Home Lighting What is the Outside Inside tires and how to properly install them on the car. Proper installation of asymmetric tires How to install summer wheels

What is the Outside Inside tires and how to properly install them on the car. Proper installation of asymmetric tires How to install summer wheels

The most important and responsible element of the car responsible for safe movement are wheels and tires. Therefore, they need to be correctly installed.

An experienced driver will cope with this task without difficulty, but beginners who feel not too confident, probably, it will be not easy. Without certain skills and experience, you will come across a lot of problems and questions. But immediately before mounting tires, it is necessary to deal with some nuances. First of all, you should pay attention to the tread pattern, the direction of rotation, the outer and inner side of the tire.

Drawing and direction of rotation

Most often you can meet modern car tires With directional pattern, the arrow on their sidewall indicates the direction of rotation, so their installation can only be made in a certain order.

The remaining tires have an unfinished pattern, and you can install them with any side.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to figure out the drawing and the direction of rotation from the seller in the store.

Cover sides

With an asymmetrical drawing, the tire happens external and inner side. The outer side has an OUTSIDE designation, and internal inside, they are put on the outside and inside the car along the movement.

Types of tires

Depending on the type of pattern and its directions, the following tire groups are distinguished:

  • asymmetric, the drawing of which is different from the outer and inner side, and it can be directed and non-directional (we have already mentioned above).
  • symmetric, having a symmetric protector, the design of Cord and sidewalls. In this case, the troubles are least, because they are installed on any side.
  • directed, with a rigorous pattern. They have the inscription "Rotation" and an arrow indicating the direction of rotation.
  • left and right, they are developed for specific model Auto or for a group of identical models. They are marked "Right" (right) and "Left" (left). Depending on the inscription, they are put only on the left or right. This rule cannot be neglected, because the efficiency of tire operation depends on the proper installation.

If you did not find such an inscription on the tires, then they are not divided into left-hand and right-hand, even if the pattern is directed or asymmetrical.

Features of tire installation

To install asymmetric tires, you do not need to be asa, just remember some feature. The external side of the tire will have an inscription Outside, External, This Side Facing Outwards or Side Facing Outwards, it depends on the manufacturer. Internal - Inside, Side Facing Inwards or This Side Facing Inwards. This inscription at proper installation subsequently should not be visible, only an indication of the outside should come across the eye.

With directional tires a little more complicated. They need to be put so that when moving the machine forward, the wheel rotation coincided with the direction of the arrow on the sidewall. Right and left-sided tires, as we have said, are put only on the other side, which is indicated on the tire. The party is taken into account along the car forward.

W. symmetric tires There are no parties (external and internal), nor the direction of rotation, so you can put them in any position.

If it is incorrectly installed asymmetric or directed tires, then a sharp deterioration of the car behavior indicators when driving. They work incorrectly and, therefore, cannot fully reveal their improved characteristics and quality. If you still have to move on the machine with incorrect tires, observe speed mode (no more than 80 km) and be alert.

Mounting tires and wheels

So, with the installation features different types Tires we figured out, now it's time to go directly to the process itself. To properly remove and install the wheels on your car, first-in-speed it is necessary to look into the instruction manual for a specific machine model. It is in it that you can find specific advice and recommendations that will help you definitely. Getting to work.

  1. First you need to remove old wheels and tires, for this we unscrew the nuts. But we unscrew them not to the end, but only weaken a little. To work it is better to use manual instruments, it will be safer. Although if you know how to handle the shock wrench, then dare. If not, do not experiment, but work as an ordinary or special car key.
  2. Take the jack to raise the car. You need to do it on a flat surface, unscrew the nuts, remove the wheels.
  3. Switching the tires to not get confused, put them next to the old wheels. Be careful, consider the direction of rotation, drawing and side of the tires. Be sure to check the nuts. If they are with roughing or poorly dragged it to fix it before installing the wheels. In the store you can find a special set restoring threads. He will just help you.
  4. Clean brake discs and drums from dirt and rust.
  5. Check how the wheels are sitting on the hub. A consequence of even a small deviation of the center of the disk from the center of the hub will be the beating of the tire. This can be felt on the vibration of the steering wheel, otherwise the tire is under threat.
  6. Take advantage of the wax spray or other suitable means for processing corrosion bolts.
  7. If there are no problems, proceed to the installation of the wheel. Strip the bolts, tighten slightly. Lower the car, remove the jack and tighten the nuts to the end.
  8. And now it has arrived a turn of the post-installation check. Make sure that the outer edge of the disk and the inner side of the rim does not come into contact. To do this, it is enough just to spend your hand for each wheel. Also, do not forget to check tire pressure.

