Home Wheels How to fix the automotive air conditioning. Instructions for self-refueling air conditioner in auto. What freon use

How to fix the automotive air conditioning. Instructions for self-refueling air conditioner in auto. What freon use

At the time of buying new car Car enthusiasts are increasingly interested in whether air conditioning options are in the list. It is easy to explain.

So simple system It is able to make trips as comfortable as possible to any, even the most sultry weather. But there is one minus - from time to time, freon leaks are possible and you may need a refueling of an auto-conditioner.

Is it possible to make this work with your own hands? Let's figure it out.

Purpose and advantage

The car air conditioner is an indispensable assistant in the summer, when the temperature outside the window turns over a 30-degree mark.

Open windows and hatch in the car playing only the role of the fan and simply chase hot air through the cabin.

In turn, the climate system works on another principle and performs a number of useful functions:

  • reduces air temperature to the necessary temperature motorist;
  • effectively fights with "sweating" of the glasses (this can be useful in winter);
  • maintains the level of humidity at the optimal level;
  • reliably protect the interior of the car from entering the unpleasant flavors and burned vapors of gasoline;
  • is very powerful filter for air inside the cabin;
  • you do not need to open the windows - the cooling and cleaning system will do everything itself.

The car air conditioning is the option that is never excess. If desired, the device can be installed in almost any car (even if it is not in your configuration).

The principle of operation of an autoconditioner

Autoconditioner consists of several elements:

  • Compressor providing permanent circulation of freon along the circuit of the cooling system;
  • Condenser - heat exchanger. In this node, freon pairs with further heat release are accumulated and condensed;
  • The evaporator acting as a heat exchanger. It is in it that the evaporation of liquid freon and the selection of heat;
  • The drier receiver through which the refrigerant is cleaned and drained the refrigerant;
  • Pipelines;
  • Expansion valve;
  • Cooling fan;
  • Automation systems (fuses, sensors and so on).

In fact, the auto air conditioner has three main elements - compressor, evaporator and capacitor. All other details perform auxiliary role.

The system works on the following principle.

Freon is B. closed loop. Under the action of the compressor, the refrigerant is heated and under pressure is sent on the system.

It turns out the condenser on its way, where the refrigerant is cooled and turns into liquefied gas.

After that, Freon enters the receivers, with which the filtering of dirt and garbage occurs.

After cooling, the freon goes to the evaporator (located directly in the cabin of the car) and enters the salon. After that, the refrigerant is sent to the compressor.

All - the cycle is closed. By the way, in addition to the cooling function, the evaporator also effectively drags the air.

Main reasons for refueling

Many motorists do not know when refilling an auto-conditioner and recall this already when the device fails. But it is important to take into account several options.

Natural leakage.

Freon is in a closed loop, but even it does not save him from a small leakage. It is believed that during the year from the system takes up to 10-15% of the refrigerant.

Consequently, the majority modern cars Requires refueling after three years, and old models and before - after 1-2 years.

System malfunction.

If refrigerant leakage exceeds an indicator of 15-20% per year, then it can be safely argued about the system malfunction.

Causes may be the following:

  • disorders of tightness in pipeline systems due to increased vibration (for example, decrease in gasket efficiency);
  • the presence of mechanical damage (holes, cracks) on the tubes or the main nodes of the system;
  • the emergence of corrosion directly in the condenser itself (this phenomenon is found quite often).

Job search methods

Today you can select several basic ways to quickly find leakage in the autocondition.

Consider the most popular of them.

Application of the leak detector.

Such a modern device provides real help in finding a leak when visually finding the problem fails.

Product advantage - High sensitivity and accuracy. But there is a loader from the lecturer. If the damage is small, then it will not be found in this way.

Azot refueling.

This technique, old, as the world, but is actively used today to check the autoconditioner. Its essence comes down to gas station to the system under great pressure.

At the same time, the place of the leakage of freon is determined exclusively for hearing. The advantage of this method is simplicity and accessibility. Disadvantage - low efficiency.

Soap solution.

To simplify the search process is often used soap solution. But it is dangerous. In the air conditioning system, there is not only freon, but also oil for lubricating the compressor.

The latter can well absorb moisture and can only be combined with a specific type of freon.

The use of soap composition often leads to a compressor breakdown and, as a result, serious waste.

Apply ultraviolet additive.

Modern and most effective method Definitions of leakage. It is actively used by workers of almost all modern hundred. The essence is simple.

In the process of refueling an autoconditioner by Freon, a little special additive is added to the composition.

The latter is mixed with the contents of the system (refrigerant, butter) and when exiting the outside (at the place of leakage) acquires green.

The advantage of this method is visibility (the place of damage in the system is visible immediately) and absolute security for the system. Minus - high cost.

Elimination of leakage

If the damage is essential or failed a whole node of the system, then it is better to turn to professionals for repair.

But most often damage in the air conditioner is insignificant. Consequently, it is possible to perform restoration work.

There are two options here.

With the help of special marks.

