Home Torkemose Why from the stove blows the cold air Lanos. Why badly warms the stove on Daewoo Lanos. Coolant and problems with it

Why from the stove blows the cold air Lanos. Why badly warms the stove on Daewoo Lanos. Coolant and problems with it

After all, warm the warm air is much more practical than cold air from the street. Otherwise, it would not put in any way.

gone warm in Lanos What to do how to contend? Thank you. | # And as before him ...

But hypothetically, it is useful:

The expander at this time was barely warm. The engine does not overheat with him, it is possible not to worry about this, because the thermostat will start working in degrees Celsius. Then pulled out both front seats from the salon and put a fan heater in the salon - the usual home, from the outlet.

Most of the owners are trying to rinse radiators and a highway with solutions of orthophosphoric acid, by means of scale, even "Coca-Cola." And sometimes these methods help, but more often the resulting result does not give. As a result, the stove "Lanos 1.5" is bad, the stove "Lanos 1.5" is not exception. In the garage or home environment, the process of flushing the stove radiator is carried out using three segments of the hose and a warm citric acid solution.

In addition, in such conditions, antifreeze test can be carried out. Fluid poured into two containers. Then some soda pour into one of the vessels. A few of any acid is added to another container. The radiator clogged from the outside to diagnose this problem at the same temperature of the stove nozzles and a smaller flow of air emerging from the diffusers. At the same time, the blockage occurs not instantly, but during a long time - the reduction in strength strength cannot be noted immediately.

It is best to check the stream stream in comparison with a working model. The radiator of the heater, and with it and the evaporator for the air conditioner, easily clogged with various garbage - it can be fluff, leaves, whatever.

The lever of the gearbox is translated into the 2nd or 4th transmission position, thereby serving plastic central console as early as possible. Not a cunning tool to heat the knife on the gas burner and simply put the tip of the blade in the plastic, slowly cutting it along the contour of the planned hatch.

Do not shove the knife deeply, if you overdo it and insert the blade deep into the body of the air duct, you can damage the radiator itself. The movement of a hot knife in plastic goes like a creamy oil. After the cutout and the fold of the hatch, cut off the measurement of the rubber hose segment, making a knife on one side a V-shaped incision, which will rest in the edge of the radiator tank.

Inside the hose, I inserted a short screw or a bolt to prevent the deformation of the highest temperature itself. Because the native flew in the closed state in the frost - and I stupidly threw it out from a regular spot Drinking a liter of wine and decently climbing in the process, and it is necessary to disassemble the GRU's half-drive there, then he drove it at all without a thermostat for some time. And later she stuck a remote thermostat with valve motor Nexia. I bought for with something rubles Luzar - plastic, unbearable ... Well, oh well!

Did it give more heat to the stove - I did not understand. Because the thermostat at least just now is - and this is better than when it is not: But I am for simplicity, for convenience. And for removing, as far as possible, all unnecessary "Opelkabytovsky" constructive shoals from the car. Here is a couple of links on the topic: especially - in the summer and autumn everything was still tolerant.

Until the antifreeze smelled in the cabin ... And the day two later began to sweat the windows so that no air conditioner was already helped, nor heated rear glass. Standing became stronger, the heat from the stove went less ... And all this - in the first snow, the first cold of the end of October. It ended everything in general a ferry antifreeze made of grills on the torpedo!

Then I pulled the hoses from the stove and began to ride in general without stove. Meanwhile, I ordered a replacement radiator: the design of the stove radiator fastening itself. High temperatures, low quality plastic and serious load leads to the fact that the locking bracket is wearing, and the radiator is gradually bowed from the duct.

It is not difficult to imagine that then cold air enters the slot into the salon. Here, how your stove will not try, there will be a glacier in the cabin.

Bad tightness

From there, some of the coolant warms the choke, and the rest contributes to the salon heating. This segment has two obstacles that does not give normally to flow cooling fluid: a hole is out of the fitting, which is too small for the cooling fluid yield. The location of this fitting is the area of \u200b\u200bthe first nozzle. In the plastic tee located behind the engine, the coolant rotates 90 degrees.

In this case, no particular pump productivity is not different.

Consequently, the coolant after passing such obstacles proceeds through the radiator at a lower rate. Therefore, Chevrolet Lanos warmly warms the stove.

