Home Torkemose Installation of fog lights - correct installation and connection. Connecting fog through relays: Scheme, step-by-step instruction Independent installation of fog lamps

Installation of fog lights - correct installation and connection. Connecting fog through relays: Scheme, step-by-step instruction Independent installation of fog lamps

Any motorist knows how important the optimal light of the road is, especially when driving in difficult weather conditions - snowfall, shower or fog. Those who often travel in their car cannot imagine the possibility of operating cars without installed fog headlamps. In contrast to head optics, PTF is able to effectively light the road even in conditions of a strong fog.

For what to install fog

Modern cars Not in vain are equipped with fog lights. The fact is that the fog is a suspension of the smallest droplets of water in the air, which almost completely reflect the light headlights entering them. A solid white wall is formed, which with an increase in the lighting intensity by headlights is becoming more dense. Movement under these conditions becomes impossible.

Fog lights are located low, and with a proper position, only the canvas itself lights, and not the space before the car. This explains their effectiveness. In addition, the effectiveness against the fog to a certain extent increases the yellow light filter, allowing you to use a completely different spectrum that does not reflect water dust. Unfortunately, automakers do not always install PTF regular, forcing drivers to do it on their own.

How to connect a PTF through the relay

The process of independent connection of fog headlamps is not different complex, and is performed in a few hours. To do this, cook everything you need in advance:

  • copper wires;
  • fuse with a capacity of at least 15 A;
  • relay;
  • enable button, if there is no free on the panel;
  • isol or "heat shrink".

The connection diagram of the fog through the relay is extremely simple, and to cope with this task forces to any person.

The wire to the battery is comfortable to stretch under the pedals. Special attention It is worth paying for the quality of the contact with the terminals, as well as the need to install the fuse.

Important! It should be placed as close as possible to the battery - any diagram of connecting fog lights through the relay provides for the presence of a fuse at least 15 A.

After these works will only be able to install the fog themselves.

Important moments when installing fog

Despite belonging to additional lighting equipment, and "optional", if they are installed by the car owner independently, they are required to comply with the current standards. Thus, the height of the placement of fog doors should be at least 250 mm on the level of soil, with a distance to each dimension of no more than 400 mm. Installing fog lights can only be symmetrically. You can not connect them directly to the ignition, installing a switch that allows you to use them separately from overall lights.

By installing the headlights to your permanent location, the connection of fog in the relay does not constitute difficulties. Both minus wires from the headlights are connected to the ground, and the advantages are connected to connect to the 30th contact on the relay. If everything is done correctly, the check of the installed fog will be successful. During the work, the close attention is required to pay the quality of all wire connections. All twists need to be done high quality, and after that it is desirable to use a special "heat shrink" - so you can exclude the melting connection and their oxidation.

With a self-connecting fog through the relay, no less attention is required to be given and correctly adjust. They should not cover the space in front of the car - there are headlights for this. The installed fog is designed to illuminate roadbed, i.e., they should be down, on the road. This will allow them to fulfill their main purpose, and will not be the reason for the blinding of the oncoming drivers. Before independent connections, you can watch video

Connection diagram of fog lamps - an important question, disturbing drivers. They know what big money you have to give at stations maintenance, so try to repair yourself independently. It is not as complicated, so even with minor knowledge in the auto electrician you can freely install PTF.

PTF phased connection

Install fog lights without problems. For this you do not have to perform complex actions, because it is necessary to simply follow the unique scheme. Through it will be able to provide secure trips On the roads in any weather. What should be done?

  • 2 terminals are connected to fog. The first (mass) is discharged to the body, and the second is lengthened to the battery, but not connected.
  • Next is installed relay (it is better to select with the built-in fuse). The red wire is sent to the battery plus, and black - for minus. It remains the green, responsible for managing the inclusion. It must be brought to the salon.
  • The power button in the cabin can be done anywhere, but it must be an accessible driver.

