Home Engine Notifications. Revelations of the Ambulance: Death, Dangerous Patients and Saved Life What does the ambulance look like

Notifications. Revelations of the Ambulance: Death, Dangerous Patients and Saved Life What does the ambulance look like

In different living conditions, people have to save in different ways. And if in Russia this function is performed mainly by ambulance cars, then in Europe and the USA everything is much more interesting. There's exceptionally strange and unusual "fast" appear on the light. I present to your attention the 11 most unusual medical care permissions created to save people's lives in different conditions.

Renault Alaskan.

In Hannover, at the exhibition of commercial vehicles this year, the Renault Pro + division presented several modifications of the Alaskan pickup, including the ambulance carrier. Medical version of the Renault Alaskan Pickup is only a concept, so it is not known whether anyone will see his drags in a hurry to the rescue, or not.

The following versions of Renault Alaskan were also demonstrated at the exhibition: fire car, pickup equipment equipped with lifting basket and road safety patrol machine. All modifications, including ambulance, are based on a monotonous Alaskan with a double cab.

Ford F-Series

In the US under medical needs, pickups are rebuilt for quite a long time. This is an example of a Pickup-urgent Ford F-Series.

By the way, in the US, Pickups F-Series are used by all firefighters, construction teams, travel services, electricians and others.

Citywide Mobile Response

There is nothing special about the ambulance in this carriage of ambulance, which you can't tell about the inner decoration of the car. Probably this is the most luxurious urgent in the world.

The interior decorated with leather and red wood can boast Wi-Fi, digital TV, audio system, bar, massage therapist and personal doctor. Certide Mobile Response provides this pleasure. For these services are asked from $ 350 per hour.

Renault Twizy Cargo

Ambulance is an extremely useful invention. But very often the very concept of ambulance machine provides for the presence of a place to transport a person. But this unit is definitely not accommodated. But not rare cases when the patient does not need to carry anywhere, but simply need timely help. Sanitary electric Renault Twizy Cargo and was built in order to deliver a doctor to first quickly.

The medical version is built on the basis of TWIZY CARGO, which has no rear seat, and the special trunk capacity of 180 liters is equipped instead to accommodate the necessary equipment for the provision of first aid.

Renault Master

In this medical van, Renault Master in principle nothing special. It is equipped with a conventional diesel engine with a capacity of 118 hp The exception is that Sebastian Vettel himself rolled on it.

Ferrari pilot Sebastian Vettel tried himself at the wheel of the Renault Master ambulance with a diesel engine with a capacity of 118 horses. At the same time, the driver is an ambulance Alex Knepton, on which a 1354 challenge, for the first time in his life, tried a 670-strong Ferrari 488 GTB for the first time to check whether he would be faster than 4-fold world champion. The victory remained behind the Vettel, who drove one circle driving the Master faster Knepton on Ferrari for seven seconds faster.

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

And this is probably the fastest way in the world of ambulance. Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Emergency Medical is equipped with a 6.3-liter V8, developing 571 horsepower and 650 nm of torque. The German front-engineer supercar accelerates to 100 km / h in just 3.8 seconds, its maximum speed is 317 km / h.

SLS AMG modified Under an ambulance received an appropriate coloring and flashlight beacons according to all the laws of the genre. That on board the medical supercar is unknown.

Lotus Evora.

The fleet of the Dubai police has long been known for the presence of exotic sports cars. Made and ambulance aid for truly "soon". Carette emergency medical care on the basis of sports car Lotus Evora is not intended for the operational transportation of patients to therapeutic institutions. The final supercar is used for urgent transportation to the scene of the medical equipment, such as defibrillastors or oxygen pillows.

The coupe, which develops the maximum speed is more than 260 km / h, will allow doctors to get to victims to the victims to provide first aid.

Nissan 370z.

Also in the fleet of Dubai doctors there is Nissan 370z. He also like Lotus Evora is equipped with medical equipment. And there is no speech about the transportation of patients here.

