Home Steering Own business: how can you earn on tuning cars. How to make money on tuning cars Tuning: basic business ideas

Own business: how can you earn on tuning cars. How to make money on tuning cars Tuning: basic business ideas

In the new selection of the portal "1000 ideas" gathered 15 unusual business projects on transport topics. About how you can accommodate buses under hotels and meditation salons, how to fix the car using a mobile application, what is smart gloves for motorcyclists and a vending machine for cars, read in our material.

Smart bus warning about wear

Italian company Pirelli. Presented intelligent tires capable of using the mobile application to warn the owner about the degree of wear. Small sensors embedded in the side walls of the tires are able to collect data on the mileage, temperature, pressure and degree of wear. Information is collected for each wheel individually, and then sent to the driver using the application. While such chips are built into two types branded tires. In the US, the novelty will be available in the summer of 2017, and in Europe and Russia should not appear before the end of the year.

Hotels in old buses

The owner of the Chinese amusement park Tai Tai Mountain Park came up with an unusual view of hotels, buying at a cheap price of several dozen old buses and creating thematic interiors in their salons. Now, in a number of his work, you can find bus numbers with Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty and other famous cartoon characters.

Services to protect against evacuators

In major cities of our country, Internet services and mobile applications for the protection of personal car drivers from evacuators began to work. About the assembly of the tow truck owners of incorrectly parked cars learn, as a rule, from former victims of evacuation, which themselves experienced all its consequences. It is no secret that for the challenges of its vehicle from imprisonment on a stroke, sometimes it is necessary not only much time and money, but also nerves.

Gasoline delivery using mobile application

In American cities, gasoline delivery services are actively emerging using mobile applications. The client reports the place of the parked car, convenient time for refueling and opens the gas tank hatch, and the courier comes and fills the car. The idea was very popular - such services began to be tested by entrepreneurs from Russia.

A new system has appeared in New York to combat drivers who violate parking rules. On them windshields The system called the Barnacle (translated "tongs"), which is impossible to remove without paying the fine. The system looks like a big book, which, revealing, is hanging on the glass and completely overlaps the driver's review. When you try to deprive it yourself, the alarm is immediately turned on. Therefore, the only reasonable way out is to part with money, pay the penalty for the offense, to obtain the activation code and enter it through the keyboard built into the device.

Two Indian artists from Ahmadabad, Mother and Daughter, Saundy Panda Takcar and Shakuntala Panda, came up with an unusual way to reduce the number of accidents on Indian roads. Drawing on the road bulk zebra in the form of concrete blocks, they were able to force drivers to lower the speed before a pedestrian crossing.

The Turnpoint Glove is a device with a rotary navigator for motorcyclists, which was created in order to follow GPS to become more secure. It reminds the rotating disc of the old phone and is located in a special nest of the left glove. The device shows a motorcyclist direction of rotation and distance to it, synchronizing with GPS-navigator via Bluetooth LE. The advantage of the device is that it is quite easy to use, but at the same time helps the driver do not be distracted by the navigator and not pepper in the scheme, as well as avoid the "span" situations by turns. In addition, gloves allow you to manage the system without removing your hands from the helm. For example, the touch of large and index fingers will indicate the distance until the next route control point.

Detectors against collision with kangaroo

Every year in Australia there are more than 20,000 cases of road accidents involving Kangaroo. When this carcass weighing up to 60, and sometimes 80 kg suddenly overtaken the road at a speed of up to 60 km / h, any Australian driver becomes at all laughing. In this regard, the Volvo autoconecern, who has already had the experience of creating radars who know how to catch such animals as elk, reindeer or cow, decided to add to the list also Kangaroo Radar.

Spherical tires

The company called Goodyear has developed tires for cars of the future, which are capable of rotating 360 degrees. Spherical tires called Eagle are the same as conventional ball bearings or wheels in the mouse for a computer. At the same time, such balls are not attached to the housing, just hanging in the air due to magnetic levitation.

Canadian clothing brand Lululemon Athletica decided to help Londoners gain peace of mind, adapting a two-storey bus for meditations. The cabin of the bus was turned into an oasis of calm and flavored with cinnamon, lavender and jasmine. Also, passengers are offered snacks from the Neat Nutrition brand. You could use the bus services within a few January 2017 days. The campaign was timed to the opening of the flagship store of clothing on Ridge-Street.