Here is the following sequence:

  • prepare a small metal tube that is suitable in diameter;
  • get small clamps on it, clean the sandpaper and degrease with an alcohol solution;
  • connect two half couplings using conventional tape;
  • apply glue to the prepared coupling, put the part to the place and roll it with the help of clamps.

As an option.

With the help of sealant.

Today are sold special meanswhich effectively delay small damage. All that is needed is to download them into the system along with Freon.

After 20-30 minutes, the existing gaps will disappear, and the problem with the leakage of freon from the autoconditioner will be eliminated.

Preparatory work

Before refueling your car air conditioning, you must clearly decide on the necessary type and volume of the refrigerant. Everything is simple here.

If your car was released until 1992, then you should use the type of freon R-12.

Since 1993, car manufacturers pour freon R-134A. The reason is a banal ban on the use of R-12.

Difficulties may occur only among owners of the 92-93 years of release, because in the transition period, not all manufacturers immediately switched to R-134a.

To learn more accurate information, carefully examine the sticker on inner side Hood (these data is usually indicated there).

The second option - you can recognize the type of freon along the stacker. In new models of autoconditioners who work on R-134A, the fitting has a large height and diameter.

As for the norms of refrigerant refueling, they are indicated on the plate that we talked above.

In addition, this information can be found from a specialist or in the instruction manual.

On average, the norm for domestic cars It is about 500-1000 grams.

Procedure for performing work

So, to refuel the car air conditioner we will need a special set. It includes a metrological station, adapter, hoses, cranes and a cylinder with freon.

Instead of the metrological station, you can use a test connector. The cost of all equipment is about 30 thousand rubles.

  • 1. Take a balloon with Freon and find a convex part with a thread that needs to be pierced with a needle (adapter).

If there is no adapter in the set (it happens quite often), then it can be purchased separately.

  • 2. Connect the transition device and plug the hose to it.

  • 3. Second edge of the hose Switch with the metrological station.

  • 4. After assembling equipment for refueling, calibrate the pressure meter. You can do this using a calibration wheel, exposing the ambient temperature.

It is desirable to taste with the exact device indicators (for example, onboard computer).

  • 5. Find your fitting. Make it is not difficult. Modern autoconditioners have two positions - high and low pressure. The refueling is always carried out by low pressure.

It is impossible to make a mistake here, because the fittings have different diameters of the inlet holes.

Some manufacturers label caps in various colors. For example, low pressure fitting has a black color (letter H), and high - blue color.

  • 6. Well clean the space around low pressure fitting and remove the cap. Remember that dirt entering the air conditioner is unacceptable.
  • 7. Welcome from above the hose.

  • 8. Create a motor and spin it up to 1500 revolutions. If there is an assistant - ask him to hold the gas pedal in the same position, and if not, fix it with a small stick.
  • 9. Expose air recycling to the maximum limit, lean the high pressure tap, deploy the cylinder with freon up "legs" and smoothly open the valve.

  • 10. All the time observe pressure in the system. The maximum limit is 285 kPa.
  • 11. Through time in the salon begins to go cold airAnd the hose itself on the place of the junction with the fitting and becomes icy.

As soon as the air temperature reaches 5-7 degrees Celsius, the valve can be overlap.

IN this case We have 10.7 degrees Celsius, it means you need another balloon.

  • 12. Look carefully in the filter-desiccant window. If there are no air bubbles, then the work is done correctly. That's all.

Separately, I would like to note that the presence of water and air in the system is unacceptable. For example, moisture can turn in winter in the ice and block the regulator of the TRV.

Do not forget that the presence of water in the system can lead to the appearance of rust. It is dangerous for the system and air, which has completely different properties than nitrogen.

As a result, the load on the compressor rises, and the knot may be faster. To remove air and water from the system, a special pump is connected before refueling. This process is called vacuuming.

Remove air from the system using a special pump.

Final audit and autoconditioner fault diagnostics

Now it remains to include an auto-conditioner and check its work. Here pay attention to the following points:

  • ensure that after a few seconds, after turning on the air conditioner, cold air begins to enter the cabin;
  • inspect the entire system on the facts of Freon;
  • when suspected of leakage, you can re-check (we considered the technology above);
  • listen to the compressor if extraneous noises take place, it can talk about wear of parts or internal damage to the node. Often the cause of noise is a faulty bearing, as a result, this can lead to the failure of the compressor;
  • clean air must go from the system, without excess odor. Otherwise, replace the cabin filter.


You must clearly understand that the diagnosis, refueling, repair and maintenance of the autoconditioner is a very difficult and responsible event.

But if you have any required tools And a clear entity of the recommendations in the article, you will handle work on "excellent".

For the first time, the name Freon entered our lives almost 90 years ago, when American Chemist Thomas Midjley Jr. received a patent for his invention. Almost all climatic products today work on freons of different brand, and the technique is a substance called chladone. The quality of the work of any split system depends on this is a very important component: if it is not enough in the system, it begins the frost of parts and connections. Considering that the price of the compressor is about 60% of the total cost of the entire installation, namely Freon supports its proper level, then users must deliver air conditioning on time. How to independently refuel the air conditioning - we will tell us in our article.