If, in front of the tank in the heating hose of the heating of the throttle, put the limiter in the form of a cylinder with diameters of ten millimeters, a length of 10 to 15 millimeters and a hole of 3 millimeters, the amount of coolant passing through the radiator, and its speed will rise slightly. At the same time, the limiter is better to put from stainless steel. In this case, an increase in the amount of coolant will occur through the stove radiator, and through the heating system of the throttle, its number of slightly decreases, because the diameter of the standard limiter is 4 millimeters.

Despite this, the heating of the throttle will be quite normal. 86 degrees Celsius were written on the normal thermostat, but it often passes the cooling fluid before, at about 80 degrees. This is all because the complete discovery of the thermostat occurs at 86 C. Consequently, the cooling fluid of the normal temperature has not passed throughout the engine, but the discovery of the thermostat has already occurred and the flow of coolant went into a small slot before fully opening.

That is why it turns out that Lanos warms the stove badly, because the coolant falls on the stove under the stove. Such a reason is well manifested at the time of heating the engine when the first discovery of the thermostat occurs, the air is colder from the diffusers colder than before. A much better stove will work after several discovery of the thermostat, because by the time the cooling fluid warms up to 87 degrees Celsius, and the main radiator fan will sometimes begin to turn on.

So that the thermostat does not open early, you can install the other with the mark of 92 degrees Celsius.

The engine does not overheat with him, it is possible not to worry about this, because the thermostat will start working in degrees Celsius. Any thermostats over time begin to open everything before, far from reaching the required temperature - respectively, the stove begins to warm less and less. Partial consumption of cold air past a chunk radiator.

With a directionally directed air flow on the radiator or by it, it is an incomplete overlap of the direction, which leads to a partial cold air in the air duct, which is not sufficiently heated behind the radiator. Cool air starts blowing from diffusers, as the cold mixed with heated.

By position, the lever is determined by the closing of the damper. The air duct from which he comes out is in the glove box on the left side. It is possible to get to him, but at the same time quite uncomfortable.

But it is already funny just because then to stink in the cabin will be like in the liaise buses! Or maybe someone has no leaks neither oil nor antifreeze or exhaust under the hood. Remove the stove radiator once and secure it normally. It doesn't swing - it means that it was not obvious to me exactly the fastening for me, I somehow did not guessed it to check it out.

In my case, the radiator replacement was, of course, forced.

Chevrolet Lanos SX` 2008. Almost stock 🙂\u003e Logbook\u003e Warm Lanos or how I defeated the stove 🙂

I admit that it is not always necessary. But it is better to put good radiatorso that certainly.

Heat in Lanos Two part

Once to do - so do it normal! Native radiators are shit. They are aluminum ... and my dot on the junction of one of the tubes with the wall to which the tank is attached. It is impossible to trust it with anyone. Yes, in the service, to a heap, for sure to explore the removal of the torpedo.

And if some plastic break - silent, so they collect. Nothing difficult, I made this work for the first time. Good luck to everyone on the roads and warm cars!

Why Chevrolet Lanos. works bad? Exclude the reasons themselves

Quite often, the owners of this model must figure out why heater Chevrolet Lanos. Heats up badly. First, we note: the heater works fine, without any complaints from the owner. However, after the season, the problems that are traditionally discovered with the beginning of the cold begin.

It is dangerous not only from the point of view of a cold (which, by the way, is also unpleasant and always in a bad time), but in terms of traffic safety: the windows are assumed, there is no review, and their constant wiping distracts from the road, which is fraught with blows in Alarm result. It is necessary to urgently deal with the heater, and I would like. No additional costs. First of all, you need to find out what caused its abnormal behavior.

Read the same way

Why the heater does not heat chevrolet lanos And how to eliminate sabotage from her, we will tell you later.

2 options are possible:
Cooling fluid does not receive the correct temperature.. The most frequent culprit of this is a thermostat: it is pretty easy to break. Identification In this capacity is not difficult: first, when the engine is heated, the coolant temperature indicator is lazily slid into the desired location, and then stops before reaching the desired mark. Secondly, you can touch the pipes that connect the radiator and the thermostat. If the latter does not work, they are either heated almost instantly (oven up to 70 ° C, according to the tools, does not heat up), or it will remain cold. Repair here can be only one: replacement of the thermostat.

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Why not heats stove Lanos, Sens

Used spare parts from Europe. My VK.

