Home Heating Replacing the wheels to winter with their own hands. How to change the tubeless tires. How to change the camera or tire on a bike: Step by step instructions

Replacing the wheels to winter with their own hands. How to change the tubeless tires. How to change the camera or tire on a bike: Step by step instructions

For the normal operation of the car periodically it is necessary to replace and install high-quality tires. This is a practically simple process, but not all car enthusiasts can cope with it, it applies to newbies.

Usually the replacement is performed for certain reasons:

  • serious deformation or seating of several tires without the possibilities of their repair and recovery;
  • strong wear of one or more tires;
  • seasonal replacement of summer rubber on winter or vice versa.

To produce competent work on the replacement of rubber, you must comply with the recommendations and rules. Otherwise, it can lead to a wheel on the track and a serious accident.

First of all, you need to know that the installed tires must correspond to the total size and characteristics recommended from the manufacturer of the car. There may be small differences, but not more than 2%.

General properties and dimensions are indicated in the operating instructions vehicle. If there are no such, use the auto dealer's recommendation.

On the next Stage It is necessary to learn the load index of the tire installed, as well as high-speed characteristics. They should not be less than the parameters specified in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Replacing tires can be produced with large index indicators, but not with less demands. Usually indexes are indicated in the instruction manual for the car.

Next, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the air pressure in the tires. Indicators must be completely identical to the factory parameters. Otherwise, the wheel can be subjected to serious deformation and burst when driving on a passenger car.

In the case when the tires are too pinched or, on the contrary, have a smaller amount of air, it will negatively affect the vehicle stability indicators and its high control characteristics. Tire pressure indicators are specified in auto operating instructions.

Now select another an important rulewhich should be used by novice and experienced auto owners when installing a complete set of tires: purchasing tires, you need to make sure that the planting and departure characteristics and departure correspond to the factory vehicle parameters.

If such properties do not match, it will negatively affect the controllability of the car and will quickly lead to the deformation of the automotive suspension. General characteristics Departure and landing are indicated by the manufacturer of the tires and the plant, where vehicles are produced.

Replacing tires due to strong wear

On any type passenger cars The front tires are most often deformed, since the front leading bridges are installed on most passenger vehicles. Respectively, rear wheels They are subject to smaller wear.

Many owners often try to regularly replace the front rubber, and the rear leave for another few seasons.

But in this situation, each lover car should be aware that the absolute indicators of safe and reliable ride will be achieved only through the use of all 4 tires with the same treads.

Naturally, the tires are expensive products and not everyone can afford to carry out regular replacement of products, especially in full configuration.

In such a situation, you can divide the installation of tires into two stages. To begin with, the replacement of front rubber is performed and the rear tires are installed after a certain period of time. However, all processes are recommended to perform only with identical pairs of tires.

Replacement of automotive rubber with a serious defect

If the installation work on the installation of new tires has to do urgently due to the deformation of older, then a certain rule should be known. Regardless of the model or brand of tires, the thickness of all four protector must be identical to each other.

If only one bus is spoiled and it is impossible to repair, then you should use at least a pair of new ones.

It is possible to replace only one damaged bus only in that situation, if the kit is completely new and managed to travel only a few hundred kilometers.

In this situation, the vehicle owner can purchase only a similar tire and install it instead of damaged, not afraid for the loss of quality management and safety during the ride.

When the motorist managed to drive more than 1000 km, it is no longer possible to replace only one bus. The protector is quickly erased, and the balance will probably lose when installing only one new one.

Installing new rubber on disk

Immediately before installing the new tire, you need to make a detailed check of its state.

The disk check is performed for serious defects, curvature, as well as wear of the cloud and rim. It is recommended to eliminate additional cargoes, balancing the wheel and the valve at the moment of replacing the old rubber. This procedure is performed only in the situation when the tire has no camera.

When installed new tire It is advisable to take into account the labeling in the form of color marks applied to its surface. They indicate the main director of rotation in the form of an arrow on the side part.

The fulfillment of simpler and easy installation of the tire is directly interconnected with the application of individual spots on its side or the use of soap fluid. However, you should not overdo it with lubricant, because the rubber will start sliding on the disk rim.

