Home Lighting Mandrel for the collapse of the brake tubes. Copper tubes flaring technology. Rolling brake tubes using a set and device

Mandrel for the collapse of the brake tubes. Copper tubes flaring technology. Rolling brake tubes using a set and device

People who drive a lot are quite quickly starting to be interested in the question of how to unravel the brake tube with their own hands. First of all, it is caused by a completely understandable desire for manufacturers of manufacturers to save: in the former times, copper is used to make these parts, which is much more resistant to aggressive conditions of existence and temperature differences. Now they are set steel, which corrosive where as faster.

The second culprit of unscheduled wear brake pipes Communal services should be considered. Chemical reagents and salt, generously scattered for the struggle, for example, with a holler, are at times accelerating metal rust and reduce the life expectancy of many details released by the factory. And the third factor forcing the brakes prematurely - sadly glorified russian expensive.

Rytvins and bumps create an unfortunate physical activity, due to which the tubes are deformed, and even burst; In addition, they act as storage of chemical reagents even when the snow has already saved (in spring). All together leads to the fact that the items mentioned are out of 70-100 thousand km, as the manufacturer calculated, and already in 30-50, and even that - in better cases.

How to unraut the brake tube with your own hands: the process is pretty simple, but will require a purchase, independent manufacture, leasing or leaving the neighbor on the garage of a special device for these works. But if you decide to buy a rolling machine, do not seduce the most cheap options on the market. Yes, you can take the adaptation of rubles for 700-800, but it will definitely be very disposable. The experimental way is established that a more or less high-quality machine cannot cost 1800-2000 rubles or more expensive.

When is it time to change the tubes?

Symptoms that you need to look for a set for ruin, are:

  • During emergency braking, when you click on the pedal, a very characteristic creak is heard;
  • Under the same outgoing conditions, rhythmic vibration is felt;
  • The brake path of your car is noticeably extended;
  • The course of the brake pedal becomes more free, it seems to dangle;
  • It is possible to leap the brake fluid (this is especially seen with a sufficiently long parking lot of the car overnight);
  • Often observed significant overheating brake drums And premature uneven wear pads;
  • In indirect symptoms - Lavigating the car of the WBOV during the straight movement.

Rolling and its details

Often the main body in the brake tube remains as a whole, but the structure of its 6-face head is destroyed. There may be other options: coking of threaded compounds as a result of liquid falling on them, clogging them, etc. In such situations, if the length allows, you can simply trim the defective part. But it is better to replace the phone completely if there are similar repair. In addition to the collapse machine, mites, pipe cutting, fitting and drill will be needed. From materials - a few acetone.

Repair of the brake system often not only comes down to replace brake shoes or replace the brake fluid replacement in both circuits. More complex requiring accuracy and defined qualifications during installation is the repair of brake tubes. Often it happens when through corrosion Or the destruction of the pipe due to an accident or repair of the brake caliper.

Repair of brake pipes with their own hands and the successful connection of the brake pipe to the distribution unit, tees, the main brake cylinder and brake calipers, requires high-quality processing of the end of the tube and the formation of flange cuticle, or the so-called "funnel". Get it using the brake tubing flavoring procedure.

There are several basic funnel options.

  1. Eurostandard fungus (centered). The form resembles the tire of the wheel, is widely used in most cars manufactured at the Eurasian continent plants. It turns out the most durable version of the connection from the above, but is considered to be disposable. With a skillful formulation, you can use up to three times.
  2. The usual simple funnel, obtained by the bend of the walls of the facet of the tube with a special tool for brake tubing rolling.
  3. Funnel, obtained by double folding tube or simple funnels. It is considered standard in American cars. Get such a type of mushroom braking tube rolling tube, cauting its upper part with a conical mandrel.

The time of using a simple funnel has long passed, first of all, the metal has changed from which the pipes on old cars have been manufactured. Instead of soft and plastic rolled copper, a durable and solid steel pipe is more often used. If earlier the driver could unwind the end with the help of pliers, turning and a pair of blows with a hammer, then now it is impossible to perform the fading of steel brake tubes without fixture.

For your information! High quality connection of the collapsed copper tube into a simple funnel was provided only due to the plasticity of the metal and low pressure hydraulic fluid in contour. Do not attempt to connect the steel pipe with a simple funnel. Even if we wrap the fitting with a large force, the connection will not hold the all-permissive brake fluid.

How to perform the roller brake pipes with your own hands

The main condition for the successful turnover of the end of the pipe has always been the use of high-quality, and better professional, tool. For our cars, Europe-Asia, buy sets for rolling in metric design. Americans look more than worthy, glitter with chrome coating, but they can slip the inch system. Old Soviet standard for copper brake pipe - 8 mm, more recent Soviet and russian options Used steel 6 mm.

In terms of choosing the most accessible, you can call the force 656b, 906t2 brake tubes, you can use more elegant jonnesway sets, or common Biltema or Licota.

The set of tools for the collapse includes:

  • screw rolling press and clamp, with the help of which the screed of spikes and deformation of the brake tube metal is performed;
  • two detachable plank-vise, having six - seven holes with cones, in which the tubes for the roller be pushed;
  • cutting device allowing to cut off the end in a strictly perpendicular direction;
  • a set of mandrels and cones of various diameters for forming fungi.

