Home Chassis Homemade snowmobile on two caterpillars with their own hands. How to make caterpillars for tire equipment with your own hands. Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

Homemade snowmobile on two caterpillars with their own hands. How to make caterpillars for tire equipment with your own hands. Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

The caterpillar can be made by any master. If you have long thought about how to make a caterpillar, then you should read the presented recommendations. For work, you can use a variety of tools and materials. Admissible, of course, apply the caterpillar, which was made in the plant's conditions. But it will cost much more than if the manufacture you will do it yourself. The article will feature several options for the manufacture of caterpillars, one of which you can choose for yourself.

Simple caterpillar

The caterpillar can be performed on the simplest technology. It will take you the minimum amount of time. The tracked propulsion can be made on the basis of a sleeve roller chain, as well as the conveyor belt. For work, you need to prepare some set of special tools or snap. In order to extend the life of the tape, it is recommended to flash its edges using a fishing line, strengthening it at a distance equal to 1 cm. It is necessary to use the principle that applies seams to cooping the edges of the fabric, which will allow to protect the tape from damage.

The caterpillar can be made by pairing elements into a single ring, this can be done in several ways. So, it is permissible to apply a hinge by the type of piano loop, you can use a less reliable way that suggests the stripes of the tape ends. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the tape must be selected, which corresponds to the power of the motor. If you are supposed to use a motorcycle engine domestic productionYou can apply a tape whose thickness is 10 mm, according to the type that is used on agricultural conveyors.

If the caterpillar will be manufactured by such technology, then you do not have to spend a lot of strength. Despite the fact that such a caterpillar model is pretty simple, it has long term Services and a large resource.

Manufacture of tracks from automotive tires

You can make the caterpillar using automotive tires. For work it is necessary to pick up tires borrowed from trucksIt is recommended to use a suitable tread pattern, while you will spend less strength when working with a bus. The manufacture of such a caterpillar needs to be made by cutting out of the tire of sides, it should be left for a treadmill. It is worth considering that this work is quite laborious and assumes the application of a large number of patience and forces, it is necessary to use an exceptionally well-sharpened shoe knife.

In order for the manufacture of caterpillars for the car with their own hands, a smaller amount of forces was spent, it is possible to produce wetting blades from time to time using a soap solution. As an alternative solution, you can use a device intended for cutting, permissible to apply an electric jigneus. For the last one you first need to fix a pet with small cloths, the pill must also be pre-moistened with water, in the process of operation, such manipulations should be performed periodically.

Technology of work

Caterpillars for the car should be made by technology, which involves the initial removal of airborne sides, after, if necessary, it is necessary to remove the extra layers that are located with the origin of the formed ring, there is a need if the track has an increased hardness. If the tread pattern is not suitable, then you need to cut a new structure that will be necessary in order for the design to be clinging for the soil.

Snowmobile caterpillar, with their own hands, made according to the above scheme, will have many advantages, even if comparing with the above option. This is due to the fact that it has closed loopWhat points to reliability. But there are also cons, one of which is expressed in the limited width of the caterpillar, but if there is a need, you can apply a dual width.

Production of caterpillar from belts

The following option of the caterpillars is especially attractive in that in the process of conducting work, the extra forces do not have to spend. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare straps that have a wedge-shaped profile. They have to be connected to one unit, using tillage hooks that are fixed with screws, rivets can be used as an alternative solution. As a result, it turns out a snowmobile caterpillar, with your own hands created, which has holes intended for the lead sprocket. In order to form holes, it will be necessary to leave some space between the belts.

Another option of making caterpillars

Before making a caterpillar with your own hands, you need to choose the technology of work. It is permissible to use the technique below. The carcase of the propulsion can be welded using pipes that have a rectangular cross section. It is recommended to connect them using the frame, it will make the design of the collapsible. The slotted part can be borrowed from "Burana", it will make it possible to make drive shafts, they need to fight the slotted part of the shafts, which are borrowed from the "Oka". Brake discs must be used. Working on the front shafts, you need to install brake mechanisms. Some part from the gearbox should be cut off. Making caterpillars with their own hands will allow not only to save, but also move around the snow-covered territory without any problems. This design can be used for a long time without the need for repair.

