Home Generator The duties of the driver of the car before leaving the line. Collection of instructions for drivers to ensure traffic safety. Traffic through railway tracks

The duties of the driver of the car before leaving the line. Collection of instructions for drivers to ensure traffic safety. Traffic through railway tracks


for the driver's vehicle

road safety

Municipal State Institution

Novospesen Secondary School

Instruction number 1.

"Common driver duties"

Instruction number 2.

"Driver's duties before leaving when working on the line"

Instruction number 3.

"Work in difficult road conditions"

Instruction number 4.

"The work of the driver and parking in the dark"

Instruction number 5.

"Features of the driver's work in a spring-summer period"

Instruction number 6.

"Driver's work in the autumn-winter period"

Instruction number 7.

"The order of emergency evacuation of passengers in road traffic

Incidents for bus drivers "

Instruction number 8.

"The duties of the driver of a vehicle engaged in people's transportation

And rolling stock requirements

Instruction number 9.

"Traffic safety and safety techniques for drivers directed

On business trip and long flights (more than one work shift) "

Instruction number 10.

"Providing first aid to victims of road transparency

Incidents »

Instruction number 11.

"Movement on ice roads"

Instruction number 12.

"Movement through railway crossings"

Instruction number 1.

Common duties of drivers

The driver of the mechanical vehicle must have with him:

Certificate of the right to control the vehicle of this category;

Registration documents for vehicle (inspection coupon, registration certificate, etc.);

Travel or route list, documents for transported cargo, as well as a licensed card. The driver must:

Before departure to check and in the way to provide a good technical condition of the vehicle.

Prohibited movement due to working brake systemsteering, coupling device (as part of the train), not burning headlamps and rear overall lights

the dark time of day or under conditions of insufficient visibility), inactive from the driver by the wiper (during rain or snowfall);

To pass at the request of police officers. Examination on intoxication;

Provide a vehicle:

1 police officers for transportation of vehicles damaged during accidents, travel to the place of natural disaster;

2. Police officers, federal state security bodies, government officialsontrol in cases not tolerance;

3. medical professionals, following in the passing direction for the provision of honey help;

4. Medical workers, police officers and federal state security bodies, warriors and freelance police officers for transportation of citizens who need urgent medical care in medical institutions.

The driver in persons who used the vehicle should demand a certificate or record in the travel sheet indicating the duration of the trip traveled distance, surnames, positions, service certificate, organization names, and from medical workers - Get a tone of the installed sample.

With a road accident, the driver involved in him is obliged:

Immediately stop the vehicle, enable an alarm and set an emergency stop sign;

Do not move objects related to incident;

Take measures to assist the victims of victim;

Free the roadway if the movement of other TC is impossible. If it is necessary to release the roadway or delivery of victims on its TS into a medical institution to pre-fix in the presence of witnesses, the position of the vehicle, traces and items related to the incident and take all possible measures to preserve and organize the accident site of the accident;

Report happened to the police and in its enterprise; Fill out the notice of the accident attached to the Civil Liability Insurance Policy;

Record the names and eyewitness addresses and expect the arrival of traffic police officers.

The driver is prohibited:

Control the vehicle in a state of intoxication, under the influence of drugs, worsening the reaction and attention, in a painful and tired state;

Transfer the management of the vehicle to persons in a state of intoxication, a painful or tired state, not recorded in the paths of foxes and not having a driver's license of this category of tranne;

Leave on the road items (cargo), creating interference to move other vehicles.

Instruction number 2.

Driver's duties before leaving when working on the line

Before leaving the line, the driver must:

Pass pre-trip medical examination; Make sure in full completeness and technical condition of the car;

Upon receipt of travel documentation, make a dispatcher to your certificate for the right to control the vehicle. When checking the technical condition of the car special attention Turn on:

Operation of the engine, brake system, steering, auxiliary equipment (wipers, lighting devices, light and sound alarm), coupling and supporting device (as part of a train, tractor), door locks and body or cabins, bars constipation cargo platform, drive control door (at buses), heating systems, speedometer;

Condition of wheels, tires, suspension, glass, state license plates, external view car;

No leakage of fuel, oil, water; Availability of an emergency stop sign, equipped medical aid kit, fire extinguishers (at the buses of 2 fire extinguishers), hammers for breaking the brass;

2-H. anti-tottal stops (for buses and cars with permitted maximum mass Over 3.5 tons).

In case of detection of faults in the presence of which, according to the rules of the road, the operation of vehicles is prohibited, departure to the line to their elimination is prohibited.

The driver has no right to go to the flight if his rest between the shifts was shorter than the military duration of work in the previous shift, as well as with overdue certificate of periodic medical examination

follow only on the specified route. Comply with the established vehicle capacity and car lifting capacity;

start moving and move only with the closed doors of the car, in addition to the cases of movement with open doors (for ice crossing);

avoid sharp maneuvers, smoothly touch and slow down the speed gradually, do not take steep turns;

maintain the speed of movement taking into account roads, weather conditions and the requirements of road signs;

when a malfunction of a car threatening traffic safety, acceptance of measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible, call technical assistance;

e while driving, do not distract from driving a car, do not join the conversations with passengers, do not leave the workplace until the car stops;

with a forced stop, you will be able to make sure that the car is safe and does not create interference for other vehicles, plug engine, barmeosia car standing in a night brake and turn on lower gear, and in mountain conditions, in addition, under the wheels of anti-tetting stops;

On the descents do not disobey the transmissision from the engine, before the protracted descents, stop for checking the operation of the brakes;

When blinding the light of the counter car and loss of visibility, without changing the strip of movement, immediately lower the speed, including emergency lighting alarm and stop;

In the case of a traffic accident, the victims will help and as soon as possible about what happened on its enterprise and to the police;

Perform the instructions of the police, at the request of the vehicle stopping and exempt the track documentation, complying with the rules of the stop;

In the dark time and in case of insufficient visibility, turn on the headlights of distant or near light;

If when working on routes, at night, a dormant state comes, stop, come out of the car, break, do several exercise;

When moving, do not use the roller, do not disconnect the engine from the transmission, except in cases of entry to the scheduled stop at a speed of no more than 40 km per hour;

Driving public transport stopping and pedestrian crossings, move with a speed that ensures traffic safety, or stop to miss pedestrians entering into the transition;

Immediately, upon arrival at the object, to the autopropement of the dispatcher at the actual time of stay and tell him about the conditions of movement on the route, on the loading and unloading areas, to the traffic of the car to check its technical from standing, informing him of the ones discovered during Technical faults. Pass the postresting medical examination.

The driver is prohibited:

Exceed the maximum speed defined by the technical characteristic of the car, as well as the specified on the identification sign
Transportation of people in a towed bus and in the body of the towed truck.

Instruction number 3.

Work in difficult road conditions.

1. When working on mountain roads:

Before leaving the line, be sure to receive information about the state of the road, weather and conditions of movement on the route;

In areas of the road marked " Steep descent"Where the oncoming trail is difficult, when driving under the slope, we will give way to vehicles moving on the rise;

Remember the ban:

a) movement with the clutch and transmission on the plots indicated by the sign

"Steep descent"; b) towing on a flexible coupling; c) every tow in Hollyeditsa.

2. When driving through ice crossing and ferry crossing:

Transportation of passengers in the ice crossing buses is categorically prohibited;

Movement through ice crossings and on the ferries start only if there is a written permission of the dispatcher, disembarking passengers;

Before leaving the flight on the route, where there are such crossways, get a special instruction.

3. When driving through railway moving:

In all cases, when arriving at the railway crossing, the driver is obliged to be convinced of the absence of an approaching train (locomotive, drinker), guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markup, the position of the barrier and the guidelines of the on-duty moving;

At the extragranor routes before moving, it is necessary to stop and continue the movement only after it was convinced of the absence of a train approaching;

With a forced stop on the crossing, immediately disembark passengers and accept all measures to liberate the move. If you remove the car from the move, you need to:

a) when there is an opportunity to send two people along the paths in both directions from moving to 1000 meters or one person in the direction of the worst visibility of the path, explaining to them how to transfer the signal to the approaching train driver;

b) to stay near the car and serve a common alarm (one long, three short beeps);

c) when the train appears - to maintain him to meet, feeding the stop signal; This signal serves roundabout Circulation Hands: During the day with a flap of bright matter or any kind of visible object, at night - with a torch or a lantern.

The driver is prohibited:

a) conduct through moving in the non-transportation the agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms;

b) cross railroad tracks in an unidentified place; c) to open the barrier to unimproving it;

d) leave for relocation: with a closed or beginning to close the barrier (regardless of the traffic signals);

With a prohibited signal of the traffic light (regardless of the position of the barrier);

With a prohibited signal of the on duty by moving;

If a jam was formed before moving to the head of the counter movement, passing the vehicles standing before moving;

e) if the train (dresin, etc.) is approaching to moving within visibility;

g) produce landing (landing) of passengers and parking closer than 50 m from the railway crossing;

h) perform overtaking on moving and closer than 100 meters in front of it.

Instruction number 4.

Driver's work and parking in the dark

When driving in the dark or other conditions of insufficient visibility of less than 300 meters (fog, storm rain, a blizzard, as well as in tunnels), the headlights of long-distance or near light should be included on cars, the names of the road train, and on the trailer the overall lights.

