Home Rack Radial and axial wheelbeat. Imbalance and wheelbeat wheels how to determine wheels

Radial and axial wheelbeat. Imbalance and wheelbeat wheels how to determine wheels

Imbalance and alloy discs

In the manufacture of alloy discs there are many features affecting the imbalance. If there is no permissible size of the imbalance to check on the balancing machine to determine the defect on the Russian standard (GOST R 50511-93), then in practice we support the internal standards of wheelbar manufacturers. These enterprises are drive suppliers to the conveyors of world and Russian car manufacturers, and their internal standard can be applied to discs supplied to our car market. In order to avoid an imbalance associated situation, our company decided to convey to the attention of buyers the limit values \u200b\u200bof the imbalance.

There are several types of beats: radial and axial. Radial beating is the rejection of the center relative to the base axis. The radial disk beating should not exceed (0.7mm). The axial beyon is the beating of the disk along the axis (eight). The axial beating of the disk should not exceed (1mm).

If the new disk is unacceptable, the actual defect is drawn up, and the disk is returned to the manufacturer to verify and replace the discharge disc in accordance with the Russian standard GOST R 50511-93.3. At the same time, the buyer does not carry any costs for replacing the dial of proper quality.

Also, when operating tires and disks, such moments appear when external factors affect the beating of the steering wheel. This is a sticking on the inside of the disk (dirt and ice), the beating of the steering wheel appears at the speed (from 80 to 120 km / h), which is eliminated by the Wheel Sink and the subsequent overbalance.

Also, the deformation of the disk and the tire affects the balancing, as a result of the disk jams and the appearance of hernia on the tire, the entire wheel and discomfort during the control of the car occurs.

The imbalance can also serve as such a factor as incomplete fit of the tire to the disk during installation and the subsequent incorrect balancing, this is due to the low qualification of the chin workers. To properly fit the tires to the disk, a special mounting paste should be used and for the full fit of the on-board ring of the tire to the rod of the disk, it is necessary to excessive pressure in the tire when installing, as well as a special device for mounting a low-profile bus or a bus-lateral tire (RUNFLAT). As a rule, poorly qualified workers and good quality work can be operating in the usual (roadside sh / m), you can not expect, so we recommend contacting checked or well-known W / m with qualified employees, because many W / m workers do not even know elementary designations on the tire such as OUTSIDE (exterior side of the tire) and Inside (inner side of the tire), as well as color notation (red, yellow, green and white) on board, which indicates the manufacturer for the convenience of mounting and balancing, for example (yellow) point indicates the easiest place In the bus and it needs to be combined with the valve in the disk for better optimization, and the red dot indicates the most severe place in the bus and it must be put in front of the valve in the disk, also the most experienced workers with sh / m make the optimization by scrolling the tire on the disk to reduce the imbalance.

Also, such a factor may also influence the wheels, such as the wrong disk selection to a specific car, such as the discreteness of the center opening of the disk to your car, which will lead to a disk offset on the axis of the car, which will cause the steering wheel, as well as to unscrew the fasteners of the disk Car, which can lead to an accident. Here we have led only a small part of what can affect the imbalance and the beating of alloy discs, but our managers will help you in a qualified selection and solving problems with emerging issues.

As soon as the first car appeared, the first problems with wheel balancing appeared. Over the years, the speed of movement on the roads increased, the coating on the roads was changed, and the attitude to the imbalance was changed accordingly.

What is the wheel imbalance?

The imbalance is the presence of unbalanced rotating masses: hubs, brake drums, rims and especially tire makes it difficult to control the car. This imbalance reduces the service life of shock absorbers, suspension, steering, tires, motion safety and increases maintenance costs.

Any wheel is an object of rotation having a symmetric shape, thanks to which the center of gravity must lie on the axis of rotation, and all the surface points of the wheel in cross sections should be equal to it.

What wheel is considered balanced?

The wheel is considered to be balanced when the axis of its rotation is the main central axis of inertia. However, both discs and automotive tires are manufactured with certain permissible errors. From this we can conclude that any wheel is almost always asymmetrically, and it means that it has an imbalance.

What types of imbalance exist?

There are two types of imbalance: static and dynamic.