In the northern regions of our country, one of the most sought-after means of movement is snowmobile. Considering the fact that the cost of most modern models is high enough, much more economical to assemble this device. It is worth only to take into armaments, required tools And find free time.

To implement the idea, you will need an ordinary motoblock. IN winter time this device It is installed on the national snowmobile design, and in the spring it is removed and used for its intended purpose.

Snowmobile - a specialized vehicle designed to ride in the snow. There are many different modifications, each of which varies with its technical characteristics and capabilities. Distinguish models:

In addition, they can be installed various engines (on air or water cooling) and transmissions. Contrary to differences, all models unites one general fact - They are universal means for movement in the snow and Nasta. Thanks to specific technical characteristicsIn winter, snowmobiles have several advantages over other devices:

  1. Efficiency. Snowmobiles use much less fuel than other vehicles.
  2. Speed. If you take into account the fact that cars, by virtue of their weight and construction, are often stuck in deep snow, snowmobiles are much faster than snow-covered sections.
  3. Maneuverability. Due to its small dimensions, snowmobiles can easily move even in winter forest conditions (which is very useful for people who are fond of hunting);

The sphere of application of these vehicles is very wide - rescue work, winter hunting or fishing, tourism, travel - this is not a complete list of cases where they are necessity.

Similar "" use everywhere where there is snow cover. And conventionally divide on serial and self-made.

All that is needed for creation - caterpillars, steering wheel, use and engine. No more, no less.

How to collect snowmobile on caterpillars

Snowmobile development begins with creating a drawing or sketch. To do this, use both their own author's visions and ready-made sketches, in abundance presented on the Internet. In any case, it is necessary to provide for the presence of the lead and driven part. The leading part consists of a drive, frame and power aggregate, led by - from the poloz, steering wheel and shock absorbers.


First of all, it is necessary to collect a frame. For this use conventional pipes with a small diameter (folk crafts are advised to give preference to a motorcycle frame structures). To give it the necessary form, you need to use the welding machine.

Initially, the fastening of parts occurs with point welding - this is necessary in order to not destroy the collected design in case of errors in case of errors. After the frame is ready, it must be welded with a continuous seam.

Force aggregate

The engine is a regular fiberboard. In addition, it is necessary to create a drive that can lead in traffic of the caterpillar. As a rule, an ordinary chain drive is used, which is suitable directly to the leading shaft. At the same time, the snowmobile is obtained by a maneuverable and light, significantly increases the thrust force and stability of the entire device.

To create a conventional motorcycle chain, tracked leading shaft and two stars. Collect the drive is not more difficult than dining a chain on a bike. A larger asterisk is installed on the shaft of the power unit, a smaller caterpillar is dressed on the driving axis, after which the chain is tensioning between them. And that's all that is necessary to create a full and fairly powerful drive.


Caterpillars are made independently - this does not represent any difficulty even for a newcomer technique. An ordinary rubberized or transport tape is taken, which is installed in soils. The soils (trackers) are transverse rails that are fixed at equal intervals along the entire length of the tape for the "lamination" of snow. Tracts can be made of durable plastics or, for greater reliability, from a thick sheet of tin.

Treads are attached with bolts. When mounting the soils, you need to take into account the same distance between them, otherwise the caterpillar will slip on the surface of the snow and stop. When choosing a transport tape, it is important to take into account its width in relation to the sizes of the device - the more the technique, the wider tape. All nuances look in the video below.

Stoles must have the optimal characteristics of sliding in the snow and / or ice. Of available materials You can use shockproof plastic or metal. It is recommended to use wide bands, which will provide a large contact surface with a coating and, therefore, a higher speed.

Snowmobile assembly is made in several simple stages:

Snowmobile video on the caterpillar

The roller shows the design of one of homemade snowmobiles called "Snigar".

