Home Steering How to make a pultard with your own hands. How to assemble the machine on the control panel. Proper operation of gasoline machine on remote control

How to make a pultard with your own hands. How to assemble the machine on the control panel. Proper operation of gasoline machine on remote control

I got from the nephew that's such radio-controlled machine toy. Radius of action is only about 15 meters, a weak electronic part, i.e. I barely turn the front wheels and very little pulls the drive.

From nothing to do decided not much to pump this radio-controlled machine. Plowing in the covers found a receiver 40 MHz and two seats, one HS-311 in working condition and one powerful digital MG946R with a burnt engine. The HS-311 has adapted to the steering wheel in replacing the native, silent design, and MG946R took only an electronic control board. For the place of the server, the server connected the traction engine of the radio-controlled machine, and the reservoir resistor 4.70 soldered into the place of the server.

Setting up radio-controlled typewriter

The converted radio-controlled toy when the transmitter is first turned on, begins to turn the wheels to stop them, it is necessary:

  • Serving Gas Connect in 2 channel (RV channel)
  • Configure if you need a reverse channel
  • Strong resistor to stop the rotation of the wheels

Further off expanents (we put 100% on gas), costs and trimming steering wheel. I used 5 NICD batteries, converted radio-controlled machine Hurried powerful and yurkaya. It was not without any problems, the native traction engine was weak, he heats greatly and stinks, I think not long to live for him. And in general, the remake succeeded, now the machine goes from under the console

In his youth, like any boyfriend, very interested cars on radio control. I remember how a neighbor guy had such a machine, as the street was built out the queue of the same guys who wanted to at least try to trigger a little. Clear thing that few people could allow such a luxury, but almost every of us visited a circle of a young technique, where they were taught to design and create some model techniques. And remember how to publish the publication "Young technician" and "Youth technician", I still have a pack of magazines, which once reread along and in across ... When I discover one of the magazines in the moments - Nostalgia wave covers, it is simply impossible to keep emotions ...

My teacher in labor knew how many things and gave a lot to us for which he had a huge human thank you. I still remember our lessons - it would seem that we were given the most elementary knowledge, but how much they mean then! This modern youth does not appreciate what they are given at school and at the university - gaining knowledge has become something fresh and not at all valuable.

In the light of the innovative ideas of our teacher, some of us still tried to perform something like a self-propelled apparatus. It was not bad, though a few came to the victorious end. I, and without incarnating the idea of \u200b\u200blife, I decided to make a typewriter with my son on the control panel. True, again, we did not reach the victorious ...

The goal we had:
1. Make the radio-controlled model itself.
2. Use the primary means.

This is what stopped:

It was planned here by the steering wheel, as you can see, control with an independent suspension, a fully homemade unit (a tree, cardboard, wire, screw, rubber, adhesive) were used. The son went, and we did not do the machine. Recently, again, I took it from the deep box with Nostalgia and thought that it would be worth doing after all what was started. True, I didn't completely all the mechanism for me, and it makes no sense to steam - the modern opportunities decided for us - you can buy ready-made spare parts. So it remains for a small - motor, radio control and ready! Soon it will be similar to this model))))))))))))

The photo took it from here: hobbyostrov.ru/automodels/, from where, in fact, I plan to buy radio-controlled details for introducing into your car. Just now they will be vague doubts ... Is it worth it to take the assembly made by his hands or buy ready-made - not a radio-controlled car and make a radio-controlled. Or, easier simple, go to the above site and buy a finished car with radio control - is it worth bothering? Because with the guide elastic elements, I have an order, and in with depreciation, durability, every success can be real problems.

Therefore, while I bow to the second version - as the basis, you can buy a constructor as a basis and build a model to taste into which to implement radio control. Still, the model from the cardboard is not so durable, and where can it be lubricated in it?)))))) Moreover, you can buy all the necessary spare parts on the same hobbyostrov.ru/.

In general, I will do - show what happened. In the meantime, I would like to hear / see the experience of creating radio-controlled models, I am sure that I'm not alone bothering so. Maybe there will be specific advice? ..

Psychologists say that a joint business promotes children and parents. Dad for a boy - always and in all. Unfortunately, the fathers do not always understand what to do with the child, except for watching the TV. We offer to learn how to make such an occupation will like both "boys": and son, and father. In this process, mom is likely to intervene. Just because of its ignorance in radio.

