Home Locks How the incin-free immobilizer crossover works. How to bypass an immobilizer when installing alarm with autorun. Disadvantages of homemade devices

How the incin-free immobilizer crossover works. How to bypass an immobilizer when installing alarm with autorun. Disadvantages of homemade devices

Under the expression "bypass of the immobilizer" imply a number of technologies whose application allows you to start a car using the key. All specified technologies are combined under the word "bypass".

The installation of regular immobilizers on the car abroad was stimulated by certain restrictions when making insurance, we did not have such an incentive in our country until now. Now the majority of foreign cars in the country are equipped with a system called "regular immobilizer". The meaning of this system is that it is possible to start a car only one ("native") key, the code of which is registered in the safety system of the machine. This is done in order to prevent the hijacker to start the car with a launder or by closing the wires. But in some situations, the immobilizer is needed.

When installing the immobilizer, a number of the following problems may occur. The first is the occurrence of a number of unpleasant difficulties with a key loss or failure of the device itself. The second is that, according to the structures of the car, it does not give any guarantees. The third lies in the incompatibility of the Immobilizer system with autorun.

So I had to invent the immobilizer bypass, so that if desired, it would not depend on it.

In order to apply one or another to "bypass" immobilizer, you first need to know how it works. Regardless of the presence or absence on the key at all without exception there is a small chip, which is called a transfer. It continuously radiates a low-power RF signal. An antenna immobilizer reader is located, which recognizes the "its" key, more precisely the chip located on the "native" key.

Today is very popular among the owners dear foreign cars It began to use alarm with auto start. But what to do if there is a desire to combine and autorun, and immobilizer?

Naturally, the key in the ignition lock can not be left, but there is a way out. To implement a remote car with an immobilizer, the specified device under the name "Immobilizer" is used. To work it, you need to install a chip from the spare key of the machine or the entire spare key. Sometimes it is more convenient to make chip-duplicate, the production price of which will be on average in a hundred dollars, or order another key official dealer That brand of the car you drive.

The immobilizer commander is installed in the depths of the car, in a certain way connecting it and to the alarm with the autorun, and to the device itself. The information is read from the chip only with the alarm resolution and only at the time of the engine start. Thus, the functions of the immobilizer are not violated, and it is still impossible to start the car by any prickly means. But the work is maintained that is not disturbed by the possibility of remote starting engine. This greatly simplifies operation.

Sooner or later, many vehicle owners express the desire to establish car alarm. It would seem difficulties to call it. However, most new auto models are equipped with immobilizers that do not allow the signaling with automatic launch. You can solve this problem by installing the bypass module staffing immobilizer. Fortunately, this procedure is quite realistic at home.

1 Functions and Principle of Immobilizer

The immobilizer is a special device whose function is to guard vehicle From hijacking The principle of operation of the part lies in an artificial violation of one or more car systems. In other words, if the robber intends to sobat the vehicle, then after starting the engine "non-" key, the immobilizer breaks the electrical circuit in the machine ignition system. Thanks to this, the hijacker will not erupt more than 10-20 meters.

The immobilizer device itself is hidden out of sight of a person. And if the robber still detects the part and tries to destroy it or dismantle - the protective element completely blocks all the systems of the machine. Most immobilizers are automatically activated. If the vehicle is not used for some time, it automatically becomes protected.

The standard design of the immobilizer consists of such details:

  • control unit that processes signals and gives commands to the security system;
  • electromagnetic relay. This item is responsible for the discrepancy of the electric temperature at the hijack;
  • a regular key or code card that recognizes the security system.

Specialists distinguish 2 types of immobilizers: contact and contactless. The first type includes elements that can be activated using a regular key. The devices of another type are working with a transponder or label map. Some manufacturers equip cars with immobilizers, which are activated when reading fingerprints of their owners or after entering the secret code on a special panel.

