Home Food Automotive security - safe car. To help brake in the car Collision Warning System

Automotive security - safe car. To help brake in the car Collision Warning System

Insurance Institute Security road The United States (IIHS) proposed a new test program to assess the effectiveness of frontal collision prevention systems by passing the Volvo S60 and XC60 and XC60 maximum available as possible 'Superior'.

The tests were attended by 74 cars, and the City Safety system developed at the Volvo Cars was the only similar system installed in standard equipment.

Institute IIHS will include a new technological evaluation system to prevent collisions in the 2014 Top Safety Pick + rating. According to the new rules, two tests will be conducted, providing for the prevention of attendance to another car: one test at a speed of 20 km / h and another - at a speed of 40 km / h. Additional points are awarded for the presence of a warning system about the probability of the front collision.

Volvo Car Group reaffirms its most secure manufacturer's status.

Volvo S60 and XC60 are equipped cITY SAFETY system and a collision warning system with full automatic braking and pedestrian detection. Volvo models were among the seven cars that deserved the highest rating of these tests.

The City Safety system operating at low speed is installed on all new Volvo models in all sales markets. Most Volvo models are also supplied with advanced technologywhich makes the object detection ahead, warns the driver about the danger of the departure and applies automatic braking. The system is designed to detect cars, passing the road pedestrians and at higher rates of cyclists.

To date Volvo Cars. Sell \u200b\u200bmore than a million car equipped with automatic braking systems. The company will continue to work in this direction, and in the near future will be offered systems that will work in the dark, determining pedestrians, as well as technologies that will avoid visiting animals.

The advantages of City Safety technology were documented by the IIHS / HLDI (US Damage Assessment Institute), according to which cars equipped with this security system are 20 percent less often served in an accident. The data of the Swedish Insurance Company IF also indicate the indicated: the number of hits for such cars is reduced by 23%

The Active City Stop system works on classic scheme Radar. IN this case Laser protrudes as the emitting element. The beam focuses ahead of the car at a certain distance. Special sensors capture the reflected signal and convert it to the electronic code, which is processed on-board computer car. At the same time, the system collects data on the velocity of the vehicle and estimates the approximate brake path. After conducting some computations, the decision is made, whether to include automatic braking or not. According to Ford engineers, the complex allows 100% of the accident when moving the machine at a rate of 15 km / h and minimize the consequences of the collision when the speed at speeds of 30 km / h.

It would seem that there is a sense in such additions, if in the theory of a person and himself can quickly react, but another thing is how fast. It is known that people for making a decision spend on average from 0.1 to 0.3 seconds, but do not forget that these data are true if the driver does not experience fatigue, intoxication, malaise, or simply sees the situation that happens in front. Accordingly, the risk of an accident is significantly increased. At the same time, the automatic braking system Active City Stop scans the situation at a speed of 1/50 second plus as much as much as the decision is made. It turns out that the machine intelligence is superior to the human at least 5 times by speed.

Work Active City Stop system in real time

As noted earlier, the ACS electronic analytical complex is designed for operation in the speed range from 15 to 30 km / h. For control road situation Over this range ford. A different system has been developed - Forward Alert.

Active City-Stop perfectly copes with its task in agreed mode, but during operation the driver does not receive any warning signals: neither sound, nor light, nor tactile - in the form of steering vibration. If you warm up to a speed of 40 km / h and head to a fixed obstacle, the system does not react, even if you release the accelerator pedal. However, if you approach moving at the same speed of the car for a dangerous close distance, the algorithm will first submit a warning signal to the driver, and later uses braking in the floor of the strength.

Video, how the automatic braking system (ACS) works on car Ford. KUGA and FOCUS:

Disadvantages of ACS in work

Since Active City-Stop relies in its work to a smaller number of data than a person and does not have the same perfect processing algorithm, then sometimes the complex works incorrectly. For example, the standard situation: you are heading for turning. Front rides a car and starts maneuver. The distance between you is reduced and the ACS system thinks that the risk of collision has increased over and gives a team to braking. In fact, there is no danger in reality. Even if you continue moving at the same speed, then apparently to the next point the front line will already be free.