Correct tire installation is a guarantee of the safety and reliability of your vehicle. And even if you do not do it yourself, it will not be superfluous to arma certain knowledge to be able to control the process. After all, even the masters in the services because of his ignorance or banal ladies do their work not always qualitatively.

As a rule, many inscriptions are applied on the sidewine tires, far from always understandable to the average motorist. What should I pay special attention to and what information is important and useful?

The most understandable for motorists are brand, model and tire size - precisely by these parameters most of us choose tires for the car. More advanced motorists are also looking at the speed and load indices and tires. That is why, the entire listed information is applied to the side surface of the tire with a large font, the remaining tire data is usually applied with small letters and find a specific parameter is often difficult. What is there still interesting?

Let's try to list other inscriptions on the tire, which is better to pay attention to their priority. It is important to understand that the opposite sidewalls of one tire are often different, that is, they contain different information that completes each other. Therefore, the tire will have to be studied from both sides.

Date of tire production

This parameter must necessarily pay attention not only when buying used (used) tires, but also in a car shop, buying new tires. The fact is that there are often cases when not sold tires from past seasons (and we can even go about three or four-year-old tires) are bought wholesale in a cheap in European tire centers (the so-called tire stock), after which they are brought to domestic Market and sold as new. Or domestic tire centers Do not hesitate to get from warehouses on the eve of the tire season, not sold last year and sell them as a "new collection".

The problem with such tires is usually in the conditions of their storage and transportation throughout the entire period from the date of production. In addition, manufacturers usually do not guarantee the preservation of the operational properties of the tire after 5 years of storage, even if all the requirements are followed. Thus, think well, whether it is worth buying rubber, made year-two, and then three years ago - she will definitely not serve as a new one, but if the storage conditions were significantly violated - it is not excluded that after a short time You will be forced to buy new tires again.

Anyway, last year's tires can no longer cost as much as fresh model and size - This is an axiom.

How to find out the date of the tire production?

According to the prescription of the US Department of Transport ( Dot.Department of TRANSportation. - This organization, including, certifies tires for sale in the US market), the tire production date is applied to the side surface of the tire, and in a clearly indicated form. Since 2000, this is a four-digit number in Oval, the first two digits of which mean the sequence number of the week of the year, and the last two digits are the year of production. Those., For example, encoding 3706 (as in the picture above) on the sidewall of the tire means that tire made on the 37th week of 2006. This rule It concerns all tires of all manufacturers who focus their products including the US market (DOT certification for the American market is obligatory). In fact, all leading tire manufacturers follow this rule, regardless of the geography of tire distribution.

Until 2000, the date of production on the tires was denoted by a three-digit code (the first two digits - number of the week, the last - code of the year).

Tire installation rules on disk

Many modern tires should be put on a disk for certain rules that are necessarily applied to the sidewall of the tires. It should be noted that not always the wizard of the tire is read in the tire marking, focusing just on your understanding of the tread pattern. Especially often this happens in the offseason, when the tire workshops are overloaded with work.

Therefore, before carrying new tires to the binding on a border, you must understand all the nuances of their installation for seba, just to in place quickly make sure that the master did everything right. It should be emphasized that improper tire installation will not simply accelerate its wear, but also significantly change the running tire characteristics, which will inevitably affect driving safety.

So, the rules for installing the tire to disk are usually true:

Rotation and / or big arrowsDrawn on the sidewall of the tires indicate the direction in which the wheel should spin when moving the car forward. Such designations are always applied to directed tire. As a rule, the tread pattern of such tires has a V-shaped view. The directional tire usually has elevated water / mud by removing properties.

Outside or Side Facing Outwards (outer side) I. Insideor Side Facing Inwards (inner side). Such inscriptions are usually applied to asymmetric rubber and indicate the mandatory location of the side surfaces of the tire relative to the car.

Left.(left side) and Right(right side) - such inscriptions are applied to directional asymmetric tiresBecause besides the direction there are requirements for the location of the sidewall regarding the car. Such tires should be two left and two right - It is necessary to consider when buying. Moreover, be sure to control the correct installation of these tires on the car directly in the tire.

