Home Torkemose Car "for the soul. Master Class on Sweet Design: Retro Car How to Collect Retro Car Auto

Car "for the soul. Master Class on Sweet Design: Retro Car How to Collect Retro Car Auto

And then noted that the owner has two options for "legalization" of such a car. The first is to make a car as a cultural value. The second is to make out how vehicle. The first option in this article is not interested in us too, because everything that can cultural value can stand in the museum: TCPs are not issued to such cars, and it is impossible to ride them. Therefore, consider the second option.

So, you looked at the car that was already 30 years old, and it must be imported into the Russian Federation. It is clear that the engine old car It cannot comply with the Euro-5 standard, which is a prerequisite for the importation of cars in the Russian Federation, and for the retro-car in the current position on the TCP, relieving. Paragraph 71 of the provisions, in particular, it states that the compliance requirements "do not apply to ... Categories of category M1, from the date of release of which passed 30 years or more, with original engine, body and in the presence - frame stored or renovated to the original state. "

Thus, to register your "old woman", you just need to establish the fact of authentication or high-quality restoration of the maximum of three components - body, engine and frame. How to do it, we will tell a little later, but for now it should be noted that it is not so easy with this very situation. More precisely, situations - after all, they may be different. Therefore, let's start with the most difficult.

Collectible cars, "Replica" and "Budget donors"

Suppose some connoisseur automotive technology Verst to Russia a real pearl - a collective car worth about 1,000,000 euros ... How to understand that this is not a fake? For clarification on all related issues, we appealed to the company Antique carswhich is not the first ten years restoration, sales, service and expertise of Oldtimerov.

The company's specialists noted that collection machines are purchased with the purpose of investment, and therefore there are certain risks that can reduce costs:

Buying a non-original car when under the guise of a real Oldtimeimer sells a car currently (copy, "replica"). Thanks to the development modern technologies And the high quality "replica" in some cases, to distinguish the original from Novodel, only with the help of technical analysis methods - for example, radiocarbon or x-ray phase. At the same time, it is worth noting that high-quality "replicas" is generally quite legal business, often close to this art.

Horch 853, built for the legendary rider Bernda Reloameire and named after him in honor of the Beloved - Manuela. The original was not preserved to this day, but for a high-quality replica, made according to the drawings and technologies of those years, asked from 70,000,000 rubles

Buying a machine with "new-fashioned" details - a motor, body or other substantial nodes set later, "not factory" by.

Recent engine block for car ZIS-101

Buying a car converted from the "budget" version when as a donor use an available mass model and during the repair gives it a more expensive version. This is possible, for example, with Mercedes-Benz 230N Roadster (W143), 1937, the aggregates of which are similar to those used on a mass limo of the same model, and the difference in the price of machines is essential. Or with a rare Soviet "catch-up" GAZ-23, which is now obtained by "classic" recipe - by installing the engine and gearbox from GAZ-13 seagull.

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In order not to make mistakes, you should contact the experts specializing in this. In Europe, many organizations provide such services - conduct expertise and Russian restoration workshops (antique cars are one of them). Cost of expertise classic car Depends on a number of factors: brand, year of production, parameters of defecting, the purpose of expertise used by the techniques and so on.

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Not least due to the indicated risks in the global collection machine industry, unstarvised cars began to be highly valued. Let the time spared them, on the back the paint and through rust, the wheels are descended, and in the cabin reigns the exultal upholstery.

But it is precisely in this that there is an identity - cars are in the original, not restored state, keeping traces of time and abandonment. And that is why now the highest pilot is considered to restore the car so that the arm of the restorer is not visible.

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Well, if you need a high-quality "replica", then there is nothing impossible here too. Although difficulties and, accordingly, attachments will certainly be a lot.

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Finishing the topic with expensive collectible cars, we note that the "pitfalls" described are solved, as a rule, to customs, and there are no direct relationship to the procedure for writing a vehicle. We now turn to more simple cases - those with which we started: you liked a car over the age of 30, which is abroad. In order not to receive the Euro-5 certificate on it, but to get the TCP, you need to confirm that the body, engine and frame (if there is) in the car - original or renovated to the original state. How to do it?

Oldtimer - how and where to confirm the originality?

