Home Torkemose Connecting the HBO 2 generation button CARBYUER. Installation of HBO on the carburetor. Features of the cutting of the gas tube

Connecting the HBO 2 generation button CARBYUER. Installation of HBO on the carburetor. Features of the cutting of the gas tube

Gas can be used both on gasoline and on diesel engines. Gasoline will not surprise anyone, but diesel is a rather interesting design. There is a very large degree of compression, the usual gas engine detonated at the same time. But for gas everything is fine, because he has a high octane number, which means it calmly flammifies without detonation with a large degree of compression.

Another feature of such an engine is that the diesel has no candles, and gas must somehow ignite. They launched this problem in the injection of a small amount of solarium. As a result, such an engine is obtained as it were two-fuel, operates on gas, but ignition occurs due to the injection of the diesel fuel.

Classification of equipment

Types of gas

Gas equipment varies from the type of gas used - it can be compressed gas methane in high-pressure cylinder, and this may be a surplus gas propane / butane, which is in a cylinder in a liquid state. Gas becomes liquid when reaches a certain pressure and is constantly in such a state.

Development of equipment

Also, gas equipment is made to distinguish between generations - from the 1st to the 6th. That's right, because the gasoline feed systems constantly developed all this time, from a simple carburetor to direct injection in a cylinder. Accordingly, gas for such engines should be injected in the same way that the engine does not lose its characteristics.

When connecting gas equipment, it is important both connecting the gas itself and the gas supply control system.

Gas feed. Connection diagram HBO.

The following components of HBO are depicted on this scheme:

  1. Gas cylinder
  2. Multallap
  3. Filling device
  4. Gas gearbox
  5. Filter
  6. Gas nozzles at Rampa
  7. Gas management unit
  8. Gas / gasoline switch

Install gas-ballon equipment.

Gas nozzles are put on the engine. The fittings are cut and screwed into the intake manifold, and gas tubes from the nozzles are coming to the fitters through which the dosage portion of the gas flows. Rampa with gas nozzles is usually attached not far, centimeters 15-20 from fittings, nozzles are on the ramp. Ramp must flow from the gearbox, purified through the filter.

Gas nozzles are gas from the gearbox, after the gearbox gas passes through the filter and is cleared of impurities.

The gearbox must be heated, because when the gas transitions from a liquid state into a gaseous, it is cooled, and the gearbox will be covered with the other. Therefore, it is connected to the engine cooling system and the transition to gas is carried out only when the engine warms down the degrees to 30. It was until the 4th generation of HBO. In the 5th generation HBO systems, the gas enters the liquid state, and the transition to gaseous occurs after the nozzle injection, so the reduction of the gearbox is not required and the engine can be installed on gas.

Electronics Connection Scheme HBO

Now that the gas is connected, you need to connect control electronics.

The main thing here is the same control unit, it controls the whole system.

The incoming signal comes to it from the sensors and the signal to open / closes the nozzles.

The incoming signal comes from the following sensors:

  • Engine speed sensor (crankshaft sensor)
  • Oxygen sensor (λ-probe)
  • Signal with gasoline nozzles
  • Gear temperature sensor (helps to know when you need to switch to gas)
  • Gas / gasoline switch
  • Fuel level sensor.

Gas itself turns on when a gearbox warms up to a certain temperature, it is not enough for it if HBO 4 generation is used and above, it is only possible to transfer it to the forced mode of operation on gasoline, or in an automatic mode, then the computer will choose the computer itself on what fuel work. When the gas ends, the system moves to gasoline.

Today we will talk about HBO 4 generations, design features, principle of operation, advantages over early generations HBO, installation of carburetor and cars, which is better to use propane or butane. So, let's go.

Re-equipment of the car under the use of gas as the main fuel is becoming increasingly relevant in the conditions of forever growing prices for gasoline.

This equipment allows you to function on cheaper felting, without a large intervention in the car design.

With the improvement of the car's design, as well as the tightening of the toxicity standards entered in Europe, which are designated as euro, and gas-filled equipment.

If 1 generation HBO was very simple, without the use of electronics, then gas equipment 4 generations is already a complex electron-mechanical device, although the essence of their work is one - the gas supply to the engine cylinders under certain conditions.