The driver's adaptation to the movement in the dark does not occur immediately. At this time, the number of violations of the rules of the road and the rules for the use of lighting devices increases one and a half times.

The weak traffic intensity at night is accompanied by a deceptive security impression: the driver seems to be that the night road is excellent conditions for quick ride.

But the roads that the driver enjoyed the day in the dark is bad or not visible at all, you can, therefore, call in a ditch, fly to the side of the road or the oncoming lane.

Especially dangerous traveling with a counter car, although the danger proceeds not from the wrong, but from any obstacle.

Far light should be switched to nearly less than 150 m to a moving towards the car. When blinding, the driver must, without changing the lanes, turn on the alarm, reduce the speed or stop.

It is very dangerous to smoke, driving a car, as the flame lighter can sculpt. If you are littered - ventilate the car: substances contained in tobacco smoke reduce visual sharpness.

Returning from long trip at night, make short stops that interrupt the monotony of movement in the dark.

A few minutes is enough to restore the level of attention required for traffic safety.

When stopping and parking in unlocking areas of the road in the dark or the conditions of poor visibility, dimensional lights should be included on the car, and in conditions of insufficient visibility can be included in addition to the headlights of the Middle Light, front and rear fog lights, For road train - illumination of the identification mark
With a forced stop on the vehicle, emergency light alarms should be included and an emergency stop sign is immediately exposed at a distance of at least 15 m from the car (in the village) and 30 m - outside the settlement.

The driver is forbidden to leave the car on the carriageway. He must take all possible measures to remove it beyond the carriageway.

Instruction number 5.

Features of the driver's work in the spring-summer period

With the beginning of the snowstown on the roads, a lot of weighing water climbs. Under the layer of water on the roadway can be hidden irregularities and pit. When driving along such roads, you need to move with extreme caution, so as not to deal with the car, do not make the breakdowns of the chassis and do not make a traffic accident.

After the driver drove through water, immediately check the effect of the brakes.

When moving on water, brake pads Wet, the friction coefficient is sharply reduced, the brakes do not work.

It is necessary to slowly press the braking pedal and keep to restore efficient braking. At the same time, move at low speed.

Earth roadside of roads from a large amount of moisture swell and become viscous. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid congresses on the splashing side, because The car can carry in the direction of worship and tip over, especially at high speed. The speed is selected minimum.

With the onset of warm days on the streets there are a large number of pedestrians, cyclists and individual transport drivers. Driver, be especially attentive on the roads!

Pedestrians, cyclists and individual transport drivers have very low knowledge of road rules and driving skills. They can suddenly make an unexpected maneuver, so be especially careful when driving with such a category of drivers.

Morning frosts cover the road with a thin layer of ice, the tires almost do not have a sossing, the clutch coefficient, which is on a good road 0.7-0.9 with ice decreases to

If you are going on ice - do not brake sharply, it is not only useless, but also dangerous. Sharp braking leads to blocking the wheels and an increase in the braking path, and most often to loss of management and drift.

Driving a dangerous plot, try to keep the speed constant, use the accelerator pedal very carefully, smoothly, gently. No extra, especially sharp movements with a steering wheel. If it is necessary to stop, then the engine or intermittent method, i.e.
In the case of a car drift, you need to turn the front wheels aside for the nose using the engine braking.

Approaching bridges or overpasses, be especially careful. Ice crust that appears on the road earlier than everywhere - disappears here as much later. In these zones, avoid sharp movements with a tower, gas, brakes. On the slippery road, the change of the traffic strip threatens the trouble, and overtaking the more. Therefore, it is better to stay on your strip in the oncoming and passing direction on a wet road from the wheels of the car. Dirty splashes fall on windshield And make it difficult to visibility. Therefore, it is impossible to leave for a line with non-working wipers and washer.

Summer is the time of school holidays. The peak of child road traffic injuries falls at this time. The driver, remember, should be especially careful, driving past schools, playgrounds, as well as on sites of streets and roads, where the suggestion appearance of children of movement is possible.

Instruction number 6.

Driver's work in the autumn-winter period

With the onset of autumn, rains come, fog, leaf fall, light morning frosts - all this makes the autumn road dangerous and difficult for those who are driving. And only the driver, skillfully using all precautions, will be able to overcome difficult areas of the path.

On the wet asphalt and the road covered with leaves, are dangerous overtaking and sharp braking.

The driver, remember - is completely unacceptable high speed on turns, on a wet road and ice. Before turning, it is necessary to reduce the speed to a minimum, without applying sharp braking. But if there is a skid, the following measures should be taken without fussing and nervousness: not turning off the clutch, turn the steering wheel towards the drift, smoothly slowing down, bring the car from the situation.

The intersection and stopping of public transport are a particular danger, when the road is snowing, they become especially slippery due to the constant braking of cars.

General rules of movement on a slippery road:

1. Reduce speed.

2. Increase the distance and side interval relative to other vehicles.

3. Perform all actions smoothly, do not make any sharp movements.

It must be remembered that in the autumn-winter time the light day is shorter and the driver you have to use the light headlights.

Strictly follow the traffic rules, but do not blind each other on the running, switch the FL to the Middle Light.

When driving a car in rain and snow, it is necessary to remember that the visibility is reduced, since the wiper cleans only a part of the front glass.

Increases the braking path - it means the overall danger of movement increases. When moving to the lift, choose such a transfer so that you do not have to switch until the upstream is complete.

When you descend, do not squeeze the clutch, drive the car on the transmission turned on, smoothly slowing down.

Do not go on faulty car. Competitive brakes, steering, Tires, lighting devices - a security deposit on the line.

Driver, do not give sharp sound and light signals when pedestrians appear on the roadway, because, in a hurry to get away from the road, a pedestrian can make a sharp movement, slip and fall before going through the car.

Drivers! Motion safety on a slippery road depends on you. Experience I.

mastery, attentiveness and a reliable guarantee of trouble-free work in the autumn-winter season.

Instruction number 7.

The procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers with

road traffic accidents for drivers


In the event of an accident, threatening life and the health of passengers, the responsibility for ensuring their emergency evacuation from the buses salon is assigned to the driver. The bus driver must:

Stop the bus to slow down it manual brake, without delay, turn off the engine and open all the cabin doors;

Lead the evacuation of passengers from the cabin of the bus; To give the team to passengers, based on the degree of threatening danger on the procedure for evacuation from the bus, creating the most favorable conditions and excluding panic.

for the bus passengers, the evacuation team should provide:

The separation of passengers, starting with the middle of the cabin, into two groups and the direction of exit for each group through the nearest door;

The primary output of passengers in the accumulative sites and in the aisles between the seats;

The output of passengers who received injury, disabled and passengers with children;

The output of the rest of the passengers.

for passengers of buses with only one way out, the evacuation team should provide for the priority yield of passengers who have injured, disabled people and passengers with children, and then the outlet of the passengers, starting with the rear seats of the bus.

In the case when by the nature of the accident (tilting of the bus, fire in the cabin, etc.), there is no possibility to open the doors or evacuation through the doors does not save all passengers, the bus driver:

Gives the command to the passengers to open hatches, remove from the windows from the windows available special hammers, break the glass and conduct evacuation from the salon through the hatches, window openings, providing each other all sorts of help;

In the event that the bus is not equipped with special hammers, passes the passage of cash for the destruction of glasses of window openings of the cabin (MO trays, mounts, wrench, etc.);

Personally participates in the evacuation of passengers from the bus;

Organizes at the end of the evacuation of passengers, the provision of first medical care victims and challenge "ambulance" or send them to the nearest therapeutic institution and uses all cash at the scene and passing by the vehicle.

Instruction number 8.

The duties of the driver of the vehicle engaged in the transport of people and the requirements for rolling stock

The driver must:

1. Pre-catch on line:

Check the technical condition of the car, paying special attention to the controls and braking nodes;

Check the condition of the sides, their constipation, the reliability of the attachment of the awning (booth), the strength of the attachment of the backs and seats. Operation of alarm from the body into the cabin and body lighting;

Pre-trip medical examination, as well as instructing about the rules for transporting people and standing the route of movement.

2. Upon arrival to the customer of vehicles, present a travel sheet.

3. Landing and disembarking people to produce in specially envisaged places or at the clove of the sidewalk (roadside) only after a complete stop of the car.

4. Landing people to produce only in the presence of a person responsible for the carriage (the name of which is indicated in the travel sheet), follow the placement of the passage of the passage in the body (cabin), prohibit them when transporting on a cargo car stand in the body and sit on board.

5. Do not allow people to travel in the body (salon) in an amount in excess of the established rate, as well as people who are not related to the work performed, and passengers in the state of alcohol intoxication.

b. Require from persons in the car, unconditional implementation of safety and safety regulations.

7. Before you begin to make sure that all conditions are provided for the safe transportation of passengers. The driver is forbidden to start moving while people on the steps, wings and side of the car.

8. Take a car from the scene and stop smoothly, without jerks, pass the bumps, row on low speed. It is forbidden to turn off the engine and move the "rolling" when moving under the slope and in the ice on the slippery road.

9. When managing a cargo, it is special caution, to ensure that it moves regardless of the number of passengers, at a speed of no more than 60 km / h.