When choosing a breakdown kit, pay attention to the following points. The first, screw pairs of the screw-nut press and clamps should be black matte. This speaks about heat treatment and hardening the screw surface. In a cheaper option, a chromium coating is used.

Second, accuracy of the execution of calibrated holes in the straps of vice. Typically, the inner surface of the cones is covered with a protective oxide film based on phosphates. Such a coating facilitates the gliding of the deformable metal along the inner surface of the matrix.

Third, all calibrated holes have a numeric dimensions, indicating the dimension units - millimeters or inches, punched with a depth to 0.1 mm, without additional chromium or color. Alternatively, the whole design may have an oxidized coating. Non-working parts can be painted with monophonic light paint.

Tip! If the tools allow, choose a set in which the rolling press is equipped with an eccentric planted working conical. In such a device for the brake tubing, a restriction is provided on the size of the fitting of the tube, that is, the cone will not deploy the edge for more than it is necessary, the diameter.

The procedure for action during the collapse of the brake tubes of the fungus do it yourself:

  • select the device from the kit for the exact perpendicular trimming of the end of the brake tube, inserting into the hole of the corresponding diameter, we press the screw and turn the cutter a couple of times until it stops;
  • there is also an acute semicircular saw for the removal of interior beams and sizards;
  • after moving the brake pipe end with a file with a nut-fitting, and fix the end in the clamps, observing the magnitude of the end of the pipe over the plane of the vice;
  • we add a couple of droplets to the end of the tube to the tube, insert the mandrel of the corresponding size and the press of the edge of the tube, getting fungus.

Important! With high-quality collapse on the pressed surface of the metal tube there should be no rice or prints of the pisk connector line.

If, according to the collapse conditions, it is necessary to obtain the American version of the fitting, the cone is inserted into the clamp, and the edges of the top of the fungus are pushed under the cone matrix. Sometimes in the design of the clamps are embedded in a ratchet, allowing to limit the force attached to the fitting surface.

If the collapse needs to be performed quickly and in a large number of points, in the case of copper pipes, use a simpler tool - pliers and a rotary roller.

The plasticity and compatibility of copper does not require great efforts to deformation of the metal, so faster and easier to unravel the end of the hand over the brush. Thanks to the compactness of the device, the tongs can be used for the brake pipe flares directly by car, in conditions where the work is difficult to carry out the work of the standard set.

Features of brake tubes

Steel brake tubes, unlike copper, practically do not have a plasticity stock, so fungus and funnels can work out with the formation of a large number of microcracks. In this sense, the fused edge of the fungus remains less sensitive to the presence of microcracks, if, of course, they are only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening. If the cracks were formed on the periphery, in the widest place of fitting, this option is unambiguously subject to rejection.

For American double funnels, it is often possible to use only the copper brake tube. In extreme cases, if there is an urgent need for a fading of the steel tube on the US standard, the procedure is performed in two or three stages. In the first stage, after trimming and filing the end of the tube, it is fragmented under fungus. Further, the resulting option is subjected to short-term annealing with a heating burner, which makes it possible to remove a significant part of the stresses in the metal. The third stage will be the roller to the intermediate angle of 25-30 o, instead of the 45 o, and re-annealing. The final fraud is performed under the desired funnel size.

If there is an opportunity, before performing the roller tube, it is worth practicing in obtaining a steel American funnel on an unnecessary trimming of a pipe from a similar material.

The video shows the process of blocking brake tubes:

In the Arsenal of the car owner who is used to independently repairing his car, in addition to the standard set of tools, including various screwdrivers, wrenches, mounts, jack, etc., there must be some special devices that allow you to make one or other repair techniques as efficiently as possible. Work. In this article, I would like to discuss the problem of the rolling of pipes, or rather, to pay attention to the adaptation, with which the specified process is carried out, especially since many motorists consider it a very useful tool.

1. What is the roller tube?

The rolling of the tubes is a technological process (operation), the essence of which consists in deforming a certain part of the part in order to increase its diameter (if the diameter decreases, the process is called the "rolling"). The specified procedure is carried out in order to obtain a hermetic and durable connection of two pipes, or a tube grid - a collector. In the automotive world, the concept of "collapse" is usually associated with brake tubes, which have to be repaired due to strong wear or leaks.

The entire rolling process is divided into three main stages: the first provides a selection of the gap between the pipe and the tube grille; The second operation is carried out to jointly deform the pipe and the tube lattice; And the third (final) - responsible for removing the load from the inner surface of the pipe.

In the course of the joint deformation stage, the metal pipe is preferably translated into the plastic deformation zone, and the metal tube grid is in the zone of elastic deformations. To ensure such a result, the rule should be observed that it says that the hardness of the lattice material must exceed the hardness of the material from which the pipe is made, due to which, after completing the rolling process, the pipe grille can "clamp" the pipe.

As a result, a press compound is obtained, the tightness and strength of which is ensured by contact pressure, which is formed between the outer surface of the pipe and the surface of the lattice hole (or the second pipe). In some cases, when connecting pipes with pipe lattices, welding use with the collapse, calling such compounds with combined.

IN everyday life The collapse is used when it is necessary to fix pipes in boilers, oil coolers, capacitors, steam generators and some other types of heat exchange devices. For the full implementation of the fraud procedure, in addition to the machine itself, with which the operation is performed, you also need to have an electric, pneumatic or hydraulic drive With the ability to control. The presence of such a drive will ensure proper quality of the compounds.

