Home Transmission Travel from the Czech Republic to Croatia by car. "Cheap? How we were mistaken!" On Keper in Croatia. Map of paid roads of Croatia

Travel from the Czech Republic to Croatia by car. "Cheap? How we were mistaken!" On Keper in Croatia. Map of paid roads of Croatia

When the whole "Araspel" was drank, and the mosquitoes of all the most beautiful places of Belarus were fed up to belching, the question was sharp, as perverted with rest on.

"What if you go on Keper?" Said one of us. "Toast, - by lifting a stack with some kind of burdy, which is poured when everything is already drinking, said another, for what kind of remreder you are. Give a kiss!"

And that's what we decided. I'm with my family (wife, daughter, son) I take Cupper, and Konyukhov (one-fampots of the one, about whom you thought now) with the family (wife, daughter) takes Keper. We are on two chermen we are going to Croatia. Fuck budget. Campers provided us with Vitaly on 50 dollars a day.

Immediately about prices. This price is for a few old camper. Newer and walking in charters from Poland, Germany, Lithuania cost about 100-120 euros per day. But what about comfortable to us - people who are accustomed to sleep in tents, on yachts, in sleeping bags? (This is about Konyukhov, I myself will fall asleep only on Perina).

Campers We took on 17 days (2 + 2 road, 13 days at sea), which amounted to $ 850 per car. Vitaly (owner) estimated the exhaustion consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers. Along the map, the distance was estimated at 1800 km, we rounded up to 2000: 400 liters of diesel - let it be 400 euros (part is refilled in the RB of 65 cents). 740 Plus 400 (I'm translated into euro) Plus another 55 euros fee for expensive - in about 1,200 euros. On the family! For 17 days! In Croatia! What else travel agency? Cheap! Cheap? How we were mistaken!

Since it was four of us, we took VW LT35 2004 with a 2.5 TDI engine, Andryushi - Three, they took Fiat Ducato 1997. FIAT has big alcove - two people will not be closely, and their daughter slept in the cabin. We have children captured the rear beds, which are over each other, and my wife and I were taken by Alcovka. But he turned out to be a narrow one-time, so during sleep we turned on the team.


Croatia is called a country where they speak Russian church language. In fact,: "Praise" - "Thank you", "Desno" - "right", "Drain" - "Right hand", "Krukh" - "Bread". If Croat is not a tarantor, it is easy to understand it. As, however, Slovak, Serb, Macedonian. Their problem is that they are trying to speak German, English. Croatian girls are beautiful, but it should not be discovered on it, so as not to have fallen their price. A foreigner will easily notice the same type in them - Like Anna Ivanovich ... Ivanovna (yes, Serbka, I know). If Americans have a national idea - in God We Trust - "Believe in Love", then the National Idea of \u200b\u200bCroats - to take the seaside to the Germans. Look at the map - Croats joined themselves all the coast.

All Croatia along the sea pierces the magnificent highway A1, the speed of 120 kilometers per hour (150 for the Germans). It takes place in some distance from the sea. If you need to make a throw on Croatia, it is better for it. A1 paid, alternating tunnels through the mountains and viaducts, the road on the pillars over the gorge. There are windy areas, there is the current wind speed and direction, the aerodrome striped stockings hang. Roads by the sea and in seaside settlements - middle lobby.


And here, friends, I have to pour some dirt (in the Croatian Sea). Water is very cold. No, just horror which cold. Listen, we bathe in the rivers and lakes of Belarus, we know what cold water. At the Mazur lakes in Poland somehow broke sore, dived under yacht, revenge, the water temperature was plus 15.

But in Croatia ...

I speak Local: Extremely Cold. ABOUT neither answer: Fresh, Just a Fresh. Croatia beaches are formed by sandstone or some other stone. Often there is a brown color due to the content of iron. Relieved chest, or what? The whole thing is that these pebbles will easily break into cubes, but are not polished as pebbles, but remain with sharp edges. Therefore, it is unpleasant to walk on them. Still there are found sea hedgehog, to occur on which is fraught. Therefore, closed rubber slippers are better to buy in Minsk, otherwise they are sold at prices intended for the Germans, "Svetneroga".

What not to take away from the Adriatic Sea is beauty. Here is a small painting the sea, makes a brush in pure paint ... "No," I say, "there is no more bright, you need to mix paint." So, it happens. The awesome space of the sea, a meager whitening land and the needles of pine forests.

Das Ist Germans

In Croatia, so many Germans that this is just another federal land. And they are the main here. Croats they perceive both attendant hotel staff. Croats are not lost and charge for what can only be paid. And in fact, from Munich to the pool only about 600 kilometers, one day can be reached. The German will accurately respond: less than 150 km / h they go, only if something is very heavy. And they drag with me everything.

Here is a typical German came to rest: a hobby trailer, a canopy, a three-bedroom tent, a kitchen set (mobile), satellite TV-plate (to watch news from Fa Butard), Kayak / Rib, bike / scooter. From Croatia, he does not need anything, only a block of land and the sea. It is completely autonomy, equipped and ready for the "Burea in the Desert". Others come on the car and shake the equipment that takes the Earth of Camping.