The procedure for obtaining the necessary documents and subsequent customs clearance for many causes difficulties - the whole process seems too much. For example, in future autarchy owners often, a typical Russian question arises: Is it possible to build everything according to the law? Some of these issues makes a comment from "antique cars":

We specialize in classic and collectible cars several decades. With the direct participation of our employees, museum meetings and private collections were created. Of course, there were curious cases, there are some technical errors or typos in the documents, but all questions can be resolved within the legal field. With any "fields in the field" or "unofficial ways" we did not encounter. In recent years, the legal framework and the qualifications of government departments are also improved. The procedures for entering and designing machines are significantly simplified. However, work in this direction continues - recently held a conference "Changes in Russian legislation concerning importation, legalization, insurance, registration and exploitation of Oldtimerov", and in addition, amendments are consistent with the relevant legal acts of government bodies.

If you are a private person and want to enter Oldtimer in the Russian Federation, then an important document confirming the condition of the vehicle is a certificate (conclusion) about the originality of nodes and aggregates - body, engine, frame. This document, in essence, replaces the Euro-5 certificate for the owner of the retro car, and it is overly the customs officers make sure that the car is imported in the original performance. This document can be issued in accredited organizations - their many, but one of the largest technical examination center of the FSUE "We", which has a wide range of regional offices.

For help we are needed and sufficient:

  • A copy of the so-called Tytla (invoice) on the imported car;
  • Document for the purchase of auto (having);
  • A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Payment of expert services.

How exactly the procedure for obtaining the necessary document is happening, the director of the technical expertise center of FSUE "NA" said Andrei Vladimirovich Vasilyev:

At customs, the so-called temporary issue for testing is drawn up. After that, the car comes to us for inspection - the specialist studies it and confirms the identity of the components. The service costs from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the rates for the examination are highly different depending on the organization, its conductive - so, in some companies we called the amounts of 30,000, 50,000 and even 100,000 rubles. After registration of the conclusion about the originality of the nodes of your car, you are still waiting for customs duties and, in fact, the customs clearance procedure, which also has many nuances. But all required documents In order to bring the desired apparatus to Russia, you already have.

I am a very long-time log subscriber - since "Yumk", the numbers of which were sought once in kiosks. The "M-K" and today give a impetus to creativity, are the technical encyclopedia and reference book, so I have been stored almost all the rooms.

From school years is always something master: at first models of ships, aircraft. Moldoval, began to create existing machines (some of them were information in M-K No. 5 for 2005).

For all the time I made about two and a half dozen homemade. Some of them still benefit and relieve work in the household. This is a motoblock with a motor VP-150, with the help of which I treat the household plot: Pahoat, cultivation, milling, landing, dip and cleaning - everything is using it. "Work" in the farm mini tractor and mini-car, which translate cargo. On the go and the scooter with the cab - for trips to bad weather.

1 - frame (700 × 50 ash timber); 2 - decorative headlight (canned bank, 2 pcs.); 3 - chain steering (bike); 4 - Cardan steering hinge; 5 - engine control knob ("Gas"); 6 - lever (pedal) control tensioner roller (clutch); 7 - parking brake knob; 8 - engine; 9 - driven brutex pulley; 10 - the leading sprocket of the chain transfer and rolling axis rear bridge; 11 - drive chain; 12 - driven drive asterisk; 13 - front axle; 14 - steering steering

In recent years, three-wheeled cycobil has collected (two front wheels - managed; rear, larger diameter - leading) with a voluminous trunk for business transportation. Made the simulator planter, but, unfortunately, until he took off: whether it is heavy, whether the wind is weak in our places.

But after making a retirement, created the design "For the soul and by age" - a car in retro style.

The retromobil presented in the article has gathered not so long ago - in 2014. I really wanted it to look like the first cars - rather strollers with a motor. Therefore, the wheels took the needle, cycling, and the car decided to make a single, pleasure.

Retromobil Cab: Right - Engine Control Lever (Gaza Maine

Rear axle: Right - Drive asterisk, Left - brake drum

Actually, drawings on their homemade cars I do not, with the exception of the details that I order. If necessary - I make a model at a scale of 1:10 to have a surround view or patterns.

But this time drawn the "X-ray" side view and a front view of 1:10, and then drawn knots and drove them at the place. On this car, the only drawings are on the drive and fastening the rear wheels, because lardings were needed there.

The frame of the car is collected from maple bars with a length of 2000 mm and a cross-section of 50 × 30 mm, which are bonded by wrinkles. From steel pipes with diameters of 20 mm and 16 mm, a subframe was welded. Frames of seats and trunk, which are attached to the frame. Frames of wings and cabins are made of 5 mm wire.

