Home Rack Cleaner carburetor: Famous cleaning methods. What are the carburetor cleaners and what better the composition of the spray for cleaning carburetors

Cleaner carburetor: Famous cleaning methods. What are the carburetor cleaners and what better the composition of the spray for cleaning carburetors

The carburetor is a complex node of the power system, and in conditions of constant work on poor-quality gasoline - clogs. Due to the large number of fuels missed through itself, the insides of the carburetor are covered with a raid, and the filter, jetters and the float chamber are clogged.

Cleaning this node is not a new and complex operation for car owners equipped with a carburetor, since the design of these devices is not difficult. Photo: ProSedan.ru.

Today, auto chemical market provides a wide selection of carburetrators cleaning products. The price range is very wide, so the main task is to choose a product where the price will correspond to quality and efficiency.

The importance of cleaning the carburetor and the frequency of prevention

The carburetor injection is under the hood, directly on the intake manifold of the engine, and is in constant contact with gasoline and air. it mechanical device It has a number of open details that are vulnerable to pollution.

When operating vehicle On the inner and external parts of the carburetor are sedentged particles motor oil. The rotals of the engine are also applied. Therefore, the carburetor is very quickly contaminated on its inner and outer surface. They have deposits of soot, dust, oily and gasoline film, which attracts dust further to the surface.

Symptoms of carburetor pollution

  • Notable loss of power and increased flow Gasoline
  • High toxicity and smoke
  • Running cold or hot motor is difficult
  • Unstable idling, float turns
  • Dips with sharp acceleration and late response to the accelerator pedal.

The above-mentioned signs are not the exact indicator that the problem lies precisely in the carburetor, so it is necessary to diagnose the motor.

Timely cleaning of this node will prevent possible troubles that can entail financial spending and loss of time in a large side than timely cleaning.

The disregard of cleaning the carburetor must necessarily entail all the above symptoms. In extreme cases, if the carburetor is extremely contaminated, then all dust and dirt, by means of discharge, falls inside the cylinder, leave on its mirror the jackets, and put on the surface of the piston, leave on it.

Choose the best carburetor cleaning agent

Until then, the automotive goods market flooded the fluid for cleaning the fuel system, the car owners used diesel fuel, kerosene, solvent and acetone. The availability of these materials allowed everyone to rinse the carburetor.

Today, the effectiveness of special cleaning products is significantly superior in quality than the use of primary materials.

The big advantage of modern funds is that they have a number of additives. Photo: Selcdn.ru.

Cleaners exist two types:

  1. Aerosol cleaner.
  2. Special fluid that is mixed with gasoline in the tank.

The use of cleaning means, in the first case, implies a complete disassembly of the carburetor, which increases the efficiency of many times. The fluid that needs to be poured into the benzobac is mixed with fuel, and falls into the carburetor naturally, cleaning the surface with which contacts. In this case, all the dirt falls into the combustion chamber, which is not desirable, and further enters the atmosphere of the exhaust pipe.

When choosing a cleaner, use the following recommendations:

  • The more active ingredients in the composition, the more efficient the cleaner works
  • The company producer must be known ( Liqui Moly., MANNOL, HI-GEAR)
  • Recommee the reviews of car owners who often conduct the carburetor cleaning operation independently

Remember that the aerosol cleaner is flammable, as well as has a specific smell, so work with the means should be carried out in buildings with good ventilation and away from light sources.

Method of applying an aerosol cleaner

The aerosol cleaner provides a dispenser and tube, which allows you to direct the fluid on the desired surface without difficulty in access.

This method requires complete or partial disassembly. With a complete disassembly of the carburetor, it will be possible to get rid of pollution from pollution on all the surfaces of the node.

The video instruction for cleaning the carburetor is presented here:

Step-by-step action when cleaning the carburetor:

  1. Fuel hoses and air filter housing are disconnected from the carburetor.
  2. The carburetor is carefully cleaned outside
  3. Directly disassemble the housing of the node into several main parts.
  4. Cleaning all the inner parts of the carburetor (fuel and air jets, diffusers, a float chamber, a mesh filter in front of the float chamber, membrane, the surface of the throttle and air damper) are permitted.
  5. Change all carburetor gaskets.

It's important to know! After washing the carburetor, you need to change the air and fuel filter, as well as make sure that the cleaning system carter gases Good.

Otherwise, the carburetor will be polluted very soon.

What to pay attention to

After washing the carburetor, it should be collected in the correct sequence. Be sure to remember, in what place the fuel and air jaw was stood. It is also necessary to re-set the level of the float chamber and idle.

