Home Chassis Motor oil Neste City Pro LL 5W30. Oil Neste Oil: characteristics, selection of oil on a car brand, how to distinguish fake. A few words about the company

Motor oil Neste City Pro LL 5W30. Oil Neste Oil: characteristics, selection of oil on a car brand, how to distinguish fake. A few words about the company

In the global market manufacturers, there are quite a lot of manufacturers. On a hearing of the Russian consumer, only a few large companies that have succeeded in promoting their products on this market. Neste Oil is one of those such, since its products are in demand among Russian car owners.

A few words about the company

Neste Oil is a Finnish manufacturer lubricants For cars, which takes care of the quality of products. It was the company "Nesti" it became one of the few manufacturers who managed to create synthetic lubricant with an EHVI viscosity. This indicates the efficiency of the product with this viscosity index, the reliable protection of the motor and the ability to operate both at high and low temperatures. That is why "Nesti" is known today all over the world. Consider the product range of this brand, we study customer reviews, features and reviews of the oils "Nest." The range of lubricants brand wide. From that and begin.

Types of oils for engines

Oil "Neste 5W-40" on a synthetic basis is one of the most popular products in the manufacturer's lineup. It is an advanced and upgraded lubricant, which meets international standards, quality requirements and driver requests. It is suitable as new and oil-sensitive engines and old, with big mileage. This lubricant can operate at low (up to -50 degrees) and very high temperatures. In part, therefore, the lubricant is very popular in the domestic market (in Finland), because there are long-temperatures there.

What does VHVI mean?

When it comes to viscosity of oils, you can often hear about the VHVI coefficient. What does it mean? All engines for engines have one or another viscosity that is not lost depending on certain temperature ranges. VHVI suggests that the oil has a viscosity that does not change for any temperatures. That is, it can be used in the temperature range from -40 to +50 degrees.

It was this result that was achieved by the "Nesti" specialists, using fundamentally new technologies for processing raw materials - hydrocracks. For the first time, such methods appeared in the United States in the seventies.

Such technologies open up new opportunities for manufacturers of motor oils. As a result, the quality of the product increases, and the lubricants themselves acquire good technical and performance indicators. Due to hydrocracking, oils are created, which work perfectly even in the conditions of Siberia frost. Here, elements that reduce viscosity indicators are not removed from the composition, and processed into chemical compounds, and because of this begin to work differently.

And if many necessary substances disappear in the usual motor oil during the hydrotreatment, they are absorbed in oils. That is, a complex chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which oil elements acquire improved properties. These products of this manufacturer differ from competitive. That is why the price of oil is "carry" above, compared to other motor lubricants. But what do the car owners say?

NESTE CITY PRO 5W-40 - Fully synthetic engine oil, in the properties of which adopted special requirements of the latest advanced structures. passenger engines, Special requirements for additional processing devices exhaust gases, as well as the latest more stringent requirements of new class API SM and ACEA C3.

Neste City Pro 5W-40 supports low-level oil consumption, saves fuel, reduces the engine wear during a long period between oil changes, supports the engine clean and extends the service life of the additional processing of exhaust gases.

NESTE CITY PRO 5W-40 is recommended to use all year round in any conditions, in gasoline and diesel engines passenger cars. It is suitable for both turbocharged engines and turbocharged. The benefits of oil are especially obvious in modern cars, as well as in summer and winter conditions. Its use contributes to the reliable operation of the engine and the easy-to-catalyst is launched for the catalyst, small oil consumption and the purity of the engine.

NESTE CITY PRO 5W-40 Oil exceeds the newest requirements The quality of most manufacturers of cars, but it can also be used in older engines.

In addition to Neste City Pro 5W-40 oil in the range there are several different special engine oils, including Neste City Pro W Longlife III 5W-30 for Volkswagen / Audi / SEAT / SKODA cars, Neste City Pro A5 / B5 for vOLVO cars, NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 for opel cars and Saab, Neste City Pro C2 5W-30 for Toyota / Honda / Mitsubishi / Subaru / Citroën / Peugeot and Neste City Standard 5W-30 for Ford cars.

All Neste City Pro series oils are fully synthetic motor oils of a new generation manufactured from their own basic oils NEXBASE® and best modern additives. Such a combination guarantees excellent lubricants and prevents the formation of nagar and corrosion in the engine. Oils retain their properties over long gaps between oil changes. Neste City Pro oils are perfectly suitable for engines with catalyst, turbocharging and multiclapped engines.