The "fast" Nissan 370Z is equipped with a 3.7-liter gasoline V6 with a capacity of 325 hp The engine can work in a pair of both seven-step automatic and six-speed manual boxes.

Ford Mustang.

In addition to Lotus Evora and Nissan 370z, Dubai doctors already have two Ford Mustang.

The car, like the previous two, will go to challenges, as well as participate in social campaigns.

Mercedes-Benz Citaro

Here is another very interesting exhibit of the Dubai Medical Park. This Mercedes-Benz Citaro city buse can take 20 patients on board at once.

Medical mobile bus is equipped with all the most necessary that doctors need. There is even X-ray and ECG. This car takes those who suffered as a result of mass catastrophes and disasters.


For such places where the usual ambulance will not pass to patients and victims, there is a TROLOCH-39294 amphibian, refurbished in an ambulance carriage.

The six-wheeled Russian monster on the ultra-low pressure tires will take almost anywhere. The all-terrain vehicle can be equipped with one of the three engine: 2.3 and 2.7 liter gasoline volume, as well as 2.5 liter diesel.

Special medical ambulances are applied to urgent transportation of patients or provide emergency houses at home. Vehicles of this category when leaving the call have an advantage on the road, they can pass on the prohibitory signal of the traffic light or move along the counter band, be sure to turn on special sound and signal beams.

Linear category

This is the most common variation of ambulance cars. In our country, for linear brigades, modifications are most often provided with the modifications of the "Emergency" carriage on the basis of "Gazelle", "Sable" with a low roof, UAZ and VAZ-2131 SP (Country-oriented).

In accordance with international standards, these machines, due to insufficient dimensions of the salon part, can only be applied to transport people who do not require urgent medical care. According to European requirements, transport for basic treatment, monitoring and transporting patients requiring emergency intervention should have an increased work part.


According to GOST, emergency care cars for resuscitation, cardiological, toxicological brigades and intensive care doctors must comply with a specific category. As a rule, these are transport with a high roof, equipped with adaptations for intensive measures, observations of the patient's condition and transportation. In addition to the standard set of drugs and special devices for linear analogues, they must have a pulse oximeter, perfuzors and some other equipment, more on which we will talk below.

In fact, the purpose of the brigade is determined not so much with the equipment of the reanimobile, how many personnel qualifications and the disease profile, according to which it is used. There are special analogues of resuscitation machines for children, which in our country is a rarity. As far as is known, only one brigade works in Moscow - in the DGKB named after Filatov.

Neonatal model for newborns

The main difference between the ambulance cars of this type - the presence of a special compartment for the newborn patient (incubator type cusiness). It is a rather complicated device in the form of a box with opening walls from transparent plastic. It supports optimal stable temperature and humidity level. The doctor can observe the condition of the kid, the work of vital organs. If necessary, it connects the apparatus of artificial respiration, oxygen and other devices that ensure the survival of a small patient. This is especially important for premature children.

Neonatological cars of emergency care are assigned to special centers for navel newborns. For example, in Moscow it is GKB No. 13, 7, 8, in St. Petersburg - a specialized advisory center.

Other modifications

Among other media transport, the following options can be noted:

Cities of emergency medical care

Depending on the dimensions, equipment and technical parameters, three categories of emergencies are distinguished:

Below is a table in which the drugs and equipment are indicated on board the urgent, depending on their category.

Complete set of ambulance brigades

Class "A"

Class "B"

Class "C"

Infusion set NSEP-05

Traumatological set NIT-01

Obstetric Set of NSEP-06 and Resuscitation NIS

Set of Feldscher Help NSEP-08

Cloak stretcher NP

Wheelchair and longitudinal folding stretcher


The device IVL TM-T

Inhalation Drug

Pulse oximeter

Nebulizer, Glucometer, Picofloroometer

Tire sets for fixing hips, neck

Reducer cylinder for medical gases

Tripod for injections

In history and modern era, there are cases when non-traditional vehicles were used as a carriage of a quick medical response, sometimes very original. For example, in the period of the Second World War in major cities, trams often performed as an emergency. This was due to the fact that almost all the automobile transport, not to mention the profile medical machines, was mobilized to front-line areas.