Occupation only for dad and son

Sometimes it seems that they care about the child's raising of the child, and the fathers only make money. However, the role of dad in the formation of the character of the baby, especially the Son, not less than Mamina. It happens that the tired father is underwritten to play with his chance in his noisy and fun games. However, you need to remember that the moment may come when the son will simply stop looking for the opportunity to chat with dad, if he constantly finds for this time. In the end, the misunderstanding between the dad and the son comes, which in adolescence is already quite difficult to overcome. A ready set or an independent attempt to figure out how to make a typewriter on the control panel will help your father and child strengthen their relationships and mutual understanding.

What is the cause of paternal removal from the son? Sometimes it is common inexperience, a certain fear that appears in young dads, especially if the mother practically does not let the father for the baby.

Where can I start a joint creativity

The easiest option (if you do not take into account the usual purchase of the finished model) - the machine-column-collected manual. Included all necessary details, you only need time and effort. A couple of evenings after work - and ready to the radio-controlled toy. And how much joy will get the son, and dad, when the model will go!

Another, more complex option - inventing and collecting the machine "from scratch". In this case, it will take more time, and the details will have to look, and the general work, the joint thing will bring more emotions.

What to choose: copy or just a brand machine

Some advanced craftsmen create and collect accurate mini-copies of real cars. This happens like this:

  • first, the machine on the remote control is carefully assembled, while family efforts;
  • secondly, the model can not be made of those materials that the original;
  • thirdly, some minor small details can be omitted.

Everything else, up to the engine and fuel, is performed with scrupulous accuracy. Some masters are engaged in assembling collection models that are accurate copies of real, real cars.

On the control panel? You can collect a half-breed, that is, an instance resembling the selected original in appearance. And you can come up with a model "on a free topic", not focusing on some kind of definite form. The size of the machine, in principle, do not matter. Make small homework, jeep or passenger cars, and real radio-controlled mini cars. It all depends on the desire, allocated time and finance. Any activity that the son and dad are busy will strengthen the authority of the father in the eyes of the child.

What parts to prepare to make the model go

How to make a machine on the control panel? Everything starts with the project. To work, it is necessary to prepare not only a list of different parts and components, but also all the necessary tools. This will make the process more fascinating and organized. So what is needed to build a car:

  • motor (from a hair dryer, from a small fan) or a gasoline mini engine;
  • frame;
  • body;
  • set of rubber wheels;
  • the fact that real cars are called "shaft";
  • suspension or chassis;
  • 2 axles for installing wheels;
  • antenna;
  • thin connecting wires;
  • rechargeable batteries for powering the electric motor or gasoline (if the engine is the engine);
  • signal receiver;
  • control panel (transmitter or radar).

The tools will need passatatia, soldering iron, different screwdrivers and small wrench, tape, superchalter, bolts, washers, nuts and other fasteners. All missing tools, parts and components are either made independently or bought in specialized stores.

How all this is done and what will happen in the end

Preparing the details according to the plan of how to make a machine on the console, you can find that some of them need to be bought. Rama and body can be adapted from the old toy. Surely at home there are several boring or broken children's cars, from which some missing parts can be taken.

Motor need to check in advance for performance. Its power must correspond to the weight of the future of the car. A weak engine will not pull a heavy model. All work can go to zero. Batteries must be fresh or accumulative. This assembly sequence is:

  • First collected frame.
  • Makers are fixed and adjusting the motor.
  • Install batteries or battery.
  • The next action is fixed antenna.
  • Wheels are installed so that they can easily spin with the axis. If this is not done, the machine will not be able to rotate, it will ride just right: ahead and back.

It is preferable to take rubber tires, as they are better moved not only on the floor of the apartment, but also in the open soil. If you like the process and it will be possible to understand well how to make a typewriter on the control panel, you can build several different copies, teach neighbors' neighborhood and boys and arrange mini-rings on rough terrain right in the yard.

Each child wants to have a car on radio control. To date, such cars are quite expensive, and their children break them quickly, but do not panic in vain.

Skillful hands, fantasy and fodder materials will allow themselves to make such a car from cardboard that will not give way to power and passability by purchased plastic machines.
For its manufacture we will need:
· Cardboard from boxes,
· Construction knife,
· Pencil, line,
· Glue,
· DC motors,
· Wires,
· Turn on and off button,
· Soldering iron,
· Joystick management,
· Battery,
· Plastic circle, plastic tubes,
· Gum,
· Metal stick,
· Plastic cover for books,
· Plastic covers from plastic bottles of 6 pieces,
· Wooden sticks,
· LEDs and capacitors.

