Home Lighting How to carry loads on the top trunk? Luggage fastening harness: reliable cargo fixation in any situation ways of cargo fastening on car trunk

How to carry loads on the top trunk? Luggage fastening harness: reliable cargo fixation in any situation ways of cargo fastening on car trunk

With a periodic need to carry an oversized or additional cargo face everything who has a mother-in-law, a cottage or repairs in the apartment.

Domestic trunks on the roof, cheap and low-nesthetic, have the advantage that is originally equipped with a universal area for cargo. It can be transported on it - from the refrigerator to the bicycle. Import trunk elegant, roads, but as a support for cargo have only two guides, which is convenient for the transport of hard items only - for example, a flat "Ikean" box or ski (and even for the latter, special attachments are desirable). Platform platform to the imported trunk for most manufacturers is considered an option and cost more money.

Before loading, commend your needs and roof capabilities. On domestic cars producers prohibit plugging the structures weighing more than 50-75 kg (including the mass of the trunk itself); For most imported cars, the limit is more - 75-100 kg. But it is worth remembering that on each bump and the weight of the cargo accelerates and the load on the roof increases, be surprised if the door later become worse to close. So, having delivered the cast-iron bath for the mini-pool on his own, you can save a hundred-other rubles for renting "Gazelle", but later give them to the extraordinary repair of the suspension. For this reason, the most radical specialists generally recommend putting the trunk - even empty - only as needed. Another argument - the roof forgotten on the roof increases the fuel consumption at the speed by 2-5 percent.

To the recommendations, "never to mount the cargo with ropes - we will certainly weaken" it is worth listening, but it is often unable to fulfill them. "Spiders" - a bundle of elastic haruing harness - it is not always possible to argue the immense, for example, the favorite Grandfather Sofa. Western manufacturers offer special tapes with locks and even sets of ribbons with winches for their tension. But the rope can also do. Better synthetic: it is stronger, absorbs moisture and dirt less, and the nodes are easier to unleash. Tightening the cargo, try to put the rope so that it can not slip around the plane. Make sure the rope does not touch the roof: on the road, it is easy to "spin" to the paint to the metal. If the remaining rope tail is a pity, and there is nowhere to wear out, pull it out, get into the cabin and put the door.

When transporting furniture, it is advisable to sit on the trunk of a piece of corrugated cardboard and with the slightest hint of rain to cover the cargo with a polyethylene film. Otherwise, the furniture will be sprinkled with small and difficult mud raised with water wheels of cars.

Long light items (fishing rods, rails, a couple of segments of plastic lining) Reliable to fasten with scotch: from under the rope they strive to jump out like a knife made of scabbard. From the carriage of large sheets of plywood and organity is better to refuse: the incident air flow either fit them at speeds to lobby glassOr put on end and break. And the last two councils: do not drive and see more often rear glass - It is better to catch an escaping cargo by gaze than the hood by the car trail.

If the trunk for the carriage is not enough, then a trailer is needed.

That at some point sooner or later you may need to transport luggage on the roof of the machine. it the best place In the car, in order to transport non-standard bulky cargo and other things that cannot fit in the car. In this case, if you need to carry a rather small cargo that does not fit in the cabin or trunk, the best place is the roof of your car.

Currently there are many smart and fashionable trunk and other equipment on the roof of the machine, for convenient transportation. But they all cost a lot money, and sufficiently bulky for storage at home. If you rarely need the transportation of luggage on the roof, then you make no sense to acquire similar trunk.

So for many who want to transport cargo on the roof of the machine, the problem becomes due to safely transporting the cargo without a special trunk. Unfortunately, most drivers do not know how to do it. We offer you a lifehak that will help you on your own and safely fasten the bulky luggage on the roof of your car.

In order to securely secure the cargo on the roof, ideally there should be something on the car in order to be able to tie luggage. For example, rails that are in many modern cars. Also, in order to safely tie a cargo on the roof of the car you need to lay a cloth or a blanket for it so that the luggage does not slide.

In addition, you will need a regular rope, with the help of which you tie the luggage, with which you can safely move no more than 50 km / h.

For example, it is very convenient to use nylon belts (ties), with the help of which you can fix on the roof anything, ranging from bicycles and ending with furniture items. Similar belts will help you fasten the luggage on the roof, regardless of whether you have a car or new.

If you secure the luggage on the roof of the machine, then even at high speed, the cargo does not flit from the car. The main thing is the strength of the nodes and the correct bunch of baggage. Thus, you will provide baggage on roof stability and safety.

That's what you need to secure any cargo on the roof of the car:

First of all, as we said, you must have some strong rope or tie nylon straps. If the ends of the rope or belts have signs of wear, then you need to cut them off with a sharp knife or scissors so that the fastener becomes smooth.

