Home Transmission Connecting an immobilizer crossover to alarm. Disconnecting the immobilizer in the machine is forcibly. Fortin - Incinual Claims of the State Immobilizer

Connecting an immobilizer crossover to alarm. Disconnecting the immobilizer in the machine is forcibly. Fortin - Incinual Claims of the State Immobilizer

Immobilizer is a device that provides reliable protection of the car from the hijacking. Even if the attacker tries to turn it off, the elements of the machine will still remain blocked. The importance of the part is really hard to overestimate: some insurers in the absence of it refuse to execute CASCO. But sometimes a protective device can bring trouble to the owner of the car. IN this case A corporate immobilizer will be useful.

What is an invincible immobilizer commander for alarm and how does it work?

Today, many car owners set to their transport alarm with the automatic engine warming function. If there is such a system, the start of the motor is remotely.

However, regular protection may interfere with the inclusion of systems: it requires a native key equipped with chip. So that the alarm continues normal workThe immobilizer crawling module will be required (if you wish the antenna of the immobilizer, it can be connected to the transponder, but in this case the car starts a simple blank).

Module circuit requiring chip: Starline BP 03, Scher Khan (Sherry) BP2

Most cars are equipped with RFID systems (Europeans and Asians) and Vats (Americans). In the first case, to start the engine requires a pre-recorded key with a chip. In the second case, the resistor in the key must have certain resistance parameters. That is, in both variants, the car can only be launched if there is a regular key: hacking or connecting wires will not help.

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Cheap Bypass modules are a small container in which the second key is placed (or transponder). When autorun is activated, the system transmits information that the chip is in the machine, and all systems are unlocked.

Module for bypassing the standard immobilizer of this type have straps StarLine BP 03, Sherchan BP2 and others.

The theme of without key speakers. I would like to discuss it a little.

Well, first, how relevant they are also needed. There is no definite answer and can not. It all depends on many factors.

Whether there is a second chip key in the owner of the car, because it will be inserted into the immobilizer crawling unit.

Whether the owner has two sets of operating keys from the car.

As far as expensive is the manufacture of an additional chip or key, if two sets need two (let's say on a set of husband and wife).

And accordingly, as far as the corrupter is mounted in the car, it is also important.

It is the last one that is often the main criterion when choosing a method for bypassing the immobilizer. And while the ugly quality of the installation work, which is proposed to completely and close, the commander can be safely called a bottleneck in the protection of the car. If everything is done correctly, it will take a lot of time in search of a crossbar in the car, not justified many, and then the presence of a key in the depths of the car is not a factor that reduces hijling security system.

Therefore, from our point of view, the use of a non-key tracker is justified only in some cases:

1 . Physical absence of a second key, due to the loss or breakage.

2 . The high cost of making a chip key, let's say smart keys to some cars (keys running on the radio channel) can cost up to 20,000 rubles.

3 . The need to periodically impose both of the company's key to the insurer (there are also such requirements for insurance companies).

4 . The car in leasing and under the terms of the contract, the second key is located in the company providing these services.

Here, there really is the need to use a non-key speaker.

As it works, as well as the theory of the immobilizer bypass below. This is the official translation of the instructions for one of the best representatives of the Fortin Electronic Systems family of the Canadian company Fortin Electronic Systems.

From the experience of using these carriages impressions only positive. True, the cost, let's say the EVO-ALL model, exceeds 5000 rubles, and the programmer (2000 rubles) is also desirable to work with it, so that it is not to dig a network in search of an installation map for some particular car, and sometimes the firmware sometimes The devices must be updated, but the correct work is provided in almost 100% of cases, naturally, if everything is done correctly ...
It is worth noting that the manufacture of a simple, additional chip key, even without cutting sting and without a radio channel costs the order from a dealer from 1500 to 5,000 thousand, which is in principle commensurate with the installation of the same Fortin.

If the programmer is presented, everything is done correctly, quickly and correctly. It is worth only to connect the device to the programmer and open the program "Flash Link Updater", specify the car model and the manufacturer will give you a full connection card, as well as a clone programming procedure in the car. Procedures are different and depend on the manufacturer of the car and picking the car.

Fortin - invincible cross-seekers of the staffing immobilizer.

