs moisture, and the V-shaped treadmill and well-developed grooves are removed. Tires coped well with snow banks, even if they partly consist of a wet slush with an admixture of dirt. It is helped by additional recesses in the shoulder blocks that begin to work when the wheel falls into the snowy thickness.

It is noteworthy that confident clutch, good handling and stable contact with the road are also preserved at high (up to 150 km / h) speeds. Moreover, the stronger the frost, the more noticeable. Here, without a doubt, the main role is played by a soft mixture, which does not duby at low temperatures. Tires perfectly transmit brake efforts. It is worth noting that when loaded in the longitudinal direction at Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2, among other winter models, there are almost no competitors. In addition, in a loose snow and sand, on a wet and dry road - the quality of the clutch is stable, which is rarely found.

But the recess in the winter reality revealed the factors that should alert the owner. First of all, the DM-V2 will noticeably pass positions when pure ice is under the wheels. Whatever spoken, and banal spikes are the only guaranteed solution. In the city of ice rare, but if you periodically have to deviate from the usual route and lay the way on the uncharted winter roads, be careful - the side load on the ice These tires are not so good and in the critical rotation of the clutch may not be enough. Another noticeable disappointment is a direct consequence of a soft tread. The tire is quite quickly wearing, and two or three intense winter seasons will be limit for them. Well, another moment, again, flowing from frosty tire specifics - they categorically do not like positive temperatures (above 10 degrees). The machine begins to sweat significantly, increase the resistance to rolling and fuel consumption.

Summing up, we define the scope of application of Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2 tires. Advantageously, these are trips outside the city and winter travels on white from snow roads. That is, where is the probability of the crude highway with a bad coating, pita and mud. For continuous urban use, they will also fit, but to a lesser extent, and erased on the asphalt faster.

Bridgestone BLIZZAK VRX 2 - The heiress of the sensational VRX, which is very popular worldwide. She also faced our buyer and many car enthusiasts prefer precisely friction tires from the Japanese tire giant. In July 2017, Bridgestone engineers presented this model and this news changed many plans for the purchase of a winter kit. Unfortunately, VRX 2 is currently implemented exclusively in Japan, so there is very little information about it. However, the local portal CAR Watch He conducted his own testing of this novelty, and the site editors tried to adapt the material as accurately as possible.

It is also worth noting that there is a model BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK ICE having the same tread and operational characteristics. Therefore, this study concerns it.

Testing Bridgestone Blizzard VRH 2 (BLIZZAK ICE)

Testing took place in the city of Baba, Hokkaido Island. Hokkaido - the northernmost island of the country of the rising sun, the climatic situation on the island is similar to our, with minor conventions. In any case, the amount of precipitation is commensurate with our volumes.

For testing, a specialist Matsuda Hideks was involved in Japan. The tests took place on the new Toyota Prius (4WD), the tires were used in different sizes applicable to the car.

A few words about the tire

Protective pattern tires BLIZZAK VRX 2 It was made in the traditional for a series of asymmetric pattern. There is an internal (inside) and an external (OUTSIDE) side with different functionals. Such a picture makes it possible to obtain increased stability on a snowy, dry or inland coating. The number of transverse grooves was reduced, but now they are cut in each direction.

The sidewall looks quite attractive. Now it is more convex and elastic. To the touch - premium tires, capable of raising the quality bar very high.

Ice performance

First you need to determine the nature of driving on ice. During the loss of a large number of precipitation and further surgery of the road, an icy crust of different magnitude is formed. A water film is formed between this crust and the tire and the removal of this film is the main task of any friction tire (velcro). For this, manufacturers use a soft rubber mixture, a large number of slots and lamellas of different shapes. Also, manufacturers are often manipulated by the size of the contact spot, distributing pressure on a certain active protector area.

The tests were held in the covered ice hangar where the minus temperature is maintained. Mr. Hideks first experienced the old Blizzak VRX. As expected, the first VRX showed excellent results. Acceleration to 25 km / h and sudden braking with a working ABS gave a good result. The new BLIZZAK VRX 2, in turn, showed a much improved result, the brake path turned 3 meters shorter (1 car body). Feels like a car with a new autoresina has become more maneuverable, braking is felt more sharp.

