Home Wheels Asymmetric summer tires. Rubber direction: The inscription Rotation. Installation of directional tires

Asymmetric summer tires. Rubber direction: The inscription Rotation. Installation of directional tires

Nowadays, asymmetric tires belong to high products technological production. And, in principle, it is expected, because recently manufacturers automotive rubber Seriously decided to think about creating improved quality products. This will ensure not only the durability of products, but also safety on the road while driving. The creators approached this issue very seriously and each time improve the tread pattern for the quality remains always at a high level. Thanks new technologies Tires are manufactured by such a principle that they provide maximum manageability comfort during movement. And at the moment the most common is asymmetric tires that have a lot of advantages.


Among the advantages of such tires should be noted the following:

  1. They do not require installation on a certain side, and this, in turn, can facilitate the problems that occur with the severity. It is very convenient, because it does not matter which way you install the wheel, it will still function.
  2. High grip with expensive. Such rubber is very dense, which allows it to withstand heavy loads during turns. The design of these tires is designed so that while driving the driver felt comfort.
  3. Reducing the brake path, which is also important during the ride.

Such an advantage happened because inner side Treads in the manufacture were used step grooves. They can interact perfectly with ice or snow coating. Also, thanks to these grooves, the car feels well both during the start and during braking. The outer side of such tires most often has a wave-shaped grooves, thanks to them, resistance, as well as the maximum grip with the road surface increases.

Thanks to all these pluses, the tires provide a car stable control. If we talk in general about asymmetric tiresoh, this is a special tires, which is applied by a protector pattern from the outside.

It is also worth mentioning that the tread patterns on such tires are two types:

  • non-directional;
  • directed.

There is no particular difference in these protector drawings, and some drivers argue that the difference is not even felt on the road. But more professional drivers They assure that there are differences and at the same time noticeable.

How to distinguish such tires from ordinary

It often happens that sellers in the markets give ordinary tires for asymmetrical, and in order not to get on this trick, you need to be able to distinguish them. Before going and buying such tires, you should know some subtleties.

If the tires are directed, then they should be an arrow that indicates the required direction of movement.

If such an arrow is absent, it means that the tire can be rotated to any of the sides, so such rubber will not be directed. You also need to know that symmetric tires are installed on any of the parties of the transport, there will be no difference. On them or on their analogues, one of the OUTSIDE inscriptions or Inside can be disassembled.


As for the installation of asymmetric tires, here in principle everything is the same as for ordinary ones. This case should be treated extremely carefully, because this process is one of the most important. If it happens so that you incorrectly installed the tire, then, most likely, during the movement, your safety can be at risk. After the tire is installed, do not be lazy and check all the wheel completely, make sure that everything is ready for movement. Even if the rubber was installed on the tire terminal, it would be superfluous if you check everything.


Based on the foregoing, you can confidently say that asymmetric tires are very popular in our time due to their quality. With each time the manufacturers are trying to make their goods much better, and it is very commendable. The safety of all passengers and the car itself depends on the quality of rubber on the road. If the tires are poor quality, then the accident is not avoiding.

Each driver must take care of his car, follow his condition. An important role in comfortable management of the vehicle is played by tires. They are responsible for the adhesion with the road and the ease of turns in difficult areas of the track. Now the market offers drivers several types of protectors, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Types of tires

All tires can be divided into three types of tread pattern:

  • asymmetric;
  • symmetric;
  • directed.

Most often used symmetric protectors, that are universal option.

The directional tires have a special tread pattern designed to operate it in rainy weather. Relief rubber provides optimal outflow of water, which increases the adhesion of the car with an expensive during the rain.

Asymmetric tire: the difference from other types

Asymmetric tire - a protector, compiled by their two parts having a different pattern with each other. Such a feature of the wheel causes the name "rubber". The drawing was invented because of the various behavior of tires in different situations. This variant of the tread is optimal for its use on a dry and wet road, in summer and winter.

The outer side of the tread is made of rigid rubber and has a large drawing. This part of the wheel takes on the main burden during sharp or protracted turns. Asymmetric tire protector provides excellent clutch with an expensive and improves the behavior of the car in maneuvers. The inner part of the tire is made of more soft rubber And equipped with special "ditch", weighing water. This constructive feature Provides an increase in transport clutch spots with an expensive during rainy weather.