But the first generation of gas received due to the vacuum created in the engine cylinders, and speech about the accurate dosage of fuel at different functioning modes power plant There was not going.

HBO 4 generation, design

An attempt to make accurate gas dosage was undertaken only when creating.

But the approach to solving the exact gas supply was not quite successful because equipment this generation It was installed parallel to the standard fuel system, and it led to a weak implementation of gas supply control.

The electronic unit, which was equipped with a dispenser mixer was late with a signal reading from lambda control, as a result, the reaction mode of operation of the power plant also delayed.

This flaw has been eliminated with the advent of HBO 4 generation. The design of this equipment is no longer parallel for the standard system, but directly connects to it.

With the advent of HBO 4 generation from a stepped dispenser-distributor, which was installed on the HBO early generation, refused.

The gas supply dosage of 4 generation equipment is already made by electromagnetic nozzles, which ensures high accuracy of supplying the amount of gas to the cylinders.

The design of the 4 generation equipment is as follows.

There is a part of the equipment, standard for all generations of HBO: a balloon with a multiclap, high pressure highway, a gas valve, a low-pressure gearbox and pipelines.

In addition, the design includes a ramp with electromagnetic nozzles installed in it and an electronic control unit, which also controls them.

Also for the accuracy of determining some parameters affecting the supply of gas, the equipment is equipped with gas temperature and pressure sensors.

Gas installation 4 generations for this principle.

The electronic control unit is connected to the wiring between the standard fuel system control unit and gasoline nozzles.

The signal coming from the block to the nozzles is read by the control unit gas system And on the basis of this signal, the amount of gas required for feeding to the cylinder is currently being calculated.

After that, the signal is transmitted to the gas ramp. It is constantly under a certain pressure in it, which he received from the gas gearbox.

The signal received on the ramp produces the opening of the valve with an electromagnetic nozzle, and the gas enters the intake manifold.

This signal will also close the nozzle valve than the high accuracy of the fuel supply is ensured.

As a result, it turns out that control fuel system It is performed by a regular electronic control unit based on lambda control sensors.

The gas hardware control unit only converts the standard block signal to the requirements that are needed for normal work Power plant on gas.

This is the feature of the work of HBO 4 generation.

What is better to use methane or propane?

Gas installation 4 generation as fuel can consume both methane and propane-butane. Due to the type of gas, HBO 4 generations of the design, differ in each other.

Since methane in cylinders is held under high pressure, then the cylinders must appropriate.

At the output from the cylinder, the filter is turned on to capture mechanical impurities in the gas.

Gas highways must withstand high pressure. The gas gearbox in a car operating on this gas has two sections, passing through which, the gas pressure is reduced to the desired one. The rest of the design does not change.

The disadvantage of this type of gas is the high weight of cylinders, which is not always acceptable to passenger cars.

Also methane filling stations significantly less. But this gas is cheaper, so its application is more relevant on commercial transport.

At the installations designed for the use of propane-butane, since this gas is in liquefied state, the balloon in dimensions and weight is much smaller.

Reducer under this gas has only one section. Cleaning gas from impurities is made by the filter included in the design after the gearbox.

Installing equipment for injection and carburetor cars

Connecting all elements of HBO 4 generation, except wiring, is not relatively difficult. A cylinder is installed on the specified location, the highways for the gas valve are laid.

From the gas valve there are pipelines to the reducer. And from the gearbox, the pipeline comes to the gas ramp. From the gas ramp there are tubes to the intake manifold.

Then the connection is made electronic block Controls to the posting of the standard power system.

Carburetor cars.

Installing HBO 4 generations on carburetor cars can be done, but it is difficult to do this technologically.

And if you install all the elements starting from the cylinder and ending with the gas ramp, then the problem occurs in the management of this equipment.

Since the regular fuel system control unit has no carburetor motor, then the signal for controlling gas nozzles to take it now.

Some craftsmen so that the equipment of this generation on the car with the carburetor worked, begin with the installation of sensors that are needed to remove the required indicators - the temperature of the gas and coolant, pressure ,.

Then make self-made control units, from which the signal is used for the GBO control unit.

In essence, they create an imitation of the operation of the injector power supply system on the carburetor engine. But it's all very difficult to implement.