Along the division line, also during the Second World War, the sanitary trains were kicked, which can be attributed very conditionally to urgent help. They were imposed on the emergency delivery of wounded and patients from the front-line zone to the hospitals.

At the remote areas of modern Russia (in the Taiga districts of Siberia and the Far East), snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles serve as emergency care. The peoples of Chukotka and other regions of the Far North to deliver patients often use deer harness. In some regions, as soon as before, it is possible to reach the hospital faster. There are "floating" hospitals (boats with motors, boats, boats).

In conclusion

In most domestic cities, the most popular ambulance car GAZ-32214 or 221172. It is these cars most often go to standard challenges, have a minimal equipment, and many lives save.

I would like to hope that this industry will develop, especially since its financing has been carried out for several years due to revenues from compulsory media.

Ambulance Revelations: Death, Dangerous Patients and Saved Life

There are many questions to domestic medicine, as well as complaints that, with any convenient and inconvenient case, expresses every second. Often, there are also dissatisfaction with the work of ambulance among them, but few people think about how it looks on the other side - the eyes of doctors. We talked to one of them about why people do not want to go to medicine, how much the false challenges go and what to do with dying patients.

About career

In ambulance, I have been working for more than 20 years. We have a local division of the brigades: linear, pediatric, cardiological, resuscitation and psychoneurological. I started Sanitar on linear, then I switched to cardiological, became a nurse, I returned to the linear, became a doctor - and again I switched to cardiology.

We still work as a brigade of intensive therapy - in principle, it replaces everyone except neurologists. We leave both ordinary patients and various accidents and mass accidents. Usually in the crew of two or three people plus the driver.

I can say that a huge percentage of doctors who are now busy in different spheres, started with the "ambulance". If you take the third urban or regional hospitals, then many local specialists have passed this school.

Most often here are still students, as temporary work - here is their exotic, you can learn something, for example, to quickly make decisions. And the graph is more or less free, not attached to the place. It used to be so.

I stayed in this service a little longer than others. Your name is in the hospital, but I do not want to leave - this work I like it.

About problems

Recently, the number of calls is growing, the intensity increases, but the number of the brigades is reduced. Previously, the 100,000 population was 10 brigades, and now for the same number of patients - about seven.

At one time it was believed that the rate for the cardiology brigade is eight challenges per day. Now 10 calls are already considered "light" day, 12 - the average number. Basically 14-16 departures for shift. Additional load is not paid.

Because of this, not everyone wants to work on the "ambulance", and we are becoming less and less. Doctors remain now, the average age of which exceeds 40 years. Young doctors are very small. The problem with medical personnel in ambulance is in the first place.

About calls

There is a secret order that all calls are recorded and ambulance goes on them. That is, we do not have the right to refuse, even if the help is not really required. Theoretically, it must determine the dispatcher, which has a medium-special medical education - he is a paramedic with a higher category. Of course, I don't like it - in vain, some kind of stupidity, but what to do.

Calls can be divided into those that require help, communication with the patient who receive the refusal and cases where the patient did not find. Well, for example, the compassion people call and say that somewhere fell and lies a drunk man. We come, and it is no longer. Well, or it is, but sends us far, far away. It is impossible to leave it, because another grandmother, passing by, will call us again.

Police in such situations arrives later, and sometimes it calls us to determine the severity of intoxication. Sometimes it comes to the scandal. Recently there was a situation where a major called us, we arrived, put a conclusion and left. After some time, he again calls and says that there will be no man to pick up, because he can't walk before the car. There were already helped by passers-by who brought a peasant to a police officer "Bobby". In general, we do not conflict with other services, because we work in one bundle with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, DPS.

