Home Heating Drilling disks Renault Logan. What is the size of the disks on Reno Logan? On what to pay attention when choosing winter tires

Drilling disks Renault Logan. What is the size of the disks on Reno Logan? On what to pay attention when choosing winter tires

Renault Logan - a dream car. Of course, a great tuning is suitable for this car, well, and the discs are one of its main elements. The special style of the car will attach exactly the size of the disks, and on Renault Logan options there is a huge amount. I would like to start with the fact that the easiest and most inexpensive version in this business is station discs, In common, known as "stamping". Stable size Renault disks Logan R14 and R15.

Of course, alloy wheels, which have special attractiveness, cannot be bypass. Let's start with the smallest size of the discs is the fourteenth. Discs with such a size on Renault Logan are good for any type of route, be it gravel, asphalt, sand or earth. The driver feels perfectly the road, in the cabin not audible noise and no vibration.

Fifteenth size discs on Renault Logan have amazing softness compared to other cars of the same class. The size of the disk clearly changes the type of car, R15 gives an advantage in height. If we talk about the sensitivity of the car to different types Roads, the big change in comparison with R14 is not observed. The larger size of the disks will not affect the style of the ride, will not reduce comfort in the cabin. What will change is the speed, more precisely the acceleration of the car will be much faster.

Now the largest among all is the sixteenth size. The beauty of such discs is dazzling, it fascinates. Renault Logan with such a size of disks is no longer similar to its fellow who have a smaller size.

Of course, with such dimensions for different routes you will not go, the city roads are best smooth surface, without any irregularities. When moving on such disks on a not very good road, the car starts shaking, the driver feels every irregularity.

In addition, the suspension will be very quickly in disrepair. The choice of disks on Renault Logan is huge, and before purchasing discs of any size, you need to decide exactly exactly and where you will move by car.

Wheel Dial Markings on Renault Logan

Disc: 5,5H2 ET 43 Dia 60.1 PDL 100 × 4
5.5H2 ET 43 DIA 60.1 PDL 100 × 4 DISC Marking Indicates: DISP with a diameter of 14 inches, 5.5 inches wide having 4 mounting holes located on circle 100, disk removal of 43 mm, hole diameter for hub 60.1 mm.

Disc: 6J15 ET 50 Dia 60.1 PDL 100 × 4
Disc marking 6J15 ET 50 DIA 60.1 PDL 100 × 4 Indicates: a disk with a diameter of 15 inches, a 6-inch width, which has 4 mounting holes located on the circle 100, discount 50 mm, the diameter of the hub of 60.1 mm.

When changing the seasons, the owners of almost all cars are forced to "re-over" their "iron horses". To do this, you should clearly know which size of the tires that must be replaced. This fact is also valid for the owners of Renault Logan. This model is now coming from assembly conveyors of six countries. Despite such "multinationality", for Renault Logan in the basic version, including tires of summer 185/65, for which the manufacturer uses R14 or R15 discs.

Subtleties of specifics and sizes

The specific components of the model under consideration provides for the presence in the factory version of durable, but do not have sufficient aesthetic disks. This encourages many owners to resort to the replacement of these elements on the analogues like. Also owners are faced with the need for passing replacement and it is important for this to know which tire size of the model. Here an important point will be proper selection Tread pattern, which affects not only high-speed parameters, but also on stability, as well as noise.

To do right choice and replacement of discs or tires summer or winter (sets), it is necessary to clearly follow certain rules.

  1. W. original disk There are data regarding holes for fastening studs, central cuts for a hub nut, etc.
  2. The disk must have the parameter of the planting radius, varying within 14-15 inches.
  3. What size of tires should be applied: 180/70, 170/70 and 190/70 (all for R14 or R15).
  4. The most adapted for Renault Logan so-called summer and winter tires has labeling "80", which means
    Load index. There is no compulsory marker here - "T".
  5. An extremely undesirable action will be the use of non-core tires.

In the standard version of Renault Logan there are discs made of sheet steel. These products are given preference when driving in winter time. For the summer season, most owners seek to replace the factory "stamping" to more attractive alloy or rolled wheel "rollers".

Also a popular measure today is the installation of tubeless tires. Their size is basically 165/80 R14, but an installation is allowed 175/70 or 185/70.

This samples will be canceled by the discs with the labeling "5.5JX14".

Wheels "6JX15" What is the size of the tire fits? Those that possess the dimension of 185/65 R15.

For a clear understanding of the essence of the designations, we give their decoding:

  • figures "14" and "15" mean radius (in inches);
  • "J5.5" or "J6" indicate the width of the rubber (also in inch expression).