When asked how many freon in the air conditioner, there are two answers.

  1. The system has been established for a long time, and the user is interested in the volume of freon in the air conditioner, and whether the amount of refrigerant is enough for good job Products. Check exactly the volume of freon in the split system using specialists or independently impossible is almost impossible, but to find out the pressure of freon in the air conditioner, all operating parameters to find out whether to refuel, you can with special equipment and maintenance wizard.
  2. The split-system is installed with extended gasket of communications, or it is necessary to completely rewrite it. How much refrigerant will need for normal work in this case? To independently calculate the amount of gas that should be in the air conditioner, you need a specific information - you can find it table.

The nameplates (signs) are in the remote and inner block, the freon brand is indicated, its number in kg and working pressure.

The standard amount of refrigerant depends on the conditional power of the product: "Seven" has up to 750 grams, and in the most powerful split system to 1.7 kg. If your track turned out longer than recommended by the manufacturer, then for each extra meter It is necessary to add from 15 to 30 grams of chladone. Each brand of product, for example: LG or Toshiba, has its own personal restrictions in height between the blocks and the length of the track. The excess of them is unacceptable, since it affects the performance of the entire system.

Causes of leakage

In order for the product normally function, the amount of freon in the air conditioner should be sufficient for constant circulation. Unfortunately, the leakage during operation is still occurring, and such reasons can serve.

  1. Imperfection design - copper tubesThrough the freon circulates, are fragmented in place during installation, so minor losses occur during operation. Over time, it is necessary to refuel the air conditioner by Freon.
  2. During the transportation The previously installed product Freon in the air conditioner can decrease a little in the amount, the same nuances can happen when dismantling and re-installing it. Therefore, you need to download Freon in the air conditioner at a new installation site.

When the product regularly passes maintenance, timely cleaning, then excessive evaporation of the refrigerant does not occur, the only negative is left to leak it through the connections.

Many users are confident that refueling the air conditioner is impossible with their own hands, but such, very dubious rumors, support service specialists in order not to lose their earnings. Yes, it will take specific equipment, but this is not a problem in our progressive age.

Options refueling

Statistics argue that any product of the climatic class during operation loses 8% of the initial refueling for the year, therefore, once every 2 years it is necessary to fill the Split system by Freon. And yourself you will do it or invite a specialist - this is a separate question. The air conditioner needs to be charged and if it gives a temperature slightly less than you installed on the display, the pressure must be constant inside the system and the amount of refrigerant plays the main role.

Very important! The disadvantage of the refrigerant does not provide the normal operation of the device, and the excess pressure is the right cause of the unexpected breakage of the compressor.

There are two main methods of refueling air conditioner by Freon.

  1. According to the degree of pressure. To determine the amount of flying gas to refuel, you need to know the optimal pressure specified in the instruction manual, compare it with a pressure in the air conditioning system, which shows the connected manifold. As a rule, this method of refueling the air conditioner for pressure is carried out when leakage of freon due to long-term operation.
  2. By weight. The method is applied with a complete replacement of the refrigerant - first of the system from the system, and then, with the help of electronic scales, the heavy weight of the gas loaded into the balloon is filled with a split system by Freon.

There is a technique with the help of measuring glass, but they use to refuel the calladone air conditioner very rarely, only after the repair. When detecting in a special viewing window, the presence of air bubbles, the download of freon is not performed until they disappear from the system.


To refuel the air conditioner by Freon yourself, you will need special devices and tools that can be rented in the center of the service, expenses will be much lower than calling for similar work of specialists.

Preparation for refueling air conditioner by refrigerant, with your own hands, you must begin with a visual inspection of tubes connecting the remote module with an evaporator, and check the tightness of the entire circulation system. Checking the connections, download inside gaseous nitrogenAfter absorption, the leakage is checked on a manometer: if the pressure does not fall - the tightness is normal, and the leakage occurred not because of its damage.

Now you can go to vacuumization of the refueling deviceTo do this, use a vacuum class pump and a collector. The unit is connected through the collector - it is turned on, and the pressure gauge is determined by a minimum of pressure. When it is achieved, the device is turned off, overlap the crane - the preparatory process is successfully completed.

Attention! At the end of the above works, it is impossible to disconnect the collector.

What freon use

Before detailing to tell how to refuel the air conditioning at home, we will answer many readers who are quite often asked a sacred question: what air conditioners refuel, and where to purchase the necessary gas cylinders. Freon brand R410A. It does not have chlorine in its composition, so it does not affect the atmosphere negatively - it quickly gained popularity from users. His grateful fellow r-407C brands Consists of three components with the same literals in the title:

  • 32 - responsible for excellent performance;
  • 125 - fire safety when working;
  • 134A - Stabilization of the pressure of the working circuit.