Static imbalance - This is an uneven distribution of masses along the axis of rotation, while the wheel beats in the vertical plane. When the wheel is rotated, the unbalanced mass creates its centrifugal force F, which when rotating the wheel, creates a variable in the direction of the torque on the axis, which leads to the breakdown of the suspension. Such an imbalance is eliminated by the application of the force Fu equal to the power of F in magnitude, but opposite in direction. This is achieved by attaching an additional weight at a point of the opposite point of the unbalanced mass. This is called static balancing.

Dynamic imbalance It appears due to the uneven distribution of masses in the planes of the wheel. With dynamic imbalance, the wheel acts the pair of oppositely directed forces F acting on a certain shoulder relative to the plane of the wheel rotation. Dynamic balancing is carried out on special balancing stands. Basically, when balancing the wheels, we encounter a combined imbalance ("combination" of static and dynamic imbalances).

What causes an imbalance?

Sometimes, the wheels imbalance may occur due to its structural features - a variable step of the tire tread pattern, the presence of a valve opening in a disk, a hatch for adjusting the brakes in the brake drum, or the manufacturing techniques - inaccuracies of the geometric shape, deviations of the size, inhomogeneity of materials, etc. .

The biggest effect on the wheel imbalance is provided by the car bus. It is most removed from the center of rotation, has a large weight, a complex multicomponent structure, made of various materials: rubber, fabrics, steel wire, etc. The farther from the center is the extra mass of the tire material, the greater the effect on the imbalance it has.

You can select several main factors affecting the imbalance of tires:

  • the tread shake, the unevenness of its thickness along the length of the circle, the variable step of the tread pattern, in winter tires - spikes (in the new tire and as far as they are dropped);
  • joints in the Cord layer, joints of the cord layers in the frame and breaker;
  • a sealing layer joint in a tubeless tire;
  • non-concentrate of onboard rings, a large overlap wire in the side ring;
  • the impermanence of the angles of the tilt of the threads of the Cord in the layers of the frame and breaker;
  • the discrepancy between the cord threads in the layers;
  • the accuracy of the manufacture of molds;
  • different thickness of the side walls and sidewalls;
  • grouped in one place marking designations on the sidewall of the tires, etc.

Increasing the requirements for the technological accuracy of all processes of production of tires and parts of the wheel - an indispensable condition for improving their quality, which means that there is a decrease in imbalance and beats.

Wheel imbalances assembled with tires It is advisable to check every 2-3,000 km, and every 10 thousand - wheels with tires must be balanced again.

In this section, we want to give a few useful tips on the subject of occurrence. vibrations of wheels By car and how to solve them. Immediately we note that 90% of cases of vibrations on the steering wheel and on the car body give it wheels. Therefore, here we will disassemble the occurrence of precisely wheeled vibrations and tell about how to solve these problems. First of all, you should have an understanding that the wheel rolls on the road, and not jumps, only with the simultaneous execution of a number of conditions, namely: the wheel (and this and the tire and disk) must be even, accurately balanced and properly outcentrated on the hub . Next, we describe in order for the cause of vibrations, ways to eliminate them, and tell you how to help you.

Cause 1 Wheel Sibalance.

This is the most banal, which is happening when vibrating the wheels. As a result of the imbalance, the wheel rotates unevenly, and with jerks, hence and vibrations on the steering wheel and the body. The most typical speed of the imbalance of 80-120km / h. We also note, all cars have a different constructive and therefore one car is enough to 10-15 g, so that you should shiver on the steering wheel and the body, and on the other and 60-100g is not felt. The problem begins after replacing the tires, unsuccessful balancing, hitting the tire, as a result of its improper use, long-term parking of the car without movement, after parking on a slushed wheel, after washing the car when the wheels are washed with weights and not only.

  • Solution - proper wheel balancing. Read more about the correct balancing here.
  • How can we help: We remove the wheels, we will, and correctly install.