No complicated action will not have to perform. The motorist will easily cope with such a task, spending a minimum of time. Yes, you can always refer to the specialists of the car service, but it is easier to cope with the task without assistance.

What is profitable independent installation?

Air connection is possible at home. For this, professional skills or special equipment are not required, so it does not have to suffer with installing and summarizing. You can always quickly cope with the process. What advantages does it give?

  • Reduction of expenses;
  • Reduction of time loss;
  • Accurate knowledge of the scheme.

When fog, travel becomes safe, but the driver should be good to know the scheme. An unexpected breakdown should not scare a car owner, so he should be seriously thinking about independent actions. After that, he will great remember the principle of laying and connecting wires for future repair.

When visiting the maintenance station, drivers also have to deal with long delays. No one will first take place for the car, so even a quick connection will require several days. Throughout this time, a person will not use personal transport.

Workshop or own garage?

Having learned how to connect fog lights, drivers will certainly decide that the visit to the workshop they will not need.

In our own garage, you can easily cope with an easy task, connecting the equipment.

Often car owners do not like to face the electrics. They can be understood, because the thin system is characterized by complexity and ambiguity.

This time you need to discard your own fears and calmly install the headlights. No longer have to spend personal time, facing discomfort and loss of decent money. In his garage, it will be possible to cope with the task in one evening, connecting the extra light. And the car do not have to leave at the station, and then wait for the call.

Using an easy description, it is possible to gradually cope with the works. Professionals spend on the necessary actions for only one hour, but without certain skills you will need a whole evening. You can cope with them yourself, so it is meaningless to come across the car service.

Its services are left to desire the best, so it is more useful to learn how to deal with a variety of repairs. After that, the chance will appear forever get rid of huge regular expenses. Even the electrician of the car is not as complicated if it is considered in detail. You should not fear breakage, it is better to try the simplest schemes that will provide a quick solution to the problem.

If your profession is associated with frequent trips by car, or you just like to travel, then you probably know that without good optics guarantee the safety of ride is quite difficult. At the moment, even the most shortest trip should not be made without good fog equipment. Such optics is now installed on almost every car in the basic configuration.

However, there are cars in which you have to independently connect fog in the relay. The scheme and steps of this optics are further in our article.

Why do you need fog?

Before you tell you about the features of the installation of these items, a few words about what importance they represent for the car. The main function is to supply light. From this characteristic, the quality and range of lighting road canvases depend. If the fog is well customized, they are able to illuminate up to 10 meters of asphalt in front of them, which is enough for a safe movement at a speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour. And it doesn't matter what weather are you going - with a cloudless sky or with a thick fog - with your function, this optics always copes. So how to install it in the car?

Connecting fog over the relay: scheme and instruction

To begin with, prepare required tools and materials. During the work, we will need a 15 amp fuse, several wire meters, isolating tape, the power button, the shoe and the PTF relay. Connecting the fog connection through the relay is indicated in the photo below. We will focus on it.

This is the same scheme for connecting the relay of fog. In principle, it does not represent any complexity, and it is very simple to deal with it.

Where to start installation?

First of all, it is necessary to remove the central panel - there will be 2 lamps of the backlight of the furnace regulator. They do not affect the work of PTF, but we will need their wires. To grope a two-contact connector, you should spend your hand over the wire to the very end. It is especially important, since it will be here the first contact on the relay will be installed. Then the wire is connected to the location of the furnace illumination connector, and its second part goes to a separate PTF switching button.

Connect contacts

How to connect fog over the relay Next? In order for the system to be a twelmanized network from dimensions and 85 contacts, it is necessary to carry out a wire to the relay. Further stretch 87 contact under the pedals to the battery.

How to make the correct connection of fog thimans through includes 30, 85, 86 and 87 contacts. They, according to the drawing, we connect. Here I install a 15-ampere fuse. And the closer it will be to the battery, the better. Next, the 86th contact. Here everything is simple - we connect it with the body.

