Home Steering What antifreeze can be mixed with each other. What antifreeze can be mixed with each other, and is it possible to mix it different colors? Is antifreeze mixing different colors

What antifreeze can be mixed with each other. What antifreeze can be mixed with each other, and is it possible to mix it different colors? Is antifreeze mixing different colors

As well known to all motorists, antifreeze is that liquid, without which no engine cannot function normally internal combustion Watery cooling. It is he who takes the heat from the parts and aggregates heated during the functioning of the motor, and at the same time prevents corrosion and cracks on them.

More recently in Russia, only one species was used in Russia: well known to all motor vehicles (especially those who have a lot of driving experience) toosol, having blue. Apply it now, however, it is already far from alone on the domestic market of cooling fluids for engines. Along with him, both similar appointments of red and green colors are also offered, yellow and purple antifreeze are somewhat less common.

The choice is quite wide, and in connection with the owners vehicle There are many issues related to the use of these cooling fluids. One of the most relevant of them is the following: Is it possible to mix antifreeze different colors? Let's try to figure it out.

Regardless of the color, any modern antifreeze is about 80% consists of a mixture of monohydomic alcohol (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol) and water. Such a composition is able to withstand the temperature up to +196 ° C without boiling, and as for the threshold of freezing, it depends on the ratio of components and is from -11 ° C to -65 ° C. It should be noted that, according to the international classification, depending on which type of alcohol is used in antifreeze (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol), it is divided into three types:

The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof any modern antifreeze is a variety of additives. They are necessary in order to protect metal and rubber parts, with which this liquid comes into contact, from corrosion and destruction under the influence of alcohol. The impact of additives differs depending on the type of antifreeze. In order for this difference, it was possible to identify visual, liquid different species painted in different colors.

What does antifreeze color mean

As mentioned above, the most common colors in which antifreeze are painted are: blue, green, red. Each types of these cooling fluids have its own features, advantages and disadvantages.


Antifreeze, having the easiest chemical composition, are stained in blue, and in many ways therefore it is inexpensive. It is such a ball that is well known and used in our country since Soviet Tosol. The freezing temperature of blue antifreeze is -40 ° C, and the boiling point is +115 ° C. They use traditional chemical additives that form on the surface of those parts that are in contact with a thin protective film.

It should be noted that antifreeze of blue color Now they are considered outdated. The service life is not more than three years, besides, the additives included in their composition are quite aggressive and negatively affect the engine parts. Due to the low boiling point and foaming modern carsmobile Antifreeze in blue use is not recommended.


Automotive green-color antifreeze according to international classification refers to category G11. They use both inorganic and organic additives (in particular, carboxylic acid). In its influence on the engine parts, green antifreeze is more "gentle" than blue. They also have a property to form a film on the inner surfaces of the cooling system parts, which protects them, as well as localizes the arising areas of corrosion.

At the same time, this protective film has its drawbacks. First of all, it rather significantly reduces heat dissipation. In addition, after some time it is destroyed, it crepts, and its particles clog the most narrow cooling channel channels. It should also be noted that the antifreeges of green in the same way as blue, have a very limited service life, and they must be fully changed every three years.


Automotive antifreeze of the red color of the international classification refer to the category G12. They are characterized by the fact that in their composition the additives are dominated by organic origin, and their significant share is carboxylic acid. Due to this, red antifreezes do not form at all on the surfaces of the film details, and therefore heat is given most effectively.

At the same time, the additives contained in these cooling compositions are perfectly limited to the spread of corrosion. As for the service life of red antifreeze, it is about five years. There are antifreeze and a significant disadvantage that they are weakly protected from destruction aluminum parts, which are quite a lot in the cooling systems of modern cars.

Yellow and purple

In recent years, antifreeze of yellow and purple color began to appear. They are not very used yet, and in many respects because manufacturers have not yet finally decided with their exact composition. According to its characteristics and properties of the antifreeze G13 (it is to this category that they are in accordance with international classification) are close to red. The main one a distinctive feature It is the use of non-ethylene glycol, but propylene glycol, characterized by smaller chemical activity and better environmental characteristics.

