Home Generator Original antifreeze Renault Logan. What coolant is suitable for Logan? Renault Logan cooling system

Original antifreeze Renault Logan. What coolant is suitable for Logan? Renault Logan cooling system

To preserve durability in the engine operation, it is necessary that all systems work is coordinated and in tact. And regular care for the cooling system is one of these necessary procedures.

Renault Logan Regulations

According to the regulations OT. official dealer It is recommended to replace as a coolant antifreeze under the trademark ELF Glaceol RX Type D Renault.

Catalog number of factory antifreeze

The chemical composition of this product includes distilled water, ethylene glycol (96% of general composition) and 4% of different additives that provide all components anti-corrosion resistance from external factors. Such corrosion retarders are suitable for use in all cooling systems for both copper and aluminum radiators.

What does corporate antifreeze look like?


The corporate antifreeze for Renault Logan has a yellow color, and is supplied in the form of a 1 liter bottle concentrate.

It should be diluted in a clean container in a ratio of 1: 1 together with distilled water. Diluted composition in such a ratio shows perfectly at negative temperatures up to - 40 ° C.

However, if the temperature ambient Not lowered to such marks, the percentage of concentrate content in water can be adjusted independently in other proportions.

Under the hood Two-liter Renault Logan in the new body will also flood yellow antifreeze (editorial photo)


According to the operating manual for the Renault Logan car, it should be completely replaced by antifreeze every 90,000 kilometers.

However, it is not necessary to wait for this mileage, it is not necessary to follow the color of the coolant and when it acquires a dirty shade with unpleasant odorSo it has come time to replace, thereby pouring the product only into a clean environment, having previously cleaned the system from the old liquid.

Such recommendations are given so that the composition of the spent product does not interfere with the efficient operation of the newly spilled antifreeze. For full replacement The system will require from 6 to 8 liters () diluted to the necessary concentration of antifreeze.

Before replacing, pay attention!

Cooling fluid flow from the thermostat nozzle

If you have to fully replace the coolant, then pay attention to what state is the radiator, nozzles, hoses, thermostat (is not very reliable detail with system). After you were convinced that everything is in perfect order, you can easily begin work.

Antifreeze is a coolant that is necessary for proper engine operation. vehicleand also the entire cooling system. For these reasons, behind the level of antifreeze should be monitored and in need of its substitution.

What antifreeze to fill in Renault Logan 1.4 and 1.6

Cooling fluid is usually bright colors, which are determined by exclusively added dyes, but not the composition of the liquid. Antifreeze are sold exclusively in two kinds: as a finished solution and in the form of a concentrate. In the first case, antifreeze can already be used, and in the second - no, since there is a need to dilute with water.

A coolant is poured into Reno Logan, which refers to category D. It is not necessary to allow a mixture of two different antifreezes, that is, before the fill you need to thoroughly rinse the cooling system. For the Renault Logan model, it is necessary from six to eight liters of antifreeze - it all depends on the volume of the engine this car.

The official dealer of the company Renault recommends purchasing the cooling fluid of ELF - Glaceol RX, which is intended for this car brand.. It should be diluted in the proportion one to one. This brand of antifreeze is suitable for 1.4 and 1.6 engines. Also, the experience of car owners shows that ELF liquid works well - Coilf Auto Supra. When assembling Renault Logan models, developers use Cool Stream 4030 Premium antifreeze, which refers to the highest class of carboxylate cooling fluids.

The remaining, after the fill, the antifreeze should be left, since, in consequence, it can be useful if, for some reason, the coolant level in the system will fall.

How to pour antifreeze in Renault Logan

In order to fill in this car brand new antifreezeThe following tools will be needed:

  • Cape keys
  • Passatii
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Tara for draining waste coolant
  • Funnel for the Bay of New Antifreeze
  • Different rags to eliminate

Naturally, similar work is recommended using observation pit. If there is no such possibility, then the replacement should be performed in the position lying under the car. Immediately should be warned that the engine must be, by this time, cold.

It is not recommended to add antifreeze - it is better to change

So, to replace antifreeze you need to do the following:

How to release air from the cooling system of the Renault Logan

After filling the antifreeze, it is necessary to release excess air from the system. To do this, do the following:

    • Run a motor and give it to work with idle. Warming up to temperature in forty degrees. After that, you need to turn off the engine
    • Next, you need to eliminate excess pressure in the system. Need to open expansion tank

You should also remove the plug from the fitting. There will be a yield of air, and after some time the liquid will rip away from the fitting. After that, naturally, the expansion tank cover should be tightened.

  • Next you need to get rid of the air in the radiator. To do this, turn on the motor and warm up on high revolutions - Two thousand revolutions per minute. Warming time - five to ten minutes
  • Repeat the air from the fitting. Only this time you should not close the expansion tank with a brush. These actions must be repeated two or three times.

Many motorists who, with the owners of cars, are interested in the question: what antifreeze to pour into its vehicle?

