Home Steering Mixing antifreezes of different colors and manufacturers. Myths and realities. Can I not mix antifreeze different colors? Mixing antifreeze different colors table

Mixing antifreezes of different colors and manufacturers. Myths and realities. Can I not mix antifreeze different colors? Mixing antifreeze different colors table

Any car owner is known that antifreeze is a coolant designed to prevent engine overheating. Earlier, conventional water was used as a coolant. At best distilled. Usually - from open reservoirs. It possessed a significant disadvantage - frozen when the temperature decreases to 0 degrees and below. Antifreeze do not freeze even at negative temperatures.

Cooling fluids are available various manufacturers. They have different composition, different properties, different color and for each car there are recommendations on what materials can be used to maintain it.

However, there may be a situation on the road when the radiator of the flow, the coolant level fell, and it must be urgently replenished.

It is still complicated if the color of the coolant has become indefinite and is unknown, which brand it was flooded (this often happens if the car recently changed its owner).

In such cases, it is often difficult or impossible to find antifreeze of the same manufacturer and exactly the same color, but you can purchase many liquids of other brands.

There is a logical question - is it possible to mix antifreeze of various colors, standards, grades, brands among themselves?

We will try to answer him in this article.

Different coolant varieties

First you need to understand what antifreeze are and what they represent.

Due to the use of different base components and packages of additives, coolant can be very different in chemical composition. Their colors may also differ.

Additives are divided into two large categories and perform two main functions - protective and anti-corrosion.

This classification has become quite popular and was adopted by the European Community. However, it is not mandatory for all manufacturers. And if the division on operational features is still actively used, the color of the dye can vary significantly. Therefore, you can find other options for combinations class-color.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the Volkswagen car concern classified cooling fluids depending on their purpose, the composition and set of operational properties to the following basic classes:

    G11 - Co. on the basis of ethylene glycol with the addition of a package of additives of inorganic origin (as a rule, on a silicate basis). Volkswagen attacked this class green color

    G12 - these materials are also made on the basis of ethylene glycol, but the additives in them are added organic (usually carboxylate compound connections)

    Silicate and carboxylate technology have their advantages and cons. It was possible to combine their best properties by applying hybrid additives of organic and inorganic origin in one composition. Such coats received the G12 + class

    In 2008, another class of cooling fluids G12 ++ appeared, in which an organic basis additives form a special package with a small amount of mineral components.

    G13 - Coolant with organic carboxylate additives, but based on harmless polypropylene glycol

For this reason, drivers are interested in the question, if the compositions and colors of antifreezes are so diverse, then how much antifreeze is possible? Types and differences in chemical composition will not cause any harmful to the cooling system to the consequences?

What does antifreeze consist of?

The basis of most cooling fluids is ethylene glycol with a specific set of additives. Its use caused a lot of disputes due to high toxicity.

In modern antifreezes, poisonous ethylene glycol is replaced more expensive, but safe monatomic alcohol - polypropylene glycol.

In addition to the base component in the composition of finished cooling liquids, distilled water is usually available.

To give the product of various necessary operational properties to the recipe of antifreezes, various additives are introduced. They may be on a mineral basis (most often these are silicate fluids), on the organic (usually carboxylate) or hybrid.

Is the mixture of antifreeze permissible?

It must be borne in mind that when mixing liquid different classes And the stamps of their chemical components can respond with each other. At the same time, to predict how they will interact, it is very difficult, not knowing absolutely accurate composition.

However, if you mix antifreeze of one class, albeit different colors, nothing terrible, most likely will not happen, as these products have very similar recipes.

If the components are significantly different, then some of them can cause a decrease. performance characteristicsspecified by other components. At the same time, the deterioration of anti-corrosion properties or formation in the coolant of the precipitate, which can reduce the effectiveness of heat exchange.

Thus, a mixture of antifreezes of different brands is permissible, if it is known that they are one class and are close in composition. If the origin of the fluid is questioned - it is better not to risk.