Installing a new rubber on the disk is performed in the opposite direction relative to the dismantling. First you need to wear a bus on one side of the disk rim, and then put the camera. Moreover, the valve should get into a small hole of the rim. At the next stage, installing the second sidewall rubber.

How to puncture rubber properly for reliable rim additive

Thus, the tire is well put on the rim, after which the air pressure should be reduced to the desired parameters. It is important here to take into account the fact that the pressure is measured at the moment when the tire is installed on the wheel when the automotive weight is observed.

For tubeless tires, this process is a bit more complicated. Simple pumping nanos or a special compressor will not be able to use until the side of the rubber will be completely leaning up to the disk rim, since the air actively penetrates through the gap between it and the tire.

You can use an alternative method: to pump up a vehicle tire up to four atmospheres. After that, we remove the hose and one of its ends install on the mounted rubber valve.

It is first necessary to promote nipple and part of the hose with a special fitting insert into the tire pumped.

Then, how the fitting will be installed, the main part of the air will penetrate into the beless-free rubber and set it into place due to the stabilization of pressure. On the automotive hundred for pumping wheels use original compressors with large receivers.

However, this task can be implemented and yourself, if you show some skill and logic. Also, do not forget that after installing new rubber, the wheel is balancing.

Rubber on the front axle of the vehicle

Each owner I. experienced motorist He knows that the front rubber should be changed at the very beginning. Since the car is exposed to a large drift when driving on the worn back tires, there is a big risk of deformation and rupture of the front wheels.

In that situation when tires are broken on front wheel, accidents without serious consequences can no longer be avoided.

Basically, the causes of strong wear of the front rubber are associated with maximum loads on the axis and regular rotations of the steering system.

Since regular front wheels are subject to serious impact and subsequently burst, then higher requirements in terms of reinforced strength and reliability are presented.

To reduce the risks of puncture and deformation, the front rubber must be changed with pairwise tires. The level of controllability of the car depends on the competent selection of the tire.

Just at this time of the year, motorists are thinking about the way it's time to change the rubber. So, you can observe big queues on tires. This is, in truth, their golden time. And they are enriched on it, during this period of time, very well. But, why spend money, trust your car to someone else, and even wait in line, if you can change the rubber yourself? Our article will just tell us today about how it is done correctly.

To begin with, it should be understood that it is not so difficult to change the rubber on the car as it may seem at first glance. Yes, some glamor girl schoolgirl is unlikely to cope with this business. But you are - a man! So, you can change the tires on the car with your own hands.

If you have discs and summer, and on winter tires, I hope to change wheels, you do not need to tell. With this, perhaps the above-described girl can cope. We consider the situation in which disks you have only 4 pieces. For all seasons.

Rubber change instructions

For these purposes, you will need the following tools:

Pair of mounts (about 30 centimeters in length);

Hammer (with this, I hope there will be no problems);

Moistened with conventional water and smeared sponge (especially) soap.

Note that the tubeless bus lock on the disk will be more difficult than chamber. Nevertheless, when most of the work is behind, it will only be enough to pump up the most ordinary pump used for such purposes, or by the compressor. By the way, how to choose winter tires, we have already told you.

First step

First you should pull the rubber on the disks. Believe me, it's not so tiring as you can imagine. Lay on the floor some rag sufficient sizes and place a disk on it back side. Now your task is to moisten the disk and rubber with soap solution. Those places that will touch.

Note that some lubricants (so many people do not think) is better not to use. Walk soap. Lubricants leave the likelihood that with a sharp braking of the tire scrolles around its axis, across the disk. Do we need it?

Second Step

So, we continue the conversation on how to change the rubber itself. Put the bus to the disk. Evenly and gently pressed the legs on it. Do not overdo it. Hope you do not weigh 250 kilograms?