To prevent the ends of the synthetic rope or belt, you need to burn them with a lighter and press the molten end of the piece of cardboard. In no case touch the molten end of the belt or rope with your fingers, as you can get a serious burn.

Attention! If the rope (or belt) is made of organic fibers, then when trying to burn its ends, the lighter will lead to the ignition of the rope.

In order to secure the luggage on the roof correctly, you must choose at least 3 (and better 4), the control points of the cargo mounting. These attachment points will be stability points.

For example, in the photo you can see how you can fasten the bike on the roof of the car, tieding separately the steering wheel, frame and its back of the structure.

As you can see to secure the bike on the roof, you must install it with the wheels up. Then, alternately begin to push the rope or belts. Various bike elements. So for starters, fasten the right handle of the bike steering wheel. Then proceed to tie the left handle. That is, so you secure the bike at two stiffeners. Then fasten the back of the bike, reliably pulling the belt.

Please note that around the bike steering wheel you need to make several spikes of the belt or rope, capturing the bicycle frame directly. Please note that the turns need to be done in the tension to prevent the luggage screed during the movement of the machine. Also after each belt turnover, make a node on it.

In principle, you can mount the load on the roof in many ways that you are most convenient. The main thing is to remember that for reliable attachment of luggage on the roof of the machine, it must be fixed at least three points of the support. Ideally, there should be four such points.

After you secure all parts of the cargo, your task is to make a strong end of the rope, which should not be unleaned under any circumstances.

For this, before conspiring the end of the rope or belt, make this braid as in the photo.

Also in the case of transportation of a bicycle, the rest of the rope or belt you can fasten under the seat. Example on photography.

Here is another example how to fix the surfboard on the roof of the machine. This method of fastening on the roof of the machine is also suitable for transporting any other flat objects, such as a stepladder, bookshelves, picture frames, etc.

As in the case of a bicycle, to transport flat items on the roof of the car to put the fabric or blanket under the baggage rails, so that the cargo does not slip off from the trunk.

Then grind the belt also on the other side. As a result, you make a reliable lifestyle. If you use a belt with factory locks, then placing the belt as in the photo above, you can easily cover the ends with each other.

If you are using a rope, you need to make a reliable node.

To reliably fasten the flat elements on the roof of the car, you need to make several belt revolutions or ropes around the baggage, traveled the fastener several times through the luggage rails on the roof of the machine.

Pay attention to the photo. This type of flat luggage hitch is fixed in four support points, which ensures reliability and safety of tied luggage on the roof of the car.

The only thing that can move the flat cargo, this is if it is hard to drink over the windshield. Then when moving the car at the air velocity can weaken your cargo coupling or raise it up.


Few of motorists plans to transport something cumbersome and heavy on the top trunk. What for? The standard compartment in the rear of the car for personal belongings and even some (the least overall) building materials is quite enough. But there are situations where the possibilities of the Iron Horse have to use 100%, including the roof. But can I do this? What rules to observe? How to organize transportation? We will talk about it in the article.

Recall traffic rules

To begin with, refreshing in memory the requirements of traffic rules regarding the carriage of goods. I would like to note that each item of the Rules is written on the basis of many years of experience, and the main purpose of traffic rules as a whole is the maximum security of all participants in the movement.

Ploy B. technical guide your car - there must be spelled out permissible mass Loads for the top trunk. For domestic cars weight Limit Usually limited 50-60 kilograms. With foreign cars, the situation is not much better - they have a permitted mass on the roof to 70-80 kilograms. Theoretically car can be loaded and more, but it significantly increases the risks to get into an accident or damage the body of the vehicle.

A number of requirements are presented to the cargo itself on the roof. In particular, he should not limit the review, make it difficult to control the car, influence the statutors of the lastness of the latter. If the cargo is a source of dust, noise or contamination ambient, It is prohibited to transport it. In a situation where the cargo on the roof closes the overview through the rear window, then the installation of an additional rear-view mirror is mandatory.

Pay special attention to the dimensions of objects - they should not perform more than 40 cm on the side (the countdown is conducted from overall lights) And 1 meter is rear from the edge of the bumper. When transporting the day, the cargo should be denoted by a special sign (a shield of 40x40 cm with diagonal red and white stripes), and at night - a lantern and a reflective element (front-white, and a back - red).

What and how to transport?