Based on the "encryptions" we can specify any of the previously specified elements of rubber, namely:

  • 165 or 185 - a parameter that determines the value of the width;
  • 65, 70 or 80 - Profile height characteristic, expressed in percentage ratio from width;
  • 14 or 15 are disk radii.

What types of rubber give preference to the owner of Renault Logan: R14 or R15?

During the purchase of a particular car, the Buyer should familiarize themselves with all the options available for its tires, and understand what kind of tire size is to buy. By selecting the optimal version by parameters and comparing its data with tires installed initially by the manufacturer, you can independently make a right solution.

Rubber on spikes

Many are inclined to approve that studded winter tires is the top of sustainability on the road to ice. Is it really?

The spikes in the protectors allow you to ensure confidence in the efficiency of braking in the icy road. On the naked asphalt coating, this winter tires are prone to noise and has a much higher than the magnitude of the braking path. This circumstance is not a reason to acquire expensive summer tires having factory spikes. The procedure for installing spikes is actually carried out by its own way. Means are saved, and the effect is identical.

The role of a compromise solution has always performed all-season tires. Energetic "pilots" they will not fit and conjugate with the risk of stability during maneuvering. This option is more suitable for non-spiritual drivers. In order to achieve comfort in combination with security, only competently selected tire variants should be purchased.

Tires without spikes

If the exploitation of Renault Logan in winter implies the absence of heavy snowfalls or ice highways, the use of tires with a lack of spikes will be a rational solution. The armed spikes will be harder to cope with dry asphalt when braking or maneuvering in rotary zigzags. This effect is explained by the decrease in the contact area of \u200b\u200bthe tire and the road surface.

In the case of purchasing an impossible ham wheel tires We recommend detailed to select the type of tread pattern. A directional pattern will be more relevant to tires operating in the conditions of southern regions, where the attribute of winter weather is wet snow. This feature The tread is capable of ensuring an effective removal of slush from under the opposite surface of the wheel, which significantly improves the adhesion with the road web.

How to choose winter tires?

Most often, the owners resort to replace tires into the off-day period. To install the appropriate tires, you need to have knowledge of the sizes of discs.

  1. The 14-inch discs are optimally suitable tires with parameters: 185/70 or 165/80 and R14 radius.
  2. For 15-inch elements, you can apply tires with dimension: 185/65 or 185/70 (both options R15).

Regulatory prescription manufacturer for pumping tire Renault. Logan defined pressure values \u200b\u200bin the following values:

  1. 2.0 bar (around the perimeter), if 14-inch discs are installed;
  2. 2.2 Bar for tires feed and 2.0 bar at the tires front (for R15).

In addition to the dimension factor when buying tires for car Renault. Logan must not discount such important criteria as the material that is laid by the manufacturer in the structure, summer tires and winter products differ in terms of softness and other properties, so each of these options are subject to use in strict compliance with the specific season. Summer, in contrast to which winter tires is more rigid, so in frosty time hardens that negatively affects stability.

Fans of innovation, inclined to buy all-season options, should be reminded that this kind of tires can be safely operated at external temperatures not exceeding minus 20 CO.

Winter tires with a greater share of probability protect the owner and its satellites. Savings in this situation are inappropriate. At the heart of the structure winter rubber There is a presence of wear-resistant rubber compounds, providing on the road:

  • excellent adaptability to iced or snow-covered;
  • minimum brake distances;
  • security and confidence in motion.


In the direction of what type of tires (R14 or R15) to incline the scale of the scales, decides each individual owner Renault. Logan. We should not forget about the correctness of the required pressure in the tires, as well as the applicability of each type ("Summer / Winter") only during the corresponding season.

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Standard Wheels of the 14th Radius

The first parameter to be paid attention to, is the height and width of the tire, and this is the manufacturer's factory (gives clear recommendations, what kind of tire size is designed for cars with a specific wheel size., This is one of the most popular methods.

In the case of a 15-inch wheels with a diameter of 15 inches, the following parameters are used: 185/65 R15.

And in the case when the wheels have the standard 14th radius size will be: 165/80 R14, 185/70 R14.

Standard Wheels of the 15th Radius

  • R14 - 5,5H2 ET 43 DIA 60.1 PDL 100 × 4.
  • R15 - 6J15 ET 50 DIA 60.1 PDL 100 × 4.

What to pay attention to when choosing summer tires on Renault Logan?

First of all, you need to remember what more expensive tire, it will be better and more durable. In the manufacture of tires dear Marks Advanced I. modern technologieswhich affect only in positive side When operating it. Thus, it is safe to say that the price is a determining factor in the selection of tires!

Tires with a similar pattern have both their drawbacks and advantages. The most fundamental advantages include a small price and reliability in operation. And the shortcomings can be attributed the smallest performance indicators in contrast to tires equipped with a directional and asymmetrical pattern.