And one moment. After the start of operation, the liquid can change its color. This usually happens when long operation Techniques and indicates a loss of liquid of their protective and anti-corrosion properties. In this case, it is not worth topping the fresh antifreeze. It is not only meaningless, but it is economically inappropriate and, besides, it can be harmful to the engine. It is better to fully replace that the liquid should be completely drained, rinse the system and pour a new portion.

What does the color of antifreeze mean?

In fact, the color does not depend on the properties that antifreeze possesses, and is determined only by adding dyes.

Initially, cooling fluids were colorless. However, some manufacturers began to add dyes of a certain color in them. After the classification produced by Volkswagen autoconecern, the consumer became more convenient to navigate in the choice of the desired product.


For example, blue color traditionally give the "silicate" cooling fluids.


Green also have a silicate type fluid.


Red dyes are added to antifreeze, which will have their own unique qualities and composition.

Yellow and purple

Liquid class "G13", designed for Volkswagen, had a "branded" purple color. Other liquid producers of the same class are yellow.

To date, such a color classification is not standardized and is not always relevant. Dyes do not change the main composition and do not add any particular properties, but only make it easier for the driver to choose the desired antifreeze.

What will happen if mixing different colors?

What color antifreeze can be mixed, and what - it is impossible?

As already mentioned above, the color is a sign of the distinction of antifreeze, asked by the manufacturer at its discretion (in order to allocate its product, produce "marking" for the convenience of buyers or for large special forces.

If you want to focus on the classification of Volkswagen, then you need to remember - different color means different class and the chemical composition of basic liquids and additives, and it means that they cannot be mixed!

The consequences of such "cocktails" may be deplorable for the engine.

If you mix antifreeze different colors, but the same class (this is found from different manufacturers), then nothing terrible will happen.

Is it possible to mix cooling fluids of various characteristics, for example G11 and G12?

If antifreezes belong to different classification categories, then they have a different chemical composition. In this case, the fluids G11 and G12 have additives of completely different nature and having a different mechanism of action.

If in G11 they create a protective film, then in G12 - eliminate rust. Thus, if the system with adding G11, this can lead to the creation of a film with a deterioration of heat exchange and a narrowing of the cross section for the passage of antifreeze in the radiator.

If we talk about mixing antifreezes of G13 and G11 classes, then due to the difference in basic alcohols (polypropylene glycol and ethylene glycol) do not categorically. In addition, it is not known how additives working in one medium will behave when they move to another liquid.

But the mixing of antifreeze classes G12, G12 + and G12 ++ is quite admissible, as they are made on the basis of ethylene glycol and they are present in both organic and inorganic additives of one nature.

Compatibility antifreezes

To simply determine the compatibility of antifreeze of different classes, you can also use a special table.

Table. Compatibility antifreezes

Antifreeze in the system /
Antifreeze on topping

Yes not not not not
not Yes not not not
Yes Yes Yes not not
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

At the same time, a large number of low-quality or fake antifreeze are represented on the market. Them distinctive trait - The cost is significantly lower than the market. Regardless of which information is available on their labels, what color is this substance or how to assure you in safe application - it is not worth risking. These fluids can not be mixed with any class of original antifreeze.

The article will talk about Tospala, which, despite the other name, has a number common characteristics With antifreeze. Once again, I want to say that all antifreeze, be it r11 or g12, in its base part are very similar. Percent for 75, the composition of all products coincides, that is, there is ethylene glycol and "distillet" there. The remaining 25 percent, in some cases, even less are just additives, which are characteristic of other behavior. Therefore, even if you mix a variety of antifreeze, all of them will be similar at least 75%.

What are the differences?

As mentioned above, the difference lies in the additives used. It is worth noting that the use of additives is mandatory, otherwise the composition of one water and ethylene glycol will result in destructive actions. This combination is incredibly actively and able to destroy even the most dense metal surface. Additives allow you to restrain "dust" and maximally remove a negative impact.

If, in general, to consider all additives, which are now widely used, then you can make only two groups:

  • 1. Protective. They protect the pipes, tubes from the inside, forming a kind of film, which does not allow to collapse with metal parts. It is used mainly in the G11 brand and in most domestic toosols.
  • 2. Anticorrosive. Such additives do not form the film, their work is invisible until the rust appears. Such additives are capable of blocking the center of rotting, just closing it. The scope of use in the class G12 and G12 +.
  • 3. Hybrid. It is clear from the name that there are two main tasks in their functions. That is, when two tasks are mixed at once - protection and confrontation of corrosion.