The front axle is suspended with the frame on the one-headed quarter-elliptic springs (from the passenger car). Front beam - from a steel profile pipe of a rectangular section of 30 × 25 mm. Glasses are welded to the ends of the beams, in which the bearings of 6200 are pressed from below. Bolt with a diameter of 10 mm is used as a king. A plug of the wheel, bent from the tube with a diameter of 16 mm bent from the brackets, is attached to the kinsel. On the bottom to the fork welded tips for fastening the axis of the wheel and the rotary levers from the steel sheet with a thickness of 3 mm.

1 - steering cardan shaft; 2 - chain transmission; 3 - Cup; 4 - short traction; 5 - Long (interclass) traction; 6 - lever swivel fist (2 pcs.)

1 - the plug of the right wheel (left - mirror-shown); 2 - Bracket (50 × 50 corner, 4 pcs.): 3 - washer (4 pcs.); 4 - a glass (2 pcs.); 5 - Bearing 60200. 4 pcs.); 6 - Spring mounting platform (2 pcs.); 7 - kkivorn (bolt M10); 8 - Kosyanka (4 pcs.); 9 - Right swivel lever: - transverse thrust; 10 - Swivel lever short thrust; 11 - left swivel lever transverse thrust

Control pedals (neighbor - clutch, long - brakes) and steering mechanism with cardanian hinge and valuable transmission

The intermediate shaft of the transmission: on the left - the two-seated block of slave pulleys: on the right - the chain drive of the drive of the master's rear right wheel

Steering. The tips of the steering is from the card, with spherical bearings. The thrust themselves are from steel tubes with a diameter of 12 mm. A long traction connects the wheels among themselves, and the short one is connected to a slicer with a sprocket with an asterisk (from a teenage bike), another with a swivel lever (left). Pedal carriage is welded to the frame. From above above the carriage fastened on a bolt wooden bar with a hole (oak). Through the shaft passes through the hole, at one end of which a small asterisk from a bike is fixed, and on the other - a cardan node. Asterisks (small with large) are connected by a bicycle chain. Gateway 1: 3. The cardan node is connected to the steering wheel shaft (from motoclasp).

Rear axle with part of the frame - from the map. The rear axle shaft rotates in three bearings. At the ends of the shaft for fastening the wheels - clamping flanges. There are two more flanges on the shaft. One is the fastening of the brake drum, the other - for attaching the slave sprocket. The rear axle is suspended (movably fixed) along the axis of the intermediate shaft and is tested by two shock absorbers from the scooter.

Engine and transmission. Engine with forced air cooled With a capacity of 6.5 hp - From the motoblock. Rotation from the engine to the intermediate shaft is carried out by a clinorem transmission, from the intermediate shaft to the right semi-axis rear axle - chain transmission From a bike. On the intermediate shaft on one side, a block of two pulleys of different diameters is fixed. With a pulley of a larger diameter, the maximum vehicle speed is 30 km / h, with a smaller pulley - 40 km / h. The pulleys are one aluminum from the washing machine with a diameter of 220 mm, another diameter of 180 mm, homemade, getting out of the textolite. On the engine, the tube pulleys block, from the Motoblock "Neva", too, of different diameters (the cake of the belt takes a few seconds). At the other end of the shaft - the 11-teeth asterisk. On the shaft of the rear axle 60-tooth asterisk. The clutch uses a clinorem transmission. The belt is "introduced into engage" with pulleys using a tensioner roller. The roller is connected by a cable with a clutch shutdown pedal in the cab.

Brakes. The brake drum from the moped is fixed on the rear axle shaft with the clamping flange. Drive on the drum using a cable from the pedal in the cabin. Parking brake-delicious.

Rubber tape ribbon is thrown on the brake drum. A tape is clamped using a handle on the left side of the cab.

1 - nut and lock nut; 2 - centering washer; 3 - planting sleeve; 4 - flange (steel); 5 - lock plate; 6 - bolt M8 (4 pcs.); 7 - axis (screwed into the end of the shaft); 8 - clamping flange; 9 - shaft (Ø25); 10 - Wheel Bushing

1 - nut and lock nut; 2 - conical washer; 3 - bicycle overtaking coupling; 4 - axis (welded to the flange); 5 - Bearing 104; 6 - flange (steel); 7 - step puck; 8 - clamping flange

The body of the car is wooden, out of 3-mm plywood, with the exception of the floor, front panel and the base of the seat, which are made of 10-mm plywood. Plywood is covered with Olifa and twice painted enamel.

