Home Torkemose Making a snowmobile with your own hands - it does not happen easier! How to make a snowmobile with your own hands - detailed instructions of Aerosani with a motor from a motoblock

Making a snowmobile with your own hands - it does not happen easier! How to make a snowmobile with your own hands - detailed instructions of Aerosani with a motor from a motoblock

Once people see snowmobile prices in the store, then ask a question how to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself, how expensive is it expensive? How starts the manufacture of homemade - a snowmobile snowmobile? Initially, it is necessary to determine which power the engine is used. We used the engine of the motoblock in 6 horsepower. Usually, four-stroke engines with forced air or water cooling are installed on the motoblocks.

Motoblock can also be used reverse gearbox, centrifugal clutch, steering and fuel tank. Next, you need to consider the snowmobile propulsion. The tracked drive is installed on most of them.

Best Homemade - Motoblock Snowmobile

In the manufacture of a self-made snowmobile, caterpillars from other snowpots are used for it, or homemade, collected from undergraduated materials. After selecting the caterpillar, it is necessary to determine which type of suspension to use. It is necessary to choose from two main species: suspension on rollers and sewing suspension.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. After that it is important to decide which snowmobile will be a layout. Usually, there are two steering skiing in front of the snowmobile and behind the tracked block.

The engine can be installed both from behind and in front of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile snowmobile yourself

This snowmobile can be done in a few weekends at the cottage in the garage. At first glance, his design looks very simple. If you compare its permeability in the wet or loose snow, it will not give way to many industrial snowmates.

Creating a snowmobile proceeded from the principle: the less weight and more the size of the caterpillar, the higher its permeability of deep and loose snow. Therefore, the design will be the easiest.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a motor-block on caterpillars

Four wheels are installed inside the caterpillar. When the movement occurs, they roll along the conveyor belt, with fixed plants. The caterpillar drive is carried out by a chain from the motor, special leading asterisks, through the slave shaft. They were removed from Buran.

The engine is taken from the usual motor-block, the power of which is 6 hp Quickly on it will not be attended. Soft suspension skiing and caterpillars was removed, because the snowmobile is designed for riding in a loose snow. This design was simplified and reduced snowmobile mass.

Making Cateries for Snowmobile

Consider the process of making the caterpillar. The plastic plumbing pipe is 40 mm, cuts a long 470 mm. Of these, billets will be made for soils. After that, each of them is crucified along the equal parts with a circular saw.

The soils are attached to the furniture bolts to the conveyor belt. When the caterpillar is manufactured, it is extremely important to maintain the same distance between the soils. Otherwise, the "incision" on the progress of the lead sprocket will occur, as a result of which the caterpillar will slip and slides from the rinks.

To drill holes in the conveyor belt for fastening bolts, conductor was made. For drilling holes, a tree drill was used, having a special sharpening.

This conductor allows you to drill six holes at the same time in the conveyor ribbon to attach three caterpillar primer. Leading asterisks were also purchased (2 pcs), inflatable rubber wheel (4 pieces), closed bearings №205 (2 pcs).

Tokar made a support for bearings and the leading shaft of the caterpillars. Rama snowmobile is made independently. For this purpose, square pipes 25x25 mm are used. Hinged axis of rotation of the steering wheel and skis are in the same plane and on the same line, so the continuous steering traction was used without ball lugs.

Pretty easily made ski rotation bushings. Pipe clutch, the internal thread of which is 3/4 inches, is boiled onto the front transverse beam. There are screwed nozzles with outdoor threads. They welded the thai skis rack and steering thrust. On skis are installed corners, which serve as an attachment to the rotting rack of the snowmobile. A metal line is made from below to better control snowmobile while driving on the rolled snow or an imaging.

Chain tension is regulated by the engine offset

Snowmobile control occurs quite simple. To increase the engine speed, the gase handle is used, which is located on the steering wheel. This includes an automatic centrifugal clutch, as a result of which the snowmobile begins to move. Since the engine power is small, then the snowmobile speed is 10-15 km / h. Therefore, the brakes are not provided. To stay, you need to reset the engine speed.

Caterpillars are made by any width. Choose what is more convenient to do: a narrow, but long caterpillar, or wide, but short. It is important to remember that a big caterpillar will load the engine more and complicate the snowmobile control. If the caterpillar makes a small one, then the car may fall into deep snow.

