Home Food Wash or wash. Engine Cleaner: Views, Reviews Best Soft Wash Engine

Wash or wash. Engine Cleaner: Views, Reviews Best Soft Wash Engine

Engine oil is an integral engine element, like other details. As exploitation vehicle Motor oil over time loses its properties, and accordingly, it is necessary to replace it. There are also a number of reasons for which the replacement of the lubricant is simply necessary. You can change the oil both at home and in service centers.

In the engine exploited engine, there is a standard process for producing lubricant properties, as well as its pollution of wear by means of mechanisms and motors parts. There is a chance of getting into tosol lubrication, fuel and soot when combustion of the fuel mixture.

The car's service book indicates the recommended engine time without the bay new fluid. In order to change the oil, the periodicity of the replacement should be taken into account, which may depend on the motorcycles, the amount of fuel used or from the kilometers of the car.

Units, lubricants in which is carried out using the use of seasonal oils, need to be replaced twice a year. The properties of seasonal fluids depend on the temperature of the outer air. As a rule, in the spring and autumn periods, the engine washed when the oil is replaced. Drivers suggest that lubricants have different viscosity and exposure to the parts of the motor. Therefore, if it is not changed according to the season, it decreases significantly.

Required security measures

Car service (and in particular - Oil bay surgery) must be carried out according to all safety requirements. As a rule, immediately before the replacement, you need to give the engine a little cool, in order not to get injured in the form of thermal burn. All work must be carried out in gloves and respirator.

The main reasons for washing the engine

  • A common reason can be replaced by a fill type lubricant (Synthetic-semi-synthetic-mineral, seasonal-demi-season).
  • Changing the brand of oil manufacturer.
  • In suspected that water or fuel could get into it.
  • After purchasing a car with hands (to reduce the risk factor for premature wear of parts).
  • After repairing the engine, and in particular - after dismantling the head of the cylinder block.
  • With visual inspection and detection of a large amount of nagar on the details and more precipitation at the bottom of the pallet.

Methods and rinsing rules

At the moment there are several flushing methods:

  • Chemical.
  • Soft.
  • Full volume.
  • With the forced movement of flushing fluid.

On the degree of wear of the parts of the motor, the oil used and the operating conditions, the choice of the method depends on how to rinse the engine.

There is also a manual method of cleaning the motor from various clogging. At the same time, the engine must be disassembled with the use of vessels, various brushes and detergents manually clean the parts of the motor and mechanisms, as well as the block. This method of cleaning allows you to visually determine the presence of probable damage, more carefully diagnose parts and replace them, thereby preventing the possibility of more serious faults.


This is the most common washing of the engine when replacing the oil. Reviews: an inexpensive way and is held in a short period of time with minimal financial costs. It is carried out quite simple.

In the old oil, pour wash and give the engine to work on idling About fifteen minutes. Then testing merges from the crankcase along with the washing. The use of this method is quite efficient, but at the same time it is not intended for cleaning motors with strong sediments and pollution. As experts advise, this method serves as excellent prevention from small diesel particulates and other deposits. Use chemical method It is recommended each time at the moment of replacing the lubricant material.

Main part of Washing preparations are solvents, which, in turn, contribute to partial dissolution of mud sediments and give them mobility, and also raise the mud sediment from the pallet.

In the event that chemical cleaning power aggregate It is carried out regularly, the possibility of forming a dense layer of Gary on the walls of the crankcase is reduced to a minimum that, in turn, affects the wear of moving and contacting parts of the motor.


This method is carried out by adding a drug into a motor lubrication approximately 250-500 kilometers to replacement. The means for flushing the engine contains a smaller concentration of solvents, which does not affect viscosity and when using this method, mud deposits dissolve in oil gradually and at the same time acquire a fine structure, in the future mixed with the old agent. The disadvantage of the soft washing is the unpredictability of the consequences for a highly polluted unit. Therefore, this method of cleaning should be carried out with caution and periodic verification of the state of the fluid.