Another ambiguous situation arises then, then in front of you maneuver the car at low speeds. Here, too, there may be false responses. We also add that for reliable operation, the system is required to be maintained in purity as well as the Laser lens itself and the sensors installed in the front.

In general, officially set cars from Ford by the Active City Stop system for residents of Russia was not supposed. Representatives referred to which we melt Many cars drive with dirty license plates and lanterns, and the rag of the complex just focuses on these elements. In theory, it complicated the work of the system, but in fact more logical it seems that in large cities, people are accustomed to ride close to each other due to limited space. Therefore, the system of automatic braking in a similar setting would constantly slow down and interfere with continuing movement.

Cost of automatic braking system

Although manufacturers assure that it is possible to order the installation of such a supplement only for $ 500, but in fact Active City-Stop is included in the adaptive cruise control kit, which itself is estimated at $ 1320. Those. In the end, you will have to pay almost $ 2,000, and specifically - $ 1820. Price for this deviceAs you can see, not small, but what a sense will be from him, it is unknown. You can only order Installation Active City-Stop only in Focus Titanium, Trend Sport (for example -), as well as Sport Limited Edition.

Imagine the situation for a moment - at work Avral, yesterday you later returned home, and at night they woke up the treasured screams of westing street cats. What awaits you in the morning? That's right, headache and inclipboard, if you wake up on time. And if you do not forget an anesthetic tablet, you can cook a cup of strong coffee and do not have time. And so, you walk behind the wheel of your car and slowly crawl into the plug, the keys with your nose. And at some point you notice in several centimeters from the transfer of your back the back of a new Mercedes. With a frightened heart, you press the brake pedal, hoping still to have time and do not knock someone else's car. Maybe you will succeed, and maybe not. So let's talk about the system automatic.

ACTIVE CITY STOP (automatic braking system) - Development that is designed to reduce the risk of occurrence and as practice shows, such a system reduces the path after pressing the brake pedal at least 15%.

How it works? Theoretical part

Purely technically nothing is not too difficult in to force the car to slow down. For this car and has the right. The whole problem is just to force your car exactly at one second, when it is urgently required, and the driver should not participate in this.

The ACS system itself works on the principle of laser radar (Lidar)With the help of pulses sent every 0.1 s, scans the space in front of the car and determines the availability of objects, the speed of their movement and the distance to them. Since such devices are working at close range, then often the chamber is installed on the windshield of the car, and the radar is on the front bumper. Since the radar cannot determine which object is in front, but can detect it at a high distance, the camera connects to the case, and the system begins to decide whether to start braking or you can not pay attention to the discovered object. With a small speed of movement of your car (from 15 to 30 km / h), which is just characteristic of traffic jams, such a system allows you to prevent accidents with a probability of up to 100%.

ACS - uses the camera under the windshield

It may seem that a similar amount is not so high, a person himself can cope with the situation. The whole question is at the rate of decision. On average, the solution rate is about 0.2 seconds. But do not forget that a person can be tired, sick or just badly evaluating the situation on the road due to poor visibility. All this increases the decision time, and the risk of creating an emergency on the road increases. At the same time, the rate of assessment of the situation in the automatic braking system is many times more.

Practical part

So, let's say you do not take any action by the wheel - do not slow down, do not twist the steering wheel to overtake the obstacle. As mentioned above, this system works perfectly at a speed of less than 30 km / h and is able to completely reduce the chance of an accident, although its main priority is to minimize the damage to the car and driver injuries. Nevertheless, ACS does not take all responsibility for managing the driver from the driver.

It must be said that the automatic braking system of the car perfectly copes with the functions entrusted to it, but no signals come to the driver - neither light or sound. Vibration and steering wheel are not transmitted.

With an increase in the speed of movement to 40 km / h and approaching the stationary object, the system does not react at all, even if you release the gas pedal. However, if you approach the car moving at the same speed as yours, for a dangerous distance, then the ACS will give you a warning signal first, and then the braking will start raccked. The entire idea of \u200b\u200bACS is that you will start to act on your own and finally go on the brake pedal, but if you stay indifferent, then the system will decide and will do everything for you.

