Home Chassis Installing TSS on Renault Logan. Renault Logan: What to choose and how to install. Renault Logan Handcom

Installing TSS on Renault Logan. Renault Logan: What to choose and how to install. Renault Logan Handcom

A traction coupling device that is used to tow the lung trailers car is called a hitch. This device is a model, so before purchasing a hitch on Renault Logan, you should know exactly what model you need.

Important: Only 10% of the cars manufactured from French producers have a hitch in their configuration.

Most owners of Renault Logan are forced to independently install this item.

Choosing a pardark

There are many diverse models on the automotive market. All of them are divided into several groups:

  1. Type A.. We are necessary for transporting goods, the maximum weight of which is 1,500 kg.
  2. Type V.Load capacity is the same as the previous instance, however, the design includes a semi-automatic on the nut.
  3. Type S. This is a semi-automatic for eccentric with maximum carrying capacity of 1800 kg.
  4. A typeG. andF.. Load capacity - 2000 kg, differ in the number of mounting holes to the body and iron-wrought structure.

For the Renault Logan car, the option A. As for the articles, they are as follows:

  • 8201555829 - cross;
  • 8201555830 - Fasteners set.

Preparatory stage

Before independently mounting a hitch on Renault Logan, it is worth dealing with the component elements of the device:

  • metal constructions;
  • fastening elements;
  • socket and harness of wires;
  • instruction.

The process of self-installation

To start mounted, it is required to free the trunk from unnecessary things, and the back of the car Renault Logan is to raise. Next, the process is as follows:

  1. Remove the suspension of the muffler. It should be started from the middle of the car, and then the element itself.
  2. Remove the rubber plugs.They are located in the spars in the trunk. They can be slightly hired using a flat pumping.
  3. Search holes in the spar. To do this, it is required to squeeze them on the inside of the trunk.
  4. Collection of a pardarch. The procedure follows strictly according to the instructions. Tightly tighten the bolts is not recommended, because you first need to install side plates, and then beam.
  5. Install the towing hook.This element is mounted after tightened the bolts.

Installation of electrical equipment

Installation of wiring is required in order to connect the trailer. A socket must be installed on a regular place and fix on the hook with bolts. To connect the chain, it is required to spend it from the headquart to one side of the rear headlights.

Despite the fact that the storekops for sale on any car, make a hopper with their own hands much easier, faster and cheaper than waiting for delivery, and then visit the car repair shop for its installation.

The manufacturer of the Farkop is not difficult, the main thing is to be able to use the grinder and welding.

Look at the assembly drawing of the homemade headquart on Renault Logan, you will agree - it is not difficult to make it yourself!

For the manufacture, the drawings will be required.

Hardkop drawings on Renault Logan

So, look at the pictures below - these are the same drawings for which you can make a hinge on Renault Logan with your own hands.

The first drawing is a power beam, what passes efforts from the hook to carry the car body.

The side bracket is the part of the power beam and the car body of Renault Logan.

Hook. For him will be cling to the trailer. The hook is made from the pipe with the ball welded to it, it is necessary to use the pipe bend for bending.

Flange. One of the details of the power beam.

Cheek. Helps in mounting the hook to the power beam.

As you can see - no scarce parts and sophisticated places, anyone able to use welding can make such a homebag.

Of course, if you do not have a desire to needle how you can take a finished hitch.

After you purchased or made a hopper with your own hands, it must be installed on the car.

I will not describe the installation, look better how to install a hitch on Renault Logan on video.

As you can see - there are also no problems here, everything is done quite simply and does not require a special tool.

Anton commented:

Well, if you hardly want, then of course you can put on the Logan pitch.
The only question is that these headquarks on non-frame cars split the body.

Semyon comments:

Why is it immediately breaking? It is quite normal to drive with a trailer, the main thing on the bodies do not drive!

Ivan Popov comments:

Okay, I used the hookup to pull the stuck car - everything was fine!

Anton commented:

Yet the pork is better to put on the frame car.
Otherwise, a sharp jerk can break the body of the car in half. Look on the clips on YouTube as the rut of the machine when pulling out.

Alex comments:

Thank you

Ruslan comments:

Dimensions in the drawings are unclear. I want to pull the sphere on the hook.

alin3000 comments:

Please tell me. Where can I get the drawing on which you can make a hitch?
Thank you

Despite the fact that the storekops for sale on any car, make a hopper with their own hands much easier, faster and cheaper than waiting for delivery, and then visit the car repair shop for its installation.

The manufacturer of the Farkop is not difficult, the main thing is to be able to use the grinder and welding.