Mixing antifreezes of different colors

As practice shows, in the cars of a particular brand and the model it is best to use that antifreeze that is recommended by the manufacturer. Automotive concerns when testing their technology thoroughly test it on the use of various cooling fluids, and according to the results of these tests, the most optimal one is determined.

However, in practice it often happens that the recommended antifreeze is simply not at hand, and there is another. Therefore, the question arises regarding the possibility of mixing the cooling fluids of various colors.

Since antifreezes of various colors have different additives in their composition, they will definitely say how they will respond to each other when mixing is very difficult. At the same time, the consequences of adding a coolant of the same type to another, may well manifest themselves immediately, but only after some time, and be very negative. It can manifest itself in the fallout of precipitate, increased foaming, etc.

Thus, mixing antifreezes of various colors is urgently not recommended. This can only be done when there is an extreme necessity. At the same time, the life of such a mixture should be as short as possible. At the first opportunity, it is necessary to merge it, thoroughly rinse the engine cooling systems, and only after that, to pour into it that antifreeze, which is recommended by the manufacturer.

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For the purpose of cooling power aggregate Automatic, as well as the protection of the inner walls of the engine special fluidwhich is called antifreeze. By adding a cooler to the tank, you need to know and be sure that the composition of the available and new fluid is compatible. Otherwise, the engine problem is inevitable. The answer to the question of which antifreeze can be mixed with each other, we will give in this article.

Functions of antifreeze

These include:

  • support for a certain comfort temperature;
  • cooling engine engine;
  • lubricant for water pump;
  • reliable protection of the engine from supercooling and overheating, destruction and corrosion of metal parts.

The market presents a large number of manufacturers. Knowledge about what to pay attention to when choosing and whether antifreeze can be mixed by different firms, each motorist is necessary.

Composition of antifreeze

Liquids of different brands and manufacturers in their composition have:

  • propylene glycol or ethylene glycol;
  • distilled water;
  • additives in the form of various substances that differ in composition and quantity.

Manufacturers use inorganic and chemical compounds to improve the properties of antifreeze in order to:

  • decrease in the freezing temperature;
  • lubricating effect;
  • corrosion protection.

What antifreeze can be mixed with each other

Components included in different cooling liquids can enter each other during mixing. As a result chemical reaction Anticorrosive qualities will suffer and, as a result, the details will be out of order faster, possibly the appearance of scale, precipitation in the form of salts. Mix liquids having a different chemical composition is categorically not recommended. According to professionals, in cooling fluids of imported production, compatibility is significantly higher. However, this does not mean that they can be mixed without thinking about the consequences.

Color gamut of cooling liquids

What colors of antifreeze can be mixed with each other? This question worries many motorists. Initially, the liquid does not have shades, that is, it is colorless. Add to better visibility in leakage cases. Standards, in what color painting antifreeze does not exist, and manufacturers independently make their choice:

  • Prestone, Peak antifreeze companies have two types of colors that do not depend on their basic characteristics. Liquids having red and green shade are produced.
  • Antifreeze russian manufacturer G11 differs in color scheme, depending on the class of admission, is blue, green and yellow.
  • W. japanese manufacturers Raky, AGA Antifreeze color depends on the temperature of their freezing. Up to -20 degrees - yellow, up to -30 - red shade.

In some cases, the color decision directly depends on the company's marketing policy and can change over time. Thus, the view is that possessing the same color range, have a similar composition be delusion. The answer to the question of which antifreeze can be mixed with each other, is ambiguous. Compatibility having the same color is not guaranteed.

What antifreeze to choose

Manufacturers produce antifreeze intended for different operating conditions and cars. Therefore, individual technologies are used and different additives apply to achieve certain parameters. Thus, one manufacturer, but different stamps are incompatible with each other.