Snowmobile weight with all parts turned 76 kg. It includes: steering wheel and engine (25 kg), skis (5 kg), wheels with axes (9 kg), presenter shaft (7 kg), caterpillar (9 kg), seat with racks (6 kg).

You can reduce the weight of some details. For this size of a snowmobile with a caterpillar, the weight indicator is quite satisfactory.

Characteristic of the obtained homemade snowmobile

long frame 2000 mm;
The width of the caterpillar 470 mm;
Due to the axial collection of support rollers 1070 mm.

Homemade Motoblock Snowmobile Video

To date, on the Internet you can find a lot of instructions and drawings, how to make a snowmobile on pneumatics with your own hands. Before proceeding to the development of schemes, it is necessary to find out what pneumatic features are. The homemade apparatus is a control reference ski and a leading support pneumatics.

The rear axle of such devices has a pretty primitive structure, usually do it yourself. The shaft is represented by a one-piece detail, unlike the shaft in conventional snowmates. Both wheels are leading, differentiation is completely absent. The differential structure in this case is compensated by the steady design of the housing, as a result of which the overall passability of the machine increases. A significant disadvantage is low maneuverability, although this minus can be smoothed with special technical features.

The leading ski has two side cutters, which significantly improves adhesion with snow cover or ice. Duraluminum is used as a material for the manufacture of corners? This metal, as nothing else, increases the quality of driving through the snow-covered territories.

Moving the shaft is carried out by tensioning the chain, the housing is fixed in the required position. Low pressure pneumatic is perfectly coping with snowmobile depreciation, often special cut tubes are used as a supplement. Usually pneumatics for traveling in the snow are created from the following details:

In the complex, these elements provide excellent control and uninterrupted depreciation for the machine. Asterisk of shafts should always comply with the following parameters:

  • front? 8 cutters;
  • rear? 28 cutters.

Thanks to this resonance, the speed of the machine increases, and the amortization is improved. The above parameters are optimal for snowmobiles.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the main characteristic of any snowmobile is the traction gain, it is from this parameter that the quality of movement and safety will depend. Usually, snow cars do not accelerate more than 50 km / h? Perhaps, everyone will agree that this is the optimal speed for a good apparatus. The car on pneumatic wheels does not weigh a lot, but the power of the engine is rather high. With such characteristics, the device can cope with steep slopes and difficulties on a snowy road. The correct structure and high-quality design can provide shipping or passengers, the total weight of which does not exceed 100 kilograms.

Relevance and Features of Operation

Snowmobile on pneumatics has a number of positive characteristics compared to conventional snowmobiles:

  • quite high speed;
  • high amortization;
  • ease of control;
  • simple structure;
  • powerful engine;
  • resistance to breakdowns and deformations.

Even if the breakdown still happened, it would not be difficult to fix the device with his own hands even in the most severe conditions. To date, snowmobiles with such a building are increasingly used. The homemade apparatus will give you a certain level of freedom, since you can easily configure the machine to your parameters and requests. For the manufacture of snowmobiles, it does not need high qualifications and knowledge in the field of engineering, make a snowmobile from old parts from vehicles and girlfriend. You will have to buy a minimum of spare parts if old engines, tires, large transport skiing and bearings were lit in your garage.

Be careful when choosing a motor for the device, it should be not too powerful, but quite hardy. The optimal parameters for the motor are:

Pneumatic with such an engine will spend some gasoline, without losing maneuverability, power and speed. One of the highest quality engines are Japanese build engines, such devices are tested by time and testing.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the machine, make sure there is at your disposal:

  • device for the deflection of pipes;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • small necessary details.

Of course, the engine will play in creating a vehicle the most important role.

Snowmobile Assembly Instructions

To create a high-quality snowmobile on pneumatics, you first need to think about the forced air cooling system. To create it, just need to put on the knee shaft a special extension with a pulley in two streams. From this device you need to take straps to the generator and two fan impellers to ensure rotation.

These uncomplicated operation you can quickly exercise with your own hands. Next, you can move to the creation of a fuel pump device, it is better to accommodate the drilling of the oil pump cover, the fuel pump must be attached to the shaft of the oil structure. The fuel capacity is best to use the volume of 30 liters, it must be suspended under the frame from the body, near the rear of the bridge. An excellent version of the fuel pump will be the device from ZAZ-965A.