The color scheme is used more for distinctive goals. As a rule, today, differences in color do not characterize the difference in characteristics. Although, at the same time, many concerns are trying to separate antifreeze only on color.

Popular G11 has always been green, g12 - red or bright orange, g13 - purple. Now there is no specific standardization of colors, therefore it is increasingly found that the same G11 may be of blue color, G12 green, and g13 even yellow.

What will happen if you mix different antifreeze of different manufacturers?

Yes, in essence, nothing will happen, you can not pour it without worrying, the main thing is that they support their standard. That is, you can mix G11 green, with the same G11 blue or green, but from another manufacturer. The main thing is that standards coincide between the products.

What happens if mixing different colors?

Here the same principle is valid, the main thing is that the standards and characteristics coincide, and the color of the same G12 can be even green at least orange, the role does not play. More questions cause new Classlike G13, there is nothing terrible in it. They distinguish two main colors, but they do not play any role if there is a marking of G13 on the package, it doesn't matter what color it is.

Is it possible to mix g11 and g12?

If you figure out, but in fact, nothing terrible will not happen if you mix go11 and g12, but the situation is completely different with G13. If you take the first type, the subgroup then mixing will result in the formation of a fluid in which two functions will be combined, but it is almost not realistic to check the mixing, so there will be no precipitate. But, it is also worth understanding that adding to other additives such as protective, can significantly worsen cooling. This is happening, because green antifreezes are completely enveloping tubes and nozzles, thereby interfering with a cooling motor. For example, in red antifreeze you poured green or blue, then the temperature threshold will fall. Similarly, it will also happen if you mix the opposite, green and red, then the characteristics of the fluid itself fall. Often when it is mixed or added a small volume, for example, 0.5-1.0 liters. The way that results do not even feel. You will drive, as before and do not feel any problems.

Is it possible to mix r13 with g11 and g12?

There are quite different things here. The G13 class itself characterizes other substances. For example, in the first two types, the bulk of the composition is water and ethylene glycol, then in G13 this proportion of propylene glycol plus distilled water. That is, you understand that even the base itself has a completely different composition. Ethylene glycol has been replaced by safer propylene glycol. These are two alcohols, and single-naughty, they were changed to remove only the toxic effect itself.


As you can see, the topic is fully disclosed, the main answer is given to the question. Mix different colors of one class of antifreeze, the main thing is that the characteristics coincide. You can also mix G11 and G12, nothing bad of this will be released, it will not even happen even the result or effect. But mixing G11, G12 with G13 is better not worth it, because it is not known how two different alcohols will behave, even though they are in many ways. In addition, additives are also distinguished, and what is the relationship between them, the same is not known.

Also, when buying it is worth navigating the price, the price of quality product will not be below 200 -300 rubles. per liter. At the moment, a lot was divorced by fakes, which are offered at very attractive prices, but they were produced in handicrafts, there is no guarantee that the norms were withstanding. Usually, good antifreeze "Boil" only from 100 degrees, with "boiling" they will not burn and will not lose their characteristics. Cheap options do not guarantee you compliance with these norms.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of different colors

Antifreeze is a liquid used to cool the parts of the car engine, and also removes during operation in conditions of severe frosts. It is used in all types of technology and is characterized by the presence of additives, painting the composition in a certain color. Depending on the substance added to the antifreeze, it is distinguished by orange or purple, blue, green and red liquid. THAT PIITES Cooling solutions are divided into: traditional, hybrid, carboxylate, lass. The choice of a certain brand of fluid with anti-corrosion properties puts the condition of use only it. However, it often happens that for emergency replacement of the desired solution at hand, there is no question of the use of a different brand with already bombarded.