Tent on the roofs of the car

IKAMPER specializes in tents that are installed on the roofs of the machines. On the creation of the idea, the head of the company inspired the novel of the American writer Jack Keroaca "On the road" and children's dreams of a house on a tree. However, the "houses" created by him is much better - they can be taken to any place where the road will only allow, and install in 1-2 minutes.

At the exhibition high technologies In China, a bus was presented capable of moving over the transport stream and to accommodate up to 1400 passengers. The design of the vehicle is a tunnel with a height of about 3 meters. Moving along the rails installed on roadside, a new look public transport Passes two stripes of cars.

L'Oreal has invented the original campaign for advertising perfume fragrance FlowerBombsurprise from Victor & Rolf, creating a branded flower taxi. Taxi's body design completely repeats the bottle of corporate spirits, and the salon is decorated with pink suede upholstery and more than 1000 colors.

Modular unmanned trucks

In 2017, the first modular unmanned electric goods, which can be built in just 4 hours will appear in the UK. They will work on electricity. At the same time, the basic battery charge is enough for 160 km drive. According to representatives of the company, the trucks decided to make the most "affordable, elegant, quiet, clean and safe", and their use will help at least twice the cost of logistics operators.

Through the hands of masters tuning, according to experts, every fifth car passes, furrowing russian expensive. The demand for this service is consistently growing, and competition in tuning businesses is small. And if we talk about the transparency of the business, then the tax laws work. For enterprise people, it is time to deploy rapid activities.

Styles and tuning directions

In tuning there are several styles focused on the national sign. For example, Americans like a gangster-rapper bias. Germans in the first place - comfort, the Japanese to the racing genre. Russians with a style have not yet been determined, therefore, in domestic expanses there are all varieties.

Among the directions of tuning, styling and technical modernization are dominated.

Styling involves the visual transformation of the car. External styling begins, most often, with installation wheel disks. This simple procedure immediately improves the dynamics of the machine, and appearance It becomes "catchy" and presentable. Next reconstruction are subjected to bumpers, thresholds, lights and other elements of the body kit.

In the interior styling there are many pleasant things. The cover of the salon of the skin has already become "come." Now many prefer sports design with imported chairs and a small steering wheel. Also decorate the interior with special linings on pedals, chrome-plated and aluminum frames, stylish rubber mats, paint salon with special paints, "stuck" with musical components and navigation systems.

Technical or chip tuning most often concerns the "heart" of the car - its engine. You can remake I. mechanical PPC, I. brake system and suspension. "Flight of fantasy" completely depends on your desires and wallet, because the refinement sometimes gets much more expensive The car itself.

Solid foreign producers have their own set of tuning operations offered by the factory program. It applies to the manufacturer's warranty, but also worth such an exclusive tuning is not suiced. Feel the difference: the factory tuning Audi 4 costs more than $ 100 thousand, while the usual model is about $ 45 thousand.

Tuning by car type

Tuning domestic products can be allocated in a separate industry. It is noteworthy that two categories of motorists are resorted to the modernization of the vases: children of rich parents who gave off the car for "road experiments" and obsessed drivers for whom tuning is built into the rank of hobby. And those and others have free money, turning a model for $ 8 thousand in 15 thousand.

Spare parts for tuning find is not a problem. "Underground" conveyors in Tolyatti, Lipetsk, Moscow provides the details of all needy. Moreover, "gray" prices are less than "white" percent for 20. Just consider that no one responds for the quality of "gray" products.

Tuning SUVs are also beneficial. The one who dreams to make from his jeep monster is ready to lay out a "round" amount. For example, the most popular operation - lift suspension - costs from $ 5 thousand to $ 7 thousand, couple equipping electric winches $ 850, installation of differential locks - more than $ 1,100, installation of a snorkel for intersection of water barriers - up to $ 900. The average tuning equipment of the SUV pulls at 15-20 thousand "green", and the most "fastening" tuning "shrink" for 100 thousand.

Postventing service is also worth a lot. Even the content of the Russian UAZ will be more than $ 1000 per month, and the "lion's share" of funds goes to the wage of masters.

The owners of the Middle Class foreign cars also do not mind to refine their car, but they have a few less tuning potential than the SUVs.