No, of course, the Italians, French, Belgians, Czechs are found. But they saw the Belarusians clearly for the first time. From time to time, the "rooms" of our campers broke out improvised Consilium, just lying them were not considered, something like "Weibrussland", "Weissrussland" ... and suddenly loudly: "Biorerussia!" - identified himself intellectual. Silence has come. "Lukashenko!" - Paved him someone, and the score was 1: 1.

Das IST Russians

(Russians here are considered all the people from the CIS. - Approx. Auto)

Abroad, I especially warmly react to Russian speech, for the Belarusian state number in general I can stop moving on some street to Caucasian manner and communicate with a poor window-window.

In Croatia, the Russians underwent the standard procedure on my part: "Guys, are you Russian? And where?" So, all Russians in Croatia, stopped for the ritual of the brother, were German Russians. All of them have long lived in Germany, almost all were IT-shniks, their wives were Russian. These people were emigrated to Germany, and the question that gnaws them: "And did I do right?" And if everything is bad in the homeland, gloomy, no perspective, then "yes, right." And if we say: "In Belarus, is normal, cool, then the annoyance detected by the listeners.

And here's another. The Germans, apparently, were made to understand that in Germany they are the second grade. And they want them to be taken after the Germans. Want to be the Germans. Therefore, "Das IST Russians." Therefore, after some time I stopped reflecting to Russian. Will they want - they will fit, the benefit of Masha with the hands I am loud.

Road and Camper

There is no point in describing in detail the way to Croatia and back - roadside service throughout Europe is very high quality. No need to put the route in advance, denote the stops for the night. On the track everything is full. Want a motel? You are welcome. Sleep in the car in the parking lot? You are welcome. Cafes, showers, tables - Other refills are similar to the small settlements of the filling type. Everything is very informative: "refueling with a cafe after 1 kilometer, next - 20 kilometers, here just a snack bar, and then - a full cafe ... And then there is still a laundry." Everything is meticulously painted and very convenient.

The meaning of Keper is brightly revealed on the road.

The border. Tired turn to the smells of fried eggs with bacon and coffee coming from the campers. Come to the window to verify your physiognomy from customs.

"So, where is Elena?" - asks a strict border guard. "Dry hair, now will come out."

In the parking lot, the family suffers in passenger car, try to sleep with curved legs. You leave the camp in the morning fresh. You can take a shower in a campaign or in a sanitarian. You can cook coffee / breakfast in Ceper, or in a cafe, or drag everything in a gazebo where the view is better. Immediately wash the dishes in the sanitation, so as not to spend your water. But before every night we spent 50 euros. Now it's free, because "in this hotel I am the owner." The cities of Europe on Cumpers are better to travel around, no matter how regrettable it sounds. They are not "sharpened."

So we drove in the evening in Austria. "We want to spend the night in Vienna," said the female majority. I miss the wonderful parking lots, I thought that it would not end it. And for sure.

In Vienna, Kerperu do not exactly do. First on tunnels, on the roads where it is impossible to stop, drove into the center of the Old Town. Cobblestone pavement, carriages in fruits, carriages with horses, sniffing on the dominator of Ceper, along the narrow streets, and here - on the "oncoming". The police turn out to not see this disgrace, - two cakes from Belarus unfastened their boots with a nylip clay symphony of the Vienna Forest.

Holy Holy, as soon as possible to the outskirts. They found some square between Khrushchev ... Maria-Antointetti, on the other hand "Mediamarket". Campers put the door to the door and covered with rain marquis (Fiat there is something), fled the gas barbecue "Campingaz". And cooked kebabs in the middle of the veins. Fair? So-so. I do better on the mangale.

Campers are easy to go 100 kilometers per hour, but a large sailiness affects. When ahead is ahead, the flow threads to the side. I larger the disalkual campers like Hymer. There the bed is pulled to the roof over the head of the driver and the parking lot just lowers.

Somehow in Riek, in my opinion, drove in the city, then the road narrowed to the strip, where they do not get off the counter, and around the house. The road went to the mountain with turns, two cakes slowly crawled up, and they gathered for us from the heels of passenger cars. Suddenly, after another turn - stop! - Low hanging branch. And together with the curse of us the queue quietly crawled back, meters 200 to a possible fork. Alcovka, Baby, and what to do?

Camper has two tanks for collecting liquid waste of life. In the first one is going to all that glass from the toilet is black water. The second falls out of the shower, kitchen sink, washbasin is gray water. The most interesting thing is that it delivers more problems with gray water. On the third day she blooms, amber covers the salon. When you are on the road, it is not difficult to merge it: I moved to the secondary, on the side of the road, they looked around on the sides - and the hlybi kneeds were expressed.

There is another way, I call him permanent: Slightly open the faucet so that gray water is in a fine trickle, and go to yourself with God - the tank is already empty at the next stop. But when you threw anchor in camping, gray water becomes a problem. A special place for plum is in the distance, and to merge yourself, you can hardly. The most interesting thing is that the cassette from under the toilet does not deliver problems until, of course, will not be filled. Whether her hermetic, whether we smell violet.

In Keper, there are miracle refrigerators that work from 220/12 and from gas. 220 volts - in the parking lot, on the way or 12, or gas. So, on the gas, the refrigerator freezes to live.