2. Principle of action of fixture for rolling tubes

To date, industry produces a large number of a wide variety of pipes and small tubes used to work. various devices and mechanisms. The parts based on the hollow round profile of a constant section are made from cast iron, iron, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals, plastics, metalplastic, rubber and other materials.

In addition, different products are used in different household and industrial conditions. For example, for heating or water supply, for sewage or passage of exhaust gases, for wells or aisle technical fluids. The diameter of the produced pipes may vary from several millimeters to several meters, and for their processing, a large number of different equipment and tools are used.: Starting from the collars and ending with bending devices and machines for processing the edges of the parts.

Device (tool) for rolling tubes (no matter, copper they, brake or any other), makes it possible to quickly create a desired profile having a bell shape. As a rule, at the beginning of the rolling process, the tube is cut off with pipe cutters, after which the nut-fixer dresses on it and with the help of a flawer, by rotating the screw, the cone creates a similar profile on the tube.

In other words, expansion cross section By increasing the diameter of the tube makes it possible to create a small fallen at its end. It is he who is a priority, which ensures the implementation of infinity connections of different elements. Having obtained the desired extension, you can insert a smaller diameter tube into the socket and secure it to secure it at the connection site.

Probably, it is worth mentioning about the principle of the operation of the tool for the rolling, because it is often necessary to reduce the diameter of the pipe by narrowing the cross section, so that it can easily enter the fool. A professional device that allows you to qualitatively perform rolling pipes, are special ticks, and in order for processing to require smaller physical effort, it is necessary to choose models with a long handle.

Basically, the specified toolkit is intended for working with copper products. Although copper and cheap material, but in some cases have significant advantages over the rest.

3. Choice of fixture for rolling tubes

Due to the huge variety of all sorts of instruments and materials, choose a suitable device for rolling tubes is very difficult. First of all, during the selection, you should have sufficient information on the parameters and characteristics of the systems for which they will be used, and the tool itself can be used both to create accurate sideboards on brass, copper, steel and aluminum pipes, and for their expansion or exhaust.

The collars of copper tubes are manufactured not only by well-known companies specializing in the tools of various kinds, but also little-known manufacturers who are on the market not so long ago. You can pick up simple modelsconsisting of a pair of galvanized plates and a bolt equipped at the end of the cone, and you can also purchase a whole professional set, which includes several dozen individual elements made of chromovanadium alloy.

Such kits, in addition to convenient packaging, represented as a case with a prisoner under each individual element of the device itself, can be supplemented by the brake tubes, and the chamfer processing, a pair of clamping slats with various holes (often, have a knocked outage value) and fragrant nozzles . Depending on the selected model, pipe flawers can be created as a standard cone (at an angle of 450) and some other types of its types, for example, a double seal cone.

Before buying a collaborating tool, you need to have the following information:

- the diameter of the pipe (tube);

Data on the depth of the collapse;

The presence of welding seams;

The characteristics of the material from which the item is made.

The standard rolling tool provides the manufacture of conventional simple frames by 45 °, in the tubes with a wall thickness of 1 millimeter. Low weight and small dimensions make it possible to use this device in the collapse of the connections vehicle and cooling systems.

The implementation of the procedure using a tool with a ratchet mechanism requires the master of minimal physical efforts, and smooth and smooth exit are obtained. The ruined cone made of hardened steel is installed in needle bearings eccentric and rotates until a uniform plastic metal deformation. This provides a fully homogeneous state of the filling walls, without any furniture.

Rolling and rolling pipes using a compact collapse (so called the appropriate device), makes it possible to get a special thread, without damaging the material, and the clamping lips, thanks to the multiple capture, allow you to quickly and secure the instrument quickly and securely, without allowing the product slipping. If you additionally apply a metric and inch markup on the matrix, it will greatly facilitate work with pipes of different manufacturers. The special form of a single tool nozzle allows you to apply a ruin and in working with long pipelines, and with pipes, the thickness of the walls of which is less than one millimeter.

For the extensive army of motorists who are accustomed to repairing the car on their own, the emergence of new tools and devices in the arsenal already existing - by itself implied inevitability. Today it will be about repair, which very often requires replacement of brake tubes. These elements are more than others are exposed to external factors, which affects their condition. But it is possible to replace them only in the presence of a specialized tool, which is performed by the roller of the tubes. No tool - do this operation fails. This means that you will still go to the nearest car service. Or go to a car shop to become the owner of another very useful device.

Purpose brake pipes

Any hydraulic system In need of highways, for which the liquid is supplied to the working mechanisms. The brake system of the car is no exception, but here there are features. They are associated both with the design of brakes and technical characteristics The working fluid used to which highly rigid requirements are presented:

  • it should not stick at temperatures exceeding 200 degrees;
  • do not lose fluidity into the forty-portous frost;
  • not to be aggressive to rubber items of the brake system;
  • do not cause corrosion.

The last item is especially important for brake pipes, which are an integral part of the TC modern car. Consider the principle of operation of a typical brake system.