In the event of leaks, its components are impaired unevenly, so it is impossible to make refueling, so as not to break the concentration - drain all the coolness and refuel the new one. You can buy cylinders with freon of any kind in specialized warehouses, addresses by regions can be found on the Internet.

Few users are solved independently fill in the climate technology system with a refrigerant, because it requires complex devices: digital scales and a thermometer, a manometer collector, a set of hex keys and the ability to use all this.

The collector is better to use the four-position - it is convenient to connect all the necessary hoses, the system tightness is preserved completely, no contact internal system Air conditioner with outdoor air.

Algorithm refueling

Let us give a detailed step by step guide to refueling the product. It is about refueling any climatic product by overheating indicator: There is a difference between the temperature of the superheated steam and its analogue, which means boiling refrigerant. The first of the indicators controls the electronic thermometer, which is enough to attach to gas tube Products, the second - according to the testimony of the pressure gauge measuring low pressure. The temperature difference is within 5-8 degrees, if it is at least a little higher, then the product has not been refueling for a long time - you need to refuel.

  1. Open the locks that are on air conditioner fittingsTo remove the entire refrigerant. When the pressure falls to the minimum - closing locks.
  2. Capacity with freon put on the scales, set the value "0" on their scoreboard.
  3. For airbagging air inside hoses, we briefly open the valve at the collector.
  4. Now open gas valve - The refueling process is running, the pressure in the product system is gradually rising, and the temperature in the pipeline will decrease.
  5. When the difference between them is not more than 8 0 C - close the valve on the collector, and then overlapping the yield of the refrigerant from the cylinder.
  6. The weight of the liquefied gas spent on the air conditioner refueling, we learn on the scoreboard.

The filled split system includes to test all functionality. If in the process of operation does not occur in the appearance of an external block in the cranes, then you correctly calculated the amount of refrigerant - the product is reflected without disorders of the recommended technology.

For confident dispensers or refueling, users will be useful to users:

The refueling of autoconditioners by freon or any other refrigerant is carried out as necessary once every 3-5 years. In a fully suitable air conditioner, a leakage rate is considered to 15% refrigerant per year, especially if the car's age is older than three years. The fact is that in the design of the car air conditioner there are many tubes, hoses, pairs and rubber gaskets.

Under the conditions of hard operation (winter - frost, in the summer - heat, large temperature differences, constant vibration) and such leaks occur.

In this article, we will tell about how to fix the car air conditioner by Freon, how much it costs what equipment is for refueling automotive air conditioners, and whether it is possible to fill them alone. And at the bottom of the page be sure to look video instructions At the refueling of autoconditioners with their own hands.

We also note that air conditioning refueling may also be required after repair or depressurization of the air conditioning system in the car.

The refueling of the auto air conditioner begins with inspection and diagnostics of the system. Since the air conditioner in the car the device is quite complicated, then when it refueling, the diagnosis is limited only to the search for indirect signs of faults and possible refrigerant leaks.

First of all, you need to open the hood and find two service ports (high and low pressure) and air conditioner compressor - usually it is located in the area drive belt additional equipmentfrom which the compressor pulley rotates.

  • Carefully unscrew the plastic caps from service ports, after which it connects the station to refuel auto-air conditioners (read more about the equipment below the text).
  • Alternately open ports of low and high pressure, and the pressure of the refrigerant is determined according to the pressure gauges. The presence of pressure in both ports indicates that there is a refrigerant in the system, and there are no big leaks.
  • Next, drive the car engine, includes air conditioning and watch the operation of the air conditioning system. First of all, pay attention to the operation of the compressor (inclusion of the drive clutch) and to change the pressure in the system according to the testimony of pressure gauges.
  • After switching on the compressor coupling in the low pressure circuit of the auto-air conditioner, the refrigerant pressure should decrease, and in the high pressure circuit - increase. The pressure in the high pressure circuit below is 10-12 bar indicates an insufficient amount of refrigerant in the system.
  • Hand to the touch is checked the temperature of the low pressure circuit tube (thick tube). If she is warm, then, most likely, this also suggests that there is little refrigerant in the system.

The insufficient amount of refrigerant in the system leads to the fact that the compressor of the autoconditioner constantly works, trying to pump pressure, but it cannot pump it (at the same time air conditioning in the car does not cool). It is very bad, as an additional load on the engine appears (and constant), and the compressor is not allowed from the refrigerant to lubricant, which significantly reduces its resource.

Order of refueling of autoconditioners Hladagett

To refill autoconditioners on most modern machines The refrigerant R-134a is used (Tetrafluoroethane), but according to the old manner, everything is called Freon. To fill the air conditioning system a passenger car Small or middle class will be required by an average of about 0.5 kg of refrigerant.

Information about the refrigerant type for the air conditioner of your car and the norm of his refueling you can learn from the service book to the car. Also, this information is often indicated on the plate placed on the inside of the hood.