Cerpets Croatia

If you decide to take a walk to the sea in Croatia, then, most likely, we are drunk in camping. The coast is sliced \u200b\u200bhere for campgrounds, because the Croats "sharpened" the resort under the Germans, and the Germans want camping. I drove into Croatia from the north, we walked in the pool (this is the city) and settled into the campsite in the dome (this is also a city).

Campgrounds often have a highlight - it had dogs and windsurfing. We decided to connect to electricity, and it turned out that the radish Vitaly gave us a wire with a different connector. I had to develop the connector and poke wiring. Camping charges charge under the scheme "For a camper, this is for each person, electricity is necessary? Plus Kuna (this is their money)." And we started fine to hide in the cabinet when settled, not to pay. And then Croats, then, can be seen, recalculate people and think: "Well, what kind of crumbbers these Belarusians are already sorry for some 3 euros per day for a person to pay!" And we think: "Well, what kind of crumbbers these are Croats, for each child they take money!"

We drove to the island of Krk, to Camping Auto Camp Pila. Only she was covered, as a wife comes up and says: "Misha, there is probably a nudist camping. There is a grandfather with a grandmother in anything in badminton play." We'll figure it out, but first we went from Andryusha in the sanitariat to cast off the road. And then the 18-year-old goddess leaves us towards us. And we - Holy Holy! They jumped into their campers and gave Deu from there, where a familiar danger threatens a family person.

They wanted to get to the campsite in Riek, but all the places were busy. Aged on the expectation site (still 30 euros removed from the car). In this campsite was an anthill as in Adler, cafes, noise, gaps ... Our women were delighted!

And then found camping in the wild wilderness: the sea, olive trees, campaigns 100 m from each other, and all, no one, no civilization. I looked at Andryukh and realized that before leaving he would stay here. But women were against! We found a compromise in Dalmacija Kamp in Brita (this is the city such), which is not far from the task. And finally, it was still south, in Campoza Lučica.

TOTAL FOR ONE CHERMER: Smallery - 434 euros; Campgrounds - 438,66; Payment of roads - 89.7; Insurance - 50; Vacation rental - 740. Total about 1750 euros. We drove 4500 km.


"Well, what will we go to the next time?" - asked one of us. "Well ... stays in balloons." - "So, it's time to tie."

Here the ray of the unusual Belarus has highlighted the heavens, a hologram of Dr. Sikov appeared, an electronic queue coupon fell on a campaign table: No. 666, you have 13 people.

"I meant travel," said one of us, and Dr. Sikov disappeared. And you do not stay late.

Network length road roads common use Croatia is 26.958 km, of which 26.958 km with a solid coating. The length of the motorways is 1.318 km.

Paid highways

Croatia provides for the use of roads. The system of paid motorways in Croatia is managed by four companies distributed in different regions. Payment is also subject to travel on some bridges and tunnels.

Categories of vehicles

The size of the tariffs depends on the type of vehicle. Vehicles are classified based on their height and the number of axes.

Vehicle categories in Croatia
Category TC. Description
IA. Motorcycles, tricycles and quad bikes
I. Vehicles with 2 axes height less than 1.90 m
II. a) vehicles with 2 axes with a height of more than 1.90 m and the maximum permissible mass no more than 3.5 t
b) vehicles with 2 axes, a height of less than 1.90 m with a trailer, regardless of the number of axes and the height of the trailer
III a) vehicles with 2 or 3 axes with the maximum permissible mass of more than 3.5 t
b) vehicles with 2 axes with the maximum permissible mass of more than 3.5 tons and a trailer with one axis
c) Category IIA vehicles with a trailer regardless of the number of axes on the trailer

Tariffs for travel in motorways

From June 16 to September 14, 2019, seasonal prices were introduced for motorcycles and passenger cars with / without trailer (IA, I and II Group) for payment of highways under the management of HAC and ARZ. Prices on average rose by 10%.

approximate cost Fares for a passenger car Without a trailer on Croatian paid roads from the border of Hungary (Gorichan) to the west coast of the Istria Peninsula will be HRK 133 (€ 18). And the fare to Dubrovnik will cost HRK 304 (€ 41).

Tariffs for 2018 (C 15.06 to 14.09) (HRK):

The approximate fare for a passenger car without a trailer on Croatian paid roads from the border of Hungary (Gorichan) to the west coast of Istria Peninsula will be HRK 122 (€ 16). And fare to Dubrovnik will cost HRK 276 (€ 37).

