Home Engine Moped "Carpathians": specifications and photos. Soviet moped Carpathians How much weighs a two-speed moped Soviet Carpathians

Moped "Carpathians": specifications and photos. Soviet moped Carpathians How much weighs a two-speed moped Soviet Carpathians

Domestic manufacturers of low-intensive motorcycles have already been offered. Two large plants of that time - Riga and Lviv - were engaged in the production of Soviet mopeds since the beginning of the 1960s and enviable regularity represented their new models. The unconditional domination of "Java", of course, very prevented by the developers of domestic mopeds, but the products of these factories also did not dust in warehouses and had their own consumer.

Lviv Motionava (LMZ), originally specialized at the release of automotive drivers, in 1958 engaged in the development of experienced samples of mopeds, as the leadership of the country was decided to quit all the forces on the development of this direction. LMZ has already experienced the development of such products: in particular, Motovibics in-902 and B-905 were released, mopeds MV-044 ("Lvivoyanka"), as well as mopeds MP-043, MP-045, MP-046 and MP -047. The end of the 50s was marked by the release of the first mopeds "Verkhovyna-3" (MP-048), which played a prominent role not only in the history of the Lviv motosair, but also in the history of domestic motorcycles of that time. Moped "Verkhovyna-3", equipped with a 50-cubic two-stroke engine of the Kovrov mechanical plant (W-51K) with a capacity of 2 hp, accelerated to 50 km / h. Cubature, power and maximum speed were typical for mopeds, so developers, first of all, attracted consumer attention to improved appearance First "Verkhovyna".

Unlike predecessors, on the moped "Verkhovin-3" installed wheels of a smaller diameter and a tubular welded frame, due to which it was possible to increase the strength of the structure and reduce the weight of the moped to 51 kg. "Verkhovyna-3" could boast a comfortable fit and upgraded front and rear fork. The rear plug fixed to the frame with bolts and threaded sleeves, which made it possible to reduce the degree of its wear during swing. The brake pads were equipped with protective stops in which you could insert compensating washers and not change the pads after 20 kilometers of the mileage. Previously, the brackets were welded to fasten the fuel tank, and the moped "Verkhovyna-3" was attached to the Bourge, thanks to which it was possible to avoid cracks, often formed in the attachment places of brackets. Verkhovyna-3 passed a series of tests: in particular, the mopeda had to overcome more than 5,300 kilometers to demonstrate its reliability and unpretentiousness in operation. During the period from 1972 to 1974, Mopeds "Verkhovyna-4" and "Verkhovyven-5" came up from the plant conveyor. Moped "Verkhovyna-4", which was equipped with an EC-57 engine with a capacity of 2.2 hp, weighed 52 kg and accelerated to 50 km / h.

The most attention in this line rivilec moped "Verkhovyven-6" (LMZ-2158), which has already belonged to another category of motorcycles. At the "Verkhovin-6" bicycle pedals were replaced by a kickstarter, so it was not a moped, but a classic mokik. "Verkhovyna-6" was equipped with a two-stroke engine W-58 with a capacity of 2.2 hp. and a two-stage gearbox, which was ruled by the left handle of the steering wheel. The high steering wheel of the moped "Verkhovin-6" and the elongated seat provided a comfortable fit, and a soft suspension and wide tires - a comfortable ride in complex areas of the road. This moped, as well as at the "Verkhovin-3", was a trunk, designed for 15 kg. The moped "Verkhovyven-6" was harder at 3.5 kg, but on his maneuverability and speed characteristics (maximum 50 km / h) it did not affect. Moped "Verkhovyven-7" appeared in 1981 and received new carburetor, more powerful generator and two-stroke engine W-62 with contactless electronic system ignition. Verkhovyna-7 with a kickstarter instead of pedals was also mokik, but, unlike the "Verkhovin-6", developed the maximum speed of only up to 40 km / h. Externally, the Mokik "Verkhovyven-7" was a bit more transformed due to the new spotlight, the rear light with a stop signal and control devices made on the steering wheel.

In the spring of 1981, a model - Mokik "Karpaty" (LMZ-2.160) appeared for the history of the Lviv motosair (LMZ-2.160), and in 1986 Mokik "Karpaty-2" (LMZ-2.161) was released. Mokka "Carpathians" was a tubular frame, a telescopic front plug with spring shock absorbers, pendulum rear suspension and interchangeable wheels. Both Mokka "Carpathians", in the development of which the branch of VNIITE in Leningrad took part, was equipped with a 50-cubic two-stroke single-cylinder engine W-58 with a capacity of 2 hp or a more advanced Shaulian production engine W-62 with a non-contact ignition system. Mokiki accelerated to 40 km / h: the engine model "Carpathians-1" was a capacity of 2.0 liters. p., and "Karpaty-2" - with a capacity of 1.8 hp, while Mokik "Carpathians-2" became easier than its predecessor at 1.5 kg. With the exception of some details, according to its design, Mokik "Carpathians" was almost similar to the Mokka "Delta" of the Riga Motosabide.

If we talk about the differences between the mops "Verkhovyna-7" and "Carpathians", then the most obvious is the form of a frame, a tank, silencer and side casing with "Carpath". The developers have increased the service life of the new model: the warranty mileage of Mokka "Carpathians" amounted to 8000 km (the "Verkhovyna-7" was 6,000), and the resource until the first overhaul is up to 18,000 km compared to 15,000 km from the "Verkhovyna". By the way, interesting fact: The mood "Carpathians" was even dedicated to the song, and his lucky owners were hung: "Carpathians, Carpathians - He is my iron horse, Carpathians, Carpathians - not mokik, and fire." Despite his Soviet origin, on the Mokka "Carpathians" could be overcome not one thousand kilometers in the steppes and off-road, so at that time he enjoyed great authority as excellent mokik for regular long-distance trips. In a word, returning to the words of the same song: "There are no union in all the union, the guys, the moped is cooler than the" Carpathians ".