The refueling of autoconditioners by the refrigerant consists of the following steps:

  1. Pumping refrigerant residues from the air conditioning system. Modern stations for refueling auto-air conditioners in automatic mode pump out the old refrigerant for its weighing and removing spent oil from it.
  2. System vacuuming. This is a very important stage of fueling the autoconditioner. As a result of this operation, air and moisture residues are removed from the system. To achieve a vacuum required depth may be needed from 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the power and class of equipment), it is impossible to perform high-quality vacuuming for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Testing test allows you to detect leaks in the system. With poor quality vacuum (step No. 2), tightness test may not show existing leaks, which will lead to further failures in the work of the autoconditioner.
  4. Oil refill. In the process of operation of the autoconditioner, the oil is refilled in the system (an average of about 15 grams) serves to lubricate the compressor mechanisms. Quite often, the oil is refilled with the dye (tracer) to facilitate the definition of possible leaks in the future.
  5. Loading refrigerant. This is the final stage of the refueling of autoconditioners, which runs fast enough. As we have already written above, on average, about 500 grams of refrigerant are needed to refill one air conditioner of the passenger car.

After performing all the steps of refueling, you must start the car engine, turn on the air conditioner (blowing on full power), bring the engine speed up to 2500-3000 rpm, after which you need to carefully observe the system:

  • The pressure in low and high pressure ports should be normal immediately after switching on the auto air conditioner compressor. Low pressure pressure gauge should show about 2 bar, and high pressure - 15-18 bar.
  • Hand to the touch is checked the temperature of the low pressure circuit tube - it should be cold.
  • From the deflectors in the cabin of the car, cold air should go, and the air conditioner compressor should periodically turn off.

The presence of all these signs suggests that the air conditioning in the car is replaced successfully and the driver can enjoy its serviceable work.

As you understand, it is qualitatively focused on an auto air conditioner without availability. professional equipment It will be practically not real. However, the set for refueling autoconditioners can be collected from affordable and inexpensive components independently. At the end of this article, see the video on how to use such a set.

And for the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of this kind of services below, we present price order for refueling autoconditioners in large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, etc.).

Reference prices for diagnostics and refueling of autoconditioners

We once again pay attention to the fact that prices are given indicative and may differ from prices in your region.

For high-quality refueling of autoconditioners, first of all, it is necessary to have good equipment. To refuel air conditioning in the car, you can use one of three types of equipment:

  1. Automatic stations for refueling autoconditioners;
  2. Set of equipment for manual refueling of automotive air conditioners;
  3. Disposable set for refueling one autoconditioner with your own hands.

Automatic stations allow you to refuel auto-air conditioners in a fully automatic mode, which minimizes the intervention of the installation statement in the refueling process. But the price of such equipment will begin with a mark of 130-150 thousand rubles.

Maintenance of the air conditioning system at such a station is definitely optimal decision - This will make it not only quickly and efficiently fill your car air conditioner, but it will also significantly express its service life.

Set of equipment for manual refueling of autoconditionersIn turn, it is much cheaper than the automatic station, but also to work with it you need to have a certain experience and skill. This set usually includes the following equipment:

  1. Manometer collector intended for the use of freon;
  2. Electronic scales for tracking the volume of refilled refrigerant;
  3. A cylinder with a refrigerant (the operator refills the refrigerant directly from the cylinder, focusing on the scales);
  4. Vacuum pump (for vacuuming system).

Just below, the video shows the process of independent refueling of the auto air conditioner with a refrigerant with such a set.

Disposable sets for air conditioning refuelingNaturally, the cheapest equipment listed above. Such a set, as a rule, is a small one-time cylinder with freon, which through a hose with a pressure gauge connects to the low pressure service port for refueling the system.

The price of such a set is about 1000 rubles, but the effectiveness of such a refueling of the auto air conditioner leaves much to be desired. And all because with the help of such sets, it is simply impossible to completely remove from the system remains of the old refrigerant, air, moisture, and conduct evacuation.

Miracles do not happen, so if you want to qualitatively fix your car air conditioning with a new freon, then you need to use high-quality equipment.

Also for the diagnosis and refueling of automotive air conditioners may need additional equipment:

  • Ultraviolet lamp and safety glasses to search for leaks in the system.
  • Electronic leak detector reacting to Freon.
  • Thermometer moisture meter. Its testimony is necessary to assess the climatic conditions in the cabin before and after refueling the auto air conditioner.
  • Oil injector. While refueling the system, it provides an addition to it in it in the required quantity.
  • A set of adapters for connecting a gauge manifold to any car.
  • Special pullers for separating the tubes of the air conditioning system (are relevant mainly for Japanese and American cars).
  • Special puller for valves of service ports.

The need for the presence of a particular additional equipment is determined by a specialist producing fueling of auto-air conditioners.

Video instructions for refueling auto air conditioner with their own hands

Freon - refrigerant (chladone) used in air conditioners (and other refrigeration equipment).

It circulates along a closed collector on a compression cycle (that is, freon movement provides a compressor).