Selecting the engine oil for its vehicle and studying the products of the world's largest manufacturers, it is impossible not to pay attention to the Finnish Lubricants Neste Oil. For the first time they appeared in 1948 and from the first days of sales were able to place most of the car owners to themselves. To date, the company Nesta Oil is among the top five largest manufacturers of synthetic base oils having a superproof viscosity index - ENVI. They are the basis for most modern car oilspresented in the global market.

We will get acquainted closer with the range of the company.

  • Note Oil Oil Oil

    Products of the Finnish brand are represented by high-tech premium development and high-quality mineral oils Economy class. The NESTE OIL is part of the NESTBASE base and a special package of additives developed by world petrochemical manufacturers. Due to the unique combination of ingredients, a highly durable film is created, a film resistant to temperature drops, not only ensuring reliable protection of power plants, but also allows saving consumption fuel mixes.

    Nesthe oil is extremely popular in Northern Europe, Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine. In the domestic market, demand annually increases.

    Mineral motor oils

    Mineral line motor fluids Includes two series - NESTE SPECIAL and NESTE SUPER. They are intended for engines modern carsThe part of the resource of which has already been developed and which requires a more frequent replacement of the lubricant.

    Excellent consumer characteristics make Neste Special suitable for most gasoline installations. Based on the lubricant of this series, high-quality paraffin oils are made, made by solvent cleansing. Such technology makes it possible to obtain liquid-resistant to oxidizing processes with good lubricating abilities.

    The series is represented by two summer and three universal fuel. TO summer manufacturers Believe oil NESTE SPECIAL 30 and 40. They have the same tolerances - API SG, GF-4 - and differ only in the threshold of permissible high temperatures. These oils are suitable as a lubricant for the checkpoint.

    Universal include lubricants:

    • 10W-30 (API SF, CC) - designed for normal use all year round,
    • 20W-50 (SG, CF-4) - refers to a more viscous, heat-resistant variety. Recommended for summer use
    • 15W-40 (API SG, CD, CF-4, CF) - may be poured into diesel motors that are not equipped with turbocharging.

    Semi-synthetic motor oils

    A series of semi-natural petroleum products of the company has the name Premium. Motor oil is not economically spent and do not require topping during the entire interfacial interval.

    Neste Oil oil effectively protect the engine from premature wear and make it easier for scrolling. crankshaft In the harsh frosty conditions.

    PREMIUM lusion contains the best modern additives that are struggling with perennial sediments, prevent the formation of a car, increase the temperature stability of the technical fluid and stop corrosion inside the installation. For cars with mileage, the liquid is ideal - due to the special structure, oil fills the gaps of any size and contributes to the relief of the free move. So, if the "shoulders" of the car is not one hundred thousand kilometers of mileage, the Premium series will restore the former power of the motor without unpleasant consequences.

    The semi-synthetic series is represented by two types of oil:

    1. 5W-40 Tolerances and Specifications: API SL, CF, ASA A3, B4.
    2. 10W-40 Tolerances and Specifications: API SN, CF, ASEA A3, B4.

    It is noteworthy that the semi-synthetic Finnish oil can be mixed with other competitive products that have the same performance class. It is also worth noting that it is possible to pour this lubricant and in older motors.

    Synthetic motor oils

    Products of synthetic lubricants are represented by three series - NESTE 1, NESTE CITY STANDART AND NESTE CITY PRO. The first series is designed specifically for the conditions of Finland: oils perfectly copble with low temperatures, provide instant distribution lubricant For all elements of the design and are excellent for urban conditions.

    Standart and Pro series are manufactured according to classified technologies, allowing to save a significant part of the fuel mixture. Neste Oil oil itself, thanks to fully synthetic composition, does not evaporate, which speaks of even greater benefit for the car owner.