About wires

Now it is necessary to deal with the fogs themselves. As we know, from each headlight there are only two wires ("plus" and "minus", respectively). The latter connect with the body, that is, it will be our mass. Next, raise it on the relay in such a way that the wires are not visible, and connect with rechargeable batteryth.

This terminates the connection of fog through the relay. The compound scheme, as we see, is very simple, so I will cope with such a task even a novice motorist.

Second installation option

It is much easier that will be the owners of the car, which in the bumper there is already a place for attaching fog headlights. Then no fuses do not need to buy. All that is required is a pair of new fog and up to 100 centimeters of the wire (about the reserve).

PTF for foreign cars most often have two wires painted in black and red. The latter is connected to the "plus", and the first one with "minus". Although on some copies (as, for example, on fogging for " Daewoo Nexia»Asian production) non-sharply, what color to what to connect. Red may well perform the function of the "plus" and "minus". By the way, if you did not find wires in the bumper to connect the optics, it is not trouble - you can try to connect them directly to the battery. Moreover, it is not necessary to pull "plus" and "minus" from each lamp separately. The installation order may be the following - the battery terminals (more precisely, the two wires are installed (as we have already said, black and red), which go first on the left head of the driver, and then on the right. If the wires are short, we take longer, we clean their contacts at the ends and connect. We will have to stock tape tape. The color of the long wire that will be connected to PTF and AKB, not fundamental. The main thing is that you do not get confused in polarity. You should also be vigilant and turn off the battery power before installing. Otherwise, the slightest contact of the wire with the body can entail a short circuit.

Such an algorithm for the installation of PTF is not only suitable for foreign cars, but also for all domestic carswhere the manufacturer provides the place of attachment of optics. For example, on the VAZ 2110 and 2114 machines, connecting the fog in this way in this way there is no more than 20-40 minutes of time (and this is despite the fact that the car enthusiast does not have experience in installing such equipment on the vehicle).

What are the requirements of PTF?

Finally, we note that modern fog lights must be responsible for which the rules:


As you can see connecting fog on VAZ 2110 and many other cars domestic production - This is a pretty easy business, to cope with whom to every car enthusiast. The fog lamp is your reliable assistant that allows you to distinguish objects on the roadbed on time and with a large reserve of time to respond to the road situation.

The pledge of your safety is a properly equipped car. If your job is associated with frequent movements on a car or you just love ride a lot, travel, then you probably know how difficult to the driver without foglights. To date, even a trip for small distances should not be performed without installed fog equipment, since the slightest shifts of weather conditions may interfere with ordinary movement. All that will require this "fog", tools and a diagram of connecting fog headlights.

Where can I get high-quality and inexpensive "fog"?

Automotive optics is an integral part of each car. It is how to select sunglasses in a person on the most sunny day, fraught with unknown consequences. So and the car must have their own "glasses" just in case, you never know what can happen on the roads. The most common automotive optics are fog lights that can be purchased at the car market or order in the online store. Of course, it is best to buy fog in the market where a specialist will not only advise you the desired model, but also will tell you what is the scheme of connecting fog headlights.

What are the fog lights?

The most important thing in the fog headlands is the exact flow of light. It is from this that direct coverage of the road depends. The headlights that have accurate adjustment are able to illuminate the path 10 meters, which is absolutely sufficient at low speed driving in the very bad weather. Adjusting the fog lights is carried out directly when installing this equipment. From how true you adjust the angle of falling the light on the headlights, it depends on how well the "fog" will illuminate the road.

How to connect fog lights?

The principle of connecting fog headlamps is very simple, it is enough to know the most necessary skills in working with auto tools and generally have ideas where and what is located. If you are full of "zero" in this matter, then it is best to contact a specialist.

How to install fog lights?

You'll need:

  • fog lights
  • 15 amp fuse
  • block and fog relay
  • fog headlights button
  • wires and tapes.

Installation of fog lamps are very, though there are some distinctions. Although, judge for yourself.