The algorithm for stopping the vehicle is associated with the following actions:

  • the driver in the event of the need to reduce the speed of movement of the machine up to its full stop presses with the corresponding force on the brake pedal;
  • the pedal rod directly affects the piston of the main brake cylinder, leading it into action;
  • the piston, moving in the cylinder, affects, creating a certain phenomenon;
  • the liquid, the compressibility of which is close to zero, moves through the highway and affects brake cylinders located on each of the wheels;
  • the pistons transmit the pulse of movement to the brake pads, which, pressing to the disks, and create a braking force, slowing down the rotation of the wheels.

In this chain, brake tubes are part of Hydromature, which moves working fluid. Their task is to prevent the leakage of the TH, therefore, the quality of their connection with other elements of the brake system becomes of particular importance. For this purpose, a technological operation is used, called the collapse.

Its essence is to deform the terminal section of the tube in such a way as to evenly increase its diameter (the opposite operation, which consists in a narrowing of the diameter of the tube tip, is called a rolling). The collapse is needed in order to ensure the most sealed tube connection with each other or a tube with a collector.

Since, as we have already noted, the brake pipes are subject to mechanical effects, they can receive damage caused by the deception of the system - in this case, an immediate operation is required to replace them. Natural wear is a more common cause of replacing this component of the brake system.

The procedure of the rolling tube itself consists of three stages:

  • the definition between the tube grille and the tip of the tube;
  • rolling and tube, and tube lattice;
  • removing the damping load from the inner walls of the tube.

The deformation technology requires that the brake tube metal subjected to the so-called plastic deformation, and the metal of the grille is an elastic deformation. To ensure this condition, the lattice is made from the more solid metal, which makes it possible to grasp the tube after the completion of the flaring stage of the tube lattice.

Ensuring the required tightness of such a compound is carried out by applying the method of contact pressure generated between the outer surfaces of the contacting parts. In some cases, the technology of connecting the struck tips of the pipes involves the use of welding - this method is called combined.

In the factory setting, the collapse is carried out using a special machine equipped with a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric type drive, which provides for the ability to control the speed of rotation. It is on the drive that the task of providing the required reliability of the compound is located.

When replacing brake tubes, the collapse is carried out using a special tool that can be purchased in the auto shop.

When the brake tubing flares required

The brake fluid ensuring compliance with a number of the above-described requirements has high hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture. This is the payroll for a unique complex of characteristics, so the full tightness of the highway is so important. It is fraught with the fact that under the influence of high temperature, it significantly increases the compressibility of the liquid. And this means that pressing the brake pedal will lead to a braking itself with a certain delay, which is unacceptable for considerations of traffic safety. And the more air will be in the system, the tangible will be a delay.

The depressurization of well-defined symptoms is manifested - a significant increase in the brake path, pedal failures and the appearance of foreign sounds when braking.

The fluid leak is usually accompanied by overheating brake drums, since the boiling point of the liquid, diluted with air, falls noticeably. As a result, the brake pads begin to wear more intensively and, which is especially unpleasant, unevenly.

Another obvious feature of the integrity of the brake line - car care when braking from the initial trajectory of movement.

Note that the breakdown of the brake tubes (or rather, the need for their replacement) can be caused by other reasons:

  • deformation and cracks of the hexagon head;
  • clogging of threaded connections;
  • cocking brake fluid in places of conjugation.

Not a single car is not insured against such trouble, so it is time to periodically (at least once a year) to test the brake system as a whole. Diagnostics component parts The brake highway should be carried out every 50, the regulatory replacement of rubber hoses and tubes is produced every 125 thousand kilometers, and regardless of their condition.

And since the replacement of these elements requires special processing, consider how to unravel the brake tube with their own hands and what tools will be required for this.

Independent ruins

In industrial conditions, special high-strength shafts are used for pipe rolling, while the profile of the tip of the pipes is formed as a result of multiple rolling them. Such a roller machine allows you to perform deformation as accurately and evenly.

When independently, the ruin usually use kits that can be purchased via the Internet or in specialized stores. Such a kit includes pipe cutting, clamp, as well as stamps with holes of different diameters (with metric or inch dimensions) for the roller with the use of a conical screw.

Many car owners so that at home to unravel the brake tube, use a more primitive method that does not require the acquisition of the above-described device - a conical blank with the desired angle. If the tube is made of copper (such now meet not often - manufacturers for savings are massively moving to metal), it has sufficient plasticity to perform such an operation on their own. But you will be required not just power, but precisely dosed efforts when stretching the tip of the copper tube to the cone. Any skew when hitting - and the result may be unsatisfactory: from the rupture of the roller surface in the place for which more swipeTo jams too thinned with such a surface processing. So this method can hardly be recommended as an acceptable one - to it should be resorted only in case of extreme need.

Much more predictable results are obtained when using the expander. It will also be necessary to use physical strength here, but the process itself is simplified, since the stretch of the pipe on one of the replaceable nozzles is carried out with the help of a rotating handle.

The expander allows the collapse of the tube to the desired diameter quickly, in just one approach, however, and here it is not guaranteed one hundred percent results. The main key of success is the quality of the pipe itself. If it is bad, that is, the walls are not perfectly smooth (they have different thickness on a certain area subjected to processing), then in this case the thin walls will stretch more, thick - less, and as a result, the collapse will not be perfect. Attempts to "think" the compound may result in a deplorable - its breakdown or crumpled.