In parallel with the cleaning of the carburetor, attention should be paid to the fuel pump and fuel tube. If a mechanical benzone pump is installed on the car, it also needs to be cleaned with an aerosol. It is necessary so that the remaining dust on the membrane and pump valves did not get into a clean carburetor.

Fuel tank is preferably rinsed, but it will require it to dismantle. In the fuel tank, there is a large amount of dirt from poor-quality gasoline, and this precipitate often falls into the carburetor, despite the fact that on the path to the carburetor, the fuel passes through the fuel filter, and the mesh of the float chamber.

Complex cleaning of the fuel system, ranging from the gas tank, and ending with the carburetor, will allow the engine to work smoothly and consume significantly less than fuel.

Many want to know how efficient superstacks when cleaning the fuel system. Discussion of this Question You will find here:

Other ways of carburetor washing

If for some reason no carburetor cleaner is not at hand, then you can use the solvent 646. This method is ineffective, and only on short term Cleans some surface of the carburetor.


When choosing a cleaning product, you should pay attention to the composition and product property. Take into account the degree of use, and try to comprehensively approach the sink of the fuel system. In order for the carburetor working properly, under the condition of poor-quality gasoline, work should be carried out on cleaning every 10-15 thousand kilometers. In parallel, change the fuel and air filter, And also try to upload only high-quality fuel, and in this case your car will deliver much less trouble, as well as save time and finance.

Perhaps most of the car owners, exploiting their vehicle, have never been done by such a procedure as cleaning or washing the carburetor. Many simply do not consider it such a necessity, and some concepts do not have that the carburetor must be cleaned regularly. The thing is that during his work, the carburetor passes through itself a very large total of fuel. Of course, the fuel is filtered and cleaned, but in any case, the surface of the device and its inner cavity after a while is covered with a hollow to be deleted.

Basic methods for cleaning or flushing carburetors

Manual cleaning

It means disassembling the carburetor from the car and its complete cleaning with the help of healthy materials and means. Some drivers wipe the inside of the device with a dry cloth or microfiber, others are simply washed with gasoline without bothering internal cleaning. But the gasoline will not give such an effect, or rather the effect of the effect and will not be, if you do not delete the taxation manually. And therefore this method will not be effective if it is not easy for a tick.

Automatic carburetor cleaning

This method of cleaning, if you can call it so much implies the following. In automotive fuel tank Pulling a special fluid that purifies the carburetor as the entire volume of gasoline is burning. In theory, at the end of the process should be clean. But this method also causes some distrust, after all, entering into a reaction with fuel, this liquid is unlikely to make all the cavities inside the carburetor and jets.

Flushing special fluid For cleaning carburetor

This method, like the first, implies dismantling and disassembling the carburetor, and make the cleansing manually. But the effect of such a procedure exceeds all expectations. Such means, often sold in the cylinders as a spray with a special nozzle, with which you can well clean the carburetor outside and inside, and most importantly rinse the jets. It is this method of cleaning the carburetor that we will be considered further in this article.

What are the means for cleaning carburetors, and how to apply them?

Shelves of stores with automotive spare parts die with a wide range of goods for car enthusiasts, which is designed to clean carburetrators from pollution from different kind, starting with oil and resins and ending with a car that appears as a result of the operation of the car fuel ungent. More recently, domestic car owners used for this, domestic car owners have been used for this - kerosene, diesel fuel and many others, but today the need for this went to the past.

A motorist is enough to buy a good spray for cleaning the carburetor to remove all accumulated pollution from it, while not harming this mechanism. The carburetor cleaners are currently produced in liquid form and in the form of sprays. They are used in two ways: manual and automatic. As we have already spoken, in the first case you need to disassemble the carburetor and apply the cleansing agent to its external and internal elements.

To perform this task, usually use the spray for the carburetor. It is sold in the form of a canister with a dosage device. Apply the contents of such a container very easily and conveniently. And for penetrating it in the most impassive holes and farewells, the canopies are supplied with special nozzles that greatly simplify the processing process, making it much more comfortable for the car owner. Manual cleaning of the carburetor sprays shows the high efficiency of contamination.

Before using the spray for the carburetor, it is necessary to get acquainted with the operational features of the funds that necessarily provides the manufacturer. The instruction clearly explains how the cleansing agent and many other nuances should be used with which periodicity.

Important! Separately, I would like to note the fact of flammare of modern cleaners for the carburetor. Therefore, in no case do not apply spray on the components of the fuel system that are under voltage. Do not use the spray for cleaning the carburetor in poorly ventilated premises and in cases of dangerous proximity to work or elements that are potential sources for ignition.