In some cases household air conditioners It is required to refuel by freon, or to completely replace it.

What does Freon do in the air conditioner? (+ video)

    The refrigerant comes out of the evaporator in the form of a pair with low pressure and low temperatures.

    The compressor increases freon pressure to 15-20 atmospheres and temperatures up to + 70-90º.

    The refrigerant enters the condenser. There it is cooled and goes into a liquid state, and highlights heat. IN simple models Air conditioners are warmly discharged outside the room. In heated models - used for heating the room.

That is, it is Freon that circulates inside the air conditioner - cools and heats the air into the room.

What freon is used in household air conditioners (+ price of cylinders)?

Freons There are about 40 different types.

In domestic (domestic) air conditioners, the refrigerant brands are used:

    R-407C. It is impossible to remove air conditioning with such a refrigerant because when leucingis he Changes its composition and loses characteristics. Therefore, such split systems are only fully reloaded (old freon must be merged, and then fill a new one).The balloon is 11.3 kg costs about 6500 rubles.

    R-410A. Unlike R-407C - when leucing does not lose characteristics. Therefore, systems with this refrigerant can be refused.The balloon weighing 11.3 kg costs about 8,000 rubles.

    R32. Thermal conductivity and performance - 5% more efficient thanR-410A. Also does not need to be fully replaced - during leakage, the system can be used, without merging the entire refrigerant.The balloon weighing 10 kg costs about 8000-8500 rubles.

    R22. Since 2010, this refrigerant has been banned in the United States and Europe, from 2015 - in the Russian Federation (since it harms the ozone layer of the Earth). If you have an old split system - it can still work on such a freon. New - produced already on other brands. In the system with refrigerantR22 You can pour R-407C.

Price prices are relevant for March 2019 (during the course 66 rubles for $ 1).

How to find out the brand of freon in my air conditioner?

To find out which freon is covered in the system, you can in such ways:

    View in paper instructions to the air conditioner if it remains.

    View the name of your model (on the side of the internal block on the side of the internal unit, or in the instructions), and thwart the refrigerant characteristics.

    On the inner block of the split system (which is installed inroom ) There is a table with the characteristics. There is a type of freon (Refrigerant).

How many freon is in the air conditioner, and how to calculate the amount depending on the length of the track?

Miscellaneous quantity (volume) of the refrigerant is refilled in different air conditioners.

Table of standard indicators:

This is for the standard length of the track. W. different manufacturers And at air conditioners of different class length of the track will be different. On average - from 3 to 7 meters for models more powerful 12. For 7-9 - the tracks can be shorter. The exact data is specified in the instructions for each model.

If the trail is elongated, freon will need more. For each extra 1 m, add 15-20 g for class 7-9 models, and 20-30 g for 12-24.

How often and in what cases do you need to fill the air conditioner?

You need to fill the air conditioner in such cases:

    After installing or reinstalling in a new place.

    After repair, if freon highways turned off during the process.

    If there is a leak from the contour. Almost always refuel the air conditioner is due to leakage.

    Every 2 years (approximate frequency, if the system is mounted correctly, then it is possible and less frequent). On average, about 8% of the compound volume is lost in 1 year of operation.

It is time to understand that the replacement has come - you can use the quality of the device.

Signs of leakage such:

    on the outer block appears;

    the room is cooled (or heated) slower than before (with approximately the same outdoor temperature); The air conditioner works longer (or at all without interruptions), and it has to be loaded stronger;

    inverter model can often turn off and show a malfunction code;

    when working the air conditioner appears nasty smell (not dust).

Freon pressure check in air conditioner (video)

Who does this and how much does the service cost?

AND the shield in its city of the company, which perform the service of climate machinery - they can also replace the refrigerant, or to return the system.

How much such a service is approximately (for homemade seven-class air conditioner or "nines"):

    refueling: from 1500 rubles;

    full replacement: from 2500 rubles.

More precisely, the cost will only say the master. The price depends on:

    the quantities and grade of the refrigerant in your split system;

    the condition of the air conditioner (if there is a leakage - immediately refuel the refrigerant is pointless: it will leave again - therefore, the diagnosis is carried out, repair, and only then refueling).

2 ways to determine the number of freon for refueling

Calculation of quantity can be performed by:

    Pressure. Watch the optimal refrigerant pressure (in the characteristics of your model), then measure the current pressure to the pressure gauge, and are sorted to the desired one. The method is usually used in leakage due to long-term operation.

    Mass. It is used if the refrigerant from the system must be completely shown and replace the new one.It is necessary to calculate the weight of freon (we look at the data in the characteristics, and add the length of the track, if it is more optimal), and the right amount of grams. For this, electronic weights first determine the mass of a full cylinder with freon.

Is it possible to refuel the air conditioner yourself, and what is needed for this? (+ video overview of the setting for refueling)

D. a, you can - work is simple.

But unprofitable: Freon is sold usually largeballons, and in addition, besides him, you will need to buy equipment for refueling. Therefore, in most cases it is better to pay the master than to work yourself.