Now many patients who cannot go to the hospital. Because of the queues and the primary recording, it is sometimes possible to get to the therapist only in a few days. I believe that this is the Beach of Patriotic Medicine, when people do not have the opportunity to immediately contact the clinic and they have to wait. But the fact is that the doctors have become smaller, and paper rolls are more. And we are caused by such patients who think that the arrival may replace the primary reception at the therapist. This is not true.

There are many false calls - a few dozen per day. A large percentage is an overdose of drugs, but while the brigade is going, many call and cancel the challenge. These are people on the street that fell somewhere. Recently there were three consecutive challenges, we accompanied the woman who went home and fell on every corner. And people every time called us. As a result, we drove to her entrance, and she refused to help.

Very often call grandmothers suffering from loneliness. They also need help, but psychological. As a rule, they are thrown by relatives and children who come once a week at best. And they also need communication. Worse when they call us at night. They say: "I am afraid to stay with my sore at night." Although she suffered all day. It seems like at night scary to die. In such cases, we also come, of course. You will say two or three good words, the pressure will be measured - and the feeling that the tonometer cured her, it became better.

About violent and strange patients

As a rule, the most violent patients are people in the state of alcoholic intoxication. Even addicts belong to the doctors calmer. The drunken stage of excitement is brighter expressed. They sometimes have to swear and conflict. But if you put a conversation correctly, they quickly calm down. There were also fights with such comrades, but, frankly, I do not want to talk about it.

But I can not remember some strange challenges. Situations when, say, a man on a dispute shoves a light bulb, quite ordinary. Or when someone gets a burn in the bath of the entire body in the bath - also, although it seems wildness. It just breaks the cranes and a man is scraaring. There are three of four such cases per year.

There are, of course, and the hypochondricks that cause an ambulance for any occasion. As a rule, they already know all the brigades. Some addresses I remember by heart.

Of course, there are those who really have some serious illness, but they also cause an ambulance for each trivia. That's what is bad: you come to a person for a month six to seven times, and on the eighth, knowing in advance that he has nothing, you can really miss the real problem if it suddenly appears or exacerbated. This also happens. Of course, doctors and patients are guilty here. The first - because they reacted after the sleeves, the second - because they do not want to be treated normally and panic for each occasion.

About the situation on the roads

Recently, drivers have become more loyal to ambulance machines. By the way, imported cars are missing more often, and not our UAZ. The logic of people is understandable: if the UAZ is going, then it is most likely a linear brigade, the patient can wait. Although it is not true, because the general-profile brigade can also carry a heavy patient.

Rudeness happens, but rarely. There have been cases, of course, when I had to get out of the car and say to give way to the road. Most often, such situations occur with taxi drivers who drive to the courtyards, and then they need to unfold, they rods and do not want to pass a couple of entrances back to skip help. Literally in the autumn there was such - we could not disperse with a taxi driver and went to the right home on foot.

About death

With death, it is necessary to face quite often. A few cases per week, sometimes for shift. There are different deaths too - and before the arrival of the brigade, and with it. In the first case, these are either clinical patients, or patients with sudden acute diseases, which later appealed to the ambulance. It happens that the doctors do not have time to get away. But most often people are addressed late. While others cause doctors for each trivia.

There is also such a thing as a "predicted death", when you know that the patient will soon die - it is easier. But there is also a sudden, when it is not possible to establish even the cause, then it is difficult.

I do not remember when the first time I collided with death. But I clearly remember the case that made an indelible impression on me. It was 20 years ago, probably. On the highway, the family was driving - the husband and the child were sitting on the front, and the wife was in the rear seat. During the accident, she flew through the windshield of his car, and after the same car hit her. We managed to take it only to the hotel "Crystal" when she died. She had multiple injuries: fractures of the chest, pelvis, the base of the skull. Of course, it is better not to remember.

