Home Food Motul good oil or not. Features and properties of motor oils Motul ruler. Classification of motor oils Motul

Motul good oil or not. Features and properties of motor oils Motul ruler. Classification of motor oils Motul

Engaged in the French company Motul (Rus. - "Motul"). The firm has many years of experience in this field of industry and represents only high-quality lubricants that are suitable for all types of engines.

Motul is developing oils, mainly on a synthetic basis - 70% of the total oil release. The company's assortment has a category of highly specialized oil products aimed at operating for certain brands. vehicle. The French brand is widely known in the world of auto race and is a participant in the European Protection Project ambient.

Views "Motul" 5W30

An assortment of Motul oils 5W30 is determined by the widest group of lubricants among all the products produced. This category is combined with common properties common to all brands. Lubricants prevent premature wear of individual details and power aggregate generally. Oil can be used at any time of the year and under any conditions, which characterizes its operational all-season.

The list of lubricants with this viscosity index includes several lines of oil products. According to numerous reviews about Motul Oil 5W30, they all have highly efficient protection parameters, withstand heavy engine loads and are developed on a 100% synthetic basis. In the production of certain types of product, unique technologies for the manufacture of pure poly synthetics are used.

Brand 8100 "Motul" 5W30

The French company has developed several popular lines for high-quality and widespread engine protection. The numerous ruler includes:

Specialized oils

The manufacturer "Motul" has developed a lubrication line, which is intended for certain car stamps or engines. Such oils are called narrowly specialized with a general designation "Specifications" and include the following types in their catalog:

Supplement line


The most sought-after sales packs have volumes of 1 l and 5 liters. This container is characteristic of all lines of Motul oils. Also, additionally, the following stamps are packaged in various tariffs:

  • The 4-liter oil canister has "eco-irritation", "Eco-Light", "X-Wedge Fa".
  • The 20-liter is available at the "Specific 913C", "X-Wedge Fe", "specificity of dexos2" and "X-wedge +".
  • The 60-liter container is filled with stamps "Eco-Wedge", "Eco-Wedge +", "Eco-Nejdzhi", "Eco-Light", "X-Klin Fe", "X-Klin", "X-wedge +" , "DEXOS2 specifics", "specifics 504 00/507 00", "specifics 0720" and "specific 913d".
  • The metallic barrel of 208 liters can be found from "Eco-Wedge", "Eco-Wedge +", "Eco-Nefi", "Eco-Light", "X-Klin Fe", "X-Wedge", " Wedge + "," Decheos2 specifics "," specifics 504 00/507 00 ", and" Specific 913D ".

The price of motor oil Motul 5W30 has a tair ratio, selling place and seller management policy. 5-liter packages depending on the brand cost from 3500 to 4800 rubles., Liter from 700 rubles. up to 1050, 4 liters traded in the area of \u200b\u200b2500 - 3000 rubles, 60 liters are released by average price 41 thousand rubles.

Owners of Motul Motor Oil Reviews (Motul)

Alexey, Renault Logan

Every time you change the oil, you need to pass a number of procedures, starting with drain, and ending with a thorough washing. No matter how much saves anyway, the amount is large. I decided to try Motul 8100 X-Cess 5W40 motor oil, friends this synthetics somehow recommended.

In the first two, three months, they all act perfectly, but then some begin to failure. But after the Motul, I have not yet heard a car to be groaned as an old grandfather.

Baha ran almost 150,000 km without cap repair, the engine except Motul 8100 Eco-Energy has not tried anything. I changed through every dozen mileage and the slightest complaints for the whole kilometer passed.

And this is not to not count the idle, because, taking into account the frost, the car sometimes throws it for 8 hours per day without stopping, and I did not pour a gram from replacing before replacement. Therefore, I consider Motul a serious brand among the global manufacturers of fuel.

From fakes, of course, no one is insured, but here you yourself do not need to clap and buy cheaply ears. And what they say about blackness, so there is nothing surprising that after a tens of thousands of mileage, it will black, because it means a good flushing property and nothing more.