A similar type of tires have its own feature, since the picture has a specific direction, it follows only in a certain direction, which is indicated by the arrow on the bus housing. The minus of a similar tire is the inability to rearrange them on one side to another and back, because at the same time challenges The car is significantly worse and the wear of the tire will be significantly increased.

Tires of this type have a feature in the tire installation in a certain way. On each side of the tire there is an inscription:

  • In Side. - The party should be directed inside the car.
  • Out Side - This should look out.

If you neglect these rules, the tire wear will increase, and the indicators will deteriorate during the ride.

What summer tires are better (survey)?

What to pay attention to the selection of winter tires?

Just as in the choice of summer tires - the price and manufacturer are the main indicator in its choice. Further, winter tires are studded and so-called "velcro".

Top Winter Tires Season 2015/2016 Nokian Hakkapeliitta. 8.

Here the main indicator number of spikes in rubber and the quality of rubber itself. After all, these indicators are very important when the car moves along the icing and snow-covered roadway.


As you might see for yourself, knowing all the necessary parameters for your car approach the tire selection, it is purely individually, based on your own needs, wealth and pursued goals. It is important to remember only one thing that should not save on those elements of the car, from which traffic safety directly depends on.

The change of seasons is forcing the owners of Renault Logan "Publish" your cars. But for this, first of all, it is necessary to know the "shoe size" of its "horse". Today, this model is collected in six different countries. However, despite this, basic equipment It always has wheels, the dimension of which is 185/65, and the landing diameter corresponds to R14 or R15.

Specificity and sizes

Given the specifics of the assembly of Renault Logan, car enthusiasts are forced to change discs (by 14 or 15 inches) immediately after purchasing transport. Since the automaker sets durable, though absolutely not having aesthetic species, the owner replaces the wheels on the ones that he likes more. However, a more aesthetic option is not always suitable for this model. From the pattern of the tread R14 or R15 depends on the level of asphalt, fuel consumption. That is why, changing regular tires (14 or 15), or discs on the car, it is necessary to strictly follow certain requirements.

  1. The original disk contains data on the available bolts, the diameter of the central (main) hole, as well as other necessary information.
  2. The disk must have a landing diameter that does not exceed 15 inches, but not less than 14.
  3. For use, tires with tread width 180/70, 170/70, 190/70 R14 or R15 can be used.
  4. The maximum suitable for Renault Logan Rubber is indicated by a number 80, which means the load index, as well as be sure to the letter "T", which is the speed index.
  5. Not recommended the use of non-core tires.

Standard disks for this model is the usual stamping on R14 or R15 (14 or 15, respectively), made of sheet steel. It is her who seek to replace the forged or alloy wheels. However, in winter, many drivers prefer stamped discs.

Manufacturers Logan Install tubeless tires having size 165/80 R14. Also, 175/70 R14 is allowed, respectively, 185/70 R14.

This dimension is perfectly suitable for disks with the designation 5.5JX14. On wheels 6JX15, it is recommended to install tires having dimensions 185/65R15. To understand the symbols found in the catalogs, you should familiarize yourself with their decoding:

  • 14-15 - denotes diameter;
  • J5.5-6 - shows width in inches.

Based on this, the size of the tires can be decrypted:

  • 165, 185 - their width;
  • 65, 70, 80 - indicate the percentage of the profile width;
  • 14-15 - the corresponding diameter.

According to regulations, the optimal is the depth of the tread 1.6 mm. The most secure option is 2 mm. What tires are better for this car, R14 or R15 (14 or 15 inches)?

By purchasing a car, the buyer must familiarize themselves with the size of the tires that are better fit Renault Logan, comparing them with the manufacturer installed. This will allow you to more actually submit a total amount that includes an additional installation of the navigation device and climate control.

Studded tires

Many believe that the studded "shoes" Renault Logan is a panacea of \u200b\u200bfrozen roads. Does this mean reality?

The studded rubber has a high braking efficiency on an ice surface. However, on bare asphalt, she drives too noisy, and its braking path is significantly increased. Therefore, studded tires are, indeed, winter tires.

It does not talk about the need to spend fabulous money. Having stitched on your own tires, you can get the same effect, significantly saving.

Compromise for all seasons serve all-season tires. True, for energetic drivers such rubber is a huge risk. It is best suited to unhurried housewives, which even on dry coverage ride no more than 80 km / h. Therefore, to ride was comfortable and safe to competently select tires.

Not studded tires

If you live in places where the road in winter is covered with the finest layer of light snow, and abundant snowfalls are rarely observed, not studded tires will be excellent option. The car, the "shirt" in the studded rubber, it is more difficult to enter turns, and even more so slow down on a dry road. This is due to a decrease in contact area with a surface.

