Home Heating Kia Soul What gasoline fill. What gasoline to fill in Kia Soul. What gasoline choose

Kia Soul What gasoline fill. What gasoline to fill in Kia Soul. What gasoline choose

Kia.Soul on long test In our edition for more than two months. During this time, we managed to understand the character of this car, get used to it, learn all the pros and cons of the Korean "Soul" (this is how the word translates SOUL).

Perhaps with the latest and begin. With daily exploitation in the city, the first place came out ... No, not the stiffness of the suspension (a little later). Most complaints called the trunk. Its volume is not too large, and the presence of a grid, with which you can fix the cargo, does not clarify the situation. Of course, several packages from the supermarket in Soul closes, but it is worth only to get together with the whole family to the country, as the question arises in the style of "and how we all will be immersed." Owners Kia Soul. They may remember that the trunk has a fashionable underground, where you can also add a varied cargo. But there is one nuance - it is possible to get something from there only if the main trunk is defined. Otherwise, it is impossible to get to the cellae, which significantly limits the possibility of using a similar niche.

The situation could be corrected by the back seat adjustable. But, alas, such a function for SOUL is not provided. Yes, and change the tilt of the back passengers of the second row will not be able to also not be that strange - in recent years these chips have already become a normal phenomenon for models of this class.

By the way, what class? Which segment can be attributed to SOUL? This question has long been tormented by the minds of car journalists. After all, on the one hand, SOUL refers to small dispatches, but no "minivan" things, like the same adjustment rear seats, he does not have. At the same time, on the second row, the seats here is very spacious, and most importantly, there is a slightly increased ground clearance, high landing and fitting appearance. And the company KIA itself relates Soul to the crossover segment ... But, between us, the clearance is not bad here only compared to cars (164 mm), and full drive Soul does not happen in principle. In general, this turned out to be a multiclassic machine.

The second claim to Kia Soul is associated with the suspension. It will be harsh! Especially in the case of stylish 18-inch wheel disks. It is not entirely clear to admit, why the car, which is built on the class "B" platform, such large "paws". Of course, they make the appearance of the machine slightly more proportional (on small 14-inch soul wheels with its "heavy" back would be terribly). But, it seems, and 16 inches in this case It would be quite enough (in basic configuration Soul has, by the way, it is such wheels). And the 18th discs together with not the most power-intensive suspension cause Kia Soul to shrank on many holes. Too many. In addition, noise isolation here is not perfect - the engine and the hum of tires are constantly heard in the cabin.

True, there is Soul and sports notes in character - here the suspension settings and 18-inch wheels are already working in a plus. Atmospheric gas engine Although it does not affect its volume (1.6 l - standard for models of similar dimensions), but at the same time it has a sufficient capacity of 126 hp. Many other motors of the same volume from European manufacturers are given noticeably less. And the torque is not bad - 156 "Newtons" here can be obtained at 4200 rpm. True, this korean Engine It has a long-known feature - due to rigid environmental norms, he is a little strangled "on the Nizakh". So if you are accustomed to a dynamic ride, then Soul will make you actively work with the right foot. And when promoting the engine about 4 thousand revolutions, you will get quite a decent acceleration.

Especially if the car is equipped with "mechanics". Our Soul, however, had a "automatic". Not a modern, four-stage, albeit with the possibility of manual switching. For dynamic ride, it is not suitable in the best way - delays in switching, and the engine capacity "AUTOMAT" is being grown. But when driving around the city, the classic hydrotransformer "automatic" was not annoyed. And that's good.

And here you have to remember that Soul can be bought with diesel engine - We rolled on such a car. Diesel Soul was very good! With a volume of 1.6 liters, the engine issues 128 hp (that is, it is more powerful than gasoline analog). But the advantage of diesel not only in quantity horse power, and in a stupid torque - 260 N ∙ M, which can be obtained in the range from 1900 to 2750 revolutions (there is only 156 N ∙ M) in a gasoline engine). It is these additional Newton meters that make Soul truly interesting machine. There are no problems with overclocking, with overtaking trucks on the track, too, and the fuel consumption is pleased - about 8 liters went in the city. But because gasoline car The automatic transmission required 11-12 liters for every 100 km of way! Nehilo according to modern standards.