After purchasing a new car, antifreeze is exactly the brand, which is recommended by the manufacturer. In the future, the cooling fluids indicated in technical descriptions Your car. After buying a used car, it is best to completely replace the antifreeze in it. The cooling system is washed in the case of mud or rust in the coolant. Water uses for flushing and after that they pour a new antifreeze.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of one color, but different manufacturers

To answer this question, consider their views. The following color variations of antifreeze are distinguished:

  • Blue. It is believed that such a cooler has a small service life and is intended for cars produced in soviet time. There are substances of inorganic nature, as well as their combinations. Silicates included in the cooler cover the inner metal parts of the engine and thereby worsen the processes of heat exchange, which is negatively reflected in the operation of the cooling system.
  • Green. The composition is somewhat different from the previous one and contains the additives of chemical nature. The dignity is that this type of fluid is enveloped by protective film internal part of the engine and adequately copes with corrosion processes due to the presence of carboxylic acid. The following should be noted: Requires a replacement every two years, the resulting film increases the thermal conductivity and, crepting, clogs narrow parts.
  • Red. It is considered the most improved by antifreeze. Quality of operation car Engine It increases, as the composition includes organic matter. A positive property is long term Services, the content of a large amount of carboxylic acid, which improves heat removal, lack of film formation, as well as the struggle against corrosion phenomena. This one is recommended for cars, in which parts are made of brass or copper materials.
  • Purple. The composition is similar to previous species. The difference is that instead of ethylene glycol in production, propylene glycol is used, less toxic substance.

If you own the information and understand in separate nuances of the cooler composition, then the question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of one color, but different manufacturers Will not work out. As mentioned above, the composition of the coolant is influenced by the composition of the additional substances added to it.

When mixing antifreeze what happens

The vehicle breakdown is mixed by cooling solutions of different colors. And on the question of whether it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors of one brand, the answer is as follows: it is not worth doing this, as unscrupulous manufacturers are very often found, sub-quality products under the guise of original products. Before you begin mixing the coolers, you should master the antifreeze information that was previously used, namely:

  • about high quality and quantitative composition;
  • about type;
  • about the manufacturer.

One brand? Blue and green cooling fluid is similar in its composition. In exceptional cases, you can replace them. Antifreeze of red staining is recommended to be mixed only with coolers that are not contained in its composition of silicates. In rare cases, in the summer months, you can simply add distilled water. However, it should be remembered that any water contributes to the formation of rust and plaque. IN winter It is prohibited to conduct this procedure.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze of different manufacturers of one color? Responding to this question, professionals believe that this is possible, but still do not recommend to do this way. The difference in additional substances included in the mixed coolers may adversely affect your car.

What to pay attention to when buying a cooler

Buying antifreeze, pay attention to the following points:

  • temperature indicators;
  • lifetime;
  • color.

In order for the car to be in good condition It should be responsible to choose a cooling solution. Smaller experiment, choosing which antifreeze can be mixed with each other. By purchasing a cooler, stop your choice on those characteristics that are suitable for specific to your car.

Some wonder: "I heard the opinion that blue with green can be mixed, but with the red there is no." In fact, it depends on what kind of green antifreeze interfere, and with what blue.

Mix antifreeze red and green.

And on the other hand, or the G30 package is perfectly prevented with a blue-green G11 VAGSKY, which is the main representative of the G48 package, just get a dark-brown color at the exit.

Specification G12 +.

It is the G12 + specification that allows you to mix with silicate with antifreezes, without precipitation. The cooling fluid G12 without "+", which also most often the color is red, it does not mix with blue-green. Therefore, in any case, the color of antifreeze does not affect its properties, but the specification is needed.

Antifreeze on organic

In fact, the liquid can be orange and red, and sometimes not mixed with yellow inorganic. First of all, corrosion protection and cavitation is assigned to carboxylic acids. Accordingly, all the protection of our organizing is. The liquid does not contain any silicates or phosphates.

See Read more Description

The main advantages of antifreeze on the organic.

Does not create an anti-corrosion package, does not create a solid film on the surfaces of contact antifreeze and metal, that is, on the surfaces inner radiator In the engine cooling shirt, additives work only where there are micro corrosion foci. It is triggered only as necessary, only where there is a problem. Accordingly, these antifreeze serve, long enough.