N. o if you still decided to cope with your own hands - you will need:

    Set of hexagons (or adjustable key)

    Set of crusades.

    Digital scales (with a range of up to 15-20 kg).

    Manometer collector (station). This is a measuring instrument that controls the pressure in the split system. You can use a two- or four-position apparatus. Four-position - more convenient and more reliable. Cheap installation costs from 2600-2800 rubles.

    Bolon with Freon of a suitable brand.

Step-by-step instructions for refueling the air conditioner with their own hands (+2 video)

How to correct the air conditioner with your own hands:

    Open the window and inspect the outer block. It is necessary to find on the side of the casing, which goes 2 hose.

    We unscrew the screws that hold the casing, which includes 2 tubes, and remove it. On one tube - refrigerant is supplied to the outer block in a gaseous state. On the second tube, the refrigerant in the liquid state is given from the outer block.

    We merge the old refrigerant into the atmosphere - through the service port spool or through the unscrewed tube. Be sure to drain Freon slowly to not merge and oil. To replace at home inexperienced person - the most acceptable option: Calculate the remnant to refuel it is unlikely to succeed.

    We connect the left (blue) hose of the pressure gauge station to the spool.

    We check that the reservoir valves are closed.

    The average (yellow) hose of the pressure gauge station is connected to the decorator of the vacuum pump.

    We open the low pressure valve and follow the testimony: it is necessary that the pressure gauge show -1 bar.

    Open the valves of service ports.

    We evaporate the outline for 20 minutes. When the pressure drops to -1 bar - wait another 20-30 minutes: will there be an arrow to climb back to 0? If it is - it means, somewhere in the circuit there is a leak. It must be found and eliminated, otherwise the refilled refrigerant will again flow.

    If the leakage is not found - 30 minutes after the vacuum, we turn off the yellow hose of the station from the pump and connect to the cylinder with freon.

    Close the left crane collector.

    We put a balloon with Freon on the scales and remember how much he weighs now.

    Open the valve on the cylinder.

    We open for 1 second and then close the right valve at the pressure gauge station - to blow the rod (so that the hose does not have air, which falls into the contour).

    Open the left (blue) crane at the station. After that, Freon will begin to come from the balloon in the outline of the air conditioner. The weight of the balloon - will begin to decrease. Watch until it drops to the desired mark (that is, so much gas will refill in the contour, as you need for your model), and overlapping the blue crane.

Refueling air conditioners need regularly - it will provide stable work Technique. This is done not only in the event of a breakdown of equipment, but immediately after installation - however, after installing the climate control system, the wizard is usually performed.

The main rule is to fill the equipment after the freon residue was removed.

Work conditioner

How should the air conditioner and how much substance will need

Like refrigerators, air conditioners are refilled by Freon, but Freon in the air conditioner is used special, intended only for this type of equipment. Usually used type of brands.

Most often, 2 types of freon are used to refill air conditioner:

  1. R-22 is a reliable refrigerant with high cooling efficiency, which distinguishes it among other species. When using this type of substance, electricity consumption increases, but the air conditioner begins to work and cool the room faster. Its substitute is also suitable - R407C. This type of refrigerant contains chlorine.
  2. R-134 A - new type of freon, which does not harm environment, does not contain impurities and is also characterized by high cooling efficiency. However, its cost is high, so this refrigerant is rarely used. This type of freon is often used to refuel the car.
  3. R-410A - ozone-safe freon.

There are the following refueling methods:

  1. Refueling by mass. In this case, we need to weigh a cylinder with freon and calculate the required amount that should be inserted into the system for normal operation of the air conditioner. But for this you need to use special scales, as well as conduct evacuation inside the technique.
  2. Refill pressure. This requires a manometer collector. In this case, you need to know technical featuresspecified in the Passport of Technology, and Freon is introduced with small portions to control the process of filling equipment.

There is another way - refueling by means of temperature difference, but it is carried out only by professionals.

After installing the techniques, manufacturers usually refuel the device based on the standard length of the pumping track, the amount of the required refrigerant is usually indicated in the technical documentation of each air conditioner. The data plate is usually located on the external block housing or on the protective cover of the air conditioner.

The exact amount of Freon is not necessary, it is enough to know the approximate value. For example, the average length of the track is from 3 to 5 m, and when refueling equipment with power up to 2 kW, it will be necessary to use about 90 grams of refrigerant. If the power of the device is 8-10 kW, it will take about 600 grams of freon.

Important! If the rolling track is longer, then each meter of its length should add 15 grams of refrigerant.

Refueling air conditioner Freon

When refueling is required

Air conditioning, freon in which is over, will not be able to work effectively. It is easy to notice - the more time it is required for cooling, the less freon remained in the device. The reasons for the loss of the performance of the split system are contamination of filters, nodes, or other elements, as well as refrigerant leakage, which is most likely leaked through connections. In this case, the repair of the air conditioner is required, and then it will be carried out. Otherwise, the refrigerant will continue to proceed.