Tariffs for 2019 (HRK): Fare of the roads in Croatia
Motorway IA. I. II. III
A1. Zagreb - Split - Dubrovnik (591 km) 139 (€ 19) 232 (€ 31) 360 (€ 48) 530 (€ 71)
A2. Zagreb - maceelj (61 km) 29 (€ 3.90) 48 (€ 6.50) 72 (€ 9.70) 110 (€ 15)
A3. Zagreb - Lipovac (279 km) 77 (€ 10) 128 (€ 17) 193 (€ 26) 289 (€ 39)
A3. Zagreb - Bregana (28 km) 4 (€ 0.50) 7 (€ 0.90) 9 (€ 1.20) 13 (€ 1.70)
A4. Zagreb - Gorican (97 km) 26 (€ 3.50) 44 (€ 5.90) 65 (€ 8.70) 98 (€ 13)
A5. SL.BROD - OSIJEK (89 km) 24 (€ 3.20) 40 (€ 5.40) 62 (€ 8.30) 90 (€ 12)
A6. Bosiljevo - Rijeka (82 km) 42 (€ 5.70) 70 (€ 9.40) 127 (€ 17) 170 (€ 23)
A7. RUPA - Rijeka (27 km) 5 (€ 0.70) 8 (€ 1.10) 15 (€ 2.00) 20 (€ 2.70)
A8. Vranja - Kanfanar (64 km) 7 (€ 0.90) 12 (€ 1.60) 20 (€ 2.70) 31 (€ 4.20)
A9. Pula - Umag (77 km) 28 (€ 3.80) 46 (€ 6.20) 69 (€ 9.30) 134 (€ 18)
A11 Zagreb - Sisak (48 km) 6 (€ 0.80) 10 (€ 1.30) 15 (€ 2.00) 22 (€ 3.00)

Ways of payment

At the entrance to the motorway receive a ticket in which the place of entry is noted. Under Congress from the motorway, return the ticket to the operator (with manual payment) and on the basis of the distance traveled the board calculates.

In Croatia, the motorway can be paid as follows:

  • Cash - HRK, EUR (leasing is issued in local currency)
  • Credit cards - Visa, Master Card, Maestro, Diners Card, American Express, Ina Card
  • Electronic system Payment (etc) - Haz, Arz, Bina Istra

Plots with special payment

Bridge Krk

The Crust Bridge connects the island of Krk with the mainland. The Crk Bridge has a length of 1.430 m and a height of 67 m.

Tariffs for 2019 (C 15.06 to 14.09) (HRK):

Rate 23 (€ 3.10) 39 (€ 5.20) 51 (€ 6.90) 81 (€ 11)

Tariffs for 2019 (HRK):

The fare on the Crusted Bridge in Croatia
Rate 21 (€ 2.80) 35 (€ 4.70) 46 (€ 6.20) 81 (€ 11)

Payment item is on the mainland and has 6 stripes. Payment is charged only towards the mainland on the island.

Tunnel Study

Tunnel Study (Učka) is located on the Istria peninsula in Croatia on the A8 motorway. Tunnel Study has a length of 5.062 m.

Tariffs for 2019 (HRK):

The speed limit in the tunnel is 80 km / h, the overtakes are strictly prohibited.

Tunnel Sveti Elia

Sveti Eli (sveti ilija) connects coastal and continental parts in the Split-Dalmatia region. It has a length of 4.248 m. Open for travel from July 8, 2013.

The tunnel is part of the regional road D532 and is located between the mining settlements Bast and Rastovac.

The speed limit in the tunnel is 80 km / h, stopping and overtaking are strictly prohibited.

Parking in Croatia

On Sundays, parking in most places is free. Street parking in Zagreb are divided into three zones - red, yellow and green.

The red zone is located close to the city center, and yellow and green at some distance from him. The maximum parking time in the Red Zone is 1 hour, in yellow - 2 hours and in green - 3 hours.

Coupons for payment are bought in automata and put on dashboard Under the windshield in such a way that it was clearly seen from the outside.

Be careful not to stay in parking more than paid time. In case of violation of the rules of parking wheels will be blocked. The block of removal of the block varies from HRK 100 to 300 (€ 13-40).

Buy in the online store Amazon with delivery map of highways of Croatia .

Main traffic rules of Croatia

Speed \u200b\u200blimit

Standard speed limits in Croatia (unless otherwise indicated on signs).

Cars and motorcycles:
  • in the settlement - 50 km / h
  • outside the settlement - 90 km / h
  • on the road - 110 km / h
  • on the motorway - 130 km / h
Cars with trailer:
  • in the settlement - 50 km / h
  • outside the settlement - 80 km / h
  • on the road - 90 km / h
  • on the motorway - 90 km / h

Speed \u200b\u200blimit for young drivers (up to 24 years) is 10 km / h less than for other drivers (outside the settlement - 80 km / h, on the road - 100 km / h, on the motorway - 120 km / h).

It is prohibited to move on motorways vehicles whose speed by technical characteristics does not exceed 60 km / h.


The maximum allowable blood alcohol level 0.5 ‰.

If the level of alcohol in the blood is greater than 0.5 and less than 1.0, then the fine will be from HRK 1,000 to 3,000 (€ 135-404).

If the level of alcohol in the blood is greater than 1.0 and less than 1.5, then the fine will be from HRK 3,000 to 5,000 (€ 404-673).

If the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1.5, the fine will be from HRK 5,000 to 15,000 (€ 673-2,019) or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

The maximum allowable blood alcohol level for young drivers (up to 24 years) 0.0.

If the level of alcohol in the blood of such drivers is up to 0.5, then the penalty will be HRK 700 (€ 94).

Punishment for driving under the influence of drugs from HRK 5,000 to 15,000 (€ 673-2,019) or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

Middle Light

The use of near light is required 24 hours a day from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March.

The use of near light for motorcycles and mopeds is necessarily all year round.

Fine - HRK 300 (€ 40).

Also, the use of near-light headlights is mandatory in conditions of insufficient visibility and when driving through the tunnels.

Transportation of children

Children under the age of 3 years need to be transported in special seats in front places with back in the direction of movement. The airbag should be disabled.