Further you need to install a filter and carburetor. The air filter can also be borrowed from ZAZ-965A, and K-127 is suitable as a carburetor. The final stage of the design will be the installation of a gear crown, it must be placed on the flywheel using an adapter. Do not forget to cover the homemade snowmobile hood, a galvanized steel sheet is perfect for this. With your own hands, you can create other elements for pneumatics, wheels for it can also be self-made. Recall that for this you will need:

  • low internal pressure chambers (you can use wheels from the tractor trolley);
  • frameworks (sizes need to select individually);
  • bandages from transport tapes.

Knowing the entire sequence of actions and the design of snowmobile design, you will quickly and easily make a budget vehicle for snow-covered roads!

Motoblock - special equipment intended for processing the land. But if you want to expand his functionality or just purchased a different motoblock, then from the old model it is easy to make a motoblock snowmobile! First, it will cost you much cheaper than industrial counterparts. And secondly, the characteristics of such a home model will show themselves in the work no less efficient. In addition, a snowmobile is one of the best vehicles in the winter season. He is quite maneuverable, economical and has good permeability. It is thanks to these properties that any industrial model of snowmobile is quite expensive. But possessing the necessary tools, seamless and solid determination, you can easily make a snowmobile from a motor-block yourself!

Motoblock Snowmobile - Choose Type

This is the first important decision that you have to accept when implementing this task. Self-made snowmobiles from the motoblock can be made either on a wheel or on a caterpillar.

In the case of a wheeler, the wheels are needed special. In addition, you need to take care of the presence of trailer. Actually, such a decision implies a minimum of changes in the design and will take much less time.

Crawler - the solution is more complex both in the construction part and in functional. In addition to the fact that you have almost from scratch you have to collect all the running part of your snowmobile, consider that such a sliding snowmobile, only the motor will leave from the motor-block itself. Everything else will have to go through and collect anew, not counting what you have to also make a frame and several small details. However, although the solution and complex, it is quite realizable. In addition, such a snowmobile, the parameters of passability and stability are much higher than that of snowmobiles on a wheeled.

The wheeled move is well shown in the regions with a minimal thickness of snow cover, in all other cases the answer to the question of how to make a snowmobile from the motoblock, assumes the presence of caterpillars instead of wheels.

We select a motor-block donor

The motoblock is suitable as the basis not only due to its power, but also due to the fact that it can be found literally in each site. If you are going to make self-made snowmobiles from a motor-block on the caterpillars, you will need only the motor. In the spring season you can again install it in place and use the motor-block for its intended purpose.

The engines will suit any, but it is desirable to still use the motor, at least the middle class. In addition, there should be a rear traction-hitch. You also need manual management. If the motor motor corresponds to these requirements, problems will not arise with everything else. Many prefer to use Japanese models.

In addition, air cooling is provided on such engines, which can be considered a plus for any snowmobile. Such a snowmobile from the motoblock can freely transport several people, and even small loads without failures in work.

For self-assembly, you will need:

  1. Welding machine;
  2. Motor motor;
  3. Pipe bender.

And also some other parts, and details, depending on the features of your chosen design. The manufacture itself will be carried out in several stages.

Go to design

The first thing you should take care is a high-quality drawing. You must clearly understand what you want to do. Then the answer to the question, how to make a snowmobile from the motoblock will be really simple for you.

All design of homemade snowmobiles can be divided into two large parts: leading and led. The driven part includes shock absorbers, clam and steering column. The leading part is the frame, the drive and the power unit itself. In addition, you should decide in advance which parts you are able to make, and which will have to buy in a specialized store.

For example, the frame is independently very often manufactured. For this, pipes are used. Even plumbing can come up, but the pipes specifically prove themselves much better. For example, from a motorcycle frame. In order for the frame to take the necessary form, you will need to bend the pipes pipe bend. The resulting design is fixed with the welding machine.

To avoid errors in the manufacture of Rami, you can use point welding. After that, the entire design is checked and fastened with a seam. At the final stage, the brackets are welded to the frame to install all other parts.

The second stage of design

The second stage is the installation of poloz, engine and other parts. Poles are somewhat wide ski that are attached to the steering column. After their consolidation, you can start installing shock absorbers for the front suspension of your snowmobile (motorcycle is best). Engine and gearbox Install on the host. After that, you can move to the caterpillars.