Modern hybrid. Japanese antifreeze.

If we take modern hybrid, then 2 schools appeared here. These are so-called hybrids the newest generationwhich appeared later organic. This is where full-fledged organic antifreeze, where additional protection provides even inorganic compounds, such as modified silicates, or the latest Japanese antifreeze. It can be a complex phosphate-containing organic agent, and the combined package is obtained. Pluses in what? Organic antifreezes work best on aluminum, and the protection of ferrous metals is weaker. They work amazingly on any surfaces. Since both options for the protection of inorganic, organic are combined. But unlike the first generation, they do not create a thick film. The film is created where Micro Corrosion Center is neutralized by organic, organic additives.

In this case, on top, the inorganic antifreeze creates the thinnest film, which closes these sections of micro core of corrosion. As a result, the organicist is also consumed less. In Europe, the most popular antifreeze based on the G40 package. He also marked Vaga at 12 2 + A, respectively, has colors: bright yellow, in a bright green and bright purple color, and bright green - it is the passenger antifreeze for Mazda.

Is it possible to mix green antifreeze with blue

If we take antifreeze bright-green European, then it has completely different chemistry. Therefore, when they say: "I mean blue with green, I will not have any problems, I want to ask a question: And what we take it?". And if he is "phosphate", and we are a rideway in it? How minimum, we will lose most normal work Anticorrosion package. Some antifreeze with such a mixture in colors can produce a soluble precipitate.

In this case, the problem with the glands of the water pump, the problem with the scoring of radiators, as they say, is guaranteed. Some wonder: Returning to the first question: "I heard the opinion that blue with green can be mixed, but there is no red." In fact, you yourself see what it depends on what kind of green and with what blue.

Antifreeze is called a liquid that has a property does not freeze with very low temperatures. Due to the existence of liquids of different colors, users are often wondering about them: it is worth it and it is possible to mix. Red I. green antifreeze Not the only ones in the modern market, but one of the most popular. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the dilemma: you can or not mix red antifreeze with green?

Characteristics of the composition of various groups

One liquid will not be able to satisfy all the requirements and desires of buyers in the modern market. That is why manufacturers focused on creating various antifreeze, which are fundamentally different in their composition of functional buttons, and as a result, aimed at solving and neutralizing various problems. They should be divided into the following groups:

  • Carboxylate antifreeze G-12, G-12 +
  • Hybrid - G-11
  • Ledok antifreeze G-12 ++, G-13
  • Traditional

The main feature of the first group is the presence of carboxylate inhibitors in their composition, obtained based on the use of organic, that is, carbon, acids. They are used to combat corrosion. Such organic inhibitors do not form a single protective layer and do not act on the entire surface of a certain system, they are sent to one place, the so-called center of occurrence and formation of corrosion, and form protective cover with a thickness of only 0.1 microns.

Carboxylate substances

Carboxylate fluids have the longest life of use that borders with a number of 5 years. They better perform the function of combating corrosion and cavitation, with the result that they guarantee the optimal level cooling of the car engine.

  • A special feature of hybrid antifreezes is that they include not only organic, but also inorganic adheres of inhibitors.
  • According to European technology, this is silicate, on American - nitrites, and in Japanese (as well as Korean) - phosphates.
  • The life of such liquids varies within 3-5 years.

Elevord substances

Ledov antifreeze relatively recently appeared on the market. Only in 2008 scientists invented new liquid, whose calling was the cooling of the engines and other parts from the metal. Their differences are that their composition includes, along with organic, a small amount of mineral inhibitors.

Traditional liquids

The last group of antifreezes called traditional and outdated at this stage of the development of society. The reason for this is served short term The shelf life of fluid, which usually does not exceed two years. The main components that act in the form of corrosion inhibitors exist such inorganic elements as:





Disadvantages of traditional liquids

Another disadvantage of traditional antifreezes can be called that they cannot withstand high temperatures (higher 105 s). In addition, with the time of their use, the inorganic components form a peculiar cover on the inner surface of the engine and contribute to the deterioration of heat exchange inside. As a result, the efficiency of general engine cooling deteriorates.

