Home Rack Bracket for the trunk on the roof with your own hands. Expedition trunk do-it-yourself: stages of work. How much is a new trunk, is it possible to save

Bracket for the trunk on the roof with your own hands. Expedition trunk do-it-yourself: stages of work. How much is a new trunk, is it possible to save

Many drivers face a problem that to transport everything you need is not always obtained due to the limited space of the car. Moreover, if it is a large and oversized cargo, then it is impossible to place it in the cabin. The exit from the situation can be the trunk on the roof with your own hands.

To date, a large number of different ready-made options In stores, however, their cost is quite high. If you do not want to spend extra money and ready to pay a little of your time and effort, then make a trunk on the roof can be quite simple. This will require a certain set of tools and materials, and the process of building a structure, and its features we describe in our article. Thus, you can fully solve the problem with a lack of space for the transport of things or goods.

Pros and cons of the roof trunk

The trunk on the roof has a lot of advantages. The most basic one that floats from its tasks is to create additional space for transporting some cargo and things. In addition, the trunk can protect the machine from damage to the upper part of it, as well as serve as the basis for installing additional lamps or antennas. For those who go on off-road, the trunk can be useful for fixing the shovel and other tools. In general, this is a very useful device.

Of course, there are also substantial cons. First, the design on the roof a little degrades aerodynamics, which in turn leads to an increase in fuel consumption to 1 liter. Secondly, if in the calculations or in the manufacture, even though minor errors were allowed, noise insulation can worsen, and in some cases controllability.

Material for trunk

First of all, after you decide to independently make a trunk for your car, you will need to choose the source material. As a rule, metal is considered the best option. However, in this case, it is necessary to find such a material that will have a little weight, but at the same time have the highest strength.

Under these demands are great:

  • Aluminum;
  • Profile tube;
  • Stainless steel.

Aluminum, probably the most suitable option For several reasons. First, it is very light. Secondly, it is resistant to external influence and is not amenable to negative impact of corrosion. Thirdly, it is very easy to work with it and form the necessary structures.

Alternative aluminum is a profile tube with a thin wall. In most cases on SUVs domestic production (UAZ Patriot., Lada Niva 4 × 4) The roof is installed on the roof of this material. The cheapest version for the car is a stainless steel trunk. Sheets became very strong and flexible. However, the significant disadvantage of this type of material is its weight - it is much larger than that of the profile tube or in aluminum.

Design measurements

When you made a decision on the form of a material that you will use for the trunk, then you need to move on to perform measurements and calculations. Thus, you can clearly define the weight of the future product, the approximate price and, of course, how much and what you need when building a trunk for the car.

It is primarily necessary to identify such indicators as the length and width of the entire roof. Moreover, you can even create a certain project in the form of a plan and drawings that will include:

  • Carrier panel (direct trunk, more precisely, its bottom);
  • Framework;
  • Jumpers (special amplifiers for design);
  • Board.

In addition, you can come up with various additional details at your discretion. For example, it can be a special lining on the front of the trunk, which will prevent the emergence of strong resistance to the oncoming air.

Manufacturing process

So, the materials are bought, the plan and the project are made, which means that half of the path is passed. Now it is necessary to proceed to the most important thing - the immediate construction of the trunk for the car. So, the process of its construction is performed in this way:

  • Cutting metal on the necessary segments according to pre-harvested schemes with the help of a grinder;
  • Using a welding machine, form the perimeter of the future design, given the dimensions of your car;
  • To strengthen and increase the reliability of the product, it is necessary to further welcome the longitudinal jumpers that can still be copped with each other (there will be a certain lattice - the bottom of the trunk);
  • To the front of the design, weld an arc that will serve to improve aerodynamic indicators and reduce air resistance, as well as to create a more attractive appearance;
  • We create onboard by cutting small metal plates with a height of 6 centimeters (as a rule, they are made removable, that is, they are installed on the thread, the holes are drilled and the sleeves are placed, and not welded to the main design);
  • We connect the welding rack and the upper crossbars so that the form of the trunk is harmoniously combined with the car, and did not look like a metal box.