It may seem strange, but the overwhelming majority of people pumped on the brake pedal during an emergency not with the force with which they could, therefore aCS automatic braking system Easy will help the driver to choose a brake pedal when you wake up in the rear bumpers in front of centimeters standing Mercedes. As shown repeated research, a third of all accidents is the result of the "meeting" of the rear and front bumpers of two cars. At the same time, in half such cases, the driver does not slow down at all. Therefore, it is obvious that in such cases the help of the driver from his car would be extremely necessary.

It costs to remember that if the speed of your car is large enough, then no security system saves you - here all responsibility lies only on the driver and all control over the situation remains only in his hands.

We think about the shortcomings

Such a system has long been installed on many brands of cars, for example, on Ford Focus., Subaru. Although initially on the car for russian roads Ford, for example, did not plan to install the automatic braking system of the car. This is due to the fact that most of our car owners are not too often wash their " iron horse"Therefore, the cleanliness of license plates and the lanterns almost always leaves much to be desired. But the ACS radar works just on these elements.

It was assumed that this would complicate the work of automatic braking of the car, but the reality is somewhat different. In major cities, cars often go one solid flow, the distance between them is small (remember about traffic jams!) And the ACS would have to constantly slow down, mixing the movement. And yet it is necessary to maintain the purity of lenses and sensors.

Also, ambiguity of the moment may occur when ahead traveling driver solves turn on the intersection. The distance between you begins to decrease and the automatic braking system of your car begins to work, thinking that there is an abnormal situation that is not really not. Or the front neighbor on the road begins to maneuver at low speed - there is also a false alarm system.

Question price

According to the manufacturers, the cost of such an installation fluctuates around 500 y. e. for and bmw. It is much more expensive to offer a similar installation of Volvo and Lexus. However, ACS is part of another set of control, which is already one and a half times more expensive. Ultimately, the price of the automatic braking system of the car will grow twice and make up a little less than 2 thousand dollars. Given the economic situation in the country, this amount does not seem small.

What can I say in conclusion? That no mechanical system imperfect and in the planning of their further action It relies on a much smaller number of parameters than a person, so sometimes such a system is working impaired. Nevertheless, auxiliary function and should not be relying on it. And the price is that, with time everything is getting cheaper.

This case entered in car history As a visual illustration of the concept of Epic Fail (then I mean a grand failure). In the spring of 2010, Volvo collected on the landfill over hundreds of journalists from all over the world to boast to them advanced development. The second-generation Volvo S60 sedan equipped with the CITY SAFETY system, which was then preparing for the sales start, had to demonstrate the skill independently, without the participation of the driver, stop before the obstacle. Everything was not different as a breakthrough in the area active securityAlthough, for example, Honda began working in this direction in the early 2000s. But a wide publicity of automatic braking systems provided exactly a scandal with Volvo.

The history of the Volvo City Safety system began with a scandal, and continued with the triumph. For example, on the XC90 crossover of the new generation, laser sensors were added by the radar, a camera, fresh electronic filling. As a result, the assistant learned to recognize pedestrians, cyclists and even counter transport. Many experts consider the Swedish development of one of the most effective in their own way.

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And here is the climax of action. The car leaves the hangar at a speed of 35 km / h and calmly rides directly to the "parked" wagon. The distance is rapidly reduced, the nervous closed and ... it turned out, not in vain. Even without thinking to slow down, S60 is imprinted in a semi-trailer! A frequency car was complaints about janitor. Developers and "Pen Sharks" in shock. Then Volvovtsy met for failure not enough careful preparation of the sedan for testing. Like, there were problems with the battery, and in general the pre-production technique made a failure.

However, that confusion gave rise to extensive discussions. Saying buyers again want to have. Suggest money from them for imaginary safety, dear systemUnable to save from the accident in practice. And under the millstone critics, not only Volvo came, but also other companies working on preventive protection assistants.