Matsuda Hideki also noted the reason for which he left the ABS system included. He noted that the steering in the conditions of the ice ledity loses its effectiveness at times and even professional drivers as it does not turn off ABS. Safety is the most important thing that you are not an outstanding driver.

In addition to the direct braking Matsuda Hideki tried a new BPX 2 for braking during maneuvers. According to him, the novelty perfectly copes with the task. The front axle of the car is denser with the road surface than the axis equipped first VRX. . After that, Mr. Hidheki tried the same operation, but at increased speed. Rubber began to slide more, however, the tires behave quite correctly and even there is a certain stock of the brake path.

The cause of such improved behavior on ice The manufacturer calls the use of a new active recycled rubber. On the surface of the tire there is a large number of small bubbles and waterways. Thus, this hydrophilic membrane gives a tight contact with the nonsense road. BLIZZAK VRX 2 also increased the proportion of silicon dioxide, which, in combination with an active permissible rubber, further improves the capture characteristics.

As for the pattern of the tread, it was found that in the drawings of the protector of the first VRX, intermittent braking during ABS activation caused "bending blocks", respectively, the contact area decreased. This is a slight deficiency, nevertheless manufacturers fixed this moment. In Blizzard, VRH 2 increased the size of all components of the elements to make it difficult to deform. The rigidity was increased by 24% and increased the contact area with the road. In addition, the performance of the lamellae was also enhanced by optimizing the edges of the SIPE blocks that give the effect of real steel spikes. It should be noted that the increase in rigidity did not affect the quality of the clutch, as often happens in such cases.

The increase in rigidity also led to an increase in model service life. It was the weakest side of the previous VRX. It also gave a more uniform wear - no less important indicator saying that the rubber will be effective not only being new, but also with maximum wear.

Snow coverage performance

Test drive was not limited exclusively to ice. The behavior of the tire on a snowy or dry coating is no less important. Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2 clearly responds to steering teams on snow-covered conditions and driver intuitively felt that the clutch level is much higher than that of the predecessor. During multiple testing, BLIZZAK VRX 2 has been found out on a snow covering 10% less braking path. The performance on the dry or wet coverage was also increased.

To determine the quality of the clutch on the snow cover, several cars of different shapes and sizes were used.

Acoustic Comfort

Winter tires, as a rule, have a drawback in this component, since a large amount and the size of the grooves creates a resonant noise. Of course, the presented novelty is not as quiet as possible, since such a task is not worth the manufacturer first. But the optimization of the size of the grooves and the location of the blocks allowed to reduce the noise of the high-frequency template.


From such a large-scale testing, it can be noted that this novelty is a huge high-quality shift not only for the Japanese manufacturer, but also for the tire industry as a whole. The first VRX was a real revolutionary phenomenon on the tire market. Until now, many are afraid to test them with analogs from Michelin or Continental, since the obvious advantages of the model together with its relatively low price breaks the competitive advantages of other brands. Given that the BRIDGESTONE BLIZZAK VRX 2 Winter Rubber 2 was much surpassed the first model you can talk about it as a sales leader for many years.

Both options have their pronounced advantages and disadvantages, with preemptive operation in the country's country tracks, spikes still confidently use, but the explosive quantitative growth of urban fleets and technical progress in the design and technology of materials of the uninformed winter tires made the process of choice is far from unambiguous. But in the appendage to this, the share of all-wheel drive cars (especially SUV) is steadily growing, for which the effect of the use of spikes is almost in all disciplines (except for braking) is less pronounced than for their monopriferous fellows.

It is quite logical that on the wave of such demand, tire manufacturers invest great tools in improving the characteristics, on which non-winter tires lag behind their studded vesati (with snow and ice coating clutch, total resource) while maintaining existing advantages (weight, noness, efficiency).

The most striking result was the appearance of tires in everyday use called "velcro". For the quality of the clutch with the road, not only the pronounced protector is responsible here, but the material itself, from which the tire is made - it tries to "stick" to the road. One of the pioneers of this decision is the Japanese Bridgestone. Previously, its models Winter Dueler DM-Z2, Blizzak Dm-Z3 and the recent flagship Blizzak DM-V1 died around the world by millions of chairs.