The cabs awning will be sewn to a wire frame of black. The seat is foam (and the back too) is covered with brown leatherette. Rear has a small trunk. Decorative headlights - paint jars. Lighting - two LED flashlights on batteries. Behind the stop signal and turn signals, bicycle electronics. In the cabin - a cycospidometer with a drive from front wheel, turn turns, steering wheel and right - "Gas" handle. The headlights and edging of the radiator are covered with bronze paint.

Retromobil is not worthless as an exhibit. Last summer I drove on it on rural roads more than 500 km. Made to it a "Medveda" type trailer, which translate up to 100 kg of cargo. There was no breakdown. The attitude of those surrounding the car is the most benevolent.

N. Kurbatov, Belgorod region

Nowadays, it is hard to surprise some new model of the car, but here the vehicle made by its own hands has always attracted attention and excitement. A person making a car with their own hands, expects two options for developing events. The first is admirable for creation, and the second is a smile of surrounding in the form of the invention. If you figure it out, there is nothing complicated in the car's own assembly. From self-taught engineer, it is only required to know the design of the car and the basic properties of its details.

Historical facts

The start of the construction of cars was preceded by some historical conditions. During the existence of the Union was conducted mass production cars. They could not satisfy certain consumer needs. That is why self-taught inventors began to look for ways out of the current situation and made it by designing self-made cars.

In order to make one car with their own hands, three non-working, from which all the necessary spare parts were shot. If you take into account people living in deaf villages, then they most often have improved the various bodies, thereby increasing their capacity. Cars began to appear that had high patency and could even overcome water. In short, all the forces were thrown on simplification of life.

A separate category of people attached great importance to the appearance of the car, and not only its technical properties. In addition to beautiful passenger cars, sports cars were made, which were small in the factory instances. All of these inventions not only surprised others, but also became full parties to the road.

During the Soviet Union, there were no specific restrictions on self-made vehicles. Bans appeared in the 80s. They concerned only certain parameters and technical characteristics of the car. But most people could bypass them by registering in the relevant bodies of one vehicle under the guise of a completely different.

What is needed to build a car

To proceed directly to the process itself, it is necessary to think everything in detail. It is necessary to clearly understand how to make future car, and what technical characteristics He must have. First, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the car will be used, and then embody the idea. If you need frank working horsethen in order to make it with your own hands, you will need special materials and details. It is also important to make the most resistant to the loads of the body and the car frame. When the car is done only for the ride, the question is only in its appearance.

How to make a car with your own hands for a child, you can learn from the following video:

How to make drawings

Do not trust your head and imagination, it will be better and more correct to think about what kind of car should be. Then all available considerations are transferred to paper. Then it is possible to correct something and as a result, it will appear while the hand drawn copy will appear. future car. Sometimes two drawings are made for complete confidence. The first shows the appearance of the car, and on the second more detailed image of the main parts in detail. Before performing the drawing, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, that is, a pencil, eraser, watman and a ruler.

Nowadays, there is no need to draw a picture for a long time using an ordinary pencil. To facilitate this task, there are special programs with wide opportunities and with their help can be made any drawing.

Tip! If there are no engineering programs, the usual Word test editor will help in this situation.

With a big desire, you can make any car with your own hands. If there are no own considerations, then ready-made ideas and drawings can be borrowed. This is possible because most people engaged in the creation of homemade cars do not hide their ideas, but, on the contrary, represent the public.


On the expanses of Europe and America wide distribution reached the so-called "Kit-Kara". So what is it? This is a certain number of different parts with which you can make a car with your own hands. Kit-karas have become so popular that many of their options appeared, which allow you to fold any desired car model. The main difficulty is not assembly, but in the registration of the car obtained as a result of the assembly.

For full-fledged work with Kit-Kara, you must have a spacious garage. In addition, you need tools and knowledge sets. If you do not have defined skills, then the work will not give the desired result. In the case of work with assistants, the assembly process will be faster and fruitful.

This kit includes everything starting from small screws and instructions to large details. For full-fledged work should not have serious difficulties. It should be noted that the instruction has no printed look, but is represented by a video master class, where everything is considered to the smallest details.

It is very important to collect the car correctly. This is necessary in order for the creation to comply with all standards and standards prescribed in regulatory acts Traffic police. Since non-fulfillment of items leads to the problems of installing a vehicle in accordance with the relevant authorities.

Tip! If there is such an opportunity, you can consult specialists in this area.