Children aged 3 to 5 years should be transported to rear seat In special children holding systems.

Children aged 5 years should use a children's chair, corresponding to their weight, or booster, and use conventional seat belts.

For violation of the rules for the transport of children - HRK 500 (€ 67).

Seat belts

Using seat belts before For the front and rear passengers.

Fine - HRK 500 (€ 67).

The driver of a motorcycle or moped, as well as a quad bike without a cab, should move along the road in a properly attached protective helmet.

Fine - HRK 1,000 (€ 135).

Talking on the phone

It is forbidden to use during the vehicle movement by a telephone device, not equipped with technical deviceallowing you to negotiate without the use of hands.

Fine - HRK 500 (€ 67).


Degree of light pain windshield It should be at least 75%, and the brake of the front doors is at least 70%.

Fine - HRK 700 (€ 94).


Police officers have the right to charge fines for violations of the rules road On the spot. At the same time, the official receipt should be issued. Penalties must be paid for eight days in the post office or in a bank.

Driver's license Foreign motorists can be removed for up to 8 days for driving in a state of alcohol intoxication, driving without prescribed medical equipment, for example, glasses, driving in a state of exhaustion or with poor well-being.

Vehicles parked with violation of the rules can be taken by the police at the expense of the owner.

Fines for violations of traffic rules In Croatia: Penalties for traffic violations in Croatia
Violation Penalties (HRK)
Movement without valid reasons at a speed of two times less permitted 300 (€ 40)
Implementation of the turn to the left / right not from its band 300 (€ 40)
Failure to fulfill the requirements of the police officer 300 (€ 40)
Failure to fulfill the requirements of the PDD to send a signal before starting, rebuilding, turning, turning or stopping 300 (€ 40)
Failure to comply with traffic rules to miss all the vehicles and pedestrians when leaving the second road 500 (€ 67)
Movement on the highway at the speed below the minimum allowed (60 km / h) 500 (€ 67)
Failure to fulfill the requirements of the PDD only in the direction on which the green traffic light signal specifies 500 (€ 67)
Failure to comply with a safe distance to a moving ahead of the car 500 (€ 67)
Failure to comply with traffic rules to give way to pedestrians 500 (€ 67)
Movement in the left strip with free right 500 (€ 67)
Movement in a tunnel without near light 500 (€ 67)
Obgon TC with the right string (except when moving ahead car turns left) 700 (€ 94)
Departure to the intersection or intersection of the roadway in the case of the congestion formed, which forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the TC movement in the transverse direction 1,000 (€ 135)
Turn or move reverse on motorway 2,000 (€ 269)
Obgon TC when driving on a road having one strip for movement in each direction, in conditions of limited visibility (in the tunnel, on the bridge) 3,000 (€ 404)
Obgon TC pedestrian crossing 3,000 (€ 404)
Travel to the prohibition signal of the traffic light 2,000 - 5,000 (€ 269-673)
Violation of the Rules of Driving through Rail Tracks 2,000 - 5,000 (€ 269-673)
Leaving the driver of a road traffic accident, which caused the causing material damage 2,000 - 5,000 (€ 269-673)
Leaving the driver of a road traffic accident, which caused injury to other persons 3,000 - 7,000 (€ 404-942)

In order to ensure the execution of punishment from non-residents of the Republic of Croatia, travel or other documents necessary for crossing the border can be treated for a period of more than eight days.

In the event that the violation is committed for the first time and the punishment for this disorder does not exceed HRK 1,000 (€ 135), the police officer may instead of a fine limit to the warning.

Penalties for speeding in Croatia (HRK):

When measuring the velocity velocity, the following errors are applied:

  • up to 100 km / h - the error is 10 km / h
  • over 100 km / h - 10% of the measured speed

In practice, the speed is less than 10 km / h, the penalty is very rare.

Helpful information


1.33 1.41 1.31 0.59 on 09.10.2019

In Croatia, unleaded gasoline (95 and 98) and diesel fuel (dizel.). Ethyl gasoline is absent.

Gas refills (LPG) are available on most loading on motorways. Gas prices on highways on HRK 0.20 are higher than beyond.

List and map of gas gas stations (1.9 MB) on the territory of the republics of the former Yugoslavia.

Average prices for all types of fuel as of on 09.10.2019 :

  • Ambulance - 194
  • Road service - 987
  • Mandatory equipment

    Equipment that necessary Having a car:

    • Warning triangle - In addition to motorcycles. When moving with a trailer, two characters are necessary.
    • Reflective vest - Mandatory when leaving the car, who has stopped on the roadway or side road, at night or in poor visibility conditions.
    • Automotive first aid kit
    • Spare wheel - or kit for repair
    • Set of spare lamps - It is not required for xenon, neon and lamps like it.

    Winter equipment

    Winter tires

    The use of winter equipment is mandatory from November 15 to April 15 for the vehicle with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons only if there is a solid layer of snow or ice on the roads.

    Under winter equipment, winter tires are understood (M + S), which are equipped with all wheels, or summer tires With a tread depth of at least 4 mm with chains, put on leading wheels.

    Despite the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Minister of Transport may introduce for a certain period and on certain roads the mandatory use of winter equipment for certain categories of TS, regardless of whether snow or ice or ice on these roads. For violation - fine HRK 700 (€ 94).