In addition to caterpillar snowmobiles, folk craftsmen Mastery Wheels:

The caterpillar snowmobile from the motoblock is perfect for movement along the snow-covered forest, crushing, frozen swamps. The car is manufactured during the summer, using simple tools: a jigsaw for metal, electric drill, chisel and hammer, welding, etc. Also need electric welding. Bearings can be purchased in the auto shop, and the tips of the shafts to order in the workshop.

Crawler Snowmobile from Motoblock DIY

For the manufacture of crawler Snowmobile Motoroblock uses simple materials from the motoblock. Rama is made of stamped channels and square pipes. For the manufacture of shafts used round water pipes. The engine used from the Motoblock "Neva".

The snowmobile came out a little rude. But after conducting winter tests, good running qualities were identified: speed, permeability. It is also easy and compact, and the fuel consumption is quite economical. The initial design assumed the asymmetric location of the engine. This gave a number of advantages: during service - good access to the engine; convenient launch and gear shift; Redirect chain drive directly to the leading shaft of the caterpillars.

But during the tests, when moving along a loose snow, when the turn was performed, the snowmobile often walked. Because of this circumstance, it was decided to place the engine in the center of the front of the snowmobile. The design was improved, and first of all the front frame. An intermediate shaft was also installed, which passed the rotational moment from the engine to the caterpillar. In addition, modernization was carried out, which improved the driving quality, comfort and reliability of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile from a motoblock on gousinets

Diagram of drive components and framework of a self-made snowmobile from a motor-block:

  • homemade frame (1);
  • the second asterisk of the intermediate shaft with 17 teeth (2);
  • intermediate shaft (3);
  • the first asterisk of the intermediate shaft, 21 tooth (4);
  • led asterisk of crawler shaft, 37 teeth (5);
  • drive asterisk caterpillar, 8 teeth (6); Presenter shaft of caterpillars (7);
  • two reference ski racks, from steel pipe 32x4 (8);
  • two stretch caterpillar rolling (9);
  • the axis of stretch rollers made of steel pipe (10);
  • farc (11); Tensioner (12);
  • four beam flanges made from steel sheet (13);
  • four flanges of the drive asterisk of caterpillars made of steel sheet (14);
  • steering Puff (15).

To place the engine with a subframe in the center of the front of the frame, the playground was welded there, in which the holes for the "foot" of the subframe were prepared. Such holes are made in the traverse. The holes in the "legs" of the subframe in the longitudinal slits were redesigned to pull drive chain When moving the engine.

The subsidence was also redone and shifted a little back. Thanks to this, the engine launch is made on the handle. The big plus was the presence of forced cooling on the motor motoblock engine. Used this to send air to the carburetor in cooling the engine. Also moved to the body of the benzobac. It is installed there on racks in the corner, for supplying gasoline to the carburator with a grain of a long hose.

The engine was transferred to the center of the machine, led to an increase in stability. Due to this, the control of the control skiing is reduced to 950 mm, which led to an improvement in snowmobile maneuverability.

After the intermediate shaft was installed, the angular velocity was reduced, thanks to the increase in torque. The snowmobile speed was slightly reduced, but the traction characteristics are significantly increased. Now the snowmobile is able to transport two rides with a cargo, and pull the lungs sled with a fold. The drive sprockets of the tracked propulsion on the same smaller diameter were also replaced.

Motoblock Snowmobile Rack Scheme

  • Scheme of the steering rack:
  • front traverse frame (1);
  • made of steel pipe Stand (2);
  • made from angle of 25x25 roaring (3);
  • made of steel pipe steering shaft (4);
  • the crossbar made of steel pipe 28x28 (5);
  • cup (6); Bronze washer (7);
  • reference bushing with a corner (8);
  • nut, type M10 (9).

It is this small improvement that led to an improvement in snowmobile's passability. It happened raising asterisks over the reference skiing. As a result of the caterpillar, it goes much easier to the upper layers of snow, and also more confidently overcoming bumps, jets, etc.