  1. It is necessary to remove the central panel. There you will see two light bulbs of the furnace regulator, they are not what, but the wires themselves are very, even by the way. Spend your hand over the wire to the very end, there you fill the two pin connector, it is he needs it. The first contact on the relay will be attached to it.
  2. We take the first wire and connect it to the furnace illumination connector, and the other directly to the button.
  3. Next, the wire must be brought to the relay, thereby we have a 12 volt chain from the dimensions of the car and the relay contact 85. Connecting the fog headlamp relays is completely simple as we can observe. Therefore, even a beginner will cope with it.
  4. The next step is to stretch 87 contacts under the pedals to the battery, while you need to put the fuse, the closer you will follow it to the battery, the better.
  5. Contact number 86 relay throw on the body.
  6. And the last fog lights themselves. From each headlight there are two wires (plus and minus). Minus throw on the body, but plus from one and the second headlight you need to connect and stretch to the battery. Next, raise it on the relay, so that the wires are not noticeable, and connect it to the number 30 connector. Now you can check the fog in good condition. That's all.

Relay fog headlamps scheme:

Rules for the installation of foglights.

Nowadays, there are certain rules how to install fog lights. It is spelled out in the rules road. There contain all the necessary criteria, where and how to install fog equipment. But so as not to torment yourself and the car, you can simply contact a specialist who knows all this notable. By this you reduce the installation time, and your nerves. The rules of the road also contains a diagram of connecting foglights, which will help in an inexperienced driver to understand everything.

Requirements for fog lamps.

To illuminate the way to the driver, fog lights should have a clear beam border at the top, that is, the light should spread above the horizontal plane. Installing a headband is required to bottom with a car, as a layer is formed there between light and fog for good lighting. If the headlight connectivity scheme implies the installation of the equipment at the bottom of the machine, then you will need plugs. This is a certain grill of stones or sticks, which in the drive can damage the headlights. The protube headlamp plug will provide the safety of the part on any roads and at any time of the year and day.

If fog lights are installed in your machine, then you need to constantly maintain their cleanliness. This will make equipment more durable, and the dispersion of the light is clearer. This requires premature polishing headlights.

A similar service can be used on a car wash or perform an action yourself. Save you time and money, and this is a pretty light process.

Parktronic, as a type of automotive optics.

Another equipment from automotive optics is a parking sensor. This device is intended to facilitate the parking process in extreme urban conditions. Mounting such equipment does not cause complexity, therefore, any owner of the car can produce.

And it does not matter what car, you drive and what "bells" in it is present, the main thing is that everything is safe for you and your loved ones. In addition to the installation of fog lights, quite comfortable.

Installation of fog lights - video

For today, automotive lighting includes many elements. This is not only a head optics, but also fog lights. They are very important in the car, thanks to them, it is possible to safely move in difficult weather conditions, such as snowfall, rain, fog.

But unfortunately on basic equipment Some models are not provided, in connection with which it is necessary to install them on their own. But how can this be done in detail in this article.

The content of the article:

Installation of foglights. General leadership

1) . As a rule, the fog lights are installed on the upper edge of the bumper. The place is quite comfortable, plus to secure them there is not difficult. It is enough to correctly calculate the installation location, then drill small holes in the bumper and fasten the headlights.

2) . You can also consolidate the headlights on the "kenguryatnik". Now often their design has places to secure them.

3) . Much more complicated fog in the body of the bumper, although it is possible. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the future location of them, make marking on the size of the headlights and cut the corresponding holes. In cases, if this type of installation was chosen, the fog lights should have a wide edging to cover the possible gaps between the bumper and the headload.

4) . In this case, in the bumper, cut the holes under these seats, and then the headlights are installed in them.

Connecting foglights.

1) . So, after installing foglights, they should also be connected correctly. The main condition B. this case will be consistent with the sequence.

2) . Initially, it is necessary to determine which of the outgoing wires from the headlights is "mass", and find a place where it is consolidated so that the connection is reliable. "Plus" wires from the headlights connect to one, and then it goes to one of the four relay outs of the relay, which exactly should be indicated in the instructions.