Cause 2 pins on rim wheels dirt or snow

By and large, the plump dirt and snow lead to the same effect as not accurate balancing, only the value of vibrations is significantly higher. Dirt is formed after driving off-road, and the snow sticks after the passage of snowdrifts or parking in them. Many car owners are perplexed as a bunch of snow can give vibrations on a car starting with 60km / h, and the answer is simple. When balancing the midwall, weights are used in the range of 20-60 grams. And a piece of ice with a half of the wheel rim and a 2-3cm thick weighs more than more. It often happens that the layer of dirt or snow is evenly located on the rim of the wheels and does not give an imbalance, and then only half of the rim is washed on the wash and the strongest vibrations of the wheels are obtained.

  • Solution - removal from the wheel all extra. You can contact the sink and most likely you will help you, dirt and snow will be mad, the vibrations will disappear, but it is not for all wheels you can rinse the rim without removing the wheel.
  • How can we help: We will remove the wheels, carefully we wash in a special device for washing the wheels. We can balance for a better result.

Cause 3 The deformed disk (curve, broken, you can call as you like)

A disk having a beating as a result of hitting a pit or an accident depending on damage values \u200b\u200bwill give vibrations on the steering wheel and body. As a rule, as a result of the strike, not only wheel deformations appear, but also changes the imbalance for the worse. Feelings from ride on non-bounced wheels.

  • Solution 1 - If the disk deformation is small (1-2 mm in a radial or axial direction), it will be quite possible to highly balance the wheel.
  • Solution2 - disc repair (correct). Edit cast or rolling steel on special stands with the briefing of the disk geometry to normal.
  • How can we help: We will remove the wheels, carefully, we will discern, restore the geometry of the discs, we will collect back and precisely balance.

IMPORTANT! Do not attempt to repair a wheelclock with a hammer or other handicrafts, in most cases you make it possible to qualitatively and correctly repaired your disc in the future, because most often it is not going to disks.

Cause 4 Wailed Tire Geometry (Tire Curves)

Tires can be "curves" in two cases. The first is a marriage, the tire was originally such. The second case is defects that have arisen as a result of improper operation (the car stood without movement, stood on a navalized wheel, the tire was exploited with irregular pressure, overload, not for the season, hitting the holes). If the tread was formed by a failure as a result of the parking on a navalized wheel, then such a tire still has a chance to get rid and take the same shape. The symptom of such wheels is similar to poorly balanced.

  • Solution - re-balancing the wheels.

If a bump or the so-called radial hernia has been formed on the protective, which is growing rapidly and lies, then nothing is done with this. Most often occurs on Nokian tires, especially winter. Vibrations on the steering wheel are similar to rocking from side to side, and if the problem of the tire is behind, the car is as if dancing from a speed of 10-20 km / h.

  • Solution - accurate diagnostics and replacement of such tires.
  • How can we help: We remove the wheels and give a 100% diagnosis. Next, either we balancing or change on good tires.

Cause 5 The wheel is not centered on the hub.

The effect in the absence of centering the wheel on the hub is the same as from the imbalance, it can only be even stronger and the vibration of the wheels and the steering wheel manifests itself at smaller speeds. Most often occurs on non-original disks, where the diameter of the hub hole is larger than the diameter of the protruding part of the hub at least 1mm. To diagnose, you need to unscrew the wheel on the raised car, press the disk to the hub and the movements of the workpiece up-down determine the presence of a backlash. If the disk sits tightly and does not move, then the cause of vibrations on the steering wheel and the body is different, if there is a luft 1 mm and more, then, most likely, the reason for this.

  • The solution is either the installation of the centering rings, or the replacement of the discs, or the installation on the eye with the maximum accuracy and the uniform fastener tightening.
  • How can we help: We remove the wheels and determine the size of the hub of the car and the disk, let's notify the owner, if the necessary rings are in stock - install. Balancing the wheels for prevention - at will.

The cause is 6 dirt and corrosion on the walked plane of the wheel disk.

A bang plane is what the wheel adjacent to the hub of the car and the brake disc. There are two options here. The first is when the disc is clean and properly balanced. When installing on a dirty hub, the disk does not sit down in place, axial beating occurs or, simply speaking, the eight.

The second option is more common. The hub part of the car is in a normal state, and on the bustal plane of the disk dirt and corrosion. The disc itself can be even, and due to dirt and corrosion is incorrectly installed on the balancing stand.
The difference in the imbalance of such a wheel in a dirty and pure form may differ at times.

