Home Locks New traffic rules for children in the car. Rules for the carriage of children in cars will be touched again. About adapters, boosters and straps

New traffic rules for children in the car. Rules for the carriage of children in cars will be touched again. About adapters, boosters and straps

According to the rules road The driver when moving the car should be fastened with seat belts and do not transport non-unsuccessful passengers. Special attention The safety of the transport of children is given. We will understand in detail:

  • what are the rules for the transport of children in the car;
  • what is a "children's holding device";
  • what are the devices for the transport of children;
  • what requirements are presented to children's retention devices;
  • what are the rules for installing holding devices;
  • what a fine is provided for the incorrect transportation of children;
  • what changes in the rules are waiting for us.

What is a "children's holding device"

The concept of a children's holding device is given in GOST R 41.44-2005 ().

According to this standard, a children's holding device is a set of elements consisting of:

  • straps or flexible elements with buckles;
  • regulatory devices;
  • fastening parts;
  • and in some cases additional device (for example, a children's cradle, a removable children's armchair, an additional seat and / or shockproof screen), which is attached to the inside of the car body.

The device must be designed so that in the event of a collision or sharp braking of the car, reduce the danger of injury to the child, limit its mobility.

Children's retention devices are divided into five weight groups:

group 0 (Group 0) - For children weighing less than 10 kg;
Group 0+ (Group 0+) - for children weighing less than 13 kg;
Group I (Group i) - for children weighing 9-18 kg;
Group II (GROUP II) - for children weighing 15-25 kg;
Group III (Group III) - for children weighing 22-36 kg.

Which devices can be used

The device can be used if:

  • it corresponds to the weight and growth of the child;
  • its design corresponds to GOST R 41.44-2005.

Children's retaining devices can be of two types: solid and delicate.

Whole retaining devices.There are a set of all the elements necessary to fix the child in the device. Examples: cradle, car seats.

Neotic retaining devices.Include partial retaining device that is used in combination with a seat belt for adults And in the aggregate forms a children's restraint unit. Examples: boosters and adapters for seat belt.

Rules for installing retaining devices in auto

According to statistics itself safe place It is the middle seat of the rear row. The most dangerous is the front passenger chair. Take this data when the holding devices are located in your car.

Car chairs can be installed both on the front passenger seat and in the back.

If you install the chair in front of necessarily consider the design of your car. If it has an anterior passenger airbag in it, it must be turned off for children's chairs facing back.

What rules for the transportation of children acted until July 2017

You can carry children in the car subject to ensuring their safety. In this case, the features of the design of the vehicle should be taken into account.

Carry children up to 12 years in cars equipped with seat belts, only using children's retaining deviceswhich correspond to the weight and growth of the child, and Also other meanswhich allow you to fasten the child with a seat belt provided in the car.

On the front seat of a passenger car, transportation is allowed only using children's retaining devices (paragraph 22.9 of traffic police of the Russian Federation).

New rules for transportation of children 2017-2018

(Addition from 07/03/2017)

July 10, 2017, amendments to the rules of the RF Rules, concerning the requirements of the transport of children, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2017 No. 761 ().

Now in accordance with the new requirements: Transportation of children in age under 7 years In a passenger car and cabin truck Must be carried out using children's holding systems (devices), appropriate weight and growth of the child. In other words - only in the car seat.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) In the passenger car and the car of the cargo car should be carried out using a car seat or using seat belts, and in the front seat of the car - only in the car seat.

In addition, according to the new rules, it is forbidden to leave the child at the age of 7 years in the absence of an adult person in the absence of an adult person (paragraph 12.8 of traffic police of the Russian Federation).