Tubeless, TL - Options for notation tireless tires . If there are no such inscriptions on the tire, the tire can only be installed with the camera. As a rule, appropriate inscriptions are applied on chamber tires - Mit Schlauch, Tube., Tube Type or TT..

Seasonal belonging of tires

As a rule, information about the season and / or weather conditions is applied on the tire for which the tire is intended. Here is what some inscriptions (badges) indicate the seasonal tire specialization:

M + S. (M & S.) – groundoshachentes. This in no case does not mean the winter tireAlthough it is deciphered as Mud and Snow (dirt and snow - English). In fact, such an abbreviation means only that the tire protector is designed for riding outside asphalt, or on asphalt with dirt-snow porridge. On the chemical composition of the tire (namely, this is the main difference winter tires From summer), such an inscription on the topboard is nothing says. M & S marking is applied to winter, all-season, as well as off-road summer tires..

As (All Season), Any Season., All Season., R + W. (Road + Winter), AwANY WEATHER) Agg.t. (All Grip Traction) - options for notation of all-season rubber. We remind you that all-season tires It is absolutely not intended for use in severe frosts and / or in warm weather - only with rounded temperatures.

Rain., Aqua., Water, Aquatred., Aquacontact.either drawn umbrella mean that the tire provides an improved removal of water from a contact spot with an expensive and, accordingly, reduced aquaplamination characteristics - the so-called rain tires.

Drawn on the side surface of the tire snowflakeor inscription Winter point to winter tires.

Tire size

The dimension of the tire is one of the most clear inscriptions for the inscriptions on the sidewall of the tires, and it usually looks like this:

195/65 R15

A similar inscription on the side surface of the tire means the following: Tire, which in front of you, has 195 mm width,65% profile height From width (i.e. 195х0,65 \u003d 126.75 mm),internal (landing) diameter of 15 inches, and made according to the production technology of radial tires (Something, R is not a radius, according to some car enthusiasts, and the designation of the radial tire).

It is these parameters (with the exception of radiality) that determine the overall geometry of the wheels and allow you to judge that the tire fits you or not in its physical size. In addition, you need to take into account that bus width (195) directly related to the board width of the diskTherefore, if you buy tires to install them on already existing discs, you should make sure that the bus width corresponds to the width of the disk. Accordingly, if you plan to buy discs for already existing tires, it must be taken into account when choosing disks. How to find out the width of the disk?

It is easiest to know which disc width should be for any tire size using tire calculator . It is easy to notice that for each width of the tire width, the calculator offers an exact value of the width of the disk, and their (values) is a valid range. It is best if the width of your disks will be somewhere in the middle of this range, but even if it is one of the extreme borders - there is nothing terrible in it, it just may complicate a little closer to the work of the wizard of the stroke.

Radial tire It has for the consumer to date minimal informativeness, for the absolute majority (if not all) of passenger tires, which are produced in the world - radial. However, for general development, you can read more about what radial tires are and what they differ from diagonal.

Speed \u200b\u200bIndex, Load, as well as once again about the seasonality of the tire

Immediately close to the sidewall on the side surface of the tires, the load indices are usually indicated ( in the picture it is 91), speeds ( H.), seasonality (in some cases, in the picture - M + S.), as well as the ability to border on a disk without a camera ( Tubeless).

Ability to assemble a bus without using the cameradenoted by the word TubelessIf this word on the top is not - the camera is needed.

Among the designations that motorists are usually associated with season of applying tired, there are two similar, but not the same: " M + S."And image snowflakes. Everything is clear with snowflake, such a designation unequivocally indicates the winter specialization of the tire. Much more complicated situation with "M + S". Literally abbreviation decrypt as Mad and Snow (dirt and snow), but in practice, this designation is drawn on winter, all-season, as well as sometimes on summer "off-road" tires (so-called primer plates). In this case, the composition of the rubber, from which all these tires are made can be very different, regardless of the fact that the tread pattern can be called similar. In this way, the designation M + S does not specify unambiguously on winter tires- It must be remembered when choosing winter tires .

Speed \u200b\u200bindex Indicates the maximum allowable safe operation speed. It is necessary to understand that despite the fact that rubber manufacturers have a tendency to reinsurance, given the state of our roads, it is not categorically necessary not to exceed, but even approach the permissible maximum indicated on the tire. Remember that the destruction of the tire (any) at such a velocity can lead to irreparable consequences.