Entrance to the market

The entrance to the tuning market costs $ 100 thousand. The bulk of money will go to the purchase of equipment: guillotine, machine tools, press and other trifles. You need your own production site and professional masters.

For knowledgeable people, to master the tuning wisdom does not seem to be a difficult matter. Many domestic craftsmen use their own "know-how" in their work, and the effectiveness and quality of such new products is sometimes higher than industrial samples. You can install and finished equipment supplied by dealers. In any case, the customer in addition to the 100% spare parts payment adds to the final amount of the calculation another 50% for the work itself.

Many cars are tuning on unique projects known to just direct specialists. Therefore, the maintenance of machines you have processed are doomed to engage before sending the latter to the landfill. So, work will be constantly. The annual turnover turnover tuning atelier Can reach in dollars of several hundred thousand. After a year and a half of the good work, you will return the tools spent, and then the profit you can spend at your own discretion.

Prepared by editors: "Business GID"

How to open tuning atelier and whether it will generate income? Services of this kind have long been high in demand abroad. There is an increase in the interest of car enthusiasts to this service and in our country. Similar activities are engaged in small and medium-sized companies located in the bus markets and garage cooperatives.

Demand grows fast enough, competition is low. Specialists who have experience in this case have every chance of successful entrepreneurial activities in the sphere of tuning cars. This type of activity is promising and is able to bring a good income to the owner.

Non-obvious business features on auto

First of all car modifications standard equipment Expand the increase in engine power. It is interested in street riders, the number of which is growing rapidly. In addition to increasing the capacity by changing the engine design, there are other tuning directions. Engine power can be increased by adjusting the control unit, which is called chip tuning. Specialists in inland equipment There may be changes to the design of the car interior, setting modern acoustic equipment, covering the seats of the skin, etc. Finally, changes in the car can wear a purely appearance, for this moldings, spoilers, anti-cycle are installed. It gives the car a sporty look and uses high demand among people who have decided to join the sport.

Tuning-atelier usually works in any one direction, companies providing complete tuning services, has a little. Car manufacturers are zealously refer to any changes in the serial model, especially if they are the hands of craftsmen who do not have special equipment and controls. In addition, the slightest change in the engine design can lead to its premature wear. Increasing the capacity of the car in the tuning studio is not registered, and it is impossible to detect any changes when inspection of the motor.

Not every car can undergo tuning. For some cars, even the most experienced specialists prefer not to take. And the point is not that these cars are perfect. On the contrary, their engines after the changes made quickly fail. And the responsibility for the breakdown lies on the tuning studio. Be that as it may, the tuning of the engines is in great demand, which over time will only grow.

Several easier to start your own business in the field of enhancing the comfort of the cabin. Everything modern cars Provide the same features for installing new equipment. Therefore, the changes made depend on the amount that the motorist is ready to invest in the interior modification. Modern acoustic equipment can be equipped as modern carAnd the car of the 80s of the release. The cost of installing equipment is 50% of the cost of equipment.

How much money is needed to open atelier auto

To open up your enterprise, providing similar services, a novice entrepreneur must prepare at least 1 million rubles. In the initial investments included renting boxing for tuning cars, buying equipment and search for employees who can turn the vehicle to the club on wheels. Business in the field of improved car interior design can be started from scratch, having a garage and special equipment.

How to start opening your own tuning atelier?

What room to choose for tuning atelier?

Start follow from the search for a suitable room. Most often, entrepreneurs who begin their business in this field, stop their choice for renting or buying a garage. This is the most economical option that will help you receive a stable small income. However, to get a large number of customers in this case will not work, because the car service in the garages does not confidence in the garages. You should leave the garages as early as possible and rent a separate building. Much depends on the location of the future tuning studio. The organization of convenient driveways is important.

As for the area of \u200b\u200bboxing, it should provide the possibility of free accommodation of cars and access to viewing pits. A separate room should be left under the reception, where customers will be able to familiarize themselves with the work. The opening of the tuning studio involves the equipment of the utility premises, the administrative department, the waiting room for customers.

Personnel search for workshop on tuning cars

Business success depends largely on personnel qualifications.

It is the search for masters is the following business plan. You should hire experienced auto show, auto mechanics, electricians. They can be found in existing car services or by ad. You should pay attention not only to work experience, but also on customer opinions about this employee.