Full volume

It is more thorough and high-quality flushing Engine when replacing the oil. Reviews about this method are positive because excellent indicators At the end of flushing work. It is carried out as follows: The exhaust oil is drained from the engine crankcase, the plum plug is twisted on the pallet. Then, the engine is fused and run a motor for twenty minutes.

After that, the engine washing the engine is drained. And its remnants are removed by a vacuum installation. Replace the oil filter and poured new oil.

With forced flushing movement

At the same time, the method of working is completely merged with the motor, the filter element is dismantled. Then the hose from the device is fixed on the fitting filter forced circulation. The second hose is attached to the plug-in neck, and the third to the drain hole in the block pan. A device for cleaning the motor is equipped with a container in which the engine flushing fluid is poured, and the filter. Under the influence of air pressure, the detergent enters the motor lubrication system, and the cleaning of the fluid is carried out through the device filter. Thus, all mud deposits of the engine are delayed in the tank of the filter element. Forced flushing is carried out on a non-working unit.

At the end of the washing, the filter is mounted on the engine, the process of full-volume washing with the start of the engine is 20 minutes.

Car maintenance in this way can take time within one hour. But at the same time the efficiency of the process is large enough. According to motorists' reviews, it is possible to clean even strong soot and gary raids, the intake oil grid is cleaned and all the oil channels of the block. The disadvantages of circulating washing with a compulsory method can be attributed to the moment of complete removal of the film of the lubricant material from the surfaces of the engine parts. This factor says that at the time of launch and in the first seconds of the engine operation, the mechanisms and motor nodes work without lubrication.

Depending on how the engine was washing, the service price will also be appropriate (from 3 to 5 thousand rubles).

If you decide to carry out the process of replacing the oil and washing the engine yourself, then initially determine the choice of flushing fluid. It must fit the type of oil that is flooded into the engine, as for synthetic and mineral oils exist different kinds Cleansing liquids. You should also consider the engine type - gasoline or diesel.

The detergent containers are usually indicated: the method of application, compliance with oils and engines, detailed instructions.

For better cleaning, it is also recommended to purchase an additional oil filter directly for the flushing process, after which it is dismantled and not used. To do this, it is quite enough to purchase a cheap filter element that is not sorry to throw out. This is necessary for cleaning the washing material and detention fractions of garbage.

If the engine itself does not seem to be possible, then you should contact professionals. Maintenance station has for this event required set Equipment and tools. At the same time, experts will be asked to hold any method of washing when the oil is replaced, also big choice Cleansing preparations.

Domestic motors

As a rule, the washing of the vase engine does not differ in the complexity of the process from the washing of power units of other manufacturers. The entire procedure for cleaning should be carried out according to the instructions, using a high-quality cleansing material and a properly selected, corresponding engine, engine oil brand.

Flushing of the fuel system of the gasoline engine

Many parts, knots and mechanisms of the car have their own working capacity and fitness resource, after which the items must be changed or producing them.

So, during the use of the car, regardless of the quality of the fuel, the elements are contaminated. fuel systemWhat affects operating modes power plant. New generation engines equipped with fuel injection system have a low tolerance threshold for fuel quality. Especially motorcycles with distribution and direct injection Working mixture. At the same time, small throughputs of the nozzles are often clogged with various foreign particles that are in the fuel. To prevent this type of malfunction in the system, various coarse filters use thin cleaningwhich are easily changed when clogged.

Since nozzles have the upper arrangement of the engine, they are affected by high temperatures.

Therefore, the probability of the formation of resinous deposits in the pump channels is very large. In the fuel of low quality there is an excessive percentage of heavy substances and sulfur, which affects this factor. In the process of clogging, the size of the nozzles channels are changed, thereby affecting the amount of transmitted fuel, up to the complete overlap and the moment of supplying the fuel mixture.