    Shipped tires

    Using studded tires prohibited.

    Anti-skid chains

    The anti-slip chains are allowed to use only if the weather conditions (snow height is not less than 5 cm or ice on the road).

    In the regions of Gorski Kotar and Lika (Lika), the anti-slip chains are mandatory regardless of the type of tires used.

    The use of radar detectors and anti-radar prohibited. In case of detection, will lead to a fine in the amount of HRK 2,000 (€ 269) and device confiscation.

    By a strange coincidence of random and non-random life circumstances, but it was the country of the former Yugoslavia that your submissive servant managed to erect along and across, not one time. Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and even Slovenia were surprisingly revealed in their beauty and identity, the more, the more often there it was necessary to go. And in many ways it happened due to the car, which was able to visit there, where no plane flies and no tourist bus will take it.

    How to get from Russia right to Montenegro by car, -.

    As always, each rule has an exception. So such a pearl of the Adriatic coast, like Croatia, for some reason hid, hid, was drunk from my attention, but in the end, I gave up - "Dobro Došli U Hrvatsku"!

    First of all, it is worth saying that you can get from Russia to Croatia different ways, Including right by car. Since there is such an experience over your shoulders, it is worth warning that the way is waiting for a challenge and difficult - at least three thousand kilometers and three or four days in one direction.

    And although this trip gives just a huge number of impressions and rich in events, we can recommend it only to true adventure lovers. Yes, and as practice has shown, due to the cost of fuel in Europe, this method is not particularly more profitable for the ticket with a ticket to the aircraft. So, fly!

    To visit Croatia, citizens of Russia requires a national visa, which is drawn up in advance. The country is a member of the EU, but not in the Schengen, nor in the Euro zone is not included. Therefore, with a Croatian visa to other countries, Europorsia do not get, however, with an already open "Multishengen", additional permits are not required. There are no restrictions and on the use of Russian sample driver's licenses in Croatia.

    The territory of modern Croatia (especially the Adriatic coast) has an ancient and richest history, leading its beginning from the third millennium to our era. Who just did not leave her mark here! The country managed to catch the flourishing and power of the ancient Greece, the Roman and the Byzantine Empires, visiting their colony at different times, as well as pass all the stages of medieval European strife.

    Despite this, Croatia in the overwhelming majority inhabit the Slavs, first started to master these lands in the seventh century of our era. Perhaps it is for this reason that our compatriots like to travel to visit in many respects to the fraternal people.

    One of the signs of this ethnographic relationship is the national language, which, in general, is spoken in all Balkan countries. And although, recorded in Latin, the Russians, he may seem like a stranger and incomprehensible, in fact, in Croatian and Russian many single and similar words. Due to this, even in the regions distant from the resort zones, it is almost always possible to explain and understand at least the meaning of what is asked or respond.

    National currency - Croatian Kuna (HRK). In a coarse rounding, it is equal to six Russian rubles or a little more than one sixth euros at the rate at the end of May 2014. However, the entire tourist territory of Croatia is without any problems accept the payment and euros, not to mention credit cards.

    But back to cars. As it is easy to guess, take the car in a tourist country easier than simple. Companies providing this service, pride pond. Want - Book a car in advance via the Internet with a meeting right at the airport, you want - take an arrival at the same airport or at the hotel. And you can rent a scooter, and even quad bike. We only note that early booking is noticeably more profitable - prices in aerial receptions are highly high.

    The minimum cost for which can be rented a car - about 20-25 euros per day. Prices for convertible start an average of 50-60 euros. However, in the peak of the summer season, prices grow in two or three times!

    From our point of view, the car is optimal for Croatia is a compact hatchback with a diesel engine. Having a good torque stock, the engine easily goes to the mountain on numerous serpents, while consuming the minimum of fuel. And the compact dimensions will allow to be squeezed into narrow streets and close parking lots of resort towns.

    Traditionally, three resort areas distinguish in Croatia: Kvarner, Istria and Dolmation Bay. At acquaintance with the last we will stop.

    The capital of this area and the second largest after Zagreb is the most beautiful city of Split. If you are going to actively travel by dolt, it is this settlement that it is worth considering as a starting point, since Split has an extremely advantageous location, being the center of intersection of the main roads and paths that diverge through the country.

    From here you can easily get to the South Dubrovnik, and to the northern task, and to the zagreb, the capital of the country, on the speed highway A1. In addition, ferries go from split to numerous populated islands, where there is also something to see.

    Road quality in Croatia in most cases excellent. In remote areas, of course, there are porching sites. However, even such rare islets of Koldybin do not cause the need to sharply reflect or urgently go aside. Separate history - serpentines. Of all the Balkan countries in Croatia, they are the most well-groomed and broad, although the bumps from the cliff are also infrequent - be careful.

    And also, against the background of his neighbors, the most disciplined drivers in Croatia. In Serbia and Montenegro, local residents on mountain roads sometimes water as if they had several lives in stock.

    The police on Croatian roads are infrequently found, but it is not necessary to relax. When it is necessary, it may appear as from under the ground. It must be said that the locals are strictly tight road traffic rules, but they adhere to the minimum error, because the fines can reach several hundred euros.