Aerographs can be attributed to specific personnel. These specialists are chosen, carefully studying the provided portfolio. You will also need a customer service manager and purchase of spare parts. When choosing suppliers, consider their reputation and rely on positive reviews. At first, spare parts and equipment should be ordered in small batches, especially if your studio has no storage room. The best samples of equipment should always be in sight of customers.

The opening of the tuning studio requires the investment of considerable funds, approximately as much as the organization of the work of the car service. However, if auto repair shops are always in demand, your atelier will have to spend a lot of time to search for customers. Therefore, searching target audience It should be done on the stage of compiling a business plan.

If your company will provide high quality services, car enthusiasts will be eager for you. The payback of initial investments depends on the set of factors, the risks are rated as high.

How much can you earn on the atelier of auto

Having calculated the intended profit of the future studio, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the specialization of your workshop. For example, a small drawing (aerography) costs 400-500 dollars, and an increase in engine power foreign cars - $ 200. At the same time, the articles of production costs of various studio on tuning cars are not much different and include:

  • rent;
  • advertising;
  • communal expenses;
  • staff salary;
  • purchase supplies;
  • taxes;
  • and others. Costs.

The total amount of listed costs is mainly located at the level of 23-25 \u200b\u200bthousand dollars / per month. Monthly revenue of the workshop on tuning passenger vehicle 27-30 thousand dollars. Under such conditions, profit before tax - 2-7 thousand dollars, and after paying taxes - $ 1,500-6,000 / per month (USN 15% of the difference between income and expenses).

What documents are needed to open atelier auto

If you do not plan to create a huge workshop network across the country and you do not have others good reasons To register LLC, then in this case It is enough to issue IDP documents. To do this, you need to write a statement, prepare photocopies of the Inn and passports, and also to pay state duty. These papers are transmitted to the tax inspection, and after three days you will become a legal entity of business activities.

In the car tuning workshop, there must be documents confirming the fact of compliance with sanitary standards and fire safety rules. These issues are within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Inspection. At the same time, given the high concentration of hazardous substances and equipment, be prepared for frequent visits of the staff of these institutions.

In addition, you must arrange:

  • the rental agreement;
  • contracts with personnel;
  • treaty on garbage disposal;
  • permission in the local administration.

OKVED for Atelier Avtunignag

Important moment! Preparing a statement of registration in the FTS, do not forget to specify the code of your activity, according to the All-Russian Classifier - OKVED 50.20.3..

What taxation system to choose

Optimal tax modes for the car tuning atelier are UENAD or USN. But this question regulates local authorities, therefore there are no guarantees that you can open the auto repair shop in your city and work on UNVD.

To begin

Perspectives this business Pretty good - every fifth car sold in Russia is transferred to the hands of tuning specialists.

The demand for such services is growing rapidly. The trend is constantly developing in the country and grows the need for masters. It is quite profitable: Small competition, with a huge desire to occupy such a business, the premises are not required, and if necessary, this is not a salon for a high rent.

In tuning enough directions:
-Tuning engine - chip tuning, increasing the power of the motor to the control unit of the control unit;
-Tuning salon - skin-skin, mounting modern "music", etc.;
- Then the tuning - the replacement of collaps - anti-groil, bumper, exhaust system, etc.

As can be seen, destinations for business abound. Not every driver can afford to buy a foreign car, but to have a car that is different from others, I want everyone.

In the car you can replace almost everything. According to polls, every fifth car sold in Russia is subject to significant changes.

A variety of tunned cars depends on nationality. In the US, for example, a rapper style prevails, Japan is famous for street racers or racing, in Germany drivers try to improve the comfort of the car. In Russia, a certain style has not yet been established, there are all varieties in equal shares.

Most of the tuning market is in the shade, so it is absolutely impossible to know the exact volume. Experts say that the volume is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Car manufacturers have their own opinions to such services indifferent or wary. Companies producing dear foreign cars, offer its customers standard tuning, already as an exclusive provided for by the staffing program. The cost of such tuning is quite high.

Such companies have their own model rows With tuning - increased engine power, exclusive quality and color leather salons and more. These are factory cars and the warranty is superimposed on them. The price of a tunned factory car is much higher: for example, Audi 4 average costs $ 45 thousand, and the pumped version exceeds $ 100 thousand.