  • Solution - Cleaning the hub and re-balancing
  • How can we help: We remove the wheels, clean the hubs, correctly delay the wheels.

Cause 7 Wheel geometry varies when heated

Very rare and difficult problem. With standard diagnostics, everything is normal, tires and discs are flat, balanced and sectored on the hub, but the vibrations of the wheels on the car are continuing. The fact is that in the rarest cases, the tire geometry is broken only when heated (when driving on a car), and when cooled, it returns to normal.

  • Solution - Tire Replacement
  • How can we help: We will produce standard diagnostics of the wheels, then we will make a diagnosis of running and only then we will look at the geometry of the heated tires immediately on the car without removing the wheels (on the lift).

Alternative - installation of similar wheels, on which the lack of vibrations are known. Next when the chassis is excluded, problem tires are excluded.

Other reasons

Since in the absolute majority of cases guilty of vibrations on the steering wheel and the body turn out to be wheels and these problems we know well and decide, then everything is described in detail above. However, there are other reasons. Next, we list in short, frequent causes of vibrations (main on the chassis), which often we also have the opportunity to determine and eliminate.

  • Batting drive shafts and scrub
  • Beating of cardan shafts (including worn crosses)
  • Brake discs
  • Worn rubber and hinged junction
  • Supply brake mechanisms
  • Transmission malfunction (PPC)
  • Dirt or corrosion between the hub and the wheel or hub and the brake disc (as a rule, vibration occurs after plumbing)

The problem of wheel balancing arose with the advent of the first cars. At low speeds and bad roads, it practically remained invisible. The situation over time has changed dramatically. Therefore, its relevance has increased dramatically.

Often, drivers observe signs of wheel unbalance. As a result, the steering wheel occurs. Wheel Disk Being caused by the displacement of its landing shelves during rotation. The offset is two: parallel to the radius or axis of rotation of the disk. In the first case, there is a radial, in the second - axial beating.

Wheel beating You can check using a special indicator. It is pressed against the surface of the rotating wheels. The device registers the displacement of the wheel in a radial or axial direction. Indications are filmed in millimeters. It is impossible to value the magnitude of the wheel of the wheel. Accuracy of measurement of the indicator is not less than 0.05 mm.

Radial wheel beating associated with static imbalance. The disk takes an egg-like form. Wheel oscillations occur up-down. The rotation of such a wheel is accompanied by the presence of an alternating torque on the axis. As a result, irreversible damage to pendants, tires, steering mechanism.

Axial wheels - The result of the disk offset along the horizon. Experts call such a shift "eight". The axial displacement of the disk is caused by an uneven distribution of masses in the planes. Negative consequences of this defect:

  • rapid wear of the tread;
  • damage to the suspension and steering mechanism;
  • uneven erasing tread tread, which leads to a reduction in its life.

The wheel imbalance is caused by the presence of asymmetric spin masses. In particular, it can be hubs, brake drums. Since the wheel is a body of rotation, it needs to give a symmetrical shape. The balancing procedure consists in reducing the imbalance of the wheel to a permissible limit.

Balance is broken due to wear of rubber and various disk deformations. There may be other reasons that distort the shape of the wheel. Correctly balanced wheel - a safe movement condition. The central axis of the inertia of such a wheel coincides with the axis of its rotation. The process of manufacturing wheels and tires is associated with certain errors. Therefore, the wheel is not balanced initially.

It is customary to distinguish a static and dynamic imbalance. Static imbalance has its own characteristics. Unbalanced mass serves as a source of torque. In other words, the wheel will perform an oscillatory movement. It will continue until the unbalanced mass of the extreme lower point. The wheel behaves like a pendulum.

The elimination of static imbalance is carried out by strengthening the balancing load. The place of attachment of this cargo is the point opposite to the unbalanced mass. This makes static wheel balancing.

The cause of dynamic imbalance is impassable in the width of the wheel. It is manifested only in the process of its rotation. This leads to the displacement of the inertia axis and the axis of rotation. The rotation of such a wheel is accompanied by the emergence of centrifugal forces. The elimination of the dynamic balance is possible by fixing the balancing goods. Dynamic balancing is carried out on a special installation.