In general, there is such a law that patients must die in the hospital. But the elderly, as a rule, want to leave life in their bed. I believe that this is a normal desire - if without torment, then why not. Perhaps this is right. My grandparents at one time also refused to go to the hospital and stayed at home.

But here is a stick about two ends: we cannot forcibly hospitalize the patient against his will, but from a legal point of view, a person at such moments is not always able to adequately assess their condition. In place it is difficult to determine how much in the right mind is the patient. As a rule, in hospitals such decisions are taken on consuls. And in the emergency every time you make a decision at your own risk.

About the specifics of work

Emergency situations, when victims of more than three, or deaths with death take place not so often, but emotionally they are, of course, more difficult to work. But at such moments you understand, why do you need.

Of course, each doctor itself decides, to assist in place or quickly carry to the hospital. In the first case, it is necessary to understand that a person will be hospitalized later, quickly appreciate the risks, weigh all the "for" and "against". This only in films show that in the way, doctors can do something, the reality is such that, moving along our roads, it is impossible to help the patient. If he is already spoiled or he has catheters, then you can change the bottles or put solutions on the go - but that's all.

It happens and peculiar burnout - as a rule, such moments occur before the release when you know that you will soon be resting, and it is already hard to watch in patients. Perhaps it is ugly, but it is. You understand that it is wrong, but you can no longer do with you. You start working as a car, and from people to abstract.

About medical humor

Doctors joke about everything in the world - even about death and about cancer. There is no other way. Sometimes, when we return to the station, we need to glow loudly and immediately laugh. In our ordinal, it happens - it helps to relieve tension.

Doctors have many rude and honey jokes, but such is the specifics of our work, without them anywhere. It helps us to hold.

We often see them on the streets of cities. Cars of medicine disasters or simply reanterate ambulance. Few seed them from the inside, as a rule, itselves doctors and patients. But the patient reanimobile usually not to interiors and equipment, would live, and doctors, too, with reluctance, expose pictures from the inside. But interesting.

Therefore, we will pass inside as the reader. It is better to look now than with the case.
Here is a car for resuscitation brigades. Further equipment.

Many light, a lot of space. If you wish in the car, you can maintain two victims at once.
From the rear doors in the car, patients fall, so let's go with the side.

The left side of the reanimobile is completely engaged in medical equipment, equipping and drugs.

It uses all the free space, for example, on the handrails, the locks are on the neck, the electrooter hangs on the right.

The resuscitation monitor, connects to the patient and displays information, pulse, heartbeat, temperature and several other parameters. Have you seen in the movies? The cap is dressed on a finger and patient under control.

The device of artificial ventilation is lungs, it is both on-board, but you can use and autonomously, there are cases when you have to carry out an IVL blocked in a car.
And at the bottom right, a syringe dispenser is visible. Not all medicines can be introduced inkjet and fast or drip.
Here the syringe is inserted and the medicine enters the body at a certain speed. Doctors at this time are engaged in the patient.

Defibrillator monitor. Well, he was just seen in the cinema. With the help of a defibrillator, you can remove the cardiogram.

Anesthenous breathing apparatus. He is also portable.

This apparatus doctors call "one-room apartment" - worth the same.
The device of artificial ventilation LTV-1200. It can work completely autonomously, does not depend on the cylinder of compressed oxygen, as the IVL apparatus above.
LTV-1200 produces air mixture for breathing immediately.

There is another interesting thing while the detector of pain stress is rarely found in Russia.
The device can identify whether to a person, even if it is under anesthesia, or unconscious. You can connect and see not to enhance any anesthesia.
Gas analyzer exhaled air. Almost chemical laboratory. You can determine than a person poisoned and what kind of help to render it.
System of intraoscience. It is not always possible to put an injection in Vienna. Veins can hide at low pressure, the patient can also be clamped somewhere.
For this, it is quickly and reliably in a pinch of medicines directly into the bone.

Red resuscitation suitcase, there is a lot of things.