Therefore, the installation of this equipment on the carburetor car for an amateur itself is a practically intractable task, because there will have to solve many problems that occur during the equipment connection process.

Gas, as well as cheaper than gasoline. Therefore, the GBO installation will significantly reduce your expenses. Most cars that are wheeling on the roads of the CIS belong to the VAZ brand. Therefore, one who has such a brand of car will be useful and interesting this information. In this article, we will look at how you can connect HBO to your carburetor and which type is better to choose.

What kind of HBO is better to choose

For carburetor, any HBO 1 or 2 generations will suit. Yes, at the moment there are already 3 and 4 generation, but this will be useless to this type of engine. Since they differ from the old models for the presence of electronics, and there are no corresponding sensors on the carburetor engine, and therefore should not install the latest models. They automatically turn into 1-2 generation.

The differences between the GBO of the first generation and the second is practically no. The gas hose connects to the carburetor through space-mixer or through the insert in the carburetor. Under the action of discharge in the intake manifold gas from the gearbox through the dispenser enters the carburetor. The only difference is in the gas dispenser.

In the first generation, the gas dispenser is manual, it is set to the right position once and practically does not require adjustment. And the second generation is an electronic dispenser, with a valve that interacts with the engine depending on the testimony of the oxygen sensor and position throttle valve Carburetor.

Such a second generation system is not quite suitable for classic cars. But from it it is easy to make HBO 1 generation. To do this, it is enough to replace the electronic dispenser to mechanical. For the carburetor will be the best HBO first generation.

Accessories GBO

  • Gas cylinder
  • Multallap
  • Filling device
  • Gas Magistral
  • Gas filter
  • Gas valve
  • Reducer evaporator
  • Dispenser
  • Mixer
  • Gasoline valve
  • Fuel switch

Installation HBBO DIY: Instruction

When installing HBO with your own hands, we will use such a sequence:

  • Installing the mixer and valves;
  • Mounting gearbox and dispenser, control panel.

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When we identified the plan and order of work, you can start the installation itself. So, proceed.

Cylinders are produced by two types: cylindrical and toroidal (people in the people know as pills). For classical layout cars, a cylindrical cylinder is best suited, as such cars have a greater capacity. The best option It will be, install a cylinder in the trunk, where there is a lot of free space.

Car S. body Hatchback The trunk is located in the cabin. Therefore, the installation of a cylindrical cylinder will not be the best option, it will take a lot of space. Basically, such cars provide a niche for a spare wheel. It is where the cylinder should be placed, only non-cylindrical, but a toroidal (tablet).

The cylinder must be securely fixed. Otherwise, when driving, he will ride, and can damage the details that are located on it. This can be done using a special stand and metal stripes with bolted fastening.

After installed the cylinder, you must display the filling valve. Basically, the valve is mounted just below the rear bumper, attaching it on the mounting plate. You can also display the valve on one of the rear wings. But for this you have to drill in the location you need with the desired diameter.

After installed a cylinder, we are engaged in the wiring of the gas pipeline. To do this, we drill a hole from the cylinder multiclap to motor compartment. The gas pipeline should not pass in the cabin, it is better to let him down on the bottom of the car.

It is better to drill a hole a little more diameter, insert a small piece in it. plastic pipe And consolidate. So it turns out additional ventilation for a multiclap.

Proceed anticorrosive Mastics inserted tubes. Then you need to spend the gas pipeline. It must be well fixed and be as far as possible from the movable elements of the car.

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Installing the mixer and valves HBO

Now it's time to look under the hood of the car and determine the place for the rest of the HBO details.

Installing the mixer

To begin with, install the mixer. In carburetor engines, the mixer is a spacer between the carburetor and the intake manifold.

Between three elements: the collector, the mixer and the carburetor must be attended by laying or you can use the sealant. The main thing is that when using these elements, there was no air supply between them.

Install the gasoline valve. It needs to be installed on the other side, where the fuel pipeline is coming from the fuel pump. Install the valve is needed in the pipeline. We cut the pipeline and set the valve into the incision, then the "iron" clamp it clamps.

It should be noted that the valve is not placed in front of the fuel pump, but in the fuel line that comes from the fuel pump to the carburetor. Otherwise, when overlapping and serving gasoline, the fuel pump will not be able to serve gasoline into the carburetor.