Snowproof caterpillars can also be made with their own hands from girlfriend. The most important criterion: reliability. They should have a good clutch with the surface so that the movement on the snowmobile did not cause any difficulty.

For the manufacture, you can use anything, ranging from conveyor belts and ending with tap pipes. After the work is completed, you will get a full snowmobile with minimal cost. The speed of its movement on average with a rather powerful and good motor will be from 60 kilometers per hour. But remember that when moving around rough terrain, the speed will change constantly. Initially test your snowmobile, running on it the most "light" sections without ughabs and sharp turns. Only after that you can begin full work. On such a snowmobile, you can ride even in the forest, provided that riding will be quite careful.

Snowmobile - a unique vehicle for daily use in winter. It is used for movement in the snow-covered area during scientific expeditions, excursions, hiking, animal hunting, territory protection. Such a product can be purchased in a specialized store or make it yourself. If the finished structures have a rather high price, and not every person is able to afford such a purchase, then improvised - a more affordable alternative, made of well-made materials and equipment.

The homemade snowmobile can be made with their own hands from the available technique. For these purposes, experts recommend using:

  • chainsaws;
  • motoblocks;
  • motorcycles.

Important! To make a portable snowmobile at home, be sure to have skills to work with plumbing tools.

Drawings, options for finished works

Snowmobile design must be started from creating a drawing of the desired product. It will help in the process of work to manufacture practical and functional equipment, which will serve not one year.

Option of finished work

If you can use the finished drawings to create a snowmobile from a motor-block or a motorcycle, then for the design of chainsaws - they are not provided, since each tool has its own specifications and features.

Snowmobile from chainsaw

Council. Snowmobile can be made as caterpillar and ski.

Before proceeding with the production of a snowmobile from chainsaws, you must select the equipment that will have all the necessary characteristics. The optimal option for this purpose is a chainsaw "Friendship", "Ural" and "County" (the power of these tools is ideal for creating high-speed snowmobiles).

Important! The engine and gearbox are the main details of the chainsaws that are used in the process.

The snowmobile design consists of four parts:

  1. Caterpillars
  2. Transmissions.
  3. Engine.

Chainsaw Ural

The homemade snowmobile assembly is made not on some kind of proposed scheme or standard drawing, but based on the materials and tools that are at the disposal of the wizard.

Snowmobile assembly instructions from chainsaws

Product assembly is a fairly interesting job. It consists of several consecutive stages that must be accurate and responsible.

  • The first stage is the assembly of the frame base of the future homemade snowmobile. Steel corners will be required to work (size - 50 x 36 cm) or steel sheets (thickness - at least 2 mm). From the corners make the middle part of the structure, and from the sheets - the front and rear.

Council. To give the necessary stiffness of the structure, the metal is bend under angle of 90 degrees.

  • Carefully make two cross-cutting holes for placing the shaft of the tracked mechanism and the guide devices of the tracked wheels (the tensioning devices are installed on both sides of the spars).

Important! The front structure is specifically designed to tension the second stagnation stage, it also helps in adjusting the caterpillar itself.

  • Special brackets are neatly welded to the bottom of the spars (they are attached to the same distance from each other), in their open grooves and set the support rollers.
  • Rollers (in rubber covers) are located on five axes, each of which is attached from the bottom side of the open grooves.
  • Between each of the elements, special sleeves from duralumin (they are made of a suitable pipe).

Council. In order not to spend time on the manufacture of rollers and axes for them, they can be borrowed from the old equipment for digging potatoes.

  • The axis of the brackets themselves are fixed using nuts and monitoring (they are designed to enhance the snowmobile frame, keep spars at a certain distance from each other).
  • Of the three metal corners make racks for fastening the trained gearbox gearbox, the intermediate shaft of the chain transmission is installed.
  • The prepared frame is installed for the user for the user (for these purposes a suitable box or car seat is used), it is fixed on the site between the middle and the rear part of the structure.

Snowmobile from chainsaw
  • On the front area of \u200b\u200bthe frame make a hole for placing the steering wheel, it makes it from the pipe with welded handles of control.
  • In places of attachment of snowmobile racks, metal brazers are installed (they strengthen the design, make it more durable and reliable).

Important! In order for the future homemade snowmobile to have a good passability of snow-covered terrain, it is equipped with a caterpillar mechanism.