Fuel injector injection system gasoline motor It is a complex electromechanical device consisting of high-precision details that need permanent maintenance. The engine is performed in the order of planned and in the event of the following problems: the unit is poorly launched, increased fuel consumption, micro-versions in the exhaust system, ignition skipping in cylinders, reduced dynamic characteristics of the power unit, frequent failure oxygen sensor. At the same time, the flushing of the fuel system of the gasoline engine should be carried out on specially equipped stands, using high-quality washing material of the corresponding types and standards. Only with the use of high-precision equipment can be achieved high-quality repairs and excellent engine technical indicators.

What is washing liquid

The cleaning agent is made of non-very expensive engine oil (mineral), which add highcase and other active additives, which dissolve various negative sediments in the motor. All flushing can be divided into two categories of influences: long time Cleaning and so-called "Fifteen Minutes".

Durable actions were widely used for approximately fifteen years ago. Such liquids were carried out during a certain period of time. At the same time, the car was operated only on washing oil, after which it was removed, and the usual engine oil was filled instead.

At the moment, this method of washing is used very rarely, which is associated with financial costs for the process. Another disadvantage is the restriction speed \u200b\u200bregime Auto.

The oil for cleaning the unit does not fully protect the contact details of the mechanism, which can lead to their failure. The disadvantages include the impact on rubber glands and seals of various chemical reactionstaking place in the crankcase. With long-term use of this flush, rubber parts lose their properties and begin to collapse, which subsequently leads to more expensive repair.

More sparing is the fast flushing of the engine when the oil is replaced.

Owners of old cars with motors with big mileage Often are forced to use various engine cleaners, which in theory prolong the service life. However, disputes around the washing of motors will not die away. Someone believes that this operation harms the mechanism, although other drivers are confident in the opposite. Let's figure out what engine cleaners are whether the washing is effective and it is necessary at all. It is also appropriate to talk about the flushing of the fuel system. All this will be discussed below.

What are the engine cleaners?

To clean the motor from different sediments exist different methods and drugs. The very first and common is the method of full-volume washing. Note that this method is often used on a variety of one hundred, but its efficiency is low. If a old motor It has thick oil sediments in the chambers, then there is no full-volume flushing. Need special chemicals and installation of forced recirculation. As for full-volume washing, it is simply performed.

The process of performing washing

To begin with, all oil from the oil system merges, then a special flushing oil is poured (or special fluid). Most often it is a simple cheap mineral oil with a large content of detergent additives. At the same time, the old oil filter is removed and the new one (preferably cheap, since it needs to be thrown after washing).

After refueling the washing oil and replacing the filter, the engine must be started and warm up for 10-15 minutes. After that, the exhaust oil can be merged. Most likely, it will be black and containing large dirt particles. The remnants of the waste liquid can be removed using a vacuum pump, which is practically in all professional workshops. Most drivers have no such equipment, so after removing the crankcase cover, it is desirable to wait about 20 minutes so that all the oil is completely merged. After that, it remains to put a new oil filterClose the crankcase lid and pour new oil.

In response, drivers indicate the effectiveness of the use of such a method on more or less new cars. The owners of dirty motors always remain unhappy with full-volume flushing and resort to aggressive means.

Soft flushing

In this method, a special engine cleaner is used (HI Gear, for example), which works in conjunction with old oil. It pours to the old oil. The composition of the soft engine cleaner includes solvent and detergent additives, but their content is small. System cleaning occurs slowly, so experts advise to add a flushing agent for 300-500 km to the oil replacement. Moreover, the operational properties and viscosity of the latter in the process of interaction with the cleaner do not change.

Judging by the reviews of car owners with old motors (with a large layer of deposits), such a flushing is ineffective for engines with significant mileage. In addition, there is a chance that such a flushing will cause a detachment of a large dirt particle, and that can clog some oil canal.

With regular use, this washing is not hazardous and suitable for not very dirty motors. After using the washing agent, the old oil is replaced, the residues of the lubricant are removed by a vacuum pump, and the new one is poured.

Chemical flushing

To implement it, a powerful aggressive means is used, which is poured into the engine before replacing the oil. Such drugs are usually called "five minutes" or "sevenminoths". They refuel the system (the old oil should be inside), give a motor to work for 10 minutes (there is an exact time on the package), drain the exhaust oil along with the preparation. The filter, of course, must be changed on a new one.