And the latter will be the gas valve. If possible it is better to set away from the gasoline valve. Large distance between them will provide you full security In case of accident. It needs to be consolidated in an affordable place so that if possible it would be easy to reach it.

A gas pipeline is carried out to the gas valve, which was laid earlier from the cylinder to the engine compartment.

Mounting gearbox, dispenser and control panel

The next step will be the installation of the gas gearbox. It is best to install it near the carburetor. The gas reducer should be installed vertically, since with a different position its diaphragm will not be able to fully ensure the supply of gas. The best option will be connected to the gearbox to the nozzles that go to the stove.

To do this, it will be necessary to crash into the liner and removing pipes of the stove with two tees. Moreover, the sequential connection of the gearbox to one of the nozzles may disrupt the operation of the system under certain conditions, so the supplying nozzle of the gearbox is crashed into the liner pipeline, and the removal pipe is in the removal pipeline.

The car significantly reduces gasoline costs. However, is propane or methane suitable as fuel to all engines? Will it contract the service life? Experts assure that correctly selected and customized equipment will not harm the motor, and the owner will really help save.

How much will HBO cost?

The cost of gas equipment on a car depends on the kit. It includes:

  • electronic control unit;
  • gearbox;
  • balloon;
  • refueling device;
  • multallapan;
  • filter;
  • nozzles;
  • highway;
  • switch button.

Each engine is selected kit or from one manufacturer or the national team. For example: ECU from STAG, and gearbox, cylinder and injector - from Lovato.

The GBO price affects not only its layout, but also the type of cylinder. It can be a cylindrical shape - installed in the trunk, or toroidal - for mounting in a niche instead of a spare wheel. The latter costs more.

The more powerful and more complex the engine, the more expensive HBO will cost. The price of equipment is from 11 thousand rubles.

How to choose the equipment for your car?

The owner of the car that has not previously encountered gas equipment will be difficult to determine its choice. To avoid problems with the engine in the future, it is worth entrusting the selection, installation and configuration of HBO to proven specialists. By dVS characteristics They will select the necessary equipment and consult in matters of operation.

It is worth considering that the gasoline engine is not designed to work with the gas. Therefore, manufacturers of auto, establishing factory gas equipment, also make changes to the engine, adjusting it to work on gas.

Pros and cons Installation HBO

Given the reviews of the drivers, you can formulate the advantages and disadvantages of gas-blade equipment on the car.

Positive sides:

  1. Significant savings at refueling. No matter how much prices for fuel grow, gas always remains cheaper both gasoline and diesel engines. GBO price pays off a year after its installation.
  2. Small load on the engine. The gas has a larger octane number, respectively, it burns longer, reducing the load on the engine. A mixture of "gas + air" is more uniform, does not dry the cylinders, does not affect the consistency of the oil, which increases the service life of the motor.
  3. Minimum damage to ecology. In the exhaust gas contains two thirds less harmful substancesthan in the exhaust from gasoline or diesel.
  4. Increasing a kilometer from refueling to refueling. The car works on two types of fuel, respectively, when gas ends, you can go on gasoline.
  5. Safety. Rumors that the GBO cylinder can explode from temperature drops or impact, denied the Adac car owner protection club. Under his control, there were crash tests of cylinders in conditions of fire and accidents. The results were satisfactory.

A few minuses:

  1. Not at each refueling there is a gas station. GBO repair is made only on specialized hundred.
  2. A slight reduction in speed, the drop in engine power by 15%.
  3. The effect of high and low temperatures. If the car heated under the rays of the sun, gas pressure in the cylinder increases. To downgrade it, you need to work out several liters. In the frost, the gas is liquefied and refuses to enter the system. So in the winter it is possible to start the engine only on gasoline.
  4. Increase the mass of cars. The entire design of gas equipment adds 60 kg machine to weight. A balloon installed in the trunk takes an average of 40 liters of space.
  5. Leak of gas. The probability of this is small, but is present, in case of improper operation and late passage of maintenance.