Everything that Motul positions as synthetics and semi-synthetic, in reality, the usual cheap hydrocracking. This is not unfounded, and the results of the analyzes have shown. So it is worth thinking - is it worth it ??

In addition, on the temperature of the frozen, it also is also crap - the line of 8100 is safely thick with frost in -25, although promised at least -36.

Here is interesting who writes negative feedback!! In one Ozozovka read - Motul bad oil, in the other - bad, and what is the good? Write than unhappy, and most importantly, where they bought and who had such oil.

And then they will not be understood in what kind of uncle's uncle Wasi Palencé, and then begin to whine that the oil is rubbish and the whole salary goes on it.

I, for example, Lew Motul 8100 X-Cess 5W40 for more than a year, I have Nissan Primera. Prior to that, I used Mobile, in the summer it was not bad, the consumption was less, but in winter heavily thick, although the viscosity of 5W and in severe frosts in the morning it was not to scroll through the motor.

And it requires frequent replacement, because it is greatly implemented. Changed to Motul - and there was no problem, I go - I do not worry that I did not felt or did not replace. All perfectly.

Irina, Kia, Motul Specific model Row DEXOS2 5W30.

Long searched for which engine oil to choose, asked for friends, read reviews of other users and chose Motul Specific Dexos2 5W30, synthetic option. Plus, in his favor, the approval of the General Motors concern, after all, a well-known firm.

And as it turned out, not in vain, the car simply flies. I have Kia, I have already acquired a used car. So immediately after flooded, noticed that the engine stopped making unnecessary sounds that were before.

And the consumption of fuel and oil was noticeably reduced, the color of working out remains almost transparent even after the passage of ten thousand kilometers.

Does anyone at all hear about big runs on this oil? I have a case with oils not the first year and I know who on Motulo begins to ride, then the engine begins to eat it tritely. We manage to move on time to other oils - lucky, and who delays with this business, then regrets.

Somehow really did not meet any machine on this oil and with big mileage. Maslice so-so a budget option, the price is greatly overestimated, it is not clear why they take such money.

Andrey, experience of using 5 years.

When for the first time I tried the motor oil Motul, I was satisfied, the engine worked quite calmly.

After five thousand mileage, I noticed that the color slightly changed, but this is a normal process, even with high-quality engine oils and, as I understand it, it darkened, it means it works, cleans. But the engine stopped to "eat" the oil, earlier it was often treated.

Vitaly, Mazda

For the fourth year for the fourth year, the automotive oil of the Motus and when traveling, I notice the ease of movement. I am not the first car, in the use of other oils there is a vast experience, which ended with solid disappointments.

And here the ease in the engine appears immediately after the fill. The motor works silently and this is at constant work. The engine stops overheating.

Smooth operation of the main parts is not all the advantages, after replacing the old, you can see that the color of the oil has not changed at all. Viscosity is also perfectly preserved, high-quality oil.

I use Motul for more than 10 years. I will not praise that there was no oil to top up, it happened, but not deadly, normally. On the same bay, 20 thousand kilometers passed from replacement before replacement.

It sometimes happened that I forgot to change the oil on time or there were force majeure situations and ran on it to 50. True, then I was afraid that he was angry. I drove into a car service where I always serve my car, I asked the masters to open the engine, rinse, clean, the glands change, but I looked at me as a feeder, who had nothing to do.

They said that with compression everything is in order, the motor works like a clock, no oil consumption. Until now, the engine has never disassembled and did not open. So Motul has shown himself worthy and in the heat and frost under 40, there were no problems with the launch.

I bought Merce 124 E300, there was already filled Motul. After that, she rolled another 6000 and the motor operates smoothly, does not smoke and does not knock, the oil level did not change, either the slightest.

I am pleased with the butter and change the brand, I know that it is done only in France, and it is famous for good oils, like Holland -Tulpans, cheeses and gays)) True, the main thing is not to run into the pseudooblands, not to buy a fake.

Vlad, Ford Ranger TD

Recently flooded P / Synthetic Motul 10W40. Now I can not understand anything - with a cold start in minimal freezing, just below zero valve, suddenly began to tapping, and so until the engine does not warm the engine. Previously, the knock (on the chuck) began from -15. Somehow it is all embarrassing.