That's all, the trunk for the car on the roof is ready. However, this work does not end, as it needs to be painted and install it. Before painting, treat the surface of the primer and leave it for some time to dry. After that, you can apply paint. It is advisable to use a regular can, as it allows you to achieve good durability and does not create drowshes.

As for the fastening of the trunk on the roof, there are several options here and it all depends on your car. For example, on some machines there are special notches that will serve as a fastening site, which is very convenient. Other models do not have special places, so you have to drill the roof and install the design using special fasteners. By the way, if you are railing on your car, they can serve as the basis for installing the product, since its weight is small. To date, the market offers a large number. different types Fasteners that will allow you to avoid the process of creating holes in the roof of the car.

So, the trunk on the roof for some people is necessary. If you are just thinking about its manufacture, then weigh everything in and against, and then make a decision. In general, this is a very useful device for your car.

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How to make the trunk on the roof of the car?

The problem of free space in the trunk worries any owner of the car. If you like to go to your car with the whole family in long or with friends, you can't do without additional trunk on the roof.

Such a trunk is called expeditionaryBecause very heavy items do not put it on it, but those things you need during a trip - tents, fishing rods, bicycles in folded form, clothing sets, and so on - all this can easily be placed on the roof trunk.

Popular also such a trunk type as Avtobobs. His main advantage over the expeditionary is that all your things will be protected from bad weather, and the Autobox itself has a streamlined form and will not affect the aerodynamic properties of your car.

Nowadays, cars are rarely equipped with roof trunk. Although there are regular places for their installation, as well as rails on or universal.

You can order from the masters or buy under the order trunk, which is suitable for your car, but it will be quite expensive. Those people who have metal skills can make such a trunk and independently with all required tools.

Make a trunk on the roof with your own hands

Selection of material

First of all, you need to decide on the material. It is clear that the best choice - This is a metal. But the metal is needed with a slight weight and excellent strength characteristics.

The best option is aluminum, because it has a little weight, it is easy to work with it, it is rather durable and is not afraid of corrosion.

You can also use a profile thin-walled tube, it is preferred to be installed on domestic SUVs - Lada Niva 4x4 or UAZ Patriot.

A completely cheap option - This is a sheet stainless steel, it is quite flexible and durable, however, its disadvantage is the weight, which is definitely more than that of aluminum and metal profile.


When they were determined with the type of metal, you need to make accurate measurements. It will help you to calculate the total weight of the future design, her approximate cost And, of course, the number of materials.

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It is best not to measure the length and width of the roof, and immediately make a project:

  • framework;
  • jumpers that are used to enhance the design;
  • sides;
  • the carrier panel - it will be the bottom of your trunk, and will strengthen it.

You can come up with additional items - to make the front of the machine to the side of the battlefield so that it is not very violating the aerodynamics.

Getting to work

If you have a detailed plan and scheme of work, you can assume that the case is half completed.

  1. At first, the profile is cut using a grinder according to the diagram.
  2. Then the perimeter of the expedition trunk is welded - you will have a rectangle of a certain size.
  3. The perimeter is enhanced with longitudinal jumpers, which also weld to the obtained basis. For greater gain, longitudinal jumpers are connected to each other, the lattice base is obtained - the bottom of your trunk.
  4. The rectangular trunk is not very beautiful, it can spoil not only aerodynamics, but also appearance Your car. Therefore, an arc is usually welded to the front part, which is made from the same metal profile.
  5. Then proceed to the manufacture of boot sides. To do this, cut from metal racks about 6 centimeters. It is worth noting that the boards are usually done removable, that is, these racks are best not just to weld to the base, but to put them on the thread. For this, the holes are drilled in the base, in which the sleeves are then turned. The bushings are needed so that the metal profile is not deformed when twisting bolts.
  6. The racks are welded to the upper crossbar, which in its parameters repeats the basis, with the only difference that the side crossbars - the left and right - are usually made a little shorter, and the front two racks connecting the crossbar and the base are set at an angle so that your trunk does not look like ordinary metal drawer, And repeated the contours of the machine. The front arc, by the way, is also used for this purpose.
  7. Now that the trunk is almost ready, you need to do it painting and fastening to the roof of the car. To paint keeps well, you first need to brand well and give the primer to dry. Then we put the paint, it is best from the canister - so there will be no drips and it will fall a smooth layer.
  8. There are many ways to attach such a trunk - if you have railing, they will calmly be able to withstand the weight of the whole design, and it, as a rule, is a kilogram 15-20. If there are no rails, you will have to drill the upper part of the body and install the trunk on special brackets. In some cars there are special regular places - excavations for consolidation. If you wish in stores, you can find a variety of types of fasteners that will allow you not to drill your car.