Installation of HBO 4 generation

On a specialized station, the car owner will be offered the news spectrum of turnkey services: from the selection of HBO to install and complete configuration. Let's give a guarantee and advise. The issue price varies from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Experts on experience know where it is better to place a gearbox, how to connect Tosola's highway and gently hold the supply tubes and gas stations.

You can install and configure HBO 4 generation with your own hands.

Where to carry out work?

Gas equipment is installed on the overpass or in boxing with the pit. You must have a set of tools, protective gloves and good lighting.

Choosing a place for securing gearbox

Required installation conditions:

  • the installation site of the gearbox must be easily accessible to remove it and replace filters;
  • mounting gear is needed on the frame of the machine, and not to the engine, in order to avoid vibrations;
  • the extended hoses and tubes should not be twisted and climbed.

Assessing the length of the hoses and access capabilities, you can attach a gearbox.

Features of connecting hoses for Tosol:

  • they are connected strictly parallel to the system;
  • it is important to determine where the "entrance" and "output" of antimony are in the stove;
  • hoses are connected (crashed) to a shut-off valve using a tee.

Equipment places for a balloon

If the toroidal is selected (under the spare) cylinder, it is important to place it so that the gas supply tubes and refueling are correctly located correctly: they should not touch the hot silencer or vibrating body items.

The GBO cylinder is attached hard, the multiclap is located in its upper part.

Locking a trunk tube

The main tube is necessary so that the gas falls from the cylinder into the gearbox. Starting the installation follows from the gearbox, along the bottom of the car (preferably along the gasoline wire) and then connect to the multiclap.

Installing injectors

First, it is necessary to embed the fittings as close as possible to the gasoline nozzle, after which gas nozzles are installed. Then the hoses are connected to supply gas. They must be the same length, but not more than 18 cm.

Placement of the control unit and sensors

All electronics are installed under the hood. For proper connection Included with HBO instruction, which describes all wires and contacts.

After completing the installation, we start the car. The first three times we turn the key in the ignition lock, not the engine. It is necessary in order for the fuel pump to create the necessary pressure in the ramp. After that, the car can be started. If everything is done correctly, then the next stage There will be a setup of HBO 4 generation with your own hands.

What to configure?

To adjust the parameters of the freshly installed gas equipment, you will need a laptop, a program for adjusting the HBO 4 generation and a special cable.

There are many programs such as Zenit JZ, KME Nevo or Stag. They look like an externality (interface), any can download from the official site and install. Consider the program to configure the HBO 4 generation STAG.

Its interface is quite functional. Instructions for setting up HBO 4 generation is simple and understandable. The value of each parameter is decrypted in additional footnotes that pop up when hovering the cursor.

Immediately display the values \u200b\u200blaid at the HBO factory. If the gas equipment is not new, then the information from the controller will be displayed in the program. It will be indicated here, as often used gas, how many times they were diagnosed and configured.

If there is a new firmware of the controller, the program will immediately offer it to be installed.

A cable for setting up a HBO 4 generation can be bought, and can be made independently based on the PL2303 board.

Settings Settings

In the main window of the program are the main indicators for which the ECU works:

  • the conditions under which gasoline will be switched to gas or vice versa (temperature, engine speed, pressure);
  • gas fraction (gas pressure after gear);
  • discharge in the collector;
  • the period of injection of gas and gasoline nozzles.

In the "Map" tab, a chart of gasoline (blue curve), gas nozzles (green curve) and a gasoline injection coefficient for a gas (orange line) are displayed.

On the control unit not adjusted on time, the control unit will fully imitate the operation of gasoline nozzles, which will give an error on on board computer. The reason is that the mixing formation of gasoline and gas nozzles will be the same, and fuel octane number Different: that for gasoline is good, then for gas - incorrectly.


At idle turns, the ECU freezes and remembers the parameters of the operation of gasoline nozzles. Then the operation of one gasoline nozzle is replaced by gas. Gradually turns on all gas nozzles.

An altered increasing increase and decrease in the injection of gas injectors it is necessary to bring the exhaust indicator to the norm (coefficient of recalculation). To obtain the gas injection time, this coefficient is multiplied by gasoline injection.

After calibration, the machine automatically switches to gasoline. You need to drive on it to check the settings.