Do not believe those who write that Motul has a low-quality or from it there are problems, they go to the cart. Changer, I bought a new one and from the first day by Lew Motul Eco-Energy 8100 5W30, I go to him for the second year and there are no complaints about this oil, winter or summer - no difference.

Our frosts reach 30 degrees and the car never failed, the engine works clean, without failures. I change the oil once a year, regardless of the mileage, I pass inspection on time and everything without problems. The oil is excellent, though, is expensive.


I am not quite a car owner. About this oilI loyfully strictly in my motorcycle. I use Motul 7100 and there are no problems at all. Previously used cheaper options, but in the end it turned out the problem.

Therefore, I think it is better to pay a little more and ride calmly. About 2 years along with Motul and only positive impressions.

Valery, Opel

For 5 years, I fill Motul 6100 with your own hands and before me the first owner lied it. Opel, 170,000 km of run on this oil, flight is excellent. Once I tried GM, I ate a liter from above, threw and returned the Motul.

I buy only in the official. Come in the Internet, look for sales points on the official website, and there will be a happiness of the motor.

Brand Motul is well known in the global fuel and fuel markets and is directly associated with the highest quality products. In other words, the original motor oils Motul for the engine are rightfully considered one of the best solutions.

In this article we will talk about what benefits and features have such lubricants, as well as how to choose Motul oil for or motor, for two-stroke or four-stroke engine on various techniques, etc.

Read in this article

Motor oils Motul: recognized leader in the lubricant market

The French company Motul Automotive was founded in 1853, specializes in the development and implementation of lubricants, as well as other technical fluids For various purposes and tasks. At the same time, a separate narrow specialization affects the production of oils for all sorts of engine types of cars.

The Motul assortment shows antifreeze for cooling system, motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines, brake fluid etc. It should also be noted a separate group of oils that are actively used in high-load sports cars.

If we talk about the features of lubricants Motus, the engine oil for this brand means not only high quality and efficient protection of the motor, but also an enlarged service life lubricant, as well as a decrease in friction losses and fuel economy.

It should be noted that the company's specialists Motul first created a unique formula and more than 40 years ago released to the market completely. Today, significant funds continue to invest in the latest developments to improve production technology. The result of two Motul laboratories was obtaining a number of international quality certificates for products.

Back in 1953, the company presented the world's first motor all-season oil in the world, since 1966 the first engine oil appeared on the market, in 1971 the development was completed and the production of fully synthetic oils of the highest quality was completed. A year later, clean "synthetics" appeared and for.

Since 1973, Motul specialists have created a special formula based on a molecule of esters. Such a breakthrough meant the revolution in the world of motor oils, there was a newest technology for the development and production of lubricant material. As a result, at the beginning of the 80s, a generation of motor "energy-saving" oils like "Fuel Economy" (fuel economy) appeared.

After a short period of time, Motul Turboil oil was released on the market for, in the 92nd year, net synthetics was designed for motorcycle engines, which further harded the brand position in the motorsport. Then, from the 98th year, the production of Motul oils like "LongLife" (increased service life) was adjusted.

The last type of lubricant is intended for engines that work in conditions of elevated loads (lungs and heavy trucks, buses, special equipment) and suggests a significantly enlarged replacement interval.

Thanks to such innovative developments, the Motul brand since 2012 is considered a recognized leader in the global fuel market. The leading automakers from Europe, the USA, Japan, Japan, etc., directly cooperate with this company, which put special requirements for engine oil quality for their engines.

Advantages of Motul Oil for Engine

Motul manufacturer compared with competitors has a number of obvious advantages:

  1. Primarily, this company Opened one of the first one's own plants for the production of engine oil, quickly occupying leading positions among other manufacturers.
  2. Motul oils are manufactured at one plant, which is located in France. This is a guarantee of consistently high quality.
  3. A wide range of products provides the ability to realize the selection of Motul oils as for car enginesand motorcycle engines, boat engines, scooters, quad bikes and other types of equipment.
  4. The company's products are well known in auto and motorsport, as well as other types of sports competitions that suggest use different species Techniques (boats and boats, snowmobiles, etc.).