  • A snowmobile drive shaft is made from the metal pipe, a special round flange is inserted into it for fastening gear wheels.
  • To create a steering, use equipment from old motorcycles or threshing mopeds.

The finished snowmobile has a small weight, easily placed in the trunk of the car for transportation over long distances. His management is so simple and clear that even a child can easily use it.

Snowmobile from Motoblok.

Motoblock is another version of the equipment that is used in the process of making a snowmobile with your own hands. Its design is practically no need to redo, as it is initially multifunctional.

There are three types of motoblock snowmobiles:

  • wheeled;
  • on caterpillars;
  • combined.


Before starting working with a fiberboard, it is necessary to determine the type of future design. From him and will depend on the complexity of the work of the master, as well as the duration of the whole process.

Construction of a snowmobile from a motoblock

Important! To create a wheeled snowmobile, you do not need to redo the steering system, you need to pay special attention only to the frame of the device and ski.

  • The snowmobile frame is made of metal pipes or corners (it must have a rectangle shape).
  • The finished base attach a box or a chair to place the driver.
  • Separately make skis from corners and sheet metal, weld them to the frame.
  • The finished design is attached to the motoblock, used by destination.

Drawing: Motoblock Snowmobile

Motorcycle Snowmobile: Masters Guide

Make a snowmobile from a motorcycle is not so simple. If the assembly of previous products is practically no difficulty, then with this design will have to suffer. It will require not only tools, materials and techniques, but also skills in working with a welding machine and other equipment.

Important! Motorcycles "Ural", "Izh" and "Dnipro" - the most suitable models for making a snowmobile with their own hands.

Snowmobile design technology

  • Make a suitable frame from metal pipes of different diameters and steel corners. It is performed in the form of a rectangle (its dimensions - 150 x 43.2 cm).
  • Construct a steering beam made of metal angles (its dimensions - 50 x 50 x 5 mm), its parts are trimmed with dense metal lining. The finished design is installed in a horizontal position on a drilling machine.

Motorcycle IZH
  • Frame and ready-made beam are treated in places of compound, prepare special grooves for reliable fixation of elements.
  • The front frame of the frame is equipped with a solid corner.
  • Fasten the seat to the frame frame.
  • Make holes in spars.
  • Between the steering and middle section welded a channel.
  • Pick up a suitable tracked asterisk and rubber tape for further installation (suitable dimensions - 2200 x 300 mm, thickness - no more than 10 mm).
  • The caterpillar itself is gently crumbling, so that the material does not resolve in the process of use.

Motorcycle snowmobile
  • Install the transmission that consists of the front and rear axle. The front is the presenter, it consists of a tubular shaft, caterpillar stars and rinks (the asterisks themselves are fixed on through bolts). The design of the rear axle consists of a tracked drum and a tubular shaft.
  • Skis welded to the design of a snowmobile (for their manufacture, steel sheets and metal corners are used).

The control system of a self-made snowmobile from a motorcycle is quite complex in design. It consists of:

  • longitudinal thrust;
  • transverse thrust.

From the presented information, we can conclude: the homemade snowmobile from the elements of the motoblock, chainsaws or a motorcycle - reality. It can make every wisp master. For productive work, only certain skills, equipment, tools and materials will be required.

Homemade Snowmobile: Video

I made this snowmobile literally for a couple of weekends in the garage at the cottage. Although his design at first glance looks very simple, nevertheless, in deep looser or wet, it is not inferior to most snowmobiles industrial production.

A few years ago, I made a snowmobile snowmobile for my nine-year-old daughter with a self-made caterpillar from the conveyor tape and plastic water pipes as a primer. At first I had doubts about the reliability of such a caterpillar and how plastic details in the frost behave. But during the two-year winter operation, breakdowns and strong wear of the pipes did not happen. This inspired me to create a slight snowmobile for myself with the same homemade caterpillar.

Perfectly realizing that the smaller the snowmobile mass and the more the supporting area of \u200b\u200bthe caterpillar, the better his permeability on loose and deep snow, I tried to make the design as easy as possible.
The principle of snowmobile operation is very simple (Fig. 1). Four wheels are installed inside the caterpillar, which when moving rolls on the conveyor belt, on which the primatelates are fixed. And the drive of the caterpillage from the motor is carried out by chain through the slave shaft with special leading asterisks. I took them from the snowmobile Buran. "

With an engine from an ordinary motor-block with automatic clutch with a capacity of only 6 hp quickly do not get up. I was going to ride on a snowmobile, not on the rigged tracks, but along the loose snow, so I refused the soft suspension of the caterpillar and skis to reduce the mass of the snowmobile and simplify the entire design.