Look at the assembly drawing of the homemade headquart on Renault Logan, you will agree - it is not difficult to make it yourself!

For the manufacture, the drawings will be required.

Hardkop drawings on Renault Logan

So, look at the pictures below - these are the same drawings for which you can make a hinge on Renault Logan with your own hands.

The first drawing is a power beam, what passes efforts from the hook to carry the car body.

The side bracket is the part of the power beam and the car body of Renault Logan.

Hook. For him will be cling to the trailer. The hook is made from the pipe with the ball welded to it, it is necessary to use the pipe bend for bending.

Flange. One of the details of the power beam.

Cheek. Helps in mounting the hook to the power beam.

As you can see - no scarce parts and sophisticated places, anyone able to use welding can make such a homebag.

Of course, if you do not have a desire to needle how you can take a finished hitch.

After you purchased or made a hopper with your own hands, it must be installed on the car.

I will not describe the installation, look better how to install a hitch on Renault Logan on video.

As you can see - there are also no problems here, everything is done quite simply and does not require a special tool.

Anton commented:

Well, if you hardly want, then of course you can put on the Logan pitch.
The only question is that these headquarks on non-frame cars split the body.

Semyon comments:

Why is it immediately breaking? It is quite normal to drive with a trailer, the main thing on the bodies do not drive!

Ivan Popov comments:

Okay, I used the hookup to pull the stuck car - everything was fine!

Anton commented:

Yet the pork is better to put on the frame car.
Otherwise, a sharp jerk can break the body of the car in half. Look on the clips on YouTube as the rut of the machine when pulling out.

Alex comments:

Thank you

Ruslan comments:

Dimensions in the drawings are unclear. I want to pull the sphere on the hook.

alin3000 comments:

Please tell me. Where can I get the drawing on which you can make a hitch?
Thank you

Only 10% of the released cars from the conveyor of French auto giant are equipped with a hitch.

Therefore, there are no such an assistant to the motorists on whose Logan, they will have to mount it with their own hands. Such an operation does not constitute some intractable task, only 2-3 hours of free time and the exact following our instructions are required.

Video about the installation of a headquart on Renault Logan below.

What is the pharg to choose?

Factory from "Fashion Legislator" Thule

Farkop - is considered a model product, which means that for each model its product is produced. Therefore, before you come to the store, you must know exactly what type of this trailer device is necessary for your car.

There are many different types of hoppers and all of them are divided into groups:

It is clearly shown as every type of land bar.

  • Option A. - Designed for the transport of goods with a maximum weight of 1500 kg. (It is the easiest according to the design).
  • Option B. - It has the same lifting capacity, but the design includes a semi-automatic on the nut.
  • Option C. - The design is semi-automatic on the eccentric, the carrying capacity is increased to 1800 kg.
  • Option G and F - They differ in the number of mounting holes to the body, have an iron-adhesive structure and have a lifting capacity of 2,000 kilograms of cargo.

For a car Renault Logan, the easiest type of construction is used: option A., Therefore, before choosing a pharkop, pay special attention to this.

Articles and common options for new Renault Logan

  • 8201555829 - crossing (new Renault Logan)

The code of the original crossbar to the new Renault Logan

Farc set set

  • 8201555830 - A set of fasteners of the headquart.

82 01 555 830 - Article of the original kit fastener

Original Fastener Fastener Set

Preparation for installation

After purchasing a headquart, it is necessary to deal with everything that is included. And this kit is a certain set of spare parts offering the owner to collect everything with your own hands and consists of such parts:

  1. Metal design.

    Metal parts of the hook consist of beams, hooks and side plates.

  2. Fasteners.

    Depending on the model of the trailer device, the configuration of the mounting elements may differ.

  3. Electrical part.

    In the package of the electrical part, as a rule, instructions, socket and wiring harness are included.

The following tools and equipment will be required for work:

  • Estacade or pit.
  • Jack.
  • Anti-digit shoes or bricks.
  • Cross and flat screwdriver.
  • Caid and end keys.

Step-by-step installation process

Before proceeding directly to work, we remove everything too much from the trunk, especially its side parts. And in order to get to the back of the car it was easier, raise each side of the rear wheel and fix it on bricks or anti-tart shoes. You can vote and without the back of the back, the benefit allows you to do it.

  1. First of all, being under the car. First in the middle of the car, then at the silencer. In order for the suspensions better from the seats, it is recommended to be treated with any lubrication.

    First of all, it is best to remove fastening from the body and then from the silencer.