    NameTolerances and specifications
    Neste 1.
    5W-50API SL / CF, ASEA A3 / B4
    Neste City Standart.
    5W-30API SL / CF, ASEA A5 / B5, A1 / B1, Renault 0700, Ford WSS-M2C913-D, M2C913-B, M2C913-A, M2C912-A1
    5W-40API SM / CF, ASEA A3 / B4-04, VW 502.00, 505.00, 505.01, MB 229.1
    10W-40API SN / CF, ASEA A3 / B4, VW 502.00, 505.00, mV 229.3
    0W-40API SN / CF, ACEA A3 / B4, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.3, 229.5, BMW LL-01, RENAULT 0700, 0710
    5W-40API SN, SM / CF, ACEA C3, Ford WSS-M2C917-A, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.31, BMW LL-04, Porsche A40, Renault RN0700, 0710
    0W-20API SN, SM, ASEA A1, ILSAC GF-5, Ford WSS-M2C930-A, Chrysler MS-6395
    F 5W-20 (intended for new Ford. EcoBoost engines)API SN, ASEA A1 / B1, Ford WSS-M2C948-B
    LL 5W-30 (enlarged interval)API SL / CF, ASEA A3 / B4, VW 502.00, 505.00, MB 229.5, BMW-LL-01, GM-LL-A-025, GM-LL-B-025
    A5B5 0W-30 (for 5 cylinder volvo motors 2005 G.V. with gasoline type of fuel)API SL / CF, ASEA A5 / B5
    W Longlife III 5W-30 (for cars equipped with LongLife Service - Skoda, Audi, Siath and Volkswagen)ASEA C3, VW 504.00, 507.00, MB 229.51, BMW-LL-04
    C2 5W-30 (for motors equipped with exhaust filters, oil class - C2)API SN, SM / CF, ASEA C2, RENAULT 0700, FIAT 9.55535-S1
    C4 5W-30 (for motors equipped with exhaust filters, oil class - C4)ASEA C4, RENAULT 0720

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Neste Oil engine oil, like the products of any petrochemical manufacturer, has strong and weak parties. To begin with, consider the advantages of this oil.


    • A wide range of products allows you to choose motor lubricant for almost any vehicle. There are mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils With varying degrees of viscosity, which significantly simplifies the choice of the desired goods.
    • Some series allow the fuel mixture consumption and have increased useful life.
    • Despite the high popularity of the brand, fake products are extremely rare.
    • All rules contain the most modern additives that are effectively struggling with motor sediments and prevent the location of the channel channels with a metal chips. Neste oil neutralizes chemical reactions Inside the installation and reliably protect all working units from overheating and deformations. Stable durable film facilitates free move parts and does not disrupt the functioning of the design elements of the structure.


    • Meet this engine oil in small settlements It is almost impossible - it is implemented mainly in large cities.
    • High cost is one of the reasons why Il is rarely found on the shelves. Because of its high quality and large costs of oil production, a series of fully synthetic goods exceed the average market rate. However, this lack of economy-class mineral water does not apply.

    How to distinguish fake?

    Speaking of rules, properties, strong and weaknesses products, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that all these features are characteristic exclusively for original oils. Falsification is not peculiar and half of the above-described sublicasses: it will not save the motor from wear, will not stop oxidative reactions, it will not prevent overheating.

    Fake goods are dangerous in that its use can lead to serious problems.

    Fortunately, in the world market, most of the technical fluids implemented under the brand under consideration is real. However, we describe the signs of original oils, in order to further protect against fakes, it is still worth it.

    Signs of the original:

    1. Facial and rear brand goods labels have a special curly cut. The facial label is located on the left, at the rear - right.
    2. A liter canister has a kind of halo around the neck; The four-liter container does not have such a feature.
    3. Covers motor oil Nesti have a small casting defect in the center.
    4. The Batch code of products is located at the bottom of the back of the canister. It is easy to erase it. The date of the oil, indicated in the Batch code, the "younger" date of the manufacture of the canister, applied to its bottom, for 1-3 months.
    5. At the bottom of the tank there are not the highest quality adhesions.
    6. All brand names squeezed on the canister should have the perfect performance. Pay attention to the letters "N" and "O" - their upper left part will be represented by a direct angle.
    7. Under the cover of the original products you will not find a cardboard, no plastic. Only foil. Moreover, with the company's logo. Also under the plug of real oil there is a special soft gasket white color. The protective ring of the tank is quite fragile, so any attempt of inconspicuous unscrewing of the lid without damage to the ring will be unsuccessful.
    8. The oil level inside the canister completely coincides with the height of the measuring scale.

    Selection of car oil

    Pick up the motor lubricant on the brand of the car is quite simple: you only need to click on the "Selection of Oil" in the upper right corner. Here by introducing all the necessary data about your vehicle (brand, model and engine type), you will get full information about allowed to use technical fluids. What is interesting, the service offers various lubricants, depending on the terms of use, indicating the replacement intervals and the required volume.