    The responsibility of Croatian drivers is such that it allows you to use rather loyal restrictions on the amount of drinking alcohol. True, until 24 years behind the wheel, it is impossible to drink - strictly 0.00 ppm. But after reaching this age - up to 0.5 ppm, which allowed the author of this text. Boldly drink a couple of glasses of red wine at dinner.

    Like any Mediterranean country, Croatia is famous for its winemaking. Even the ordinary table wine has a good taste. However, the average cost of inexpensive wines is higher than in the same Germany or France - about 10 euros in the store. Mass, but those considered better wines reach 20-30 euros per bottle. By the way, if you are going to export wine from Croatia, buy it in advance in local stores and rent it into baggage. In Duty Free, the same wine is one and a half times more expensive.

    Croatian cuisine, along with other Balkan countries, cannot but please. It is curious that here it is perfectly prepared both fish and meat, and in all kinds! Therefore, ideally, it is for dinner to order both and more to try everything.

    Keep in mind that Slavic generosity allows you to order one dish for two - portions are very large, not counting that almost every main dish is supposed to be a traditional garnish - a plate of boiled potatoes with spinach. However, the cost is appropriate: for example, a hot seafood tray will cost two in 60-70 euros.

    Describe the beauty of the old Split led by the main attraction - the palace of Diocletian buildings of 305 of our era meaninglessly - it is necessary to see, study, listen and admire. Let's just say: an ancient Roman city will allow you to plunge into your 1700-year-old history and stay here for several days before you go on.

    And then I recommend going to the city of Trogir, located 30 kilometers from Split. He, of course, is not as large-scale and impressive, but its comfort and historical diversity is worthy of spending here at least a day.

    In the intertwining narrow streets of the Old Town, you can see the Roman heritage, and Venetian architecture. And also - listen to the folk songs of local talents, performing works exclusively and Capella.

    Of course, it is necessary to visit one of the numerous islands, which literally "Used" the whole coast. Interestingly, the locals use them, in fact, as cottages, where each season is getting either on their own sailboats or yachts, or by ferries.

    But there are big islands where there are rather major settlements with permanent residents. One of these places is the island of Hvar. You can get there by ferry from the same split.

    Keep in mind, having studied the schedule of departures and choosing a convenient time, come better somewhere in half an hour. Since the chimest is on the ferry - limited, and the queue in the summer season can be rather big. You will have to pay separately for the car and separately for each passenger. The total cost of tickets from Split to the Old Town, located on the west coast of the island of Hvar, on the car and two people will be 304 kuns or about 40 euros one way. Time on the way will be about three hours.

    Immediately make a reservation that for those who do not like to swim on the ships, get to the island or return to the mainland from the eastern side of the island. From the island village of Sushurai to the town of Dretenik less than an hour of the path on the ferry. By the way, in the huge and comfortable cabin of the ferry company, there is not enough that it does not feel pitching, so you can easily sleep, drink, eat or play anything. Especially interested in the farm will be those who are involved in agriculture in Russia. For example, see tomatoes growing outside the greenhouse, instead of an apple orchard - olive and grapes, an open-air chicken, and southern varieties of vegetables are very unusual. Eh, climate allows.

    A typical "fleet" of local peasants: small tractors for rural works, a minibus for all family members performing the truck function and, though old, but a parafamart car to the capital. As they say, for all occasions.

    You can finish the journey through the island in the fishing village of Sushurai on the eastern outskirts of the island (80 km from Western). In anticipation of the ferry, it is necessary to taste the freshest fish and seafood in practically home restaurants and talk about life with local fishermen, which make up the main population of the town.

    Unfortunately, it was impossible to stay longer in Croatia. But I really wanted! So much has left no attention that I was seriously thinking about to spend here somehow a couple of vacation weeks. Without any discounts, Croatia - Pearl of the Balkans.

    The most beautiful, most interesting and most versatile country, if we compare it, for example, with Adriatic Montenegro and Slovenia or mainland Serbia. But the most expensive of them. Average prices for vouchers, as well as prices in the country itself, one and a half times higher than Chernogorsk ... True, it is worth it!

    At that age, when mom called me at nine in the evening home, I would have asked my parents from time to time: why there are volcanoes in other countries and the sea, and we have nothing. Mom was enough for his head and exclaimed: "We lacked the volcanoes! .." If you think, only the end of the world can wish the terrible Sea of \u200b\u200bBelarus. You come to the sea and for 20 km of the coastline greets with everyone: here is the yard hooligan Petya, who is now working in Moscow, and on the weekend it comes to the sea. To the homeland. Here, under the umbrella, a former classmate Vasily, who was secretly in love with you and therefore all the time he was drunk for pigments, and here the neighbors from the granny village, and they are terribly interested, why you rarely appear on the sea, and they rarely ride the sea. And so 20 km. Therefore, it is still good that we have no seas: overcoming difficulties for the place under the sun in some embassy, \u200b\u200byou can leave the country and forget about the absence of a maritime miracle for at least two weeks.

    We decided not to plan anything (I thought the whole family thought, but I studied on the forums of the Balkan cultures at night in secret rehabits) and go to Croatia by car if the dad will give a vacation. Vacation dropped to August, we had a car ("reservation" of the road disappears), on the advice of Familors of Croatia, housing can not be booked in advance (and in vain, but about it later). Intermediate hotels, as told, are also lying on the roads - we did not book them.