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EURONCAP experts in their tests share automatic braking systems into two types: the so-called "urban", capable of working only at low speed, and "long-distance", which preserve vigilance even on the track. Accordingly, the test methodology is different

However, only five years have passed, as the function of automatic braking began to actively apply not only on premium models, but even on urban babies like Volkswagen Up!, Skoda Citigo. or Fiat Panda.. Checking these systems included crash tests on both sides of the ocean. For example, according to the independent European method of EURONCAP, starting from January 2014, it is impossible to get a higher score if the car is not able to avoid collisions itself. And in the field of engineering, a miracle suddenly happened. Once at a time of the test (and both state and third-party) systems of preventive protection began to show them quite high reliability and efficiency. The same Volvo with its updated City Safety was able to rehabilitate iron.

As a result, the rows of supporters of the "controversial" electronics were replenished not only by the same Euroncap, but also an ADAC authoritative German autoclub, as well as the American IIHS Institute. Statistics data began to give both statistics. Allegedly experience in operating machines with "autotorrow" showed - these systems are able to reduce the number of accidents and save up to 8 thousand lives per year! And although during tests, the shoals still occasionally happened, experts began to complain about the fact that, alas, not every automaker decided to offer preventive protection even as an option. It would be necessary to accelerate!

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At the end of 2013, the German ADAC autoclub checked the reaction of automatic braking systems to a sudden appearance on a pedestrian road. Factory assistants deserved estimates "good" and "satisfactory", surpassing the Mobileye accessory, which is capable only to warn the driver, but do not stop the car

But is it possible? Are there any option to make an advanced system available? And why in just a few years the technology made such a jerk - from non-recognition by many to almost praise? To understand the situation, you need to know, but how do you actually put the ability to automatically slow down. And then many questions will disappear by themselves.

In the article "Automotive Cheating, or Little ESP Secrets" we told what extensive capabilities would be a mundane stabilization system. The main thing - its composition includes a special modulator, which, in addition to the distribution of brake efforts on wheels, is capable of creating this effort if necessary. For which the pump is hidden inside the device, the tricky combination of valves and hydroaccumulators. As soon as the command from the control electronics is received, all this farm can slow down the car until a complete stop. Moreover, without the participation of the driver.

So it means an upgrade to a system of automatic braking does not interfere with anything? Not certainly in that way. After all, with recognition of loss of stability, the situation is quite obvious. For this there are quite specific criteria. Therefore, ESP as a whole is overaged both by 30 and 300 km / h. But with automatic braking everything is not so smooth. The car should not only "feel" the impending danger in time, but also to work adequately atmosphere so that the driver from fright does not block the wood. First - to warn, and then act independently, in the fireman.

Mass models are usually equipped with LIDAR laser emitters based systems. There are such assistants inexpensively, but confidently work only at low speed, only with perfect weather and only with objects that reflect light

It is with the recognition of emergency situations that numerous troubles are associated in tests in the tests of the accident prevention systems. And all because to determine the distance to the object in front, its speed and type (for example, a car or pedestrian) are used various methods. Each of which has its weak and strengths.

Most a budget option Teach the machine to "prove" space in front of yourself - the so-called Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging). Such devices are manufactured by such famous firmslike Denso, Continental, Siemens, Hella. And with the use of this technology, in particular, the City Safety system from Volvo, Active City Stop from Ford, City Brake Control from Fiat and many others.

The essence of the lidar is next. Behind the windshield of the machine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear view mirror put the light emitter (most often infrared laser) and its receivers sensor. Electronics sends a ray forward and flows the time for which the obstacle reflected in the obstacle will return the light back. Knowing the current vehicle speed, computer and calculates the dangerous rapprochement.

It sounds simple and effectively. But, as they say, it was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines. First, a typical budget lidar has a very limited review sector, and therefore, let's notice an obstacle from the center of the band can not notice at all. Secondly for successful work Systems surface surface in front must have good retroreflective properties. For example, the number sign or emergency pedestrian vest electronics will notice, but the dirty board of the truck is capable and skip. Finally, in bad weather, the effectiveness of the lidar fell noticeably - the car "blind". The same thing happens on a strong crossed relief.