What is the difference of antifreeze in colors

Cooling fluid coloring in a certain bright color speaks of its chemical composition. This is an agreement of sellers with manufacturers used as advertising stroke or other considerations. Green, blue, orange, purple, red or blue tone give inorganic inclusions. Often in different colors produced the same type of cooler or different types There may be a similar shade. Advanced to the domestic toosol exceptionally blue, overseas manufacturers offer liquids with the name Volkswagen in different colors corresponding to a specific type.

The color of antifreeze can change during its use and depends solely on the engine operation. A brown or other dark shade indicates a large cluster of waste of corrosive processes of the cooling system and engine parts. It is extremely recommended to operate a car with such a liquid, since it is fraught with a breakdown of the heart of the machine. It is necessary to immediately merge the spoiled antifreeze, replace it with a new one after the complete cleansing of the system. Similar antifreeze darkening is caused by the use of low-quality product, simple water, the absence of prophylactic regular washing of the cooling system, etc.

In the case of the use of high-quality goods, it should be alerted with a slight mileage or a small time of using antifreeze of a change of its chromaticity. Most often, this indicates the presence of a certain amount of corrosion, scale or other deposits in the cooling shirt or the entire system. The rate of change of color of antifreeze indicates the state of the engine and the level of contamination. Another situation in the appearance of a straven-yellow shade of the cooling solution, which indicates the development of dye service or likely overheating of the motor. In this case, it is allowed to ride with existing liquid, but it is recommended to change it at the first opportunity.

Coolant fluids are divided into:

  • Salt;
  • Glycolic;
  • Alcohol;
  • Glycerin;
  • For heating systems.

The saline antifreeze is based on hydrochloric acid or a conventional kitchen salt - calcium or sodium chloride. The proportion of these substances is 25%, which provides for antifreeze based salts withstand low temperatures up to - 20 ° C. Increased content up to 30% guarantees the safety of the engine in conditions with frost to - 55 ° C. Weathequent 20% of hydrochloric acid-based liquids are used in the medium with the lowest parameter to -35 ° C.

The risk of salt antifreezes is that for alloy brass, copper or aluminum during boiling, corrosion is enhanced by salts accumulated on grilles catalyzing the process of metal destruction. Also contributes to corrosion high temperature.

The basis of glycol antifreezes is used tri-, di- and monoethylene glycol. These coolants are made in the overwhelming majority of products of domestic brands. Depending on the percentage of active substance in water, the temperature modes for engines with such a solution may vary in the range from 0 ° C to -65 ° C.

Their advantage is that freezing, do not change their volume, turning into a casczyce composition. When adding over a tent other additive components, antifreeze will become a high-quality coolant. The absence of at least one of these additives will provoke the movement of the engine or pump.

The feature of the alcohol solution is a low freezing point, but compared with ethylene glycol compositions are not able to cause a decrease in the temperature of the aqueous cooling agent. The most common scope of application is as a glass-cleaning fluid or for pneumothorming. The use in the engine system is excluded due to the properties of alcohols flammable at elevated temperatures.

Based on glycerin, a solution is obtained, characterized by a low freezing temperature. The maximum boundary of such compositions is -40 ° C. With negative thermometer indicators, these liquids turn into a gel mass. because of high expellation The engine cooler is less popular than ethylene glycol counterparts.

Antifreeze for heating systems are produced based on glycerin and propylene glycol. The peculiarity of these substances in the lowest toxicity indicator than in ethylene glycol solutions. The cost of such cooling fluids is somewhat more expensive.

Standards antifreezes

Cooling fluids for cars are divided into two categories:

  • SAE (based on propylene glycol);
  • ASTM (ethylene glycol is used as a basis).

These types are generally accepted and norm for the United States. In other countries there is its own gradation:

  • AFNOR - France;
  • Onorm- Australia;
  • Cuna - Italy;
  • BS - England;
  • GOST - Russia.

Classification is developed in accordance with most cars and the specifics of the engine structure, as well as the predominant climatic conditions of operation. vehicle. Distinctive standards boast branded machine manufacturers, such as Toyota, Volkswagen, General Motors, nominating their own requirements for the type and properties of antifreeze.