Asymmetrical tire pattern is not only the improved behavior of the automotive vehicle, but also a special tractor trail. Based on different situations on the roads, some manufacturers decided to combine two types of rubber among themselves. Even recently, they released directed asymmetric tires, but soon the company decided to abandon production. This is due to the fact that between directional and asymmetric treads in terms of water removal there is no difference. Tires with a non-standard pattern are perfectly coping with a decrease in the risk of aquaplaning.

Are there any advantages?

There is a difference between symmetric and asymmetric tires, and it is concluded in the behavior of the car. If the first option is best used during long trips in a straight line, the route of which eliminates a large number of repetitions, then a non-standard tread pattern has become a universal option. Thanks to the optimal load distribution, such tires provide a driver easy and comfortable car control.

The use of asymmetric tires significantly reduces the risk of drift on ice. They allow the vehicle to be easily increasing into steep turns. At the same time, the driver practically does not risk losing control and get into an accident.

Competent tire configuration significantly increased its service life. Conventional tires S. symmetric pattern often came into disrepair due to abrasion them outside. In the asymmetric version it is tougher and wear-resistant, which extends the life of the tire at least a year.

Correct installation - the key to fast and comfortable movement

Once manufacturers produced different tires: Right and left. Now there are no differences - all the tires are suitable for their installation on both sides of the car. Asymmetric tires, the protector of which is made of rubber of varying degrees of rigidity, require only one installation in accordance with the marking.

Since the drawing on two parts of the tread is different, it is necessary to trace the wheel to be installed correctly. On the outside of such tires, the labeling "Outside" was affixed, and on the inner - "Inside".

Installing asymmetric tires must be held in a specialized service center. It is necessary not only to competently mount the "rubber" to the disk, but also to inflate it. And for tire balancing, special equipment is required. An independent performance of work can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of deterioration of the car.

Features of operation

Asymmetric tires are operated in the same way as other tires. The only recommendation is concluded in order to change the tires in a timely manner. It is necessary to rearrange them from the front axle to the back and vice versa. So you will provide optimal and uniform wear Tires, which will increase the adhesion with the road and the overall behavior of your car.

It is also recommended to buy new tire kits at least once every two seasons (if vehicle It has an annual mileage of more than 15,000 kilometers). Any tire, which is used for more than a year, gradually loses its high performance.

Asymmetric tire pattern is not only a beautiful trail from the tread. Such tires increase your capabilities, make it easier to control the car, make it more stable. In extreme weather conditions, the adhesion is increasing with the road, which has a beneficial effect on the general behavior of the vehicle.

Car owners should not be dedicated, hoping to acquire universal winter tires suitable for driving in ice, snow and Rasputice. It is necessary to choose the appropriate tires. Providing reliable adhesion with the track under certain conditions.

It is possible to understand what kind of tread is better for winter rubber, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of directional and non-directional, asymmetric and symmetric wheels.

What drawing tread is better for winter rubber

Budget symmetrical tires noisy when driving in urban environments, and asymmetric winter tires are better, as it is quieter in operation, although it is more expensive. If you need to remove from the contact spot with the roadway, the water is chosen, the directed wheels marked by an arrow informing about how rotation is carried out in which direction. More often for winter buy the following types of tires:

  • directional symmetry;
  • non-directional asymmetry;
  • unfinted symmetry.

Rarely install asymmetric non-directional winter tires, not popular with car owners.

What winter tires are better: symmetrical or asymmetrical

It is impossible to say what kind of drawing is better for winter tiresSince it all depends on what condition is the road canvas. When the road is deep drifts or highly rambling snow, it is necessary to give preference to directed asymmetric tires that highlight the projector with aggressive design.

If it is supposed to ride on the roads with shallow, pretty lowered snow that is constantly melting, you should choose an infireted projector. When water is replaced by deep snowdrifts on the road, then asymmetric uninfixed tirescharacterized by side hooks, extending the snow while moving water through drainage channels.

What kind of winter tires is better: directed or non-directional

Choosing, what drawing of the Winter Tire Treads is better, it is necessary to understand where the vehicle will be operated more often. If the machine will ride the snow cleaned by snow reagent, it is better to buy tires with an asymmetrical low-noise projector. However, having left for the city for not asphalt roads, it is almost impossible to go to them from the snowdrifts.