Advantages and disadvantages of expedition trunk

The most important advantage is an additional place to transport any things you need. The trunk is also an excellent protection against dents and blows from above.

You can find many other examples of the roof trunk. Some people simply set several transverse rails to which you can attach anything. Also, fog lanterns are usually installed on such trunk, fastening radiance. If you go on off-road, the roof will be a great place to store the necessary tools, such as shovels or haygeke.

However, there are a number of shortcomings:

  • worsening aerodynamics;
  • the fuel consumption increases - even small transverse rails can lead to the fact that the consumption in the country cycle will increase by the half-liter-liter;
  • noise isolation deteriorates, especially if the mount is not fully thought out;
  • if the weight is distributed incorrectly, manageability can worsen.

It is because of these shortcomings, such trunk is desirable to make removable, and use them only as necessary.

On this video, you will learn how to independently make the trunk on the roof of the car.

Almost every driver faced such a problem as a lack of space in the car trunk. And this applies not only to connoisseurs of active recreation, which regularly go to nature and bring bikes, tents and household trivia with them. IN everyday life Transportation problem large objects From place to place appears often.

A good option for solving such tasks will be an additional cargo area on the roof. If the manufacturer does not assume in regular equipment Auto this element, the trunk on the roof of the car with your own hands will be a good alternative. This is a removable design that is easily mounted on the car and just takes off.

The most common types of homemade trunkings is car box and welding design consisting of aluminum or steel profiles.

Boxing on the roof of the car has a rather attractive appearance and, most importantly, does not disturb the aerodynamic indicators of the car. But it is difficult to make it yourself quite difficult and costly. He enters the factory configuration, which is developed under specific brand Auto, most often for SUVs.

Rack trunk on the roof is a more functional design. The volume of the rush compartment on the roof of any model of the VAZ is two or three times higher than the volume of the Autobort on the Toyota SUV.

The benefits are obvious:

  • the design can be set temporarily;
  • easy when transporting bulky items: pipes, bicycles, boards, etc.;
  • protection of the roof of the car;
  • increase the volume of the freight compartment in two or three times.


  • reduction of car aerodynamics;
  • with weight of cargo on the roof from 50 kg, the resistance of the car is reduced by 10-20% with lateral gusts of the wind;
  • the control of the car becomes more complicated.

The main disadvantage is that fuel consumption increases to 1-2 liters per 100 km during cargo from 50 kg.

The average speed of the car with a cargo from 50 kg on the roof should not exceed 70-75 km / h.

How to make a trunk

If the machine is equipped with rails - regular metal railings on the roof - it is recommended to make aluminum or steel crossbars that will serve the bottom of the trunk.

If there are no rails in the regular configuration of the car, you can make a welded trunk design with a bottom and sides. It is impractical to make it yourself, the cost of work and materials will cost 50-60% higher than buying a finished trunk.

The process of manufacturing the trunk is conditionally divided into the following steps:

  1. Selection of material, preparation of the tool.
  2. Dimensions, drawing drawing.
  3. Production of the perimeter and fasteners of the trunk with their own hands.
  4. Welding.
  5. Installation of the trunk on the car.

Materials and tools

One of the main stages of production at independent manufacture - The correct calculation of the weight of the finished design and the creation of the drawing. An ideal material for the autobagger will be aluminum profiles. Aluminum is characterized by high strength, flexibility and slight weight.