Combined module for bypassing the immobilizer and interface module. With it, it is achieved by the highest level of convenience of installing automotive security systems or remote launch devices. The presence of 10 separate communication ports ensure the most complete functionality for each supported car model.

Key Features:

  • 3 Built-in LEDs to facilitate programming and diagnostics
  • pre-installed software With the ability to update via the Internet
  • 4-pin two-way port for connecting start-up or alarm systems that support Fortin Data-Link protocol
  • 20-pin connector for direct wired connection of start-up or signaling systems that do not support Fortin Data-Link protocol
  • A self-learning algorithm recognizes the car model in the programming process and configures on it.

Ports for connecting:

  • 3 controllers tires Can.
  • 3 General Controller
  • 2 built-in relays
  • 1 Analog controller
  • 1 TB port for connecting TV series devices

Contents of delivery:

  • instruction (Compatibility Guide)
  • 20-pin general purpose cable
  • 4-pin Data-Link two-sided cable (can be replaced by a splitter)
  • 5-pin CAN Cable
  • 6-pin relay outlet cable
    • can be supplied in a presentation (cardboard box) or technological (plastic bag) package

    A miniature transponder is built into the key key of the key of most automobile keys. Connoisseurs are called shorter and simpler - "chip", we follow this tradition. It can be a glass capsule
    or a semi-plastic case, for example, here: exactly how a particular chip is arranged, absolutely no matter. It is most important: if the chip is removed from the key, the launch will be impossible.
    To understand why this will help the next drawing. Usually, when the ignition is turned on, the immobilizer through the ring antenna wound around the ignition lock at a sufficiently high frequency requests data from the chip. If the chip is identified correctly, the dialogue between the immobilizer and the controller begins. It occurs at low frequency. If the data sharing ended successfully, the engine operation is allowed. Most often, before turning off the ignition, the chip will not be interviewed.

  • Some features:

    • each car corresponds to its type of transponder (chip from Mazda is not suitable for Opel, and vice versa). Such chips are called "predaged" under a specific car;
    • allow the start of the engine may not be predicted chips, but only those that the car has been pre-trained (if you replace the chip in the key of Nissan on the chip from the same car, the engine will not be able to start);
    • all chips are disposable and can only work with one specific car. One chip can be trained to work with one car any number of times, but with another this chip will never earn it;
    • data exchange between chip (transponder) and immobilizer, as between immobilizer and controller, encrypted.

    That's all about what it is worth mentioning. The identification system operates satisfactorily when the engine is started from the key. Problems arise when the engine is remotely started. Car alarm can enable ignition, run and turn off the starter on time. It cannot alone - make the staff passive protection allow the launch. The only obvious and easy way to bypass directly follows from the previous picture. It is enough to remove the chips from the keys, after which one of them is incurred inside the antenna of the immobilizer. The chip is always in place, there are no problems with the launch. The obvious minus - about the staffing immobilizer, as an additional protection against theft, you have to forget.
    However, the idea itself is not inspected. According to such a classic scheme, almost all remote launches are being implemented. Improvement is that the chip is fixed not in the annular antenna, but hiding deep into the car. The immobilizer request signal and the response of the chip to the request are broadcast there - back with two additional ring antennas: one of them is located next to the standard, the other wraps the body of the hidden key with the chip inside. If the installer is not lazy, it will try to bother only the chip himself, and the key will return the key.

    The key is hiding in a neat box to which the power and antenna are connected. The box is simple: the relay connects 2 antennas among themselves, which ensures the connection between the antenna immobilizer and the chip. Note - the crossover is triggered when 2 signals come to the relay winding:

    • inclusion of ignition;
    • control signal (GWR, Ground While Running).