First stage
To begin with, we take a sheet of cardboard 9/28 cm. And cut out in it a few parts.
On the left side at the top, retreat approximately 1.5 cm. From the side edge and cut a 3 / 4.5 cm rectangle, do the same from the bottom, and on the right side, we retreat approximately 4.5 cm. And cut the rectangle 2/4, 5 cm. Identical cut down from below. Menu by these rectangles in the middle cut out the strip 1 / 4.5 cm. This item will serve as the bottom of our car.

Cut down the side.
For this, on cardboard 9/28 cm. It is necessary to draw the type of machine. In the left side, retreat approximately 0.5 cm. From the side edge and 1 cm. From the bottom, feed a line of 4 cm long, but from her line tilting in the middle of 5 cm long. Right until the end of the cardboard. On the right side, swipe from the edge just below the middle of the horizontal line from the edge in the middle, a little up a little up, a length of 7.5 cm, and from her line 5.5 cm., Taking up and tilting in the middle. Inside this piece of cardboard, you can draw windows, doors and wheels. And the wheels and windows also need to be cut, and the doors simply cut to open and closed. There are two such parts, because they will be the side of our car.

To make the wheels take 4 covers from plastic bottles and make in the middle of the hole. At the bamboo stick for the barbecue, glue the small plastic circle in the middle, by making it first in it suitable for this hole. Now take a plastic tube like a cotton wand, measure the size on the cardboard that will be the bottom of the machine. On the right side of the lower cut rectangle to the middle strip, cut two of these segments. Then put them on the bamboo stick close to the glued circle on both sides. After putting the caps from the bottle and, retreating from the strips of about 0.5 cm., Stick them, and cut the residue of the bamboo stick so that it does not look out from under the covers.

In the middle, where the plastic circle is glued, put on the gum. Now glue the wheels to the place intended for them on the right side of the cardboard, the gum must be in the middle hole. To the next two lids, you need to insert plastic tubes into the hole, glue them, and then cut off the plastic tube at the height of the lid itself. From the body of the ballpoint handle, we cut a two piece of 2.5 cm. We put them on a metal wand and with the help of pliers we strip this stick. As a result, it should be: a horizontal metal pin with a length of about 3 cm, at an angle of 90 degrees.
Source: zen.yandex.ru.

Crawler Tank on Radio Control DIY

A little disturbing from radio-controlled flying toys and go down to the ground. Today I will tell you how to make a platform for caterpillar technique for a penny for a penny. You can put a tank, excavator, bulldozer, or everything that comes to your mind.
Self-timers on radio control - a very entertaining hobby.


We will need a 2-channel transmitter, a control panel (joystick), two 9g servo servo, the old cycling chamber, plastic sheet and 8 sticks from ice cream. And yes, do not forget about the Li-Pol 3.7 battery at 150 mAh.
Glue, pieces, knife and scissors take on the shelf.

Preparing motors

Servo drives will be used as engines. It is necessary to disassemble from and cut limiters on gears. Standard wires cut and solder 2 to see each motor (+ and - respectively).

From plastics, we cut the plate 40 to 100 mm and two plates of 20 per 100 mm. In small plates we mount servos. And with the help of glue, we collect the framework.

Rollers are also made from plastics: painstakingly and gently cut out 12 circles with a diameter of 20 mm and 8 circles of 30 mm. We glue 3 small mug, and at the edges of 2 large. So we get 4 rink. Krepim to the frame on the bolts, drill holes in rinks and in the frame.


From the old bike chamber, we cut two strips with a length of 25mm and 6 mm width. Bear every strip.
Yes, the glue will endure, the load on the joint will not be big.
Strips from ice cream mode on 14 mm strips and glue longitudinally to the made caterpillar.

All the most wise stages are completed. We put the caterpillar on the rollers. We solder the wires from servo drives to the transmitter and connect the battery.

Profit. Homemade is ready.
Patency turned out to be amazing. Further case for your fantasy to give the basis of a certain appearance!

Thank you for your attention and huge thanks to the author of the self-made Creative Chanel..
Source: zen.yandex.ru.

MiG 29 from EPP foam on radio control

Greetings to all lovers of large-scale models and models on RC (that is on the control panel). In October 2017, a colleague at work I bought myself a radio-controlled fighter MiG-29. This fighter my colleague made himself from the EPP of the foam (foam that bends) and carbon ridges that hold the form. In addition to the plane, he gave me a gift as a gift with rocking chairs as well as the battery at 500 mAh. I bought it because I am a novice aircraftist and how any novice aircraftist is afraid to break his first aircraft.
I chose this aircraft because of its material, as it is made of EPP foam. And the EPP foam does not break down, thereby begging to reducing the chance of painting my model. Since I had already had a control panel and receiver, I didn't have to buy all this.
(photos were made on the phone therefore the quality of the pictures will not be the best)

On this fighters, however, the model on RC is working:
- High heights,
- Rules directions
- elephant,
- engine
I did not show everything below.