In fact, to compare gasoline and diesel SOUL meaningless. Diesel will ever won. Someone will say that diesel is more expensive. Yes, more expensive. But not much! And in this one of the main surprises Soul - diesel car With the "machine" ("Mechanics" do not put) in the LUXE configuration can now be purchased for 739,900 rubles. For comparison, gasoline soul with a similar level of equipment is cheaper than ... 20 thousand rubles. And believe me, it is better to pay them. At first glance, 740 thousand for Soul, even with a rich equipment, diesel and "machine", seems an overly large amount. However, at current times, this is a completely adequate price for a similar car. After all, let's say, the KIA CEE'D_SW wagon with similar equipment costs 730 thousand rubles, and the Compact dispatch KIA VENGA, which is similar to Soul dimensions, will cost 713 thousand rubles. And this is despite the fact that CEE'D_SW and VENGA will have a gasoline engine, not a diesel engine. And they will have a smaller lumen.


Kia LED owners, like many other cars, are often wondering what gasoline to pour into your car? It is most often about the octane number of fuel, but sometimes you are interested, as well as the choice of a refueling brand, different marks etc. This topic seems to live as much as there exist gasoline motors. There are different opinions on this matter, many of them are familiar with motorists, nevertheless, new ones continue to appear. We could not get around this topic by the party because of its relevance, but we will develop in relation to cars Kia LEDs, because there is no universal solution for all machines.

Kia LED 1.6 Mpi with a gasoline engine

Gamma MPI, GDI, T-GDI Motor Fuel

Modern car motors are calibrated under a certain type of fuel. Therefore, in order to understand which gasoline pour into the car, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir basic characteristics and technologies that are applied to them. At the moment, on sale in car dealerships there are cides with the following modifications of motors:

  • 1.4 DOHC CVVT MPI 100 hp
  • 1.6 DOHC CVVT MPI 130 hp
  • 1.6 DOHC CVVT GDI 135 hp
  • 1.6 T-GDI 204 hp

There is still a diesel Kia LED CRDI, but such a modification is currently not sold in Russia. All gasoline engines belong to the Gamma family and are installed on a range of Kia / Hyundai machines. They are distinguished by good indicators for power and torque, relative simplicity of construction and a low resource. In terms of reliability, the motors rarely cause problems, especially within the warranty period.

As for technologies, the motors are distinguished by fuel supply systems into cylinders. Older and simple of them - MPI or multipoint injection. Engines with such an injection are usually less capricious to the quality of fuel and its octane number. Many manufacturers are allowed, and sometimes even recommended, to use 92 second gasoline in them. GDI system is more demanding of the quality of the fuel, as it has more accurate equipment similar to the design with diesel engines COMMON RAIL.And they are famous for their sensitivity to diesel. In such engines, usually recommended to use gasoline with octane number not lower than 95.

In the instruction manual for cars Kia LED, the manufacturer indicates the following requirements for the fuel used:

  1. It must comply with the Specifications EN 228
  2. Have octane number 95

The use of gasoline with octane number 91-94 is allowed, but it is indicated that this may lead to a minor deterioration of the operational qualities of the machine.

Motors with GDI fuel injection system require high quality gasoline

The search for gasoline, which meets the standard EN 228 outside Europe, is case for highly motivated enthusiasts, so we will stop mainly at octane numbers.

When it comes to choosing a gasoline for a car, usually you are interested in three points: extending the time of trouble-free operation of the motor, changing dynamic characteristics and effect on fuel consumption.

As for the first question, here the answer itself gives the manufacturer, and there is no reason to be not trusted by him, it's best to pour 95th gasoline in Kia. You can also fill the 92nd, of course, for example, if the desired variety has not been at refueling, nothing terrible will happen, but, to find weighty arguments in favor of its constant use until anyone succeeded.

On the issue of fuel economy, you can say the following. There is an opinion that fuel consumption on the 95th gasoline is less than 92. And even there are some data obtained by motorists by experimental ways, though the numbers are not serious. Therefore, if we take into account the current difference in the value of these gasoline varieties, it becomes obvious that it will be saved to significantly, by following 95th gasoline and, on the contrary, it will not work. Otherwise, everyone did it.