Adjusting graphs

After self-configuration, the HBO 4 generation is better not to delete a gasoline card. The car after checking will go to gas. If the map is deleted, it will have to travel temporarily on gasoline, changing the load on the engine and turnover until the system is a new map.

If the charts of the operation of gasoline and gas nozzles are diverged, then the Map of HBO 4 generation is required. To do this, on the orange line, you fix the point of divergence and maximum rapprochement of green and blue lines - the settings at these points are considered optimal and should not change. Then, on the orange line, we note the point of maximum divergence of gas lines and gasoline and lower it to the distance of the divergence of the lines down.

We pass on the car in different modes and see whether the schedules coincided. If not, we repeat the settings of the card until the graphs match.

Adjusting the fuel injection

Injection adjustment is the second most important phase in setting up a 4 generation HBBA.

To begin with warming the car to operating temperature gearbox. Switched on gasoline and over five minutes we observe the injection indicators of gasoline nozzles. We will turn on gas again, but we continue to observe gasoline. If the number has increased, it means a poor mixture, if decreased - enriched.

You can change this state by adjusting the orange line of the graph: if we raise the line by two clicks if the mixture is overly enriched - omit.

Setting the gas equipment on the car is finished. If the HBO system works without interruptions: switching between nozzles occurs on time and smoothly, the engine is not troit, has good dynamics - This means that the settings were carried out correctly. After some time, you can re-diagnose.

Setting up a gas gearbox GBO

Reducer is a necessary element in the design of gas equipment. With it, the gas pressure coming into the balloon is regulated. With a stable gearbox holds pressure on the same level, although the pressure may decrease with a sharp increase in flow rate, but slightly.

Adjusting the GBO gearbox is necessary when installing new equipment. And after 100,000 km it is necessary to reinstall its diagnosis and correct.

The correct work of HBO depends not only on the quality of its electronic setup. After a certain period of operation (3 or 4 years), the valves and membranes can be isolated, which will lead to overalls of gas.

Delay this moment you can proper operation HBO (gearbox in particular): the start of the engine should pass on the car's native fuel (gasoline or diesel). Only after the temperature of the motor reaches at least 30 o C, you can switch to gas. At low temperatures, the gearbox membrane can be frozen. That is why the gearbox is connected to Toslas highways.

Reducer HBO 4 generation in the setting with your own hands is not quite simple. There are two ways to adjust: adjusting sensitivity and setting the amount of gas in the channel idle move.

Before starting the setup, you need to give the engine to warm up, and then turn off the supply of gasoline, giving the motor to recycle the remaining fuel.

Hope adjustment:

  1. We put the power register to the maximum.
  2. Fully wrap the idle screw, and then unscrew it to five revolutions.
  3. The sensitivity regulator is given in the middle position.
  4. We start the car on gas and drip up the turnover to 2000.
  5. At the same time, we remove the sacrifice (very slow) and the idling regulator is looking at the moment when the starter reaches maximum revolutions.
  6. We remove the sublicas completely. Must get a stable idle.
  7. Smoothly twist the sensitivity regulator.
  8. Floating speed raise up to a maximum of idling regulator.
  9. The regulator did not help - tighten the sensitivity screw to a couple of revolutions and repeat everything again.
  10. We achieve 1200 revolutions at idle, and then smoothly regulator of idling reduce them to 950.

Adjusting the sensitivity of the gearbox:

  1. Very slowly unscrew the sensitivity regulator before changes in the idle value.
  2. As soon as the number of revolutions has changed, we spin the regulator completely slightly.
  3. Checking the setting: sharply click on the accelerator pedal. The engine must immediately react - without jerks and delays.

Power register adjustment:

  1. We bring the starter speed to 3500, twisting the power regulator.
  2. As soon as the revolutions begin to fall, stop the procedure.

Checking the quality setting:

  1. Press the accelerator pedal sharply.
  2. We twist a quarter sensitivity regulator until the starter turns start sharply decreasing.
  3. We unscrew the regulator to the floor turnover and give the engine to work at idle.

If the 4 generation HBBA setting is done correctly, the engine will work smoothly and stable.

Sometimes car owners with gas equipment must be changed or independently connect the HBO 2 generation button. Today we will talk about what the gasoline gas is different for injection and carburetor enginesand also give a CBO button connections.