Load index Indicates the maximum proportion of the car that may have to one wheel. Here you need to take into account two points. First, not always the weight of the car is evenly distributed between the front and rear axes, so selecting the tire load index, need to make a small amount in comparison with a quarter of a full loaded car mass. And secondly, the higher the load index - the thicker the carcass of the tire and the less of its elasticity (the possibility of depreciation of the yam irregularities road coat), so too big "margin of safety" will make driving less comfortable and accelerates suspension wear. Thus, the optimal load index is approximately 30-35% full mass car.

Automatic Tire Speed \u200b\u200bIndex and Load Compliance Tables

Restored Tires (Retread)

In many countries, there are companies engaged in the restoration of tires with a worn protector. Even some leading tire manufacturers have subsidiaries that carry out similar production. Accordingly, the restored tires fall into the market, seducing economical motorists in their low (in comparison with new tires). How appropriate and safely use such tires?

How to determine the recovered bus?

If we are not talking about a banal fake under a well-known manufacturer, on the side surface of the recovered tire must be the inscription indicating the "second life" of the tire. Usually this Retread. (universal designation, ang.), Remold (American manufacturers of recovered tires are applied such an inscription), Regummerad.(German version) or in Russian - Restored- If recovery was produced in Russia.

Moreover, inscriptions on the sidewalls of restored tires, as a rule, fuzzy, but the inner surface of such tires is usually covered with a thin layer of soot mixture with rubber crumb (Features of the technology of recovery). There may also be other signs - mesh made of microcracks on the side surfacewhich is not affected in the recovery process slops rubber on internal surfaces In the investigation of the repair of punctures, etc. In any case, with a careful inspection, the restored bus is not entirely difficult to determine, especially if it is possible to compare it with a new one.

What do you restore?

When restoring, as a rule, the worn tire is welded new Protector and (in many cases) side surface. Wherein, tire frame, breaker and other power parts remain from the old tire. In general, in essence, tire recovery is cosmetic tire external repair. Moreover, the pattern of the tread, which is welded during the restoration, does not always correspond to the one that has been applied to the tire during its production. Moreover, the same protector is welded on different tires, often even different manufacturers . As a natural consequence - to guarantee the same characteristics of the two recovered tires with the same (external) protector can not be required.

That's why recovered tires always have reduced characteristics. and by high-speed mode, and the load index. We are talking about those characteristics that are applied to the side surface of the recovered tires. It is much more complicated with the characteristics that cannot be written on the bus - we are talking about the difference between the intercourse by two externally the same recovered tires that you install on one axis of the car. How can they differ? Weight, frame rigidity, temperature modes and many other parameters. And all these "minor" parameters are largely determined by the course stability of the car, as well as its behavior in extreme conditions.

When are the wired tires are suitable?

Miser pays twice - Always remember this. But, if you never break the speed mode and never take aggressive actions, while driving, besides, if you are very rarely traveling outside your city - in principle, you can probably consider the purchase option to purchase restored tires. Only, it should be understood that the purchase of recovered tires is in any case a lottery. Usually such tires are purchased for taxis or for commercial vehicles., Can I afford such tires you - decide for yourself. In any case, saving on tires is a very dubious event, despite the fact that tire recovery is part of environmental protection programs.

Colored tires

On the Internet, you can find a lot of versions of the origin of color labels on new tires, ranging from the one that all color marks are purely technological and for the end user do not have any values, and before the tire manufacturers are marked with defective and / or not Last output quality control Products. Where is the truth?

In fact, the logic suggests that by causing any designation on the paint bus, which sooner or later erased (s), the tire manufacturer suggests that the information that such a label carries is temporary relevant, say, until the first tire mounting on the disk. Here from this and you need to repel.

There are three main types of color labels that are applied to the paint on the tire surface:

1. Colored round spots with a diameter of 5-10 mm, applied to the outer side surface of the tire closer to the disk rim. These spots are yellow, red, green, white, etc.

Depending on the color and specific tire manufacturer, these stains carry different information. A yellow spot, as a rule, marked the easiest zone of the tire. With the first tires, this stain is recommended to be combined with the nipple of the wheels - thus the wheel assembly will be more balanced and will require less compensating weights when balancing. Obviously, the difference in the weight of different parts of the tire in a high-quality new tires of meager, and the relevance of this label will disappear at the first emergency brakingSo, during the second tire terminal, this label can not be sought.