10. To be extremely attentive and careful in the zone of warning signs.

11. With a forced stop of the car, take measures to exclude the possibility of its spontaneous movement.

12. Transportation of people in the body of a cargo car must be carried out by the driver of the category "C" (when transporting more than 8 people, including passengers in the cockpit - having categories "C" and "D") and the experience of managing vehicles of this category of more than 3- x years

Requirements for rolling stock

1. Transportation of passengers is usually on buses. It is allowed to transfer passengers on specially equipped trucks.

2. Transportation of passengers is allowed on vehicles with reliable operation of nodes, aggregates and equipment that ensure the safety of motion in any conditions. Use on the transport of people trucks With the expired regulatory service life (over the years and run) prohibited.

3. All vehicles intended for the transport of people must be equipped with a medical aid kit, an emergency stop sign, as well as fire extinguishing means in accordance with the rules of the road.

4. The technical condition of the vehicle should guarantee the safety of the vehicle. Do not install tires:

With end-to-end damage or rupture of cord threads; non-appropriate models of adjustment in size and permissible load;

Having a residual height of the tread pattern less: passenger - 1.6 mm, freight - 1 mm, buses 2 mm;

There is no bolt (nut) fastening the wheels or there are cracked wheels;

On one axis, tires of different types or with various tread patterns are installed;

5. The heating device in the cockpit should act uninterrupted. Application for heating the cabin of a cargo car, a buses and a passenger car, a booth for the transport of passengers (for a truck) of the exhaust gases is prohibited. Concentration harmful substances At the location of the passengers should not exceed the sanitary standards (carbon monoxide - 20 mg / cm

6. Buses and passenger cars must meet the following requirements:

a) body doors must have good shut-off devices, eliminating the possibility of their spontaneous opening while driving, and have a device for forced opening and closing by their driver;

b) additional reflectors (mirrors) must be equipped, which allow the driver to observe the landing of passengers and order in the cabin;

c) the engine hood (at the wagon buses) should be reliably sealed; d) the muffler tube must be removed dimensions 3.5 cm body; e) passenger cars must be equipped with seat belts.

7. The number of passengers transported on trucks should not exceed the number of seats equipped for seating.

8. The truck must be equipped with an awning (removable booth), a ladder for planting and disembarking passengers, body lighting, alarm from the body to the cab.

9. Cargo car with a cargo platform when transporting people, should be equipped with seats fixed at a height of 0.3-0.5 m from the floor and not less than 0.3 m from the top edge of the board, and during the carriage of children, in addition must have a height of at least 0.8 m from the floor level. On the wall of the cabin facing the body of the car, there should be an inscription: "Do not stand in the body", "do not sit on board."

10. Travel in the body of a truck that is not equipped for the transport of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the goods or as follows to obtain it, provided that they are provided with a convenient place below the level of sides.

At the same time, measures will be taken, warning people from the body. Transferred materials are located all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and the piece materials are consigned and fixed so that the possibility of arbitrary displacement of their movement is excluded.

11. When transporting groups of children by bus or cargo car, the signs "Transportation of children" should be installed in front and rear, and in the bright time of the day, then the lowlights of the headlights are included.

12. When transporting groups of children on a cargo car with a body-van, it is necessary that in the body it was at least 2 people adults accompanying these children.

Outside the car dump truck, car tank, tractor and other specialized cars, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, the design of which is not adapted to transport people, as well as in the body of a cargo motorcycle;

On cargo trailer (semi-trailer);

For excess of the amount provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle, not counting children under the age of 12.

Instruction number 9.

Motion Safety and Safety

for drivers aimed at business tribes and distant

flights (more than one working shift)

1. When working on the line and on the way, the driver must:

Carry out road rules, including maintaining speed taking into account road conditions in traffic intensity;

Observe the testimony of devices, the work of all car mechanisms;

In case of malfunction in a car threatening movement, take measures to eliminate damage, and if it is not possible - follow the nearest repair base or return to the garage in compliance with precautions;

When you stop the car to take measures to exclude a passing port passing, choose the most secure plot to stop and parking or move off the roadway, turn on and wipe the signal lights, put an emergency stop sign. When leaving the cabin, make sure that there are no oncoming transport;

On the country tracks through every hour of movement to make a short-term stop, leave the cabin for warm-up and external inspection of the main assemblies of the car;

Observe special care when driving under ice, fog, limited visibility, on turns, lifts and descents, and d. Moving, bridges and crossings, when driving at night and an unfamiliar track, and with sudden meteorological changes in weather (strong blizzard, hurricane), captured on the way, get to the nearest settlements and to be located there before establishing a safe setting on the track.

2. The driver is prohibited:

Driving a car in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, painful or overwhelmed state;

Transfer by car management by persons who do not have an identity for the right to control or in a state of alcohol and narcotic intoxication;

Implement the engine, gearbox, rear bridge and other car units open fire;

Use a car for personal profit;

Carry passengers on trucks if they are not recorded in the way sheet;

Allow for the repair of a car of persons who do not have rights to carry out repairs on loading and unloading sites, in the mechanisms zone;

Rest or sleep in the cockpit and body passenger cars With the engine running.

3. If you need to move at night with one headlight, the light must be mandatory on the left side; At the first opportunity, you should restore the head lighting of the car.

4. If, with certain works, the driver will be in dangerous conditions, it is obliged to stop the work, inform his administration or the one in whose disposal is, to make a mark in the track sheet and continue to work only after eliminating the danger.

5. Special precautions must be observed when working on road trains:

When they are loading and unloading, coupling and extinguishing - ensuring reliability of coupling devices, insuring cables;

Compliance with the speed of movement, increased caution when driving turns.

6. During the repair of the car on the line, the driver is obliged to follow the safety and fire safety regulations installed for repair

maintenance of cars in the garage.

If the repair volume exceeds the permitted for the line, and the driver does not have the necessary fixtures and tools - repair is prohibited.

7. When working on the side of the road, only on the right in the course of the movement.

8. When serving a car back, the driver must make sure there is no transport, people or any items. With poor visibility, feeding back to produce with a signproof.

9. Transfer cars VJDD and on ice is allowed only in places designated by special signs and pointers.

10. When pumping tires on the line, it is necessary to use a safety plug or should lay the wheel with a key ring down, to the ground.

11. Do not wipe and wash the engine with gasoline and not sucking the mouth of gasoline.

12. When starting the engine, check the neutral position of the transmission lever, do not take the gripper handle.

13. Open the operating engine radiator cork carefully, protective hand

burn ferry.

14. In rainy weather, at the snowfall, be careful when entering the cabin and exit from it, to timely clean the dirt, snow and ice with the steps of the cab.

15. When loading a car, the driver is obliged to monitor the correctness of the accommodation of cargo in the body, compliance with the permitted dimensions, its laying, attachments

connecting, ensuring, reliability and safety of transportation.

Instruction number 10.

First aid victim

at a traffic accident

In case of accidents, various injuries may occur in character and severity.

The first medical care provided is correct and timely at the scene may have the most essential value for the fate of the victim. It is even more important that many accidents arise on roads in a significant distance from settlements and medical institutions.

It requires a certain preparation and skills, as well as the presence of a typing and medicine typing.

1. Wound processing.

In case of damage to the skin and deep tissue, it is necessary to process the edges of the wound and impose a bandage.

1. Wound do not rinse, foreign bodies from the wound not to extract. The skin along the edges of the wound about rubbed sterile material, producing movement from the wounded surface to the non-damaged skin.

2. With the same movements, smear the skin around the wound with iodine, wound with iodine not to fill.

Z. Wound to close with sterile material, without touching his hands to the part of the material adjacent to the wound. Impose a bandage.

II. Stop bleeding from the wound.

A) arterial (bright-scarlet blood) splashes a pulsating jet.

1. Take measures to stop bleeding with a gulling bandage. To do this, the sterile material is placed on the wound, on top of this material there is a tight rolled rolling bint or a piece of foam rubber, or spongy rubber, a tight binting is produced.

2. If the tight bandage does not help, the rubber harness is superimposed above the vessel damage site. In the absence of a harness, the spin of the belt is superimposed, the shawl, etc., which is dragged and fixed with a stick.

Harness is better to apply on clothes or soft laying without folds. Harness can not be kept white 1.5-2 hours.

Z. With very strong bleeding, it is necessary to immediately press the vessel above the bleeding to the bone. It will give time to navigate and choose a way to stop bleeding. The vessel should be pressed against the bone with a thumb, or four other fingers so that they lay along the artery.

4. When the bleeding vessel is located in such a place where the imposition of a harness (the axillary region, a groove region is impossible, it is possible to stop bleeding by a sharp flexion of the limb in the nearest joints and squeezing the vessel in this way. The limb must be fixed at a given position with a gateway with a screech or other durable material.

B. Venous and capillary bleeding (flowing dark-red or red blood octs). The sterile is superimposed, moderately pressing bandage.

Signs: swelling, bruising and pain, perhaps some restriction of movements. By power - peace, cold.

IU. Stretching.

Signs: Outlet, bruise and severe pain in the joint area, restriction of active movements in the joint.

Help: peace, cold. Soft fixing bandage on ankle, knee, elbow joints (8-shaped) is superimposed.