A classic brake rolling tool is a set of rollers produced from hardwly materials. The rollers rolled over the surface of the processed pipe, each time with an increasing effort. As a result, the collapse is performed smoothly, and all the troubles that are characteristic of more primitive tools are impossible here. Each new roller turnover increase the diameter of the workpiece to a minimum value, and such a gradual stretching is carried by the metal very well.

Such a method is applicable even with respect to a nonideal billet, since in the presence of areas with thicker walls, they roll up to the desired value, while the surface of the tube becomes smooth and smooth, without any defects and roughness.

Another common collapse method is the use of a solid cone, which is pressed with a certain force in the tube, pre-reinforced in vice. The quality of such a method is comparable to the use of shafts, but it is important to stop here at the depth of shocking, which corresponds to the desired rolling diameter.

Of course, the ideal solution would be to purchase a finished machine of factory manufacture. But if you feel about the category of craftsmen trying to do everything yourself, including rarely used tools, the collapse for copper tubes can also be made at home. Without this tool, ensure the reliable connection of the brake tubes will not work.

The main condition - metal blanks should be durable, this will allow you to use the device for decades. The design of such a flawer is pretty simple - it represents a bed made of two equal in size of the corners.

We will need the following tools and materials:

  • drilling machine;
  • sharpening machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • corners (100 x 32 x 5 mm., 2 pcs.);
  • mandrels (can be made independently or ask to sharpen from a familiar turner);
  • bolts M8 (2 pcs.).

The tool itself is done very simply: both corners are fastened with a bolted joint, after which the holes are drilled at the base, on the edge of which the chamfer is made. A similar tool will allow you to produce almost the perfect brake tubes, regardless of their length.

The algorithm for processing pipes with such homemade adaptation is almost no different from the combat method using the purchase machine:

  • we establish the workpiece into the holder and fix it in such a way that the external edge, subjected to processing, played by the edges of approximately 5-6 millimeters;
  • we install a suitable diameter cone on the tube;
  • after dressed fittings, we make sure that the direction of the thread turned out to be multidirectional (if you look from the side of the billet, the thread should be directed from each other);
  • we start screwing into the cone harvesting, which will lead to uniform interlocking of the edge of the tube. It is necessary to work slowly, following the cone, the cone does not go deep into the latter value;
  • we take out the item, carefully get rid of sowing.

As a result, we get a neat, high-quality struck part, which can be used for direct purpose. Perhaps the first experience may not be too successful, but, finishing, you can handle the edges of the brake pipes as good as using the factory tools.

Pros and cons of the roller tubes do it yourself

You can not doubt that, working for yourself, you will react to all stages technological process With the highest possible liability and diligence. Of course, you will not need to go somewhere and pay someone for doing this work.

But there are obvious cons - we have already given an approximate deadlines for the regulatory replacement of brake pipes. And since they fail relatively rarely, it is quite possible that you will get acquired or made independently tools to take advantage of one, from strength twice. However, if you are the owner of a strongly worn car, it is likely that the replacement of the tubes will have to be produced much more often.

To carry out the collapse of the brake tubes with their own hands - the task is simple, but subject to the presence of a specialized tool. And what is more profitable - buy it, make it yourself, or still attribute tubes to specialists, you must decide for yourself. The main thing is that your car braking system is always in perfect condition.

What would have a clear picture, for which you need and what role brake tubes do not need to be considered as a separate element, you must familiarize yourself with the entire brake system of the car. Thus, the system of the system as a whole, the task of the tubes will be clear. The braking system, superficial, works in this way: if necessary, slow down or cut braking, the driver squeezes the appropriate pedal, and the piston located in the main cylinder, under high pressure, begins to drive fluid on special paths.

The braking itself or the complete stop of the car occurs at the time, at the time of converting the fluid pressure force on the wheels cylinders into the resistance of the brake pads. So, the paths by which the piston drives the fluid to the wheels consist of brake tubes and hoses. The failure of any detail of the system is carried out in the breakdown of the entire braking system, and therefore your car becomes not suitable for operation.

When is the collapse required?

For bad transmission Liquids on the tubes braking the car occurs with a delay, and the braking path increases almost twice. Also in the operation of the system, especially noticeable when the brake pedal is pressed, extraneous sounds appear, as well as some pulsating movements. The pedal movement, while pressing on it, will seem a little free to you, it is very characteristic when the brake system is violated, namely brake tubes and hoses. Also, one of the reasons for the faulty operation of the tube is the visible leak of liquid and the brake system. This leak will lead to overheating brake drums and to uneven wear of the brake pads. Another feature may not be the usual behavior of the car while pressing the pedal, namely, the car goes away a little. Of course, this is an indirect reason, but according to experts, it may indicate a malfunction of the tubes.

The most obvious symptom of the fact that the tubes begin or have been worn out and it is time to engage in the ruins - an increase in the braking path.

It is important to know that the main problems, because of which there is quite often a breakage of the tubes, there is:

  • destruction of the structure of the hexagon head;
  • soro and dirt getting into the field of threaded connections or hitting the liquid in these places.

The above mentioned troubles are very much harm not only elements, but the entire system. If the owner wants to protect the car from this kind of trouble, he should remember that at least once a year to undergo testing the brake system of the car. If equating the elements and the system itself to a kilometer, then the diagnosis is necessary every 50,000 kilometers, and the part, in particular rubber tubes, change after 125 thousand kilometers, regardless of which technical state.