And another typical laser meter sees not far away - by 10-20 m, and therefore at speeds above 30 km / h is usually practically useless. In addition, he does not know how to recognize the type of object. Such a system is still that ahead is a fixed car, a man or cyclist. From this disadvantage, the automatic braking system based on camcorders is delighted.

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The main element of the Subarovsk system Eyesight is two cameras forming a volume color picture. As a result, electronics recognizes not only obstacles, but even flashing stop signals

Perhaps the most advanced of these is Eyesight from Subaru. It consists of two lens (as well as in the case of Lidar, are located behind windscreen) forming a color stereoscopic picture. It allows electronics to see a wider panorama of what is happening in front and besides pre-prepared for danger. For example, a computer is not difficult to define a red traffic light signal or a lithered stop signals. This is a sign that the driver should, at a minimum, lift the leg with the gas pedal, and how to maximize - click on the brake. This did not happen? So it's time to take measures to save. In addition, Eyesight sees marking and therefore allows you to implement the function of maintaining the strip of movement. Two in one!

It seems that everything is great, but systems like EYESIGHT, like Lidar, are very dependent on the environment. The worse the weather than the dirtier glass and the darker on the street, the less chances to avoid hitting the obstacle. IN sophisticated conditions Only complex of low-cost radar (up to 30 m) and far (up to 200 m) detection can be guaranteed. Usually they are hiding in the area front bumper Or grids radiator. For example, "drawn" Mercedes star with smooth surface Or a black lens disguised in the air intake from Audi, they say the presence of such a road scanner. He does not care about rain and night, but electromagnetic signals are unable to determine the type of object. The circle closed ...

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On modern models, the complexes of active security, which combine cameras, ultrasound sensors and radars began to appear different types. Plus, the electronics controls the chassis, the engine, transmission ... to a completely autonomous movement remained one step

Therefore, on premium models, radar are usually complemented by the camera (or even one) so that the side electronics have a complete picture of the surrounding atmosphere. Such are the complexes of Audi Presense Plus, BMW Driving Assistant Plus and Mercedesian Pre-Safe.

An knowledgeable reader here will exclaim - so the same technologies of adaptive cruise control! And it will be absolutely right. On the expensive cars These systems work together, based on common sensors and, in fact, are inseparable from each other. As a result modern car It is possible to automatically slow down in normal mode, for example, before the plug, and autonomously move in it. It is behind such advanced complexes that the future of active safety.

Budget options, of course, are not so perfect. Usually in such cases, automakers promise that the system is able to completely prevent a collision at speeds of up to 30-50 km / h, and then up to 80 km / h reduce the severity of the effects of impact. That is, in any case, it will not be a calm slowdown, but the emergency, emergency option. Therefore, first the electronics will warn the driver - a buzzer, light signals, or somehow more, and if it does not have the effect, it will take the case. It will raise the pressure in the brake lines, bringing the pads to the disks, and if the probability of a collision becomes critical, uses the mechanisms regardless of the driver's desire.

As a result, it turns out that the success of the fight against the coming is resting, by and large, in money. Want to raise your level of protection - pay for advanced combined systems. Suitable for the presence of autotorrow function? Then do not be surprised by possible misses in her work. It is not able to replace the driver completely.

The main conclusion is such - such assistants are not a marketing layout, they are really helpful, let them give some oenshes.

The use of cars is maintained continuously. Some systems are already mandatory installed in new cars. The collision warning system is not yet recognized as a mandatory element in the manufactured machines, but is popular with considerable.

In addition to the essence of the system

By the name already becomes clear the essence of this innovation - preventing the departure to the object, which is ahead. It is implemented through forced braking at the moment when the system considers the situation dangerous, and the collision is inevitable. If there is also an adaptive cruise control to work, then the car will always be at a safe distance from ahead of the next participant of the movement.