All for injection, all at hand.

There is also an obstetric set, the guys can freely accept childbirth. There are toxicological sets, in the case of poisoning, rinse the stomach and so on.
Surgical instruments. Quickly sew, cut, shave. Sets for tracheostomy and puncture of the pleural cavity

Well, except for the tires, blankets, cylinders with oxygen, nitrogen and other, a pair of shelves with medicines, a few suitcases that they have not shown. In general, there are many things, that's just I do not advise you to use it all! Take care of yourself!

People are sick of the centuries, and the centuries are waiting for help. Oddly, the proverb "Thunder does not bother - a man will not cross" refers not only to our people. The creation of a Vienna voluntary rescue society began immediately after a catastrophic effect on the consequences of a fire in the Viennese theater of the comic opera on December 8, 1881, in which only the dead was 479 people . Despite the abundance of well-equipped clinics, many victims (with burns and injuries) for more than a day could not get medical care. The origin of the Society became Professor Yaromir Mundi - Surgeon, who witnessed a fire. In the composition of the ambulance team, doctors and medical students worked. And the sanitary transport veins of those years you see in the photo.

The next ambulance station was created by Professor Esmar in Berlin (although Professors remember rather by his mug - that very, which for enema ... :). In Russia, the creation of ambulance began in 1897 with Warsaw. Naturally, the appearance of a car could not pass by this sphere of human life. Already at the dawn of the automotive industry, the idea of \u200b\u200busing self-election strollers for medical purposes appeared. However, the first motorized "ambulances" (and they appeared, apparently, in America) had ... Electric traction. From March 1, 1900, New York's hospitals use ambulance electric vehicles.

According to the magazine "Cars" (№1, January 2002, the photo is dated to the magazine 1901), this ambulance carrier is an electric car Columbia (11 mph, a stroke of 25 km), brought by US President McKinley (William Mckinley) to the hospital after Attempts. In 1906, there are six pieces of such cars in New York.

In Russia, they also understood that cars needed for ambulance stations. But first used "carriages" on horseback.

Interestingly, since the first days of the Moscow ambulance, the type of brigade, which lived with small "variations" to the present day - a doctor, paramedic and sanitary. At each station was one carriage. Each coach was equipped with styling with medicines, tools and dressing materials.

The right to call an ambulance had only officials - a policeman, janitor, night watchman. From the beginning of the 20th century, the city partially subsidizes ambulance stations. By the middle of 1902, Moscow within the chamber of the College Val was served by 7 ambulances, which were located at 7 stations - under Sostchensky, Sretensky, Lefortovo, Tagansky, Yakiman and Presnensky police stations and the Prechistan Fire Depot. The service radius was limited to the limits of his police part. The first carriage for the carriage of the guide in Moscow appeared at the maternity shelter Brothers Bakhrushiny in 1903. Nevertheless, the existing forces lacked to ensure the growing city. In St. Petersburg, each of the 5 ambulance stations was equipped with two pairokon crews, 4 pairs of manual stretcher and everything necessary for filing first aid. At each station, 2 Sanitar was on duty (there were no doctors), whose task was transported by the victims on the streets and squares of the city to the nearest hospital or apartment. The first head of all the first aid stations and the head of all the case of filing first aid in St. Petersburg at the Committee of the Red Cross Company was G. I. Turner. A year after the opening of the stations (in 1900), there was a central station, and in 1905 the 6th first aid station was opened. By 1909, the organization first (ambulance) in St. Petersburg was presented in the following form: the central station, which guided and regulating the work of all district stations, it also accepted all challenges to ambulance.

In 1912, a group of doctors out of 50 people expressed consent free of charge to call the station to firstote.

In 1907, P.A. Fredition factory - one of the creators of the first Russian car - exhibited a sanitary car of its own production on the Renault chassis (Renault) at the International Motor Show in St. Petersburg.