How to brush the carburetor with a spray?

You will need the following materials and means to perform the carburetor cleaning procedure:

- instruction that is necessary for dismantling and parsing the carburetor, and then its assembly and reverse installation on its place;

Clean rags, smooth not darous;

Spray for cleaning the carburetor;

Compressed air can


Screwdrivers and wrenches.

The automotive spare parts market, as we have already mentioned, are full of various carburetor cleaners. In the store, be sure to acquire a special spray for this mechanism. If you are trying to put something else that the universal remedy, refuse the root, it will not cope with strong pollution, and you throw out an extra hundred-two hryvnia on the wind.

Important! In no case do not use the WD-40 tool to clean the carburetor, for its composition contains oil. Use only a special spray in the canister with a nozzle. Such a means is guaranteed and quickly cleanse from carbon pollution throttle valves, jets, system idle move and carburetor channels. With this spray, you minimize the fuel consumption, correctly adjusting the carburetor. It is desirable to use it every year for cleaning or every 7,000 kilometers, taking into account the fact that you pour the fuel of medium quality. For during this time, the carburetor will accumulate a lot of all slag, which will impede normal functioning power aggregate.

Do not think that you can do with simple pshiki spray in the carburetor without even removing it. No, so it won't go, because it will not help. Highly contaminated mechanism must be removed, disassemble and how to clean all its individual components. To do this, remove its upper part to get to the jaws and the float chamber. The cavities of the carburetor treat the jet from the cylinder, and for the jets already a thin nozzle, which comes complete with the means. After careful treatment with such a means, you will not recognize your old carburetor, because he will simply look like only from the plant.

The advantages of cleaning the carburetor spray

As you already understood, sprays for carburetors are the most effective toolused to clean all the elements of the car fuel system. Their frequent application allows you to prevent most of the problems that are associated with the contamination of the carburetor.

Sprays for cleaning the carburetor are specially arranged chemical compositions of organic compounds, various kinds of solvents and inorganic substances. One part is designed to perform auxiliary function, the other is the main one. The second is called active, because its effectiveness depends on their concentration in the cleansing spra. It is these substances that are able to penetrate into all the sowes of the carburetor node and carefully remove from its elements of pollution of various kinds and the degree of complexity.

If these connections are not endowed with the necessary characteristics, the cleaner simply will not cope with strong deposits resinous for example. Solvents included in the sprays are manufactured both on an organic basis and on gasoline. Dissolving components affect the duration of the action of the cleansing agent and the level of its aggressiveness. With all this, the efficiency of the spray as a whole does not depend directly on the basis on which the solvent is produced: organic or gasoline.

The popularity of the spray is determined by their effect and ease of use. You just need to push a couple of times on the sprayer and wait specified in the instructions, time for cleaning. Additional actions will be required only in very launched cases when the tagged so much that the help and other remedies will be required.

With all the numerous advantages of sprays for cleaning, car owners should understand that absolute maintenance They will not provide a professional cleaning of the fuel system and carburetor in particular. In any case, its iron pet from time to time you need to send to the car service stall, so that there are deep professional cleaning of all its internal nodes.

Choosing a spray for cleaning carburetor

Each elegant firm, which produces a cleaner auto chemistry for carburetors, in order not to fall as a face in dirt in front of its consumers, strive to give your goods maximum characteristics and special quality. This, on the one hand, opens the door in front of motorists to the huge world of choosing the best, in their opinion, cleaner, but, on the other hand, and confuses them, thereby make it difficult to exercise the right choice. Also adds difficulties the fact that specialists do not provide support guidelines regarding the selection of a certain cleansing composition.

They only advise themselves to be guided by fame and birthday of a brand, as well as the presence positive feedback About products. But, the text written on the cleaner itself or hosted on the official website of the manufacturer or in the printing publication for car owners is well enlightened. Often, it is precisely that that helps motorists to decide on the brand and the necessary mixture, which is worth purchasing for their needs. Among other things, professionals are recommended to stop their choice on sprays that do not carry too aggressive impact on the following elements:

- catalytic neutralizers;

Oxygen consumption sensors and other control devices;

We will not advise you to make a choice in favor of a particular cleansing agent, but simply we describe those compositions that our car owners most often use.