The group of traditional belongs to Tosol. Tosol is designed during the Soviet Union, the coolant used for the process of cooling the engines of any car brands.

The main component, which is used as antifreeze in Tosola is ethylene glycol.

Color value in classification

Very often, antifreeze users from ignorance express the view that one or another color of antifreeze directly depends on its quality or parts. One of the most popular classifications is as follows:

  • red - the highest quality, it serves about 5 years,
  • green - medium quality, serves from 3 to 5 years,
  • blue - the one to which Tosol is also "simple" and low-grade - for 1-2 years.

In addition, there are still yellow and purple liquid, which is not even taken into account, painting the classification. They are attributed to the high quality, the lowest.

Mixing antifreezes of different colors

Motorists are confident that mixing liquids of different colors is strictly prohibited. They lose their properties, do not fulfill the functions provided and can generally lead to breakage. From here and the opinion that you can mix the liquid of one color, as they are the same. However, antifreeze of different shades cannot be used simultaneously through their mutual rejection.

It is believed to mix red and green color Liquid anyway that the engine is handled personally - it will not benefit and hurt the car. That is why it is necessary to consider the question - what will happen if mixing the antifreeze of different colors?

Break stereotypes

Nothing like that, according to the color factor, determine the ability of fluids. In fact, similarities or distinction are not related to color or tint. This dependence exists only relative to the composition and qualitative characteristics. Antifreeze are identical in components or distinctive and it is the reaction of components of various liquids to each other decides whether they can be mixed or not.

Why then, the different painting of such cooling fluids and that it is simply understood. In fact, it's a simple marketing stroke Manufacturerwhich is trying to expand the range of its products and attract the attention of the consumer. Since the same color of products different manufacturers less stands out on the shelves, rather than a full range of colors with a list of all possible functions and appointments, special parts and applications.

Color relationship and characteristics

In fact, any cooling fluid is colorless, and to give it the shade of the desired color, it is worth only to add a few drops (i.e. from 2-5 grams) dye for several tons. This volume cannot affect the quality and properties of the product, but helps to diversify its products and put it with the ability to stand out from the environment of other substitutes.

  • Very often, the color becomes a kind of agreement between the liquid producer and the buyer.
  • For example, specifically for ford., JSC Tehnoform creates orange liquids.
  • For Volvo, Coolstream Premium manufactures yellow tint antifreeze.
  • For the famous GM-Opel auto plant, a pink liquid is created.

So, if you mix red and green antifreeze will not change anything, but only if they will have the same composition and properties. Color does not decide anything, it's just typical error consumers. Everything solves the composition and reaction of one product to another.

Cooling fluid plays an important role in the car. Its chemical composition is selected by manufacturers in such a way as to ensure the comfort operation of vehicles. In order for consumers to visually distinguished among themselves the products of individual companies with certain characteristics, the composition is painted into the corresponding tones. In this regard, car enthusiasts often arise that it is possible to mix antifreeze of different colors.

This is due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition. The substances included in the liquid are able to enter into an undesirable reaction, depriving the products of the properties laid in them. However, some formulations are among themselves neutral and do not influence each other, therefore it is worth knowing what can be mixed with a red antifreeze or liquid of another color, and with which it is categorically not worth doing.

The main task of antifreeze is the heat dissipation from the cylinder block. The main difference from the water lies in stable work under reduced temperatures, which allows you to easily operate the car and during frosts.

The manufacturers of cooling liquids cost different purposes. Most often it is possible to achieve the execution of such parameters:

  • ensuring neutrality with respect to metal elements;
  • simpleness to the reaction with rubber gaskets and pipelines;
  • lack of insoluble precipitation during operation, etc.

A successful result helps the composition of additives affecting the properties of the fluid.

Some time ago, manufacturers used color differentiation for their products. Then the question of whether it is possible to mix red and green antifreeze, received a unambiguous negative answer. This was due to the fact that the reddish shades spoke about the acid composition of the product, and the use of green or blue tone indicated a silicate composition. The main popular brands hold this method now.