Profile pipes can become an alternative material. The weight of the material is relatively small, thin-walled profile pipes are distinguished by corrosion resistance, high strength and low price. The cost of the profile pipe is two times lower than similar aluminum.

Strips of sheet stainless steel should be used as a trunk material on the roof in extreme cases, since the material has a lot of weight and high cost.

For the manufacture of fasteners, you can use the prepared plates from industrial steel.

From the tools you will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • sander;
  • primer;
  • car paint.

Design measurements and drawing up

If it is required to make the trunk on the roof, where regular rails are installed, it is enough to measure the distance between them. Fasteners If these elements in the car are missing, then it is required to measure the length and width of the roof. Based on these figures, a design drawing is created, where the following parameters are calculated:

  • length and width of the frame;
  • the place for reinforcing jumpers is determined;
  • the height of the sides is calculated;
  • the number of fixtures is determined.

Drawing a drawing, make the front side of the streamlined, and in front of the design, install an aluminum arc. If the roof length exceeds 2.5 meters, it will take six points of the support, if less than four fasteners.

According to the drawing from the selected material, blanks are cut, then the framework of the frame is made.

Welding work

Proper manufacturer of the trunk depends on the accuracy of preliminary measurements and drawing of the structure. Welding works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. From the profile pipe or sheet of steel, depending on the material selected, the perimeter of the design is cooked.
  2. Jumpers are boiled to enhance the bottoms. Considering the weight of the cargo, which is supposed to carry on the roof, you can jumper jumpers with grille.
  3. Aluminum arc welded on the front of the platform, which will ensure optimal aerodynamics of the car.
  4. For sides, racks 6-15 cm long are cut. The side of the side is welded to the top of the frame that coincides with the basis, the bottom.
  5. The grinding machine is removed by the influx of the material that remained after welding. Fasteners are polished and ground.
  6. Painting design. In front of the painting produced primer.
  7. Installation of the trunk on the rails or roof. To install the trunk directly to the roof mounted brackets to which the cargo compartment will be installed.

Tool Steel has a lot of weight, should not be used more than three steel strips to enhance the bottom of the trunk.

Ensuring aerodynamics and fixation of sides

With the aim of minimum decline Aerodynamic indicators of the car due to installation homemade trunk It is recommended to use the inclined mount of the racks on the front and rear part of the structure.

For this, the upper side tubes must be slightly smaller than similar lower. Therefore, the racks on the front and rear part of the structure are welded at an angle. The angle of inclination and the length of the upper side parts is calculated in the process of drawing up the drawing of the structure.

Aesthetic strokes

After all welding work The design on the car is thoroughly grinding, soaked and painted. Before the primer, the details are degreased.

The use of primer with high zinc content maximally protects the metal trunk from corrosion and facilitates painting.

A few days after the design is projected, painting is made.

Decorative nuts can be installed as an additional aesthetic stroke, which completely close the fastening bolts.

Additional devices and appliances

You can install automotive equipment to the forwarding trunk, which will provide the driver additional comfort:

  • it is allowed to install foglights;
  • you can make and install a vengery: if you are supposed to travel to the forest, it will help protect the windshield;
  • the second antenna on the trunk can be useful on the trip to remote places.

According to the traffic police rules, the trunk installation is not a conversion of the car and does not require registration if, according to the design specific model Auto, for an additional luggage compartment.

The need to make an expeditionary trunk with their own hands arises sooner or later every driver engaged in the carriage of large-sized goods, uncomfortable for accommodation in the cabin. As you know, many who have an SUV are often sent on travel and, it happens that the standard trunk does not accommodate everything you need. This becomes another reason for the arrangement of an additional trunk on the roof.

Each motorist is clear that the purchase of a finished trunk is a significant blow to the wallet. At the time, how to make an expeditionary trunk at home, will become a budget and advantageous solution.