Tags of any other color or carry a similar semantic load (for example, a red mark is usually marked with the most severe tire, which is recommended to be installed opposite nipple), or are designed for use when the tire is first installed on new car In the factory conditions, therefore, almost no value for the consumer, nor for the tilting wizard is not carried.

2. Figure (number) in a triangle (square, circle, rombeThe white (typically) paint also on the outer side surface of the tire.

This is a sign, fully similar to the Soviet stamp "OTV". An employee of the tire manufacturer employee carries out the quality of the quality of finished products and stamps such a stamp, which, in turn, performs two fuccakes: first, it testifies that control is manufactured, and, secondly, it indicates a particular controller officer which is responsible for the quality of the output control. If you do not work at the factory, where the tires are produced, nothing means this stamp to you with a smooth account.

3. Colored strips, applied around the tire circle in the tread areaOr the protector itself, or inside the grooves.

It is about these mysterious strips that are different rumors that they may indicate a defective or substandard tire. In fact, all extremely prosaic - strips are applied solely with the aim of rapid identification different models and tire sizes in warehouses when the warehouse worker sees only the tire protector area due to the specifics of their storage.

"Impedable" Runflat tires

Not so long ago, tires began to appear on the tire market, which, according to manufacturers, completely eliminate the need for a spare wheel of the car. Is it really?

In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating tires that are not afraid of punctures, torments the imagination of inventors since the invention pneumatic tires (Tire, the form of which is supported due to the pressure of the air pumped into it), as such. Note that such tires were invented by Robert Thomson back invente 1846.

Over the past decades, many different concepts of "impenetrable" tires have been tried, from a monolithic structure (not requiring air, as such) and before refueling tires with a special elastic sealant, which can automatically "delay" small punctures. But as a result, all tire manufacturers came to the fact that the optimal direction of development of the idea is to strengthen the sidewalls of the tire - the so-called self-sustaining tire.

These tires are relatively little losing in performance characteristics And in some cases, it is capable of eliminating the need for a spare wheel as phenomena. True, it is still important that only in the selected situations and the operation of modern tires Runflat is still associated with certain nuances that need to be understood by the car enthusiast, who thought about the purchase of this innovation.

For experimental motorist It will not be difficult to fulfill such an operation for beginners - this task will not be out of the lungs. The lack of practical experience and theoretical skills can put in a dead end in the event of a question "how to put rubber towards the movement". Let's try to figure out.

Familiar stage

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The start of installation works are definitely preceded by:

Varieties of tires

Different types of drawings depending on the direction combine tires by groups:

The absence on tires of any carriers of information implies that they do not belong to the category of right-hand and left-sided. IN this case The drawing does not play a decisive role.

Tire mounting process and wheels

To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the instruction manual. Next, serial mounting operations are carried out.

At the end of the installation of the tires on the wheels discs are thoroughly balanced. The operation is performed on a special machine. Its necessity is due to discrepancies in the weight of various components of the tires, the so-called error. Its presence is dictated by specific tire manufacturing technology.

In a state of immobility of the wheels, the error is not tangible, but immediately makes itself felt in the process of movement. Wheel "Beats". Most significantly, such a deviation when installing tires on the front wheels.

Balancing weights are used to eliminate the difference, their weight depends on the quality of the mounted tires:

  • dear tire models offer a better product, the difference reaches a minimum level, which requires meager participation of balancing loads.
  • Economy option is practiced in this regard. Produced products are produced on morally obsolete equipment, this leads to a significant error - up to several tens of G. In this case, the number of weights increases significantly.

When working with cheap tires, there are no situations to be balanced. In this case, the wheel is installed on the back.

Balancing the wheels fully confirms the well-known pattern: low price It offers similar quality, and vice versa. Such difficulties lead to lowers, which provokes "beating" wheels, as soon as the car begins. Therefore, the balancing procedure should be under the personal control of the owner of the machine (if the work is manufactured in the service center).

Even at the dawn of the automotive, when the tires of cars were made of natural rubber, which melted on the sun and double from frost, designers and manufacturers thought about something more perfect. After all, such tires are not far away from the wheel on the carte cart. As a result, the technologies developed, the methods of oil treatment were improved, times changed.
In 1927, among the other Soviet scientists Sergey Vasilyevich Lebedev, a synthetic rubber was obtained, which became the progenitor of the material of modern tires. But such a material did not become a panacea, except for the rubber itself providing high operational properties for tires, and the forms and profiles of the tire were also important. Subsequently, tire protectors have become flat, in order to provide a large area with an expensive, and therefore stability on the road. In addition, they appeared a protector. In this case, in some cases, the tire protector demanded a certain set of tires, by their rotation. It is about these most cases of installation, as well as that it will be if you set the tires incorrectly, we will tell in our article.