Do not everyone know that the car with chip tuning leads to the wear of the engine, suspension and other spare parts. Significantly increases the requirements for oils and fuel. It is not difficult to guess that tuning machine leads to additional costs for some positions. If you reconfigure the engine underground, then it will simply threaten the car. For example, by increasing the engine capacity by 20 hp, the cost of each connecting rod will grow by $ 200, due to the fact that it receives another design.

For knowledgeable people chip tuning is not so complicated. And to configure this professional activity is not at all difficult.

Increasing engine power tuning is not registered anywhere. It happens, of course, that some changes in the power are fixed (do not confuse the engine replacement to another). And paying the power is quite consistent. With engine power in 300 hp The tax is 30,000 rubles, of course, the owner of such a car deliberately reduces the number of horses, indicating some "economical" or "ecological" tuning, which has given the opportunity to reduce power. The price of such tuning is no more than 15,000 rubles.

Owners of other overseas cars to tuning resort less often. Most companies work with cars popular in Russia to ten years ( Volkswagen Passat., Ford Focus., Mazda3, etc.). But these are middle class cars, therefore the tuning potential is small.

People acquiring Citroen or Nissan are not very solvent for detailed tuning, as the purchase occurs or on credit, or for accumulated money.

Tuning salon.

Companies that are engaged in the interior of the car have great demand and successfully develop. Not everyone wants or can become riders, but very many would like to have a leather interior trim and install AV electronics (including High-End class), GPS navigation system, improve noise and vibration insulation, etc., and mainly This is done without any problems (not counting financial resources). After buying a car immediately after running, they make tuning salon.

Here, as they say, there is, an extensive field of activity, most car brands need to install speakers, amplifiers, subwoofer, etc. Or the office with navigation is approximately one level. Cars come, which are still under warranty, and cars for 30 years. Equipment can be purchased from dealers. Installation will cost approximately 50% of the equipment cost. To enter the tuning market will have to pay somewhere 100 thousand dollars.

A little to improve the dynamics of the car, if you change the exhaust system, and put the car body body kit, so-called. Aerodynamic skirt. On homemade exhaust systems managed to make his business 4stars, whose employees were once parties to racing. The know-how of this company currently has great demand.

Making tuning exhaust system Engine power can increase by 6 - 7 hp In order to organize such manual production, you need to get a guillotine, a press, lathe and some more smallest, but the most important here will be the golden hands of the workers who are now difficult to find. The cost of all this equipment will be from 40 to 100 thousand dollars.

Separate cars in such services are not served, but prefer to cooperate, as a rule, with legal entities, racing firms, etc., receiving orders for the kit. One such order for ten sets with a silencer, a resonator and a collector will cost 10,000 dollars with warranty service. Previously such exhaust systems were purchased in Finland, but Finns in terms of price and quality were not the best partners, and russian production It has good prospects. Only it was not exceeded the share of marriage. For example, the Austrian firm is "Remus" 3% of marriage. And the company 4stars from Russia, the share of marriage is 1.5%.

It is worth noting that the development of domestic masters has no protection in terms of authorship and begin to wagate from one company to another, while the Chinese are stealing.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian culture of law, it does not make sense to patent its development. Whatever tuning does not make your company - yacht, or helicopters, - people will go to other firms, create their own business and use already stolen technologies. They simply contribute minor changes to the project, and in court you can not prove anything.

To make an external tuning that includes bumpers, anti-cycle, thresholds, etc. You will not need to have your own area for production. It's better to have an intermediary firm.

You will be able to sell several collaps every month. Orders themselves order at the factories, and then give them to installation along with the car, and then paint and install. What does it mean to be an intermediary: Floods to produce on the ordered patterns, all activities will reduce what you will need to accept the order from your client and agree with the adjustments. But the plants do not offer mass production kites, tuning as a business they have nothing, and dealer centers As a rule, there is no interest in this, because They are associated with the manufacturer. Accordingly, this activity is very popular. And the profit from such services will be from about 20 to 25% of the cost of the body kit, on average the cost of full body kit, antiques, bumpers, skirts will cost the customer 4 thousand dollars. To make money, having such a business, you can approximately 3-5 thousand dollars per month, and the most important is the minimum overhead in this business.