When dislocate, the joint surfaces are shifting, often with a breakdown of the articular bag. Signs: Changing the shape of the joint (length of limb), sharp pain, especially when trying to movements. Active, passive movements in the joint are practically impossible. Power: Creating complete immobility in the joints, as when a fracture (see below). Do not try to correct dislocation.

Ui. Fracture.

With a fracture, there is a violation of the integrity of the bone. Bone fragments can remain in place (fractures without displacement) or shifted. Fractures without skin damage - closed.

In case of damage to the skin under the locomotive place - open fractures. The main signs of the fracture: sharp pain, swelling, bruises. Violation of movement in the limb for fractures with displacement - the deformation of the limbs. The appearance of a crunch at the site of fracture, abnormal mobility, but specifically, these signs should not be identified.

A number of signs of fracture are similar to the signs of the bruise and stretching. With the slightest suspicion on the fracture, help should be the same as with an explicit fracture.

Help at the fracture of the limb: the fracture does not go! With the open fracture, bone fragments do not touch. To impose a sterile bandage (see "Wounds" section). The main thing is to ensure complete motionlessness of damaged bones. To do this, it is attached to the injured limb with the help of bandage, brazers or other technicians special transport tire, board, ski, stick, metal plate, etc.

Instruction number 11.

ice trash movement.

1. Administration of the enterprise before the direction of cars in the flight winter roads, ice rivers, lakes and other reservoirs should: make sure of their acceptance and opening for operation, inform drivers about the features of the route, security measures and the location of the nearest states of the traffic police, medical care, road operation service, etc., as well as premises for Resting all over the way.

2. The allowable vehicle weight with cargo and the speed of the ice road is established by the organization, which is managed by this road, taking into account the rules given in the table.

For spring ice The norms of its thickness should increase 1.5-2 times. When departures to ice roads, road signs "Weight Limit", "Speed \u200b\u200bLimit" and other necessary signs in accordance with the rules of the road traffic should be installed.

3. When moving around the ice road, vehicle drivers must observe the intervals established depending on the weight of vehicles with the cargo. Overtaking vehicles on the ice road is prohibited.

With a forced stopping of vehicles, a detour is allowed only with the permission of persons responsible for the condition of the ice road.

It is forbidden to change the drivers to self-defense to change the route, move along the areas of the ice cover of rivers, lakes and other reservoirs not provided for the passage of cars.

5. In case of detection of cracks on the ice road, drivers are obliged to keep the cabin the door and be ready to save passengers and the evacuation of the cargo.

6. In the case of failure under the ice of vehicles with people who remained on ice drivers, passengers, workers should take measures to immediately rescue people in the water.

ATTENTION! Transportation of passengers in buses on ice roads Forbidden!

Passengers must overcome ice crossing in a foot!

Instruction number 12.

Traffic through railway tracks

1. Drivers of vehicles can cross the railway tracks only on railway crossings, giving way to the road (locomotive, drowsine).

2. At the entrance to the railway crossing, the driver is obliged to be guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markup, the position of the barrier and the guidelines on the moving, and make sure that the approaching train (locomotive, drowsine).

When closed or starting, close the barrier (regardless of the traffic light signal);

With the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (regardless of the position and availability of the barrier);

With the prohibiting signal of the duty on the move (the duty facing the driver of the breast or back with a rod raised above his head, a red lantern or flag, either with an elongated hand);

If the crossing was formed by a jam, which will force the driver to stay on the crossing;

If the train (locomotive, dresin) is approaching moving within visibility.

In addition, it is prohibited:

Passing around with the departure of the counter movement standing before moving vehicles;

Outstanding the barrier;

To carry through moving in the non-transportation of agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms;

Without the permission of the head of the distance of the railway path, the movement of the low-speed machines, the speed of which is less than 8 km / h, as well as tractor sled-volokus.

4. In cases where the movement through the move is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, a sign 2.5 or traffic light, if there is no - not closer to 5 m from the barrier, and in the absence of the latter - no closer to 10 m to the nearest rail.

5. When a forced stop on the crossing, the driver must immediately land people and take measures to release the move. At the same time, the driver must:

With the existing opportunity to send two people along the paths in both directions from moving by 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the path), explaining the rules for serving the signal of the sign of the approaching train;

Stay near the vehicle and feed the signals of general alarms;

When the train appears to run to meet him, feeding the stop signal.

Note. The stop signal is the circular movement of the hand (during the day with a flap of bright matter or anything well visible, at night - with a torch or lantern). Signal of general alarms serve a series of one long and three short beeps.

Senior accompanied dispatcher ________________________ V.N. Pussykov

(position, signature, Full name)

The instruction is familiar with the instruction _________________________N. Puch

A.V. Hovrich

Vegetable service

2.3. Vehicle driver owes:

2.3.1. Before departure, check and on the way to provide a good technical condition of the vehicle in accordance with the main provisions for the access of vehicles for the operation and responsibilities of officers to ensure road safety.

The driver is obliged to move exclusively on a good vehicle. And for this, before the start of the movement, it is obliged to see the absence of malfunctions provided for by the "main provisions for the access of vehicles to operate and the responsibilities of road safety officials" (and the application to them - "The List of Faults and Conditions in which the operation of transport funds ").

According to traffic rules, all vehicle malfunctions provided for by the above documents can be divided into two groups:

  1. Absolute malfunctions;
  2. Relative malfunctions.

To the absolute - "real" faults we treat those that have serious and unconditional damage to road safety. In other words, from the fact of their presence, the safety of motion depends functionally: there is a malfunction - the movement is dangerous. Therefore, it is no secret that the driver ...

It is prohibited to move due to the malfunction of the working brake system, the steering, the coupling device (as part of a road trip), not burning (missing) headlights and rear dimming lights in the dark or under conditions of insufficient visibility, inactive on the side of the driver of the wiper during rain or snowfall.

Let us dwell on each of these faults:
1. Fault of the working brake system;

2. Fault of the steering;

3. Fault of the coupling device (when moving with a trailer);

4. Malfunction of external lighting devices (when driving in the dark and under insufficient visibility);

5. Fault of the wiper from the driver side (when driving under rain or snowfall).

Agree, the very fact of the presence of listed faults is seriously "beats" on road safety. Indeed, try making emergency braking when the brakes malfunction ... or move in the dark with non-heighter headlights and rear overall fires... DTP is provided!

In this case, the driver's actions algorithm in the event of these fastest faults should be united: when the appropriate malfunction is detected - to stop, try to eliminate it in place, and with a negative result - to refuse the operation of the vehicle.

However, malfunctions are different. Therefore…

If there are other faults in the path with which the application to the main provisions is prohibited by the operation of vehicles, the driver must eliminate them, and if it is impossible, it can follow the place of parking or repair in compliance with the necessary precautions.

Other faults stipulated by the "list ..." should be called relative, because the driver is still allowed to get to the place of repair or parking. This is a large list of faults. We will talk about them when analyzing the relevant section of our site.

Here, let yourself focus on any one example of such a malfunction - for example, a non-functioning speedometer.

The driver cannot control the speed of its vehicle, and this is already unsafe. However, the fact of the presence of such malfunctions "beats" on road safety correlations. That is, security, of course, suffers, but caution and prudency of the driver can compensate for this flaw.

The driver's actions algorithm in this case will be somewhat different: when a malfunction is detected - to stop, try to eliminate it in place, and if it is impossible to do it - follow the place of repair or parking in compliance with precautions. (True, some drivers with such faults all life moves to the place of repair or parking.)

Passage of examination on the state of intoxication

2.3.2. At the request of officials who are given the right to state supervision and controlling the safety of road traffic and the operation of the vehicle, to undergo an examination on the state of alcohol intoxication and medical examination for intoxication.

Agree, you can not comment on this item rules. It is well known that the driver is obliged to undergo an examination of intoxication. However, there are several fundamental "but" ...

The first "but".

The requirement for the passage of a driver of examination on the state of intoxication can only come from an official, which is entitled to the right of state supervision and controlling the safety of road traffic and the operation of vehicles.

For example, a slightly divent plot demanded from the driver to undergo an examination on the state of intoxication. Well, it seemed to him that you were drunk. This is the exceeding authority. Such a right possesses, for example, an DPS inspector. There are no longer hardened here. Although why not turn away? There is also the second "but".

The second "but".

In order to expose the driver to the examination procedure, the appropriate authorized person must be grounds. Thus, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 475 dated June 26, 2008, "it is sufficient to believe that the driver of the vehicle is in a state of intoxication, is the presence of one or more of the following signs:

  • alcohol smell of mouth;
  • instability poses;
  • violation of speech;
  • sharp change in the color of the face of the face;
  • the behavior that is not suitable for the situation. "

In other words, if the driver does not "possess" the above "merits", it is not subject to examination of the state of intoxication. At least, the knowledge of this circumstance can be distressed and even cutting a particularly glowing traffic cop.

The third "but".

The driver is important to remember that there are two independent projected procedures: Actually examination (in place) and medical examination.

Actually, examination (in place) is an analysis of only alcohol intoxication and no other.

Therefore, the inspector's conversations about "pee in a plastic cup for express drug use test" is a gross violation of the law.

And one moment. From examination at the site, the driver may refuse, referring, for example, on his disgust: to touch the lips of the Mouthtuk of the Alcotester, not everyone wants. And if he is already a little used?