Existing anti-libesion system

Many manufacturers automotive industry We developed their own options for this unique technology that is able to prevent an accident and save people's lives. But the essence remains the same: in the car automatically turn on the brakes if the driver does not respond to a dangerous convergence with an object that is in motion or stands with the engine off.

Earlier, another system was practiced, which was far from perfection. She assumed use, and this could not provide high efficiency. New development is based not only on the radar, but also involves the use of the chamber. It is the last element that fixes the position of the near car. The radar radius is 150 meters, and cameras are 55 meters. This means that the system is monitored by all objects that fall into the range of the chamber. Information coming from these two elements is processed and compared by modern technology Data Fusion, which also made it possible to increase the efficiency of the system.

A lot of effort was made by automakers so that their development began active actions only in the event of an inevitable collision. This factor is very important in conditions. big City, on the roads of which there is a dense movement of transport. Low level False alerts are an important and fairly rare advantage of collision prevention technology.

For the user, it is convenient to change the settings and choose the operating mode, thus adapting the system to the movement conditions.

Scheme of work

Since we began to consider one of the security systems, it is worth considering the principle of its work in detail. It consists of several stages that are powered sequentially.

  1. In the absence of a driver's response to reduce the distance between its car and stand in front of the object on lobby glass The red light bulb flashes. At the same time, sound alert is activated. All this is aimed at attracting the driver's attention, which must react to the situation properly.
  2. The system begins to prepare a car to future braking (pads come closer with disks, pressure rises in hydraulics). Due to this preparation, braking will be effective even with a lot of press on the brake pedal.
  3. If there is no action from the driver and in the future, the system independently begins to activate the brakes.

You can cite a few cases to which the system will respond with a decrease in speed:

  • dangerous reduction of distance;
  • rebuilding ahead next car on your strip;
  • exit machine beyond your strip without turning on high speed;
  • sudden appearance in front of the machine of another road traffic.

At the full stop of the car, it is not always necessary to hope, but even at some reduction of speed, the risk of injury is reduced at times.

Additional functions

Collision prevention efficiency can be enhanced by the use of additional systems.

ACC Adaptive Cruise Control

The collision warning system should work in conjunction with ACC Adaptive Cruise. This development monitors compliance with the safe distance between your car and stand in front. This function is very convenient during movement.

Continuously works radar, which measures the distance to each car. The system processes this information and calculates the speed at which the critical convergence will be impossible. Adds convenience to the user the ability to place their parameters within which adaptive cruise control will work.

The system monitors the speed of movement of a neighboring car and quickly responds to its decline. Thus, the driver may not keep himself in constant voltage and entrust some part of the control electronics.

Administration alert

Movement in a dense traffic stream is facilitated by the system that monitors the reduction of the distance and notifies the driver in the event of a dangerous situation. This feature is called Distance Alert, it can be an alternative to adaptive cruise control. If a last system Inactive, Distance Alert performs control over the road.

The driver's attention is attracted by a warning signal, which is located at the frontier glass - just in the visibility zone.

Pedestrian detection technology

All the features that were described above are only related to cars. But the car can face not only like that, but also with pedestrians. Was developed separate systemwhich is aimed at finding people near the car. When identifying a nearby person, the car forcibly reduces the speed.

As a result of this technology, you can reduce the strength of the strike or avoid a collision with a pedestrian. Studies have shown that the use of pedestrian detection system reduces mortality as a result of accidents, reduces the likelihood of gravity injuries and reduces the number of hitting.

Possibilities of this technological development impressive. It works great in the conditions of a big city, tracks several pedestrians at once, which can move in different directions, determines people with umbrellas in rainy weather.

The system will help prevent a collision with a pedestrian


Specialists still have over what to work. Collision prevention technologies work unsatisfactory with bad weather and in dark time day. Also affects the quality of work road markup, its quantity and quality. If the camera does not quite well distinguish between the separation lines, then the operation of the system is reduced. As well as during thick fog, insufficient lighting, snowfall and under other adverse conditions.

It is stupid to fully rely on electronics. In any case, the driver is responsible for the lives of people and the preservation of property. These systems need to be perceived as insurance and help, rather than shifting them all the work of the driver.

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