For tuning domestic cars, kites from "folk" fiberglass, and with foreign cars not everything is so simple, for them you need to use expensive ABS plastic. But basically, such a business is sitting underground, and it happens that such fiberglass is issued for a corporate product. In addition, 45-50% mark are made in stores on body elements. As in other areas of business, tuning companies, initially proven themselves as suppliers of good spare parts and excellent serviceThrough time, it can reduce the level of services - for example, when switching to Chinese components.

Tuning can be divided according to the type and brand of the car, and AvtoVAZ products are allocated to a separate segment.

As a rule, many buy domestic carsAnd then they make tuning. Having bought the "eight" VAZ for $ 8,000, they begin to bring its value to tuning up to $ 15,000. This is because usually, these people have money and buy a more serious car, but they just want to remember youth, to chase, in search of adventures. For them, this entertainment.

If you do tuning "VAZ", 2 main categories of buyers are detected. The first category is "diet", which parents decided to give as a gift the first car for his further disassembly, and they come to tuning. The second category includes people for whom tuning is a hobby. Spare parts for tuning, you can sell in your own store and make them installation in collaboration with some car center. Let one half of your spare parts be tuning, and the other half is ordinary. The profitability of tuning business is somewhere 30%.

It should be noted that the most inexpensive tuning spare parts for VAZ models are produced in underground Togliatti, Lipetsk and Moscow, their cost is 20% less than those that offer so-called "white" tuning companies. Suppose that the cost of the bumper for tens of legal manufacturer ranges from 5.5 to 6 thousand rubles, but the same bumper can be purchased for 4 thousand. But, its quality will be lower, such a bumper "linked" and not sold in the aerodynamic tube.

Tuning SUV

SUV tuning is a separate industry.

To make SUVs in Russia are also considered profitable if you do this. Equipment for the workshop, which makes tuning off-roads, will cost as much as equipment for the usual service. Do you yourself, because who does from Jeep Monster, there are a lot of money and he is ready to pay a decent amount.

This requires other tools other than those needed for ordinary cars And the large area for the service.

Currently, about twenty specialized studios producing tuning SUVs work in Moscow. Work on this field and many of the profile clubs - "Nivovodi", "club 4 x 4", Off Road. Wrangler Club, etc. Exclusive orders are not interesting to large services, as it implies non-standard work in a large amount, an individual approach is required for each car.

Often rewor "UAZ", 80th and 73rd Land Cruiser., Wrangler, i.e. "Unpackniki". The most popular work is considered an elevator of suspension (from 5 to 7 thousand dollars), which makes it possible to install the wheel of a larger diameter, thereby increasing the clearance. And demand is available on:

Expansion of the arches of the wheel

Setting the diverse protection of the engine crankcase, steering, cardan shafts, Transmission aggregates.

Installation of the Schnorhel, helps to overcome water obstacles (from 650 to 900 dollars)

Installing the trunk on the roof for things and spare parts.

Installation power bumpers and thresholds.

But, full tuning suggests

Differentials with locks in bridges (from 1100 dollars),

A pair of electric winches (from 850 dollars), additional headlights

And many other options, small and not very, which are needed by the driver and passengers for an extreme travel.

All this we write so that you can understand that such services are certain times and effort.

If you make a serious tuning of the SUV, it will cost $ 15,000-20000. And this amount is not the limit, the price can be increased, it happens that the cost comes to 100,000 dollars or more. The service will also require considerable cash costs: for example, the service of tunned "UAZ" will cost about 40,000 rubles for the month, while most of these funds will go to pay for the work of tuningers.

The turnover of a student engaged in tuning of SUVs can be up to several hundred thousand dollars annually, while this market has no acute competition.

All cars are built on an individual project, only the masters know their features, so they can provide a car on the entire period of its existence, from the construction to the congress to the landfill. And even if the owner decides to sell his car, it will, as a rule, will still remain on our service. The most important thing in this business is to conquer the client's trust, and this takes time.

Well, at the end I want to say - "The car today is not just a means of movement. He is like a girl for whom you need to care for. And very many drivers want to make their car attractive. Business on tuning is quite conceptual in terms of benefits and simplicity of its development. This business has so far has little competition, real competition that could be significant for our tuning market. In order to start such a business, you will need:

Initial capital, without it in any way.

Rooms (garage) or desire to become an intermediary.

And the main thing is to make money.

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