As for the medical examination on the state of intoxication (anyone intoxication!), The refusal of it is the automatic recognition of the driver in a state of intoxication and the application of relevant administrative sanctions.

The driver of the vehicle of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, engineering and road-building military formations under the federal executive bodies, the rescue military formations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on civil defense, emergency situations and the elimination of natural disasters are obliged To undergo an examination on the state of alcohol intoxication and medical examination on the state of intoxication is also at the request of military automotive inspection officials.

We summarize for simplicity. These drivers, in addition to the DPS inspector, are obliged to obey and the legal requirement of VAI employees about the passage of examination on the state of intoxication.

And one moment.

Included cases undergo checking knowledge of rules and driving skills, as well as medical examination to confirm the ability to manage vehicles.

Let us leave this item without comment, because the legislative procedure procedures are not spelled out. Although the first sprouts of this provision are punishable: From September 1, 2013, drivers, deprived of the transport rights to manage the vehicle will have to take theoretical exam on traffic rules.

Providing vehicle officials

2.3.3. Provide a vehicle:

  • police officers, federal state protection bodies and federal security authorities in cases provided for by law;
  • medical and pharmaceutical workers to transport citizens to the nearest medical and prophylactic institution in cases threatening their lives.

The interests of society (or a particular person) do not always coincide with the interests of the state, public services. The rules are envisaged when the vehicle driver is obliged to provide himself with its own car of a certain category of officials.

First, these are police officers (MIA), federal state protection bodies (FSO), federal security authorities (FSB). Such right arises from them in connection with the implementation of the urgent task.

Secondly, these are medical and pharmaceutical workers when they carry out transportation of citizens in conditions that threaten their lives.

Regardless of the direction of movement, the driver is obliged to provide his vehicle with the specified categories of officials. You can, of course, resent and reign on this. However, there are two "softening" circumstances.

First. Imagine for a moment (God forbid, of course), that the help of law enforcement agencies or physicians is needed to you or your loved ones. It is unlikely that you will oppose such a responsibility.
And here is the second circumstance.


Persons who used by the vehicle must at the request of the driver to give him a certificate of the established sample or record in the track sheet (indicating the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, his last name, positions, service certificate numbers, the name of their organization), and medical and pharmaceutical workers - Subject to the installed sample card.

Thus, the driver has the right to demand the issuance of documents certifying the fact of the fulfillment of the functions of providing its vehicle to the disposal of relevant officials. And suddenly the wife (or husband) zaranuate: "Where were you (-Ah)? Where did it hang it? "

But that's not all.

At the request of vehicle owners, federal state protection authorities and the federal security authorities reimburse them in the prescribed manner caused damages, expenses or damage in accordance with the law.

Consequently, the FSO and FSB bodies will be required at the request of the vehicle owner to refund caused damages, costs and damage in accordance with the current legislation (for example, to compensate the cost of fuel and lubricants).

By the way, about providing a vehicle. Our duty to provide your vehicle is not some kind of purely "ray" nonsense. For example, in the notorious democratic USER, the driver can also "throw out" from his vehicle in the name of the protection of the achievements of the "Great" American democracy.

We are at least in the country of democracy, they are not thrown out of the vehicle.

  • Table of contents:
  • driver's duties before starting
  • before starting the movement, the driver must
  • the regulation of the driver's fault in the event of a car malfunction
  • driver's duties before leaving on the road

Instruction number 2.

Driver's duties before leaving when working on the line

Before leaving the line, the driver must:

    pass pre-trip medical examination;

    ensure e-complete equipment and technical condition;

    upon receipt of travel documentation, make a manager to the dispatcher for the right to control the vehicle.

When checking the technical condition of the car, pay special attention to:

    operation of the engine, brake system, steering, auxiliary equipment (wipers, lighting device, light and sound alarm), coupling and supporting device (as part of a train, tractor), body door locks or cabins, bakes of a cargo platform, door control drives ( near buses), heating systems, speedometer;

    the condition of the wheels, tires, suspension, glasses, state license plates, the appearance of the car;

    no leakage of fuel, oil, water;

    the presence of an emergency stop sign, equipped medical aid kit, fire extinguisher (at the buses of 2 fire extinguishers), hammers for breaking glass;

    2 counter-type stops (for buses and vehicles with a maximum mass of over 3.5 tons).

In case of detection of faults in the presence of which, according to the rules of the road, the operation of vehicles is prohibited, departure to the line before their elimination is prohibited.

The driver has no right to go to the flight if his rest between the shifts was shorter than the double job duration inprevious shift, as well as with overdue certificate of periodic medical examination.

On the line:

    follow only on the specified route. Comply with the installed automobile capacity and car capacity;

    start moving and move only with the closed doors of the car, in addition to the cases of movement with open doors (for ice crossing);

    avoid harsh maneuvers, smoothly go off the place and also smoothly brakes, increase and slow down the speed of movement gradually, do not take steep turns;

    maintain the speed of movement taking into account roads, weather conditions and the requirements of road signs;

    in the event of a malfunction of a car threatening movement, acceptance measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible, calling technical assistance;

    during movement, do not be distracted from driving a car, do not join the conversations with passengers, do not leave the workplace until the car stops;

    with a forced stop, you will be able to be safe that the car is safe and does not create interference for other vehicles, plug the engine, barmery car parking brake and turn on lower gear, and in mountain conditions, in addition, under the wheels of the shoe (better wedge-shaped);

    on the descents, do not disobey the transmissision from the engine, the stopping for testing the brakes;

    when blinding the light of the counter car and loss of visibility, without changing the strip of movement, immediately lower the speed, including emergency lighting alarm and stop;

    in the case of road accidents, we assist the victims and as soon as possible about what happened to the enterprise and to the police;

    comply with the instructions of the police, at the request of the stop of the car and present the way documentation, following the rules of the stop;

    in the dark and in case of insufficient visibility, turn on the headlights of long-distance or near light;

    if when working on the route1, at night, a dormant state comes, stop, come out of the car, break, do several exercise;

    when driving, do not use the dispersal - not disconnect the engine from the transmission, except in cases of entry to the scheduled stop at a speed of no more than 40 km per hour;

    pass the stopping of public transport and pedestrian crossings, move with a speed that ensures traffic safety, or stop to skip pedestrians entering into the transition;

    immediately upon arrival at the object, in the auto enterprise, to note the dispatcher is the actual time of stay and tell him about the conditions of movement on the route, on the loading and unloading area, presenting the car to the mechanics to check it technical status, informing him of the technical, faults discovered during work. Pass the postresting medical examination.

The driver is prohibited:

    exceed the maximum speed determined by the technical characteristics of the car, as well as the "speed limit" specified on the identification mark installed on the car;

    transportation of people in a towed bus and in the body of the towed truck,

In fog, shower, hail, blizzard, dusty storm, when visibility from the driver's cab to less than 50 m bus driver intercity and suburban routes Itself decides on temporary termination of the movement.

Instruction number 3.

Work in difficult road conditions

1. When working on mountain roads:

    before leaving the line, be sure to receive information about the state of the road, weather and conditions of movement on the route;

    in areas of the road marked with a "cool descent" sign, where the oncoming trail is difficult, when driving under the slope, we will give way to the road moving on the rise;

    remember the ban:

a) movement with the clutch and transmission on the plots indicated by the "steep descent" sign;

b) towing on a flexible coupling;

c) every tow in Hollyeditsa.

2. When driving through ice are repaired and crossing the ferries:

    transportation of passengers in the ice crossing buses is categorically prohibited;

    movement through ice crossings and on the ferries start only if there is a written permission of the dispatcher in the track list, landing passengers;

    before leaving the flight on the route, where there are such crossways get a special instruction.

3. Driving through the railway crossings:

    in all cases, during the entrance to the railway crossing, the driver is obliged to be convinced of the absence of an approaching train (Lokomotiv, Dresin), guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markup, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the on duty by moving;

    at the extragranor routes before moving, it is necessary to stop and continue the movement only after it was convinced of the absence of a train approaching;

    with a forced stop on the crossing, immediately disembark passengers and accept all measures to liberate the move.

If you cannot delete a car from moving, then you need:

a) under the available opportunity - send two people along the paths in both directions from moving to 1000 meters or one person in the direction of the worst visibility of the path, explaining to them how to transmit a signal of the stopping train to the driver;

b) to stay near the car and serve a common alarm (one long, three short beeps);

c) when the train appears - to maintain him to meet, feeding the stop signal; Such a signal is the circular movement of the hand: during the day with a flap of bright matter or anything well visible subject, at night - with a torch or lantern;

The driver is prohibited:

a) through the crossing in the non-transportation the agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms;

b) cross railroad tracks in an unidentified place;

e) to open the barrier or traveling it;

d) go to relocation:

    when closed or starting, close the barrier (regardless of the traffic signals);

    with the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (regardless of the position of the barrier);

    with the prohibiting signal of the duty on moving;

    if a jam was formed before moving - with departure to the head of the oncoming movement, crossing the vehicles standing before moving:

e) if the train (DRESINA, etc.) is approaching to moving within visibility;

e) stop on moving;

g) produce landing (landing) of passengers and parking closer than 50 m from the railway crossing;

h) perform overtaking on moving and closer than 100 m in front of it.