The most popular cleaners

Very worthy of proven itself in the Ukrainian market, the German mixture for cleaning the carburetor Vergaser-Aussen-Reiniger, from the world famous concern Liqui Moly.. This spray removes paint deposits and varnish from the carburetor housing, cleans all nodal channels, throttle valves, jets and other elements. This composition with ease copes with degreasing and cleaning the carburetor.

Our domestic motorists and a mixture of ZM are remarkable. It perfectly copes with the elimination of all pollution, lubricates the components of the fuel unit and for three quarters consists of environmentally friendly organic elements. Products of brand deserve special attention Hi Gear.. Testing various means This manufacturer has shown that they perfectly remove carbon sediments and any types of Nagara due to their unique highly efficient synthetic formula. Now the HI Gear brand realizes several efficient cleansing means for carburetors:

- HG3177 most carefully cleans the system in a short time;

HG3121 and HG3116 compounds providing minimal toxicity exhaust gases, as well as restoring initial specifications fuel system;

HG3201 and HG3202 are treated with a carburetor without removing its individual elements and also reduce exhaust toxicity;

HG3208 gently removes pollution, eliminates problems associated with the use of low-quality fuel.

And the finalist in the list of consumption leaders is the jet100 ULTRA spray, which is designed to clean the carburetor from the inside and outside. The composition of his mixture is very active that with ease copes with dust, bold films, nagar and varnishes. Its use, often leads to an increase in the power characteristics of the force aggregate and improved mobility. throttle valve.

The carburetor cleaner used by many modern motorists allows you to effectively and very quickly perform high-quality cleaning of the internal and external components of the carburetor of any vehicle.

What are the cleansing formulations for carburetors, and how to use them?

Automotive spare parts stores offer drivers a wide range of products intended for cleaning carburetrators from a variety of pollutants, ranging from oil and resins and ending with a car, which appears as a result of the operation of the car fuel system. More recently, for these purposes, domestic motorists used fir-handled "drugs" - kerosene, diesel fuel and so on, but now there is no need for this.

It is enough for a person good cleaner The carburetor to remove all the contaminants from it, without applying any harm to this mechanism. Cleansing means for the carburetor are currently available in the form of liquid and in the form of an aerosol. Apply them by two methods: manual cleaning; self-cleaning. In the first case, the disassembly of the carburetor is required and the application of the cleansing composition on its elements (outside and inside) is required.

To fulfill such events, as a rule, a carburetor cleaner is used - aerosol. It is a can with a metering device. The composition of such a canopy is applied very easily. And in order for the cleaner to get into the most hard-to-reach places, many manufacturers provide their aerosols with special nozzles that make the processing process even more comfortable for the motorist.

Manual cleaning demonstrates high contamination removal efficiency. But if you do not have a desire to either realize it (for example, processing urgently needed "in the field" - on the autotrass), you can use the self-cleaning method. Such cleaning is performed without paving the fuel system, it is usually carried out using liquid compositions.

  • the composition is poured into the fuel tank;
  • in the tank, it is mixed with flammable;
  • after that, the resulting combination goes directly into the carburetor.

Cleaning the node occurs after the incineration of a certain amount of fuel occurs. Immediately let's say - self-cleaning does not give the perfect result, it is not comparable to the processing at which the carburetor disassembled is performed. For this reason, it is used exclusively in emergency casesWhen it is impossible to disassemble the fuel assembly.

Before using the carburetor cleaner (aerosol or liquid), you need to get acquainted with the recommendations on its operation, which necessarily gives motorists a manufacturer of funds. The instruction allows you to clearly understand how precisely and how often the cleansing composition should be used, as well as many other nuances.

Separately, we note the fact that all modern cleaners are flammable, so they are unacceptable to apply to the components of the fuel system to which the voltage is supplied. It is also forbidden to use products for cleaning indoors without high-quality ventilation and in cases where there are potentially unsafe sources of fire in dangerous proximity to work.

Description of aerosol cleansing compositions

Aerosols for carburetors, as you already understood, are considered more efficient and easy to use tools for cleaning the elements of the fuel system. They can be used quite often, which makes it possible to warn many problems associated with the contamination of the carburetor.

Aerosol cleaners are specially selected chemical compositions consisting of organic substances, all possible solvents, inorganic compounds. Some of them perform auxiliary function, and part is the main one. The "main" compounds are usually called active, since its effectiveness depends on their concentration in the cleansing agent. It is the active substances that penetrate all the corners of the carburetor node and are carefully removed from its elements a variety of contaminants.