3) . The relay must also be disbanded. For convenience, you can then consolidate the relay in the pumproom space.

Installation of foglights on Lada Grant

The whole process of equipment of the car "fonts" can be divided into several stages:

  • Removing the bumper.
  • Installing headlights.
  • Wiring.
  • Connect headlights.
  • Build parts in reverse sequence.

Remove bumper

1) . Remove the front number plate.

2) . Under the bumper there are two bolts. Unscrew them.

3) . Open the hood, remove 6 bolts that are fixing the radiator grille.

4) . Remove 3 bolts.

5) . We unscrew a pair of screws on each side connecting the droplets with a bumper.

6) . After that, remove a pair of screws on the wheel of the wheel arches.

7) . Tighten the corners of the bumper forward in the direction of movement and remove it.

Install the headlights

1) . In the center oval under the headlamp drills a hole with a diameter of up to 10 mm.

2) . Starting from this opening, a stationery knife along the inner diameter cut the circle.

3) . We process the hole, or the contour of which should be equal to the external diameter of the headlight.

4) . With the help of self-sufficiency, we install a headlight in the bumper.

5) . The cracks remaining after work fill with a sealant, otherwise dirt, snow or water can get into the gap.


1) . Take out the battery.

2) . We unscrew the screws that fastening the pad under it.

3) . Fixing the Block panel, weaken the bracket nut, removing the fuel tubes.

4) . The wire is starting departing from the right headlight through the mudguard, then under the compressor, the generator and the fan of the cooling system.

5) . We spend the wire from the headlight through the left mudguard.

6) . In the subcontrol space we connect both wires. Then put them in the corrugation.

7) . We skip the corrugation under the block next to the headlights of the headlights, entering into the salon through the gum of these tubes.

8) . With wire laying finished. Now install the battery in place and attach the bumper. The schemes below indicate where you can consolidate mass terminals on the right side.

9) . Similarly, terminals and on the left side.

The power button can be made in two ways:

  • Using the button attached in the mounting kit;
  • Through a regular system of light control module (MUS).

Install the button

The first method is described in detail in the instructions for the set. So the installation scheme will look like using the button from the mounting kit.

Here it is also worth mentioning about the rules of connection. Blue wire connect with a plus ignition, white - with a plus from overall lights, black on "minus".

The relay in the system must necessarily. The strength of the current under the operating heads reaches 35 A, so without it, the button will not last long. Power on the relay is supplied from the fuse block or directly from the battery, as shown in the diagram.

Scheme using MUS

I would like to immediately note that this option is more complicated, but it allows you to display the indication of the work of "fog" on dashboard. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase a Lira type terminals (large and small) to the assembly set.

In addition, the MUSO block will be required from the "Suite" grants. There are two types of this module on sale, the differences between which are in the presence of another position of the switch and additional contacts.

In addition, there should also be:

  • two power relays with pads;
  • two fuses 15 A;
  • wires with a cross section of 1.5 kV, and 2.5 square meters.

The installation order looks like this:

1) . Fuses cover fuses on clips, so it is enough to remove it to pull it to yourself.

2) . We unscrew the three screws holding the instrument combination shield: steam at the top, one under the fuse shield.

3) . The combination itself holds on four screws. Miss them, then, shifting it aside, remove the connector of the connection. It is held by a special switch, which turn to the side.

4) . Then we remove the stitching of the steering column.

5) . I got to Mus. We unscrew one screw on them, remove it from the block. On the sides there will be two latches that press the screwdriver.

6) . Remove the handle from the hydrocorographic heador, pulling it on itself, then let go nut holding it on the panel, we cut it deep into, slightly shifted down.

7) . Now unscrew the fastening screw fastening screw.

8) . Removing the screw and shifting the unit to the left, freeing it from the mounts. Then we turn it over, after having removed several relays on the left side.