It is created on the basis of the inorganic components represented by phosphates and silicates, contains organic ingredients. In addition to these elements, a slight amount of carboxylic acid and borates is contained. Refers to the G11 standard, which denotes it as hybrid. Restrictions on use is 3 years.

The peculiarity of these antifreezes is the ability to envelop the inner walls in the cooling path, which contributes to more effective struggle with corrosion foci. This merit fully belongs to the inclusion of carboxylic acid.

The main disadvantages of this coolant is considered to be the need for a shift at least once in 2-3 years, the creation of a small laid that scores thin channels of the cooling system, a decrease in the heat removal indicator due to the film formed.

Browsing this solution to the G12 class percentage of carboxylic acid, which may be contained in different proportions. Distinguish "G11 +" and "G11 ++" green antifreeze.


A solution of organic carboxylic acids is created. The peculiarity of the substance in the creation of localized missiles in the occurrence of corrosion foci. The thickness of the protective film does not exceed 1 μm. It is characterized by a long service life - 5 years to the nearest shift. Refers to class G12 according to Volkswagen classification. It has better protective properties from cavitation and corrosion of metal than silicate or hybrid counterparts.

In addition to excellent properties in the fight against formed defects on metal surfaces, red cooling fluids are not capable of being used as a prophylactic agent or as protection of the cooling system. It is best used in brass and copper radiators, and for aluminum structures can even be dangerous.

Purple (Yellow)

Combined in the Library antifreeze organic basis and a minor proportion of mineral inhibitors. This composition forms a film of the cooling system on the surface of the metal, which is spent on combating corrosion foci. Silicates and organic acids are included in the composition of the Liquids. The main advantage of this class of antifreeze when used in a new engine - the service life is practically no limit. In the classification of Volkswagen, this type of solutions is denoted as G12 ++.


The traditional antifreeze contains a combination of nitrates, amines, nitrites, borates, phosphates, silicates used as inhibitors of corrosion phenomena of engine parts. Most motorists of our country have been used by domestic Tosol for a long period, but today this product is considered slightly outdated morally.

First, the heat resistance is limited to an indicator of 108 ° C, which for an average engine operating at temperatures up to 150 ° C is insufficient.

Secondly, the duration of the service life of inorganic inhibitors does not exceed 2 years.

Thirdly, highlighted silicates in the process of using classic cooling fluids, prevent effective cooling Due to the coating of the silicate layer of the inner surface of the system. This leads to a deterioration of heat exchange rates.

The listed deficiencies on all modifications of traditional toosol are distributed.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of different colors

The main rule when mixing antifreezes is to follow the compliance of the standard. It is not necessary that the fluids are produced by one manufacturer. It is enough to ensure the quality of the product used and the rolled solution. If the G13 class liquid is used, it is certainly necessary to mix it with any product class G13.

Mixing antifreezes of different colors is allowed to configure one class. For example: Liquid class G11 is produced in blue and green, Tosol - red or blue. Mixing one class of red and blue antifreeze is allowed, or the G11 Blue Liquid Liquid with Green. Antifreeze class G13 is produced in orange and purple, so they can also be connected without consequences for the motor.

The cooling fluids G11 and G12 in ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol is used to produce antifreeze according to the G13 standard. These are single-naughty different alcohols, mix that is not allowed. Since the first two groups are green and red, and the second orange or purple, the mixture of yellow with green or red, and the red with purple or orange antifreeze for the car will be dangerous.

When mixing the red antifreeze of the G12 standard and green liquid type G11, a slight danger occurs when pouring into radiators on aluminum alloys. At the first type of solution, low protective properties are for this metal.

With the reverse process, when red G12 is poured into the G11 liquid, there is no catastrophic consequence. However, the heat sink of the cooling system may decrease. Protective film over time is capable of falling.

Despite the tolerant consequences for the engine, the feature of antifreeze should be taken into account in the set of additives for a particular car and goals. Probably, different brands and types have a set that is able to "conflict", causing undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to use a similar mixture in emergency cases and fully change at the first opportunity.