Sign of the intermediate shaft of a snowmobile from a motoblock

The diagram of the intermediate shaft node:

  • made of steel suspension (1);
  • made of steel pipe 28x28 crossing frames (2);
  • rack made of steel pipe 18x18 (3);
  • made from angle of 45x25 traverses (4);
  • made of steel plate 40x5 dosy (5);
  • two bearing 204 in the housing (6);
  • steel intermediate shaft made from pipe 27x3 (7);
  • the first asterisk with 21 tooth (8);
  • lionger frame (9);
  • the second asterisk with 17 teeth (10);
  • rubber casing (11).

Checking a snowmobile to modernization revealed frequent stacking of stars tooths on a wooden truck. Therefore, it was decided to cut all the teeth by making them rollers. After modernization, the caterpillar moves from skis to rollers smoothly, silently and without a cod. The tension mechanism was also enhanced: now he became screw.

Scheme of a caterpillar block of a homemade snowmobile

Catering block diagram:

  • made from steel bar, two ties with nut M8 (1);
  • the leading asterisk of the caterpillar block (2);
  • caterpillar drive shaft (3);
  • stretching device and roller (4 and 5);
  • truck-shaped from the rail (6);
  • lionger self-made frame (7);
  • driven asterisk of crawler shaft (8);
  • reference skiing (9);
  • made of the bracket bracket of the suspension skiing (10);
  • bolts: m8 and m6 (11 and 12,13);
  • brass guide (14);
  • screw (15);
  • sole of reference skiing (16);
  • fastening the bearing housing (17);
  • the axis of stretch rollers (18).

Did not forget about the reworking of the caterpillar. The number of cams up to 33 pcs increased, respectively, the distance between them up to 38 mm was reduced. Dimensions of the cams 500x38x18 mm. To ensure the accuracy of the installation of the tracks, the template was assembled. This made it possible to avoid distortion.

Front steering skiing were also upgraded. From above, they were reinforced by spars. Springs were introduced into the ski suspension, which allows the snowmobile to go gently over the snowy nasta. It increased the use of skis and frame. A handle was attached at the body rack, for the convenience of pulling out the stuck snowmobile. For the same purpose, such a handle was attached to puffs.

The number of ways of manual assembly of snowmobiles amazing imagination. The craftsmen are inspired by cars, motorcycles, scooters and even tractors. Making such a car? Individual process. Each uses suitable schemes and drawings. The result of the work varies depending on the parts and materials used. The production scheme is the same. But before proceeding with the assembly, let's better understand what is this snow beast.

Characteristics of tracked snowmobiles

Starting such types of snowmobiles are largely like a car: they have brakes, gearbox and engine. Snowmobile motor? Specific item. They are divided into diesel and gasoline. Volume reaches 2 cm 3, power reaches 250 liters. from. These figures change depending on the manufacturer of the engine. Under favorable conditions, a speed of 45 to 65 km / h is developed on the rolled surface of the machine.

Crawler snowmobiles come into contact with the surface exclusively by trackers. Is it either one caterpillar in the middle or another constructive solution? Two sides. A wide truck reduces the pressure on the surface, which increases the permeability. Characterized by caterpillars by the value of the base, ruts and widths.

Hence the importance of a snowmobile mass (reaching 3? 4 ton). The easier the all-terrain vehicle, the more mobile. Pay attention to the lifting limit, the number of landing and beds.

In what cases is desirable to use tracked snowmobiles

If you are forced to move around uneven snowy terrain, then snowmobile? your choice. High passability and riding in deep snow will appreciate fishermen and hunters who choose hard-to-reach places for fishery.

You are a farmer or forester and are forced to drive around the farm, but buying a car? too expensive? With snowmobile, you deliver the cargo through the Snow Forest, find a person lost in winter wilderness. Crawler Type? this is best Type Winter time for winter time. Without these cars, you will not cost if you get or deliver people to a hard-to-reach place through dense snow and viscous swamps.