All the compositions available in the market are designed to response excess heat from the motor both in summer and in winter. In this case, in any conditions, physico-chemical parameters and the composition should not change dramatically. This applies to the fullest and to domestic Tosol.

In practice, laboratories are laid significantly more predicted operational parameters:

  • resistance to the occurrence of foam;
  • lack of occurrence of solid particles after long work;
  • anticorrosion resistance, etc.

One brands have a more resistant product, others do not always succeed in achieving the positive. Tosol is cheaper in comparison with foreign counterparts are more susceptible to foaming and has a minimal set of additives. It limits its scope of use especially for modern cars with turbines.

Thinking over whether it is possible to interfere with the antifreeze of different colors, it is worth considering that different companies have a liquid service life may differ. Cheaper samples serve 50-60 thousand km of run, and the motorcycle of the quality product reaches 130-160 thousand km. Although in most cases the basis for the composition is ethylene glycol.

This component allows the use of antifreeze in any conditions, not surviving for freezing. It is worth considering that without additional use of additives, ethylene glycol quickly forms corrosion foci on metal surfaces. In this regard, special chemical additives are used.

Correct Color Gamut

Having received information about the composition of the liquid, some owners already independently determine the possibilities of mixing. It is important to pay attention to the recommendations of car manufacturers, which indicate the desired composition and sometimes the color of the consuming.

This is due to the fact that autocompany test their products for compatibility with popular motors coolers. Based on long testing, machine performance is determined, risk of corrosion or compatibility with other additives. It also allows you to determine the interaction with other similar fluids.

It is important to know that the color of antifreeze will not be able to determine its quality, since this feature It only applies to conditionally information and does not have a significant impact on the chemical composition.

What will happen if mixing antifreeze of different colors

The car must be supported in the installed cooler level for the engine. When it decreases below the critical mark, the driver must add the corresponding composition into the system.

If you use a different liquid for this purpose, the operational parameters may deteriorate, including rapid foaming or precipitation due to the chemical reaction of additives. Negative factors occur are capable of not instantly, but after some time.

For a non-breaking trip, for example, in case of unforeseen emergency situations and operation on gentle modes, experienced drivers can pour another liquid that are not recommended by manufacturers. If it is supposed to be long-term exploitation, it is not worth risking.

Determining why it is impossible to mix antifreeze of different colors, it is necessary to pay attention to the pump capable of quickly fails due to corrosion or precipitation. However, in such cases it is worth paying attention not so much on the color differences as the chemical composition.

To understand whether it is possible to mix blue and green antifreeze, it is important to read the labels from them. After all, even with a different visual marker, fluid can be identical to components. It is also not always a single-color product possesses similar parameters.

What and when motorists are poured into the cooling system

Often the change of antifreeze refers to seasonal events. Also, the fill is carried out when replacing the radiator. Most motorists are trying to update everything after the purchase of a used car. technical fluids, including cooling system.

The main division between labeling techniques is to specify the class: G11, G12, G13. The first type is the cheapest, it belongs to the domestic Tosol, etc., in the minimum of additives and additives. In the second more expensive class there are carboxylate chemical types that promote protection against rust and better heat sink.

The most environmentally friendly group G13, made on the basis of polypropylene glycol. It is non-toxic and has a large set of advantages, in comparison with other groups. It is her that recommend leading automakers. The abundance of chemistry producers reduced color gradation to a minimum. The color has become more conventional.

However, proven old companies still have visual markers, which can be trusted. Most often such systems are used:

  • G11 - green;
  • G12 - red;
  • G13 - purple or brown.

It is believed that G11 takes any analogues to itself. In G12, it is not worth adding the "eleven", but add "twnet" or G12 with pluses can be. In G13 it is necessary to pour only the "thirteen", but the composition itself is allowed to add almost any antifreeze.

Mixing antifreeze of different colors, especially if G12 is yellow, and G13 blue can lead to breakage. But the top of the Green 11th of the 13th is unlikely to have some negative impact.

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