Keep in mind that in this way it will be possible to wear only part of the tire. Ideally and immediately it is unlikely to succeed. Next you will need to use the hammer and moth. Insert the latter between the rubber and the disk, and then with exact and neat hammer blows try to bring the mount to the breakpoint point of the rubber. Your task is to get closer to this point at least 2-4 centimeters, and then pull the rubber to the disk manually or legs. The main thing - be careful and do not damage the disk with a hammer or mont. Powerful and squeezed blows here.

Third and last step

We almost told you how to change the rubber on the car itself. Only the last stage remained. The previous step is to replace rubber on disks, can take about two hours at you. Agree, as for a beginner, it is not so much. However, you must ensure that the air can not leak through the gaps between the tire cord and the rim.

Well, now, just pumped and put the wheel. I think you yourself will figure it out. As you can see, everything is not so scary. However, many of you may have this instruction seemed quite complicated. Not trouble, you can always entrust this business to the masters on a tireboard that certainly know what they are doing, and have more modern methods and tools.

And vice versa. Mechanics services on a tire station and an hour-and-and-and-a half time. Total worries. Given that almost all car enthusiasts, buying seasonal rubber on the car, acquire the second set wheel disks. After assembling and installation, further rubber shifts are reduced to the replacement of the wheels at the appropriate season of the mounted rubber. The removed wheels after washing and drying are deposited into a secluded place, as a rule, to the basement. Conditions in the normal ventilated basement are most suitable for storing replaceable rubber.

Some drivers because of their ability to plan and organize work week a week, bring replaceable wheels On the tires in advance. Wheels are inspected and balanced, pumped up the necessary pressure and set the owner upon arrival.

The question of time has always been painful. On the day off, I don't really want to lose precious time on the routine, full of different things and problems. Moreover, combine the change of rubber and departure with the family in a shopping trip. It will not work out - the trunk will be clogged with shift rubber wheels. The reserve and tools will have to shift into the interior of the car. In addition, when you need to "rebuild" the machine in connection with the dropped snow, a holler or a sharp decrease in temperature, on the tire station will be a decent queue of those who want.

Usually, when the situation on the road is already critical and put off the replacement of rubber is simply unsafe, go to the tire station to come after work, in dark time day. After a couple of hours waiting in the queue, the worker at the station will show a place where they will transfer your "seagull, will take a set of rubber from you and offered to wait for half an hour or a watch.

As a rule, the main platform in the box, on which car service takes place, clogged with "serious" machines. For ordinary customers, the adjacent area of \u200b\u200basphalt parking is proposed. Usually such places are poorly illuminated, at best there is a pair of lanterns to illuminate surveillance cameras. For the wizard, the lack of normal lighting is not a hindrance at all.

In the heat of "conveyor hotness" most of the operations to unscrew the fastening of the wheel and the subsequent replacement to the new, they can do with their eyes closed to the touch. What, by the way, very often happens at the end of the shift, what can you do - people are not robots and heavy physical work exhausts even young and hardened guys. Their earnings directly depends on the number of customers served. The period when drivers change seasonal rubber, they are as important for them, as for specialists in Richtovka car facing the first season, a true ice called, called the "Day of Tinsmith".

During this period, in a tire station, everyone is in a hurry. We hurry clients who are full of affairs and there is no desire to wait in line. We hurry the workers and the masters, the fear of losing customers and earnings, so everyone is trying to work with minimal loss of strength and time.

There are many adverse factors, the quality of work falls. Therefore, do not be lazy to take advantage of a sauced flashlight and carefully inspect the results of the work:

  • First. Make sure that your car has installed your rubber. There are no damage, fresh cuts on rubber, the level of air pressure corresponds to the required norm. Pay attention to the latest weightless loads for disks. They should be firmly fixed and not to act down the fingertips.
  • Second. Check the presence of all nuts on wheels. Nuts must be relatives if the substitution occurred, immediately call the wizard and bring all attachments into the completeness.
  • Third. With the help of a balloon key again "TURE" all nuts. There are many cases when the car lost from the tire station lost control and fell into an accident due to not twisted properly fastening nuts.

We pass the car yourself

Many of the motorists produce shift seasonal rubber Alone in the conditions of the garage. Moreover, most of the operations can be held for a couple of weeks earlier than the moment of replacement.