In 1988, Lviv Motionovat produced 123 thousand mopeds and mokikov, and in 1989 their number increased to 139 thousand pieces. Once the volume of production of this plant was twice as much, but in the second half of the 80s it was necessary to reduce the production of 50-cubic machines due to falling demand and actively develop new models to attract buyers. The line of mopeds of the Lviv motosair is also represented very advanced for the time of the mopeds "Verkhovyna-Sport" with an increased front wheel, a foot switching of speeds and a silencer derived, as well as a moped for motorization "Verkhovina-tourist" with windshield. Mokka "Carpathians" also had similar modifications - the moped "Carpathians-tourist" and the youth moped "Carpathians-Sport". The moped "Carpathians-2 Sport" (LMZ-2.160 C) was released in 1986 and was distinguished from the base model a bit elongated fork, handle instead of a trunk, steering wheel with a jumper like a cross-line, foot switching gear and a raised shield and silencer. , dispersed up to 40 km / h, equipped with an upgraded EC-62M engine and a new silencer with a safety screen to reduce noise levels. There was still a moped "Carpathians-2 lux", a distinctive feature of which were indicators of rotation. In recent years, Lviv Motion Motion does not produce mopeds, therefore, "Verkhovina", and "Carpathians", and all their modifications have already become history.

"Carpathians" (Ukr. Carpathi) - Mokik manufactured in Lviv motion industry. Mokik with a new name has become the sixteenth serial model of the plant.

Carpathians-1 Model 1984

Yes, there were times when we did their mopeds.

Since the spring of 1981, the plant began to produce the model "Carpathians-1";
Carpathians 1 had different modifications (LMZ-2.160, LMZ-2.160C, LMZ-2.160-01) - installed the engine from 1981 to 1983 - Sh-58, S-62, S-62M and from 1984 to 1985 V-50 (with thin shafts) of Siaulia Plant "Vaisras"

Carpathians-1 Sport LMZ-2.160C

The carpathians of the sport had a partition on the steering wheel, the front wing was covered, a comfortable handle for the transfer and lifting of the moped, and the dr pipe with a silencer who walked along the top.

The design of the design of the Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIIT) took part in the design of the design (VNIIT), and the new car was reconstructed from the previous ones. The appearance of the "Carpath" now repeated the motorcycle, for which the ridge frame was radically processed.
From 1981 to 1985, the front headlight was a metal black, with a chrome-plated rim, chrome wings, the benzobak with their shape and round rubber bands resembled PE-Esovsky - popular in the USSR in those years of the conversed motorcycle "Izh-Planet Sport", side plastic black Covers with print 50, back light Not square.

The attraction of mokika added a large number of chrome details and painting in bright colors - red, yellow, orange, etc.
Designers raised reliability and durability - now the warranty mileage amounted to 8000 km, and the resource until the first overhaul is 18,000 km.

In 1986, it was changed by the modified model "Carpathians-2".

Models were produced:

"Karpaty-2" (LMZ-2.161) - was different from the "Carpathians" model of the form of a tank (there are no round tanks on the tank, plastic lids on the frame (until 1986 small covers with a number "50") and rear light. Engines were installed 50 (later V-50m) with manual transmission or V-501 (later V-501M) with foot shift shift.

"Carpathians-2 lux" (LMZ-2.161l, LMZ-2.161L-01) - The "Carpathians-2 Lux" model additionally installed turn signs and an enhanced trunk, designed for weight of 15 kg. The LMZ-2.161L-01 model was installed in the V-50 or V-501 engine (later V-50M or V-501M).

"Karpaty-2 Sport" (LMZ-2.161c, LMZ-2.161С-01) - this model gave a sports appearance: an exhaust pipe of the upper arrangement with a protective cover installed on it (screen), steering wheel with an additional jumper (like sports motorcycles) , changed the form of the rear trunk and attachment front wheel. Between the rear lamp and the seat was installed a bugel handle for ease of carrying a moped. Machines stained red, orange, green, cherry, beige colors. The V-50 or V-501 engine was installed on the LMZ-2.161C model (later V-50M or V-501M)

Rare moped Carpathians Cross

Carpathians Cross, a very rare moped, I don't know how to account 500pcs for the entire USSR, well, we had several pieces in Almaty, I rode like that.

Since 1984, the moped of Lviv (LMZ-2.170) with the M531 / 541 KG-40 engine, the production of the German company Simson, was supposed to be issued since 1984. (Never seen live)

In the XXI century, the mopeds "Carpathians" are demonstrated in the museums of Soviet retro factors and in private collections.

Moped "Carpathians" produced from 1981 to 1997

Differences Karpat:

From 1989 to 1997, a large and small plastic square headlight was installed, the wings were painted in one color with the frame, the side caps are massive without inscriptions, the back lamp is square.

I will add from myself. Was Karpaty-1 1984, it was broken from his ears from the frame where the engine cylinder was mounted was the V-50 of the first version on thin shafts, a normal motor in distinguished S-62.
On the frames since 1987, everything that was possible, the frame was burst on the seams, a lot of people laid out of my acquaintances on this moped after jumping from the slide.
The moped for the 80s of the early 90s was the average not a cult like for the example of Delta and Stella, but still not a lochetic as a hole.

Now you can hardly meet mopeds even Soviet times, but still in small cities and villages you can find such mopeds as Carpathians or Riga. Let's look at the first. After all, this moped is the best representative of those times.

They began to produce this moped in the USSR, and the plant was located in Lviv. Then this moped model was very popular, because the manufacturer was able to make not only an inexpensive and practical vehicle, but also a reliable and productive moped, which was still quite stylish at that time design. Compared to modern motorcycles and mopeds, this model, of course, is considered an old and uninteresting, but then it was a real miracle of technology. The Carpathians had only two steps on the box, but could provide a great movement to the driver. At the time buy moped Carpathians in Ukraine It was possible very simple and affordable priceAnd that is why the moped became so popular.