The car with the body of Ilina factory (according to the project Pomorzeva) on the La Buire 25/35 chassis, suitable for the transport of patients and for surgical assistance in the conditions of the military-field lazaret.

In St. Petersburg, 3 Adler's sanitary car (Adler TYP K or KL 10/25 PS) was acquired in 1913, and an ambulance car station on the pea, 42. Large German firm Adler, which produced a wide range of cars now in oblivion .

Sanitary bodies for the Petrograd squad Irao made a famous Equip-body body factory "IV. Breedigam"

Ambulance for La Bewier (La Buire)

With the beginning of the First World War they needed sanitary cars. Moscow motorists (from the first Russian automotive club in Moscow and the Moscow automotive society), and volunteers from other cities too (right - photo of Russo-Balta D24 / 35 Petrovsky voluntary fire society from Riga) formed sanitary columns from their converted for medical needs Organized on the assembled means of the lazaret for the wounded. Thanks to cars, dozens are rescued, if not hundreds of thousands of lives of the soldiers of the Russian army. Only motorists of the First Russian Automobile Club in Moscow from August to December 1914 transported 18439 wounded and affected areas from the station to the hospitals and Lazaruses.

In addition to Russian sanitary detachments, several foreign voluntary sanctars operated on the Eastern Front. Americans showed great activity. On the background of the left - Machines Ford T (Ford T) of the American Sanitary Ditch in Paris. Pay attention to the shape of the clothing of people who gathered on warboy shirts, ties, canoes.

Machines Pierce-Arrow (Pierce-Arrow 48-B-53) with the words "named after E.I.V. Great Princess Tatyana Nikolaevna American detachment. American Amber Abulance in Russia". Photos give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of health vehicles used for medical support in those years.

French and British volunteer sanitary columns also acted on East (Russian) front, and the sanitary squad of the Russian Volunteer Corps acted in France.

In the photo English Daimler Coventry (Daimler Coventry 15hp) with the inscription Ambulance Russe on board

Renault (Renault), right - English Sanitary Voxhall (Vauxhall), which also supplied to Russia.

Unic (Unic C9-0) of the French Red Cross in Odessa, 1917 (driver in the French military form), in the group of people stands Russian soldiers.

Sanitary Machine of the Russian Army Renault (Renault)

After the revolution, the old or trophy technique was first used.

Not only the ambulance station, but also hospitals, as well as the Petrograd fire team, was provided with automotive sanitary vehicles in the first post-revolutionary years. The goal is obvious - to accelerate the provision of medical care victims during the fire. Unidentified car brand in the photographs of the 1920s.

In the early years after the revolution, the ambulance in Moscow served only accidents. Sick houses (regardless of gravity) were not served. The point of emergency assistance for suddenly ill at home was organized at the Moscow ambulance in 1926 the doctors went to patients on motorcycles with wheelchairs, then on passenger cars. Subsequently, urgent assistance was allocated in a separate service and was transferred to the beginning of district health care departments.

From 1927, the first specialized brigade was working at the Moscow ambulance - psychiatric, leaving for the "brown" patient. Subsequently (1936) this service was transferred to a specialized psycho-certified under the leadership of the city psychiatrist.

Obviously, it was impossible to cover the need for sanitary transport such a huge country as the USSR due to imports. With the development of domestic automotive, the basic machines for the installation of specialized bodies were the Machines of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In the photo - Gas-A sanitary machine on factory tests. Whether this car was produced - unknown.

The second chassis suitable for re-equipment for ambulance in the 1930s became "half a gun" GAZ-AA. Under the specialized bodies of the car were altered in a variety of unlucky workshops. In the photo - a sanitary car from Tula.

In Leningrad, it seems that gas-aa in the 30s of the twentieth century was the main car soon (left). In 1934, a standard body of Leningrad ambulance was adopted. By 1941, the Leningrad Station of Emergency Medical Assistance consisted of 9 substations in various districts and had a fleet of 200 cars. The maintenance area of \u200b\u200beach substation averaged 3.3 km. Operational management was carried out by the staff of the central substation.