Instruction Ripper

Not every driver repair cars causes pleasant feelings. Many do not want to climb under the hood at all and repair the breakdown, which is already talking about the repair of parts, for the repair of which you need to climb under the car. Yes, the rolling of pipes is not one of the pleasant works, but not very complicated. The most important thing is that the ruin can be independently, and at the same time not to pay some "specialists" for a hundred. For the qualitative implementation of this work, you need to purchase a special device, the so-called "collapse". Such a set for the collapse of the brake tubes, in which you can see the pipeline, fitting, ticks, can be purchased at any car store, and its price is a penny compared to the work at the service station. You also need to make some gasoline in a bottle for further lubrication of the pipe and the chamfering drill.

So let's consider detailed instructionsHow to unravel the brake tube.

The tube is unscrewed by hand from the cylinder or the caliper. It is determined on it a damaged area, and if it is possible - repairing, otherwise the tube is not suitable. So, with the help of pipe cutting on the damaged area on the tube. After that, a good cutting edge of the tube is treated with gasoline. Using ticks, clamp a tube to create a connector under the fitting. We take the drill and drill the necessary diameter and remove a little edge inside, make a chamfer. After that, it is necessary to clean the planting place from the chips and insert the fitting into the tube. Now the most important is the collapse. The roller tool is applied as follows.

The edge of the tube is inserted into the special holes of the machine in such a way that there remains a segment about five millimeters over the capture and clamping. The mechanism is processed by the desired part of the tube. In the case when it is necessary to deflate both edges of the pipe, then the second is performed exactly by the same scenario, as is the first edge. After completing all these actions, you should get a neat expansion. The extension size can be varied on the machine, and it depends on the vehicle specification and it is provided in the set (you can see special leases in the set).

So, the summary of it can be said that the work on the collapse of the brake tubes is not very time-consuming and complex. It is important to understand that the majority of repair work regarding the iron friend can easily be performed independently. And this is very important, after all, correcting the breakdown personally, you can not only save cashBut the most important thing is possible better than any car mechanic to perform work. The main thing follows the instructions and remember that this is done exclusively for yourself.

Video "Replacing brake pipes by car"

The record shows how you can replace the brake tubes on the VAZ brand car.


Repair of brake pipes, independent ruin, tools and fixtures

Each motorist must understand a little in the design of his car to be able to eliminate a malfunction with their own hands if there is such an opportunity. This is especially true of the brake system. Often, when it breaks, the brake tubes are required, for which the fluid is transmitted, when pressed on the pedal, from the cylinder to the pads.

Signs of replacement

You can determine the malfunction of the tubes yourself at the following features:

  • Leakage of brake fluid from the system;
  • Overheating brake drums;
  • Creak when pressed on the pedal;
  • Increasing the movement of the brake pedal;
  • The brake path becomes longer;
  • Wearing pads occurs unevenly.

Causes of replacement

  1. The occurrence of corrosion;
  2. Crack formations;
  3. Screwing thread;
  4. Exposure to the external environment;
  5. Poor fastening.

Machine for ruins

Of course, with a malfunction of the tubes, you can drive the machine to the service station and entrust repair to specialists. But why spend money on what you can do yourself? To do this, you need to purchase a tool for flavoring in specialized stores or order on the Internet. It happens for an inch or metric thread. The kit includes pipe cutting, fixture, ticks, clamp, stamps for different diameters of the rolling tubes fungus.

When buying a tool, pay attention to the manufacturer and cost. The cheapest sets are better not to buy, as their quality does not contribute to long exploitation. This repair method is less costly than in the auto repair shop, and relatively light.

Homemade brake pipe repair fixture

An even cheaper method is the manufacturer homemade device. If you wish and minimal skills work with your hands, there is nothing difficult in this. First you need to make the base (bed) for fastening the tubes. You can collect it from two steel corners. Corners cut into the desired length with a grinding machine, drill two holes for fastening with bolts. This is done in 15 minutes.

Collecting the face you need to make holes under the tube, and remove the chamfers on the drilling machine or drill. The most difficult is the manufacture of punches (mandrels). You can order their familiar turning.

The process of blocking brake tubes do it yourself

First, it is necessary to determine the degree of breakage of the tube and the ability to repair. To do this, we unscrew it from the caliper or brake cylinder. If you can delete a damaged area, while saving the desired length, cut this piece by pipe cutter. After that, we proceed with gasoline the remaining part, clamp the ticks and remove the inner brass of the drill. If it is impossible to repair, buy a tube in the store.

Instructions for repairing the tube do it yourself:

  • Install the tube in the device (base). It is necessary that the end spoke 5 mm per edge;
  • We change the cone to the stamp necessary for the diameter of the tube;
  • Tighten the stamp;
  • Screw the stamp and flatten a slightly end of the copper tube;
  • Dress up fittings. Be sure to not forget, but it will have to redo everything;
  • Remove the stamp and change to the cone tool;
  • Neatly not in a hurry, spinning;
  • I pull out the handset and if you need to clean it.