If these connections do not have the desired characteristics, the cleaner will not be able to cope with complex sediments (for example, with resinous). Solvents included in aerosols can be manufactured based on organic matter or on a gasoline basis. Dissolving components determine the duration of the cleaner and the level of its "aggressiveness". In this case, the effectiveness of the cleansing composition does not directly depend on what basis the solvent (organic or gasoline) is made.

The popularity of aerosols is due not only to their effect, but also ease of use. You will need to just press the sprayer a couple of times, and then wait specified in the instructions for "Auto-chemistry" time to perform the cleany In most cases, no additional actions are required.

With all the numerous advantages of modern cleaners, the driver must understand that they do not provide full-fledged maintenance and professional cleaning of the fuel system and carburetor. In particular, no "heavy duty" aerosol composition is not able to penetrate the float compartment and in fuel jets. In any case, its "swallow" should be sent to the autotech center to perform high-quality cleaning of its internal nodes.

Each company engaged in the release of special auto chemicals for, seeks to make their products as high quality, give them certain specific characteristics. This, on the one hand, allows motorists to choose the best (in their opinion) the cleaner, but, on the other hand, it makes it difficult for this very choice. Difficulties adds to the fact that specialists do not give any special recommendations for the selection of cleansing composition.

They advise you to pay attention to the fame of a manufacturer, the presence of favorable reviews about its products. The test of a specific cleaner performed by professionals and posted on a specialized web resource or a magazine for vehicle owners are capable of becoming a good help of drivers. Very often it is the test of several compositions under different brands allows a person to determine what the mixture it is worth buying.

  • catalytic neutralizers;
  • oxygen flow sensors and other controlling devices;
  • turbocompressors.

We will not give you advice on the selection of cleansing mixtures, and simply we describe those compositions that are most often purchased by domestic car owners.

Review of popular among domestic motorists cleaners

Not one test with dignity passed the German mixture for carburetors called Vergaser-Ausssen-Reiniger, which is produced by the world famous concern Liqui Moly. This company Specializes in the release of innovative auto chemicals (about six thousand items of various products), popular throughout Europe.

The product you are interested in Liqui Moly. It makes it possible to shoot on the paint and varnish deposit carburetor, clean all the channels of the node, throttle valves and its other items. The composition is made in the form of aerosols, allowed to use without the need to disassemble the processed mechanism. An international test proved the high efficiency of this composition. It easily copes with the purification and degreasing of the injection system (injector cars) and the carburetor.

Good reviews gets and mixture 3m.. It guarantees the destruction of all contamination without exception, it has a lubricating effect on the components of the fuel mechanism, includes about 75-80 percent of environmentally friendly volatile compounds of organic rows. The advantage of this composition is that it is, in fact, universal, since it can be cleaned by cleaning the mechanism of ventilation of the crankcase, as well as an inlet temperature indicator.

Special words deserve products under the brand Hi Gear. Purifiers under this brand are actively sold in European countries. Russian drivers Also highly appreciate their quality. Test different products Hi Gear.it showed that they perfectly cope with carbon sediments and all types of Nagara due to the fact that they are created according to a unique synthetic formula, which is characterized by high activity.

Now under the brand Hi Gear.the following cleansing compositions for carburetors are being implemented:

  • HG3177.: Maximum careful cleaning system in a few minutes;
  • HG3121 and HG3116: Compositions that provide minimal exhaust toxicity, as well as capable of restoring the initial technical specifications fuel system;
  • HG3201 and HG3202.: treatment of the carburetor without removing its individual parts, reducing the toxicity of the exhaust;
  • HG3208.: Soft removal of contaminants, elimination of problems that are formed during the operation of low-quality fuel.

Also, according to the results of tests, you can advise the aerosol JET100 ULTRA, Designed for handling carburetor from the inside and outside. This mixture is very active, which allows it to cope with dust, naigar, fatty films and varnishes. Jet100 Ultra. It is safe for oxygen indicators, in some cases its use leads to an increase in the power of the motor and improving the throttle mobility.

Opinion expert

Ruslan Konstantinov

Expert on automotive topics. He graduated from IzhSTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov in the specialty "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes." Experience professional car repair for more than 10 years.

The modern auto chemical market offers a wide range of a wide variety of funds, for every taste and color, from the most expensive, to budget options. Answer the question: what carburetor cleaner is better enough, it is quite difficult. The thing is that the manufacturers of these funds are constantly experimenting with the compositions, giving the cleaners all new characteristics. You can actually use almost any means that has positive feedback on the net and does not look a frank counterfeit.

As part of the cleaner, there must be active components that will help to clean even in the most hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to use the nozzle. The components of such funds must fight resinous pollution. As a basis, both purified gasoline and organic compositions can be used.