The wheels are removed from the storage location, pumped slightly more norms, carefully wipe with dry clean rag and inspect. If the state of rubber does not require an intervention of a specialist, sends the wheels to balancing. Checking the wheels on the imbalance must be done regularly, the frequency depends on the quality of roads and run. But in any case, when changing rubber, balancing is extremely necessary.

It is not required to change the wheels of special skills and knowledge, it is enough to follow simple rules. Having loosening the fastening of the wheel nuts using a balloon key, we set the jack in such a way that the support of the lifting part of the jack is barely concerned the point of the application's body to the car body. As a rule, the manufacturer determines the place of installation of the jack in the schemes and technical descriptions To the car. The sole or support plate of the jack should be based on a dry smooth plot with a solid coating. Before lifting, be sure to check the gearbox lever must be installed on the first or rear speed. Under the free wheels additionally install wooden bars to prevent the possible movement of the machine during the jack.

With the help of a jack, a wheel with a separation over the support surface for a couple of centimeters, under the bottom of the car you need to install a reliable metal support, a duplicate jack. "Professionals", as a rule, do not make this, neglecting safety rules. With the help of a balloon key or hand remove the fastening nuts and remove the wheel.

With the help of the lantern, the elements of the suspension are examined, first of all - the absence of spots from the leakage of technological fluids, the integrity of rubber covers and seals. If there are traces of rust and corrosion on the wheel hub elements - they must be removed with a rigid brush and treat the surface with a protective composition, can with silicone aerosol. The latter does not concern brake discs. Usually additionally check the condition of plastic or composite protection arches of the wing, no cracks and damage.

If everything is in order - set the wheel with the appropriate rubber and spin the hand of the nut until it stops. Called key slightly increase the moment of twisting. Now you can clean additional support and lower the wheel.

After performing a similar procedure with all the wheels, using a balloon key in turns all nuts on wheels. At the same time, from one to another nut follow the diagonal, increasing the tightening torque. The procedure must be performed by the queues with all the wheels.

The wheels removed must be thoroughly wash the water under pressure and dried in a closed room. Experts recommend to store rubber in a vertically position, pre-packing into dark polyethylene or special covers. With proper storage, high-quality rubber practically does not lose its properties and serves a long time.

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In the instructions of the tire manufacturers it is said that it is necessary to transfer it when the temperature becomes below + 7 ° C. In my opinion, it is too early. Around on the roads there are still a lot of cars on summer rubber. And at this temperature, the braking path on your studded tires may be even more.

I advise you to change the wheels for the winter, when a negative temperature will be installed at night. Then it's really time, because in the morning on the roads there may be an icing plot. At the same time, it will seem very slippery with unusual.

Why make the car itself?

It is then to do that in the most correct and convenient time. Weather vanges are unpredictable. Residents of the Rostov region, for example, tell that sometimes winter Move the wheels from the winter on the summer and back several times.

(that is, dismantling the tire with wheel Disc) At home - a difficult occupation that requires relevant skills and knowledge. We describe more simple workWith which any average motorist who does not have special tools and work experience on the tire terminal must cope with the theory. Therefore, I mean that you have a complete set of good winter tires mounted on disks. You remember that in the spring they did not lose pressure, there are no cuts on them, and a couple of screws do not stick out from the tread in addition to the spike. And, most importantly, the tread height is more than 4 mm. These are modern requirements for winter tires. If at least one of the conditions is broken, then the problem is better to solve before the occurrence of a hot tire season.

Balancing or not?

There are car owners who are pedantically balancing tires before each season. In my opinion, this is not justified. I recommend installing the wheels on the car, then drive with different speeds, but not higher than your usual. If the imbalance (it is manifested by vibrations on the steering wheel or seat) is not felt, then balancing can be postponed to future seasons. In principle, you can balance the winter tires before laying for storage: after all, the spring period of replacing the wheels in tires is more stretched over time in comparison with autumn, and therefore the queues are noticeably less.

What pressure is put in tires?