It is important before washing the motor and fill fresh lubricant to remove the remains of the old oil. Therefore, in any case you need vacuum pump. It is he who is more efficiently coping with this task. If you drain the oil from the crankcase, then not all the remains of aggressive chemical additive will be deleted. This engine cleaner is enough effective toolAnd it is recommended to use it systematically - after 2-3 oil replacements. In this case, the sediment layers will not be formed on the walls, and this will greatly increase the resource of the motor.

Does this motor harm?

In the reviews, car owners write that such an aggressive remedy has a destructive effect on the glands, which may tribal to flow after washing the motor. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a reliable engine cleaner. Gear, for example, provides sufficiently reliable soft and aggressive fluids. However, when using unknown manufacturers, the glands can really damage, and then they will have to be replaced with new ones.

Professional flushing

To perform professional flushing, a special installation is used to create forced circulation of lubrication via channels. With the help of a professional cleaner gasoline engines (and diesel too) can be effectively removed contaminated, without fearing the blockage of oil canals. At the same time, even the grid of the oil worker will remain clean.

Works installation as follows. An oil filter is removed, a waste oil is merged with the motor. The opening is screwed down with a hose from installation. The other hose is connected to the neck for the oil bay, the third fitting is connected to the oil drain hole.

A aggressive fluid is poured into the installation tank, and its this unit "chases" in a circle, effectively removing all the contaminants inside. All dirt is delayed on the filter of the installation itself and does not get back into the engine. Most often, such devices have transparent hoses in some places, and they can be seen as washing fluid It becomes black from dirt. This process can be carried out within one hour, but it depends on the engine status. Such cleaning is extremely effective and suitable even for very dirty motors. Many owners of old cars in responses indicate that their motors acquire a new life after cleaning in this way.

Naturally, with such a flushing there is no need to run the engine, the installation itself pumps the required pressure and flips the dirt with the help of aggressive chemistry. After completion of the procedure, the engine must be rinsed again with the help of mineral washing oil. This is necessary in order to completely remove from the inside the aggressive substances that will definitely remain there. Well, and then you can already pour the "native" oil, change the filter and ride. Similar cleaners diesel engines (and gasoline too) there are many hundred. Although this service is more expensive compared to standard cleaning, sometimes drivers have no choice.

Engine fuel system cleaners

In cleaning, not only the oil channels of the engine may need, but also the fuel system. When the engine is launched poorly, the problem may be in nozzles - it is sometimes necessary to wash them. This is done with the help of special fuel system cleaners. Liqui Molly, Hi-Gear, "Suprek", AutoProfi Line - All these manufacturers offer different means. They are added to gasoline in a certain ratio (always indicated on the package), as a result of which the composition of the combustible fluid changes slightly. In particular, the oxygen content in fuel increases. This indicates the presence of additional oxygenates, due to which the burning of fuel is improving. It is just necessary to clean the engine parts.


Preparations really work. After their use, the motor functions better, the fuel consumption is reduced by 100 kilometers, and less residual hydrocarbons are detected in the exhaust. This is one of the most important indicators that determine the degree of pollution of the fuel system and the engine as a whole.

On the russian market Such drugs are inexpensive - their price on average is 300-400 rubles per bottle of capacity of 250-300 ml.

Let's start with the fact that the flushing is needed in order to clean the parts and the inner walls of the engine from deposits. What is deposited and what kind they happen, you can read in the article - any deposits in the engine can be considered harmful - sediments in the engine should not be! And in most cases, the engine must be washed.

There are four main engine washing methods.

Method 1. Disassembling the engine and cleaning into manual with washing parts with special means.