What to do, if bad warm Daewoo Lanos stove (Daewoo Lanos)

I recently encountered a problem. On my car heat stove badly. Given that winter on the nose. This is enough.

Low cooling current through radiator. It is also determined by touch: the weekend and intake hoses have an acute temperature difference (although it can be observed for other reasons). One of the factors causing the drop in the cooling fluid pressure in the system is to block the channels. In this case, you can try to rinse the radiator. The easiest way to remove the nozzles, connection of the pump, and with a bucket flushing solution chasing in a circle. If the case is not in the scored channels, but directly in the radiator, it will need to be repaired or changed.

Read the same way

Air cooling of the radiator may also complicate the circulation of the coolant. he can't break through air traffic. Symptoms. As in the previous paragraph. It is simple: Run your Chevrolet Lanos on the hill so that the nose twisted at least 20 °, twist the plug out of the expansion tank and gas several times. Cork must disappear.

Probably, only this model tends to climb the radiator mounting, which is a clamp, pressing it to the channel. After such an appearance, clefts appear, and cold outer air begins to bloom in inner space, Coming the heated radiator. You can check the assumption by stirring the pipes of the radiator under the hood. They must be fixed, otherwise you have a specified situation.

Chevrolet eliminates emergency orders to shoot torpedo. However, many owners complain: such actions, besides the fact that they are labor-intensives themselves, often lead to problems with reverse installation of remote elements. Particularly strong complaints about returning air ducts. Folk masters have developed a technique that allows you to minimally dismantle.

  • Of motor compartment Thick steel wire wrapped around the nozzles near their base and extends down along the right (from the passenger side) the rod. Carter is fixed there. When stretching nozzles down the furnace itself moves up;
  • The housing between the front seats is removed;
  • The cross screwdriver with the "family" screw is screwed into 3 screws, the lower distribution cover is reduced, which is responsible for the redirection of warm air into the legs;
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Surely every owner of Chevrolet or Daewoo Lanos is perfectly known for problems with the heater. The stove in Lanos works very mediocre, and simply speaking - he warms it very badly or does not warm at all. Similar problems were in Nexia, and however, they are now. Well, the manufacturers apparently did not learn in past mistakes, or simply did not want to eliminate them. And to refine the stove of Lanos is, of course, the owner of the car. But what to do - budget carAnd I want warmth!

There are many discussions on the topic on the topic of Lanos stove and, so to thanle the heat from it. However, the newly minted owner of Lanos is very difficult to find all the necessary information on the network, as it is necessary to spend weeks of searches and several days of debate on various forums. And therefore, we considered it necessary to create a combined FAQ on the refinement of Lanos stove.

Refinement of the heater (stove) Lanos

In order for the Lanos heater to begin to warm as it should be, it is necessary to perform a certain set of measures that may include the following items:

  • calculating flaps heat / cold;
  • refinement of the heater radiator fastening;
  • installing the "hot" thermostat for 92 degrees to a regular place;
  • installation of a remote thermostat;
  • permutation by places of hoses of the expander and radiator of the heater;
  • installing a gibler in a throttle heating reverse;
  • insulation open space (motor compartment);
  • insulation of the cabin;
  • flushing cooling system;
  • flushing of the heater radiator;
  • installing the electric pump from the gazelle.

After performing a certain set of measures, heat can be achieved from Lanos stove. Many of the above measures do not require large cash costs, but many of them require great physical efforts. Well, as they say: "Do you like to ride - love and sosochos to carry"!

Remember, if you are told that the stove in Lanos is weak and is not intended for Russian operation, then it is not. If you want to want a lot and make certain efforts, the stove will warm you in any frost.

Before taking any measures, we advise you to acquire an accurate thermometer and perform temperature measurements in the central heater deflector. Measurements must be carried out under the following conditions:

  • flow distribution regulator in the "face" position;
  • the heater fan speed regulator in the second position (2 speed);
  • air fence from the street;
  • the car is heated to the operating temperature.

As the instruction manual reads, readings must correspond to the following table:

These values \u200b\u200bshould be understood not as reference, but as the minimum permissible. In reality, you can achieve a greater temperature of the deflectors. If you spend measurements and the results do not reach the minimum given in the table, then the heater definitely happened and it is necessary to take action. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find out the reason for the insufficient efficiency of Lanos heater. To identify the reasons, it is necessary to take measures from the above set of actions.