At the exit we have a new brake tube under the cone. It is possible to deflave the tube in another way called "fungus". Usually on vehicles of European production apply the fading "fungus", and the "cone" is used on Japanese models and other Asian. To ruin under the "fungus" you just need to not remove the necessary stamp.

Pros and cons of independent ruins

It is possible to attribute to the pluses of the flares with their own hands that you will react responsibly and seriously and you will be sure of the quality of work done. No need to pay someone for work, often unreasonable price.

Of the minuses it is worth noting that the brake tubes do not often fail and your instrument may need only once. Exception If you buy used cars with big mileagewhich were kept in bad, unfavorable conditions or were in accidents and quite often change them.

Make repair with your own hands according to the instructions or to entrust the specialists have to solve each person individually, but monitor the state of the brake system and tubes, including always necessary!


How to unlock brake tube with your own hands: instruction, tool, video

The brake tube rolling is a procedure, the execution of which can be required at any time to those who have own car. Of course, this and any other operation related to maintenance and repair motor vehicleYou can always entrust the qualified specialists of maintenance stations, but many motorists go to others and try to do everything with their own hands. Each car owner is entitled to decide who to trust the maintenance of its vehicle, but many of these issues can be solved independently.

Learn independent ruin of the tubes is quite simple

Functions of brake pipes

Brake tubes are an integral element of the brake system of any car that is responsible for stopping at the required moment. To understand how such tubes are for the operation of the brake system as a whole, should at least be superficially get acquainted with the principle of its action.

So, the process of stopping the car, to perform which the brake system is activated, consists of next stages.

  • If necessary, reduce the speed of the car or stop it completely the driver presses the brake pedal.
  • The piston associated with the pedal is activated and begins to affect the brake fluid.
  • High pressure reported by the piston of the main cylinder, the liquid on the tubes and hoses begins to enter the cylinders of each wheel, affecting their pistons.
  • Under the pressure of the fluid, the pistons affect the brake pads, which are pressed against the brake discs, stopping the rotation of the wheels.

Car brake system circuit

Obviously, the brake tubes play a crucial role in the work of the entire brake system, and when they breakage it completely fails. That is why the repair of the elements to which the collapse of the brake pipes belongs to the repair of the brake pipes should be approached with full responsibility.

In which cases the brake tubing is needed

On the brake pipes, as mentioned above, brake fluid Under high pressure supplies to all elements of the system. When the bandwidth of such tubes deteriorates, the entire system begins to work inefficiently, which leads, in particular, to a significant increase in the braking path. It requires diagnostics (and possibly repair) to elements of the brake system, including pipes), the following characteristic features may indicate:

  • the emergence of foreign sounds and pulsating movements when pressed on the brake pedal;
  • free movement of brake pedal when pressed on it;
  • leakage of the brake fluid, which leads to a decrease in pressure and, accordingly, to inefficient braking and intensive wear of the brake pads;
  • carrying the car to the side when braking (such a situation, although it is an indirect feature, may also indicate that brake pipes need to be repaired).

Old brake tubes in a terrible state should urgently replace even in the absence of leaks

However, the main sign that the brake tubes fully do not fulfill their functions and require a roller, is an increase in the braking path. Most frequent reasons The deterioration of the brake tubes is:

  • disorders in the design of hexagon heads that are not separated by such tubes;
  • the deterioration of the quality and reliability of the threaded compounds, the sap or the focused liquid in them.

Such malfunctions, negatively reflecting on the technical condition of individual elements of the braking system, significantly reduce the efficiency of its operation. That is why experts and automakers recommend that it is diagnosed once every six months. If you are attached to a kilometer, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure every 50,000 km of run, but to replace rubber tubes regardless of their technical status It is necessary every 125 thousand km mileage of the vehicle.

Features of technology

Car repair, with whatever it is connected, rarely causes pleasant emotions from the motorist. This is also explained by the fact that such an event is usually associated with certain financial expenses. Meanwhile, if we talk about the situation at which the brake tubes must be unloaded, the costs of such a procedure can be minimized if you do it with your own hands.

So, to unravel the brake tubes with your own hands, it is required not only to study theoretical information on this issue and view the appropriate video, but also to purchase a special device. In the set for the collapse of the brake tubes, which can be inexpensive enough to purchase in many car stores, includes the following tools and devices:

  • truboresis;
  • fitting used as a connector;
  • pliers.

The set for the collapse includes, as a rule, clamp under various sizes of tubes

Using such an uncomplicated set to which the drill must be added (to remove the champers on the ends of the pipes), as well as gasoline, which is necessary as a lubricant material, can not only perform a qualitative rolling with their own hands, but also to save a decent amount of money that would have to pay specialists Maintenance stations.

When replacing the tube to a new one, we first make a copy of the sample of old

Immediately before the flapping procedure with the brake tube, the following steps must be performed.

  1. The tube using a tool or manually unscrew from the brake cylinder or caliper.
  2. With the help of visual inspection, the presence of damage on the surface of the tube. If they are close to its edge, then the tube can be restored, if not, then it must be replaced with a new one.
  3. Using such a tool like pipe cutting, a plot of damage is cut from the edge of the tube and the cropped edge is treated with gasoline.
  4. The cropped end of the tube is clamped with tongs and in its inner part with a drill with a drill of the corresponding diameter, a chamfer is removed.
  5. The portion of the inner surface of the tube, where the chamfer was removed, purified from chips. After that, the end of the tube is inserted into the fitting, acting as a connector.