Features of the operation of caterpillar snowmobiles

Snowmobile engine either diesel or gasoline. His breakdown threatens sad consequences if it happened away from civilization. Therefore, self-propeller engines are adapted to work in winter conditions. They are at temperatures from -50 ° and below. Motors are withstanding high revs and greater load. Monthly then? Part of their operation.
The same applies to the caterpillars. They are? The most loaded item and keep weight vehicle. Her breakdown? This is a 100% completion of your journey through off-road. Replacing and repairing it with their own hands in the field is impossible. Crawler truck replace. Different tracked canvases resort to the necessary clutch with the surface (ground, snow, stone).

Remember that at the end of the season, the snow all-terrain is preferably to put. Models working all year round are going.

Types of tracked snowmobiles

Divided by a utilitarian basis. Some transport passengers, others? Luggage, cargo. Third do both. The fourths are intended to perform narrow tasks: Buryat, dig and even help stew fires.

Some SUVs transport up to 16 people. This is a bus on the caterpillars. They raise up to 2.5 tons of cargo. The crawler crane works with weights. It is based on the platform with the tower and the hook. The all-terrain vehicle, which fights the fire, is assembled by the type of bulldozer to pour in the flame snow or soil.

By the nature of the surfaces of the surfaces, all-terrain vehicles are divided into snowmobiles, swam rings and snow-beams.

What and for what to make them

If the assembly of the self-made snowmobile on the caterpillars is cheaper than its purchase, then why not take advantage of this? You will need:

  • motor;
  • reference, leading, guide wheels;
  • supporting rollers;
  • caterpillar;
  • frame profile (frame).

Details can be booted, so do it yourself. Independent assembly It is good because you are sharpening a snowmobile opportunity for your own needs. Start work from the scheme or sketch of the future snowy horse. Specify the size of the machine and its parts. Make a separate drawback on each detail.

Remember that the tracked propeller? Composite detail. If you have conceived to gather it with your own hands, then get acquainted with guide and leading wheels that support rollers, supporting wheels. Wrap them in advance with rubber coating or use the wheels with a tire. Your transport will become noticeably quieter when moving. Swarge the frame for the propulsion.

For better passability, the front part of the machine body make an extended. Rear take care of the fasteners for the trailer. Decide immediately, whether it will be sealed or not. For movement in the snow, this feature will not play roles. If you have chosen the body in the form of a box, consider the ventilation system: the air will be the air of the radiator. Extract rear at the hood.

Worry the caterpillar tensioner. Make it either pneumatic or mechanical. In the first case, you suffer to pump air into the cylinder. Prefer the second option and make a screw type tensioner. To remove the load from the caterpillar when stretching, attach the cable framing on the side edge, which makes an effort.

Tracked chain replace car tire. Sut its upper part. Use big wheels. You will need a shoe knife. Periodically rub it with soap for better cutting. The resulting canvas score so that no extra parts of the rubber remains. For clutch with the ground, cut the embossed pattern on rubber.

Another option is to cut the conveyor belt. To her outside Attach metal corners or steel pipes that will cling to the surface.

To simplify the case and do not suffer with your own hands? Buy the tracked chain and attached trees. Popular is the package? Burana?. The support rollers will be wheels from a motorcycle stroller. Install the protective panel between the reference and the drive wheel. It will keep the latter from throwing snow. Operate leading wheel. Make on it hooks and wrap their rubber. Install on the brake wheel. Choose the engine yourself. Does the motor from? Zhiguli?.

So, you have collected a personal all-terrain vehicle for movement in the snow. The car turned out light and compact, which will well affect her soothing qualities. Homemade snowmobiles on caterpillars develop speed up to 45 km / h. According to documents, such transport will be listed by the tractor.

In the deaf areas where it is required to overcome considerable distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot acquire it and try to construct homemade snowmobile with their own hands. Build it is not easy, but if you make a maximum of patience and effort, then it will not be easy to cope with this problem.