There is an answer to it. But before proceeding to it, it should be determined (perhaps to someone it will be interesting or useful) What is in its essence antifreeze and why it is needed.

- This is a special cooling fluid for that does not freeze at 0 0 degrees like water. This tool does not allow the engine to overheat and in general is responsible for stable work all system. That is why it is very important to monitor the level of antifreeze and to replace it in a timely manner.

When it is necessary to replace antifreeze

It is recommended to carry out this tool after 90 thousand km of mileage. Manufacturers also add dyes into it so that the liquid can be "learning". However, you immediately need to say that the color of antifreeze does not affect the chemical properties.

Antifreeze for Renault Logan, which is poured into it, for example, green. It should also be said that the main component of the means is ethylene glycol, which provides its lubricating properties.

By chemical composition, modern antifreezes are divided into two types: concentrates and finished liquids. With the second option, everything is clear - the liquid has a proper consistency of ethylene glycol and distilled water, so it can immediately be used.

As for concentrates, their composition includes the very ethylene glycol, which for proper application It is necessary to dilute with distilled water in a ratio of 50:50. In sum, the water and the chemical element ethylene glycol occupy approximately 95% of the volume, the rest falls on the additives, on which the quality of the coolant depends.

In Renault Logan, antifreeze of type D is poured from the plant. It is very important to pour a new antifreeze into a clean medium to eliminate the possibility of mixing it with an already spent fluid. Depending on the volume of the engine, for the full filling of the car system Reno Logan. You need to cook from 6 to 8 liters. funds.

On the recommendations of the official dealer for the presented vehicle, it is better to use ELF antifreeze "Glaceol RX Type D 1l Renault 7711428132". In order to perform a high-quality fluid replacement, it is worth a concentrate approximately 3-4 liters, which then in the proportion known to us you need to dilute with water.

Antifreeze for Renault Logan, which remains, can be used as it is exploited to a plot. Do not save on antifreeze, because it's just an extra risk.

The manufacturer recommends changing the coolant every 90 thousand km or after 6 years of operation. It is better to replace the antifreeze earlier when it acquires a dirty brown shade and will make a sharp nasty smell: approximately at 60 thousand km mileage. To perform the operation, you will need to prepare tools and consumables:

  • Standard set of horn or precipitant keys.
  • Passatia.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Wide capacity with low sides with a capacity of up to 6 l for draining testing.
  • Funnel, you can use a sliced \u200b\u200bnecklash plastic bottle.
  • Mother gloves.
  • Rag.

It is more convenient to replace antifreeze in the presence of observation ditches. Otherwise, the protection of the palter of the Carter will have to be unscrewed and removed, lying under the car, while the engine should not be heated. Before starting work, it is necessary to eliminate overpressure in the cooling system, unscrewing the lid from the throat of the expansion tank. It will break out of the air with a characteristic sound, after which the lid should be spinning back.

The Renault car does not provide for special fittings or plugs, and the drain is carried out by removing the cooling system nozzles, first of all - the lower hose from the radiator. First you need to unscrew and remove the crankcase pallet protection and substitute the cooked container under the radiator. If the work is performed from the observation pit, then the board, percked through the ditch, can serve as a support for the container.

The definition of the old liquid

To remove the nozzle, you need to open the tight clamp. Tip: If the hoses are "native" Renault clamps, then it is better to change them to new ones, because they are intended for one-time use. Further, the hose is neatly removed from the fitting and is sent to the container, the exhaust antifreeze will run simultaneously from the radiator and the nozzle. Now you can unscrew and remove the lid of the expansion tank and a tube with a small vertical fitting located on a thick nozzle coming to the thermostat housing. In this case, the coolant will run more intense.

By virtue of the design of the reno, the old antifreeze will not be able to merge immediately, the part will remain in the cabin heater radiator. To fully drain the liquid, it is necessary to open the clamps, pull another two pipe from the thermostat housing and send down into the container. After that, the residues of the coolant are removed from the compressed air supply system in the neck of the expansion tank and the thermostat housing fittings. This operation must be done carefully, the air pressure should not be high, otherwise the cells of the cabin stove radiator can be destroyed. We advise you to watch the video:

When the system is completely emptied, you can reverse assembly. All system tubes are installed in their places, pulling them with new clamps. Now you can pour a new antifreeze. Previously, the Renault Plant-producer used as a coolant product Glacelfautosupra trademark Total, yellow or yellow-red grade. Since 2009, GlaceOLRXTYPED is used, produced under the ELF brand. The latter has a yellow color, the concentrate in front of the fill is diluted with distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio, regardless of volume. Both products purchased from the official sales representative are highly recommended for use in the car Logan with 1.4 L or 1.6 L motor, filling volume is 5.5 liters. Appearance Packages of liquids with different volumes can be viewed on video:

Instructions for filling system

With the help of a funnel, the new antifreeze is poured into the Logan system through the throat of the expansion tank - the trigger plug must be unscrewed. Pouring should not be in rush, making pauses, during which by hand to blame all nozzles to remove aerial traffic. The process continues until a stream flows from the fitting. At this point, you need to quickly remove the funnel from the neck and block the last right hand, stopping the leakage of the fluid. Left hand spin the plug of fitting and add the required amount into the expansion tank. The level should be between the labels of the minimum and the maximum.