  2. Disconnected muffler leave on the back of the beam, so as not to interfere.

    So it will be difficult to damage and it will not interfere.

  3. The next step will be the dismantling of rubber plugs located on the spars in the trunk from the inside of the "cheek". To do this, it is enough just to pry them with a flat screwdriver.

    Such rubber plugs are easily permitted even from a small effort.

  4. These plugs actually hide the factory technological holes.

    After removal, make sure that these holes are clean.

  5. Next, you will have to find holes in the spar, which manufacturer hid under a protective tape, for this it is necessary to squeeze them into the inside of the trunk.

    At first glance, such holes can not be found. Their location on both sides is marked with a marker.

  6. Thus, dumping with ease breaks such a film. Such an operation is done from the opposite side.

    This is how easily the rear thing passes through the protective film.

  7. After that, we collect a hitch strictly according to the instructions, but do not drag the bolts to the limit. First of all, the side plates on both sides are installed, the beam is fastened next.

    This is what the hookup looks like at the final stage of the assembly.

  8. The end step will be the installation of the towing hook itself.

Please note that before installing the silencer suspension, they should be cleaned of lubricant from traces, as they must be installed on the "dry".

Clean the fastening of the muffler with a rag.

Installation of electrical equipment

Connecting an electrician on the trailer device is primarily necessary to connect a trailer to it. The socket is installed on the regular place with a pair of bolts and fixed on the hook. In order to connect the electrical circuit from the outlet to the car's network, it is only necessary to spend it from the pharg to one of the sides of the rear headlights. Connecting the electricians is best carried out as passing the wires to the wiring cables directly the headlights.

This is how the location of the signals looks at the back of the headlight Logan.

Please note that the nutrition of the stop signal, the reverse and dimensions, (), can be taken from one element, and in order to power the rotary signal, the wires will have to breed each to its side.

A more informative posting location is indicated on the back of the rear window of the lantern.


As you could see for yourself in the installation of the Farkopa on Renault Logan, there is nothing complicated, it is enough just to choose the right type of this design in the store, which is suitable for your car, the benefit of them in stores are a lot and not hurry to follow our instructions and you will definitely work out .

Please note that Parkopes for Renault Logan car from 2004-2012 and 2013-N.VV have a different design and from this completely different price.

Brief certificate

At the very beginning of the 2000s, most French cars did not differ in low cost of maintenance and more and more surprised their owners hanged capriciousness in operation. Popular representatives of the time Peugeot and Citroen have been much inferior in the cost of maintenance compared to cars of the same class from Korea or Japan. But in 2004, Renault decided to spend a real boom in the world of automotive and released a truly popular car Renault Logan.

This car came immediately like the inhabitants of Europe and Russia. It would seem that in this car there is everything, in order to move on it with comfort and economy, but sometimes there is a feeling that still there is not enough. And there is not enough exactly the payload that this car would use for its intended purpose, in the form of transportation of additional aggregates and trailers. And for this it is necessary to have a headquart.

Hello everyone! So I decided to talk to you about the Renault Logan. But why this car? Objectively, he is among the most popular machines in Russia and many CIS countries. Despite some disadvantages of this French creation, he has a number of significant advantages. But we will not spread to the discussion of the car itself, and Better talk about the hook or the traction-hitch for it.

Acquaintance with the Logan family and his relatives

First of all, decide what car you are dealing with. This largely affects the selection of TSS and connection. Yes, and the installation itself will be different on the headquart car with a trailer.

You may have:

  • Renault Logan of the first generation;
  • new Logan 2 generation generation from about 2012 to 2017 release;
  • Logan variation with MCV index, that is, a wagon;
  • Dacia Logan.

Between old and new generations differences are more serious than between Renault Logan and Dacia Logan. In essence, these are two identical cars, only with different nameplates on the hood and trunk.

The 1 generation model began to be released since 2004, and in 2008 there was a restyling. Already in 2012, the second generation was published. By 2013, the car got to Russia, and in 2014 already put a kind of selling records.

Everything is clear here. If you have a car until 2012 release, then you are dealing with the old version. Everything that has been released after 2012 is already referring to new generation. The most significant distinctive feature is that the new Logan has a on-board computer and an electronic control unit, and therefore, when installing TSS, it will necessarily need to purchase a coordination unit.

What is suitable for cars

Choosing a hitch that you want to buy and put on a car, you need to repel from the goals pursued. That is, what types of cargo, and which mass is going to be transported by means of a machine and installed through a TSU trailer.

All available headquarks can be divided into several types.