You can disassemble the engine to a hundred or familiar in the garage, cleaned every detail with the help of technical solvent (solarium, kerosene, solvent ITD). This method is probably the fastest time and efficient, but also the most time consuming. I do not say that a special room is needed - garage, certain conditions and knowledge. Not every motorist has warm garage, ability and skill to disassemble, clean and collect back the engine internal combustion. That is why there are special means For flushing the engine, which will be discussed below. It should be noted that there are cases when flushing the engine washes harmful and dangerously, as in general, to run it. Therefore, in some cases, manual engine cleaning is the only option!For example, in such a case:

That is, there is nothing to help here, except to disassemble and manually clean, pass through the wear and the possibility of further use of this engine.

Method 2. Washing oils.

Designed for flushing lubrication systems car engines Without their disassembly, when changing engine oil. Washing oils received tremendous popularity in Russia. In the West in the mind of the mentality "Why will I spend extra money?" Washing oils were not gained great popularity.

Usually wash oil represents the usual mineral, the simplest and cheap oil - Mineralo (and why is expensive there? Do not ride on it.), To which washing additives, anti-wear additives are added.

Here is a laboratory analysis of the washing oil LUKOIL

That is, on the analysis we see that anti-wear additives (zinc phosphorus) were added and washes added washing neutralizing additives (calcium). They are added to much less content than in standard engine oils. In fact, this washing in order to mix with the remnable residue of the old oil (in the crankcase as well as the engine parts are still in dirty oil) and neutralize the acid medium in the engine. All this merges along with the washing - here is the main and main goal of washing oil. I'm afraid to wash the dirty engine in a slam or varnish it is not capable ...

The principle of use of flushing oils is approximately like that: the car was driving 10-20 minutes at idle, the spent engine oil was merged, the washing oil was poured in the same filling out What is required by the automaker for engine oil, dried at idle 10-20 minutes, drained the wash oil and poured fresh oil.

In the West, wash oils did not fit and do not share in demand, there you will not see flushing oils (for civilian transport) Mobil, Shell brands, Castrol, etc. (I met BP in Japan) - Manufacturers voiced the standard opinion "When using our engine oils - washing The engine is not required! " And in its manufacturers of motor oils of the right. If you buy new car In the car dealership, change the oil more often (sometimes even more often than requires official dealer), pour good gasoline - The deposits in the engine will not arise! Why spend in empty money? Spend them for ice cream to children! But unfortunately, not all new cars, not everyone got a clean engine, and not always intervals are observed strictly. It is for such cases and there are washing oils.

In Russia, washing oils are presented in a sufficient assortment. Because the demand, in this case, gave rise to an offer. For example, a very serious and large domestic company LUKOIL - does not consider to produce that global manufacturers of engine oils are distrancted. Also on the market presented brands Spectrol, Felix, Novoufim NPZ, HADO VERYLUBE, LUXE, Volga Oil, SibTEK, Unico, Rosneft, G-Energy, ZiCT.

Pour or not pour wash oils - decide for yourself! I decided for myself - that I don't need "money to wind!", And I adhere to the version "at reasonable change intervals - wash oils like washing not needed." But if you, for example, tightened with a change interval or bought a car with an unknown oil change story, washing oil can help remove unsaluable acid residue.

Method 3. Washing of an oil system or "five minutes".

There are also the same special flushing "Five minutes" who are poured into the old oil when changing, the engine is allowed to work 5-10-20 minutes (read the instruction!) And merge along with the exhaust oil.

Among the motorists in the Internet community, the opinion is generally accepted - "Washing" Five minutes "- evil!" On the forums there are horror stories that "Five minutes wash the slices that fall off, clog oil canals, clog the filter, the oil grid and the engine fails!" "The five-minute pernicious effect on gaskets and glands - and after washing the engine necessarily" run "" "Five minutes are not compatible with your future oil, they remain in the crankcase with the unsolved residue and spoil the next oil, as well as your engine.". I will not argue with these statements, especially since when it possessed the same opinion, I just show it clearly and conclude the reader to the conclusion. See all yourself and with your own eyes!

Again, we ask the question, and somebody from manufacturers of motor oils makes five minutes? There are Shell, Valvoline, Wynn's, Liqui Moly., Motul - that is, some manufacturers pay attention to the demand of motorists, in a particular country, all the same produce five minutes. I spent two visual experiments with flushing two well-known and sufficiently respected brands. Liqui Moly. and Motul.