For reasons that cause dynamic imbalance, in particular, belong:

  • the valve opening in the disk;
  • wheel shape error;
  • the presence of inhomogeneities in the material.

the main cause of wheel beatingand imbalance - the heterogeneity of the tire, because it is at the greatest distance from the axis of rotation. In addition, it has a greater mass and complex structure. It includes various materials: rubber, tinnakes, steel wire. The further particle from the axis, the stronger affects the imbalance.


Why happens wheel Beating at Speed? We highlight the three most characteristic modes of the car movement:

  • at low speed;
  • at high speed;
  • when braking.

Wheel Beating at Mild Speed may be caused by a number of reasons. Among the main factors should be called:

  • the presence of cones, convexities, irregularities on a tire;
  • rubber wear from the inside;
  • various disk damage;
  • not balance of wheels.

Baturation at high speeds is a consequence of balancing violations. When sticking to the wheel of mud slices, balancing is broken. This is often observed after driving along the dirt road. Under the action of the nagged snow or ice is the same. Another reason is possible. The formation of the peese inside the tire.

Wheel beating when braking Perhaps due to:

  • unbalanced wheels;
  • destroyed bearing;
  • heated brake discs.

Beating front wheels Feels stronger. Ride with violated balancing is unsafe. In addition to vibration, tires, discs, suspension elements are wearing. The car may lose stability, which will lead to an emergency.

Beating rear wheels affects the resistance of driving to a lesser extent. Often asked: "Is it necessary to balance the rear wheels?". Be sure! The imbalance and here leads to uneven wear of the tires. The effects of the beyond the rear wheels are no less detrimental. Discs and suspension are accelerated. Therefore, they cannot be left without attention.

The engine rotates semi-axes or drive shafts, causing tire rotation. This means that the tires are part of the drive chain. At the same time, tires change the direction of movement of the car using the steering mechanism. Consequently, the tires are part of the steering system. In addition, since the tires perceive the mass of the car and absorb shocks from the surface of the road, they are part of the suspension system. For these reasons, when searching for tire faults, it is necessary to keep in mind all these three systems - tires and wheels, steering and suspension. It should be remembered that the wrong tire handling and their maintenance can also lead to tire defects and interconnected systems. Consequently, the first stage of searching and eliminating tire defects is to check whether the tires are operated and serviced.

1. Unusual tire wear

Wear the '''s shoulders "or the middle part of the tire tread

The main reason for the wear of the "shoulder" zones or the middle of the tire tread is in improper air pressure in the tires. If the tire pressure is too low, the middle part of the tire tread will be concave, which shifts the load on the "shoulders" and leads to their faster wear in comparison. with the middle part. Tire overload leads to a similar effect.

If, on the other hand, the air pressure in the tires is too high, the middle part of the tire tread becomes convex, perceiving a larger load and wear out faster than "shoulders".


1. The wear of the radial tire tread is less dependent on the air pressure in the bus. On most cars, the front tires have increased wear of '' shoulder "zones.

2. Rear radial tires on most rigid axis cars are wearing similar to high-pressure tires.

1. Wear when turning shown below is caused by a turn at high speed. Tire slipping, causing a diagonal wear type.

This is one of the most common coverage of tires. The only way to eliminate is a reduction in speed driver when turning.

2. Deformation or backlash in the parts of the suspension disrupt the angles of the installation of the front wheels, causing abnormal wear of the tires.

3. If one side of the tire tread is faster than another, the main reason lies likely in incorrect collapse. Since the contact area of \u200b\u200bthe tire with an expensive varies with the load, the tire with a positive collapse has a smaller diameter outside than inside. Consequently, the outer side of the tread must slip on the surface of the road to pass the same distance as the inner side of the tread. This slippage leads to excessive wear of the outer part of the tread. The tire with a negative collapse, by contrast, is faster than the inner side of the tread.

Wear caused by disruption of convergence or reverse convergence (transverse pilothfeitivity of the tread)

The main cause of wear with the formation of ridges or transverse tire protector - incorrect adjustment adjustment. Excessive convergence forces the tire to slip out and shifts the surface of the tread contact surface inside the surface of the road, causing wear. The surface acquires a comb-shaped form, as shown in the figure below, which can be felt when the finger moves along the protector in the direction from the inside to the outer side. Direction of motion

Excessive inverse convergence, on the other hand, causes the tire slipping inward and shifts the surface of the tire protector contact surface along the road surface, causing wear shown in the figure below.