    Under the conditional "ignition" can be understood as the ignition itself and the appearance of an ACC signal or a key signal signal - depending on what event the chip survey is tied with a regular immobilizer.
    The usual ways to bypass also include "calculating the controller" when the presence of the correct chip is not a necessary launch condition. For some controllers, the operation can be carried out, having dealer equipment. Needless to say, the calculation also kills a regular immobilizer.
    There is another way to bypass: the so-called plus hold scheme (sometimes it is called the "Polish scheme", according to some data, it fell in love with Polish hijackers in the mid-90s). Sometimes you can, forcibly holding the "ignition" at the input of the controller, deceive it. He does not recognize that the ignition was turned off, and will not require confirmation from the immobilizer. Starting the engine will be possible. Unfortunately, in most cases it has to pay increased consumption, in some - very large. In other words, for the preparation of a car to the hijacking such a scheme is suitable for everyday use. And it is possible to formulate minimal requirements. Crane must:

    • manage from car alarm and (if possible) to be universal according to the connection scheme;
    • maintain the maximum number of brands of automakers / car models;
    • not "cancel" the action of a regular immobilizer. The functionality of the immobilizer should be preserved to counteract the threat of "rapid hijacking with a larvae";
    • when maintaining the standard immobilizer, do not interfere with the use of any of the regular keys.

    And he should be cheap! Ideally - cheaper than the key with the chip.It while Europe fought for the ecology (the remote engine launch is absolutely prohibited), and Russia - with hijackings (we are not remotely launch), found a wonderful place on the planet. There, green men (environmentalists) are almost not found, the helmsmen are cheat and mandatory to wear (the people of the tools are not afraid), but it happens cold. We are talking about Canada. That appeared there new Class devices. Sometimes they are called "invincible" bypass. Let's figure it out how they work.
    Let's return to the second drawing. The classic commander worked at a high frequency at the right moment transplanting a signal from the related chip. However, there is another link in which you can apply an extraneous signal. This is a line of immobilizer - controller. If you solve the exchange protocol, you will sue the desired signal at the right time. Then the ideal scheme will be approximately like this:

    The scheme is strongly reminiscent of the previous one. The commander is triggered when the ignition is turned on after the GWR signal appears. At this point, it will independently exchange data with a car, allowing the engine start. True, beautiful?!
    No chips, no coils and relays, only three wires. All the benefits do not mean to stop. We note the main:

    • all the keys with chips remain on the hands of the owner;
    • remote launch is not tied to an unstable high-frequency channel, so it works flawlessly at any temperature.

    And now the most interesting thing is: the figure shows a circuit of connecting a crossover to the Honda car ignition lock. To simplify, only the power connection is not specified ("Mass" and "+12 Volt"). Describing the work of the ideal scheme, we lowered one very important item: what is "to solve the exchange protocol". In the dialog between the immobilizer and the controller, the number of a specific chip may be present, the order number of the ignition switching on, Vin car, the numbers of the devices themselves, something else. This information is usually protected by a reliable encryption key. And to solve such a protocol is sometimes not easier than the exchange principle in the "dialogue" code of auto alarms.
    But one can argue exactly - for different instances of even one and the same car brand data is different. So, for the correct operation of any circumference on a particular car, the procedure of "Training" is obligatory. In the course of training, the commander (knowing the exchange protocol) reads data on the communication lines and retrieves important information from them. Based on it, the commander will be in the future to independently support the dialogue with the controller.
    Of course, not all protocols are the same. Depending on the complexity of the protocol, the procedure may vary. Let's look at a few examples. Analogy with alarms will be useful. Simple protocol. This means that it is really very simple. For each particular car, it can be easily designed for any number of steps forward. Therefore, the exchange of data between the bypass and the controller does not affect the efficiency of all recorded keys, it is certainly saved.
    At the alarms, such a protocol is similar to primitive dialogue. The encryption key or the same, or extremely simple. For each request, the answer is easily calculated.
    In most cases, the procedure for training a sphere is simple and requires only one key. If in the description of the tracker training for specific model The car is present a line:

    this practically guarantees the simplicity of the protocol. Optional equipment not required. What to say, to establish such a commander will not be difficult.
    According to the principle of a simple protocol, for example, there are travers for cars Honda and Toyota.

    • or for the key (it will periodically refuse to start a car after a multiple remote launch);
    • or for a trapper (start sometimes will not work).