  • The refrigerator does not fit into a regular trunk or salon, so you have to use the roof of the car. Hire special transport due to one unit there is no desire, and it is expensive. What to do when you need to take an old refrigerator to the cottage or a new repair? If the weight of the unit is about 50 kilograms, then the roof transportation is quite real. The main thing is not to exceed the speed (permissible limit of 50 km / h) and be careful on the corners.
  • Bath - another frequent "victim" of transportation. And the worst thing when you have to ship the Soviet article of cast iron. The weight of such a design may exceed 100-120 kilograms, so its transportation can end not only by the repair of the roof of the car, but also a major accident. If we are talking about lighter versions of products that do not exceed the allowable weight (for example, an acrylic bathroom), then transportation is quite real.
  • Metal pipes may be needed to perform small repair work. There are other situations when products need to be transported from one point to another. Whatever the goal, you must determine the mass of pipes. Make it "on the eye" - a very difficult occupation. But there is general principleswhich can help. On average, the pipe meter with a diameter of 76 mm and the wall thickness of 3-3.5 mm will weigh around six-seven kilograms. During the attachment, take into account the negative property of the pipes - they greatly slide on the trunk (especially metallic). Consequently, the presence of rubber linings is one of best ways Prevent slipping. For these purposes, you can use small pieces of rubber - they are inserted between Trunk and pipe.
  • The bike can be transported on the roof of the car, but for this you need special attachments and fixators (the option "on the side" is not suitable here). By the way, today there are fasteners that allow you to transport a two-wheeled friend on the trunk doors or even the rear bumper (spare wheel).
  • Faneru (sheets of chipboard, OSB and so on) it is necessary to ship and secure very carefully. The speed of movement should not exceed 50 km / h. Otherwise, sailboat may occur, which contributes to raising the front of the car and the loss of controllability. In addition, there are no guarantees that an additional load of the top trunk can withstand. Fastening such a cargo is desirable to produce high-quality ropes (rubber is not suitable as a material). But that's not all. Sheets are desirable to mount with each other with clamps. At the same time, it is from time to time to stop the car and periodically check the quality of cargo mounting to the trunk. Music during transport is better to turn off to keep aware of the entire road situation.
  • Furniture. If you need to carry something very cumbersome, for example, a large closet, it is desirable to disassemble it. In this case, the dimensions will be less, and it is more convenient to fix. The same requirement concerns a number of other furniture items, for example, the same sofa.

Preparation for transportation and fastening

Before going down, securely lock all things on the trunk. If you need to transport boxes or other containers - cure them using a tape. A similar requirement concerns the doors of boxes and cabinets on furniture (if they are in assembled). All glass design elements should be removed and packaged separately using a special "bubble" film or volumetric cardboard. All possible transformations of furniture during transportation of transport must be excluded (especially for sofas). If you transport linoleum rolls or carpets, then it is desirable to securely braid with the help of a tape.

The accommodation of the cargo on the roof should be done evenly. Otherwise, the displaced center of gravity can play a cruel joke in the form of a loss of controllability on the turn. Fastening of goods can be carried out with the help of special hook harnesses (except for the cases we have considered above). Today, you can find many different ribbons for fastening with special winches and castles. In extreme cases, you can use ropes, but it is necessary to mount them as carefully, not allowing touch to the car body.

If you plan to carry heavy loads, take a very carefully to the reliability and loading capacity of the trunk. This data is always in the instructions for the product. The consequences of the deformation of the trunk and loss of cargo in motion can be disastrous - the accidents of several cars with human victims, unfortunately, is not a rare phenomenon.

How to fix cargo on the roof trunk?

So, the trunk is purchased, installed, the reliability of the fasteners is checked, then it is necessary to secure the cargo. For this, there are a number of useful accessories. Consider more each of them.

The simplest I. effective tool - This is a belt with hooks on the end. The product is made of durable artificial material, the load on the gap to 2,000 kg, the width is different from 25 mm, 50 mm, etc. The length of the belt from 4 m - enough for durable cargo mounting. Often on sale occurs a belt with a screed, i.e. A snoring mechanism is fixed on the belt, which allows you to fix the belt tension, thereby pressing the cargo to the trunk. An easier fastener is a regular screed, made of a pulling elastic cord with hooks at the end. Length is different, for example, 1.5 m. It can be used to fasten the lightning cargo.

Shipping belts

How to consolidate the burden on the rails?

Another useful accessory For fastening is a load limiter or a load retainer. The limiters are made in the form of a triangle with a mounting bracket. Material - durable plastic. Limiters are mounted both on a trunk with a rectangular cross section (with rectangular arcs) and aerodynamic trunk (with aerodynamic arcs). This moment must be clarified when buying. For example, you transport the box, which in width is less than the roof so that the load does not hang out, it is fixed by the limiter and fasten the belt. It turns out a fairly reliable design.