I spent two visual experiments with flushing two well-known and sufficiently respected brands. Liqui Moly. and Motul.

Experiment 1. Flushing "10-minute" (German name Liqui Moly Pro-Line Motorspulung).

Car Toyota Curren 1994 release, with 3S-Fe engine. The engine inside is very dirty - deposits like varnish and sludge. Open valve cover, take pictures under the valve lid - BEFORE. Then we go with short change intervals, applying a fifth minute wash between shifts LIQUI MOLY PRO-LINE ENGINE FLUSH. With this procedure, strictly follow the instructions on the bank. If it is said "10 minutes on idling Motor "then do it - this is important!

This amateur experiment nevertheless stretched from me exactly 1 year. Mode is mostly urban traffic jams and a little track. Motor oil was used common for gasoline engines with the North American Petro-Canada SUPREME 5W-30 and CHEVRON SUPREME 5W-30 (in common semi-synthetic, but on the fact of mineral water 2 groups API.). Gasoline used one and the same with one refueling.

In this case, the interval between the shifts of 1500-2000km is not randomly chosen - for the speed of experiment and smaller effect on the experiment of the engine oil itself. 5 flushing of the oil system of the engine was carried out - 5 cans left. We open the engine and photograph the result

Expether 2. Flushing 15 minutes Motul Engine Clean.

The car is the same Toyota Curren 94 release, 3S-FE engine. The mode is also a city of 80% and a 20% route.

5 shifts were produced, 5 washing cans were used.
Toyota 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Supreme 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Duron Synthetic 0W30 + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Mobil1 0W40 Life + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 3000km
Petro-Canada Supreme 5W30 SM + Motul Engine Clean \u003d 1000km

Comparing photos BEFORE And you can make certain conclusions about the efficiency of washing the oil system.

The reader may have doubt "What is the oil filter? After all, score! " As the opening of each filter showed after each washing - inside they were clean - there were no serious savings!

And how does the engine feel after such flushing? Excellent! Nothing would have run anywhere and did not break - there was already enough time. Moreover! I made a laboratory analysis of engine oil on the content of wear metals - the engine showed near zero wear.

Another example of another protein forum staff. Video where it is clearly shown as washing the washing "Five minutes". Opened the engine, saw deposits, collected back washed with 15-minute washing according to the instructions, and opened to see "What has changed?" And nothing has changed! This is not a miraculous flushing. In general, see the roller:

Method 4. Flushing with engine oil - as the most tender flushing.

There is also a washing of the oil system by the usual motor Oil - at which exactly nothing will happen. This flushing will be compatible with your engine, glazed gaskets, your future Oil ITD.

The method is very simple: pour your usual engine oil or cheap mineral water, which you usually prefer the brand (whatever money), rolled on this oil 500-1000km and merged. That's all! Just in case, you can change the oil filter. But there is one big but! Engine oil has a very low detergent! In fact, it can only take part of the particles that have already been pulled off from the walls - and the engine as dirty will remain so - either you need a lot of time and thousand km on the principle of "water stone sharpening." You can figure this stone and 500 thousand km - which reduces the engine washing with oil. Do not think that you poured the oil, roll back 1000km and everything inside you inside. If the deposits are really serious - everything will remain as well as it was! Washing with engine oil, I dedicated a separate article, since I have many years of experience - put such experiments.


And so we listed the 4 main methods of washing the oil system. The most important thing is to solve for yourself, should I wash the engine?
Take a flashlight, unscrew the lid of the oil-tank neck, look inside (and it is better to remove the valve cover). If there is a pure metal - then you have a clean engine and most likely no flushing you need. The walls of the neck - this is the same inner wall of the engine as everyone else, besides at the very top. Remember - washing must have a reason!

First, put the diagnosis and are responsible for: engine dirty or pure? And then decide to treat or leave as it is!