The second cause of popularity has become simplicity of assembly. Even in the photo you can see a small motor and all its components, which are located without any additional protection or plastic. Eventually repair of moped Karpaty It was very simple, and even a schoolboy could cope with him. But there were also insignificant cons in the engine, and one of them was the inability to somehow modify, that is, a tuning moped. Therefore, it was necessary to use the characteristics presented by the manufacturer. I do not know how in the times of the USSR, but now this moped often asks for repair. Most likely, this is due to a long service life, because some models are already far over 30 years. But this once again It proves that then the technique did on conscience, and the Carpathians are an example.

Moped engine Carpathians

The moster at the moped is quite modest, but so far he can give excellent speed and traction characteristics. With a motor volume of 50 cm. Cube. The capacity was only 2 hp, and the moped could easily carry the driver and one passenger. On your experience, I will say that it was possible to carry two passengers, which once again proves - Carpathians are an excellent moped. As in most scooters or mopeds, this model was completed with one cylinder outstanding two clocks. Maximum speed was 55 km per hour, and the benzobak was able to accommodate 7 liters of fuel.

As we have already talked, the moped has several drawbacks, and they are all connected with repair. Moped Carpathians, piston Which is not done in the best way, has a property break, and requires frequent replacement. But even if you are now using this mopder, do not worry, because now on the market you can find a similar piston size for your iron horse. Replacement piston group Also, it will not create a big problem for you, an open motor has access to most details.

Previously, Soviet mopeds had no ability to install the electric starter, so all mopeds and motorcycles started at the starter kick. But for this model it is rather plus, because if you start a scooter with your paw, the charge of your battery will be saved, which makes it possible to ride the moped even in winter.

On this, all, to discuss this moped, its pros and cons is possible for a long time, because the Carpathians have many both positive and negative sides. If you have something to say about this, write in the comments below.

1. General instructions
2. Safety pay payments
4.Technical data
5. Defense and adjustment of the main units of Mokik
Controls and appliances
Chain gear
Front fork
Rear suspension
Operating rules Mokika
Preparation for exploitation
Features of preparation for operation Mokka "Carpathians-2-Suite".
Engine starting
Maintenance Mokika
Care of nodes and aggregates
Periodicity maintenance Mokika
Mokik storage rules
Possible malfunctions and their elimination
Warranty obligations
Coupons for warranty repair
Certificate of acceptance, information about conservation
1. The procedure for holding pre-sale preparation Mokikov
Coupon of pre-sale preparation Mokka
2. List of enterprises engaged in warranty repair Mokikov

1. General instructions
Mokik "Karpaty-2" (Fig. 1), "Carpathians-2-Sport", "Carpathians-2-Suite" (Fig. 2) - Single transport carintended for business, pleasure and tourist trips on the highway and country roads in all climatic zones of the USSR. Mokik "Carpathians-2", "Carpathians-2-Suite" is designed to transport the cargo on the trunk to 15 kg.

Fig. one. General form Mokka "Karpaty-2".

A constructive feature of the Mokka "Carpathians-2-Sport" is a steering wheel with a jumper, like sports motorcycles, a shortened front wheel shield is raised, the silencer is the top with the safety screen. For the convenience of transportation between the saddle and the rear lamp the handle is installed.
Mokik "Carpathians-2-Suite" is equipped with turn signs, which improves the convenience and safety of mokik.
The operation manual contains basic information necessary for properly operation and Mokka's maintenance, compliance with which will serve as a guarantee of the trouble-free work of your vehicle.
Before starting operation, Mokka is especially carefully reading the section "Operation Rules".

Fig. 2. General view of Mokka "Carpathians-2-Sport" "Carpathians-2-Suite".
In connection with the permanent work to improve the product, minor changes that are not reflected in this edition can be introduced.

2. Safety Requirements
Before departure, check the operation of the clutch management mechanisms and gearbox, brakes, lighting devices.
Switching from II transmission to I at a speed of movement exceeding 12 km / h is prohibited.
Do not overheat the engine. Mokka movement with superheated engine can lead to an accident.
Clean the outer surface of the engine in a timely manner. The presence of oil and gasoline can cause mokka ignition.
Do not burn matches, do not smoke, preparing fuel mixture And fueling mokik.
Do not allow leaks, evaporation of gasoline, do not wash your hand.


1) Main parameters and dimensions:
Base Mokka, no more than - 1200 mm
Ground clearance With full load and rated tire pressure, not less than 100mm
dimensions, no more:
Length - 1820mm
Width -720mm
Height - 1100mm.
Mass (dry), no more, mokikov:

"Carpathians-2", - 55kg
"Carpathians-2-Sport" - 55kg
"Carpathians-2-Suite" - 56kg
Maximum load (including driver), no more than - 980 H (100 kg)
Load on the trunk, no more - 147n (15 kg)
Maximum design speed, no more than - 39.9 km / h
Brake path with full load when moving at a speed of 30 km / h and using both brakes, no more than - 7.5m
Fuel control consumption, l / 100 km, no more - 2,1l
Note. Fuel control consumption is used to determine technical status Mokka and is not an operating rate.

2) Engine:
Engine type - B501 or B50, gasoline, two-stroke, with cooling the oncoming air flow.
The number of cylinders - 1
Cylinder diameter, mm - 38
Piston move, mm - 44
Compression ratio - 7.7-8.5
Cylinder work volume, cm3 - 49.8
Maximum efficient power of the rolled engine at the rotational speed of the crankshaft 4400-5200 min-1, kW (l. P.) - 1.32 (1.8)
Maximum torque of the rolled engine at the rotation frequency of the crankshaft 3700-4200 min-1, N. M (kgf m) - 3.03 (0.31)
Engine ignition system - non-contact, electronic with block switch-stabilizer
3) Power system:
Petrol - stamped, welded
Carburetor - K60V.
Fuel is a mixture of gasoline A-76 or A-72 according to GOST 2084-77 with D8-ACP-108 oil (M-6Z / 10B) in a ratio of 33: 1 for a fully rolled engine and 20: 1 during running tank. It is allowed to use gasoline with octane number up to 86 and special oil AA12TP TU 38.101956-83 in proportion 50: 1 for rolled engine and 33: 1 during running water period
Air purifier - dry, with paper filter element EFV-3-1-AU1 TU 112-013-84
Engine lubrication system - together with flammable
Lubricant For the gearbox - oil M-8-in GOST 10541-78 - Winter, DV-ASP-10V (M-63 / 10B) OST 38.01370-84 - All-season
Gas release system - silencer of noise of release with partitions for gases throtting and exhaust pipe

