Home Salon Is the driver required to present the vehicle to a medical officer? Penalty for refusing to provide a car. Information about providing a car

Is the driver required to present the vehicle to a medical officer? Penalty for refusing to provide a car. Information about providing a car

Ticket 28 - Question 1

Is the driver required to provide vehicle medical and pharmaceutical workers to transport citizens to the nearest medical and preventive institution in cases that threaten their lives?

1. Required.

2. Required only when moving in the same direction.

3. Not required.

The driver is obliged, regardless of the direction of his movement, to provide the vehicle to medical and pharmaceutical workers for transporting citizens to the nearest medical institution in cases that threaten their lives (clause 2.3.3).

Correct answer:

Ticket 28 - Question 2

You can continue driving:

1. Only along trajectory A.

2. Only along trajectory B.

3. On any trajectory from the specified ones.

There are three carriageways on the intersecting road at this intersection. Sign 4.1.2 "Move to the right" applies only to the first intersection of the carriageways, in front of which it is installed, instructing all vehicles to turn right onto the first carriageway, i.e. only along path A.

Correct answer:
Only along the A.

Ticket 28 - Question 3

From what maximum speed You have the right to continue driving a truck with a licensed maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons?

Correct answer:
Truck driver.

Ticket 28 - Question 9

Is the driver allowed to drive in reverse to board a passenger on this stretch of road?

1. Allowed.

2. Permitted if the driver drives a passenger taxi.

Correct answer:
Permitted only for turning left or U-turn.

Ticket 28 - Question 11

Can you overtake a tractor while driving a truck with a maximum authorized weight of not more than 3.5 tons?

2. Yes, if the tractor speed is less than 30 km/h.

3. You can't.

Correct answer:
In any of the above.

Ticket 28 - Question 13

To whom do you have to give way when turning left?

1. Car only.

2. Only by tram.

3. Car and tram.

4. Nobody.

The green signal of the traffic light gives you and the oncoming vehicle the right to move (clause 6.2). At the same time, when turning left, you must give way to a tram, which has priority over trackless vehicles (section 13.6), and a passenger car, which has priority when turning right (section 13.4).

Correct answer:
car and tram.

Ticket 28 - Question 14

You must give way truck:

1. Only when driving straight ahead.

2. Only when turning right.

3. In both listed cases.

Since you are passing an intersection of equivalent roads, the need to give way to a truck approaching from the right arises only when driving straight (clause 13.11). When turning right, there is no “interference on the right”.

Please check this question. The correctness of the answer is clearly defined in paragraph 13.11 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
You should give way only when your paths cross. IN this case when turning right, the paths do not intersect, and you do not interfere with the truck.

Correct answer:
Only when driving straight.

Ticket 28 - Question 15

You intend to turn around. Who do you need to give way to?

1. Truck only.

2. Passenger car only.

3. Both vehicles.

In this case, you are on the main road (signs 2.1 "Main road" and 8.13 "Direction of the main road") and have priority over car(clause 13.9). In relation to a truck that is also on the main road, the rules for crossing equivalent roads (section 13.10) apply, according to which you must give way to it, since it is approaching from the right (section 13.11).

Correct answer:
Truck only.

Ticket 28 - Question 16

Where are you allowed to stop while driving on the motorway?

1. Only after 500 m.

2. Anywhere to the right of the line marking the edge of the carriageway.

3. Anywhere near the edge of the roadway.

In this situation, you can stop only after 500 m on a special platform, as indicated by the sign 7.11 "Resting-place". Stopping outside special areas on motorways is prohibited.

Is the driver obliged to provide a vehicle to medical and pharmaceutical workers to transport citizens to the nearest medical institution in cases that threaten their lives?
  • 1. Required.
  • 2. Required only when moving in the same direction.3. Is not obliged to.

The driver is obliged, regardless of the direction of his movement, to provide the vehicle to medical and pharmaceutical workers for transporting citizens to the nearest medical institution in cases that threaten their lives (clause 2.3.3).

Question 17
Moving in dark time days outside locality with high beam headlights on, you have caught up with the vehicle ahead. Your actions?

    1. Leave it on parking lights by turning off the headlights.
  • 2. Switch high beam headlights on the near.
  • 3. Both options are allowed.

Insofar as high beam headlights, not only drivers of oncoming vehicles, but also drivers of vehicles moving in the same direction (through rear-view mirrors) can be blinded.
    1. Increase the fuel supply, use the steering wheel to stabilize the movement.2. Slow down and turn wheel towards the skid.3. Significantly reduce the fuel supply without changing the position of the steering wheel.
  • 4. Reduce fuel supply slightly and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

Skidding of a rear-wheel drive vehicle can occur when cornering speed increases due to the “running” of the rear drive wheels on the front ones. In this case, it is advisable to slightly reduce the fuel supply without causing heavy engine braking, and turn the steering wheel in the direction of skidding. Skid braking can make things worse.

Question 20
In which case does the driver need to evaluate the situation behind?

    1. Before starting or resuming movement.2. Before braking.3. Before performing a maneuver (changing lanes or changing direction).
  • 4. In all of the above cases.

The beginning of the movement of the vehicle or its resumption, braking, the implementation of any maneuver (rebuilding or changing the direction of movement) lead to changes in the surrounding traffic situation. This may force other participants traffic change direction or speed. In order to minimize the resulting risks, it is necessary to evaluate the entire environment, including the rear. For this, a rear-view mirror is used.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on situations in which the driver is obliged to provide his car at the request of special services.

In addition, a fine for refusing to provide a car, which can be imposed on the driver, will be considered.