Buying non-studded rubber, you should pay special attention on the drawing of the protector.

For southern regions with wet snow covered roads, it is better to choose a directional pattern - "Christmas tree". Such tires have the ability to fall out of the wheels, significantly improving the adhesion with the road.

Choose winter tires

Logan tires are not always changed after the purchase. It is much more often done when their integrity is violated or when changing seasons. To install a suitable rubber, you need to know exactly the size required for Renault. So, the "foot" of the Frenchman is not too large, the following tires will be fully tired:

  • with 14-inch disks, the rubber is perfectly suitable for 185/70 or 165/80 R14
  • on 15-inch can be set 185/65 or 185/70 R15.

According to the prescription of the manufacturers, pressure in Renault tires is allowed:

  • for R14 in the front, as well as rear wheels 2.0;
  • for R15 - 2.2 in the rear wheels, and 2.0 in the front.

In addition to the correct size, with the selection of tires to the Logan, many factors should be taken into account. Since the material from which the staff is made summer tiresIt is significantly different from what is used for winter, it is recommended to apply each of them at a certain season. Considering that summer tires They have a high rigidity, increasing in the cold, already in the late autumn rubber need to change. Those who want to save and acquire, all-season tires can be said that they are safe only at a temperature not exceeding -20.

Winter tires will allow you to better protect yourself and the life of loved ones. The savings are inappropriate, since the safety of the ride will depend on the quality of the tires. The main elements winter tires are wear-resistant rubber protectors who contribute:

  • excellent performance on icised and snow-covered coatings;
  • minimal brake path;
  • safe moving in winter roads.


Of course, what Tires R14 or R15 are better to solve you. However, the main rules for choosing rubber for Renault Logan is the compliance with the pressure and dimension of the tires. This will help avoid unforeseen problems.

Most drivers do not know the exact characteristics of the wheel of their car, including the size of the Renault Logan drives, however, this information is required if it comes to maintenance or repair of the car. It is indicated in the passport, but the instruction is far from everyone, because many motorists prefer to acquire cars with mileage. Also, often the driver needs to find out the radius of the disks that are suitable for Renault Logan, except traditional standard characteristics.

Renault Logan Manufacturer "shoes" into the tubeless tires in size R14 160/80. This also applies to models with 1,4-liter force aggregate, and the car with the engine, the volume is 1.6 liters. In addition to the parameters installed by the manufacturer, the rubber size of Renault Logan can be:

  • R14 185/70;
  • R14 175/70.

To choose new tires, you need to know the width, the height of the profile and diameter. The passport does not indicate the size of the disks that can be put instead of regular. It is explained by the fact that freelance tires can negatively affect the clutch of the wheels with the road, as well as on maneuverability and car handling. A minor deviation from the parameters set by Renault will not lead to unpleasant consequences.

Characteristics of wheels

Before choosing tire size on Renault Logan, you need to get acquainted with detailed full-time characteristics Wheels that shove in the factory. For Rtnault Logan. staten parameters Make up 6JX15 or 5.5JX15. These characteristics also include the PCD 4x100 diameter from 14 to 15, the width of 5J to 6J, as well as departure from 38 to 50. Renault Logan owners instead of factory discs can purchase such models:

  1. 7,156;
  2. 6,5х15 ET 40;
  3. 6,6х14 ET38.

The wheel can be a 14-inch or 15 inches. Main parameters, including the required number of holes for fasteners, landing diameter, departure and diameter central openingcan be found on his outdoor side. The data is always indicated in millimeters. There you can read the designation of the profile, whether HAMPA is available, what is the landing rim width.

The factory disks of Renault Logan size 15 inches are made of sheet steel by stamping. The production process uses welding. but the best option It is considered to select wheels from aluminum alloy, as they provide optimal parameters, excluding geometry deviations, negatively affecting the driving process. If we talk about magnesium discs, it should be noted that they are stronger than corrosion.

Before choosing the size of the wheels on Renault Logan, it is necessary to carry out a small comparative analysis. Fifteen-lingube discs for Renault Logan are characterized by the distinctive softness of the ride. In addition, the size of the disk changes appearance Auto, R15 wheels make it higher and representative. If you discuss the R14 discs, it should be noted that the car becomes more sensitive to road irregularities, overclocking the car slows down.

The show the model in question can also be in the R16 wheels. Such discs visually increase the car, it becomes not similar to your "fellow". However, experts recommend choosing the size of Renault Logan R15, since it is optimal optionwhich does not impair the characteristics of the ride and is suitable for the requirements for freelance rubber.

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