In more detail about what kind of whale kira and how to do them, you can learn from the following video:

Construction of a vehicle with firing materials

To make the task as much as possible in the assembly homemade car, as a basis, you can take the base of any other car that fully functioning. Best to take a budget optionbecause it is never known which way to lead the experiments. If there are old worn items, they need to be replaced with serviceable. If possible, you can make parts with your own hands on lathes, but this is if there is professional skills.

First of all, the assembly of the car must be started from the body, devices and the necessary parts of the cabin. Modern inventors for body use fiberglass, and before such a material was not, and plywood and tin material was used.

Attention! Fiberglass is quite elastic material, which allows you to carry out any idea, even the most extraordinary and original.

The availability of materials, spare parts and other components makes it possible to construct a car that in external parameters and the form will not give up the models of the cars of the world's most leading autoconcens. This requires ingenuity, good fantasy and certain knowledge.

Summarity, made by hand:

Construction of a car from fiberglass

Start assembling a car from fiberglass follows from the moment of selecting a suitable chassis. After that, the selection of the necessary aggregates is carried out. Then it is necessary to move to the marking of the cabin and the attachment of the seats. Upon completion of this, the chassis is strengthened. The frame should be very reliable and strong, because all the main parts of the car will be mounted on it. More precisely, the size of the spatial frame, the better the parts are docked.

For the manufacture of the body it is best to apply fiberglass. But it will pre-make the basis, that is, the framework. To the surface of the frame, you can attach foam sheets that are maximally appropriate to available drawings. Then the holes are cut into need, and if there is a need, the parameters are fitted. After that, fiberglass is fastened to the surface of the foam, which covers it from above and is cleaned. It is not necessary to use precisely the foam, any other material with a high level of plasticity will be useful. Such material can be a solid cloth of sculptural plasticine.

It is worth noting that the fiberglass has a deform property during operation. The reason is the effect of high temperatures. To preserve the design form you need from inside Strengthen frame tubes. All unnecessary pieces of fiberglass must be removed, but it should be done after it is completely dry. If everything is done correctly and there are no other works, relative to the design, you can proceed to the equipment of the cabin and the electronics fastener.

If in the future it is planned to restore, then you can make a special matrix. Thanks to her, the process of manufacturing the body will be faster and easier. The matrix is \u200b\u200bapplicable not only to make a vehicle with your own hands from scratch, but also to improve the state of the available own car. Paraffin is taken for making. To get a smooth surface, it is necessary to cover it from top to top. This will increase the convenience of fastening parts for the new car body.

Attention! With the help of the matrix, the entire body is made. But there is an exception - this is the hood and doors.


In order to carry out an idea and make a car with your own hands, there are a number of suitable options. Here will be useful all kinds of work details.

With your own hands, you can make not only a passenger car, but also larger and powerful truck. In some countries, the craftsmen manage to make money on this decent money. They make cars under the order. Cars with various demands use in great demand. original details Body.

How to make Porsche do it yourself:

Residents of the Moscow region gathered and put on sale a unique self-timer car. Mercedes Stirlitz became the prototation of the cabriolet, however, the details of the craftsmen were found only from Zhiguli. But the cutter and golden hands helped.

As a real rarity, under the dust layer, this convertible will be waiting for heat in the garage under the layer. And its designers and hosts count the number of sunny days in the Moscow region, in which the car will not stand idle. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a car with an open body appeared by chance.

Movie and desire to have a convertible. Since modern convertibles are crazy money, I had to do something out of the old days, what and attractively for the eyes and what will be unusual for modern convertibles

- Valery Zemovov.

Works went about seven years. And now the car requires refinement: they decided to improve the gearbox. So the upcoming winter is a great repair.

Running quality managed to determine while we roll it out of the garage. The car is heavy, it comes from threesome. And, perhaps, not too maneuverable. Designers were inspired by the fashion of the 30s of the last century. We went, by the way, then not as fast as now. Therefore, the engine came here from an old Niva, which belonged to one of the designers.

When they were registered, they were surprised what Mercedes were, according to the documents it was Zhiguli. When you go, many turn around, show "super"!

- Valery Zemovov.

The most unusual in the car - the body of fiberglass. Dried wings were cast in their own workshop. The remaining details are from the whole world car industry, and something borrowed even yachts.

All this homemade. Clusons and these corrugations. The engine is standing, chassis - from Mercedes. Salon from Chrysler, did something manually. Decoratively made of wood, as well as the awning ordered

- Valery Zemovov.

As a result, the cost of one only parts more than a million rubles. Calculated time to work is impossible. Now the car is put up for sale per million seven hundred thousand rubles. But users of social networks to the idea of \u200b\u200bselling the original convertible treated skeptical. Since it does not represent any historical value. While the car occasionally leaves for a wedding or photo shoot, and most of the time spends in the garage.