    Selection of oil on a NESTE car brand is not limited. The site also informs the user about suitable liquids Companies for PPC, steering amplifier, brake system and cooling systems.

    And finally

    Neste Oil managed to achieve huge demand in the world market, due to the high quality of all petrochemical goods. They support and improve the working capacity of the car, protecting all systems from serious problems. In order for the lubricant to really have a positive impact on the power and operational capabilities power plantYou should, first of all, take into account the requirements of the automaker and do not contradict them.

NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W30 is made in the Netherlands. The product was created by Neste Oil (Finland). It has a viscosity of 5W-30 for one of the most famous viscosity classifications - SAE.


The oil is synthetic, i.e. the molecular base of the product is created by chemicals. Motor oil from synthetic is much better in its technical characteristics, rather than from mineral raw materials. It has a smooth molecular structure, due to which the best lubrication of the surface of the car engine is carried out.

Set for something.

Oil supply occurs in almost all elements of the engine and provides not only decrease in friction, but also protection of engine parts from early wear. In addition this oil Provides heat regulation in the motor. Due to the fact that most elements of the engine are heated unequal, it is required to distribute it warmly on the engine is more evenly.

NESTE CITY 5W30 supports small consumption on the avgar and provides significant fuel savings. Lubricant retains the motor clean and reduces wear over the entire application.


Nesti City About LL 5W30 is 100% synthetic machine oil, suitable for increased change intervals. Specially designed for diesel and petrol engines New generation Opel and Saab.

Applies for other engines passenger cars And the buses of particularly small class, for example, French, Italian and Japanese gasoline and diesel engines corresponding to classes according to API SL / CF and ACEA A3 / B4.

Motor oil of different packaging.

All NESTE lubricants are out-of-arising: they are developed in Finland, where the annual difference in temperature values \u200b\u200bis approximately 70-80 degrees.

Machine oil exceeds the most modern requirements for the quality of most car manufacturers, but it is also possible to successfully apply in older engines.


The main technical characteristics of Neste City 5W30 engine oil:


Verification method (ASTM)

Meaning / Unit

Vissedity characteristics

Viscosity class

Density at 15 ° C

Viscosity at 40 ° C

Viscosity at 100 ° C

Viscosity index


10.4 MAGKON / G

Temperature characteristics

Flash temperature (COC)

Frozen temperature


Any engine oil has specifications and tolerances:

  • SAE 5W-30
  • ACEA A3 / B4
  • API SL / CF
  • VW 502.00 / 505.00, MB 229.5, BMW Longlife-01

Motor oil.

  • GM-LL-A-025, GM-LL-B-025

Tara and release form

Motor oil is available in the following package:

  • 013352 NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 1L
  • 013345 NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 4L
  • 013320 NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 17KG
  • 013311 NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 200L

Pros and cons

Balanced composition, modern additives, strict control at all stages of production - all this determines the highest technical characteristics of Neste City Pro LL 5W-30 engine oil. His advantages:

  • supports engine cleanliness;
  • reduces the wear of the motor in a long period between replacements;
  • supports a slight oil consumption;
  • fuel economy;
  • it has excellent rates when cold started. Recommended for applying all year round under different conditions.

The disadvantage is increased fluidity, which creates an obstacle in the application in old engines with worn sealing elements through which motor grease Will strive to flow.

Carry Oil.

I distinguish fake

Signs of original packing NESTE 5W30:

  • Front labels (left) and rear (right) have a special cut in the form of a figure.
  • Canister Volume 1 l around the neck has a special halo.
  • The covers have a small marriage of casting in the center.
  • The batche code is located at the bottom of the canister from the back and easily erased. The date of bottling in the code lags behind the production time at the bottom of the canister for 1-3 months.
  • At the bottom of the tank there are not very high-quality spikes.
  • All squeezed brand names must be very high quality. The upper left part of the characters "N" and "O" is denoted by a direct angle.
  • Under the lid is a foil with a logo. Under the tube there is a special white soft laying. Protective ring fragile.
  • The fluid level accurately corresponds to the scale.


Motor oil NESTE CITY PRO LL 5W-30 - german quality. Highly pronounced technical characteristics. A large number of advantages will not leave indifferent car enthusiast, and high tolerances and specifications will protect the motor as much as possible.

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