Instruction number 4.

Driver's work and parking in the dark

When driving in the dark or other conditions of insufficient visibility of less than 300 meters (fog, storm rain, a blizzard, as well as in tunnels), the headlights of long-distance or near light should be included on cars, the names of the road train, and on the trailer the overall lights.

The driver's adaptation to the movement in the dark does not occur immediately. At this time, the number of violations of the rules of the road and the rules for the use of lighting devices increases one and a half times.

Weak traffic intensity at night accompanies the deceptive security impression: the driver seems to be that the night road is excellent conditions for a quick ride.

But road landmarks, which, the driver used the day, is bad or not visible in the dark, so you can call in a ditch, fly to the side of the road or the oncoming lane.

Especially dangerous traveling with a counter car, the danger does not come from it, but from any obstacle.

Far light should be switched to nearly less than 150 m to a moving towards the car. When blinding, the driver is obliged nor changing the lanes, turn on the alarm, reduce speed or stop.

It is very dangerous to smoke, driving a car, because Flame lighters or matches can blind. If you are lit - carry out the car: substances contained in tobacco smoke, reduce visual sharpness.

Returning from long trip at night, make short stops that interrupt the monotony of movement in the dark.

A few minutes is enough to restore the level of attention required for traffic safety.

When stopping and parking at unlited roads in the dark, dimensional lights should be included on the car, and in case of insufficient visibility, there may be included in addition to the headlights of the Middle Light, front and rear fog lights. Day of the road train - lighting of the identification sign "Auto Train".

With a forced stop on the vehicle, emergency light alarms should be included and an emergency stop sign is immediately set at a distance of at least 15 m from the car (in the settlement) and 30 m - outside the settlement.

The driver is forbidden to leave the car on the carriageway. He must take all possible measures to remove it beyond the roadway.

InstructionN." 5

Features of the driver's work in the spring-summer period

With the beginning of the snowmaking on the roads, many walking water climbs. Under the weeping of water on the roadway can be hidden irregularities and pit. When driving along such roads, you need to move with extreme caution in order not to fail the car, do not make breakdowns of the chassis and do not make a traffic accident.

After the driver drove through water, immediately check the effect of the brakes.

When moving along the water, the brake pads are wedged, the friction coefficient is sharply reduced, the brakes do not work.

It is necessary to slowly press the braking pedal and keep to restore efficient braking. At the same time, move at low speed.

Earth roadside of roads from a large amount of moisture reproduce and become viscous, so it is necessary to avoid congresses on the splashing side, because The car can lead to the side of the curb and tip over, especially Mrey's high speed. The speed is selected minimum.

With the onset of warm days on the streets and roads, a large number of pedestrians, cyclists and individual transport drivers appear. Driver, be especially attentive and roads!

Pedestrians, cyclists and "Individual transport drivers have very low knowledge of road traffic rules and driving skills. They can suddenly make an unexpected maneuver, so be especially careful when driving with such a category of drivers;

Morning frosts cover the road with a thin layer of ice, tires almost do not have a clutch, the clutch coefficient, which on a good road 0.7-0.9 with ice decreases to 0.05.

If you are going on ice, our advice: do not brake sharply, it is not only useless, but also dangerous. Sharp braking leads to the locking of the wheels and an increase in the braking path, and most often to loss of control and drift.

Driving a dangerous plot, try to keep the speed constant, use the accelerator pedal very carefully, smoothly, gently. No extra, especially sharp movements with a steering wheel. If you need to stop the engine or intermittent manner, i.e. "Click-released."

In the case of a car drift, you need to rotate, the front wheels I am the side of the drift using the engine braking.

Approaching bridges or overpasses, be especially careful. Ice crust that appears on the road earlier than everywhere - disappears here as much later. In these zones, avoid sharp movements with steering, gas, brakes. On the slippery road, the change of the strip of movement dreams a nuisance, and overtaking the more. Therefore, it is better to stay on your movement strip,

But the oncoming and passing direction on the wet road from the wheels of the car is dirty splashes fall on the windshield and make it difficult to visibility. Therefore, it is impossible to leave for a line with non-working wipers.

Summer is the time of the school holidays. "Peak" of child road traffic injuries accounts for this time. Driver, remember - it should be especially careful, driving past schools, playgrounds, as well as on sites of streets and roads where the sudden appearance of children is possible. "

Instruction number 6.

Driver's work in the autumn-winter period

Autumn came. Rains, fog, leaf fall, light morning frosts - all this makes the autumn road with dangerous and difficult length of those who are driving. And only the driver, skillfully using all precautions, will be able to overcome difficult areas of the path.

On the wet asphalt and the road covered with leaves, are dangerous overtaking and sharp braking.

The driver, remember - is completely unacceptable high speed on turns, on a wet road and ice. Before turning, it is necessary to minimize the speed without applying sharp braking. But if there is a skid, without fuss and nervousness should take the following measures: without turning off the clutch, turn the steering wheel towards the drift, smoothly slowing down, bring the car from the situation.

Of particular danger represent the intersection and stopping public transport when the road is snowing, they. become especially slippery due to the permanent braking of cars.

General rules of movement on a slippery road:

    Reduce speed.

    Increase the distance and side interval with respect to other vehicles.

    Perform all actions smoothly, do not make any sharp movements.

It must be remembered that in the autumn-winter time the light day is shorter and the driver you have to use the light headlights.

Strictly follow the rules of the road movement, but do not blind each other on the running, switch the headlights to the Middle Light.

When driving a car in rain and snow, it is necessary to remember that the visibility is reduced, since the wiper cleans only a part of the front glass.

Increases the braking path - it means the overall danger of movement increases. When moving to the lift, choose such a transfer so that you do not have to switch until the upstream is complete.

When you descend, do not squeeze the clutch, drive the car on the transmission enabled, smoothly slowing down.

Do not leaving on a faulty car, filtered brakes, steering, tires, lighting devices - a guarantee of safe work on the line.

Driver, do not give sharp sound and light signals when pedestrians appear on the carriageway, because Hurry up to get away from the road, a pedestrian can make a sharp movement, slip and fall in front of a running car.

Drivers! Motion safety on a slippery road depends only on you. Experience and skill, attentiveness and discipline - a reliable guarantee of trouble-free work, in the autumn-winter season.

Instruction number 7.

The procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in road traffic accidents for drivers of buses employed for passengers

If the road accident occurs, the threatening life and health of passengers, the responsibility for ensuring their emergency evacuation from the buses salon is assigned to the driver.

The bus driver must:

    stop the bus, brake it with a manual brake, without a delay to turn off the engine and open all the cabin doors;

    lead the evacuation of passengers from the cabin of the bus;

    to give the team to passengers based on the degree of threatening danger on the procedure for evacuation from the bus, creating the most favorable conditions and excluding panic.

For the bus passengers, the evacuation team should provide:

    the separation of passengers, starting with the middle of the cabin, into two groups and the direction of exit for each group through the nearest door;

    the primary output of passengers in the accumulative sites and in the aisles between the seats;

    the output of passengers who received injury, disabled and passengers with children;

    the output of the rest of the passengers.

For passengers of buses with only one way out, the evacuation team should provide for the priority yield of passengers who have received injury, disabled and passengers with children, and then the output of the passenger, starting with the rear seats of the bus.

In cases where by the nature of the road accidents (overturning the bus, fire in the cabin, etc.) there is no possibility to open the doors or evacuation through "the doors does not save all passengers., The driver of the bus;

    gives the command to the passengers to open hatches, remove from the windows at the windows available special hammers, break the glass and conduct evacuation from the salon through the hatches, window openings, providing each other all sorts of help;

    in case the bus is not equipped with special hammers, passengers passengers cash to destroy windows of window openings of the cabin (hammers, mounts,
    wrench and other);

    personally participates in the evacuation of passengers from the bus;

    organizes after the end of the evacuation of passengers first aid. Having created and, challenge "ambulance" or sending them to the nearest therapeutic institution and uses for these purposes, all "cash at the scene and passing by vehicles.

InstructionN. 8 For drivers when transporting children on buses

The bus driver must remember, "By the carriage of children, he is trusted by the most expensive, the most precious, and therefore it should be completely healthy, collected, feel confident and, in addition to fulfilling the following requirements:

    Conduct the technical condition of the vehicle, i.e. Perform all articles of road rules, where the technical condition butvehicle equipment.

    Remember that in the dark day, in windy, rainy weather, during the snow and non-working wiper movement is prohibited.

    Landing and disembarking children only in safe places.

    All windows must be closed so that children do not suck when driving, which is especially dangerous when overtaking or the details of vehicles,

    The buses should be a senior (representative of the organization of children), which is obliged to follow the landing, transportation and disembarking of children.

The surname of the elder must be recorded in the driver's travel sheet. The driver must instruct the eldest about the rules for the carriage of children. The latter is obliged to fulfill all the requirements and at the same time be responsible for the consequences.

    According to the rules of the road, during the carriage of the group of children in front and behind the vehicle, square identification marks of yellow should be installed (a side of 250-300 mm, depending on the type of vehicle) with a red border (width 1/10 side) and with a black image Symbol of the road sign 1.21 "Children".