Unlike other, Chevrolet Lanos is equipped with an autonomous heating system. Heating windshield and saloon flow warm air Together with the air conditioning system. This design has advantages and disadvantages. We will consider in gradually why on Chevrolet Lanos.

Principle of operation

The standard Lanos heater is located in the central part of the front console of the car. In the circulation process, a heated air from the heating radiator is supplied. In order for efficiency to be maximum, the Chevrolet Lanos salon heating system should be hermetic, without damage. Heating begins with the start of the car engine. The heat exchanger and evaporator are installed in one block.

The driver activates the control lever, adjusts the speed and temperature indicators. The air flow of the specified degree comes to heating through the channels and deflectors.

Elements of the heating system

  1. Radiator: He warms the air flow by circulation inside the cooling system liquid heat exchanger.
  2. Electric drive - supercharger: carries out the air flow into the interior of the car. Sometimes it is called an impeller, a motor. The preset controller allows the mechanical way to choose the optimal position, the number of revolutions.
  3. : Regulator the magnitude of the airflow, with its help you increase or lower the degree of air inside the cabin.
  4. Distributive regulators: corrected by blowing a specific area or salon as a whole.

Chevrolet Heater Lanos

Causes of bad heating

Car owners Chevrolet Lanos sometimes face the stove. The reasons for such "behavior" are different. To correctly identify, you will need experience in service. technical means. Otherwise, the risk of harm with unprofessional intervention. Visit the service station for preventive measures.

Common reasons:

  • burning of the responsible fuse: electrical engine does not start, current does not come;
  • : An obstacle to the natural circulation of antifreeze through the channels is created. The heat exchanger is inconsistent with the required temperature, the air flow is not heated so the stove Lanos warmly warms;
  • cutting the regular fixtures of the radiator: the reason for both mechanical damage, accident, collision and natural factor. Lanos models after 2000 release "endowed" by a similar marriage. The radiator shifts to the side, the main flow passes past the cells, so the stove warms badly. Requires operational repair of the Lanos stove and the cooling system radiator;
  • clogging of antifreeze channels: Do not understand the word "garbage" naturally. With regard to cars, we are talking about sediment, the presence of third-party impurities in the composition of the liquid. Elected-quality production or natural aging leads to the formation of sedimentation, turbidity. A large number of "garbage" contributes to the formation of bunches, overlapping the channels for feeding and circulating Tosol;
  • open mechanical cable: the latter, but the most common fault for which the stove does not work. The minus design of the heating system at Chevrolet Lanos is the absence that would overlap the centralized supply of coolant into the heater. Systematic contact with hot antifreeze imposes a negative imprint for the service life. Due to the formation of fossils, the course of the cable is limited, and it rushes under the influence of effort.

Video: Why does not warm the stove Lanos, Sens

How to solve the problem of bad heating

If the stove of Chevrolet Lanos does not heat, it is possible to eliminate the defect in two ways: contacting the workshop or independently make the refinement of Lanos stove with their own hands. Each owner chooses the process of repairing the stove based on the financial capabilities and the presence of free time.

Algorithm for troubleshooting

  1. The car is in the transport position, open the hood, check the level of antifreeze in the cooling system. If necessary, we add to the "MAX".
  2. We start the motor, activate the heater lever, check the uniformity of heat intake through the channels (hoses).
  3. We start from the top contour of the radiator supply, gradually go to the salon. If the hoses are evenly warm, no cold segments, the heater radiator is clogged, it needs cleaning. It is possible without parsing a torpedo. Remove the Kulis of the gearbox and the central tunnel. Rinse the product, set in the reverse order.
  4. : Check the integrity of the fuse in the block. Replace it new will not make problems. Excess the permissible strength of the current contributed to the burden.
  5. The worst option is to break the stove damper cable: except for a complete dismantling and parsing, there is nothing to recommend.

Cable replacement process

  • remove the plastic lining on the central part of the torpedo, in the region of the radio;
  • gently remove the insert from the polymer material on which the mechanical levers of the stove controller are installed;
  • from inner Remove the tip of the cable from the place of attachment. A similar procedure is carried out at the bottom of the furnace heater, near the damper. It is inconvenient, but you can remove;
  • pull the damaged cable, we bring a new, collect in reverse order.

We visually diagnose related parts and mechanisms for damage. If necessary, replace new spare parts.
Such simple prevention restore the performance of the furnace heater. Do not forget to spend timely technical inspection Car, it prolongs its life.

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