Immobilizer is often compared with car alarm. The similarity between these devices really is, however, the alarm is characterized by a wider functionality. Immobilizers are not capable of performing as many functions that sometimes makes the owners think about installing automatic alarm on the car.

It is worth remembering that the acquired alarm and a regular immobilizer are incompatible things with each other. Therefore, to perform the installation of the first device, you must cheat and somehow get around the second. For this, there is a regular immobilizer bypass module.

Before starting the installation of the module, you need to determine the type of security system of your car. Make it is easy: if your American production machine, it means that it is equipped with a VATS system. If your car from the Asian or European manufacturer is protected by the RFID system.

In order to have the concept of the principles of work and the design of these types of security systems, consider each of them separately.

2 Principle of Course Immobilizers RFID

For the RFID security system, the presence of a small chip called the transponder is characterized. It is inside a regular ignition key. During the operation of the car, the chip transmits a signal that reads the antenna of the standard immobilizer. To circumvent such a system, many craftsmen pull out the chip and install it near the antenna. But in such cases the security system of the car is automatically deactivated, after which the car will not be part of the labor to anyone. The best way Overcome the security system - installing an immobilizer bypass module. All bypass modules are very similar, both by connection methods and in composition.

In most cases, the design of the module includes a housing, inside of which there is an optional key, relay and antenna, receiving a signal. Connect such a device with your own hands is very simple. To do this, we put the key with the chip before the antenna in the module housing. The outer antenna of the module must be fixed on the surface of the gas ignition cylinder. At the same time, 2 antennas must be mounted in such a way that the distance between them is minimal. Wire alarm must be connected so that they are simultaneously not a plus and minus. When you start a car, you must follow the appearance of signals on these wires. Connect the best so that the black wire is connected to the "mass", and the red - it was constantly connected to the plus.

Next, check the operation of the remote launch. Ideally, your engine's engine should start from the alarm key fob. If this happened, it means that the connection is successful. At the finish stage, we choose a place away from human eye and neatly hide the device to bypass.

3 VATS system immobilizer bypass methods

To activate the VATS security system, manufacturers equip the key to the resistor. If when you start the motor, the decoder of the security system will not detect the desired resistance, then the chains fuel pump And the starter is immediately blocked. Hence, to bypass the immobilizer in the VATS system, we will need to determine the resistance indicator. Usually the resistor works with indicators in the range of 400-11800 Ohm. We need to choose the item with the same resistance.

After the resistor is selected, we are looking for the wires of the VATS system. To do this, we use the scheme of the electrical appliances of the car. Usually the wires we need are near the steering column of the machine. Then connect the alarm according to the instructions. After that, we return to the wires of the security system and cut the channel connecting the ignition lock. Thus, we will get a circuit in which the ignition lock will work directly with the alarm device and bypass the immobilizer.

Another effective method The vats security system bypass is the installation of an additional immobilizer, which will allow remotely to start the engine, but will block it when the car is moving.

Most automakers are completing their cars with a regular electronic anti-theft device, known as an immobilizer. Sometimes it happens that the motor does not turn on. And here you are interested in an immobilizer.

A little about immobilizer

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As everyone knows, to start the vehicle is not easy, before it is worth checking the key in the ignition lock. In this way, we connect the power of the vehicle equipment and make a closure of the engine starter circuit. The starter can rotate the engine, and he in turn starts to start. Everything is clear here, you do not need to delve into all this so deep. According to an identical way, we turn on the engine, we look at the working state on most vehicles, for example, among VAZ 2101 and VAZ 2116. And here are many modern vehicles, among which almost all german cars; VAZ PRIORA, Granta, Kalina, Largus and many foreign cars - in addition to mechanical protection, the ignition lock key, even additional electronic protection - immobilizer.

Immobilizer is security system A vehicle that stops the power on, while the driver can do without original chipped keys. Its operation is carried out as follows: When the key is turned on, the lock is connected, the vehicle borotor starts to read the code with chipped keys. If the machine code and key code are the same, then the onboard PC makes it possible to enable, otherwise the engine is not allowed to start. So, if you do not have original chipped keys at hand, modern ultra-modern vehicles will not be able to start.