Get a serious and stable increase in the dynamics of the car, moving on gasoline with an octane number of 95 from the 92nd, will also fail. Certificates of motorists so much, it is enough to read any forum. But if you have a desire to check, then, please, only need to keep in mind the fact that minor changes in the dynamics can be felt from refueling to refueling even one type of fuel on the same gas station, as well as they can affect the state of the road, weather Conditions and other factors.

What gasoline is flooded by the owner in his Kia Soul Not only fuel consumption, cost of ownership and dynamic characteristics, but also the duration of trouble-free operation, the resource of the engine, fuel and other systems.


Stock Footage will help to figure out - which fuel must be poured into a car

When it comes to choosing a gasoline for a car, most often due to its octane number, which is indicated by all known labels: AI-92, 95, 98, etc. Just from them, usually, and choose car owners. About other characteristics, such as gasoline brands, ecological class, remember less often. This is a fair explanation. The fact is that the buyer is easily available information only about the first characteristic. It is indicated on signs of refueling, filling pistols, in checks, etc. At other information you need to specifically contact the seller and find it much more difficult to know.

Is it enough to be guided only by the octane number of gasoline for Kia soul, what to choose what else you need to know when buying fuel for your car. In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Classification and brand of gasoline

Gasoline is the most common type of hydrocarbon fuel today. It turns out by distillation of oil using various technological processes. The main components are hexane, octane, heptane. To change its properties, other substances and components are introduced into the composition. Used in engines internal combustion - Automotive, less often aviation. Modern car engineswhich can be attributed and motors Kia.characterized by a high degree of compression. It is necessary to increase their power. In such engines fuel mixture Under the influence of high pressure can ignore too quickly at the time when the piston rises, and not falls. This effect is called detonation. To prevent detonation into gasoline add tetraethylsvinets or high-octane gasoline. It is precisely detonation resistance is the main advantage of fuel with a high octane number, for example, AI-98. In Russia, the most common gasoline AI-92, AI-95 and AI-98 are the most common. There are others, but for the snot they definitely do not fit.

Depending on the octane number, gasoline brands are also distinguished:

  • Normal (80)
  • Regular (91)
  • Premium (95)
  • Super (98)

Mark Normal 80 should be applied in trucks. Regular 91 came to replace the eaten gasoline A-93. Premium and superfined brands for use in modern cars domestic and foreign production. Gasoline grade Premium with octane number 95 can be poured in Kia Soul. It is on this brand of fuel that the modern line of Motors Kia is calculated.

Ecological class of fuel

Depending on the content of harmful to ambient And the human impurities distinguish the ecological classes of gasoline. The most common classification of the euro, adopted in the European Union in the 1990s. It establishes the standards of content in the combustion products of sulfur, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxoules, carbon monoxole and other harmful substances. Requirements are constantly tightened, as a result of which the content of such substances decreases.

The highest current is the EURO-6 standard. It operates in the European Union from September 1, 2015. In Russia, the Euro-5 standard is common, only one Russian company attempted to start the release of Euro-6 gasoline in 2016.

Most car Kia. Soul in Russia is equipped with engines, relevant Euro-4 standards. New cars must be equipped with Euro-5 motors. Ecological class Soul can be found by looking at the instruction manual or clarify the dealer.

In principle, the compliance of gasoline in one way or another environmental standards does not significantly affect the operational, dynamic characteristics and resource of the car. Here, concern for ecology and fuel quality comes to the fore. And it is traditionally low in Russia. In this case, the owners of the popular sedan or hatchback Kia, as well as others, must be remembered that it should be refueling on branded gas stations, avoiding dubious stations existing in a single copy or copying logos and names of well-known fuel companies.

What gasoline choose

MPI technology (MULTI Point Injection) is a distributed (multipoint) injection fuel mixes In cylinders using one injector on the cylinder and is characterized by simplicity of design and low demands for fuel quality. These engines do not have fuel rail, fuel pump High pressure as motors with GDI, FSI, TFSI technologies. Due to this, they are cheaper in maintenance and more maintainable than these counterparts. To achieve the best performance of the engine, its service life, the cost-effectiveness and dynamic qualities of the auto manufacturer, the manufacturer recommended the use of unrealized gasoline with an octane number 95, measured by the research method and an anti-knock at no lower
AKI 87. Since the AKI 87 is approximately corresponding to the octane number 92, the manufacturer uses in MPI engines Sul gasoline AI-92.