Also, many Motul oils are made for specific engines of certain models, that is, all the tolerances and manufacturer requirements are taken into account. power plant, constructive features motor, etc.

The use of Motul oil, which is made on the basis of esters, is a guarantee of the most efficient engine protection, taking into account any modes and loads. Special oil film, which is formed on rubbing surfaces, resistant to rupture and high temperatures.

The so-called "sports" Motul oils are tested in real conditions, while available in free sale. This allows you to qualitatively serve any sports car.

We also note that this manufacturer does not produce oil itself and does not specialize in the recycling of petroleum products. In practice, this means that, unlike many other manufacturers, a certain amount of pre-purified "testing" is not added to the Motul oil during production.

As for the choice, the company offers a variety of products. The viscosity index in directories are presented as low-viscosity lubricants 0W20 or 5W30, as well as wide demanded 5W40 and 10W40, as well as mineral oils 15W50 or 20W50.

For example, the Motul 300V lineup represents 100% synthetic low-viscosity oils for sports cars, Motul 8100 is a "universal" synthetics for different types of DVS (gasoline and diesel), oils Motul Specific created for specific models Car of this or that manufacturer.

The Motul 6100, 4100 and 2100 ruler means that it is a high quality semi-synthetic. Product Motul 4000 is mineral oilwhich contains an extended package of highly efficient detergents, anti-promotional, antioxidative and other additives. For two and four-stroke engines, the manufacturer also offers special 2t and 4t oils, etc. These lubricants are suitable for motorcycle engines, snowmobiles, boats and arc technology.

That in the end

As can be seen, high-quality engine oil not only ensures the ease of launch and stable work The power unit, but also allows you to extend as much as possible, get the best return from the motor, achieve fuel economy.

It is important to understand that only the competent selection of Motul oil or lubrication of other manufacturers (Mobil, Zic, Liqui Moly., Castrol, Shell, Lukoil, etc.) will mean that your engine is securely protected. Simple words, only such an oil must be pouring into each motor, which, above all, meets all the tolerances of the engine manufacturer, and also suitable for viscosity.

If we talk about various products on the market, only use original oil High quality allows you to extend the service life of the engine of the car or the power unit on other types of equipment. Simple words, the savings on the lubricant in the future turns into high costs as part of premature repair.

As for the oil Motul, the main disadvantage of this product can be considered a fairly high price. Also in some cases, some motorists note that in practice the oil of this brand does not differ from more accessible at the price of analogs.

We also note that any oil, even the most expensive and independently of unique features, must be changed in a timely manner. As practice shows, in the CIS, where the fuel quality is not the highest, even high-quality synthetic oils are subject to replacement no later than 10 thousand km. or 12 months (taking into account the fact that it comes before). It turns out, the use of expensive lubrication is not always justified and appropriate.

Also add that when buying a Motul Oil or another manufacturer, purchasing lubricants Only in the official authorized points of sale.

Read also

The viscosity of motor oil than the oils with the viscosity index 5W40 and 5W30. What lubricant is better to fill in the engine in winter and summer, tips and recommendations.

  • What manufacturers make the best engine oil. Choice best oil For the engine among the available offers market. Tips and recommendations.

  • The section will be replenished as new issues and answers accumulate.

    - What is the difference between synthetic andmineral Oil Motul?

    - These are fundamentally different types of oils and differ in their foundation.

    • Mineral oil is made on the basis of oil. Synthetic oil It is manufactured from various components and their chemical reactions.
    • Synthetic oils are made using newest technologies and have higher functional characteristics compared to mineral oils. This causes their higher cost.
    • Compromise option - semi-synthetic oils. This is a mixture of synthetic and mineral oils with good operational properties, but retaining the relative cheapness of the product.

    - I used to use another butter in the motor. Now I want to go to Motul. I need to prepare the engine to another oil, make a flushing of the motor, use additives, etc.?

    - Oils for four-stroke motors are compatible with each other and are suitable for mixing among themselves.

    If the characteristics of the oils coincide (they have the same viscosity, tolerances of manufacturers and class on the API and ACEA), then you can feel free high-quality oils Motul to your oil.