    That is, one of the requirements for the perfect location will not be performed: do not interfere with the use of any of the full-time keys.
    Example for alarm systems: A similar situation may occur if the dialog is enabled the key number on the keychain button. You can not use 2 keychain with the same number, one of them will definitely lag and stop controlling auto alarms.
    Paradoxical situation - solved the protocol, we can't use it? There is no way. Knowing how information from the chip is converted to the data transmitted by the exchange line, we can force the cross-driver to work as a simulator of another chip interviewed by immobilizer. This conditional "third chip" will live its life independent of others installed in the keys. He will not hurt their work.
    Of course, a pre-car will have to teach working with him. Depending on the learning procedure, both available keys will be required:
    For example, such a principle of training is still available to mazda cars.
    In other cases, they will have to use dealer equipment to record additional keys: Ford cars, previously arranged just as simply, like Mazda, are now trained solely using a computer. Very complex protocol. Not all protocols are easy to break, even having a rich experience in this activity. This does not mean that a very difficult protocol will not be just complicated or even simple. But today it is not opened - and that's it! As a rule, such a solution is marked with a line:

    In this case, only one output remains - to one degree or another to use the classic scheme of the speaker. Of course, trap manufacturers offer a little more elegant solutions:

  • Self-controlling of the chip survey signal level allows not to use multiple antennas, often just three to four turns (upper part of the figure).
    But more convenient is the use of predain chips supplied in a compact housing equipped with a reading antenna. In this case, the distance between the chip and the antenna is minimally, so the antenna is compact, and the entire assembly (including 2 connections for the convenience of installation) is not much more chip.
    But at the base - anyway classic schemeTherefore, we will not dwell on it. So operate by commander with german cars. There is only one question - why in this case, in general, is a cross? The answer must be sought in connection schemes and additional services. The above has already contained a scheme of connecting a crossover to the Honda car. It is unique in simplicity. Standard connection.

    Much more often there are cars in which data exchange between the controller and the immobilizer is made on two lines. So the ignition lock looks like in this case:

    Calf connection is made to RX / TX reception lines. Of course, the commander must receive a signal on the inclusion of ignition. Total, three connections to the ignition lock, one GWR signal and two power - only 6 wires.
    According to such a scheme, the crossings are connected to car Ford. And many others. However, sometimes on the ignition wire can be saved. This usually concerns the cars in which the chip survey occurs at the time of the key, and the connection is made to the IMO / IMI lines (Data1 / Data2). Modifications of standard connection.
    Recently, cars are increasingly different and more often, for which the standard connection is not enough. When bypassing the immobilizer, it is necessary to turn off the communication line from the controller (for example, that the signals from the crossover and from the immobilizer are not confused). The corresponding modification of the scheme is obvious. For this, additional relays are used:

    Better when they are immediately built into the commander. For example, it costs an immobilizer on some Toyota cars. Connect to the CAN line.

    According to another scheme, there are crossings in mitsubishi cars. In them, bypass is made not by connecting to the ignition lock, but to the CAN bus:

    Combined schemes. There are more complex schemes. Sometimes the modified standard connection diagram to the data lines is complemented by simultaneously connected to the CAN bus (or even simultaneously to the two tires: salon and motor). To start, you need to simultaneously exchange data on all these lines. As an example, wept on cars Kia. And Nissan. The higher we were convinced that in a modern universal crawler, there is often a built-in CAN adapter. It is reasonable to use it to perform additional functions. For example, the CAN adapter can receive data from the car engine speed. And this is very important for safe engine start.
    Of course, information from the CAN bus on the state of the doors, the hood, trunk, the position of the brake pedal, etc. It can be used to simplify the installation of a remote start or alarm system with a startup function.
    In addition, the CAN adapter can transmit control signals to the bus. For example, a commander can independently block door locks if the car automatically unlocks them with the "chip identification". Well, ideally, just run the engine, passing the corresponding CAN commands.
    Using additional inputs and outputs, the commander is able to "wake up" the car system before starting, redeemed the "Auto-Light" and much more.
    IN modern machinesoh With Intelli-Key or Push-to-Start systems, a crawler is an intermediary between alarm and car. It independently and independently of other devices provide a comprehensive solution that ensures the safety of the car. In particular, keeping the locking of the steering wheel when starting, independently jammed the engine when the car is invasion. On the other hand, it provides a "soft landing", when the owner enters the head of the car and starts a trip without an intermediate stop of the engine. However, this is already applied to specific launch implementation on specific cars and goes beyond this review.