The best option for the Russian winter can be considered a symmetrical directional pattern, helping to form a course stability and cut off the snow. The truth will have to come to terms with a high level of noise, however, when the permeability is more important, then this is not a problem.

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Recently, motorists still have a question about the "correctness" of the installation of "left" and "right-wing" tires. The fact is that when proper montage Tires per car may seem that the tires are installed on the contrary, asymmetrically. Do not be afraid - this is normal. So it should be.

Asymmetric unired tires do not have direction directions, i.e. Can be mounted on any wheel of the car.

The most important thing…

The most important thing is that on all tires (after installing them) on you " watched»Inscriptions" Outside«.

Options for designations can be different:

the party can be indicated by the following inscriptions:

1. Internal side:

Side Facing Inwards

MOUNT this Side Inside

Cote intérieur, etc.

2. External The party, in turn, will be indicated as follows:

Side Facing Outwards

Mount This Side Outside

Cote Extérieur, etc.

An example of marking the external side of the non-directional asymmetric tire:

Why, actually ...

The task that the designers of such tires put in front of them are the two wheels on the axis "worked" as one.

Asymmetric unired tires were developed to optimize very controversial requirements for tires. They must lay down the entire plane to the dry road and, at the same time, to effectively remove the water from the contact area.

The outer part is specifically made hard to optimize the operational properties of the tire in a speed turn when high-quality contact helps minimize tread wear.

The inner side of the tire ensures the stability of effort at start and in braking, as well as the effective removal of water from under the wheel.


In the course of operation, it is also recommended to rearrange asymmetric tires with anterior on rear axle (and vice versa) every 5000-7000 km. Such a permutation is carried out in order to fully avoid the danger of appearance uneven wear tread. At the same time, it should be remembered that:
- If the tire has a given direction of rotation (indicated by arrows on the sidewall and the word "Rotation"), then the tires should be rearranged from the front of the rear axle on the same side of the car (the front right tire is installed from the back on the right, the front left - rear on the left) . Wonderful levels of output winnings in gambling with the output of money allow visitors to gambling quickly fill deposit accounts. When you need to pick up prizes, with the output of money on a map, the guest of such an Internet hall is enough to fill out the appropriate application for the transfer of funds, given the boundary limits for the transfer of the amounts in the casino.
- If the tire does not specify the direction of movement, then they can be rearranged crosswise, i.e. The front right tire to put the back on the left, the front left - rear on the right and so on.

Examples of asymmetric non-directional tires

Brand Summer Winter
Bridgestone. Potenza Re 001 Adrenalin BLIZZAK LM-30
Potenza RE760 Sport BLIZZAK LM-35
Turanza Serenity.
Turanza ER300
Continental ContiousOmontact 3. ContivikingContact 5.
ContisportContact 3. ContiwinterContact TS 810.
Conti4X4SportContAct. Conti4x4wintercontact.
Cooper. Zeon CS6. Discoverer M + S Sport
Zeon Xtc.
Dunlop. SP SPORT 01. SP Winter Response
SP SPORT 3000.
Goodyear. Eagle F1 asymmetric Ultra Grip Performance.
Hankook. Ventus Prime K 105 Ice Bear W 300
Ventus S1 EVO K 107 Ice Bear W 300A
Kumho. ECSTA X3 KL17 I`zen XW KW15
ECSTA X3 KL17 I`zen xw kw17
Ecsta KH11 I`zen XW KC15
Michelin. Energy Saver. Pilot Alpin PA3.
Primacy HP.
Pilot Exalto PE2.
Pilot Sport PS2.
Latitude Cross.
Latitude Diamaris.
Latitude Sport
Nokian. Hakka i3. WR G2.
Hakka H. WR G2 SUV.
Hakka V.
Hakka Z.
Z g2.
Hakka C Van.
Hakka Z SUV.
Hakka SUV.
Pirelli. Pzero Nero. Winter 190 Sottozero.
Pzero Rosso. Winter 210 Sottozero.
Cinturato P7 Winter 270 SOTTOZERO II
Toyo. Proxes CF1. SnowProx S942.
Proxes CF1 SUV. SnowProx S952.
Yokohama. Avid TZ S316. W.Drive v902.
Parada Spec-2 PA01
C.Drive AC01

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