Suitable materials for the manufacture of an expeditionary trunk

Deciding to make the trunk with their own hands, it is important, first of all, to determine when designing its real weight. Modern models of "expeditionary" are manufactured using particularly durable aluminum, characterized by a small mass and good technical indicators (these are operational qualities, and durability, and strength, flexibility, break, etc.).

As can be seen, aluminum is the best solution when choosing source material As the basis of the future product. Another option can be profile pipes with thin walls - they also have a slight weight. And the third, the easiest option is the usual metal (stripes) or stainless steel. They are somewhat heavy, but convenient to process. Make and install such a trunk on UAZ with your own hands it will be easy. After all, it is the cars of such companies as UAZ and Niva most often exposed to independent refinement of their owners.

If you decide to make a trunk on a loaf with your own hands (or on the Niva), a profile thin-walled pipe can be useful for these purposes. For loaf, a great solution usually becomes black metal or stainless steel. The variants of the choice of material to design the trunk is abound. Much depends on the preferences of the owner of auto and functions that the trunk will have to perform.

The main stages of work

With a competent approach, it is possible to successfully produce a professional trunk - high-quality and visually attractive, like a purchased product. Differ it will be the fact that the owner of the car will collect frame designBased on your own needs and functional machine. In general, the creation of the trunk on the roof from any material is carried out according to a single scheme, in several stages.

Preparatory settlements

Getting Started to create an outdoor trunk, you should measure the roof and decide on the placement of the supports. Since the dimensions of each car are different, it is necessary to independently measure everything and carry out accurate calculations, especially when arranging the forwarding trunk on the Niva. After that, the design of the future product is thought out: the drawing is drawn and the weight of the trunk as a whole is calculated.

Correct all the preparatory activities, you can only know such data as:

  • made measuring parameters;
  • possible weight frame;
  • the most likely weight of all the elements of the trunk.

Ending preparatory work It should be marked not only by drawing up a detailed drawing, but also a mark on it all obtained during the data measurement. With their own hands and head in this case will have to work quite a few. After all, only a responsible approach to the implementation of the task will make it possible to make a trunk of such a design and fasteners, which will withstand enormous loads.

From words to business: We carry out welding work

Having made according to the drawing of the workpiece, they are welded together in the form of a rectangle. At the same time, rudges are fixed on the entire internal perimeter of the obtained figures opposite to the middle of the frame. To prevent the deflection of the obtained platform when loading, it is recommended to add to the resulting loose plane inside the site with equal spares from 2-3rd ribs.

Profile iron ribs are made. As a result, a peculiar frame-grille is usually obtained with, parallel, jumpers. To enhance the design itself, a profile pipe is used with pre-harvested cells that have a square shape. Thanks to such actions, it will be possible to make really reliable trunk On the roof with your own hands.

Ensuring aerodynamics and fixation of sides

Thinking up the aesthetics and aerodynamics of the luggage design, it is worth put in front of an arc. For this, the desired length of the material is measured, with 5 cm in the edges of 5 cm. In the bend zones, the triangular sector is cut off and bend. Thus, an arc for the front base of the trunk is ready. It remains to apply it to the design, cut off the size and weld. Also, jumpers are immediately welded to the arc.

The best optionOf course, there will be removable jumpers, because cases are different. For mounting onboard, the holes are made in which the sleeves of the corresponding diameter are inserted. They are boiled in such a way that the profile is not remembered at the moment of tightening bolts. After that, the side is made: the racks of the required length are cut (usually 6.5 cm) in the required quantity (about 8 pieces).

The following steps are done to arrange the fastener studs:

  • two two-cm holes are drilled;
  • they put a hairpin;
  • detail is welded;
  • the required amount of thread is cut off from it;
  • the hairpin is screwed into the available holes.

After that, the lateral top of the crossbar is constructed. Front blank is bending along the same scheme as the front frame. The pair element is also done. To mount the upper front crossbar, the sleeve is welded to the bending of the side crossbar, and a piece of studs are welded directly to the front beam itself. The arrangement of the rear crossbar occurs in the same way.