4) Power Transfer
Clutch - multi-tech working in oil
Transmission Change Box - Two-stage
Switching gear Mokka with engine B501 - foot
Switching Mokka Mokka with Engine B50 - Manual
Transmission relations: - 4.75: 1
Primary gear - 2.08: 1
First gear - 1.17: 1
Second transmission
General gear ratio of the starting mechanism - 9.5
Transmission ratio from the gearbox to the rear wheel - 2.2
Transmission from the gearbox to the rear wheel - chain, chain PR-12.7-1820-1 GOST 13568-75

5. Device and adjustment of the main units of mokik
5.1. Controls and appliances (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Controls and appliances:
1 is the rotating handle of the gear shift (only for mokik with the engine B50); 2 - the light switch with the audio button; 3 - rearview mirror; 4 - steering wheel; 5 - speedometer; 6 - headlights; 7 - switch indicator switch (only for Mokka "Carpathians-2-Suite"); 8 - switch (engine switch); 9 - front wheel brake lever; 10 - rotating carburetor throttle control handle; 11 - cable fastening clamp; 12 - clutch shutdown lever.

The steering wheel of the tubular design with the help of the lid and bolts is attached to the front fork.
The clutch shutdown lever is designed to separate and smooth engine connection with power transmission.
The front wheel brake lever is fixed on the housing of the carburetor throttle control handle. For braking lever, press the handle of the steering wheel.
The rotating handle of controlling the throttle of the carburetor is designed to regulate the amount of combustible mixture entering the engine. When turning the handle counterclockwise (if you look at the end of the handle) throttle valve Opened, and engine turnover increases. If the handle is released, it returns to the position corresponding to the regime idle move.
The rotating handle of switching gear Mokka with the engine B50 is scored with the clutch shutting lever. You can switch transmissions only when the clutch is turned off. With the clutch enabled, the retainer in the lever groove prevents the transfer to the transmission. To turn off the clutch lever, press the steering knob.
To turn on i gear, press the clutch shutdown lever to the steering handle, turn the handle clockwise (if you look at the end of the handle) until you stop and smoothly lower the lever.
To turn on II transfer, turn the handle counterclockwise. Neutral position is between the first and second gears.

Switching Mokka gear with engine B501.
To turn on i gears, press the clutch shutdown lever, press down until you stop the gear lever, which is located on the engine on the left side, then smoothly release the clutch lever.
To enable the transmission II transmission lever, raise up, after taking a clutch.
Light switch P25A with the sound signal button is designed to turn on the near or far Light, rear light and beep. Rotate the lever to the right or to the left, turn on the near or distant light and the rear light lamp.
Switch P201 is designed to turn off the engine. To stop the engine, move the lever to the leftmost position. Before starting, make sure that the switch lever is in the middle position.
The speedometer serves to control the speed of movement and the countdown of the distance traveled.
Control bodies include brake pedal rear wheelwhich is installed on the mokik frame on the right side.


Mokka has a single-cylinder two-stroke engine B50 or B501. Engine design B501 fully corresponds to the engine design B50. A distinctive feature Engine B501 is a foot shift.

Fig. 4. Engine (on the left side):
1 - an interference tip; 2 - Rubber-metal sleeve; 3 - carburetor; 4 - plug of the filling hole; 5 - hole for controlling the oil level; b - gear lever (only in the engine B501); 7 - Cork drain hole; 8 - Seal.

The engine consists of the following main parts: crankcase, cylinder, cylinder head, crank mechanism, clutch, gearbox, starting mechanism, gear gear mechanism (in-501 engine), as well as ignition systems, nutrition and gases.
Carter is the main power carrier part of the engine and consists of the left and right half, pulled by screws. The right cover 4 is attached to the right half of the crankcase, the right cover 4 (Fig. 5), which closes the generator 5, the asterisk lead 8 and in the engine of the B501 gearshift lever. It is mounted gears gear of the speedometer.
To the left half of the screws attached the left cover of the Carter 24 closing clutch control mechanism.

Cylinder head 27 (Fig. 5) and cylinder 26 cast from aluminum alloy. A candle 28 is screwed into the cylinder head. The cylinder is pressed by a sleeve made from a special cast iron. The cylinder to the Carder, as well as the cylinder head to the cylinder is fastened with four studs and nuts. For sealing between the crankcase and the cylinder, a gasket is installed from a special cardboard, and between the cylinder head and the cylinder is an aluminum gasket.

Removal and installation of the cylinder.
Tool: Combined key, Special key, Horn key 14x24, key 8x4.5, screwdriver.
To remove the cylinder:
- Disconnect the exhaust pipe, the gasoline, the candle wire, as well as the bolt, fixing the cylinder head to the frame;
- Remove the four nuts fastening nuts and remove the head and gasket;
- Disconnect the carburetor;
- Move the piston to the bottom dead point (NMT), remove the cylinder cylinder and gasket;
- Close the hole in the crankcase with a clean rag. Cylinder installation:
- Remove the rag from the hole in the crankcase;
- put the cylinder and cylinder gasket;
- put the gasket, cylinder head and evenly, crosswise, tighten the four fastening nuts in 2-3 receptions;
- Tighten the bolt fixing the cylinder head to the frame;
- attach the carburetor;
- Attach the exhaust pipe, the gasoline, the candle wire;
- After heating and fully cooling the engine, reach the nuts of the cylinder head mount.

crank mechanism It consists of a piston 1 (Fig. 5) with two rings 2, piston finger 3, and a composite crankshaft 6.
On the spherical surface The piston is knocked down the arrow facing the exhaust window of the cylinder sleeve. In the ring grooves piston pinned pistons fixing the position of the piston rings. The piston has two bugs with piston finger holes. Ring grooves in bodies are designed for locking rings holding a piston finger from axial movement.
Replacement of piston end:
- remove the cylinder head and cylinder;
- remove the rings from the piston with the help of three thin steel strips, which are packed under the ring (one - in the middle, two - under the ends of the ring);
- Insert the removed ring into the top of the cylinder to the depth of 10 mm and measure the clearance in the lock. If the gap exceeds 0.8 mm, the rings should be replaced. The new ring should have a gap 0.15-0.30 mm.