Scroll positive characteristics The carburetor cleaners are quite extensive, but you need to understand, such funds are not able to become a substitute for the integrated maintenance of the mechanism. Cleaning tools are predominantly suitable for preventive purposes, if due to contamination, malfunctions occurred, brushing it late, it is necessary to carry out full diagnostics and mechanical cleaning of parts.

We are accustomed to that when it comes to cleaning the car, then the focus is on her body, because, as a rule, it is on its components most of all dirt falls. By and large, it is also, but do not forget, also, about the internal content of the car, the part of it that is hidden under the hood. In the course of the vehicle's work, when all its mechanisms and systems come into motion, friction arises between individual details, and that the process has passed smoothly, all sorts of oils are used. Mixing with dust lubricants We are settled on the surface of the working elements, which, with time, begins to legalize their activities. To prevent possible problems, It is necessary to delete contamination in a timely manner, cleaning the items, and how it is done, we will tell you now on the example of the carburetor.

1. Types of cleansing means and methods for their use

During the operation of the car, the carburetor valves and highways, the decent layer is settled oil, gasoline films, dust and soot, and whatever they would be removed, they will have to use special cleaners. In the former times, almost any remedies were used for this purpose, including diesel fuel, with kerosene. However, today, a special chemistry to solve such problems can be found in all auto shops, and the cost of compositions makes them available for any car enthusiast. As for efficiency, it definitely exceeds alternative optionsAfter all, the supplements used allow not only to remove all the dirt, but also to maintain the detail of the carburetor mechanism in the integrity.

Signs of strong pollution can be:increased flow rate of fuel and toxicity of exhaust gases, problems with the launch of the motor, malfunctions at idle, etc. But when submitting the final verdict, it is worth considering that the listed problems are sometimes symptoms of other breakdowns, which means before cleaning the carburetor, will not be superfluous in the service center the overall state of the vehicle.

If suspicions were confirmed, avoiding the use of cleaners no longer succeeds and here you have two options: either to entrust the work of employees of a hundred, or to do everything yourself, having previously understood with existing compositions.

The main task of the initial stage is right choice Good cleaner. Nowadays, they are produced in two types: in the form of a liquid and in the form of an aerosol, but use such means or by self-cleaning, or manual cleaning method. In the first case, to remove contaminants, you will not have anything to shoot or unwind, it will be enough to use the cleaner, which, most often, is supplied in the form of a liquid. The order of its application is the following: The liquid is poured into the fuel tank where it is mixed with combustible mixture, after which it comes directly into the carburetor, and during the burning of a certain amount fuel mixesThe cleansing of this node occurs.The only disadvantage of this method is low efficiency, since compared with the processing of disassembled parts, it loses significantly in the number of remote contaminants. Therefore, to apply self-cleaning is recommended only in emergency cases, when there is no possibility to disassemble the fuel assembly.

Much better with the task is coped to the manual cleaning method, which uses an aerosol form of the cleaner. The cleansing agent is represented as a cylinder having a dosing device that makes it easy to apply the composition to the desired surface. In addition, the set with a spray is usually an additional nozzle, which allows you to rinse the most hard-to-reach parts of the part. The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of the process, since it is necessary to partially disassemble the carburetor to fulfill the procedure, and this is not always convenient. Disassembled details manually processed by a cleaner from two sides, which, undoubtedly, makes it possible to achieve much greater efficiency of the cleaning process.

Another way to wash the carburetor is an outdoor washing. It is carried out using the same tool as used to clean the internal elements, and perform all actions is recommended before processing the internal parts: first the air cleaner is removed, after which all elements are rinsed well, including a strainer that needs to be cleaned every 50,000 kilometers ( About once every six months).

Despite the view of the carburetor cleaner (liquid or aerosol) you choose, first of all, you must read the manufacturer's recommendations. The instructions clearly describes the entire process of using the composition, as well as permissible periodicity and some other nuances of application. Note! All modern cleaners are flammable, which means that they cannot be applied to the elements of the fuel system that are under voltage. In addition, the use of compositions in non-ventilated premises and is prohibited from potentially hazardous sources of fire.

2. Characteristics of aerosol cleansing compositions

As already mentioned, the manual cleansing of the carburetor is much more efficient, the method of self-cleaning is nelation, and therefore aerosol funds They are considered better and easy to use.