9) . We connect the pink wire from the ignition and the blue wire from the mounting unit, this will be supplied to the "plus" on the scheme. We disappear the connection place, then insulated it.

11) . Now on the ends of the wires coming from the "fog", we put on large "lira", insert them into the fuse block. The left headlight turn on the fuse 17, right - by 16. The two remaining fuses connect to the power relay, as indicated in the diagram.

12) . Then we derive an additional wire to the instrument combination to indicate the inclusion of headlights, connecting to 15 contact.

13) . The whole design is collected in the reverse order. In now on, the inclusion of foglights will be provided through MUS, as well as the rest of the head lighting.

Installation of fog lamps on Niva Chevrolet

The preparation includes ready-made wiring, places to install the relay, buttons and place on the bumper. Therefore, it is necessary to start purchasing all the material listed and proceed to the case:

1) . Deafling a car. Remove the instrument panel to ensure access to the connection of the button.

2) . Under the panel there is a free chip wrapped with a tape. It is she who needs us.

3) . Install the button in the panel and connect the chip.

5) . Now proceed directly to the connection. We display wiring with a chip for connecting through the cerinage openings of the body to the front bumper.

6) . Connection diagram is divorced. Now we have left to establish fog lights in front bumper.

7) . As a rule, on the field of Chevrolet there are already ready-made holes for the installation of fog lights. It is necessary only with the help of fasteners to install them and everything is ready.

8) . At the final stage, connect the fog and check them on the service life.

Installation of fog lights on Lada Priora

1) . Disconnect the mass from the battery.

2) . We unscrew the fastenings of the bumper (on the side, bottom and top of several self-tapping screws), remove it.

3) . Using a screwdriver, we unscrew the screws that hold the plugs.

4) . Insert the headlights to the places where the plugs stood. We screw the same self-draws.

5) . We take a long wire from the set, insert it into the right headlight, after which it is in the left and stretch into the engine compartment from the side of the battery.

6) . Remove the washer tank, after which the expansion.

7) . The key "at 13" eliminate the wipers.

8) . We unscrew the protective plastic to access the left edge of the upholstery.

9) . We relax the claw and clean the hose.

10) . Remove the upholstery.

11) . Wires stretch along the regular wiring through the plug into the car's interior and fasten the clamps are coming in the kit.

12) . We collect all the details in the reverse order. Do not forget to connect two black wires to extreme crankcase protection bolts.

13) . Go to the car salon. Remove the protective cover under the steer column. For this, 90 degrees turn 3 locks.

14) . You unscrew the screws with a screwdriver, which is located under the fuse block. Pull out the block.

15) . From the central console, remove the heating button rear glass and plug. They are left of the clock.

16) . From the set, reach the button with the wires. Long blue wire stretch to the fuse block, and the three remaining connected to the rear window heating button with the help of the clamps. Connect all according to the color scheme.

17) . In the fuse block insert the fog lamp relays included in the kit. Connect the wires according to the scheme:

  • long blue to A85;
  • red and black to 30 and 86;
  • yellow wire from 87 with two outputs to F17, F18;
  • take earlier the missed wires from under motor compartment and attach to F17, F18;
  • two fuses from the kit insert into the socket F17, F18.

18) . We collect elements. Connect the mass to the battery, we turn on the ignition and check the health of the fog lights (PTF will only work when the ignition is turned on).

Installation of fog lights on Lada Vesta

This process includes the following steps:

  • removing the bumper;
  • preparation of landing place;
  • installation of headlights;
  • pTF connection.

1) . Turn off and pull out the battery.

2) . Remove the front bumper. The lower part of the fastening to the body 4 bolts to the body and 4 screws to the lingers. All this turns. Over the sides, we turn over 2 screws that are fixing it to lockers. Under the hood turn 6 bolts upper fastening to the body.

3) . It remains to extract two bolts under license plates. Here you already need to hold the bumper for the beam. Gently pull it on yourself to launch with side brackets.

4) . Now you have access to the right place, and it's time to move to the next stage.