Is it possible to use "booster" when transporting children

You can use boosters when transporting children if the device complies with the requirements of GOST R 41.44-2005 (Russian standard of PCT) and chosen according to the weight and growth of the transported child. When preparing this material in the traffic police, a request is sent to clarify this issue. The answer is applied below:

What a fine is provided for the incorrect transportation of children

Violation of the requirements of the transport of children installed by traffic rules, entails overlap administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3000 rubles, on officials - 25,000 rubles, on legal entities - 100,000 rubles (Part 3 of Art. 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

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Hello dear blog readers. Constant changes and amendments to the text of the traffic rules hold drivers in a tone and do not give them relax. Amendments are different, mostly minor, and sometimes very important. Just one of these amendments, I can not get around the party. It concerns the most valuable thing that we have in the world are our children. Today I wanted to state the new rules for the carriage of children.

Changes entered into force on July 1, 2017. It is especially important to track this change, since when moving to the place of recreation, there were some rules, and when returning - others.

The PDD Point 22.9 was substantially changed, in the screenshots below you can see how old the editors and the new one.

PDD, like any other law written clearly and dry enough, so requires explanations and comments. Let's look in detail what has changed.

What is the essence of changes

That is, on rear seats A passenger car of children over 7 years old can be fastened with a regular seat belt. And the traffic police officers will not see in your actions violations of traffic rules. But there is a second aspect - child safety. How properly will be able to keep seven-year-old children belt location of attachment points, which is designed for adult, even if you use booster. And where is the guarantee that belts (which take place not in those places where in an adult) in a collision will not apply additional injuries.

What remains still

All also children are our everything. Therefore, their transportation should be as responsible as possible.

In no case do not carry children in the hands. Although for many moms this method seems most secure. It is only under surface consideration.

In fact, the following situation occurs when an accident occurs:

After the collision, according to the results of measurements, the car stops in 0.02 - 0.05 seconds (when calculating we take averaged value of 0.035 seconds).

Calculate for permitted in settlement Speed \u200b\u200b60 km / h (although honestly, in most roads, the flow seeks to go at 80). We transfer kilometers per hour in meters per second: (60 x 1000) / 3600 \u003d 16.7 m / s.

Let us remember school physics and carry out the calculation:

G \u003d 16.7 / (0.035 * 9.8) \u003d 49 is short-term overload

We consider body weight according to the formula p \u003d m x g, where M is a mass. If the body is 70 kg, then the weight will be 70 x 49 \u003d 3430 kg.

If the calculation is carried out for a newborn baby (weighing 3.5 kg.) Under the same initial conditions, we obtain: p \u003d 3.5 x 49 \u003d 171 kg.

Will it turn out to keep the baby? I think the answer to this question is obvious. Moreover, the one who holds the child in a collision is poured on him with his body, and this is how we counted earlier, more than three tons.
Here is such sad arithmetic. Therefore, it is necessary to think a hundred times before refuse to refuse a children's chair for a seven-year-old child. It is from a children's chair, and not from special retention devices. Stay up to date recent changes: What is and why is needed and. I wish you a trouble-free ride. See the site pages. Until!

Amendments to traffic rules in terms of the requirements for the transport of children in vehicles as in passenger carsand on motorcycles, set that children over 7 years old can be transported in a car without car chairs, but only fastened by regular safety belts of the machine, but only on the back row of the seats, on the front seat of children can only be transported in car seat Regardless of growth or weight.

New rules for the carriage of children under 7 years old in the car still require the mandatory use of automotive chairs, and in general, the traffic police advises to use children's car seats and for children over 7 years old. That is, as before, for the transport of young children (younger than seven) in the car, there must be a children's car chair and holding devices that correspond to the growth, weight and a child's complex.

The size of the fine for violating the rules of transportation of children in the car

The penalty for violating the rules for the transport of children in the car former - 3,000 rubles.

Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Traffic Safety Vladimir Kuzin In an interview with journalists, said that the traffic police inspectors would be able to refer to a number of exceptions from the rules for the transport of children to cars, for example, if a sick child cannot be sitting, and you can only be in Lyzhiach Position, then demand from the driver to place the baby sitting in the children's car sector, the traffic police inspector should not. The actual dimensions of children's retaining devices in the car can be attributed to exceptions when children in the family so much that in the car is physically impossible to establish children's chairs for each child, but in this case everyone must be fastened by regular safety belts adjusted for the growth of a small passenger !