How to dilute antifreeze distilled water

Reducing the level of antifreeze in the engine cooling system is the frequent phenomenon. The purchase option will be fraught with significant cash investments, and the use of small portable portions does not promise a motor for a long life. The only economical option is to breed antifreeze with distilled water. Over time, such an additive evaporates.

The optimal proportion of distillate and ethylene glycol is the ratio of 1: 1 or in a smaller share of water. At the same time, it is not worth pouring a large amount of distilled liquid on the eve of winter, since the resulting mixture cannot be protected from low temperatures. It is necessary to take care of O. full shift liquids. In small quantities, distilled weather "Weather" will not make it in the system, it is not necessary to replace it. When the distillate is added, the chemical composition of the initial antifreeze does not change, while maintaining cooling properties.


Different manufacturers offer antifreeze in their colors, so it is necessary to consider the composition and type of additives. The ideal option will be full replacement Exhaust coolant or dilution with distilled water. In the case of mixing different standards of antifreeze, it should be cleaned immediately and not allow the engine operation. Even the most expensive Tosols will not be able to take care of the Iron Heart of the "Alien", for this you need to use branded solutions or look for the most appropriate. Acquisition of antifreeze in certified centers will protect against counterfeiting or low-quality product.

Good day! There is a fairly relevant and interesting topic that suggests discuss in the comments. And it will be about whether antifreeze can be mixed.

And set by users of the Internet a large number of questions on this topic. I will try to answer the main of them. This will allow you to finally understand the question. proper selection and combinations of cooling liquids for your car.

Choosing for motor or buying And different kind of other liquids, the driver should always think about how their application will be combined with the car. After all, if the composition does not comply with the requirements of an automaker, it can potentially lead to serious and undesirable consequences.

The same applies to antifreeze. Many people think that when mixing different compositions, you can harm the car and all . So it is or not, and that in general about mixing, we need to know, we will find out.

Liquid cooling system

Liquid or water cooled systems The engine is incredibly popular and common among automakers. Initially, ordinary water was used for such purposes. The advantage was that it is easy to get even in extreme situations.

At the same time, water as a coolant (coolant) has its drawbacks:

  • corrosion begins quickly;
  • when using dirty water, it is necessary to wash the system;
  • low temperature threshold of freezing;
  • rapid boiling;
  • active evaporation;
  • frequent refusal of the engine;
  • the need for constant control over the cooling system;
  • a large amount of precipitate when using crude water, etc.

Manufacturers realized that they would not go far on the water. First, glycerin and alcohol were added to the water. The composition improved and upgraded. As a result, we received special coats that are called antifreeze. The post-Soviet space also actively uses the concept of Tosol.

We will understand a bit in the classification so that you can continue to understand if you can mix the compositions in various situations to motorists. Namely:

  • different brands;
  • different manufacturers;
  • different colors, etc.

Some are confident that it is impossible to mix antifreeze and Tosol. Others believe that even if you wash red with green, red with blue, or yellow with other other colors of the coolant, absolutely nothing terrible will happen. So we find out who is right.

Some classification

Currently for car engines, or rather, 6 compositions are used for their cooling systems:

  • tosol;
  • G11;
  • G12;
  • G12 +;
  • G12 ++;
  • G13.

They can be different firms, one color, various forms, species, etc., that is, the color here is not a fundamental criterion. And therefore, one type of composition can be blue and green, yellow and red, etc.

Let's tell about each composition separately.

  • Tosol. Old type antifreeze designed during the USSR specifically for soviet cars As an answer to imported antifreeze. Consists of a conventional aqueous solution using complex alcohols. There enters ethylene glycol and special protective additives;
  • G11. Traditional coolant based on ethylene glycol, water and additives. Silicates, phosphates, and borates, nitrites, etc. are used as additives. Do not differ in the long service. Main color blue;
  • G12. Carboxylate automotive antifreeze, where, in addition to the components from G11, carboxylates are added. These are compounds of fairly effective carboxylic acid. Co. for a long time is mainly painted composition in red or pink color;
  • G12 +. Hybrid water-based liquid, as well as ethylene glycol, carboxylate, silicate, nitrite and phosphate additives. The composition of the coolant may differ, depending on the manufacturer and its geographic location. Predominantly red;
  • G12 ++. So-called hybrid liquids. The organic base and silicates are used. In many respects similar G12 + antifreeze, but has more for a long time services;
  • G13. A new kind of coolant, where they refused ethylene glycol, and replaced it with propylene glycol. Such a component is harmless, because of what quickly gained popularity. It happens most often pink and purple.