  • Type A. Such headquarters are used in the transport of cargo in the trapper weighing up to 1.5 tons. The most simple constructions whose price is minimal;
  • Type V. Parameters of carrying capacity are similar. In this case, the equipment additionally provides for the presence of a semi-automatic on the nut;
  • Type S. This is already a semi-automatic design with an eccentric, in which the load capacity reaches 1.8 tons;
  • Type G and F. Characterized by a different amount of fastening holes for connecting to the body, have an iron-handicraft design and possess a carrying capacity of 2 tons.

From the factory, the car can be equipped with a standard TSU, which has decent characteristics and benefits of factory assembly and fit. But if you were embarrassed initially, how much is the complete set with TSU and you did not take it, then over time you will have to choose a travelery device yourself.

If we consider the manufacturers, then for Logan you can take excellent devices of the following firms:

  • Leader plus;
  • VFM Bosal;
  • Thule (Brink);
  • Imola;
  • Leader;
  • Trailer.

I will not give specific advice on a particular manufacturer. All of them are quite high, they have excellent wiring, reliable outlets and other components.

Better to navigate the type of TSU design.

  • Removable. The most simple in installation and operation. The price is approximately 4-7 thousand rubles. It depends to a greater extent of the manufacturer;
  • With electric drive. Their design is usually reinforced, designed to install on large machines. Although the Logan is suitable. But you can transport more than 2 tons. Buying a minimum of 10 thousand rubles will cost;
  • Flange. He has 4 and more mounting holes. When installed, a special landing site and a set of tools will be required. On passenger cars are rarely installed.

Any option that you suggests you will be able to purchase in stores or online in St. Petersburg, Moscow, any other cities of the country and even in foreign sellers. Although so bother and ordering goods from the abroad I do not see the point. Find the right articula TsSU and make out the order.

What do I do not advise, so it is to buy a TSU in the secondary market, that is, used. The same Internet playground Avito offers a number of much more interesting and rational solutions among the new chapters.

Installation features

Now let's talk about how to install a travelery device with your own hands. There is nothing particularly difficult in this procedure. Logan is perfectly adapted for mounting a pardark. The greatest difficulty for inexperienced car owner will be a wiring and an electrician.

But having under hand necessary drawings with sizes, factory schemes and instructions, work will pass weighinglo, quickly and end with pleasant fatigue.

Suppose you have Renault Logan 2014 release, that is, a new generation. And you chose a suitable hinge with all components that go along with TSU when buying. It remains to drive the car to the pit, collect a set of screwdrivers and keys, and proceed to work.

Photo and video materials to help you. I propose to consider the phased features of the independent installation of the traction-hitch to Logan.

  • Read the instructions of the Farck manufacturer, take the factory scheme and keep it always before your eyes so that you can track the correct operation of the operations;
  • Clean the trunk from all too much. Bardak you do not need there. And to solve it, you can choose the organizer. I already write about them;
  • Remove the suspensions of your silencer from about the middle of the car, including fastening at the exhaust itself. May require lubricant to dismantle the accurate elements;
  • Disconnect the muffler. It is not necessary to remove it completely. Just leave on the back of the beam;

  • On the spars inside the trunk should be technological holes. In Renault they specifically have provided. Pull out a flat screwdriver plugs from there;
  • There are holes closed by protective film in the spar. Cross screwdriver push on them. Film broke. From the opposite side, a similar procedure is made;
  • Collect your purchased pardon according to the manufacturer's scheme. The assembly begins with side plates. Until you tighten all the bolts too much;
  • Select the optimal position for the hitch. It is necessarily put so that it turned out to be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the car;
  • Now it has come to mount a towing hook. There is also nothing complicated here;
  • Next, the site is installed, necessary for the rosette of the Farkop;

  • Go through the whole design with your eagle look. If everything is exactly, then boldly tighten the bolts;
  • Return your silencer to the place;
  • Disconnect the minus terminal from the battery, since it is time to install the electrical component;
  • For this, the reserve is removed, and under the trim is a hole for the wires. It is closed with a plastic plug;
  • Plug Connect through a plug to connecting terminals in the trunk. Here do everything according to the wiring scheme of your car. Converting wires, you risk to face short circuit, and not only;

  • Fixing contacts on the block with terminals, connect it to the onboard network, following a certain sequence;
  • Do not forget about the coordination unit for TSS for new versions of Logan, otherwise the on-board computer will issue constant errors, and you will not be able to control the lighting equipment of the trailer.

In general, complete for each TSU there is a detailed and understandable instruction. Universal Connection Manuals, as such, does not exist.

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