    Fill Motul after replacing the old oil, at the same time, without flushing the engine.

    - A similar question about antifreeze. When replacing the antifreeze of another manufacturer, should I make a flushing?

    - Yes, when replacing the antifreeze of another manufacturer on Motul, it is better to wash the system with distilled water, and then pour Motul.

    This is due to the fact that the composition of antifreeze different manufacturers It can be very different from each other, and it is better to protect the system from conflicting additives.

    - What does technosynthese® mean in the description of Motul oils?

    - This is a special technology for creating semi-synthetic oils by Motul.

    The designation appeared specifically in order to emphasize - in front of you semi-synthetic oil of good quality, and not mineral oil with a small percentage of synthetic additives than other manufacturers often sin.

    Motul semi-synthetic oil production technology was designed for the past 50 years and is now brought to perfection.

    More information about this technology you can find out here:

    - What are the difference in oils for cars and motorcycles? Is it possible to cast a motorcycle motorcycle? In scooter?

    - This is not the best idea.

    The difference in the operation of the car and motorcycle systems is mainly due to the fact that motorcycles are usually an integrated type gearbox. This means that oil in such cases works in the motor, and in the box.

    Thus, motorcycle oils are developed with three tasks: provide good lubricant Engine, ensure good gearbox lubrication, ensure the safety of the clutch. Oil for motorcycles is eventually developed by universal for all these systems.

    In cars, the gearbox lubrication system and engine work separately from each other. This allows you to develop a more efficient formula separately for the motor and separately for the box.

    - What is the shelf life at Motul oils? Is it necessary to use "Fresh" oil? Can Motul motor oil spoil?

    - The warranty period of use of oils is 5 years. "Official" shelf life - 3 years.

    Motul production is certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality management system. In accordance with this system, a warranty period of use of oils has been established - 5 years. Oil retains all its properties throughout the minimum of this period.

    Since 2016, under the legislation of the Russian Federation, the shelf life of motor oil in a closed container is 3 years. At the same time, the composition of Motul oil has not changed, i.e. In fact, the oil can be stored longer. But according to the law 3 years :).

    - What is the viscosity of the oil? What is marked 10W40, 5W30, etc. On Motul Oil Banks? What is SAE?

    - SAE (Community of automotive engineers) is marked by the viscosity class of motor oils of 4-stroke engines, determined depending on their characteristics at high and low temperatures.

    The first digit, after which W is put, means the use of oil at low temperature.

    The second digit that is placed after W means the use of oil at high temperatures.

    The less the first "winter" digit, especially low temperatures The oil can withstand, remaining fluid, and the easier it will be the launch of a motor in cold weather.

    The greater the second "summer" digit, the greater the viscosity of the oil at high temperatures, and the greater the protection of the oil will be able to give a motor with heavy working conditions.

    Oil viscosity should be selected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the temperature conditions of the engine.

    - What is the viscosity of hhs in the description of Motul oils?

    - HHS - oil viscosity at high temperature and high shear rate.

    Earlier, the oil viscosity was determined at a temperature of 100ºС. Now this classification is already outdated and does not meet the actual working conditions. modern engines. It was decided to measure the viscosity of the oil at a temperature of 150ºС and high shift speed.

    There is a "High HTHS" and "Low HTHS". Low HTHS oil has a smaller viscosity at higher temperatures than the oil with high HHS. Thus, low HHHS oils can be attributed to energy saving, and the oils with high HHS - to ensuring a high degree of protection.

    - What are the difference between the 300V and 8100 series?

    - 300V series oils are real sports engine oils.

    It is them that they are used on races and other sporting events.

    Series 8100 - this is a "civil" series, which was specifically designed for modern cars and everyday operating conditions.

    Combines these series that oils 300V and 8100 are 100% synthetic.

    - What are the distinguished series 8100 and specific?

    - Oils of the Specific series are designed for specific tolerances of the manufacturer.

    That is, each of the oils of this series is a complete analogue of the original oil.

    Motor oil from the SPECIFIC series is an exact match of a certain tolerance, while the 8100 engine oil has several tolerances, which makes it applied more versatile.