An additional advantage is the possibility of frequent use, which makes it possible to prevent the emergence of problems due to the accumulation of pollution in the carburetor. Let's understand what the cleaning arosol compositions consist of. Such chemical compounds have in their composition organic substances, a number of all sorts of solvents and inorganic compounds. Some of them perform the main functions, and the rest occupy secondary places, providing additional properties. From the concentration of "basic" chemical compounds (they are also called more active) depends on the efficiency of the entire purification process, since they penetrate all countersunk corners of the carburetor, removing the most complex pollution. If such connections do not have the necessary characteristics, the cleaning agent will not be able to qualitatively perform its task and complex deposits (for example, having a resinous basis) will remain in place.

Solvents included in aerosol cleaners are most often manufactured either on a gasoline basis or based on organic matter, thereby determining the time of the action and the level of its "aggressive" effect on the surface of the parts (the effectiveness of the entire cleaning procedure) depends on this factor. However, the universal popularity of aerosol funds also received due to the ease of use, because to apply the composition simply just press the sprayer and wait a few minutes (more accurate time is indicated in the instructions for each specific drug), additional actions are usually not required.

True, no matter how effective there would be a cleanser, whatever positive qualities have no positive qualities, you should never forget that no cleaner will provide a full-fledged maintenance of the fuel system, which means the only correct option will be the conduct of systematic cleaning of nodes at stations Maintenance.

3. How to choose a good carburetor cleaner?

In the modern auto chemical market, goods that meet almost any requirements are presented, including this concerns the monetary side of the issue. There is nothing surprising here, because each manufacturer tries to make its products the best, inventing all new and new additions to its already existing characteristics. Therefore, to give an unequivocal answer to the question "What a cleaner of the carburetor is better to choose?" Is quite difficult. You can use almost any auto chemistry, the main thing is to ensure that there is a sufficient number of positive feedback about it.

Of course, it is better to choose products of producers with a good reputation that remains unchanged for several years. Also, there is a good sign and conduct testing of a particular cleansing agent, the results of which are posted on specialized web resources or in relevant magazines. Quite often, the results of such testing, help the driver will finally determine in the selection of the cleansing mixture.

Specialists advise only those tools that will not be able to harm such components of the fuel system as: oxygen sensor, turbocharger, catalytic neutralizers and other controlling devices, and the presence of such an opportunity is usually indicated on the packages.

4. Overview of popular cleaners

If you take into account the results of testing, then a German means can be considered an absolute leader among carburetor cleaners Vergaser-Ausssen-Reinigerproduced by the famous company Liqui Moly.which in the sphere of auto chemicals specializes in the release of new products. At the moment, more than five thousand names of the most diverse products are released on its name, which is popular in popularity.

Liqui Moly Purifiers allow you to completely remove resistant paint and varnish deposits from the carburetor housing, clean all channels, throttle valves and other elements of this fuel assembly. A tool is produced in the form of aerosol, which allows cleaning without disassembling the carburetor mechanism.

Good reviews are also obtained, also the product of the Hi Gear brand, whose cleaners are perfectly sold in many European countries. Such an opinion of foreign kids, share and domestic motorists who had to face these compositions. Hi Gear's products testing has proved their effectiveness in terms of removal of carbon sediments and all types of Nagara, which has become possible due to the unique synthetic formula.

Currently, under this well-known brand, such carburetors cleaners are produced:

HG3121. and HG3116. - significantly reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases and can restore the initial technical parameters of the fuel system;

HG3177. - is different low level "Aggressiveness", with the cleaning of the system, only a few minutes is spent;

HG3208.- ensures the careful removal of contaminants, eliminating the problems that are formed during the use of low-quality fuel;

HG3201. and HG3202. - reduce exhaust toxicity and allow you to clean the carburetor without disassembled it.

Third, in our list, there is a means of CM, as it ensures the destruction of all types of pollution, lubricating the elements of the fuel mechanism. It includes approximately 75-80% Safe, from the point of view of ecology, volatile compounds that have organic nature. One of the main advantages of this cleaner is universality, since in addition to the details of the carburetor, it is also suitable for removing the dirt from the ventilation mechanism and the temperature indicator of the intake path.

Another means of cleaning the carburetor, which can be advised based on the tests carried out, there is an aerosol composition called Jet100 Ultra.designed to process the internal and external parts. The composition of this cleaner is quite active, which makes it easy to cope with persistent pollution, such as naars, dust, fatty films and varnishes. In addition, such a means is completely safe for oxygen indicators, and in some cases can increase the power of the motor and improve the throttle mobility.