Fig. 5. Engine (cut): 1 - piston; 2 - Ring piston; 3 - finger; 4 - Capher's Cover Right; 5 - generator; 6 - crankshaft; 7 - speedometer drive; 8 - leading asterisk; 9 - secondary shaft. 10 - gear gear II; 11 - switching coupling; 12 - snoring coupling; 13 is a kickstarter gear; 14 - Spring kick starter; 15 - shaft kickstarter; 46 - Shatun Kickstarter; 17 - gear gear; 18 - gear unit, 19 - drive gear slaum; 20-ring spring; 21 - switch lever (only in the engine B501); 22 - the clutch shutdown mechanism; 23 - clutch coupling; 24 - Carther Left Cover; 25 - Carter; 26 - cylinder; 27 - cylinder head; 28 - Ignition Candle.

Crankshaft it consists of the right and left track and the finger pressed and the rod pressed into them. Cheeks Tsapf are counterweightd shaft. Shaft is in-point. In the upper head of the rod, the sleeve is pressed under the piston finger 3 (Fig. 5). To lubricate your finger in the top head, the connecting rod has a groove. Bearing rod bottom head - roller, needle k16x22x12. The crankshaft rotates on two ball bearings No. 203.
The crank-connecting mechanism is lubricated by oil in the fuel mixture.

Clutch Works in the oil bath.
To increase the durability of clutch operation, follow these rules:
- During the engine operation, do not press long on the clutch shutdown lever;
- Tootting from the place, release the clutch shutdown lever smoothly;
- Do not drive with a partially pressed clutch shutdown lever.

Adjusting the clutch.
Tool: Special key, Horn key 14x24, Screwdriver.
Release the lock nut 2 (Fig. 7) and, holding an adjustable nut 3, screw (twist) stop 1, then scica fix it with locknut.
When turning down free move The lever decreases, when applied - increases.
If when adjusting the length of the cut part of the stop turned out to be insufficient, shorten the free end of the cable. To do this, disconnect the cable from the lever of the clutch shutdown mechanism, release the screw streaming screw, move it toward the shell, tighten the screw and set the cable into place. Free progress Adjust as described above.
To check the clutch adjustment, turn on the I transmission. When the clutch is turned off, the wheel must be freely rotated, when turned on - should not be rotated.

Engine gearbox B501- Two-stage. It is controlled by pressing the foot on the gearshift lever 21 (Fig. 5).

Fig. 6. Engine switching mechanism B501:
1 - cuff; 2 - switching shaft; 3 - Sleeping washer; 4 - switching drum; 5 - lock; 6 - switching plug; 7 - leash; 8-directed spring; 9 - pin; 10 - adjusting washer.

The gearbox and gear mechanism (Fig. 6) have factory adjustment and during the operation of the additional adjustment do not require.

Engine gearbox B50- Two-stage. Controlled by the rotating handle of gear shift 1 (Fig. 3) located on the left side of the steering wheel,

Lever Blocked with clutch so that switching gear can be carried out only when the clutch is turned off.

Adjusting the gear shift mechanism and Mokka with the B50 engine.
If you violate the gear shift mechanism, adjust the increasing or reducing the free end of the gear shift control cable is similar to the adjustment of the free move of the clutch shutdown lever by the same tool (Fig. 7). For this:
- Release the lock nut and put the gear knob to the position corresponding to the transmission II. If the transmission is not turned on, it means that the free end of the cable is small. Explore must be screwed into the adjusting nut;
- Put the handle to the position corresponding on the transmission I. If i gear does not turn on, it means that the free end of the cable is great and the stop should be turned out. If you cannot adjust the gear mechanism fails, reduce the length of the cable in the same way as in the case of clutch adjustment. Access to the gear lever opens a resistance to the right cover of the crankcase.
If the gear shift mechanism is adjusted correctly, then with the neutral position of the gear shift clutch during the engine operation, the sound of the gear coupling friction sound should not occur.

Fig. 7. Adjustment of the free stroke of the flutching lever Mokka with the engine B50:
1 - emphasis; 2 - lock nut; 3 - Adjusting nut.

Kickstarter (launcher).
At the time of starting the engine switching clutch must be in a neutral position. When you press the pedal to the pedal of the kickstarter lever, the rotation is transmitted to the shaft 15 (Fig. 5), and the snoring clutch 12 moves to the left, and its end teeth are engaged in engagement with the mechanical teeth of the kickstarter gears 13. Starting gear through the gearbox and clutch coupling drives crank mechanism. When the engine begins to work, the snoring coupling comes out of the launch gear.
Attention! When starting the engine B501, the gear lever must be in a neutral position.

Removal and installation of a chanter of the kickstarter.
Tool: Key combined, hammer and emphasis.
To remove the chanter of the kickstarter 16 (Fig. 5), remove and pull the screw hole.
Easily blows remove the connecting rod from the slotted end of the kickstarter shaft.
Installation of the chanter of the kickstarter:
- remove the rubber plug from the crankcase on the right side of the kickstarter shaft;
- Put an emphasis instead to eliminate the axial movement of the cikestarter shaft at the time of putting on the rod to the shaft;
- Light blows of the hammer (wooden or with an aluminum mandrel) at the side of the connecting rod, install the vertically of the pitchfarther on the shaft slot. During shots on the connecting rod, the Cycstarter shaft should not move to avoid deformation and breakdown of the lock rings of the cikestarter shaft;
- Wrap a coupling bolt, put the rubber plug from the opposite side of the picker shaft.

Electrical equipment Mokika It consists of sources and consumers of electrical energy (Fig. 8).