Building Rama

Before proceeding to the construction of a snowmobile, first it will be necessary to choose the material. The easiest way homemade frame Make from wooden bars. It turns out very light and quite robust design, which is considered the cheapest and the most easy to manufacture. To do this, you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet iron.
  3. Scissors for metal.
  4. Drill and rolled.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a design are indisputable. In case of breakdown wooden model It will not be easy to repair away from the settlement. In the forest it is easy to find a girlfriend material that can be applied to repair. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile is rarely falling under the ice and does not sink in water.

Wooden design

It is known that bars and wood boards do not have a special strength in their places

connections. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to make additional corners of the metal. For this take sheet iron and cut the square plates on the width of bars with scissors. In them, roulette place places under the bolts, and then the drill drill four holes. After that, the plates bend in half strictly under 90 degrees. These will be excellent devices for durable bonding of wooden bars in the corners of the self-made frame.

Usually proceed to construction after drawing a drawing with precise size. And already on them with a hacksaw, four bars are cut off, and in the corners drill the holes for bolts. Then they are put on a flat surface of the floor in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints of the joint, the bolts are inserted and fed up with nuts.

For fastening the engine and caterpillars on the frame, there are additionally two more crossbars from bars with bolts at the ends. But before that, first make corners for fastening. They are cut out of the sheets of iron triangular shape and drilled holes in the corners.

It is better to immediately make eight pieces and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in the work.

When they are ready, crossbars are inserted inside the frame and triangles are put up. In them exactly in size drill drill holes through the bars. Then the long bolts are inserted there and tightly tighten with nuts. On this durable wooden frame will be ready, which for a long time will last on the homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade homemade. Here you need special tools and devices that may not be for everyone. Requires considerable costs to purchase them or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and durable wood design. Here you will need:

In addition, more durable materials will need for the construction of the metal frame. They will definitely have to buy in the store, because today they are no longer found anywhere. Yes, and build a new homemade snowmobile from old details is not too much because of bad reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, before starting the construction of the frame, you need to make a simple drawing. According to its grinding parameters, cut pipes and with the help of a welding machine to combine them into a rectangle. Inside the frame insert another pair of partitions from the corner to install the engine and the caterpillars. If you make them from a chaserler, the design will be much stronger and more reliable in work.

After that, Ot metal pipe It will be necessary to simply cut two small bushings.

And then welcome them to the corners of the front part, where the turning supports for skis will be inserted. Metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as the installation of the main units and nodes.

Suspended equipment

To make a snowmobile quick and strong need to put on the frame good engine. If you install a low-power motor, then such a design will be bad to move. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. With too little square, it will drown in the big snow and will not pull even in the smooth area. Special attention You need to turn on skis, which should create good stability and safety when driving at high speed.

Rubber caterpillar do it yourself

To easily move through the snow, it is very important to make a comfortable snowmobile a good rubber caterpillar. Make a similar device with your own hands is not easy and better to buy it in the store completely with rollers. Install standard factory caterpillar on homemade design Will not work. For this, it will be necessary only to consolidate the leading shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame. If the financial position does not allow you to buy all the device, the most expensive parts are not difficult to do yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic tube.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

Cheap homemade caterpilu For a snowmobile usually make using fine conveyor tape. For this, the width of the rollers scold blanks from a plastic tube. Then they are cut along the length into two equal parts and the holes are drilled under small bolts. After that, half plastic pipes Fix on trucking tape Bolts with washers and nuts. Caterpillar is ready and you need to begin further construction.

Homemade skiing

It is no secret that in winter in the deep snow is much more convenient to move on skis. They also serve as a snowmobile control device. Wooden design is easy, but for this only durable boards from birch or oak are suitable. They need to be well sued, put it, and then heat and heat the ends. No more difficult to make metal skis. To do this, it will be necessary to cut two plates from sheet steel and faded a thin corner on the sides.

To ski freely turn, metal racks from pipes are welded to them. In working condition, they hold in the front strips of the frame where it is easy to rotate.

Top to the racks weld with washers or large nuts, where the thrust are inserted to control the snowmobile.

It is not difficult to make the steering wheel with her own hands or easier to remove it from the old motorcycle. Thus, it will only remain installed the motor, as well as the seat for the driver and you can move on the path.

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