Cats were chosen. Everyone likes, including cats. Cats are climbing, they love to climb, getting up, on a gentle

- Valery Zemovov.

However, the owners do not lose hope that there is such a passionate man as they, and will bring the project to perfection.

In search of the material for the community kak_eto_sdelano. I accidentally stumbled upon a blog in which the author described how he created the car. This was not just some kind of car, but a legend car with an interesting story - Mercedes 300sl "Gullwing". I became interested in the recreation history of the automotive raritet and plunged into a fascinating story about how from scratch did a copy of the legendary car, and not just a copy, and the car collected from the original spare parts.
Later I managed to meet with Sergey, who embodied his dream to life and learn some details of the creation of a car. He allowed me to take text and photos from his blog and make a post for community readers.

In the process of creating Mercedes 300sl "Gullwing" was used by the suspension from the Mercedes W202 and W107. I remember that the best - the enemy is good put adjustable shock absorbers. It is worth paying special attention to the rear axle reducer, usually it is with him the biggest problems arise, which is why customizers like not split bridges. On Mercedes, this node together with the drives is assembled on the subframe, which greatly simplifies working with it.

The outlet system of stainless steel complies with the standard of Euro 3, and fuel tank - This work of art: so that the fuel does not splash, partitions and overflow tubes are installed in it. In one of the photos - locking power lock

In the project "Gullwing" it was decided to use the next generation of M104 engines with a volume of 3.2 liters and with a capacity of 220 hp. In a pair with automatic 5-speed transmission. The engine selection was not accidental - it is more powerful, easier and quieter. The gearbox is primitive, with a hydrotransformer, many of these aggregates are familiar to Mercedes W124, W140, W129, W210. A hydraulic was also installed, all the units are new, so there should be no problems.

Making body.

In 1955, Daimler Benz released 20 cars with aluminum body and 1 with composite. We decided to try the composite.

After the manufacture of the body and the chassis assembly begins the bumping of the body with the frame. The process is so painstaking and vigorous that no photos and words will not be passed. Assembly and disassembly, fit - all this takes not one day. Many details are being finalized in place, and the body is attached to the frame through special demphirs by bolts in 30 places.

All body parts are installed and customized - doors, hood, trunk lid. A lot of hassle with glasses - they are attached to rubber sealsAnd since all seals are original and are designed for steel, then it is necessary to strictly observe the thickness of the frames of the openings. Each detail is removed, manually adjusted and only then installed in place.

Many details on the most sought-after rare models still produce small-sector in some workshops than all restorers are actively used. Yes, what is sin there: the plants themselves fake their rarities, especially in this succeeded by "Audi" and "Mercedes".

Many museums have candid copies. So lately, "chorchov" was very much broken. This is especially interesting, given that all the factory documentation was lost during the war. Dozens of workshops on the equipment of those years stamps fakes, issuing them for carefully restored products. The devil lies in the details.

So we just bought and collected all the details that could decorate any rarity for 500 thousand euros. I assure you, every wren and bolt, (I'm not talking about gum) have the correct marking of 1955. Original all, even salad seats.

Already the body is closed, and this is the highest moment, for the composite is a special material in painting, because there are plasticizers and all sorts of other complex pieces. Primer secrets protect and no one will ever tell you. But it looks beautiful.

Small video from the painting process

In the meantime, the body is painted, we will make the preparation of nodes to the assembly. As I said, the Devil lies in the details, and there are more than 2 thousand in the car! Dashboard, I was looking for a very long time.

Toppers and relays also find, not all of course it turns out right away.

But with enviable patience and perseverance, you will have the opportunity to get a completely authentic instrument panel consisting of 80 (!) Details.

The main thing is that it is later and earned: the instructors are all expensive. Cheap does not happen well.

The body is covered in 6 layers of varnish, it is very beautiful and will not need to be a film under chrome. Yes, Shagrena is necessarily, well, and grain so that it was petty. Now it is no longer paint, everything is diluted with water, they have the ecology, the nature will be guarded. By the way, the paint 744 (silver) is the most difficult for painting, any painter will tell you.

Finally married the chassis with the body.

Installed doors. It would seem that the matter is not cunning, but I want to tell you one story. Mercedes 300sl "Gullwing" had many constructive flaws. One of them was actually the doors: they were steel, heavy and mounted loops to the roof of the body, and fixed the spring concluded between the hollow steel tubes with hinges at the end.