Preparation seating And the fastening of the head

1) . In place of fog headlamps are factory plugs. With the help of a crown at 76 mm, cut the holes in them.

2) . You should also take care of the hole under the PTF button in the car torpedo. To do this, choose a place on the center console or next to the opening button of the trunk.

Connecting fog lights

1) . From the right PTF, we deposit inside the metal box. In the salon from the engine compartment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pedal node, we allow wiring through a special hole.

2) . Connecting to universal scheme, as in cases of connecting equipment on previous versions of the Lada Autolinee. Loading is taken from the battery (bolt M6) and through the fuse is fed to the contact relay.

3) . Plus comes from the mounting unit from the gabar fuse. Alternatively, you can use plus cigarette lighter.

4) . The relay itself is installed under the hood or directly in the cabin.

5) . This method of connecting foglights can be called the most optimal economy in terms of savings and minimal interference in the electronic part of the car.

Installation of fog lights on Lada Kalina

1) . The steering wheel is unscrewed until you stop.

2) . Remove the protection against dirt in the wheel arch.

3) . Decorating the latches on the plugs that stand on the place of fog and pull them out.

4) . From the inside to the bumper, the headlight is fastened with three self-draws.

5) . Outside, after fixing headlights, we establish a decorative flap that is fastened with the help of latches.

6) . We produce the same actions on the other hand.

7) . On this, the process of installing fog lights can be considered over.

Connecting PTF to car wiring

1) . At the beginning of the wires connect to the Farm himself. "Mass" also screw to the car body. Plus connect to the battery according to the scheme.

2) . Wires stretch through podcast space To the cabin. It is necessary to do this along the left wing, where regular mounting for wires are located. But before that, to facilitate the work, we remove the subsidence.

Connecting foglights in the cabin

1) . We unscrew the mounting bolts (4 pcs.) And dismantle the ashtray.

3) . Remove temperature controllers.

4) . Instead of the on / off buttons, the air conditioner (or plug) is set to control the headlights. Short wires connect with the same color that go to heating the glass from the back. Long wires connect to the mounting unit. The mounting block itself must be attempted to push away as much as possible.

6) . After that, all connections are insulating.

Installation of fog lamps on VAZ 2109

1) . Install and connect the button with which fog lights will be turned on and off.

2) . We remove the grille that closes the speaker, we unscrew the speaker itself and find out inside the pair of connectors. They are intended to connect the activation button of the fog headlights and the indicator of their inclusion.

3) . We remove the plug from the panel, we do not put her place your place and connect with an electrical connector. Speaker and grille return to place.

4) . Now go to the boom space. We unscrew the mounting block, or as it is also called a black box. We raise the lid, to gain access to the connectors available there.

5) . We carry out the wiring from the fog lights, as well as from the installation site of the corresponding relay to the assembly block of the fuses. But the wires of the mass relay do not need to touch.

6) . Disconnect the connectors sh7 and sh8 from the mounting unit. They are located directly from each other, but at the same time sh7 is essentially wider than sh8.

7) . We insert the prepared terminals into the connectors, based on the presented scheme.

8) . Return the connectors to the fuse block.

9) . Return to your place the extracted mounting unit.

10) . Relay mounted on the car body and under the used fastening bolt necessarily install a relay mass. Do not forget before this point of contact carefully cleaned the paint. Otherwise, the grounding will not work properly.

11) . Power wires connect in fog lights from the purchased kit.

12) . In the immediate vicinity near the fog, it is necessary at a convenient and safe, secure location. Contact with the car body should get the most reliable as possible. Otherwise, the headlights simply will not work or have problems with the stability of functioning.

13) . Install the fog lights themselves can be due to drilling holes in a metal insert. The optimal range of drilling is near the fastening bolts that hold the bumper.

14) . Some models of bumpers, in addition to standard factory, provide for the presence of already finished holes for mounting fog optics. To install them, you can use brackets that are required to go bundled with a set to connect PTF.

15) . Be sure to provide a solid fixation of fog lights so that they are not shaking during the movement.