There are two most common types of fuel switches, which are visually practically nothing but an index, do not differ. One is intended for carburetor, the second for the injection force unit.

GBO button for injection motor

The switching button of HBO 2 generation to the injector has the index "W" and a few modified wiring.

Switch of the type of fuel HBO has 3 positions:

  • Only gasoline (at the same time operation mode, the engine works exclusively on gasoline, the light indicator does not shine or shines in red);
  • Gas only (this emergency mode is designed to start the engine to gas without preheating on gasoline, light indicators with this mode of operation will flash)
  • The machine (when this operation is selected, the car starts in regular mode on gasoline, and when the specified number of revolutions is reached, it switches to gas. The indication shows the gas level in the cylinder).

Setting up 2 generation HBO 2 buttons for the injector

The functional of the switch for injection wake includes:

  • Indication
  • Built-in emulator with time delay,
  • The ability to regulate the number of revolutions under which occurs automatic switching Engine with gasoline on gas.

For automatic work The car should properly configure the HBO button, in particular, set the required number of revolutions under which the engine operation mode will be changed.

The adjustment occurs by rotation clockwise or counterclockwise the potentiometer, which is located directly on the device itself. The optimal is the revolutions from 1500 to 2500.

Depending on the time of year and weather conditions, the number of revolutions can be changed:

  • install lower speed for the summer time period
  • higher for winter so that gas switching does not occur with an immentable engine.

Included with the button comes:

  • Set of wires for connecting to HBO.
  • Plastic mounting bracket for fastening the device to the car torpedo or another comfortable place.
  • Mounting terminals for connecting the supply devices (gearbox valve, emulator, etc.).
  • Fuse and power wire.

Connect the fuel type switch to power without a fuse is categorically not recommended. After connecting, a short circuit should be present.

Button HBO carburetor

The fuel type switch for the carbury car has the index "G" and three positions:

  • I - Mode of operation only on gasoline. In this case, the operation of the gasoline pump is involved, and all gas equipment is disabled;
  • 0 - Mode of operation at which both power supply systems are disabled. Allows you to develop the contents of the carburetor float chamber before moving to gas. This mode of operation is required to prevent the fuel injection in two types of fuel at the same time.
  • II - Operation mode only gas. The car starts and works exclusively on gas, the supply fuel to the gasoline pump is not used. In the spring-summer period of the year, the car can be operated at all without gasoline.

The front panel of the device provides LED indicators that signal about what fuel is currently working the car.

On the side panel of the device, the potentizer is located, which adjusts the gas supply time. In the case when the engine for some reason does not work or does not start during this period of time, the gas supply stops in automatic mode.

Most gas-gas power switching buttons are optionally equipped with an indication of the amount of gas remaining in the cylinder.

Connecting the HBO button

Let's analyze the CBO 2 generation button for the Injectionary DVS button on the example of the Stag2 and Digitronic manufacturer.

Immediately it should be noted that the main functionality and the method itself is practically the same for all manufacturers. The scheme of the recommended connection is, mandatory, must be included with the HBO switch. Connection diagram 2 generation HBO button on the carburetor will have a similar view.

A set of wires for Stag2 and Digitronic products have the following colors:

  • White. It connects to the gas level sensor in the cylinder and is responsible for the correct indication on the fuel level button in the cylinder.
  • Blue (Blue). Connects onwhich is located on. When switching the device to the operation of "GAZ", the opening of the gas valve and gas is fed to the gearbox. You can simultaneously connect an additional gas valve with a filter and an injector emulator to the same wire.
  • Yellow. Connects on solenoid valve Before the gasoline pump. When the button is in the "gasoline" position. Powered by a gasoline solenoid valve is supplied and the car runs on its native fuel for it. When the car goes into the operation of "Gas". Nutrition is not served and the fuel pump does not work. Many installers of gas-filled equipment are not recommended to turn off the fuel pump, and insist that it worked even during operation vehicle on gas.
  • Red . Nutrition Buttons GBO. You can connect directly to the plus terminal of the battery through the fuse and the boot for it, which is included. In this case, the HBO switch will be under constant voltage. If you want to power the gas-gasoline switch only when the ignition is turned on, you should take 12 volts from another place (for example, the power supply of gasoline nozzles).

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