But you need to understand that any of the antifreeze presented can be painted in completely different colors. It does not depend on the composition. Color is a purely decorative component.

Initially, manufacturers by changing the color of the standard white liquid wanted to stand out. But gradually everyone began to use different variants Staining. For this apply dyes.

Mixing question

If you think that you can completely safely mix red with red, but the blue and green automotive antifreeze should not be combined with each other, do not hurry with the conclusions.

First of all, I advise you to read the material about choosing the best non-freeze. Here on this article. All cars are recommended to choose only the highest quality formulations. And not so important, it is about antifreeze, or this , flushing or some kind For rust. Quality we put in the first place. And it will be better if you are constantly starting to use the same antifreeze.

Mix the compositions in winter and in the summer is better in emergency situationsWhen the ability to find the original coolant is simply not. If you buy a concentrate, then you simply must mix it with water. But not from under the tap, but with a special, purified and distilled.

As you understood, the coolant differ in composition and additives used. And many of them can coexist in one liquid without provoking the appearance of a precipitate and without forming gel antifreeze.

If you mix the coarse, which differ in the manufacturer and color, no catastrophe will definitely happen. But without acute need to experiment should not be. In the worst case, the obtained mix will last not as long as you expected initially.

Motorists are interested in mixing the ability:

  • compositions of the same color;
  • blends from different firms;
  • G11 and G12;
  • G12 and G12 +;
  • G12 and G13;
  • Coat of different firms (for example, synthek and felix)
  • tosola and antifreeze;
  • G11 and G12 ++;
  • G12 ++ and G13;
  • red and blue;
  • blue and green;
  • pink and purple.

The list can continue infinitely because there are a lot of potential combinations.

But you should rely on the generally accepted rules. They will be the basis for making a decision regarding the mixing of different coats in emergency situations.

These rules say the following:

  • do not mix cooling fluids that belong to classes 11 and 12;
  • it is allowed to combine G11 with G12 + and even with G13;
  • if necessary, you can combine 12 and 12+;
  • in the case of a combination of 12 with 12 ++ or 13, it is better to abandon such a mixture;
  • in parallel, it is not forbidden to combine 12, 12 ++ and 13.

Agree to keep such formulas in the mind quite difficult. But sometimes it is better to have appropriate knowledge, in order to prevent errors.

We draw conclusions

Practice clearly proves that drivers can mix in a tank of different brands and manufacturers with their identical class and chemical composition. In such situations, it is unlikely to be formed dangerous for the cooling system car Engine Sediment.

Cooling fluid plays an important role in the car. Its chemical composition is selected by manufacturers in such a way as to ensure the comfort operation of vehicles. In order for consumers to visually distinguished among themselves the products of individual companies with certain characteristics, the composition is painted into the corresponding tones. In this regard, car enthusiasts often arise that it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors.

This is due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition. The substances included in the liquid are able to enter into an undesirable reaction, depriving the products of the properties laid in them. However, some formulations are among themselves neutral and do not influence each other, therefore it is worth knowing what can be mixed with a red antifreeze or liquid of another color, and with which it is categorically not worth doing.

The main task of antifreeze is the heat dissipation from the cylinder block. The main difference from the water lies in stable work under reduced temperatures, which allows you to easily operate the car and during frosts.

The manufacturers of cooling liquids cost different purposes. Most often it is possible to achieve the execution of such parameters:

  • ensuring neutrality with respect to metal elements;
  • simpleness to the reaction with rubber gaskets and pipelines;
  • lack of insoluble precipitation during operation, etc.

A successful result helps the composition of additives affecting the properties of the fluid.

Some time ago, manufacturers used color differentiation for their products. Then the question of whether it is possible to mix red and green antifreeze, I received an unambiguous negative answer. This was due to the fact that the reddish shades spoke about the acid composition of the product, and the use of green or blue tone indicated a silicate composition. The main popular brands hold this method now.