Fig. eight. Schematic scheme Electrical equipment:
1 - generator; 2 - block switch-stabilizer; 3 - rear lamp; 4 - stop signal switch; 5 - high-voltage transformer; 6 - Candle; 7 - an interference tip; 8 - switch light; 9 - beep; 10 - headlights; 11 - Engine switch.

Electricity source - AC generator with a nominal voltage of 6 V and 45 W.
Electricity consumers: ignition devices, rear lamp, headlight, beep.

The generator serves to power all electricity consumers in mokik. The main parts of the generator are the stator and the rotor.
The rotor is installed at the conic end of the right trigger pin. Locked with a key and fastened by a bolt. The stator is installed on the engine crankcase.
The generator works in conjunction with the switch of the switch - the stabilizer and the high-voltage transformer mounted on the frame.
The electrical pulse comes with an additional generator winding on the block input switch-stabilizer, and from the block output to the high-voltage transformer.

In order to avoid failure of the block, the stabilizer switch is prohibited from disconnecting the pads and check the electrical circuits by closing on the "mass" (check on the spark) both on the operating and on the engine not running.

The block switch-stabilizer and high-voltage transformer during the operation of the care is not required and repair is not subject to.

A17B ignition candle is designed to ignite the working mixture in the engine cylinder. The mixture is ignited from the electrical discharge arising on the candle electrodes at the moment of formation of the EDC pulse in the generator sensor.
The gap between the electrodes should be 0.5-0.6 mm.
If necessary, it can be adjusted by fifth the side electrode to the central one. The candle is screwed into the cylinder head.

Fig. 9. Ignition installation procedure:
1 - stator fastening screw; 2 - stator; 3 - risks on the crankcase; 4 - Rotor mount bolt; 5 - rotor; 6 - Carter's right lid.

Installation and Ignition Adjustment.
Tool: Screwdriver, Combined key
To obtain the highest power and engine efficiency, it is necessary to light the working mixture a little earlier than the piston approach to the upper dead point (NTT): the spark discharge on the candle electrodes should occur with a certain advance.
Optimal ignition timing - 1.2-1.4 mm to VTT,

Early or later ignition leads to loss of power and efficiency, engine overheating.

Installation of ignition on the engine is reduced to the setting of stator 2 (Fig. 9) relative to the rotor 5.
Remove the right lid, crankcase and check the coincidence of 3 risks on the crankcase with the bottom edge of the recess on the stator.
If the risk does not match the edge of the excavation, set the ignition: Loosen the generator stator mounting screws: Install the bottom edge of the recess on the stator against the risks 3 on the crankcase, then tighten the screws.
During the operation of the Mokka, the ignition advance control is not required, periodically check only the tightening of the generator stator screws.

Fig. 10. Headlight adjustment.

Tool: Special key.
The headlight is installed between the brackets 13 (Fig. 15) of the anterior plug and is fixed by bolts.
To properly illuminate the road, the Mokka's headlight must be adjusted so that the axis of the long-beam beam is deflected down from the horizontal by 150 mm at a distance of 8 m (Fig. 10).

Engine power system: fuel tank, Receiver, Air Cleaner and K60V Carburetor:

Carburetor K60V. (Fig. 11) consists of a housing 1, throttle 6, the cover of the carburetor 2, the float 14 and the float chamber 12.
The design of the carburetor is provided for adjusting the speed of idling and the quality of the mixture (operational fuel consumption).
Before starting the engine with rotation of the screw 7 (Fig. 11), set the throttle so that there is a small slot between its base and the lower forming chamber (2-2.5 mm). Adjusting screw 18 fully screw, and then remove 0.5-1 turns. Run the engine and warm it. After warming up the engine, slowly turn the screw 18. The engine turnover at first will increase, and then decrease. The start of reducing revolutions indicates the optimal position of the screw for this position of the throttle. Having twisted the screw 7 again to reduce the engine speed and screw the screw 18 again find its optimal position. Specified operations, until the minimum, but completely stable engine speeds are obtained. Stability of idling speed Check out, discovering and closing the throttle. If the engine works steadily on small circulation, but stops at the moment of sharp opening of the choke, the mixture is a little enriched, screwed up the screw 18. If the engine stops at the moment of sharp closing of the choke - the mixture is drench
In the new engine, friction losses are higher than that of the accommodated, and on small revolutions it can work unstable. If necessary, install an increased number of revolutions of the new engine at idle.

Fig. 11. K60V carburetor scheme:
1 - body; 2 - cover; 3 - interconnection lever; 4 - cable guide; b - spring; 6 - choke; 7: choke lifting; 8 - idle hole; 9 - Delivery channel; 10 - Drainage channel; 11 - Sprayer main system; 12 - camera float; 13 - fuel jawer; 14 - float; 15 - valve needle; 16 - Fuel filter; 17 - fuel fitting; 18 - screw adjusting idle; 19 - air damper; 20 - channel air; 21 - Float Drift.

Air cleaner (Fig. 12) consists of a paper filter element 4, which is installed on the receiver 1 and is attached to it with a pin 2, stop 7, washer 5 and nut 6. The paper filter element is installed in the housing 3.

Fig.12 Installation of the air purifier:
1 receiver; 2 - hairpin; 3 - housing. 4 - filter element; 5 - washer; 6 - nut; 7 - emphasis,

Gas release system is a silencer, which is using exhaust pipe Connected to the engine cylinder. Exhaust gases passing through the muffler, sharply reduce their speed and cooled, the noise of exhaust decreases.

5.3. Chain gear.

Before installing the chain, remove the dirt from the zone of the leading sprocket chain transmission.

Fig. 13. Determination of the saving of the chain:
A - Schedules 10-25 mm.

Circuit tension Adjust so that with a force of 5-10 kg with a force between the leading and driven asterisks, the chain sacking was at least 10 mm and not more than 25 mm.
Do not allow a strong tension of the chain, as bearings are overloaded. The weakly stretched chain worsens the conditions for the operation of the chain transmission and leads to a rapid wear of it, while driving can jump from the sprocket and damage the engine crankcase.