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  • central Block
  • frame antenna with connector and connection cable
  • antenna in the form of a wired loop
  • installation Instructions


The STARLINE BP-03 module is designed to automatically shut down the RFID (RADIO Frequency Identi? Cation) when the engine is remotely started.

The RFID system is used on most modern cars. The transponder, the code of which is interviewed when the engine starts the key is built into the standard car ignition key. At remote or automatic launch Engine This system will not allow the engine to start. To solve this problem, the BP-03 module is intended, automatically transmitting the standard transponder code during the remote engine start.

The BP-03 module requires a spare key with a transponder, which can be ordered from a company supplier of this brand.


Installing the module is performed in the following order:

  1. Open the central block housing and put the spare key with the transponder inside the flat antenna by fixing it from moving.
  2. Close the center of the central unit.
  3. Secure the block in a secure hard-to-reach place, for example, behind the instrument panel.
  4. Connect the module wires according to the connection scheme.


Red wire - Plus power, connect to the chain, in which there is a voltage + 12V when the ignition is turned on.

Black wire - Negative control input (70mA). When submitting a negative potential for this input, the transponder regular key code is read. Connect the black wire to the output of the remote start system, providing the potential of the case at the engine operation.

Gray wires - Depending on the configuration, connect to the outer frame antenna, installed around the ignition lock, or wrap the antenna from several turns of the wire, on top of the standard RFID antenna.

Connection diagram 1.

Secure the outer frame antenna on the ignition lock cylinder and connect it to the connector at the end of gray wires. It is important that the distance between the standard RFID antenna and the BP-03 antenna module was minimal.

Connection diagram 2.

The scheme is recommended in cases where the installation of the frame antenna is difficult due to constructive features car. Mock the antenna from several turns of gray wire over the regular RFID antenna on the ignition lock cylinder.

It is important that the distance between the standard antenna RFID and the antenna module BP-03 was minimal.

Alternative scheme for connecting an immobilizer of Starline BP-03. Recommended in cases where the installation of a frame antenna is difficult

Source www.ultrastar.ru.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Immobilizer is an anti-theft system at which the launch of the car movement is possible only if there is a "native" key. The "native" key is only the key that is registered in the anti-theft system of the car or if you name the professional language in its "brains". The anti-theft system is designed to eliminate the ability to steal a car using a suitable knee or wire connections.

In the keys of modern machines there is a special built-in chip - the transponder (not to be confused with). There is an antenna device on the lock, which is read by the visual contact, and if the electronic code is correct, the car will open. Modern manufacturers have come up with a system called "auto alarm with autorun". But if an immobilizer is present in the car, it will not be possible to install it, as the conflict will arise between devices and the result will not work.

But car enthusiasts were not confused and found a way out of the situation, the so-called immobilizer crawling unit is mounted in a protective mechanism of the chip located in a spare key or in the key mechanism. If you want to start a car without autorun, a heartless key, then nothing will come out, because the tricky scheme works only for car autorun.

This sensor is hidden deep into the alarm, and is turned on only at the time of the car autorun.

The device can be bought, and can be made yourself. This requires a second transponder, tape and wire, which will perform the role of antenna.

How to make an immobilizer commander with your own hands:

  1. First you need to make a frame for the ignition lock. It is necessary to choose the rim of the desired size in order for the construction design to fit under the ignition lock. The frame is winding with a sticky ribbon or bilateral scotch;
  2. On the frame it is necessary to wind several wire layers;
  3. Wire winds with a tape, the remains of the tape are cut;
  4. It turns out a thin annular frame;
  5. Solder the possess and minus conclusions and soak them with a tape;
  6. The constructed frame is wound on the chip and again covered with a tape;
  7. Rarely arise when the homemade frame does not fit in the lock casing. Then the antenna is made separately from the chip. In this case, the homemade ring is not at all necessary, the winding is turned on around the chip instead of the regular at the time of the remote start.

In cars, depending on the type of assembly of American or European there are various security systems. And to connect autorun it is necessary to invent different variants Bypass the security system. Fortunately, the industry has worked on fame, and there is a sufficient number of immobilizer crawling blocks. Before considering the side models, consider how this system works.