Neatly shorten the tube using a special cutter

After all the actions above are completed, the tube must be collapsed, for which it is best to use a special machine. The collapse performed using such a machine is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  1. The end of the tube that is required to flaw is inserted into the clamping hole of the machine. In this case, a part of the tube protruding from the clamping mechanism of the machine must be approximately 5 mm.
  2. With the help of a special punch, which is equipped with such a machine, the end of the tube is ruined.
  3. If it is necessary to rolled the second end of the tube, the entire procedure described above is performed in the same sequence.

Scroll with a crush with a press, visually following the formation of a fungus, and we get a high-quality cutting tube

As a result of the execution of the roller, with the help of such a device, with the rules and subtleties of working with which it is best to familiarize themselves on the video, the end of the brake tube becomes neatly expanded. The use of a special machine allows you to regulate the parameters of such an extension, because for brake systems used on cars of different brands, they can seriously discharge. As a rule, in special sets, with which the collapse of the brake tubes can be collapsed with their own hands, there are lecked, allowing to monitor the result of the technological operation.

Deploying the end of the tube through a special knife located on the rear wall of the cutter

Thus, the collapse of the tubes used in brake system The car is easy to use special tools and devices for this. By performing such a collapse with her own hands, you are not only saving money, but also fully control the process of performing a technological operation, on the results of which depends on the performance of your vehicle. In such cases, it should always be remembered that the car mechanic does not work for itself, therefore refers to it, respectively. In order not to worry about the results of the independent repair of your vehicle, you must adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  • a clear adherence to the instructions, which can also be video;
  • using only high-quality tools, devices and supplies;
  • strict control at all stages of performing repair activities.
Following these recommendations, you can not only qualitatively flaw brake tubes, but also to fulfill many other works related to the maintenance and repair of your car, not experiencing for the result of these events.


Breakstone brake pipes

The brake system of the car is the basis of security and needs professional maintenance. After all, it is from her that the safety of movement by car depends. Today we will tell you about the most terrible breakdowns of the brake system, we describe in detail what kind of braking tubes, for which it is needed and with the help of which tools it is produced.

Brake system malfunctions

Almost all drivers know that the car braking system consists of a control drive, distribution systems and executive (working bodies). All parts of the brake system are connected using brake tubes (highways). According to these tubes, the brake fluid is moved under pressure. In the process of pressing the brake pedal, the pressure on the DVG increases and it affects the working body of the system, which performs the wheel lock and the full stop of the vehicle.

During the operation of the brake system, the following faults may occur:

  • Disrupting the tightness of the brake tubes and pistons in which the fluid is under pressure.
  • Mechanical breakdown of working bodies. It is possible to include all sorts of brake cylinders and so on.
  • Violation free travel Pedals. Such a malfunction is discomfort to the driver during the operation of the car.

In this article, it will be discussed precisely about the first fault - a disruption of the tightness of the combustion tubes with working mechanisms.

The brake fluid of the car in its composition contains an acid that adversely affects the thin-leaf metal products. In addition, constant impact ambient It may cause corrosion on metal parts. In this regard, the locations of the brake tubes with the working parts of the system may be subject to corrosion and start producing from the braking system special fluid. Another side of the problem is the appearance of air in the system. This phenomenon reduces the pressure inside the brakes and contributes to the deterioration of the brake properties of the car.

In order to save money on the purchase of new brake pipes, drivers go to the restoration of the old tube, which passes very successfully. This process was called the collapse.

Rolling brake tubes using a set and device

The collapse is called any deformation or a change in the shape of the tube, which is further fastened to a special product performing a tube connection with a system working body.

This concept refers to the brake system of the car. To make the roller, you need to have a special set for the collapse. It includes a set of devices, such as, cutting device, a deforming device and a set of means for cutting threads on the brake tube.

To carry out the collapse, it is necessary to install the car on the observation pit or the flight and immobilize. From the tank and the main brake cylinder the brake fluid merges. After all the events, it is recommended to replace the new one that in the future it does not climb again under the car. Damaged brake tube unifakes from your landingAnd then remove it from the tube itself.

Cut the damaged plot of the highway, about 5 centimeters. To cut the pipe, you need to install it in a special device and go through the blade across the circumference. After that, the cut end of the pipe is processed to get rid of the irregularities capable of disrupting the shape of the pipe, which means its tightness of the compound.

After that, fix the end of the pipe in a special device and insert the roller fungus into it. A thread shaft is put on top of the fungus, which is attached on another fixing device. Rotate the lever occurs a change in the shape of a cut part of the pipe. Then, depending on the presence or absence of threads, it cuts it on the pipe. In most cases, all brake tubes are manufactured without it.

Install the new end of the tube into the mounting device and tighten the mount nut. Before installing a new tube, it is necessary to clean the sealed part from fat. To do this, it is enough to treat it with acetone or gasoline. After all these events, the fitting is installed in its place, the brake fluid is poured into the system, it is pumping out and after that the car can be operated again.

Video - How and how to unravel the tips of the brake tubes

On this, the brake tubing is complete. As you can see, it is not a complicated procedure and it will be able to cope with almost any car enthusiast, which will have a set of roller set and other garage inventory.

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