Wash washing a clean engine "for the sake of prevention" does not make sense! You spend money ... It is better and more efficient in this case to change the oil not through 10 000km, but after 7500km! Clean engine will feel much better than 10 thousand km with flushing!

The engine is one of the main components of all types of vehicles, without which the operation of the machine is impossible. Over time, its details are gradually wear out, and also fail. To preserve their performance and extend the operational period of the elements, it is necessary to provide high-quality care. For this, experts recommend using special means of soft flushing engine cooling system.

What is the flushing of the engine cooling system?

The soft flushing of the engine cooling system is a substance that is used to carry out a thorough washing of radiators of heating and cooling the vehicle salon, as well as the remaining components of the cooling system. With its help, they are fairly easily cleaned from particles of dirt and dust, which accumulate with the active operation of this mechanism.

To date, soft flushing is used quite wide. This is determined by the fact that the tool is effectively and very quickly dissolves the scale and other contamination, turning them into colloidal particles. Thus, the substance contributes to preventing radiator clogging by cleaning products. In addition, it does not destructive effects on sealants and gaskets, and also does not interact with various cooling fluids, so they do not need to replace them.

Soft flushing of the cooling system with regular and proper use gives the following effect:

  1. Intensively increases the productivity of the heating radiator of the car;
  2. Helps to increase the heat sink of the engine, preventing it overheating;
  3. Prevents the development of the effect of a calil ignition;
  4. Significantly slows down the corrosion destruction of metal parts;
  5. Prevents the appearance of microcracks;
  6. Supports the cooling system in almost perfect cleanliness.

In which cases it is necessary to make a soft flushing of the cooling system?

With the active operation of the vehicle, its cooling system is constantly subjected to corrosive destruction as a result of the fact that on the walls of this mechanism, the decomposition products of the antifreezes used, as well as products of corrosion, scale and other extraneous particles, are gradually postponed on the walls of this mechanism. In the consequence of this, there is a significant reduction in the heat sink from the combustion chamber and the occurrence of the effect of the vibil ignition, which leads to detonation, reduce the power of the engine and the significant overvoltage of the engine. Due to the deterioration of heat transfer, there is a sharp disruption of the temperature mode of the device, causing overheating and even the engine breakdown.

This composition can be used at all stages of antifreeze. In addition, on vehicles with a sufficiently polluted cooling system, a soft flushing must be used in about 2000 km prior to replacement of coolant.

In most cases, with the help of such a means, the device is treated every 50-60 thousand km. Driving a car before pouring new antifreeze.

What is the soft flushing different from others?

Soft flushing - a unique solution developed by new technologies. It effectively restores the efficiency of the engine cooling system directly during the use of the vehicle. This increases its operational period.

From other similar means, the drug is characterized by the fact that it dissolves the scale and accumulated dirt at the molecular level, so colloidal particles do not clog the tubes of heating and cooling radiators. In addition, soft flushing ensures a pronounced passivation effect, slowing the formation of microcracks on the surface of the metal parts of the mechanism.

In addition to cleaning, the tool contributes to the maintenance of equipment in full purity for a long period of time, protecting it from corrosion. Another advantage of the drug lies in the fact that it can be combined with the most different cooling fluids.

The process of performing a soft flushing of the cooling system of the engine

Processing the device with this substance is necessary according to the following instructions:

  1. Open the radiator cover on a pre-cooled engine, and then pump out a syringe 200 ml of antifreeze;
  2. Capacity with soft flushing You need to shake and pour into the radiator, spin the lid back;
  3. You must turn on the engine and start using the machine;
  4. About 1500 km of mileage follows:
  5. Completely merge the antifreeze, without giving the engine to cool;
  6. Give antifreeze for several hours, and then 90% liquid pour back to the radiator, adding a new antifreeze (if the liquid is strongly dirty, then it must be changed completely).

Soft flushing is an excellent tool for maintaining the performance of the cooling system of the car. To obtain an excellent cleaning result, only high-quality solutions should be used. Otherwise, you can spoil the engine, which will result in additional cost-repairs.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a substance, paying attention to all characteristics of the solution.

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