16) . The last step of the PTF installation is to adjust them.

Installation of fog lamps on VAZ 2107

1) . To facilitate the installation of fog lights, remove the bumper.

2) . With the help of drills, we drill the holes to which the fog will be mounted. The distance between the center of fog lights to the opening under the license plate in the bumper should be about 15 cm. In this case, the headlights will be separated far enough and they will not interfere with the body parts.

3) . We deploy wires of electrical wiring from fog lights to the place of installation of an electromagnetic control relay. The wire line passes under the mudguard near the battery, through the pipe and the "fang" of the bumper to the place of attachment of the right fog light. Such a layout is optimal when the control relay is located on the right under the hood. In other cases, you can use other ways to pass the wire.

4) . We drill holes along the way of passing the wiring harness connecting the left and right fog lights.

5) . With special plastic clamps fix the harness of wires.

6) . On the bumper by mounting fastening fog headlights.

7) . Install the bumper on the car.

8) . We disassemble the fog lights, fasten the back on the attachment and bring the wires in it.

9) . We clean the tips of the wires and the crimping method is secure on them connectors.

10) . Collect fog lights in the prescribed manner.


Connection diagram of fog lights is standard. The only feature is the voltage to the control relay must be fed only after turning on the parking lights. This will not allow to leave the "fog" included when the dimensions are turned off.

The switch can be installed in a standard place on the "torpedo" by removing the plug (if any) or anywhere available from the driver's seat.

Installation of fog lamps on VAZ 2110 211 2112

Installation of fog lamps on VAZ 2114 2115

1) . We dismantle the bumper. Work should be performed only if it is disconnected from the landing place.

2) . With a bumper, we remove all the dirt.

3) . We perform marking on the installation of future fog lights.

4) . On decorative points that have an outer and inland half, perform marking. The outer half is decorative, and the internal is designed to fix the outer part and headlights.

5) . Exterior of glasses on inner side has a protrusion. This landing protrusion, the element should be included in the hole done in the bumper.

6) . For determining optimal sizes The landing protrusion should be measured. So you can make appropriate marking on your bumper.

7) . With the help of electric jigsaw, we cut the desired and location of the opening.

8) . I process the location of the cut. The outer part of the points in the end should fit tightly into the hole.

9) . In the resulting holes, we mount fog lights. This included special fastening bolts.

10) . Breaks on top of the headlights of decorative glasses. Bumper after that return to the place.


When buying a device for connecting devices is also attached to the fog pharmaceution. It is not complicated, therefore, even the newcomer will be able to figure out all the nuances of the combination of components among themselves.

You will need to trim the wiring from the counterness into the mounting block, which is located in the subcontrol space to the right of the right windshield. To do this, it is enough to unscrew the bolts from the block, lift it and find the pads with marks sh7 and sh8.

These pads are used to connect fog lights, although these lighting devices are not installed at the factory. In these pads, the wiring is connected from headlights and from the fog relay, which is provided in the purchased PTF set.

Your task is to complete the correct connection. These are performed according to the following scheme:

  • The output wire from the output 87 is a mass, therefore we connect it to the car body;
  • The output under number 85 goes to the block with the designation of the C7 and connect it to the number 17;
  • Conclusions under the numbers 30 and 86 go to the sh8 shoe. In this case, the output 30 is connected to the connector 8, and 86, enter the number 1 connector;
  • By installing the headlights, stretch through the plus wire through the rotor space, as they are connected to the sh8 shoe. But these wires need to be inserted into the connectors under the numbers 2 and 3;
  • Now connect the block to the mounting unit, and the block return to the place;
  • We explore the plot near the block, where the fog relays will be installed.

Included with fogs, the corresponding button is provided, which will stand on the panel on the placed location provided by the manufacturer.

Plant manufacturer, that is, AvtoVAZ provided it. Therefore, under the panel you will find a control pad. Take off the panel, we find the appropriate block and connect the button to it.

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