Ordinary crossover of full-time immobilizers

To implement the function of automatic or remote engine launches in the reality, a special technique is applied, which
known called "Crawler of full-time immobilizers." This technique is placed in chip, which was extracted from the spare keys or the key entirely. In addition, you can make a duplicate key chip (its cost will be no more than 3,000 rubles) or you can place an order for additional keys from official dealers.

The immobilizer commander is kept deep in the vehicle and somehow it can be connected to car alarms and to the machine immobilizer systems. The reading of the chip takes place only when it starts when there is permission to auto alarm.

Incinual crossover immobilizers

This type of technology appeared quite recently, in about 2012. The essence of their work is as follows: To bypass the full-time immobilizers and the effective inclusion of the engine physical availability of the key? either the chip in the cabin does not need. Coordination with the latest alarm systems takes place on protected, encoded interfaces, which makes it possible to make autorun implementation at a safe level.

In addition to its own main purpose, thanks to this technique, on some vehicles, a remote launch can be translated into the reality of the "regular" type of type, or as it is yet to say, "autorun with full-time keys." The list of supported by the car increases all the time.

This type of emulator carries out work on the VAG transport line of the VAG category: Audi, Seat, Volkswagen, Skoda 1994-2001 release with immobilizers like 1 and 2. Fully can emulate the work of full-time immobilizers. It is necessary to remember that the installation of an immobilizer emulator reduces the degree of vehicle security.

The main purpose of the emulator is:

  • change of a spoiled block of technology;
  • with chipnyuigue when the ECU change is carried out;
  • when you lose the key and you need to restore the chip key is not possible.

Methods for bypass immobilizer

Many companies are equipped with their own vehicles using a regular electronic anti-theft device, which is known as an immobilizer immediately when issuing from the plants. Due to this technique, in some cases its problem is incorrect operation or breakdown in the ignition system. Basically, it becomes the impossibility of incorporating the motor.

In addition, what can be performed if the engine autorun installation was carried out, but you cannot take into account useful data due to embedded immobilizers. How are the immobilizer bypassing the possibility of connecting alarm and in the morning to warm the vehicle, without leaving the territory of the house in advance?

There are a pair of methods in order to bypass the regular immobilizer. Next, we turn to the consideration of each of them to realize which one you will be able to approach. In addition, any bypass of the immobilizer lowers the security of the vehicle, so before you use this functionality, it is necessary to think about that it is important for you: convenient driving or vehicle safety.

Application of an additional key

This is the easiest and most inexpensive way when you can do without acquiring additional techniques. So, you can disable any kind of alarm, even one that has no own block for bypassing, and everything can work perfectly.

Such a trap method can be useful for a more modern vehicle model.

The most popular version of the execution of such a "alteration" is only attached or fixing the key under the cover of the panel, at the site of immobilizers, so that it cannot be noted. However, this method is much reduced by the safety of the vehicle.

Built into the circuit

The second option is to buy alarm, where immobilizers crawling block is already built. It can be connected if you get a signal from the alarm control key chains, thus giving the system to automatically start the vehicle. This is the most effective method of crawling immobilizers, which makes it possible to leave the vehicle safety at a rather high level.

Elimination of the immobilizer from the scheme

Another option is considered to be just removed from the Ignition scheme of immobilizers. This method does not need constant leaving in the cabin of a vehicle key, but it also lowers safety. In this option, you need experience in installing electrical equipment so that the incompetent type of intervention does not harm and do not expose your vehicle to serious repair work.

We buy a new unit bypass

And the last method is an additional purchase of an immobilizer crawling unit, which is capable of functionality:

  • have a private control panel, with which the immobilizer is first turned off, and then the vehicle is started;
  • just gives the opportunity all the time to serve the signal to the immobilizer, as if the key in the cabin.