    - What are the difference between the 6100 and 4100 series?

    - both of these series are made according to TechnosyntheSe® technology, which has already been mentioned above.

    These are semi-synthetic oils with a high content of the synthetic component.

    The difference is that in the series 6100 synthetic components More (60-70%). This means a higher degree of protection, but also, accordingly, a higher price per liter.

    - I have an engine oil. Can the transition to Motul positively affect the "Zhore" oil?

    - Yes, in some cases, the change of engine oil for better quality can help with the problem of "male".

    But in the case serious problems With a motor (for example, locating oil rings), changing engine oil, alas, no longer help.

    - Can the transition to a more viscous oil?

    - Enlarge viscosity to reduce the "Mouse" is a fairly common practice.

    And it can bring their fruits (for example, a thicker oil film will fall on the increasing gap between the piston and the cylinder).

    But it is worth considering that there may be safe to transition within a nearby class (5W30-\u003e 5W40), if you need to pour an even more viscous oil, it is better to contact the motorist and correct the problem more efficient way.

    - Is it worth using Motul additives (Engine Clean and Fuel System Clean) for prevention or are they only needed in case of problems?

    - Motul engineers recommend using these additives about once a year precisely for the prevention of "diseases" of the car.

    Because of some similarity in the properties of drivers often interests which oil is better: Idemitsa or Motul, which is better to buy for your car. Before answering the question, it is necessary to understand the possibilities of each liquid, the properties of IDEMITSU and MOTUL, positive and negative characteristics.


    French oil is considered one of the best, especially when the car is constantly exploited quite a long time. After his fill, even too aggressive ride does not cause increased wear of the details.

    The main advantage of Motul is considered synthetic composition. The manufacturer ensures that the composition does not include a mineral base with synthetic additives than some unscrupulous manufacturers often sin.

    TO positive characteristics You can attribute the opportunity to purchase motor fluid for concrete Enginehaving specific features.

    The latest rules of French products make it possible to hold the most modern cars equipped with innovative engines, pick up Motul oil, whose properties will not be lower than the original lubricant recommended by the manufacturer.

    Motor liquid Motul can withstand very large loads. If you compare it with analogues, it can withstand much greater efforts required to break the oil film.

    For the manufacture of Motul, only synthetic materials are used, there are no oil in the composition, so it never cocks. It can be safely used in engines equipped with turbocharged, as it does not care.


    For the manufacture of products, IDEMITSU applies technological process Hard hydrocracking. The oil includes special additives that increase its operational properties:

    • An increase in antifriction possibilities;
    • High antioxidant characteristics;
    • Dispersing ability;
    • Special inhibitors prevent corrosion.

    Special manufacturing technology, as well as unique additives contribute to the receipt of powerful protection of parts of various engines:

    • Passenger cars
    • Minibuses,
    • SUVs
    • Crossovers.

    The optimal viscosity of the engine oil Idemitsus provides excellent grease of rotating parts when they experience heavy loads. It can be successfully operated in engines equipped with turbocharged.

    100% Synthetic Lubricants Idemitsu the newest generation Designed to work in diesel installations, as well as four-stroke engine.

    After his fill in the cars of the Japanese, American or Korean manufacturer, it becomes a noticeable increase in the operational parameters of the motor. For each such engine, it is necessary oil that meets the requirements of APICF. They classify lubricant depending on the purpose as well as quality.

    IDEMITSU products fully complies with all the requirements for the newest Markam Car:

    • Subaru;
    • Honda;
    • Mitsubishi;
    • Mazda;
    • Nissan.

    A distinctive feature of the universal engine oil IDEMITSU is a low alkaline coefficient. In diesel installations, it is quickly oxidized, its properties deteriorate. Therefore, in Japanese cars equipped with diesel engineIt is necessary to replace very often. The manufacturer recommends that such oils use in gasoline engines Car manufactured in Europe.


    To say unequivocally, Idemitsu or Motul is better not. Everyone has their own positive and negative sides. Before choosing one or another type of oil, it is better to consult with a hundred specialist. He will definitely say what kind of oil you need your car.

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