Typically, household air conditioners need to be refueling 1 time, immediately after installation. Next, they already need a refueling, which can be carried out independently. It is first necessary to determine how much freon is in the air conditioner at the moment, since the insufficient amount of fluid will not save from the problem, and the excess can lead to a breakdown of technology.

Preparation of air conditioner to refueling

Before conducting work, you must check the system and carefully examine the sequence of actions to refuel the air conditioner on your own, with your own hands, passed simply and safely. Check the split system follows the absence of damage and reasons for refrigerant leakage.

Explore step-by-step instructionsAnd also prepare special equipment and material for refueling. The type of freon can be found in the technical documentation for air conditioning, we recommend using 410 refrigerant, but its cost is high and this option is not suitable. Seller of air conditioner can also be clarified.

Preparation for refueling includes:

  1. Search for the necessary equipment. In the paper will need vacuum pump With a pressure gauge and the check valve to avoid oil entering the freon system. Usually such equipment can be rented, it is cheaper than to call the masters, but there is no need for its purchase.
  2. The study of evaporative and condenser tubes, checking the integrity of the freon route.
  3. Inspection of the system and checking the tightness of the compounds. To do this, it is necessary to download nitrogen through the gearbox with a pressure gauge. Nitrogen must be in a gaseous state. The amount of nitrogen is easy to determine - it will stop entering the system when it is filled. Track the testimony of the pressure gauge, so it can be understood whether the pressure falls. If not falling, then the system is holistic and leakage no, which means for normal operation of the air conditioner it is necessary to simply do it.
  4. After that, there is a vacuum, it will take a collector and a vacuum pump. Turn on the pump and when the arrow on the pressure gauge reaches the minimum value, turn it off and close the gas valve.

Important! After vacuuming, do not disconnect the collector from the air conditioner!

Step-by-step instructions for air conditioning refueling yourself

For work, the following equipment will be required:

  1. Digital scales.
  2. Digital thermometers.
  3. Set of keys with 6th grades.
  4. Manometer collector. You can use a two- or four-position type.


It is preferable to use the four-sample type of collector, since when working with a two-position, it will be necessary to reconnect the device due to education air traffic jam. The four-position collector is completely sealed, so there is no contact with air during operation.


  1. First stage: Freon release. Open the locks that are in service fittings, and release the old freon. When all the gas came out, the locks must be closed.
  2. Second Stage: Preparation of the Callon with Freon. The cylinder needs to be put on the scales, install the scales on zero, after that quickly open the valve on it and at the same time open the liquid valve at the collector to release excess air from the hose.
  3. Third Stage: Preparation of the air conditioner. The air conditioner exhibits the temperature of 18 degrees, the technique works for cooling. Now join the pressure gauge: on the technique you need to find the largest tube, which departs from the external block, unscrew it and attach it to this place. The other end of the pressure gauge joins the cylinder with Freonon.
  4. Fourth Stage: The collector opens the gas valve. During refueling in the system, pressure will grow, and the temperature on the thermometer will fall. It is necessary that the pressure has increased to the indicator 5-8 bar.

The final stage of work is to check the functionality of the air conditioner.

How to work with Freon: Precautions

When complying with the rules, there is no danger in working with Freon. You can refuel the air conditioner at home, following the instructions, and with the right approach, the process will pass safely.

Remember, that:

  1. At a temperature of 400 degrees, the refrigerant decomposes and highlights hydrogen chloride and phosgene.
  2. Chlorine-containing refrigerant brands can cause irritation to the mucous membrane and harm the body as a whole.
  3. If a large amount of substance falls into the air, a person can poison gases.
  4. If liquid freon falls on the skin - it will cause frostbite of the skin.

To protect yourself in the process of work, it is recommended:

  1. Wear fabric gloves and goggles - Freon, causing eye damage causes.
  2. Monitor the tightness of the system and valves.
  3. Do not work in a closed room.

If the refrigerant fell on the skin or mucous membrane, the place must be rinsed immediately with water and process vaseline. If a person has signs of choking or poisoning, it is necessary to bring it on fresh air and give rise to oxygen for 30-40 minutes, after that the symptoms will be held.

Repair and refueling air conditioners

How often do you need to fill the air conditioner

If the technique is proper, the integrity is not broken, then the refrigerant leakage should not occur. In this case, the air conditioner refueling is required every 2-3 years.

If the design is damaged and the freon is dried, you must first repair the equipment, merge the freon, and then refuel the air conditioner. The reason for such a leak can be incorrect installation of the device, its damage during the transportation process or too dense fitting tubes to each other. Sometimes the air conditioner pumps Freon, and it breaks through the pipes inside the equipment.

Feron's leakage easily: the device will be accompanied by unpleasant odor Gas, the room will be cooled very slowly, and on the outer surface of the block will appear.

An independent refueling of the air conditioner by Freon will help save a lot of money - the cost of such work from specialists is large enough.

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