    Transportation of people should be carried out on vehicles specifically designed for this purpose (buses). Before the start of the bus, the driver must make sure
    the fact that all the conditions of transportation of passengers are provided.

The driver is obliged to start moving only with closed doors and do not open them until a complete stop.

    The number of kids transported should not exceed the number of seats on the bus.

    The speed of movement but should exceed 40 km / h.

    It is forbidden to carry the cargo along with people, especially with children, except for hand masonry.

    It is forbidden to carry with people flammable, pyrotechnic agents.

    When transporting children, I am a column, overtaking is categorically prohibited.

    When wet asphalt, with limited visibility, the speed of movement should not exceed 20 km / h. The movement interval is selected by the driver itself depending on the speed of movement, climatic conditions, the state of transport.

    The duty dispatcher is prohibited from issuing a waylist without a written conclusion of a doctor about the state of the driver's health.

15. Head of the operation service, and in its absence, the senior dispatcher must personally instruct the driver about the route, about the condition of the roadway
this route, about dangerous places and precautionary measures, when there is a distance of time and places of recreation.

    When transporting children, the head of operation, together with the head of the column, should be in advance to identify drivers from among experienced, as well as allocate buses with the lowest service life (preferably the first, second year).

    The head of the OTC (mechanic) personally is obliged to check these buses, their technical condition. When a technical malfunction is detected, give an application RMM. The head of the Remaster system is personally obliged to check the elimination of identified faults and under the involvement of the head of the OTC (mechanics).

    When the buses are released on the line for the transport of children with a service life of more than 2 years, the chief engineer must personally check and give admission to the operation of these buses.

    The head of the operation service is obliged to provide data to buses with all the necessary equipment.

    In case of a boring buses, the head of the enterprise appoints the elder column on the eve. The senior column takes the column according to the specified requirements and carries
    full responsibility.

    To touch from the place is allowed at the end of the landing in all buses. The landing is allowed at the full stop of all buses at the site of the parking lot.

2.1. The driver of the mechanical vehicle must:

2.1.1. Have with you and at the request of police officers to transfer them to verify:

  • driver's license or temporary permit for the right to control the vehicle of the relevant category or subcategory;
  • registration documents for this vehicle (except mopeds), and in the presence of trailer - and on the trailer (except for trailers to mopeds);
  • in accordance with cases, permission to carry out activities for the transport of passengers and baggage passenger taxis, travel sheet, licensed card and documents for transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous cargo - Documents stipulated by the rules for transporting these goods;
  • a document confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, in the case of transportation of the vehicle, on which the identification mark "Disabled" is established;
  • insurance policy of mandatory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner or published on paper information on the conclusion of a contract of such compulsory insurance in the form of an electronic document in cases where the obligation to insurance for its civil liability is established by federal law. . In cases where the obligation to insurance for their civil liability is established by the Federal Law "On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners", to submit on the request of police officers authorized on that in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to verify the insurance policy of mandatory civil liability insurance of the owner of the transport funds. The specified insurance policy can be represented on paper, and in the case of the conclusion of a contract of such compulsory insurance in the manner established by paragraph 7 2 of Article 15 of the specified Federal Law, in the form of an electronic document or its copies on paper.

2.4. The right to stop vehicles is provided to regulators, as well as:

authorized officials of the Federal Transport Supervision Service in relation to stopping trucks and buses in specially designated road sign 7.14 Points of Transport Control;

authorized officials of the customs authorities regarding the vehicle stop, including those who do not carry out international transportation of goods, in the zones of customs control, created along the state border of the Russian Federation, and in the event that the weight of the ventilated vehicle is 3.5 tons and more, Also on other territories of the Russian Federation defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs regulation, in places, specially indicated by the road sign 7.14.1.

Commissioner officials of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport and Customs Bodies must be in uniform clothing and use to stop the vehicle disk with a red signal either with a light rail. To attract the attention of vehicle drivers, these authorized officials can use a whistle signal.

Persons who have the right to stop the vehicle are obliged to present a service certificate at the request of the driver.

At the request of the driver of the stopped vehicle, the persons listed in paragraph 2.4 are obliged to introduce themselves and present (show) a service certificate.

Employees of road-operating services, duty on rail movements and ferry crossings, authorized officials of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport are also traffic controllers, but drivers do not have the right to check the documents.

Employees of military auto inspections have the right to check only the transport of the Ministry of Defense.

2.5. With a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not touching) the vehicle, enable the alarm and set an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of the item, do not move the items related to the incident. When on the roadway part, the driver is obliged to observe precautions.

2.6. If, as a result of a road accident, people died or injured, the driver involved in him is obliged:

  • take measures to first assist victims, call ambulance and police;
  • in emergency cases send victims to pass through, and if it is impossible, to deliver on its vehicle to the nearest medical organization, to inform your last name, the registration sign of the vehicle (with the presentation of a document certifying the identity, or a driver's license and a registration document on the vehicle) and return to the place Accidents;
  • freeing the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, pre-fixed, including photographing or video recording, the position of vehicles in relation to each other and objects of road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident and take all possible measures to their preservation and organization of the occasion of the scene;
  • write surnames and eyewitness addresses and expect the arrival of police officers.

The driver's actions that are involved in an accident must be carried out precisely in the sequence as it is set out and as quickly as possible. If, except for the driver, there are passengers or other persons who can assist, they should also be given, for example, to call "ambulance", reports of an accident in the police, etc.

If you need to fix the traces of an accident, but at the same time you should release the roadway, it is recommended to mark the wheel on the road in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vehicle axes on the road, so that later it was possible to accurately establish its recent location. It is undesirable to draw in chalk, since such traces can soon be erased by transport passing by by transport.

It should be paid to the correctness of the compilation of the protocol and the accident scheme, since the primary documents have a significant "weight" with the further analysis of the incident in the traffic police department. It will be possible to add written and signed earlier, but it will be impossible to correct primary documents.

2.6.1. If, as a result of a traffic accident, the harm caused only to property, the driver involved in it is obliged to free the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is an obstacle, pre-fixing any possible methods, including photographing or video recordings, the position of vehicles in relation to each other and objects of road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident and damage to vehicles.

Drivers involved in such a road transport incident are not obliged to report that happened to the police and can leave the place of a traffic accident, if in accordance with the legislation on the obligatory civil liability of vehicle owners of the vehicle owners, registration of documents on a traffic accident can be carried out without participation Commissioners for the police officers.

If, in accordance with the legislation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, documents on the road accident can not be issued without the participation of authorized police officers, the driver involved in it is obliged to record the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and report that happened to the police for obtaining instructions of the police officer about the site of the road traffic accident.

Expect the arrival of the DPS officer to the accident site sometimes accounted for a very long time (in conditions of a major city, it happens often). Drivers have the opportunity to issue an accident on their own, but this can only be done if 2 cars have been involved in the accident, and the harm caused only to cars, i.e. I suffered only the technique, without human affected.

Before leaving the scene of the incident, it should be competently all: make a scheme of the accident, fix the facility tools or videos the position of vehicles in relation to each other and to the elements of the road infrastructure, indicate witnesses and the culprit (if any), current time and other circumstances, And also put in this signature of all participants in the accident.

From October 1, 2019, an accident can be issued independently, without the participation of traffic police (in Europrotokol), incl. If there are disagreements between the participants. The design of an accident during disagreements should be fixed with the help of ERA-GLONASS or a special mobile application approved by the automotive industry.

Independent registration of an accident possible under the following conditions:

  1. Only 2 cars collided in the accident.
  2. Each drivers have an OSAGO.
  3. The harm is caused only by cars (no injured).
  • Accident without disagreements of drivers and with damage up to 100,000 rubles. are drawn up in Europrotokol.
  • Accident with disagreements of drivers and with damage up to 100,000 rubles. It is drawn up only in the presence of an alarm button ERA-GLAANSS or a special application.
  • Accident without disagreements of drivers and with damage up to 400,000 rubles. It is drawn up only in the presence of an alarm button ERA-GLAANSS or a special application.

If one of the participants in an accident, there is no GLONASS, nor a special application, then in the presence of disagreements, an independent design of an accident will be impossible.

In any case, get answers to questions about the design of an accident by calling the traffic police and informing the circumstances of the accident. IMPORTANT: Drivers can go to design a traffic police only after reporting an accident by phone, and will receive the relevant instructions.

2.7. The driver is prohibited:

  • driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or other), under the influence of drugs, worsening the reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state, which threatens traffic safety;
  • transfer the management of the vehicle to persons in a state of intoxication under the influence of drugs, in a painful or tired condition, as well as persons who do not have a driver's license for the right to manage the vehicle of this category or subcategory, except in cases of driving training in accordance with the section 21 rules;
  • cross the columns organized (including hiking) and hold a place in them;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic or other foaming substances after the road accident, to which it is involved, or after the vehicle has been stopped at the request of the police officer, before conducting an examination in order to establish a state of intoxication or to decide on release from such examination;
  • driving a vehicle with a violation of the regime and recreation established by an authorized federal executive body, and in the implementation of international road transport - international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • use while driving a telephone, not equipped with a technical device, allowing negotiations without the use of hands;
  • dangerous driving, expressing in a repeated commitment of one or more of the next one after another, consisting in non-compliance with the rebuilding requirement to give way to a vehicle with a vehicle using the preferential right of movement, rebuilding with intensive movement, when all lanes are occupied, except for the turns to the left or right , turning, stopping or tracing an obstacle, non-compliance with the safe distance to a moving in front of the vehicle, non-compliance with the side interval, harsh braking, if such braking is not required to prevent traffic accidents, obstructing, if the specified actions entailed the driver's creation in the process of road traffic in which his movement and (or) movement of other road participants in the same direction and at the same speed creates a threat of death or injury, damage to vehicles, structures, cargo or causing Other material damage.