When using the remote starting machine, the relay is triggered in the immobilizer bypass module. Through contacts, the signal affects the external springs antenna, and already with this antenna there is an effect on the standard device antenna, which is at the starter. And on the regular wire, the signal goes to the brains of the machine.

The design is quite simple and convenient. The box lies an additional key. There are cases when the owner of the car has no second transponder. To do this, it is necessary to make the second key. Also, the box is put on the relay and the reading antenna. The system works simple enough. The box is put on the transponder inward to the reading antenna. External antenna is fixed at the starter. Under this system, it is mandatory to minimize the distance between the two antennas: a regular and antenna corporate.

The red wire is connected to a plus of 12 V, and black to minus. It is important that the wires between themselves are not closed. With automatic or remote starting, the machine is necessary to sign the signals. If everything works, you can hide the device. When you collect the roof rail casing, do not move homemade designOtherwise, all the work will be a pump.

  • The second model of the similar device is the "universal module" of the immobilizer crossover.

The universal invincible crossover of the immobilizer is more expensive, but at the same time has several connections, so the probability of work this device Increases several times. Thanks to this device, you can open a car of any brand.

  • AME device

Has a big loop. There are cases that the crossings have small loops and it is impossible to fix on the ignition lock. The loop is an antenna, and you can attach it anywhere. The positive quality of the model of this device is that, thanks to a long loop, it can be wound several times, which will increase the probability of crawling immobilizer.

  • Immobilizer Starline (Starline BP-03)

A wonderful, moreover, an inexpensive device that has proven itself well. It has a compact form and easily mounted. It is suitable for any vehicle system.

These are not all bypass blocks. There are other options with which you can solve the problem of crawling immobilizer.

How to connect an immobilizer cross?

Careage installation is not complicated. You need to open the central block case and put the transponder from the second key or the key itself. The chip must be fixed in such a way that when driving it does not fall or did not move. The case must be closed. The block must be fixed in a hard-to-reach place, for example for dashboard. Conduct the wire module. Check the operation of the immobilizer crawling unit using the autorun of the machine.

How to make an immobilizer commander with your own hands, instructions on video:

Modern technologies allow differently protecting the car from hacking and hijacking. Whatever enough, many of us are used by the usual castle. More advanced car owners install powerful anti-theft systems on their "iron horses", and others do not worry about their car, because it is under the protection of the immobilizer.

Unfortunately, many car owners did not even hear about such a device, although experts call him future automotive security. So this or not, we just try to figure it out in this article. Special attention Also give a question how to turn off when the car owner lost the key.

The principle of the Immobilizer, or what is this device?

If literally translate the name of this device with of English languagethen we will get the term "immobilizer". This word measures the entire essence of the Immobilizer's work as accurately - to exclude even the slightest opportunity to start car Engine without the participation of the owner of the key.

In essence, this is a whole complex of various electronic sensors that block certain systems of the car, not allowing hijackers to start and move your car from the spot.Often with the help of an immobilizer, the entire fuel supply system into the engine or the ignition system is blocked. Thus, even if the hijacker and snewed into the salon of the car, he will not leave him.

The principle of operation of the immobilizer is quite simple. When the car is trying to start a foreign person, the device bursts the electrical circuit to prevent the signal supply from the ignition. A reverse process is possible when the immobilizer feeds on specially installed mechanisms, thanks to which the engine is blocked and its power system. As a result, the engine does not start at all, or can stumble after a certain time when the hijacker leaves parking and overcomes several meters.

The big advantage of this device is that even after breaking the wires or attempts to "neutralize", the car is still blocked. That is, if the device system fixes a hacking attempt - it immediately reacts to the way described above, blocking itself, and all the systems of the car.

In this case, the activation of the immobilizer occurs automatically. It is understood that if you left a car unattended for a certain period of time, then soon the immobilizer himself reacts and blocks it. For this reason, leave the car without the key is ultimately not recommended, since you yourself can not get into the salon.