If this type of wear is observed on both sides, the adjustment of the convergence of the front wheels is broken. If only one tire has such wear, it is possible to bend the lever of the swivel fist. In this case, the installation of one wheel becomes such as with excessive convergence or excessive converse convergence of the wheels.

Longitudinal-saw wear

Longitudinal - sawn wear is partial wear, which often occurs in tires with spur and block patterns of the tread. The tire protector blocks are wearing diagonally like a shoe heel wear and ultimately take a saw-shaped form.

If the car often moves along the roads with a solid coating, the tires wear out quickly. This is because the blocks instantly slip up when they leave the surface of the road when the tire rotates (because the surface of the road is solid and blocks cannot be embedded in it). For this reason, part of the blocks, leaving the surface of the road of the latter, is exposed to greater wear.

Tires with a ribbed tread pattern wear out waveguide.

Since the tires of native wheels are not exposed to drivefrinth, and only the braking force is perceived, they wear out pyloid. This type of wear is similar to the one that would have a place with alternate braking and disjuvenation, forcing the tires each time to slide on a small path.

On the other hand, on the tires of the leading wheels, the wear caused by driving force is manifested in the opposite direction of the one that is caused by braking, so there is a smaller sawmid wear. Tires of trucks and buses, however, create a greater force of friction in braking, so tires with a spur pattern of the tread have a sawdressed wear, similar to the wear of the native wheels.

Spotted wear (capping)

Spotted wear is characterized by cup-shaped recesses in one or several places of tire tread and occurs when the car is moving at high speed. Wearing this type takes place due to tire tread slippage through equal intervals, as explained below.

If wheel bearings, ball hinges, steering tips, etc. They have a big backlash, or if the wheel pin is curved, the tire will fluctuate at certain points when it rotates with high speed, causing strong friction and slip in these places, which leads to spotted tire wear.

The deformed or unevenly worn brake drum causes the inclusion of brakes through uniform time intervals, leading to spotted wear in a relatively wide zone around the tire circumference.


The linen patch imposed on the tire protector when repairing a puncture or a protrusion formed by the detachment also leads to spotted wear.

Sharp tropings, braking and turns can also cause spotted wear.

Excessively unbalanced wheel assembly also causes spotted wear.

2. Vibration and tires

The problems of vibration are divided into a shaking of the body, steering shake and "shimmy" controlled wheels.

Shaking body

Shake is defined as a vertical or side vibration of a car body and a steering wheel along with seats vibration. The main reasons for the shaking are the unbalance of wheels assembly, excessive wheelbeat and inhomogeneous tire rigidity, so the elimination of these problems excludes shaking.

The shaking is usually impossible to feel at speeds less than 80 km / h. Above this Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bis noticeably increased and reaches peak value at a certain speed. If the shaking occurs at speeds from 40 to 60 km / h, the reason usually lies in excessive wheelbeat assembly or in inhomogeneous tire rigidity.


The shaking is similar to the vibration created by the washing machine in the rapid rotation cycle of the drum when water is removed, or is similar to the vibration produced by a shock hand wrench when tightening bolts, etc.

'' Shimmi "and steering shake

Shimmi is determined by the vibration of the steering wheel in the direction of its rotation. The main reasons are "Shimmi" are the unbalance of wheels assembly, excessive beating and / or inhomogeneous tire rigidity, so the elimination of these reasons usually eliminates "Shimmi". Other possible reasons include steering defects. Drive, excessive backlash in the suspension system and incorrect wheels. There are two types of "Shimmi": \u200b\u200bstable vibration, which occurs at relatively low speeds (20-60 km / h) and vibration (called "trembling"), which occurs at certain speeds Above 80 km / h.


"Shimmi" and trembling is similar to the vibration produced by the washing machine in the rapid rotation cycle of the drum.

Method of searching and eliminating possible faults

1. Discussion of manifestations of faults

Before making decisions on any complaints about vibration, it is advisable to first discuss the character of this problem with the driver of the car.