First made a caterpillar. Plastic water pipe diameter.40 mm chopped on a blank for micro-470 mm long. Then each billet saw the circular along into two equal parts.
With the help of the device shown in Fig. 2, the saw saw on the tree cut along plastic pipes for soils.

The primer attached to the conveyor belt with two furniture bolts diameter.6 mm with a large semicircular hat. In the manufacture of the caterpillars, it is very important to withstand the same distance between the soilscenes, otherwise they will run "to the teeth of the leading stars and the caterpillar will begin to slip and slide from the rinks.

For drilling in the conveyor tape holes for fastening bolts diameter.6 mm I made a conductor. The holes in the ribbon drilled the drill on a tree with a special sharpening.

Using such a conductor, 6 holes can be drilled in the conveyor tape at once for the attachment of the three cargoes of the caterpillar.

In the store I purchased four inflatable rubber wheels from the garden trolley, two leading stars from the snowmobile "Buran" and two closed bearing №205 for the leading shaft of the caterpillars.

Make the drive shaft of the caterpillar and bearings for bearings I asked Tokary. The snowmobile frame made 25x25 mm square pipes.

Since the axis of the turns of the turn of the skis and the steering wheel are on the same line and in the same plane, you can use a continuous steering craving without ball lugs.

Ski rotation bushings are made easy. For the front transverse frame of the frame, I welded water clutches with an internal thread 3/4 inches. They screwed up the nozzles with the outer thread, to which the welding was attached to the collar of the ski rack.

I recommend using skis from the children's snow scooter "Argomak". They are easier and more elastic, but they need to install corners for fastening to the rotting rack of the snowmobile and the metal sub-cut - for better snowmobile control when driving in an imagination or rolled snow.

Adjusting the tension of the chain takes place due to the engine offset.

Snowmobile control is very simple. With increasing engine speed, the gas handle, located on the steering wheel, the automatic centrifugal clutch is turned on and the snowmobile starts movement. Since the estimated snowmobile speed is small (only about 10-15 km / h) and depends on the density of snow, the snowmobile brakes are not equipped. It is enough to reduce the engine turnover and the snowmobile stops.

I will share a few tips, which, when repetition, this design may be useful.

1. The pipe for the tracks I cut along the manual circular saw on the tree first on the one hand, then on the other. So it turns out to be even than to immediately cut both walls. More convenient to handle small blanks. If you immediately cut along a long tube, then in this case the plastic will melt and the saw disk will climb.

2. Caterpillars can make any width. And each constructor has the right to choose what is more convenient for it: make a wide, but short caterpillar or narrow and long. Just remember that with a big caterpillar, a snowmobile will be poorly controlled and the engine loads more, and with a small in a loose deep snow he may fall.

3. On some of my photos, it can be seen that there are plastic "barrels" inside the caterpillar. " These are the guides of the stops for the Scolation, which must prevent the caterpillars from the rinks. But in the process of exploitation of a snowmobile caterpillar and without Scolation did not slip from the rinks, so "barrels" can not be installed, which will reduce the mass of the snowmobile.

4. At the end of winter, I completely disassembled a snowmobile to determine its weight. The weight of his individual nodes was like this: a caterpillar - 9 kg;
presenter assembly - 7 kg; Two pairs of wheels with axes - 9 kg; Engine and steering wheel - 25 kg;
a pair of skis - 5 kg;
rama -15 kg;
double seats with racks - 6 kg.
Total weighs 76 kg together.
The weight of some details can be reduced. Nevertheless, the weighting rate for a snowmobile with the caterpillar of this size is quite satisfactory.

The geometric dimensions of my snowmobile are as follows: the length of the snowmobile frame - 2 m; The distance between the axes of the support wheels (rinks) is 107 cm; The width of the caterpillars - 47 cm. The step of the carriage of the caterpillar depends on the thickness of the transport ribbon and it is necessary to pick it up with an experienced way (I got 93 mm).
I do not bring the exact size and drawings of the snowmobile details, as everyone who will gather repeat the design, will focus on those details and components that can be purchased or making themselves.

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