Classification of children's car chairs according to GOST

In 2019, children's car chairs in GOST in Russia are divided into 5 weight groups (paragraph 2.1.1 of GOST R 41.44-2005):

  1. group 0 - for children weighing less than 10 kg;
  2. group 0+ - for children weighing less than 13 kg;
  3. group I - for children weighing 9 - 18 kg;
  4. group II - for children weighing 15 - 25 kg;
  5. group III - for children weighing 22 - 36 kg.

According to paragraph 2.1.2 GOST R 41.44-2005, children's car seats are also classified in four categories:

  1. universal category - children's car seats used on most car seats;
  2. limited category - automotive children's chairs used on the vehicle vehicle or children's seat) of automotive seats in cars of specific types;
  3. semi-universal category car seat;
  4. special category - Chairs used on machines of specific types or as built-in children's retaining devices.

According to clause 6.1.1 of the GOST R 41.44-2005, the operation of children's car chairs of the first three categories (universal, limited and semi-universal) is allowed both on the front and on the rear seats of the car when they are installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Clause 6.1.3 of the GOST R 41.44-2005 determines that children's car chairs can be attached to either a frame car seatsor to the vehicle body:

  • universal and limited categories of car seat - only with the help of a regular seat belt (for adults) car;
  • semi-universal car seat - using lower and additional fasteners;
  • special category car seats - with the help of fasteners designed by the manufacturer of the car and / or children's car chairs.

Punishment for leaving children alone in the car

Separately, the Deputy Head of the Guyobdd of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia noted that a new package of amendments to the rules of road traffic includes a ban on leaving children by age up to 7 years in the car without an adultement during parking. And although at the moment, serious administrative responsibility for this violation is not provided for, new amendments are being prepared in the State Duma, which will punish such drivers with a fine of up to 5,000 rubles, although some deputies are offered for leaving the child in a car driver's license!

For 2019, a penalty for the violation, provided for by part 1 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, is only 500 rubles, although if the driver leaves a child's car under seven years old one in such cities as Moscow or St. Petersburg, then it will pay 2500 rubles in the amount of 2500 rubles According to Part 5 of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In 2017, new requirements were introduced concerning the transport of children in transport.

We will tell you what innovations came into force on April 2017 and act on today 2019, and we also define which chairs can now be used and where it is better to install them, because the driver threatens the driver for the incorrect installation of a car seat.

How is the transportation of children in the car - the requirements for the transport of children in 2019

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation at number 1177, approved on December 17, 2013, introduced new rules and requirements for the transportation of children.

These innovations entered into force From July 1, 2017. In 2019. Responsibility suggests the listening:

  1. Kids are allowed in the cabin / cabin of cars or cargo vehicles.
  2. There must be a documentation for each adult, accompanying the group of children. For example, on the driver, medical worker and the head responsible for organizing a trip.
  3. The chartering is required.
  4. There must be a list of products that are necessary for children. Supports and bottled water should also be taken with them.
  5. In the body or trailer, the prostitutes of children is strictly prohibited.
  6. The driver and all other persons responsible for the trip must comply with security measures during the transportation of children.
  7. In the back seat of the mototransport of children banned.
  8. If in a group of more than 8 people, they should be transported by the bus.
  9. In the front seat you can carry children over 12 years old.
  10. Children, whose growth is above 150 cm and age for more than 7 years, can ride without chairs, but with fastened belts security.
  11. Replace a car seat with a pillow-booster or triangle adapter. Some sources write that boosters and adapters are prohibited. However, it is not. They still remain relevant for children under 7 years old.
  12. For kids there should be a special autolo. The age of children is less than six months. If older, you need to purchase a car seat.
  13. Autolo must be installed in the back seat, in a perpendicular position. It should be secured by seat belts.
  14. It is forbidden to carry children in your arms!

There will be another innovation, but it does not apply to transportation. Now preschool children will be banned alone to leave in the car parked anywhere else.

The prostitute of the child in the front place - is it possible, and where is it better to install a children's car seat?