Components of a car immobilizer system elements

The configuration of this device is standard. However, recently, manufacturers have begun to pay more attention to him, so you can even meet more expensive and "trusted" devices. Nevertheless, despite the innovations, the basis of any immobilizer consists of:

Device control unit. In essence, it is the center of the entire car protection system. It is here that all signals come to it from the sensors are passing here. Accordingly, it is the control unit that sends a blocking command if identifies any external actions as unauthorized.

Micronmobilizer or electromagnetic relayThanks to which the electrical circuit of the car is carried out. That is, this unit performs the command to control the immobilizer.

Key from the car. It is on it that the system can recognize you as the owner and give access to the car. The process of "identification" occurs due to a special chip that is installed in the key itself. A certain signal or cipher is pre-encoded on the chip, which is capable of recognizing the control unit.

In general, all immobilizers are divided into two main types - it contact devices and contactless. To the first type, it is customary to attribute immobilizers whose activation is due to the use of the key. But for the second type, the transponder can be used instead of the key (transceiver, which is able to send its own signal in response to just received from another device) or a special mark-label.

There are also code immobilizers, which, however, are applied much less. Their essence lies in the fact that to activate or deactivate such a device, the driver constantly has to dial a specific code combination on a special panel. In recent years, immobilizers have begun to be used, which recognize the owner of the fingerprint car.

Important aspects of the functioning of a typical immobilizer

According to the principle of operation, immobilizers are not much different from ordinary automotive alarms, although in many respects and inferior to it.In particular, the latest developments of "signaling" for cars allow you to track the hijacker even on the satellite and immediately report the penetration owner. With immobilizers, everything is much easier - they simply do not give the hijacker the opportunity to start the car. That is, the fact that the car wanted to hurt, you can only find out afterwards. But there is also its advantages in this: you do not have to track it for a long time and search for around the city or even the country.

No less complicates the task for thieves and the appearance of the device, as well as its location. In attempts to find an immobilizer by car, the hijacker can spend several hours, but his work is still not crowned with success. Even the wires will not always get to it, because the device functions through the standard network and receives only high-frequency waves. A PO appearance Any immobilizer is very easy to confuse with other car equipment.

The same applies to the micro-mobilizers that are very easy to confuse with one of the instruments of the car - for example, with a fuse. Since several such relays can be installed on one machine to find them and neutralize, you will have to spend not the fact that the clock, but even a few days.

Immobilizers who have the ability to a little delaying the engine blocking special attention. The essence of such a device is as follows: When the hijacker penetrates into the car, he still succeeds with its own methods to start a motor and move away. However, not overcoming and several hundred meters, the car suddenly stalls. Having stopped in the middle of the road, the hijacker does not remain anything else, how to throw a car. After all, if he starts to mess around with him, it risks to attract the attention of others and "to light up" his face.

Transponder immobilizer system: What is the features and differences?

On the modern cars You will most likely have to meet just such a system. Its advantage is that it reduces the risk of possible hijacking. What is her feature? To activate the transponder immobilizer, even a professional auto mechanic will have to spend a lot of time and go through almost the entire car. And the essence of such a system lies in the response proactivity.

Locking or unlocking the transponder immobilizer occurs due to a special keyfire or a card that encrypts a special code or code. When the key is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe immobilizer receiver, the car is unlocked and the owner can calmly start the engine and drive in any direction. When he is distinguished from the car, it is no longer possible to make any other way, since the immobilizer is simply blocked.

Such a transceiver can also be hidden anywhere. For this, the instrument panel is also suitable, and podcast space, and the upholstery of the seats. The most important thing is to make a disguise as reliable as possible. It is also impossible to find it with special equipment.

Independent installation of immobilizers is practically not carried out, as it requires high professionalism and great practice in working with a similar device. Therefore, if you want to install an immobilizer on your car - it is better to apply for this reason to those skilled in the art.

Disable immobilizer: Is it possible to do this without assistance.

If you have to contact the specialists in any case to install an immobilizer, then with its disconnection you can figure it out. At the same time, it often happens so that the disabling of the immobilizer is not at all the attachment of the car owner, but a very urgent need. There may be several reasons for this, and we only call the most frequent:

1) The car owner lost the key. This means that neither launch nor any other operation of the car becomes impossible.

2) Breakdown in the electronic control unit or other important elements Immobilizer management, which caused the impossibility of starting the car.