In the extreme upper position, the spring was compressed, and when lowering the door, the door slammed the door with the roar. When opening, it was necessary to overcome the springs resistance, which simply pulled the door along with the brackets (900 euros per piece).

The experienced owners "Gullwing" know that with imperative use it will inevitably lead to the deformation of the roof, besides, the brackets themselves simply break. Spring rod assembly with time became a mad deficit and its cost increased to astronomical heights. Each owner of such a rarity repairs these nodes once a season. We decided to go to another way and put gas shock absorbers.

It would seem that it was easier, but it was not there. I had to develop a node entirely, it took 4 months of hard work. Fortunately, there was a workshop that embodied ideas and drawings into life. With full external authenticity, the doors today open as the rear fifth door from the German SUV. The node turned out so successful that he immediately became the subject of the desire of all the owners of the rarities, I think that all the "Gulving" will be very effective and smoothly, without a knock on the opening doors. Now this process really has become similar to the wing of the seagull - graceful and smoothly.
This is only one, and the simplest example of those tasks that had to be solved when building this car.

By the way, the door lock mechanism also has been changed. Despite the cost of 1,500 euros, he very often drove and did not fix the door, but this is another story.

At the very beginning of the project, it seemed that the interior decoration was the smallest problem, the benefit on every step workshops on the stirring salons, so that, and with the skin now any master will cope. Business things - shelter a bunch of skin details, but as it turned out, it is a huge problem!
After four attempts to create interior details in tuning atelierI understood: everything is much more difficult.

Created products, well, did not want to look at the original. Everything looked cheap fake: the skin was sharpened, traces of heat treatment were visible, the texture did not coincide, and no one could choose the material. In short, he began to delve into subtleties and found out that modern masters did not know how to work with felt, wool and other materials used at the time. They stupidly warmed and stretched the skin, the foam rubber was used everywhere, where they could, actively worked as an iron, in short, they mercilessly destroyed the materials, damping their naturalness and nobility. I'm not talking about durability.

Walking for half a year, we came to the conclusion that only restorers are capable of such work. They have a paracloth special and felt. In general, they found a company, guys - wolves, units, years near 60, which for 40 years restore only Mercedes. The fact that they showed us and ripped is just a novel about the skin, and they protect their secrets about the same way as the secret of making paper for the dollar.

On the video approximate course of the process.

Details of the interior on my kid did 4 months. The skin is just like a living.

I will also add that the skin that manufacturers are offered today are a chemical bull with impregnation. No wonder all the owners of Mercedes and BMW after the year of operation are awesome - the salons look like an old redroad: not fresh, the skin is drawn up, seals. As I said earlier - the devil lies in the details.

I'm not talking about vinyls, widely used by the Japanese, and all manufacturers in principle. Now in the Mercedes of the skin and the jacket is not enough, one fuflo, therefore, the options appear - "estate", "individual", "exclusive". Leading manufacturers, at least for 10-15 thousand dollars, you will be given real skin, and the fact that you sew for 50 thousand rubles even the skin does not turn to call.

Wheels - one of the important details of the car. So for our handsome there were two types of wheels. The first were put on the civil version.

The second were offered as an option. They came from sports - real, with a central nut. Of course, it is beautiful to have chrome wheels, but the price of 5 thousand euros per wheel is somewhat annoying.

How then will die with a hammer on the nut, knowing that she is golden? Original disc For the classics, too, no cheap - 3 thousand euros. So I think it hurts 8 thousand euros to save.

One of the main factors of the engine work is the removal of exhaust gases (combustion products). I do not want to remember the laws of thermodynamics here, I will only say that the last 150 years exhaust pipe It is a symbol of progress. Remember the locomotive pipes, steamboats, domain. I remember my love for details, I want to assure you that it was the pipe that the closest attention was paid. This is a masterpiece of engineering thought.

The graduation system is made of stainless steel, which is not a single manufacturer can afford, and is a complex system of pushed and thin-walled pipes mounted one to another, this allowed for complete authenticity external view Pipes solve the problem of "Gulving" - noise and heating of the cabin. Well, the main thing is the sound of the exhaust, it's just a song. The problem was solved using the resonators installed inside the system.

Want to understand what you have a car - look at the exhaust pipe!

At the date on the photo, do not pay attention, just bought a decent fotik. I was deleted, only the instruction did not understand the same date. Well, yes hell with him, everyone interested is selling.

Made a lot of changes in the design, we try to make everything authentic as possible. Very tricky handbrake.