Most motorists find it difficult to answer the question, how do you still need to install a car seat, cradle for further transportation of the child.

According to the new rules, the driver must take into account not only age, but also growth Little passenger to determine where it must be transported.

Children's prostitute front place Not prohibited. New rules do not indicate the age from which you can carry kids ahead. But, if a child is less than 12 years old, it must be transported only in the children's holding device - And in no way!

IMPORTANT: If the car seat is installed ahead, the driver must necessarily disable airbagwhich may damage the child when a car collide.

In the event that the child is more than 12 years old, and it is above 150 cm, it can be transported ahead, but necessarily at the same time the airbag must be activated.

The car seat here is not necessarily, but the child must be fastened with belts.

Install baby car seat better in the back seat, preferably in the middle.

Car seat or booster must be installed for each child's transported and secured seat belts.

The cradle must be installed behind, perpendicular to:

Proposals Change the rules for the transport of children in the car came from the Ministry of the Interior back in 2016, they concerned the use of children's car seats. They were not immediately admitted - the Government of the Russian Federation decided that the safety of children on the roads is a very serious and not requiring a rush. It was decided to hold a number of tests to understand how the Offers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the safety of the child in the car's cabin in reality. Most of the proposals were recognized as appropriate, and on Monday, July 3, the Russian government published about amending the rules of the road. How the rules for the carriage of children in the car since July 2017 are changing, is it true that for children over seven years old, it becomes not a mandatory car seat.

New rules for transportation of children in the car in relation to children's car seats

For Russian families in which there is a car, they received relatively good news - for the child of school age, car seats are no longer required. So, you do not need to spend more limited for most family budget on constant replacement Car seats from which the child grows rapidly. However, in some cases the chair will still need.

So, what they say new rules for the carriage of children in the car:

  • Firstly, from the rules removed the mention of "other means" for fixing children which could act an alternative children's car seat. Experts considered that various proofreaders (they are the same adapters) strap straps, frameless devices, and even books (in the report appear and they are as one of the proven retention devices) do not ensure due security.
  • Secondly, the law allowed the transport of children over seven years without a children's car seat in the back row of seats . The child's child equated in this case to an adult, and he should be fastened to a regular safety belt and more than anything.
  • Thirdly, transportation of a child aged from seven to eleven years in the front seat of the car is possible exclusively in a children's car seatwhich corresponds to him in size.
  • Fourth a child to seven years old is still necessary to be in a children's car seat everywhere - and in front, and behind. Children of preschool age are still too small so that they can be safe to fasten the belt, he either does not hold them or can strangle them.
  • Fifth for one year, the age is reduced, on the occurrence of which the child equates to the adult passenger - from 12 to 11 years. After 11 years of age, the child can be transported without children's car seats on any row of seats.

A new rule for the carriage of children in the car by which children on the rear seats can only be fixed by the safety belt, and in front - to be in a children's car seat, not completely unequivocally.

The problem is that many Russians are confident that in the back row of seats is safer and can in principle not fasten. In fact, this is a very dangerous misconception, and one unwanted rear passenger during the road accident can kill up to three fastened passengers of the same car. It is unpleasant to hear, but you need to know about it.

When road rules partly encourage such myths that it is more secure on the back row of the seats, it looks somewhat strange.

However, from the point of view of family budget savings, new rules for the carriage of children in the car, which come into force on July 10, 2017, of course, can be welcomed by their parents. The main thing is not to forget the security of the child entirely and still make sure that it is fixed by the belt.

What else contains new rules for transportation of children in the car

A little shocking looks another amendment to the rules of the road. According to the new rules paragraph, it is impossible to leave the child to the age of seven years in the parking lot without supervision of adults . It shocks here that the introduction of such amendments from the Government of the Russian Federation is definitely a reaction to numerous cases when small children were left in the car alone, as a result of which the trouble occurred. The child may suffocate when the car is parked in the sun, he can remove the car with manual brakes, resulting in vehicle Movement will start spontaneously, etc. Parents should think about it without coercion.

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