Chain tension adjustment(Fig. 14)
Tool: Wrench Horn 14x24, Combined key.
- Loosen the nut 3 of the rear wheel;
- release locknuts 1 on both sides;
- Rotate adjusting nuts 2 Tension the chain.

Figure 14. Chain tension adjustment:
1 - lock nut; 2 - Nut adjusting; 3 - Nut.

After adjusting the chain, the rear wheel must be in the same plane with the front. The blocking is eliminated by uniform rotation of the adjusting nuts on both sides.

5.4. Front fork.
The position of the wheel axis in the fork is fixed by bolts 1 (Fig. 15).
Disassembly fork.
Tool: Special key, Key Horn 14x x24, Screwdriver.
- Remove the front wheel:
- Remove the bolts 20, fastening the steering wheel;
- Remove the steering wheel together with the lid 19, the takeaway of the steering wheel 18 and the bracket 23;
- Remove the cap 21;
- Unscrew the nut 22;
- Remove the upper traverts 16;
- Remove the holder 17 together with the guide 11, springs 9, 10 and rods 6;
- by pressing the holder 17, select the pin 15, remove the holder 17 and the rod 6 with the spring 10 and the guide 11;
- Remove the upper cone 25;
- Remove the bearing 26;
- Remove the headlight and signal;
- Remove the axle 12 of the head pipe frame;

Fig. 15. Front fork:
1 - bolt M8x1x25; 2 -Gag M8x1: 3 - washer; 4 - axis of the front wheel; 5 - rod tip; 6 - rod; 7 - the sleeve is spacer; 8 - Konron's sleeve; 9 - Spring of the outstand; 10- springs; 11 - guide; 12 - core; 13 - headlight bracket; 14 - reflector; 15 - pin; 16-traverse top; 17 - holder; 18 - carrying steering; 19 - lid; 20 - bolt M8x1x25; 21 - cap; 22 - nut; 23 - bracket; 24 - anterior fork rod; 25 - Top cone; 26 - Bearing; 27 - frame assembly; 28 - Silphon;

Remove the second bearing from the steering column rod.
Collect the front fork in the reverse order. Steering column bearings Adjust the collected form: Remove the cap 21, release the nut 22, and rotate the top 25 cone, while the backlash will disappear in the bearings, and the front fork will turn without jamming.

5.5. Rear suspension.
The rear suspension mokka consists of a swinging (pendulum) rear fork and two spring shock absorbers.
In the holes of the pipe 1 (Fig. 16) the pendulum pressed two sleeves 40.
In the tip of the back plug 5, the rubber liner 2 is installed, inside which the stubborn sleeves are installed inside. Between the pendulum pipe and the tip of the back plug are embedded 39. The rear plug is connected to the mokoka frame with a heel 38 fixed with a nut 3 with a springs walker 4.

Fig. 16. Wheel Rear:
1 - pendulum pipe; 2 - insert; 3 - Nut M10x1; 4 - Spring washer 10l; 5 - rear fork; 6 - Tire; 7 - camera; 8 - ribbon ribbon; 9 - rim 4066; 10 - nipple m3; 11 - spoke A-M3; 12 - sleeve; 13 - asterisk Z \u003d 33; 14 - adapter; 15 - bolt M8x1x22. 16 - Spring washer 8l; 17 - Nut M8X1; 18 - Nut M10x1; 19 remove remote; 20 - lid; 21 - buffer; 22 - flange; 23 - washer; 24 - remote sleeve; 25 lock stop; 26 brakes; 27 - fist axis; 28 - Nut M8X1; 29 - stretch, 30 - axle wheel; 31 - seal; 32 - ball bearing number 201; 33 - Brake disc: 34 - rear shock absorber axis; 35 - Plodes axis: 36 - brake pad; 37 - The sleeve is emphasis; 38 - hairpin; 39 - washer; 40 - sleeve.

Shock absorber (Fig. 17) consists of a housing 6, heads with a stem 2 and spring 3. The rubber buffer 4 will be put onto the rod, and the Capron sleeve 5 is pressed into the housing, the rod movement. In the holes of the housing and head, rubber liners 7 are installed, and in the upper liners - metal sleeves 1.

Fig. 17. Rear shock absorber:
1 - sleeve; 2 - head with a rod; 3 - spring; 4 - buffer; 5 - sleeve; 6 - body; 7 - insert.

5.6. Wheels.
Removing the rear wheel (Fig. 16).

- Unscrew the nut 18 and remove the sprocket puck;
- Swipe the rear wheel axis with a slight blow;
- Remove the wheel.
Removing the front wheel (Fig. 18).
Tool: Key combined, hammer.
- Put mokik to the stand;
- Remove the nut 15 and remove the puck 16;
- Release bolts 1 (Fig. 15);
- Switch the axis of the wheel 14 with light blows (Fig. 18).
Wheel installation is made in reverse order.
In case of axial or radial beating Rim, eliminate it adjusting the tension of the spokes. Adjusting the tension of the spokes to rotate the spokes of nipples using a special key existing in the toolbox.
If you need to replace the bearings in the wheel sleeve, the first press the bearing side of the brake. On the other hand, insert the remote sleeve and press the second bearing.

Fig. 18. Wheel Front:
1 - Tire; 2 - camera; 3 - ribbon rim; 4 - rim 40EX-406; 5 - nipple m3: b - spoke a-m3; 7 - sleeve; 8 - lid; 9 - washer; 10 - Ring lock; 11 - brake lever; 12 - fist axis; 13 - brake disc; 14 - wheel axis; 15 - Nut M10x1; 16 - Spring washer 10l; 17 - seal; 18 - ball bearing number 201; 19 - remote sleeve; 20 - brake pad; 21 - a pad; 22 - Front fork.