If there are doubts about the strength of the manufactured design, and there is no desire to create a trunk again, then it is worthwhile other than the ribs of stiffness several amplifiers. Then the expeditionary trunk will be accurately withstanding any additional loads.

Aesthetic strokes

By making the trunk on the Niva, it is important to bring the process of manufacturing to the end, namely paint the finished product. To do this, first cleaned the platform from Okalin and burr. Then degreased and loaded metal to avoid rust formation in the future. The best option is to primure the surface of the zinc-containing primer capable of withstanding the effects of salt solutions.

The period of drying the design should take at least a day, but it is better that the drying lasted two days. After a long period of waiting, you can start staining the trunk. Usually enamel apply for these purposes. After painting on the trunk, you can put closed decor nuts in the places of fastening bolts. The trunk is installed on the car with your own hands using rails.

Instruments of additional arrangement

In addition, the arrangement of the expedition trunk is necessary to ensure the auto-free interior with free space, it still allows you to solve a number of concomitant and important tasks. Provide the trunk on the roof other functions will help use and installation additional equipment with the most different operational capabilities.

Options for extra snap:

  • on the forwarding trunk additionally install fog lights, which will make the road more illuminated;
  • additional comfort when driving will give the radio station antenna on the trunk;
  • candle on the internal / exterior booster boards can be haygeries and shovel - they can come in handy on the road;
  • you can put on an expedition trunk of vetopers that ensure the safety of windshield from the likely damage when driving through the forest (the arrangement of the trunk itself helps protect the roof of the car from the possible fall of the tree from above).

Thus, it comes to the conclusion that every motorist can make the trunk, which decided to close the question of the lack of space for the transportation of goods and the safety of the car. A carefully thought out and competently calculated trunk will allow transportable weight and dimensions of goods. With accurate technical calculations, it will not create vibration or whistling noise with high-speed ride.

And even comparatively spacious crossovers or jeeps cannot boast too much spacious trunk. As a rule, it can be placed only the most necessary, and half of the space occupies either spare wheelOr a set of tools, jack and towing cable. Installing an additional trunk on the roof of the car significantly increases the useful volume, without applying damage to the appearance of the machine. On the contrary, branded triggers look very stylish. However, they cost quite expensive.

But with a well-known share of skills and possession of certain skills, it is quite possible to make and install the trunk on the car rails with your own hands. On how to do this and that it will be necessary, and it will be discussed in this article.

Basic assignment of an exterior trunk

It is quite obvious that the main function This element located on the roof is the placement of various items needed on travel or in everyday trips.

Unlike the staffing, the trunk on the rails, with their own hands made, or made in the factory conditions, allows you to transport not only additional loads. With the help of such a simple device, like railings, with a coater fixed on them or without it, you can transport long items (for example, skis) or overall loads (bicycles, furniture and so on).

Installation of the trunk on regular road rails

In cases where the car is initially equipped with longitudinal or transverse special external beams, it is quite simple to install the trunk on the rails to the rails. If we are talking about the design of factory production, then all the necessary fasteners and fasteners are attached to each trunk and detailed instructions on installation. All that may be needed in these cases is the corresponding and screwdriver.

In addition, often the cargo or special CFR is attached to the guides and at all without the need to use any tool at all - simply with belts.

However, even if you make a trunk on the rails with your own hands, the process of its installation will also not require some special equipment or tool. Since already in the process of manufacture it is necessary to provide for the presence of fastening structures.

Advantages of self-making

Many motorists strive not to buy this important car accessory, but make it with their own hands. Such a decision provides the car owner a number of obvious advantages:

  • The ability to select optimal parameters. Making the trunk on the roof of the car own forces, the owner of the car can choose its optimal physical dimensions that satisfy in one or another requests and requirements, as well as a geometric shape. This is important and from the point of view of maintaining the aerodynamic properties of the car, and for considerations of the ability of the element to perform certain specific tasks. What kind of variety can have a trunk on the rails with your own hands, the photo of such designs say rather eloquently.
  • Significant economy of financial resources. As mentioned above, branded corporate rails and cofrs for them are quite expensive. With independent making, the briefing device can choose cheaper materials and not use any expensive technologies.
  • The ideal compatibility of the trunk with a specific car. Who, how is not the owner, best knows the features of his car? It is with their account that you can independently be made by such a trunk that will have the ideal characteristics of the area or volume, as well as carrying capacity. And at the same time have aesthetic appearance, fully corresponding to the tastes of its owner.