For trunk with rectangular arcs

Recent weather anomalies with flipper winds and flying canopies recalled: any harping structures will sooner or later discovered their unreliability. It fully applies to the trunk on the roofs of the passenger cars, along which the dachniks are guessed on the road.

It is easily. But to make it so that the kidding got to the destination, not rushing on the road, more difficult. The so-called "spiders" are designed - elastic crochet cords resembling elements of a gymnastic expander. Which one to choose?

Recall the famous horror plate about grandmothers using bags of trolleys. The mentioned cords designed to securely fix the bag on the cart, have a nasty habit of quietly disassemble, knocking out the metal crochet in the most vulnerable places. That is why we decided to check how good the tips in the products purchased by us are capable of spontaneously get involved and whether the relative elongation of elastic cords is great.

For examination, we purchased a dozen of the same type. White Voronene looks only the grid for the trunk, which they also decided to experience. As usual, we remind you that the results of our inspection relate to a specific sample and do not claim to a general assessment of the quality of products of this or that brand.

Program and Test Methods

  • Relative elongation of the cord

The parameter shows whether the elastic cord does not turn into a similarity of aircraft gum. In other words, it will not be fixed cargo "walk" on the trunk. To check, one end of the cord is fixed, and the second attached linearly increasing force until the cord stops lengthened. The sizes of the cord in the initial state and in the stretched measuring the tarred metal ruler. The relative elongation is determined as a percentage as the ratio of the increment of length to the initial size.

The parameter says about the utmost load capacity of "spider". One end of the cord is reliably fixed on a fixed bed, and the second across the tip is attached linearly increasing force controlled by a tarized dynamometer. We determine the magnitude of the load at which one way or another, the performance of the cord was disturbed - the hook was deformed or broke out, the cord burst. Since the standards for such products do not find, we decided to just reveal the "champion".

  • Evaluation of ergonomics

Visual assessment of hook trauma and the quality of their sealing.

Who has "attachment" stronger?

The Russian "bison" was not equal. Good packaging, full information about the product (only for this cord is indicated by the discontinuous load), an unusual ideology "renounce, how much", absolutely top scores In trials on the gap. Perhaps only the elasticity of the cord is excessive, but against the background of the advantages, I do not want to cling. The price also seemed acceptable to us.

We wish everyone a good way and saving baggage!

Rubber cord fastening with suspension hooks

approximate price370 rub.

"Chip" is that the fitness of the desired length can be made independently. The total length of the cord is 10 meters, there are eight quick-consuming hooks. The declared discontinuous load of the product - up to 24 kg, but we were able to damage it, breaking the hook, only at 60 kg! At the same time, the cord itself survived. Relative elongation - 110%. Multimito. But in general, this is the best product in the sample.

Set of luggage belts with hooks at the ends

approximate price 600 rubles.

A set of six cords of different lengths (2 × 60/80/100 cm) is one of the most expensive in our sample. With a load of 30 kg, the hooks begin to blend, threatened to break off. Relative elongation - 60%. Expensive and not very reliable.

Rubber Bagging "Spider"

approximate price200 rubles.

Complete four cords of 80 cm each. The hook broke off under the load of 44 kg - good result. But the cord under the limit load was noticeably injured: the initial form could not be restored. Relative elongation - 100%. With considering affordable price - not bad.

Luggage belt

approximate price125 rub.

Four cords of 60 cm each. They practically do not stretch: the relative elongation is 25%. The hook breaks off with sealing when the load is only 10 kg. Not suitable.

Luggage belt

approximate price170 rubles.

Complete two cords of 60 cm each. Relative elongation is small - 60%. But the seal is disgusting: the hook jumped out of it when the load is only 12 kg. Bad.

Gum mounts loads

approximate price 260 rub.

In the German set, three pairs of rubber bands are 60, 80, 100 cm. It stretches strongly: the relative elongation is 110%. The hook is extensible when the load is 32 kg: the average result. Harp almost does not have residual deformations. Overall, not bad.

Bugger gum

approximate price 60 rubles.

For this money, only one cord is relying with a length of 80 cm. Its hook saved with a load of 24 kg - early. Relative elongation - 105%: the cord stretches quite strongly. Not suitable. 80 rubles.

A lone cord with a length of 120 cm with carbines instead of familiar hooks attracted attention to atypical fasteners. But at an effort of 14 kg, aluminum carbine was first deformed, losing performance, and then completely broke away. Relative elongation - 100%. Looks like this cord much better than it works.

Grid for trunk

approximate price 770 rub.

Not solitary cords, and a network of 130 × 180 cm. The most expensive product in our examination. But even minor efforts the grid does not withstand: the embezzlement of the hook breaks with only 10 kg. Thread threads are also strong: the relative elongation of each is 110%. The product does not inspire confidence.

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