With a tank, a separate song, made one of the stainless steel, slightly changing the location of the neck, but this is a separate story.

There is a good saying - it is better to see once than a hundred times to read about it. All who read and watch my blog know my favorite expression - the devil lies in the details. It is these details that I'll show you today. It makes no sense to write for a long time, you will understand everything yourself.

The harnesses and wiring in the braid, well, that I think you just have not yet seen, two-tone claxson, in short, just look, all this is called technology.

The main task of the project that standing before the implementation was the creation of the complete authenticity of all the details of the interior. It would seem that it may be easier to copy the existing sample, but as they say, everything is not so simple, and much more difficult than restoration.

So, we needed to make all analog devices work, and work correctly with electronic blocks modern aggregates; Till a close car a bunch additional equipment, such as air conditioning, hydraulicel, brake amplifier. All this should work from full-time togglers and switches. The furnace of the stoves used to have mechanical drives, as on the Volga GAZ 21, therefore had to thoroughly remake the stove. But the largest problem was the manufacture of gear gear selector.

All the difficulty was that the car was initially built for sports, was small and very low, even the engine had to be placed under the tilt of 30 degrees, so that the silhouette of the machine does not violate. The box was located in the tunnel and had a direct hinge drive.

There was no more than 2 cm. Free space between the box and the box itself. I have already said that the car itself was cramped and very noisy, it was necessary to solve this problem. Since the standard pair of the engine-box was taken, the task became even more difficult, because automatic box Much more in size and has a completely different management principle.

After a long torment, the hinge and the system was designed, which allowed to completely simulate this node, which is easy to make sure to look at the original.

Well, the most interesting thing: if you carefully read the photos, you will see that the seats are much lower than the original, it is also a trick. The fact is that the car was so close that a man with an increase of 180 cm. Rejected his head into the roof and was forced to sit hunched at the helm, I love to ride straight hands, because I had to change the angle of inclination of the steering column to ensure comfort and not Violate a general view. How it was achieved - this is a whole novel, starting with the manufacture of unique salazzo and ending the alteration of the floor and seats.

I'm not the first who decided to recreate legendary car. Even at the end of the 70s, such attempts were made in America, Tony Ostermaer, the former mechanic engineer from Gardena, was advanced. He managed to build about 15 cars in 10 years with the use of aggregates from Mercedes for those years. Today, these cars themselves are raritets.

I saw them, of course, this is not such high-quality products as I would like, but this is the best thing that was done. In the 90s, there were attempts to the American company "Speedster" using the Tony matrix implant it on the "Chevrolet Corvette Corvette" nodes. A total of 2 cars were made. One of them is now in Ukraine, and the other in Moscow. Machines were sold at 150 thousand $.

Actually it's all. True, there were attempts to wear shell on SL and many more loud statements, but all this PSHIC, people fled ahead of the locomotive, as with our e-mobile: there is nothing yet, but already 40 thousand applications have been filed.

By the way, work with the composite is very complex. Only his high-quality painting costs about 10 thousand euros. Well, most importantly: to fake and copy is two big differences.

It is said that in the car everything should be fine, both the motor and the trunk. On the first car, gas shock absorbers decided to open and fix the trunk lid.

We have a little converted the fuel neck, reasonably counting that if it is hermetically sealed to the lid of the trunk. This will reduce the risk of spreading the smell of gasoline inside the cabin in the case of its strait.

I did not like the idea. This car was closer to the original, changing only the shape of the filler neck (steel funnel around the lid should prevent the fuel strait on the carpet).

Of course, without a collective farm it did not cost: the leather gondon was built around the filler neck. It seems that it looks beautiful, and abandoned the shock absorbers, putting the native mechanism (stick) of fixing the trunk lid. It was certainly possible to freeze with springs as on modern machinesBut it seems to me that it will kill the spirit of the car. It looks very nice the trunk in the open state.

Yes, and very cool everything looks. Considering that today everything is already used articular tires, they decided to free up the place, placing the recharge in the trunk instead of a regular wheel. Now although there is anyway to leave.

Actually, it is inexorably moving towards its logical conclusion. Of course, it's nice that everything ends so quickly, it remains to acknowledge a member and pour wheels.

Wheels are temporary not to treat the original.

That's basically it!

Go around the car.

One can only add: before you start something to do, think carefully, whether you have enough strength to bring the started to the end.

After arriving in Russia.

Video from the inside of the recreated car.

In this video, you can see how the Germans restore the hero of the report, the very "gullving".

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