In Moscow, the ambulance is also used. And at least a few varieties of the machine. Left - Photo, dated 1930, it is possible, this is Ford AA).

In Moscow, the remake of Ford Aa under the ambulance car was made according to the project I.F. Rherman. The front and rear springs were replaced by softer, hydraulic amtizers were installed on both axles, the rear axle was equipped with single wheels, due to which the car had a narrow back of the rings. The car did not have its own name or designation.

The increase in the number of substations and challenges required the corresponding fleet of cars - quick, roomy and comfortable. Soviet Limousine ZIS-101 became the basis for creating an ambulance. Medical modification was created at the factory for the project IF Rhermann with the active assistance of Doctors A.S. Puccova and A.M.Nechaev.

These machines worked in Moscow ambulance and post-war.

Specificity of work makes special requirements for ambulance. In the garage, the Moscow ambulance was designed and a specialized car was built.

Before the war, a branch of gas was developed from 1937 to 1945 (since 1939 he began to be called the Gorkovsky Bus Plant) Specialized Machines GAZ-55 (based on a gas-mm truck - an upgraded gas-aa version with GAZ-M motor). In GAZ-55 it was possible to transport 4 lying and 2 seats or 2 beds and 5 seats or 10 seats. The machine was equipped with a canoror fleece that operated from exhaust gases and a ventilation system.

By the way, you probably remember the sanitary car in the film "Caucasian Captive". This driver was swore: "Yes, so that I still got behind the ram of this vacuum cleaner!" This is a gas-mm with a hoody-made sanitary body.

In total, more than 9 thousand cars were released. Unfortunately, not a single one left.

The history of medical buses is interesting - most often re-equipped from the mobilized passenger transport of cities. Left ZIS-8 (bus on the ZIS-5 chassis). ZIS produced these buses only in 1934-36., Later, buses in the plant drawings were made on the chassis of the ZIS-5 trucks by many enterprises, bus parks and body workshops, in particular, the Moscow Plant "Arekuz". Submitted to the photo bus ZIS-8 1938, owned by a film studio "Mosfilm", starred in the film "The place of the meeting cannot be changed."

City buses ZIS-16 also had basic ZIS-5 chassis. Simplified modification - a medical bus - developed before the war, was produced since 1939 under the name of the ZIS-16C. The car could transport 10 lying and 10 sedentary patients (not counting the driver and sanitation sites).

In the first post-war years (since 1947), the base machine of ambulance ZIS-110A (sanitary modification of the famous Limousine ZIS-110), created at a factory in close cooperation with the heads of the Moscow ambulance station A.S.Photkov and A.M.Nachaev With the use of experience gained in the pre-war years. It can be seen that the rear door opened with the rear glass, which is much more convenient than it was on the ZIS-101. The drawer is visible to the right of the stretcher - apparently, its "regular place" was provided.

The car was equipped with an eight-cylinder row engine of a six-liter, with a capacity of 140 hp, thanks to which was a high-speed, but very voracious - fuel consumption of 27.5 l / 100 km. At least two such cars have been preserved to this day.

In the 50s, gas-12b winters came to help the zisam. The front seat was separated by a glass partition, retractable stretchers and two folding seats were located in the back of the cabin. The six-cylinder engine GAZ-51 in the forced version reached the capacity of 95 hp, there was a few "more soon" according to dynamic qualities than the ZIS-110, but gasoline (A-70, who was considered high-octane) consumed less than -18, 5 l / 100 km.

There was a medical modification of the famous "victory" GAZ-M20.

In the car, folding stretchers were located somewhat. The left half of the back of the rear seating could be folded, freeing the place for the stretcher. Similar design applies to today. The main car ambulance cities (so-called. Linear) in the 1960s were specialized cars RAF-977I (produced by the Riga automobile plant on the aggregates "Volga" GAZ-21).

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