Consider the main disadvantages of the immobilizer bypass:

  1. during autorun, if the vehicle is left on the transmissions included, spontaneous movement can begin. Such cases may occur with the vehicles of the former models, which mechanical PPC. To avoid such cases, it is necessary to buy alarm system, which is equipped with a sensor of neutral positions of the checkpoints;
  2. remember that security alarm system, which remote engine start lowers the protected vehicle. Therefore, if your car with a disconnected immobilizer was able to hurt, then you may have difficulties with an insurance company, when the time comes to pay insurance.

It is necessary to remember that the installation of such a system is a very difficult operation.

  • central Block
  • frame antenna with connector and connection cable
  • antenna in the form of a wired loop
  • installation Instructions


The STARLINE BP-03 module is designed to automatically shut down the RFID (RADIO Frequency Identi? Cation) when the engine is remotely started.

RFID system is applied on most modern cars. The transponder, the code of which is interviewed when the engine starts the key is built into the standard car ignition key. At remote or automatic launch Engine This system will not allow the engine to start. To solve this problem, the BP-03 module is intended, automatically transmitting the standard transponder code during the remote engine start.

The BP-03 module requires a spare key with a transponder, which can be ordered from a company supplier of this brand.


Installing the module is performed in the following order:

  1. Open the central block housing and put the spare key with the transponder inside the flat antenna by fixing it from moving.
  2. Close the center of the central unit.
  3. Secure the block in a secure hard-to-reach place, for example, behind the instrument panel.
  4. Connect the module wires according to the connection scheme.


Red wire - Plus power, connect to the chain, in which there is a voltage + 12V when the ignition is turned on.

Black wire - Negative control input (70mA). When submitting a negative potential for this input, the transponder regular key code is read. Connect the black wire to the output of the remote start system, providing the potential of the case at the engine operation.

Gray wires - Depending on the configuration, connect to the outer frame antenna, installed around the ignition lock, or wrap the antenna from several turns of the wire, on top of the standard RFID antenna.

Connection diagram 1.

Secure the outer frame antenna on the ignition lock cylinder and connect it to the connector at the end of gray wires. It is important that the distance between the standard RFID antenna and the BP-03 antenna module was minimal.

Connection diagram 2.

The scheme is recommended in cases where the installation of the frame antenna is difficult due to constructive features car. Mock the antenna from several turns of gray wire over the regular RFID antenna on the ignition lock cylinder.

It is important that the distance between the standard antenna RFID and the antenna module BP-03 was minimal.

Alternative scheme for connecting an immobilizer of Starline BP-03. Recommended in cases where the installation of a frame antenna is difficult

Source www.ultrastar.ru.

The main theme of today's article will be the corporate immobilizer with their own hands. Immobilizer is considered one of the most common and tested vehicle protection devices. So, the submitted article posted answers to such fairly common questions:

  • How to get around the full-time immobilizer?
  • What is the corporate immobilizer?
  • Main types of immo spectrors;
  • What should be the perfect commander?
  • Is it possible to make a corporate speaker with your own hands?
  • How do you make your own hands around the immologue?
  • How is the immobilizer cross?

basic information

The immobilizer is called an electrical device that deprives the motor startup vehicle. Thanks to this complex, not only the protection of the vehicle from the hijacking is ensured, but also the comfort of its use. But there are cases when there is a need to bypass immo. The question of when such a need may arise. The answer is simple, sometimes necessary bypass Immo and most often such a need arises in such cases:

  • With the hijack of the vehicle;
  • With loss of keys or breakage of the standard immo;
  • When installing automotive alarm with auto start.

When an alarm is installed on a vehicle with autorun, you need to run a standard immo for a while, for this launch of the vehicle, and then saving all the possibilities of standard auto protection, to improve the level of protection against hijacking and the normal functioning of systems that are directly related to it. . Usually motorists use several methods of establishing and here are the main of them:

  • Bypassing the immobilizer of the VATS system;
  • RFID System Scope Module.