So, we get the wheel from the repository. One is the corner of the garage, the other is a balcony, the third is the store of the nearest car service that provides the storage of wheels. Depending on the storage conditions, the tires can be different temperatures. Wheels extracted from warm premises, cooling 20 ° C, lose about 0.2 pressure bars, and gradually, as cool. Well, there is nothing cold to lose! Therefore, the cold can immediately pump up to, well, maybe at 0.1-0.2 bars more, given that it will only be cold. And warm tires need or inflated with a large margin immediately, or put pressure at the end of all works when the air will be cooled into them.

How to change the wheels?

We find a flat platform with solid coating. If you change the wheels in two times a year, I also advise you to get a comfortable jack. At least small and inexpensive, but rigging. He is noticeably more reliable and durable to the regular one who has been equipped with your car. It is advisable to use a cruciform or with an elongated handle - it is more convenient than the regular attached to the car.

Prepare the stop under the wheel - yes, at least half a brick. Inspect the secret key for damaged code elements and clean the secrecy nuts / bolts on all wheels.

If the Winter Wheel Set Other disk characteristics, remember whether the spacer rings are needed between the disk and the protrusion of the hub - they should be prepared in advance.

  1. If the tires with the directional pattern of the tread, strictly select the wheels in the direction of rotation. Two right wheels and two left. Arrow on the sidewall to us in the hell. To install on the front axis, we try to choose less worn tires.
  2. The steering wheel orient directly, the wasting engine, install the car on hand brake. ACP selector in Parking position if the car is mechanical box Transmissions, then lever leave for transmission. Place the focus on the wheel, located diagonally from the one we are going to shoot.
  3. Under the reinforced place on the verge of car. It is usually indicated by a triangle on the threshold or well forgivers on the flap. We raise the car a little jack, but not before the wheel is separated. We turn off the fully secret nut / bolt. Weakening the remaining fastening elements on the floor turnover.
  4. We post the wheel completely with the help of a jack and remove it. While the wheel is removed, it is convenient to evaluate the condition of the pads, the brake disc and the brake hose, and many cars can still be examined by the shruster boot and the stabilizer rack transverse stability. We clean the flushing surface of the hub from the mud with a metal brush and applied a thin layer of lubrication. Better special, copper.
  5. We put the wheel S. winter tire. Put fasteners and tighten it evenly crosswise, or as the star paints. Lower the wheel to the ground and finally tighten the fasteners. Do not overdo it. Almost all cars, except for large SUVs, the tightening torque does not exceed 100-110 N ∙ m. That is, an effort should not exceed 20 kg on a convenient half-meter key. It is not worth jumping on the key! The secret is tightened by the last and slightly smaller moment than the other nuts / bolts.
  6. One wheel is replaced. We repeat the procedure three more times - and that's it. We are ready for the winter when they decided it for themselves, and not when they were in line in the tire terminal.

Just in case, after the first trip, check the tightening of the fasteners of the wheels, and the next morning - tire pressure.

  • How to choose a good tire fitting? We told about it.

Immediately, let's say that we strongly recommend performing independent replacement of rubber, because this process will not provide due secure on the road. You can perform a high-quality tire in your garage only if you have a machine for balancing the wheels and a sufficient amount of weights that will help perform this balancing process. Otherwise, you will clearly do not come out to fulfill all the processes qualitatively, the steering wheel will tap, and when braking you will feel the vibration of the entire car. Therefore, it is extremely recommended to change the rubber with your own hands.

But there are different situations. It is sometimes it turns out that on the road the tire fails, and there is no spare wheel, only a set for the repair of the tire can be found in the trunk. Repair some rupture is impossible without removing the wheel. Sometimes we just do not have the ability to use the services of tires. In such cases, you can apply own forces and change rubber.

What instruments and conditions are needed for self-replacement of rubber?

This process is quite simple if you do not complicate it with ineptive actions. To fulfill you, you will not need a huge set of tools. You need to think immediately how you will perform the pumping of the wheel, because it is necessary to gain enough pressure so that the car can be normally operated.