In general, no matter how your choice is, remember the one rule: for good job Carburetor, and the entire fuel system, cleansing formulations, it is recommended to use every 5000-10000 mileage kilometers.

Carburetor is an important device In the car, because the main characteristics of the engine depend on it. Over time, they may deteriorate, and not because of the breakdown, but due to ordinary pollution. If you periodically use a special carburetor cleaner, you can avoid these problems. Pollution of loopholes and throttle damper disrupts the motor, namely:

  • destabilized idling;
  • reduced power;
  • the toxicity of exhaust gases increases;
  • increases fuel consumption;
  • during acceleration, characteristic "failures" appear.

Typically, the cause is an unchanged in time air filter. There is not enough arriving through the air filter, the additional is absorbed from the exhaust fuel ventilation pipe along with dirt. Also even in new engines get the smallest particles of oils from the crankcase. And with poor-quality gasoline, the question of how to clean the carburetor, arises after the only such refueling.

Liquid in Buck

Auto chemical manufacturers offer a huge selection of drugs, the most easily used liquid for adding to fuel. According to the standard diagram, the contents of the vial in 150-500 ml is completely poured into the tank before refueling, it is necessary to do to the backup residue. Manufacturers promise that such a cleaning of the carburetor will provide:

  • removal of sediments and pollution;
  • lighting start;
  • reduction of exhaust toxicity;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • improving pickup.

Hi-Gear produces several such cleaners that differ in the effectiveness of exposure to pollution. With a poor condition of the fuel system, it is impossible to immediately apply potent "treatment", the washed dirt can simply be transferred to another place and cause refusals fuel filter, idle loafers, acpercelative pump, valves, catalyst. Apply such funds is better from the beginning of the operation of the car along with other drugs (the water displacer, fuel system cleaners, valves and others) every 3-15 thousand mileage kilometers as recommended.

Aerosols in the canopy

They are comfortable in operation: the solvent comes under pressure and "blows" from the cooler channels of the carburetor, and not only dissolves resinous sediments. Preparations contain acetone, propane, others harmful substances. When working with them, do not allow you to get into the eyes, lungs, on the skin and do not smoke: the cleaners are easily flammable, but can only be stealing carbon dioxide foam.

Aerosols are clean effectively and very quickly. The composition includes a large number of active and additional substances. It is the active compounds that then fall into the intake manifold of the engine, where the accumulated resinous contaminants are also dissolved. Such a flushing of the carburetor and the intake manifold leads to an increase in filling with a mixture of cylinders and improving the characteristics of the engine.

However, aerosols cannot clean the float chamber. Despite miscellaneous device Car, cleaning process is carried out equally. The air filter is removed, the cleaner of the carburetor "pixels" through the tube inside and outside the device. After 2-3 minutes the engine starts, on increased turns During a couple of minutes with breaks, aerosol jumpers. All cleaning the carburetor takes literally 15 minutes. If necessary, after the procedure, adjust the idle speed. Release places many companies, the most famous ABRO carburetor cleaner, as well as Hi-Gear, Mannol, Gunk, Stp, Turtle Wax, Wurth. Specify the use method directly on the package.


Cleaning the carburetor through full disassembly is the most time-consuming, long-term and requiring qualifications. When removing and disassembling, be guided by the instructions for repairing your car. Verify each detail, try not to lose small jets, springs, screws. Rubber and plastic parts fold separately, Metallic Soam in acetone, oil solvent or solvent. Holes in the housing are calibrated, so they cannot be cleaned with metal objects. Use air purges or soft copper wire. Cleaning, dry the carburetor, only then collect. After installing the car requires adjustment of the device.


The method of spraying the cleaner in the carburetor when the engine running is not applicable for motorcycles. On motorcycles are too close to hot parts of the engine: cylinder cooling edges and exhaust pipe. It is necessary to get on them parts of the sprayed jet, flames will flash, and a very hot fuel enamel and benzobac. On the tanks, the means are also wash off the oil film in the crankcase and cylinders, cause destruction rubber pads. For motorcyclists, cleaning the carburetor must be made only with removing it from the motor.


The choice of drugs (liquid, aerosol) and manufacturers (Hi-Gear and others) is now huge. The cleaner of the carburetor, filled into the tank, is effective only at a low-stressed fuel system and regular use. The larger effect will give the flushing of the carburetor using aerosols, especially with partial disassembly. They are comfortable and easy to use. Removal and complete disassembly of the carburetor with subsequent cleaning, purge, washing, drying can be returned to him almost initial factory look. But this requires qualifications, time and mandatory adjustment after installing the device back to the car.

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