To date, there are a couple of types of bypass immobilizer. When establishing a corporator, be sure to take into account the type installed system Launch vehicle. There are such types of vehicle launch:

  • The auto start system using the key. In this case, bypassing the key in the ignition lock.
  • Auto start system using the start and stop key. In this case, you need to carefully connect the key.

On both systems of the vehicle running, you can install an invincible tracker of the standard immobilizer. In general, the perfect bypass of the regular immobilizer must comply with certain requirements. So, bypass must comply with such requirements:

  • The manual must be carried out by automotive alarms and have a universal connection scheme;
  • Bypag should maintain the maximum number of models of vehicles and car brands of automotive manufacturers;
  • Bypag should not cancel the actions of the standard immo. That is, the functions of the IMMO should remain the same to protect against theft or illegal penetration into the car salon.
  • Saving standard immo should not interfere with the use of any full-time keys;
  • Bypass must have a small cost. It is best if its cost is less than the cost of the key with the chip.

If you are installed on your car rFID systemThe reading occurs with the chip antenna, which is located in the ignition key. This chip transfers the low power signal. The immobilizer commander with the submitted system has an elementary connection scheme. This is a standard extension to determine the chip, with ON / OFF function. A similar function corresponds to the corporate speaker or equipment, with which the car engine is launched. Connecting an immobilizer crawling unit makes it possible to manage and disconnect.

How is the immobilizer shutdown? The immobilizer shutdown is a more efficient method, since after that the vehicle owner will no longer encounter similar problems. The immo speaker is a small box in which the reader and relay is located. It is in the bypass module that the spare key is placed. Red wiring must be connected to +12 volts, and black to minus. Next, you need to check the operation of the automotive engine starting.

If the RFID system is installed on your car, the resistance is detected, the feeding resistor, which is built into the ignition key. How is the immobilizer shutdown? To do this, you will need to connect the crossover to the wiring of the VATS system. Cut one wiring and determine the resistance of the resistor. For this you need:

  • Establish a multimeter and an ohmmeter;
  • Set the ignition key to the ignition location;
  • Connect a multimeter and an ohmmeter.

Please note that the accuracy of the readings should be rounded up to two decimal places. Next, it is necessary to choose the desired resistor. In order to include bypass, connect the first end of the cut wire to a closed relay contact, and the second to the general contact relay. Connect the resistor on one side to the open contact, and on the other to the uncut wire. Connect the relay winding with one end to +12 volt, and the other to the alarm. Thus, you turn on the immobilizer bypass.

Independent manufacture of bypass

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase an immobilizer bypass module, then it can be made with your own hands. In order to make it with your own hands you will need only three subjects, such as:

  • Second key chip;
  • Wire;
  • Relay;

You will also need in the manufacture of a traver with your own hands patience for guessing the number of turns. From the very beginning you need to make the coil for the ignition lock and the key with the chip, and then connect them to the relay. In the manufacture of the coil for the ignition lock, you need to wind the wire on the standard coil. The number of turns may vary from ten to fifty. For the manufacture of the coil, a cylindrical subject is needed, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the ignition lock. As a cylindrical subject, you can use Scotch. So, for the manufacture of the coil with your own hands you will need:

  • Scotch;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Transformer wire.

Now consider the coil manufacturing algorithm with your own hands:

  1. Cut the piece of tape, the size of which should be about 15 centimeters;
  2. Mix the tape to the tape, and the sticky side must be at the top;
  3. Mix the wiring over the tape by making about ten turns;
  4. Take up a slightly to the isolate and wrap it up;
  5. Remove the polenta and do more superfluous;
  6. Sold down to the wires wiring and plunder it with a tape.

Next, you need to install the resulting coil on the ignition lock. For the manufacture of the coil for the key, you need to wind the wire on the key, and the number of turns should be within seven to twenty. After that, wrap the coil with a tape and collect the whole design together.

Well no

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