Direction of tires for rotation or types of tires

If you pay attention to tire protestors, which go through your city, then surely the most attentive will see that the tires are different. In one case, the tread pattern is like a chessboard, just squares, in the other there is a strict direction, relative to the transverse axis of the wheel, and symmetrical. And, in the end, the direction of this axis is asymmetric. That is, it can be said about a banal, very well-known fact that tire protectors are: directed and non-directional. Moreover, the filtered tire protector can be symmetrical or asymmetric.

(Classification of the type of tires based on the type of tread)

So why manufacturers are driving themselves to perform this picture, what role does he play when using tires? After all, all this is clearly not only for beauty.

Installing tires relative to the tread on the bus

Let's start with the case when the protector is non-directional. In this case, the proper installation of the tire, as to which it should rotate, does not have to speak. Which one way, what to another - no difference. Another thing when the protector is directed.
For a motorist - a man in the street that does not want to delve into the essence of the matter is simple. Look at the label on the rim "Rotation", which from English is translated as rotation, and put the tire on the machine in accordance with the rotation of the wheel along the movement of the car forward.

Or labeling "Outside" (outdoor) ...

For those who want to know why the tire must be stuffed exactly and not otherwise, and what can affect the wrong tire installation, we will tell the following.
The direction of the tread on the tire is designed to remove the liquid, dirt, snow porridge from under it, that is, everything that has a low viscosity. At the same time, this discharge is necessary in order to avoid the so-called aquaplamination effect. That is, prevent contact loss between expensive and rubber. Why do we need this very contact, we will not explain. We better tell about how the directional protector takes it all from the tire contact spots with the road.

How to properly installed tire with a directional protector reduces the effect of aquaplaning

Here you can tell for a long time and explain. But better, as they say, see once. Especially for you we made a gif. Take a look.

In fact, the protector works like a blade on the centrifugal pump, when he shakes water, except that the driving force here is not a centrifugal force, but the power from extriving the water in the tread grooves. The strength occurs every time the tire runs on that grade, which should be squeezed. So water, dirt, wet snow is squeezed into the groove and dismay. The wheel rotates on, and new water is again extruded in the groove again along the movement of the car. Due to the removal of such a "lubricant", the contact between the bus and expensive is improved, which entails a safer ride. So everything is simple and logical. Here I want to say about the direction of the picture. As we said, you can pay attention to the "Rotation" marking, and you can look at the drawing.

(tire installed correctly)

So, the tread grooves should always be separated from the tire contact spot with an expensive back of the machine, if you look at the wheels on the left. And the opposite situation for the wheels on the right. In this case, you can not search for labeling on the rim. I looked at the tread pattern and put a tire on the drawing machine.

What will happen if the directed bus is not in that direction

Here everything is on the logic of what is happening, but in reverse order. If everything that is under our wheels (dirt, wet snow, water) will be harder to be squeezed out, since the grooves will be directed to the fence of the whole environment, then in fact it turns out that in the center of the tire, in the spot of the contact, redundant pressure will be formed. It will try to raise the tire, which helps deteriorate to the clutch of rubber with the road. It is not safe.

However, if we talk about a dry road, when there is no water on the street, or it is frosty and simply lies the snow, then the presence of such grooves that will be dismissed, Zipi, in essence, do not oblige anything. Also, such grooves will not affect the situation at a limited rate, about 5-20 km / h.

Summing up the correct and improper installation of directional tires on the machine

So, the direction of the tread grooves on the tire was invented not just for beauty. If they are, they better use them. The directional tread grooves contribute to the taps of the liquid medium from under the wheel and thereby improve contact between rubber and expensive. Therefore, pay attention to the proper tire installation. What to install the bus, you need to pay attention to its protector. At the same time, such a statement applies not only to the one who puts the already screamed wheel on the car, but also to the mechanics that set the tire on the disk. After all, the car must have two wheels on the left side and two on the right. Not otherwise!
Well, about the case when exploitation is done with incorrect installed tires. If it is dry on the street, then there will be no difference. If it's not a stupid street, it rained, then be extremely neat. Disable the car from the aquaplaning will be very difficult, but you can not tell about sad results. You yourself know everything about it without us.

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