Thus, the desire to make the trunk onto the rails with their own hands is quite explained.

Especially since it is a fairly fascinating creative process.

The main requirements for them

In addition to the parameters of the spacious element, it must comply with certain standards. They primarily concern the following aspects:

  • Geometric dimensions. As a rule, the trunk area is dictated by a similar roof parameter of a particular car model. But many car owners tear off the edges of it beyond the perimeter of the roof. It is very important to understand that a similar solution can significantly change the position of the center of gravity of the machine and the characteristics of its stability.
  • Strength. Even given the fact that the basis of the trunk is metal constructionsHis carrying capacity is usually limited to 100-120 kg of load. An increase in this parameter is fraught with the deformation of the body of the car, the loss of the values \u200b\u200bof the power characteristics of the machine and the decrease in the safety indicators of operation and movement.

How to make your hands the trunk on the rails

In those models of cars, where regular rails are not provided by the factory assembly technology, it can be installed on their own. This will require the following set of materials, tools and equipment:

  • A set of special sidewalls that can be purchased almost in any automotive spare parts store. The sidewall kit consists of two pieces, therefore it is more expedient to buy two such sets.
  • Metal profiled pipe. The choice of round pipes is quite frequent error. The rectangular profile provides much higher cargo stability. It is best to choose a pipe with a section 15x15 mm and a thickness of the walls of 2 mm.
  • Portable welding machine with necessary consumables.
  • Roulette.
  • Mesh with 4x4 cm cells.

Having a similar arsenal, you can safely start work.

Determination of the size of the trunk

First of all, it is necessary to measure the length and width of the roof. From these indicators will largely depend on geometrical dimensions future design. It goes without saying that the trunk on the rails ("UAZ Patriot") made with their own hands, it will be much more than for, for example. Based on the measurement results, the profiled tube is cut for longitudinal and transverse trunk guides.

Cutting and welding

Coast for rails are sold in specialized automotive stores.

If it is not possible to choose the proportion of the desired length, they will need to trim. The set of across, like sidewall, consists of two products. For weight distribution on 8 reference points, it is best to buy two sets.

The crossbars are attached to a frame consisting of the same and repeating perimeter of the roof of a particular car, with welding. Thus, the lower base is obtained, which must have a trunk on the rails with their own hands (VAZ-2111 or any other model).

After that, the top platform is performed in the same way. It is very important that both structures exactly match each other in size. Creare two halves of the trunk among themselves more expedient with all the same welding. It is important immediately after cooling the metal to clean the welds.

Mounting design

Now it remains only to fix homemade design On the roof of the car.

This uses special crossbars, which, in turn, are attached to the body of the machine with bolts and nuts. It is best to use 4 such crossbars - then the design will be durable, reliable and safe. It will not be superfluous to use rubber, polyurethane or plastic gaskets in places of fastening and adjusting the elements of the trunk to the car body.

Finish work

After fixing the homemade item, it must be painted.

It is necessary not only for the trunk on the rails look more aesthetically, but also in order to extend his service life. At the bottom of the lower part of the device, it is best to lay a grid with the width of the cells of approximately 4x4 cm. This will make it easy to get rid of snow in winter and from fallen leaves - in the fall.

Thus, the creation of the trunk on the rails by its own forces is, albeit a rather time-consuming, but not such a complex process. In return, he provides a solution to a variety of problems. For example, the expedition trunk onto the rails with your own hands is made, allows you to take with you to long journeys and tourist trips everything you need without any problems.

The homemade element allows you to transport bikes, skis, construction Materials, large I. oversized loads Without the need to use additional security measures.

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