    Going out of Minsk 9.08 on Friday evening (crew: Mama-dad, Masha (5 years old) -xusha (1.8), pre-flowers in pots Hand in the neighbors. Silver minivan Renault Espace (I'm often asked about the car, so I specify) + Navigator With the video registrar Roadmah (Yu. P., it is specifically for you :)), stroller walk, sleeping bag (second buy in Poland), tent, book-book toys and blankets and spare wheelwhich we will be very useful. According to the plans, we gathered for the night to stay in Kobrin, go to go in the morning. Of course, in the morning of our big plans, we did not remember: they slept as sleeping beauties and one beauties.

    The route I long studied on the forums. Each traveler has its own proven option. Therefore, it's really hard to decide what to choose. A few moments I still adopted:

    1. The navigator cannot enter the initial point A and the final Z. Between A and Z, you need to enter all intermediate major items that you want to cross, otherwise you can go through curves and broken tracks: the navigator will consider that "this is a green way" and you I do not prove anything.

    2. It is better to view the chips of paid roads intersected countries and the features of their traffic rules on autotraveler.ru

    3. Search forums, what Poland roads on the repair this year.

    4. In order for Poland to slip as quickly as possible, schedule the transit on the RP on the weekend (at this time there is significantly less than the truck here, the probability of getting into their column is reduced to zero).

    The route to Croatia was: Minsk - (Our grandmother lives here) - - Biala-Podlaska (Coupled for business) - Lublin - Krasnik - Rzeszow (Rzeszow -pay attention to this name for the navigator ) - Prelov (Slovakia) - Kosice - Miskolc (Hungary) - Budapest - Karlovac (Croatia) - - Run - - ()

    We will be returned to another route. Why? In this route, the Poland site looks not the best way for a quick ride: a lot settlements (very small, which are located in intermediate sites between large points and are forced to constantly reduce the speed), if you get to repair the road (we did not hit), your movement will slow down significantly.

    According to the advice of experienced travelers, Austria was recommended for viewing even on the highway. Therefore, we decided to watch it on the way back, and at the same time empirically make sure the route is more convenient for riding Croatia. It is honest to confess to watch the mountain beauty of Austria, you need to go completely along other routes with a specific purpose to see unmatched Cerpatins Alps: There are special mountain roads related to reserves in Austria. But those species that rush outside the window when you are traveling on the highway may be amazing if you go from the side of the Belarusian plains. We drove out of Croatia, and after her mountain species did not see anything impressive (the eye was closed :)).

    so, back we will go by such a route:

    Toll roads. Paid roads everywhere, except Poland (in Poland there are separate small sections, but we did not cross them). With payment, everything is very strict, the fines are large. On the road from Poland, if you go to Route (route above), you can buy vignettes to all nearby countries - Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary (for Hungary you do not buy not vignette, do not be afraid: you will be brought to the database for your money Data, and will give you a check - the car on the motorway will be photographed, and the number is drilled with data in the database). To introduce into the database you need to show those. passport. The cost of vignettes depends on the period for which you acquire them. Details for each country can be viewed on autotraveler.ru.But I found inconsistencies in prices (maybe wines all speculation on the borders?) To buy vignettes on the border of Poland with Slovakia for euros or malt. It is more profitable to pay in euros. We bought a vignette to Slovakia (on AutoTraveler the price is indicated as 10 euros, we paid 14 euros for 10 days) and paid the Hungarian roads (10 or 11 euros, on the site 10 for 10 days) for Polish malt.

    Croatia roads are paid in accordance with the distance you will drive on the motorway. You can pay in euros or kuuna (here too, it is necessary to carefully with delivery - we noticed dishonesty in relation to tourists at the points of payment).

    On the border of Croatia with Slovenia, Slovenian and Austrian vignettes are sold, you can pay to kuns or euros, the price is 15 and 8. 30 euros for 10 days. I found a check for Czech vignette - 17 euros. In information on AUTOVEREler Price approximately 12 (speculation?)

    We left for the Belarusian border with Poland at 8.30 on Sunday, passed the border for an hour and a half - about 11 we are in Poland. For those who would like to get rid of all adventures in the Belarusian border, here are some tips:

    1. Buy a green card in advance (automotive insurance that extends to the EU countries). This can also be done at border checkpoints.
    2. Look queues on the border online and decide where you will pass faster.
    3. If you travel by car with a child up to three years, warn about this border guard, and you will miss without a queue from the Belarusian side. From Poland, Lithuania or Latvia you will not miss you - only diplomats have privileges there.
    4. If you are carrying a lot of photographic equipment or any other technique, better declare it on the road to the EU, or take any evidence that you are traveling from Minsk (Moscow, Beijing, etc.). No matter how funny it sounds, but if your car does not like something and, on how to go home, you will decide to be sent to the inspection, you can spend a couple of hours, proving that your personal "inventory" is your "inventory" and you Do not carry it for sale, it does not exceed 1,500 euros, and in general, five years has been in your use (more about how successfully and quickly drive to transit through Belarus, I wrote).

    Our story just begins, which means that the continuation should be. See you ...!

    text and photo Zarina Bobko

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