3) The inability to combine remote control Car and immobilizer. Typically, the owners of the car have to choose between these two devices.

4) Desire to set the usual alarm. In this case, it should be understood that the installation of the "signaling" helps only scare the attackers, but they will still catch the car almost freely.

If the car owner is not afraid that his car can sink, and the immobilizer himself prevents him when he wants to start the car without using the key.

Let's figure out which there are ways to disable immobilizer. However, it should be immediately noted that it is necessary to approach this issue with all seriousness. After all, each device works in its own way, so it will turn off its features.

Many immobilizers models provide code shutdown of this device. That is, if you accidentally lost the key from it, you can start the car, simply by typing a specific combination of numbers on a special panel. This will allow the device to recognize you as a car owner.

However, after such a disconnection of the immobilizer, the car remains unprotected, and in the event that you decide to make a new key, it will be necessary to flash it together with the immobilizer to make compatible. And this is understandable, it will take a lot of time and will require an intervention of a specialist.

Less sadness will look like the situation in the event that you have a spare key. Then the immobilizer can be bypass by connecting its antenna with a chip from the spare key. The chip itself will need to be very gently getting out of the key and literally climb the tape to the antenna. However, on modern cars, the chip is most often installed. In this case, you will have to resort to special cordic crossings. Such devices can read the immobilizer signals and decrypt them, thereby neutralizing their action and giving access to the car.

If you have enough time and money, you can contact the specialists to disable immobilizer. For professional implementation of this process, special programs are used that can directly affect the immobilizer control unit. This option is suitable for any type of immobilizer, but without special training And the experience to cope with this task is simply impossible.

Also, by contacting the official dealer of your car model, you can get a special device from them capable of disable your regular immobilizer that blocks the engine. In essence, this device is a universal key to any immobilizer, but in a professional environment it is called "killer".

In order to translate a blocked immobilizer into an inactive, "killer" status connects to the control unit at the moment when the driver includes ignition. Due to this, the access password is activated, after which the existing program is replaced with the standard. For the further use of the immobilizer, it is reflashing under a new key.

How to disable immobilizer: Meet the device called "Emulator".

The above-described methods of "struggle" with a blocked immobilizer, though efficient, but will not solve your problem if you need a car every day, and you can not even leave the parking lot. To contact S. official dealers The manufacturer of your car or find a car service that is engaged in these devices, you will have to spend a lot of time. A plus still direct work with the immobilizer ... To avoid all this wruffs, resourceful car enthusiasts use a special immobilizer commander, which is called.

What result allows you to get an emulator? It completely disables the immobilizer, even if it is in a blocked state, and allows the car owner to start a car. Emulator as it were "bypass" immobilizer programs, as a result of which the latter loses its influence on the car. But using the emulator, you should not forget that with it, you remove the protection from the car. And if there is no alarm on it - someone can start and sobat your car.

By the way, the alarm installation is the presence of an emulator will not impede. Suitable as the very simple systemsSo the most recent "signaling" with the remote launch function of the automotive motor. In this case, using the emulator, you can quite well combine the immobilizer and alarm. Then due to the last, you can run the engine even without the presence of a key. However, if a signaling system is hacking - the immobilizer will not allow the engine to have an unauthorized person.

But the immobilizer emulator is also useful because, due to the presence of a special diagnostic LED in it, the car owner can learn about the presence of some car faults:

- the device was connected incorrectly;

The device is incompatible C. electronic block car control;

The sequential tire works incorrectly.

In addition, it is not necessary to select an emulator for a specific type of immobilizer, as this device is universal. The program installed by the manufacturer is automatically adjusted for the speed of the bus and allows all the automotive nodes to work smoothly and simply. The only thing that needs to be considered when buying an emulator is a generation used on your auto immobilizer. Therefore, the device must first check, and then buy.

Installing an immobilizer emulator is carried out without the help of specialists. The instruction must be attached to the device, which will indicate you all necessary to perform action. The only nuance: if you are not strong in the automotive electrician - it's not worth it for a business.

We hope now you have verified that the device described by us is not such a difficult thing, especially since the ways to disable immobilizer you already know. So, if you lose the car key - do not panic and immediately go to the auto shop behind the emulator.

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