Also remember that rubber and disk need to be lubricated to achieve normal installation without any damage. Therefore, a small, but specific set of tools, which will help you get the necessary working conditions, are needed for tires at home. Get around the following devices and materials for performing the work:

  • directly new tires for putting on the disk;
  • flat mount that will help dismantle old rubber and put on a new one;
  • soap solution for disk lubrication and direct rubber edges;
  • pump for pumping the wheel - it is desirable to have a compressor at the disposal;
  • about an hour of free time, if you have skills like this work.

In the absence of skills, you will have to spend about two hours of time, because each wheel requires a certain attention, it is not worth a hurry in this process. It is necessary to perform high-quality installation, make sure that in any place the tire does not pass the air. In this case, you will have to access specialists to eliminate the problem.

Also working with the tires is necessary enough to not damage the rubber. Especially careful worth being when tightening the tire on the rim of the wheel. In this moment, experts use special equipment that automatically performs necessary work. And in the absence of such equipment, the process can slightly harm rubber.

The process of dismantling rubber with their own hands in the conditions of the garage

First you need to raise on the jack and securely secure one side of the car. Make sure that the car is stable, because when dropping to unprotected suspension, certain destruction may occur. Then you need to remove the wheel, unscrew the holding bolts. The installation process is better to do away from the car, because when performing work, some tools can fly and damage the body of the car.

Next, completely lower the wheel and with the help of a flat longitudinal part of the mount push into a part near the rim. It is necessary to tear the accurate rubber from the metal rim to dismantle the old tire. Such a procedure must be carried out on both sides of the rim. Next, perform the following actions:

  • we subscribe a flat mounting edge of rubber and deposited outside the rim;
  • a large screwdriver or other tool support rubber so that it does not slip back;
  • i get a mount and insert a little from the screwdriver, continuing to get rubber from the rim;
  • when the first side of the rubber is released from the disk, it is necessary to remove the second edge by the mount using the mount;
  • next, with the help of hands, you can easily remove the old rubber from the disk.

Be careful when performing this task. Especially in the event that you want to use rubber next year. First, make sure that no tool flew out of rubber and did not shoot the surrounding objects. Also, see not to break the rubber, do not damage it.

With the help of mounting, it is impossible to make too great efforts, otherwise this process will end spoiled rubber. Dismantling B. this case It is one of the most important processes and complex tasks. Mock new rubber It will be much easier and faster.

We produce installation of new rubber

When the disc is free from the old tire, you can install a new bus. To do this, lubricate the extreme parts of the rim and tires with soap solution. This procedure will help get a more dense contact and a soft shrinkage of rubber. The installation procedure is quite simple, it will not become a big problem, however, everything needs to be performed in accordance with the requirements. Installation process Next:

  • lubricate the rubber and rim with soap solution, place the rim in the horizontal position on a solid basis;
  • put the rubber on top, defining the direction of rotation in advance (indicated on the side of the tire);
  • hands start one side of the tire on the rim, and at the last point, use the mounting for mounting;
  • next, using the mount alternately, wear one part of the second side of the tire;
  • the next step will be the pumping of the tire, in the process of which the tire will become in its place;
  • next, check the lack of descent and other problems.

To perform tire pumping, it is better to use an automatic compressor, because a manual or foot pump will have to be used sufficiently long, which will increase the costs of time for tires. Remember that with every opportunity after such a replacement of the tires, you need to contact the specialists and carry out the wheel balancing. Otherwise, the rubber will be eaten unevenly, and at high speeds you will feel certain problems with management and comfort.

Of course, our people can come up with a tire machine from the old broken column and make the procedure as follows:

Let's sum up

To perform an independent tireage, you need to possess small set tools and sufficient amount of free time. This is a simple procedure, it does not need certain specific skills for its execution. But it is possible to resort to the ability to perform this task only if you do not have another concerns about replacing rubber. This is a temporary measure that will only help at a certain time to get the opportunity to operate the car.

After a certain period, you must contact a professional tire and perform the wheel balancing. It is simply impossible to produce this procedure with qualitatively without specialized equipment. Therefore, it is better to give preference to specialists.

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