The probability of getting an accident in a diseased person is significantly higher than in healthy. This may be due to both the common painful condition of the driver, and with the side effect of many medicines he accepted.

Also dangerous and simple overwork. If during the trip there is drowsiness, lethargy, dulling attention, the loss of visual acuteness is felt, the slowdown in action, only stop and rest will help. Music, conversation with a fellow traveler in order not to fall asleep, is only a short effect, most often deceptive.

The use of the phone during the movement is prohibited because the driver's attention is distracted during the conversation and driving a car. Scattered attention, respectively, often leads to an accident.

For the driver, as well as for any other employee of the enterprise, a job description is provided. This document regulates the list of responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of drivers. And although it does not apply to the obligatory regulatory acts of the enterprise, lawyers recommend as accurately as possible and carefully register the provisions and items in this document so that there are no possibilities for their double interpretation.

I argue:
LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Shirokov / Shirokov I.A. /
"12" August 2014

Job Instruction Car Driver

І. General provisions

1.1. This document regulates a list of official functions, tasks, duties that the driver's driver must perform, as well as its rights, responsibility, working conditions and other parameters.

1.2. The driver's driver should have an education not lower than the average, driving experience for at least three years, as well as the rights of categories "B".

1.3. Acceptance of work and dismissal occurs in the manner prescribed by the internal rules of the organization and with the mandatory availability of the appropriate order from the leadership.

1.4. The immediate leader of the driver is the director of the enterprise.

1.5. In the absence of a driver in the workplace, his duties move the person appointed by a separate order of the company's head and with the required level of education and work experience.

1.6. The driver must be familiar with:

  • the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of civil and labor law;
  • the rules of the internal routine of organization, labor protection standards, fire safety, etc.
  • Charter of the organization;
  • orders and orders of management, regulatory acts of the company;
  • road rules, penalties for certain traffic rules;
  • road cards in the region.

1.7. The driver is obliged to own:

  • full information about the internal device of the car, the principles of its work;
  • information on the equipment of the car, its technical characteristics, devices, mechanisms and aggregates, as well as their appointment and maintenance;
  • methods and methods of identifying faults, as well as their elimination with remedies;
  • knowledge of the consequences of certain breakdowns and malfunctions in the engine and other car systems;
  • service standards motor vehicles, including washing, cleaning body and salon, content in the garage, etc.

ІІ. Official duties Driver car

2.1. The list of operating functions of the driver includes the following tasks:

  • car control,
  • timely arrival at the workplace and supply of the car to the entrance of the organization, as well as the production of the car into the garage after the work shift;
  • timely fuel refueling, topping the oil, and adding other liquids that are necessary for the operation of the car;
  • following the rules of the road, compliance with all road signs, timely familiarization with all changes, legislatively contributed to traffic rules;
  • ensuring the safety of passengers while driving and car movement;
  • ensuring the safety of the property located in the car trunk;
  • control over the safety and integrity of the car itself, including leaving it in parking and parking only with the signaling enabled, blocking all doors and windows both during traffic and during stops;
  • daily inspection of the technical condition of the car, timely elimination of identified faults own forces or with specialized car services;
  • car maintenance clean and order, including daily morning car wash and a weekly dry cleaning of the cabin;
  • advanced preparation for long-distance travel, familiarization with the country and road maps, the choice of the shortest routes;
  • eliminating the use of any drugs, drugs, products and liquids capable of affecting the driver's performance, the concentration of attention, coordination of movements and the reaction;
  • work with the route and travel sheets, including the introduction of information to documents on kilometers, spending gasoline and oil, travel destination, etc., timely provision of documentation for reporting;
  • execution of orders and orders of the direct supervisor.
  • careful attitude towards a cranded car.

ІІІ. Rights

3.1. The driver has the following powers and rights:

  • making the leadership argued and reasonable proposals for improving and optimizing work as personally and the organization as a whole;
  • independently make decisions to ensure security as personally and passengers when moving a car;
  • demand from the management of labor safety;
  • receive all the necessary information from car service workers about car repair;
  • make up optimization proposals route, incl. To reduce the financial costs of trips;
  • participate in any corporate events (meetings, discussions, meetings) directly related to its activities;
  • make constructive proposals to eliminate disorders identified in the process, errors, shortcomings;
  • to communicate with representatives of any structural divisions of the company to address issues within its competence;
  • refuse to perform operating functions when the threat of life or health occurs.

ІV. A responsibility

The driver's responsibility occurs in the case of the following violations:

4.1. Causing, deliberately or unintentional, damage to the vehicle entrusted to him (engine, systems and assemblies, mechanisms and nodes, salon and body), as well as untimely service and maintenance,

4.2. Causing damage to the health of passengers and other road users;.

4.3. The use of any prohibited and permitted substances negatively affecting coordination, thinking, reaction, etc.

4.4 .. Strengthening to the execution of labor duties, including complete deviation from them.

4.5. Regular violation of the regime established at the enterprise, labor and recreation regime, discipline, as well as violation of any safety types.

4.6. Failure to comply with the management of the Organization or direct supervisor of orders and orders.

4.7. Disclosure of confidential information about the organization.

4.8. Providing unreliable information in the reporting documents;.

4.9. These items of the official instruction strictly correspond to the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of Transport Department
LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Myshkin / Myshkin T.V. /
"12" August 2014

In the instruction is familiarized
Ivanov R.S.
Driver "Supplies wholesale"
Passport 8735 № 253664
Leninsky district policemen issued perm
09/14/2012 Division code 123-425
Signature Ivanov
"17" August 2014


What is needed by the driver's job instruction

The job instruction is important not only for ordinary employees of the enterprise, but also for leadership. It makes it possible to coordinate the relationship between the employer and subordinates, clearly defining the working functionality and responsibility of drivers. In conflict situations, when the judicial authority is required to resolve the dispute, the job description serves as evidence of the presence or absence of guilt by the employee or employer.

The main rules for compiling the driver's job instructions

The standard driver adopted for all forms does not exist, so companies can develop and approve it independently. Since there is no single sample, in different organizations, employees who are in the same position can perform different functionality, but the main responsibilities of them should be similar. The driver's job instruction typically includes the following parts:

  • "General provisions",
  • "Official duties",
  • "Rights",
  • "A responsibility".

If necessary, other items can be added to it or by the willing leadership.

Usually, a lawyer of the enterprise or specialist of the personnel department is usually dealt with. She is drawn up in one instanceBut if the drivers in the enterprise are several, then its copies are printed in the required quantity.

Each driver must be familiar with the document, he is also obliged to put his signature under it, which will indicate that the worker agrees with its content.

The job description should also assure the immediate leader of the driver or a person who is responsible for the execution of the norms registered in it. The head of the enterprise must also sign the document.

Drawing up a driver's job instruction

At the very top of the job instruction, on the right, should be left for the resolution of the organization's head. The form for it is standard: here it is necessary to enter his position (CEO, Director), the name of the enterprise, the name, name, patronymic, and also leave the line for signature with mandatory decoding and put the approval date. Then in the middle of the string must be written the name of the document.

Main sections

In the first section called "General" To begin with, it should be noted that the driver includes the driver (worker, technical staff, specialist, etc.), then it is indicated who he obeys and who replaces it in case of such a need (here it is enough to indicate the posts of authorized employees, without surnames) . Further, the document includes qualification requirements for the driver (specialization, education, additional professional training), as well as the required experience and experience. Immediately it is necessary to specify, on the basis of which documents, the driver's purpose is assigned and removing it from office.

Then, in the same section, it is necessary to list all the rules, laws, orders, regulationsWith which the driver must be familiar, as well as the requirements for the knowledge of the car.

The second part of "Driver's job duties" It concerns directly the instructions that are imposed on it. They need to be prescribed as much as possible and clearly, given the characteristics of the enterprise where the driver works.

Section "Rights" Includes the powers that the driver is endowed to effectively execute its work. Here you can separately indicate its right to various initiatives, including interaction with the management and other divisions of the Organization in such an need for such a need, as well as the right to participate in the company's internal events and additional training.

In chapter "A responsibility" Clearly establish violations for which the employer has the right to attract the driver to recovery. It should be noted here that the driver bears personal responsibility for the safety of the car and its parts, as well as compliance with the rules of labor regulations and safety standards.

After registration, the document must be agreed with the supervisory (on the driver) employee of the organization (or by the direct supervisor, or a person authorized to monitor the compliance with the rules and standards prescribed in the job description). Here should be made by his position, the name of the organization, the name, name, patronymic, and also put a signature with decoding.

Below you need to specify data on driver: His last name, name, patronymic (fully), again the name of the organization, passport data, signature and date of reference with the document. Stamp to hand over job description No need, since it refers to the internal documents of the enterprise.

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