The next step is the release of air from the cooling system:

  1. Making sure that the clamps are tightened and plugged, start the engine. Warm it for a few minutes on idling To the temperature not higher than 400 and drown out the motor.
  2. Before moving the air after replacing the fluid, it is necessary to eliminate the overpressure in the system by unscrewing the plug of the expansion tank. Attention! The system operates under pressure: always act carefully, especially on the hot engine. If the lid is unscrewed quickly, the hot air will splash out and burn hands.
  3. Promotion with right hand Expansion tank, left to unscrew the plug of fitting, remove the hand with the neck of the tank. As soon as the air goes out and the liquid will run from the fitting, cover up the plug hole and spin the trigger plug into place. Split and reliably clap the tank cover.
  4. Since the radiator of the Logan stove is somewhat higher than the rest of the cooling system, the air in it will still remain. To get rid of it, the new one should be downloaded under pressure, which will create a water pump (pump). You need to start the engine and warm up 5-10 minutes on increased turns (up to 2000 rpm), follow the temperature sensor to avoid overheating of the power unit.
  5. Repeat the air descent from the fitting, only now does not cover the neck of the tank with hand, but twist and turn off its cover in order to avoid burns. The procedure will have to repeat 2-3 times, only then you can ride.

After replacing the system, air remains may still be long. This may indicate temperature jumps or insufficient heating in the auto cabin. Therefore, during the ride, the air can be periodically deleted, as described on the video.


Few auto owners think about the quality of antifreeze, filled into the engine of his car. In fact, the coolant condition plays an important role in the operation of the car. The topic of today's article will affect the selection and replacement of antifreeze in Renault Logan. We also tell me how the types of refrigerants exist in the market.

What refrigerant use

To date, the automotive spare parts and liquids market are full of different types of antifreeze types. Due to this, the choice of the desired type of refrigerant becomes difficult. Now we will consider several types of cooling fluids and provide some recommendations for replacing them to Renault Logan.

  • Carboxylate - This type of antifreeze for cars has all sorts of qualities when using it at different temperatures. Also, this type demonstrates an excellent qualitative basis that has reliable properties of the vehicle cooling system. Through the use of this type of refrigerant, you can not worry about technical condition Engine cooling systems Renault Logan and its elements. Many auto manufacturers recommend and even pour carboxylate refrigerant into their cars.
  • Hybrid - this type was widely used in the nineties and is still very popular among auto lovers. This liquid Also demonstrates good indicators, such as: reliability, durability and protection of the cooling system.
  • Traditional - this type of refrigerant car is obsolete, although well shown itself during operation. But the traditional antifreeze was replaced by other types of liquids.
  • Lobrid - This type is one of the newest developments. It occupies an honorable place among all available refrigerants, and also includes all sorts of additives and additives that promote the protection of aluminum blocks and cylinder heads.

Many auto lovers pay attention to the refrigerant color and believe that their coincidence is entirely and fully corresponds to the structure. However, this is not quite true. The colors of the refrigerant is only a color indicator leakage of the cooling system. Therefore, if you have a yellow antifreeze, this does not mean that it does not coincide with red or green. Of course, we need to combine colors, but not necessarily. What other colors are, you better learn from the manufacturer.

Replacing refrigerant and flushing system

In order to replace the refrigerant on Renault Logan, the first thing it is necessary to cool the engine and depress the system, unscrewing the culpage of the radiator.

  1. Install your Renault Logan on the lift, if there is no such, use the viewing a hole or the overpass.
  2. Remove the plastic crankcase protection if there is such.
  3. Disconnect the lower nozzle of the radiator and drain its contents into a wide container.
  4. For a complete replacement, you need to unscrew the drain plug on the motor motor unit, if any, unscrew the thermostat node.
  5. To wash the system, it is necessary to pour distilled water or a special base for cleaning. After that, the engine should work for several hours at different modes.
  6. Drain the washing substance and tighten the hubs of the nozzles.
  7. Fill the system with antifreeze, not forgetting to observe the level.

Attention! If you use concentrate, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for the preparation of low-temperature mixture. As a rule, it is necessary to mix concentrate with distilled water.

The use of low-quality antifreezes is adversely affecting the cooling system as a whole. Over time, corrosion of important engine systems may appear, as well as radiator and aluminum tubes. Corrosion products can score the radiator of the heating system, which will lead to expensive repair.

What conclusions can be done?

Like any other car, Renault Logan requires careful attention from the owner. We recommend producing timely replacement refrigerant in the cooling system every two years of operation. As it turned out, produce maintenance This system is not difficult, it can be done with your own hands. Choose high-quality mixtures, use only well-known manufacturers. Carefully read the label and pay attention to what type of tolerance comes to your car.

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