First of all, it should be said that the requirement to provide a car is quite rare in practice, so most drivers have not had to deal with such a situation. In this regard, over time, the relevant items are also forgotten.

To whom should the driver give the car?

The obligation to provide a vehicle is described in clause 2.3.3 of the SDA:

2.3.3. Provide vehicle:

  • employees of the police, federal bodies of state protection and bodies of the federal security service in cases provided for by law;
  • medical and pharmaceutical workers to transport citizens to the nearest medical institution in cases that threaten their lives.

At the request of the owners of transport vehicles, the federal bodies of state protection and the bodies of the federal security service shall compensate them in accordance with the established procedure for the losses, expenses or damage inflicted in accordance with the law.

Let's analyze this point in more detail. The first part refers to the obligation of the driver to provide the vehicle to employees police, state guard and security services. Moreover, you are obliged to provide a car only in cases stipulated by law.

Police officers

Article 13:

37) use , vehicles belonging to state and municipal bodies, public associations and organizations (with the exception of vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states, representative offices of international organizations), and in exceptional cases - vehicles owned by citizens, to suppress crimes, to prosecute persons who have committed crimes or are suspected of committing them, to deliver citizens in need of urgent medical care to medical organizations medical care, to tow damaged vehicles from the scene of a traffic accident, to travel to the scene of a crime, administrative offense, to the scene, removing, if necessary, drivers from driving these vehicles, with compensation in accordance with the procedure established by federal law at the request of the owners of vehicles for the costs incurred by them or the material damage caused to them.

FSO employees

Federal Law "On State Protection", Article 15:

8) use for official purposes vehicles belonging to organizations, with the exception of vehicles of diplomatic, consular and other representations of foreign states and international organizations, and in urgent cases to citizens, to prevent crimes, to prosecute and detain a person who has committed a crime or is suspected of its commission, to deliver a person in need of urgent medical care to a medical institution, as well as to travel to the scene with the possible removal of drivers from driving these vehicles.

FSB officers

Federal Law "On the Federal Security Service", Article 13:

g) use in cases urgent, vehicles belonging to enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of ownership, public associations or citizens (with the exception of vehicles that are legally Russian Federation exempted from such use), to prevent crimes, to prosecute and detain persons who have committed crimes or suspected of committing them, to deliver citizens in need of urgent medical care to medical institutions, as well as to travel to the scene. At the request of vehicle owners, federal security service agencies in statutory in order to compensate them for expenses or damage caused;

Above are quotes from three federal laws regulating the work of the police, state guards, and the FSB. Please note that the situations described in the quotes are largely the same. However, there are also very important differences.

For example, police or FSB officers can only use a vehicle in urgent cases. State security officers can demand a vehicle, regardless of whether the situation is urgent.

Another difference. At the request of the car owner, the police or the FSB reimburse expenses or damages(for example, in case of damage to the vehicle). As for state protection, compensation for damage is not provided for by law for this service. However, this obligation is described in paragraph 2.3.3 of the SDA (it is given above).

Note. In the first place, employees must use vehicles belonging to legal entities(enterprises, organizations). And only in their absence - cars belonging to citizens.

Medical workers

The second part of paragraph 2.3.3 of the SDA refers to the obligation to provide a car at the request of a medical or pharmaceutical worker to transport citizens to the nearest medical facility.

Moreover, a car is provided to medical workers only if there is life threatening injured and must be taken to the hospital immediately.

Note. The rules do not say that medical organizations are obliged to compensate for the damage that may be caused during the operation of a medical or pharmaceutical worker.

Information about providing a car

Consider the note to clause 2.3.3 of the SDA:

Note. Persons using the vehicle must at the request of the driver, issue him a certificate of the established sample or make an entry in waybill(indicating the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, their surname, position, service certificate number, name of their organization), and medical and pharmaceutical workers - issue a ticket established pattern.

A police officer, FSO or FSB must issue a certificate to the driver or make an entry in the waybill. Medical workers issue a coupon of the established sample.

Pay attention to the following features:

  1. The certificate is issued only after the vehicle is returned to the owner.
  2. The certificate is issued only at the request of the driver.

Let's summarize all of the above:

  • You need to provide a car to police officers, state guards, the FSB, medical and pharmaceutical workers.
  • Before handing over the keys to your car, make sure that the person is really who he claims to be. To do this, look at his official ID and be sure to take a picture. In addition, check the presence of a valid driver's license with a security officer, because. otherwise, a serious one may be imposed.
  • After returning the vehicle, ask for a special certificate. It will testify that your car was indeed handed over to the special services.

Penalty for refusing to provide a car

Despite the fact that the rules of the road stipulate the obligation of the driver to provide his vehicle, the driver may refuse the employees of special services.

This will be a violation and the driver may be fined for refusing to provide a car. Article 12.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

1. Failure to comply with the requirement to provide a vehicle to police officers or other persons who, in cases provided for by law, have been granted the right to use vehicles, -

entails the imposition administrative fine at the rate of five hundred rubles.

Thus, for failure to provide a vehicle in 2020, the minimum possible fine is provided - 500 rubles.

Good luck on the roads!


To transport the victims and help the doctors, I will provide a car without any problems, for the traffic police to prosecute the CRIMINAL, provided that he himself

behind the wheel. Let the rest SUCK THE PAWS and use official vehicles.

Once, while living in Norilsk, he delivered Oganer, who was injured in an accident, to the hospital.

a woman and did not demand anything in return, and some refused, and of course with consequences.


AND I WILL NEVER LIVE MY CAR TO ANYONE. It will be necessary, I will stand to die. I'm not afraid of the consequences. In order not to enter into controversy, I have NOTHING to lose - smart people will understand ...

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