Determine the range of speed in which vibration occurs and find which circumstances contribute to the occurrence of vibration; For example, does it appear through the steering wheel, is it shaking a seat, whether the rear-view mirror vibrates or does the vibration appear even after servicing the car and balancing tires?

2. Test ride for diagnosis

Carry the car's road tests when possible, to check the explanation of the client's complaints. The route of road testing should pass on roads with good coatings so that the required speed can be maintained. Drive a few kilometers to warm up tires to normal operating temperature to eliminate flat areas after parking, then mark the signs previously described by the driver (for example, type of vibration, critical speed, etc.). When the maximum vibration occurs, give the car to move in rolling at this speed to check whether the vibration remains or disappears.

If there are no vibrations when moving in rolling at critical speed, it is possible that the cause is the vibration of the engine.

If the vibration remains when the vehicle is moving, turn on the critical speed on a flat road, slightly holding the steering wheel, and slightly turn the steering wheel to the left and right. If the vibrations on the steering wheel are not felt, but the vibration is felt through the body, the floor or seat, apparently, the cause is the power transmission or rear tires.

3. Checking the wheel centering on the hub

1) Check the accuracy of centering the wheel on the hub. Check the gap throughout the circumference. It should not exceed the specified value.

The specified value is 0.1 mm maximum.

2) Correct the accuracy of centering the wheel on the hub.

(a) Change the wheel position on the hub and set it to a position with the smallest gap difference.

(b) If there is no reduction of the gap difference, even after changing the installation position, check the hub and rate the wheel - it is good or bad.


After adjustment, apply the centering tags to the hub and the wheel and install the wheel on the hub on these tags.

4. Checking wheelbeat assembly

5. Wheel Battery Check

6. Checking the hub

Set values:

Radial beating ... 0.05 mm no more

Lateral beating ....... 0.05 mm no more

7. Correction of tire beating

8. Checking wheel balancing taken from the car

Try to perform static and dynamic balancing with an accuracy of 0 grams.

Use the suitable balancing loader and secure it securely so that it does not fall when driving.

9. Repeated Tire Battery Adjustment

1) Check the tires.

(a) Install the bus on the car by tags

(b) Measure the radial bias of the bus using an indicator of the hourly type.

2) Correct the tires.

(a) Temporarily install the wheel nuts (tighten from hand) and turn the bus so that the area with the highest radial beating is lower.

(b) Lower the car while the tire does not touch the floor and evenly tighten the wheel nuts using a wrench. (Letter the position of the wheel on the hub after the fine adjustment of the centering gap). Avoid using a shock manual wrench.

(B) Measure the vertical tire beating again and confirm the result.

10. Checking balancing by car

Check in accordance with the instructions on the wheel balancing stand.

Before checking the wheel balancing on the car, always check and adjust the wheel balancing taken from the car.

Check with a wheel cap, a valve cap, a decorative cap and an attached magnetic locking nut.

For vehicles with a constant drive for four wheels, refer to the appropriate repair manual.

When checking the drive wheel balancing, rotate the wheel by the engine, gradually increasing the number of revolutions.

11. Checking wheels

3. Tough ride

1. Increased air pressure in tires increases tire rigidity. If it is too high, the tire is not able to absorb the blows from the road surface, which leads to hard ride.

4. Heavy steering

1. Too low air pressure in the tires makes the tread surface with a wider, increasing the resistance between the bus and the surface of the road and, therefore, making the car steering slowly reacting to the rotation of the steering wheel.

5. With normal ride, the car leads one way

This means that the car seeks to leave in one direction while the driver is trying to keep it for a straight movement - this is most often found when there is a big difference in rolling resistance between the left and right tires or in the moments of the forces acting on left and right axes of rotation.

1. If the outer diameters of the right and left tires are different, the distances passing by each tire in one turn will be different. For this reason, the car will strive to rotate to the right or left.

2. If the air pressure in the right and left tires is different, will be different and the rolling resistance of the tires and the car will lead to the left or right.

3. The car will also take away to the left or right if convergence or reverse convergence are excessive or there is a great difference in the longitudinal slope of the pile or collapse of the left and right wheels.

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