All the compositions available in the market are designed to response excess heat from the motor both in summer and in winter. In this case, in any conditions, physico-chemical parameters and the composition should not change dramatically. This applies to the fullest and to domestic Tosol.

In practice, laboratories are laid significantly more predicted operational parameters:

  • resistance to the occurrence of foam;
  • lack of occurrence of solid particles after long work;
  • anticorrosion resistance, etc.

One brands have a more resistant product, others do not always succeed in achieving the positive. Tosol is cheaper in comparison with foreign counterparts are more susceptible to foaming and has a minimal set of additives. It limits its scope of use especially for modern cars with turbines.

Thinking over whether it is possible to interfere with the antifreeze of different colors, it is worth considering that different companies have a liquid service life may differ. Cheaper samples serve 50-60 thousand km of run, and the motorcycle of the quality product reaches 130-160 thousand km. Although in most cases the basis for the composition is ethylene glycol.

This component allows the use of antifreeze in any conditions, not surviving for freezing. It is worth considering that without additional use of additives, ethylene glycol quickly forms corrosion foci on metal surfaces. In this regard, special chemical additives are used.

Correct Color Gamut

Having received information about the composition of the liquid, some owners already independently determine the possibilities of mixing. It is important to pay attention to the recommendations of car manufacturers, which indicate the desired composition and sometimes the color of the consuming.

This is due to the fact that autocompany test their products for compatibility with popular motors coolers. Based on long testing, machine performance is determined, risk of corrosion or compatibility with other additives. It also allows you to determine the interaction with other similar fluids.

It is important to know that the color of antifreeze will not be able to determine its quality, since this characteristic refers only to conditionally informational and does not significantly affect the chemical composition.

What will happen if mixing antifreeze of different colors

The car must be supported in the installed cooler level for the engine. When it decreases below the critical mark, the driver must add the corresponding composition into the system.

If you use a different liquid for this purpose, the operational parameters may worsen, including fast foaming or precipitation due to chemical reaction additives. Negative factors occur are capable of not instantly, but after some time.

For a non-breaking trip, for example, in case of unforeseen emergency situations and operation on gentle modes, experienced drivers can pour another liquid that are not recommended by manufacturers. If it is supposed to be long-term exploitation, it is not worth risking.

Determining why it is impossible to mix antifreeze of different colors, it is necessary to pay attention to the pump capable of quickly fails due to corrosion or precipitation. However, in such cases it is worth paying attention not so much on the color differences as the chemical composition.

To understand whether it is possible to mix blue and green antifreeze, it is important to read the labels from them. After all, even with a different visual marker, fluid can be identical to components. It is also not always a single-color product possesses similar parameters.

What and when motorists are poured into the cooling system

Often the change of antifreeze refers to seasonal events. Also, the fill is carried out when replacing the radiator. Most motorists are trying to update everything after the purchase of a used car. technical fluids, including cooling system.

The main division between labeling techniques is to specify the class: G11, G12, G13. The first type is the cheapest, it belongs to the domestic Tosol, etc., in the minimum of additives and additives. In the second more expensive class there are carboxylate chemical types that promote protection against rust and better heat sink.

The most environmentally friendly group G13, made on the basis of polypropylene glycol. It is non-toxic and has a large set of advantages, in comparison with other groups. It is her that recommend leading automakers. The abundance of chemistry producers reduced color gradation to a minimum. The color has become more conventional.

However, proven old companies still have visual markers, which can be trusted. Most often such systems are used:

  • G11 - green;
  • G12 - red;
  • G13 - purple or brown.

It is believed that G11 takes any analogues to itself. In G12, it is not worth adding the "eleven", but add "twnet" or G12 with pluses can be. In G13 it is necessary to pour only the "thirteen", but the composition itself is allowed to add almost any antifreeze.

Mixing antifreeze of different colors, especially if G12 is yellow, and G13 blue can lead to breakage. But the top of the Green 11th of the 13th is unlikely to have some negative impact.

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