But competitors do not sleep, so on the eve of the next winter season, the Japanese presented their new "Velcro" for the SUV, which the role of the flagship was prepared - Blizzak DM-V2. The expectations of the manufacturer's most of its sales are so great that the construction of a new plant in the Ulyanovsk region is in full swing, and this model will come to the CIS countries even earlier than the start of sales in the rest of the world.

What makes optimism in the Japanese? Preparing for a test drive (he passed last winter at the Dmitrov Auto Polygona) and reading materials, you realize that due to the number of newly used know-how, the reality of the newcomer on the road can be a miser number of models from at least famous brands. For example, the well-known Michelin X-Ice 3, Nokian Hakkapeliitta R, Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice + and Continental Viking Contact 5 (This is how Japanese brand engineers listed on us in such a way).

Started with Azov. The use of a mixture of Multi-Cell Compound, which has a mixture of Multi-Cell Compound, which has micropores and due to this absorbing water from the contact spot, was not sufficient. It turned out that the potential of technology was used only by a third! Therefore, in DM-V2, the tread pattern was finalized, taking into account the specifics of the work of the new material: earlier, if not going to technical details, the possibilities of the tread and the mixture were rather separately apart. Due to the introduction of new solutions, the contact stain expanded, especially on the edges, which gives a stable increase as a clutch with an expensive, as well as the micropores of the tire material become ready for operation almost without primary running and the overall tread value also rises.

Only a question remained before traveling to the landfill, only the question remained, why the marketers of the brand convinced their bosses to reduce winter tires of both types under one Blizzak brand? An inexperienced user, before a little familiar with the products of the brand, it became more difficult to navigate in all the variety of designations, because the models are now different from the unauthorized indexes at the very end of the name ... the right, the former separation system for individual families was more informative. But it's time to the landfill!

Considering that the new model is intended for SUVs, the main focus in the assessment was made on the quality of controllability at high speeds - this is the "enea test", performed on the middle speed of 80 km / h, and emergency braking with a typical for the country road 110 km / h. After all, even the extra couple of meters of the braking path can cost someone's life! Yes, and insufficient quenching of speed during the passage of "snake" may indicate whether you will return to your row after the detour of an unexpected obstacle or a trip will end in the counter-kuvette.

For visual test results (we note that we did not have special high-precision equipment) visual, well-understandable techniques are used: the exercises are carried out on the same machines with different rubber on the same trajectory several times by every driver before obtaining stable results. Data from the manufacturer, obtained by expensive measurements of measurements, of course, more precisely, but how do you check them? And the results of certification tests are stingy - "... corresponds to GOST."

And yet, the main difference of the novelties we saw. This is exactly the most notorious several meters of reducing the brake path or the narrowing of the corridor when the "enemy test" passes at speeds above 50 km / h. At smaller speeds, the differences were difficult to see - yet the previous model was very good. At the same time, for comparison, the test cars were shoved in the tires of one of the competitors (on test machines from rubber, all the inscriptions were cut off, so its brand - Nokian Hakkapeliitta R - it was possible to determine only on the sidewalls and the protector). Here, the advantages of DM-V2 were less pronounced, often the competitors went nostril to the nostril, but in one Bridgestone gave a ore - its price in the same size was lower.

The start of sales Bridgestone DM-V2 is scheduled for this autumn. Buyers will be available to the entire main spectrum of sizes (more than 50). The first time of the tire will be Japanese production, and then when the Russian conveyor will be launched in 2016, they will begin to be produced here, and the price will become even more attractive. By mid-2018, the plant should reach full capacity of 12 thousand pieces per day and fully ensure the needs of the Russian market and the CIS.

Model and competitors Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V2 Bridgestone BLIZZAK DM-V1 Michelin X-Ice 3 Nokian Hakkapeliitta R / SUV
Width, mm. 205–285 205–285 155–255 175–255
Series 40–80 45–75 40–70 40–70
Diameter, " 15–20 15–22 13–19 13–19
Speed \u200b\u200bindex R (170 km / h) -t (190 km / h) R (170 km / h) T (190 km / h) -h (210 km / h) R (170 km / h)
Load index 96–116 96–116 75–104 75–107
Tire price 225/65R17 on the Internet, rub. 6600 6400 7600 7900

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