As for the cost of refueling and fuel consumption at the 95th and 92th gasolines, the situation is as follows. According to the calculations made by one of the dealers of KIA, fuel consumption at 92th gasoline is slightly higher than at 95th, but since its value is lower, then refueling with these types of fuel approximately equal to the economic point of view. If we talk about the extension of the life of the motor and improve the dynamic indicators of the car, then in the conditions of low fuel quality stability, even on branded gas stations, the use of gasoline with a higher octane number is unlikely to make sense. Simply put, if after one refueling, the more smooth operation of the engine and the improvement in the speaker is not the fact that it will happen after the next refueling the same flammable on the same gas station.

Some car owners are wondering if it is possible to pour 98 gasoline in soul. To answer it, you need to figure out what its feature and for which engines it is intended.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, high-octane fuel, which is gasoline AI-98. Designed for use in engines with a high degree of compression. Where high resistance to detonation is necessary. High, the degree of compression is more than 10.5. These are engines sports carsequipped with turbocharger and other compression increase technologies. At the motor, she is just 10.5 and the turbine is missing.


Based on this, it can be assumed that the use of 98th gasoline in this car, firstly, is not a necessity, secondly, it will not significantly change the technical characteristics of the machine. In such conditions, its constant use does not make much sense. Since the engines of new models of KIA are not famous for outstanding durability and maintainability, it is most likely to be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer. And he recommends the 95th gasoline.

Car Kia Soul, belonging to crossovers, on its dimensions is relatively small. Koreans tried to make it as comfortable as possible for movement in both the city and on the track. Fuel consumption at Kia Soul is 100 km depends on the type of engine installed on this car model - 1.6 (gasoline and diesel) and 2.0 liter (gasoline). The acceleration time is up to a hundred kilometers per hour depends on the modification of the motor and ranges from 9.9 to 12 seconds.

Regulatory fuel consumption indicators

Fuel consumption in Kia Soul 100 km with a 1.6 engine and a capacity of 128 horsepower is, according to the regulatory characteristics of 9 liters - when driving in the city, 7.5 - mixed cycle and 6.5 liters - when moving the countryside on the free track.

There are two types of engine at Kia Soul:

  • petrol;
  • diesel.

Like most models, a car with a diesel engine consumes less fuel - about six liters per hundred kilometers run. Which option to choose this to solve is already personally to each motorist.

Owners Reviews regarding the cost of fuel at Kia Soul, mostly positive. Owners, first of all, attracts appearance The car and, of course, its economy.

So, real flow Fuel at Kia Soul, in the conditions of the city route within eight - nine liters a hundred kilometers of run, which, in principle, corresponds to the declared in specifications standards. On the track, the data of this indicator ranges from five and a half to 6.6 liters per hundred kilometers of run.

Fuel consumption at the Kia Soul with a motor 2.0 and a capacity of 175 horsepower is about eleven - in the city, 9.5 - with a mixed and 7.4 liters per hundred kilometers of run - outside the city.

Reviews about this model are already ambiguous. In some, the fuel consumption indicator significantly exceeds the norm - 13 liters in the city cycle, but there are owners who have a fuel figure fit into the stated norms, and some are significantly lower.

Middle fuel consumption at Kia Soul in the city, provided that the driver adheres to the rules road And the operation of the car is 12 liters.

Many kia owners Casting car concerns the issue of fuel consumption. Our roads do not always correspond european standardsand from the influence of this important factor depends on the excess of indicators. Machine builders conduct testing of cars produced in conditions of significantly different from our reality. But if you choose the right tactics of movement and follow some uncomplicated rules, then you can not worry that your vehicle will consume too much fuel.

To reduce gasoline consumption at Kia Soul, you should adhere to some recommendations for properly operation Car:

  • always use exactly the brand of gasoline, which manufacturers are recommended in a technical passport;
  • try not to change the appearance of the car;
  • with high speed of movement, do not lower the glass and do not open the hatch;
  • be sure to diagnose vehicleto reveal and eliminate all problems in time;
  • wheels to put only those that meet the technical parameters.

If you adhere to all of the above recommendations, then average flow Fuel will match or maximize it becomes close to regulatory indicators. And the fuel consumption standards at Kia Soul on the highway can even significantly reduce and achieve an indicator of 5.8 liters per hundred kilometers of run.

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