5.7. Tires.
Mokka tires consist of a tire, cameras and rims. If the punctured camera, dismantle the bus and remove the camera. Stepping on the tire, press board into the recess of the rim. On both sides of the valve at a distance of about 10 cm insert from each other insert bus shovels and drag the tire board through the rim (Fig. 19). In the future, use one blade. Then remove the camera from the tire. Pumping the camera, for the noise of the outgoing air, determine the place of puncture. If this is not possible, the camera is immersed in water. Air bubbles will indicate damage. The damaged place and rubber will be cleaned with sandpaper and rinse with clean gasoline. When gasoline evaporates, glue with rubber glue according to the instructions available in the first-aid kit.
Remember that such a time repair is temporary. For reliable repair, the damaged place must be takenlated.
Mounting tires:
- Check if the object was removed from the tire, which damaged the chamber;
- if the rim tape is removed, put it on the rim, aligning the hole in it with a hole on the rim (the rim tape should completely close all the heads of nipples);
- With a completely removed covers, place part of the board in the recess of the rim, wear the entire board with the help of tire blades on the rim and slide the tire board to the rim board;
- Plush the inner surface of the tire, insert the valve and the rim hole and put a slightly rolled chamber in the tire so that there are no folds;
- Put the second side of the tires from the side opposite to the valve, I hold the tire;
- fill the tire board on the rim, gradually intercepting it more on the circumference;
- by refraining about two thirds of the side of the side, step on the tire so that the refueling part of the side entered into the deepening of the rim, and use the tire blades to fill the board to the end;
- After mounting the tire on the rim, pumped the camera and tapping around the perimeter, check that the tire of the village is uniformly throughout the circumference of the rim; Then so that the folds in the chamber are not formed, completely release air from it and pumped again.
Periodically inspect the tires and remove foreign objects stuck in the tread or in the sidewall bus.
Do not allow continuous (more than 30 days) Mokka parking on low pressure tires.
Avoid sharp braking.
On the rims of wheels 40Ex406 installed tires 2.50 / 85-16 "or 2.75-16". Tires are operated with a load of up to 100 kg.
Warranty mileage of tires under compliance with the rules of operation of 16,000 km, and with a state-owned quality mark - 20,000 km.

Fig. 19. Dismantling tires.

5.8. Saddle.
An extended removable pill-type seat is fixed by the lock. To open it, insert the key into the opening of the front of the toolbox, which is located under the saddle, and pull the lock.
The toolbox (Fig. 20) has grooves for fixing the tool.


In the front and rear wheels, the mokka is installed brakes of the brake type.
Brake pads must be clean, without traces of dirt and oil, and brake mechanism Properly adjusted.

Fig. 20. Tool layout diagram:
1-feature special; 2 - the key combined; 3 - screwdriver; 4 - shovel tire; 5 - key horny; 6 - key 8x4.5.

Brake pad wear should not go beyond the structural edge of the belt, located along the outer contour of the pad.
If necessary, to compensate for the operational wear of the brake pads, to put between the focus and end brake pad Washers 8 (included in the set of spare parts and accessories).
Adjusting the front brake.
Tool: Special Key, Horn Key 14x24;
- Install the mokik to the stand;
- rotating alternately wheel and at the same time pressing the front wheel brake lever or the rear-wheel brake drive lever, determine their free move, i.e. the move before the start of braking; The start of braking is determined by the sharp slowdown of the rotation of the wheel.
If the free move of the front wheel brake lever or the rear wheel drive lever does not fit into the desired limits (see section "Technical data"), adjust it (Fig. 21, 22), move the nuts to the focus in one direction or another and tighten the locknut.
Adjusting the rear wheel brake is shown in Fig. 22.

Fig. 21. Adjusting the brake of the front wheel:
1 -Gag; 2 - emphasis.

Fig. 22. Rear wheel brake adjustment:
1 - emphasis; 2 - Nut.

In April, the Lviv Moto Plant began to produce a new car - Mokka "Carpathians" (we recall that this is a moped without pedals with a kick starter), produced in parallel with the "Verkhovina-7" ("driving", 1981, No. 9).

"Carpathians" - already a sixteenth model, mastered by the plant. It is equipped with either the EC-58 engine, or an upgraded W - 62 of the Siaulia Bicycle and Motor Plant "Vaisras". From "Verkhovyna-7" new car It is characterized by the design and shape of the frame, a gas tank, silencer, side hits (the artistic design of Mokik is developed by the Leningrad branch of VNIIT). "Carpathians" are painted in bright colors - red, orange, yellow, etc.

The machine with the EH-62 engine (in the picture) is equipped with a non-contact electronic ignition system, which makes it more resistant to work and non-regulating the gaps. The increased power of the generator (45 instead of 18 W allows the driver to use a discharge light with a control light, rear lamp with dimming fire, a stop signal from the rear brake.

Karpat has higher than that of the "Verkhovny-7", indicators of reliability and durability: the warranty mileage is increased from 6,000 to 8,000 kilometers, and the warranty period is from 15 to 20 months; Resource to first overhaul Erected from 15,000 to 18,000 kilometers. This was made possible by improving the quality of the engines. Price mokik - 250-260 rubles, depending on the execution.

M. Leonov, Lviv Chief of Motion Supply KB

Technical characteristics of moped Carpathians

common data: Dry mass - 56.5 kg; Payload - 100 kg; speed - 40 km / h; fuel supply - 7 l; Fuel control flow - 2 l / 100 km.

Dimensions: Length - 1700 mm; width - 720 mm; Height - 1110 mm; Base - 1120-1170 mm. Engine: Working volume - 49.8 cm3; Power - 2.0 l. with. / 1.5 kW at 5200-5600 rpm; compression ratio of 7.7-8.5; Fuel is a mixture of gasoline A-76 or A-72 with oil (in a 25: 1 ratio).

Electrical equipment: The ignition system is the electronic contactless (for the engine W-62); alternator - AC 26.3701 with a "Switch-Stabilizer" block (BCS); High voltage transformer B-300B.

Transmission: clutch - multi-disc; The number of gears - 2 (I - 1.64; II - 0.93).

Chassis : frame - tubular, ridge type; Front fork - telescopic with spring shock absorbers; rear suspension - pendulum with spring shock absorbers; wheels - interchangeable; Tire size - 2.50-16 inches.

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