And here is the servors themselves, so they are fixed on the wing, they lead to the movement of Aeron:

Naturally, the plane leads in motion so this is an electric motor in type 2205. On my model, the motor is standing on the nose, although on such models it stands in the middle of the plane. That's what it looks like:

On the way to the motor stands the regulator, it is responsible for the number of revolutions on the motor and therefore for the speed of the model itself. That's how it looks:

All this is powered by batteries, on this aircraft there is a Li-Po battery at 450mAh. Here it is:

It is attached on velcro (like on shoes). Here is what the battery mount looks like on the case of the model:

Since the model is made from the EPP foam, when it will not be able to keep the form (since the EPP flexible foam) and that he kept the shape and did not get into the carboxyl rails and the needles. Here they are black:

Well, about the plane, everything seemed to tell everything and showed, oh yeah did not tell about the screws, well, the screws should still be picked up, although the couple in stock is lying. In addition to the aircraft itself, I still got spare parts for it. Here they are all:

Below I will show them in more detail, by the way, some of them are not yet on the plane I have to still connect and configure them.
1) Screws, you ask why 2 screws, but because this item that is often broken when the aircraft falls and the falls are all. Therefore, they are even sold most often with a set of several pieces.

2) Li-Po batteries. I already talked about the battery, but I also have 2 of them, mostly they always take 2 pieces, as one quickly discharged. One battery is enough for 10-20 minutes of flight. One on my 450 Mah and the second to 500 mAh.

3) servo cereals with rocking chairs. As I already told the servo, the moving parts of the aircraft namely:
High heights
Rules directions

4) receiver with a plug. I'll tell you about the plug when I tell about the control panel and tell about the receiver. The receiver's task to catch the signal from the radio control panel and transmit it to all devices. All devices are connected to it Namely: the speed regulator with a motor and all servo. That's how it looks:

Well, about the plane told later I will tell about the control panel, I dedicated a whole post. (If I missed something, I will definitely add). Well, what would learn about the control panel subscribe to me. And you will definitely learn!

Some people even having become adults did not lose interest in different games. Someone collects the designer, someone plays in board games, and someone very much like machine on the console. Of course, this passion has a more adult, compared to the nursery. And many fans machines dream about to get such an exhibit to themselves, which will not have anyone in the world. Nothing is simple! Learn how to make a machine on the remote yourself.

To begin with, you need to decide which details will be necessary to create a machine. So that you missed anything, below is located, the list of necessary components:

  • Electromotor or gasoline engine
  • Body
  • Chassis
  • Wheels
  • A set of screwdrivers of different sizes.

Making a typewriter with your own hands, you can control the entire process of creating, and then you will get exactly what they conceived. Plus, you will save money, and if you put a case on stream, you can do well on this. First, decide on the amount of money you can spend to purchase parts for the machine. The cost of the same types of components may vary depending on the material and quality of the product. Do you want to make a machine on a control panel with wire or on radio control? Here, when choosing, you need to consider that the parts for the wired console will be somewhat cheaper.

Wheels and chassis

Now you need to provide a chassis typewriter. You can try to make it yourself, but it is better to buy it ready in the store. Moreover, the wheels are sold with the chassis. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the product. The front wheels must turn with ease, and the tires are better to choose from rubber, because they give the best grip with the road.


Now you need to choose the engine of the machine, and this is perhaps the most important thing, because the motor is the heart of the car. You can use an electromotor from some technique, and if there is no such, then go to the store again. There can also be purchased and a gasoline engine that is much more powerful. True, it is necessary to care for it, buy gasoline, and it costs an order of magnitude more. So it is worth staying on the electric motor, and it will save you money and time.

Remote Control

Now it's time to take up the control panel. If you decide to make a typewriter with a wired console, do not forget about its main drawback - the car will move only at a distance that will allow, the length of the wire. If your choice fell on a radio control, then for the assembly of the remote you need a radar. Despite the fact that it is not so cheap, it is better to acquire it, as this will allow you to control the machine at a fairly large distance that covers the antenna.


The next point is the body. Here you can show all your creativity, and make it yourself, pre-drawing sketches. Although this item can be purchased in the store.


Now we have all the necessary details, and you can start assembling. As a rule, detailed instructions are attached to the components. The whole sequence of actions is described. Then make the adjustment of the motor and the installation of batteries and the antennas, and only then you need to attach the body and chassis.

Now you know how to make a typewriter on the control panel.

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